File Number 2157 Avalanche-Energy-Rated N-Channel Power MOSFETs 6.2A and 5.4A, 600V Cpston = 1.2Q and 1.6Q Features: w Repetitive Avalanche Ratings a Simple Drive Requirements a Ease of Paraileling The IRFBC40R and IRFBC42R are advanced power MOSFETs designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand a specified level of energy in the breakdown avalanche mode of operation. These are n-channel enhancement- mode silicon-gate power field-effect transistors designed for applications such as switching regulators, switching converters, motor drivers, relay drivers, and drivers for high-power bipolar switching transistors requiring high speed and low gate-drive power. These types can be operated directly from integrated circuits. The IRFBC-types are supplied in the JEDEC TO-220AB plastic package. Absolute Maximum Ratings DRAIN - (FLANGE) C) Rugged Power MOSFETs IRFBC40R , IRFBC42R N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE D s 92cs- 42658 TERMINAL DIAGRAM TERMINAL DESIGNATION TOP VIEW 92Cs-39828 JEDEC TO-220AB Parameter IRFBC40R IRFBC42R Units Ip @ Tc = 25C Continuous Drain Current 6.2 5.4 A lo @ Tc = 100C Continuous Drain Current 3.9 3.4 A Jom Pulsed Drain Current @ 25 22 A Po @ Tc = 25C Max. Power Dissipation 125 Ww Linear Derating Factor 1.0 wc Ves Gate-to-Source Voltage +20 Vv Eas Single Pulse Avalanche Energy @ (see ry. 14) mJ lan Avalanche Current 6.2 A (Repetitive or Non-Repetitive) (See Ear) Ear Repetitive Avalanche Energy (See len) mJ Ts Operating Junction Tste Storage Temperature Range 55 to 150 c Lead Temperature 300 [0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case for 10s] C 6-173Rugged Power MOSFETs IRFBC4OR, IRFBC42R Electrical Characteristics @ T, = 25C (Unless Otherwise Specified) Parameter Type Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units Test Conditions BVoss Drain-to-Source Breakdown IRFBC40R = = Voltage IRFBC42R 600 _~ - Vv Ves = OV, Ip = 250pA Rosie Static Drain-to-Source IRFBC40R| 0.97 1.2 Q Ves = 10V, Ip = 34A On-State Resistance @ IRFBC42R; 12 16 os sion loon + On-State Drain Current @ IRFBC40R}_ 6.2 _ _ A | o8> loin X Rosiom Max. IRFBC42R} 5.4 Ves = 10V Vasim Gate Threshold Voltage ALL 2.0 = 4.0 Vv Vos = Ves, In = 250uA | Ots Forward Transconductance ALL 47 70 = __| S@&)_| Vos = 100V, Ins = 3.44 Inss Zero Gate Voltage ALL = _ 250 A [Wes = Max. Rating, Vos = OV Drain Current [1000 | * [Vos = 0.8 x Max. Rating, Vos = OV, T, = 125C lass Gate-to-Source Leakage Forward ALL _ - 500 nA | Vas = 20V lass | Gate-to-Source Leakage Reverse ALL - = -500 | nA | Ves =~-20V Q, Total Gate Charge ALL _ 40 60 nG_| Vas = 10V, lo =6.2A_ Qy __ Gate-to-Source Charge ALL 55 [| 83 | nc | oo Fy ie Rating Qoa Gate-to-Drain (Miller) Charge ALL _ 20 30 nC} (independent of operating temperature) tation _ Turn-On Delay Time ALL _ 13 20 ns Voo = 300V, ln = 6.2A, Ra = 9.19 t Rise Time ALL = 18 27 ns Rp = 47 tatom _ Turn-Off Delay Time ALL _ 55 83 ns__| See Fig. 15 tr Fall Time ALL = 20 30 ns (Independent of operating temperature) bo Internal Drain Inductance ALL ~ 45 _ nH Measured from the | Modified MOSFET drain Jead, 6mm (0.25] symbol showing the in.) from package to | internal inductances. center of die. Ls Internal Source Inductance ALL _ 75 - nH | Measured from the 2 source lead, 6mm (0.25 in.) from & package to source < bonding pad. Cis _ Input Capacitance ALL _ 1300 _ pF | Vas = OV, Vos = 25V Coss Output Capacitance ALL = 160 - pF | f= 1.0 MHz Crs Reverse Transfer Capacitance ALL - 45 = pF { See Fig. 10 Rec Junction-to-Case ALL ~ - 10 |C/w Rucs Case-to-Sink ALL 0.50 | C/W | Mounting surface flat, smooth, and greased Reva Junction-to-Ambient ALL - 80 | C/W | Typical-socket mount Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics Parameter Type Min. | Typ. | Max. | Units Test Conditions Is Continuous Source Current ALL _ _ 6.2 A Modified MOSFET symbol showing . (Body Diode) the integral Reverse p-n tone Pulse Source Current ALL 25 junction rectifier. (Body Diode) ~ ~~ * Vsp Diode Forward Voltage ALL ~ _- 15 v Ts = 25C, ls = 6.2A, Ves = OV te Reverse Recovery Time ALL 200 450 940 ns Ts = 25C, te = 6.2A, di/dt = 100A/ps Qan Reverse Recovery Charge ALL 1.8 3.8 8.0 uc ton Forward Turn-on Time ALL Intrinsic turn-on time is Turn-on speed is substantially controlled by Ls + Lo. Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature (see figure 5). 6-174 @ @ Von = 50V, Starting Ty = 25C, L = 16mH, Re = 25, Peak I. = 6.8A @Pulse width = 300us; Duty Cycle = 2%Rugged Power MOSFETs Ip. ORAIN CURRENT {AMPERES) Ip. DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) IRFBC4OR, IRFBC42R Ip, OAAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) 0 2 4 6 8 19 1 180 40 300 Vog. ORAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Vgg, GATE-TO-SQURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 1 - Typical Output Characteristics Fig. 2 - Typical Transfer Characteristics OPERATION IN THIS AREA LIMITED BY N 4 s w : = < > - z wl = 2 o z < a s 2} Te = 26C Ty= 150C 01 ) 4 8 a 3 b 3 12 15 1 10 102 103 104 Vos: ORAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE {VOLTS} Vpg, DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 92CS-431I9 Fig. 3 - Typical Saturation Characteristics Fig. 4 - Maximum Safe Operating Area - oO oF oi 107? NOTES: t. DUTY FACTOR, D=ty/to 2. PEAK Ty=Pou X Zthuc + Te 1075 1074 1073 1072 0.1 4 10 ty. RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (SECONDS) THERMAL RESPONSE (Zp jc) Fig. 5 - Maximum Effective Transient Thermal impedance, Junction-to-Case Vs. Pulse Duration 6-175Rugged Power MOSFETs IRFBC40R, IRFBC42R 19 10? Vpg 2 100 i L. DS = ( BOs PULSE TEST} 4. _ ed > 8 { T yr25C a a | . a rn) 1 7 + + Ww ' @ > et! tiA7l |! s a YF T : npn ~ Ss 10 we | a g oe A, : Ty=150C ~4 e , z ~ So z 1 3 9 t ! 2 5 4 = a i r t a 1 a ob- -.- i pee a a 1 a eK I : y 5 a ' t + & 2 : & 1 ' i oP ? i \ , i M 0.4 4 2 4 u Be tu 0.0 0. 0.6 9 1. 1.5 Ip. DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) Vgp. SOURCE-TO-DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 6 - Typical Transconductance Vs. Drain Current Fig. 7 - Typical Source-Drain Diode Forward Voltage 1.25 e4 @ 0.95 (NORMAL IZED) ny 0.6 Ros (on): ORAIN-TO-SOURCE ON RESISTANCE 8Vpgg. ORAIN-TO-SOUACE BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE (NORMALIZED) Vgg 7 10V 0.75 0.0 =20 0 0 60 100 120 140 160 -60 -40 -20. 0 40 100 $40 1 Ty, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE { C) Tp JUNCTION TEMPERATURE ( C) Fig. 8 - Breakdown Voltage Vs. Temperature Fig. 9 - Normalized On-Resistance Vs. Temperature 3000 29 WT aeerecr T | * Coa: SHORT! _~ Pot fp Ciss * Ugg * Ugg Cys SHORTED & + Vpg ~ 360v Coss * Cga a oe Vag = 24ov ty, 2400 Coss * Cas * Cos Soa / as * Cag! = 36 p 05S ds gs gd gs gd ~~ Vos = 120V4 ic = Cys + Cog Wy . - a ro a ad i a | 1 1800 B12 5 > I co + a w i ee o a 7 a n 2 ! 3 3 2 1200 a 3 + 2% f 3 o { e 1 . 1 \ . ae i) w 600 3 4 f, a : > ! 7 ~ FOR TEST CIACUIT SFE FIGURE 16 0 0 se : 2 5 10 2 5 2 o ae 2a 38 48 60 Vag. ORAIN-TO-SQUACE VULTAGE {VULTSi Gg. TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC) Fig. 10 - Typical Capacitance Vs. Drain-to-Source Voltage Fig. 11 - Typical Gate Charge Vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage 6-176Rugged Power MOSFETs IRFBC40R, IRFBC42R 5 10 ua 9 z - < a ! wh 4 _ 8 t 8 | z pote pope pepe tet & | . : Ww q = 6 5 5 : IRFEC40A a a P| ' 4 | 7 2 a4 . rF + Zz z inescazn PL Efe - a 6 aN : 1 a , \ 1 aN a + * t c i 2 : i i | 6 \ ! : | a ! 1 0 0 0 6 18 4 30 25 50 78 100 125 150 Ip. OAAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) To CASE TEMPERATURE (C) Fig. 12 - Typical On-Resistance Vs. Drain Current Fig. 13 - Maximum Drain Current Vs. Case Temperature Vos you Ne. VARY ' 10 OBTAIN ai REQUIRED PEAK | our : *e ~ Yoo YY oom Fig. 14a - Unclamped Inductive Test Circuit TL PEAK = 6.28 Yop = S0v Eas. SINGLE PULSE AVALANCHE ENERGY (mJ) BVpss 1 7 NDS _-7 Yon sale STARTING Tj, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE ( C) Re ey ce ete te Fig. 14b - Unclamped Inductive Waveforms Fig. 14 - Maximum Avalanche Energy Vs. Starting Junction Temperature g 5 =" "Ts a Ves Vgg = 10v PULSE WIDTH ~ 1 us _/ aton} & \ ' w DUTY FACTOR 5.01% oho} of 1 Laqorry Fig. 15a - Switching Time Test Circuit Fig. 15b - Switching Time Waveforms 6-177Rugged Power MOSFETs IRFBC4OR, IRFBC42R G GATE VOLTAGE . 5 O 0S CURRENT CURRENT _ SAMPLING = SAMPLING nme RESISTOR RESISTOR CHARGE Fig. 16a - Basic Gate Charge Waveform Fig. 16b - Gate Charge Test Circuit 6-178