MIL SPECS tcf) oooo1zs ooo3ssa 3 MIL-S-19500/276A AMENDMENT 3 18 February 1981 AMENDMENT 2 5 January 1977 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTORS (CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS), SILICON TYPES (BOTH TX AND NON-TX) 2N2323, 2N2324, 2N2326, 2N2328, 2N2329, 2N2323A, 2N2324A, 2N2326A, AND 2N2328A This amendment forms a part of Military Specification MIL-S-19500/276A, dated 29 January 1968, and is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 1 * Title, delete and substitute: SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTORS (CONROLLED RECTIFIERS) SILICON TYPES 2N2323, 2N2324, 2N2326, 2N2328, 2N2329, 2N2323S, 2N2324S, 2N2326S, 2N2328S, 2N2329S, 2N2223A, 2N2324A, 2N2326A, 2N2328A, 2N2323AS, 2N2324AS, 2N2326AS, 2N2328AS, NON-TX, TX, AND TXV." * 1.1, delete and substitute: "1,1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for PNPN, silicon, reverse-blocking-triode thyristors. The prefix TX' is used on devices submitted to and passing the special process-conditioning, testing, and screening specified in 4.6. The prefix 'TXV' is used on devices submitted to and passing the internal visual inspection specified in 4.7. The suffix *S' is used on devices that have 0.5 inch minimum to 0.75 inch maximum load length." PAGE 2 * 1.3.2, add the following new type numbers: * Following 2N2323" add 2N2323S5"3; following "2N2323A" add 2N2323AS"; following 2N2324" add 2N2324S"; following 2N2324A" add 2N2324AS; following 2N2326" add 2N23268"; following 2N2326A" add "2N2326A5S; following "2N2328" add 2N2328S"; following 2N2328A" add 2N2328AS; following "2N2329" add "2N2329S". Make these same changes on pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12. PAGE 3 Add the following new paragraphs: 3.4.2 Lead finish. Lead materials shall be Kovar or Alloy 52. Lead finish shall be gold- or tin-plated. Where .a choice of lead finish is desired, it shall be specified in the contract or order (see 6.5).. 3.4.3 Internal visual (PRECAP) inspection and process-conditioning, testing, and screening of 'TXV' types. The TXV' device type shall, in addition to all performance requirements, be internally visually inspected and process-conditioned, tested, and screened in accordance with 4.7. 3.5.2 TXV' marking. Devices in accordance with the 'TXV' requirements shali be marked with TKV! immediately following the JAN prefix." 3.5.3 S' marking. The S suffix shall be used on devices meeting the 0.5 inch minimum to 0.75 inch maximum lead length requirement." 4.2.4, delete and substitute: "4.2.4 Qualification testing. The non-TX types shall be used for qualification testing. Upon request to the qualifying activity, qualification will be extended to include the TX' and 'TXV' types of the device." FSC 5961 fiMIL SPECS TCg@ O0001e5 OO035b0 4 MIL~S-19500/276A AMENDMENT 3 PAGE 5 TABLE I, Group A inspection, Subgroup 3, Exponential rate of voltage rise, Details column: Delete value of capacitance C = 1 ufd" and substitute "C = 0.1 to 1 uF." PAGE 6 TABLE I, Group A inspection, Subgroup 3, Gate trigger voltage test: Delete "Ry = 1000 ohms" and substitute "2N2323 thru 2N2326 and 2N2323A thru 2N2326A, Rt = 1,000 ohms; 2N2328, 2N2328A, and 2N2329, Ri = 4,000 ohms." PAGE 13 Add the foltowing new paragraph. "4.7 Internal visuat (PRECAP) inspection and process-conditioning, testing, and screening of TXV' types. The internal visual inspection shall be performed in accordance with test method 2072 of MIL-STD-750 prior to encapsulation on a 100 percent basis and process-conditioning, testing, and screening shall be as specified in 4.6. The manufacturer shall permit the authorized government representative to witness concurrent with time of manufacturer's performance of these tests, the process-conditioning, testing, and screening of the devices. Those conditioning and screening tests normally performed by a manufacturer as standard production tests, need not be repeated when these are predesignated and acceptable to the Government as being equal to or more severe than the test specified herein." Add the following new paragraph: "6.5 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the following: fa} Lead finish (see 3.4.2). (b Inspection data (see 4.3)}." PAGE 14 * FIGURE 1: Delete and substitute new figure 1 as printed on page 3 of this amendment. PAGE 15 * FIGURE 2, title, delete and substitute: "FIGURE 2. Gage for lead and tab location." NOTE: The margins of this amendment are marked with an asterisk to indicate where changes from the previous amendment were made. This was done as a convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and relationship to the last previous amendment. Custodians: Preparing activity: Army - ER Navy - EC Navy - EC Air Force - 17 Agent: DLA ~ ES Review activities: Army - MI (Project 5961-0785) Navy SH, EC Air Force - 11, 19, 85, 99 DLA - ES User activities: Army - AV, SM Navy - AS, CG, MC, OS + Page 2 of 3a a | DIA MIL SPECS tcf oooo12s ooo3sK1 Lg MIL-$-19500/276A L- AMENDMENT 3 r SEATING PLANE p C == 0 GATE ANODE rF re (SEE NOTE 7) G Lett .007 (J8 MM) RAD MAX Dimensions Inches Millimeters Ltr Twin | max | Min | Max | Notes A 2335 | .370 8.51 9.40 B 305 |} .335 7.75 | 8.51 C .240 | .260 6.10 | 6.60 D See notes 9, 10, and 11 E -016 | .021 -41 -53 2,9 F -016 -019 41 -48 3,9 G -100 | --- 2.54 | --- 4 H --- | --- --- | --- 5 J .029 ; .045 74 | 1.14 8 K -028 | ,034 71 -86 L .009 125 .23 | 3.18 M -1414 Nom 3.592 Nom N .0707 Nom 1.796 Nom 6 NOTES: 1. Metric equivalents are given for general information only and are based upon 1.00 inch = 25.4 mn. 2. Measured in the zone beyond .250 (6.35 mm) from the seating plane. 3. Measured in the zone .050 (1.27 mm) and .250 (6.35 mm) from the seating plane. 4. Variations on dimension B in this zone shall not exceed .010 (.25 mm). 5. Qutline in this zone is not controlled. 6. When measured in a gaging plane .054 +.001, -.000 (1.37 +.03, -.00 mm) below the seating plane of the transistor, maximum diameter leads shall be within .007 (.18 mm) of their true location relative to a maximum width tab. Smaller diameter leads shall fall within the outline of the maximum diameter lead tolerance. Figure 2 preferred measured method. ; 7. The anode shall be internally connected to the case. 8. Measured from the maximum diameter of the actual device. 9. All 3 leads. 10. For transistor types 2N2323S, 2N2324S, 2N2326S, 2N2328S, 2N2329S, 2N2323AS, 2N2324AS, 2N2326AS, 2N2328AS, D is .500 (12.70 mm) minimum, and .750 (19.05 mm) maximum. For transistor types 2N2323, 2N2324, 2N2326, 2N2328, 2N2329, 2N2323A, 2N2324A, 2N2326A, 2N2328A, D is 1.500 (38.10 mm) minimum, and 1.750 (44.45 mm) maximum. FIGURE 1. Physical dimengions. *ULS. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1981 703-023/1240 Page 3 of 3MIL SPECS Ic 0000125 00035te2 & i MIL-S-19500/276A 29 January 1968 SUPERSEDING MIL-S-19500/276 (Navy) 28 October 1963 (See 6. 4) MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTORS (CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS), SILICON TYPES (BOTH TX AND NON-TX) 2N2323, 2N2324, 2N2326, 2N2328, 2N2329, 2N2323A, 2N2324A, 2N2326A, AND 2N2328A This specification is mandatory for use by all Depart- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1,1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for PNPN silicon power, reverse- blocking-triode, thyristors, and is in accordance with MIL-S-19500 except as otherwise specified herein. The prefix "TX" ig used on devices submitted to and passing the special process- conditioning, testing, and screening as specified in 4.6 through 4, 6,6. 3. 1.2 Physical dimensions. See figure 1 (TO-5) 1.3 Characteristics common to all types. veo | Hox Ver | ter l/ Vor 2/ | lor 2/ Tp = 65 C to +125 C | Ta = ~65 C to + 125 C 2N2323 thru 2N2329 9N2323A thru 2N2328A v mAdc Vde pAde Vde Adc Min | --- | --- 0.1 --- 0.1 --- Max | 2.2 | 2.0 1,0 350 0.9 15 1/ Gate connected to cathode through 1000-ohm resistor. 2/ Gate connected to cathode through 2000-ohm resistor. 1.4 Ratings. (See 6.2.) 1.4.1 Ratings common to all types, Ip 1/ | ipys (Surge) 2/ | vxgm | Top | Tstg Barometric 1 cycle pressure A a v(pk) C mm Hg Min | --- --- --- | -65 | -65 15 Max | 0. 22 15 6 +125 | +150 --- 1/ This average forward current is for an ambient temperature of 80 C and 180 elec- trical degrees of conduction. For other operating conditions see figures 3A and 3B. 2/ Surge current is non-recurrent, The rate of rise of peak surge current shall not exceed 40-amperes during the first 5- zseconds after switching from the "off". (blocking) to the "on" (conducting) state. This time is measured from the point where the thyristor voltage has decayed to 90-percent of its initial blocking value. FSC 5961MIL SPECS - 1c ff oo00125 oooasLa T &j MIL-S-19500/276A 1.3.2 Individual ratings. Type YRM VFBXM Vr (non-rep) v(pk) v(pk) v(pk) 2N2323 50 50 1/ 75 2N2323A 50 50 2/ 15 2N2324 100 100 1/ 150 2N2324A 100 100 2/ 150 2N2326 200 200 1/ 300 2N2326A 200 200 2/ 300 2N2328 300 300 1/ 400 2N2328A 300 300 2/ 400 2N2329 400 400 I/ 500 1/ Gate connected to cathode through 1000-ohm resistor, 2/ Gate connected to cathode through 2000-ohm resistor. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for proposal form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein: SPECIFICATION MILITARY: MIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for, STANDARDS MIL~-STD-202 - Test Methods for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts. MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer. ) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General, Requirements for the thyristors shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as specified herein. 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. The abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein are defined in MIL-S-19500 and as follows: --D.C. forward blocking current with specified conditions applied to the gate, IFBX - Inox ---~ D, C. holding current with gate connected to cathode with specified conditions, ipRBX --- D.C. reverse blocking current with specified conditions applied to the gate, RGK -~ - External resistance between gate and cathode terminals. Vas --~ Anode power supply voltage (d.c, ). VFBX --- Forward blocking voltage, gate connected to the specified reference terminal, Vaq --- Gate power supply voltage (d.c. ). ,MIL SPECS rc cooo12s oooasey 1 MIL-S-19500/276A 3.3 Marking. The following marking specified in MIL-S-19500 may be omitted at the option of the manufacturer. (a) Country of origin. ,%) Manufacturer's identification. ic) Polarity. 3.3.1 Additional marking, Devices in accordance with the requirements for the "TX" types (see 4, 6) shall be marked with a "TX" preceding the applicable type designation, 3.4 Design, construction, and physical dimensions. Thyristors shall be of the design, construc- tion, and physical dimensions shown on figure 1. ; 3.4.1 Terminal lead length, Terminallead lengths shorter than those specified on figure 1 may te furnished when stipulated in the contract or order where the devices covered herein are required directly for particular equipment circuit installation or for automatic assembly technique programs. Where shorter lead lengths are required and pro- vided, it shall not be construed as adversely affecti the lified- the dvice or applicable JAN marking. y ne Qualified-product status of 3.5 Performance characteristics. The performance characteristics of thyristors shall be as specified in tables 1, 0, and Mi, 3,5.1 Process - conditioning, testing and screening of "TX" types, Process - conditioning, test- ing and screening for the "TX" types shall be as specified in 4.6. 4, QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspection, Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500 and as specified herein, except that the lot accumulation period requirements shall be six months, 4,2 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests specified in tables I, Wj, and Ml. 4,2.1 Subgroups 1 and 4 of group B inspection and subgroup 6 of group C inspection shall be performed on a full-sample size for the lowest and highest voltage types of both A and non- voltage ( ype both are to be qualified) to qualify those voltage types and 211 intermediate 4,2.2 Subgroup 2 of group B inspection shall be performed on the full-sample for each type being qualified, Subgroup 3 of group C shall be performed on a full-sample for the highest voltage type to qualify it and all lower-voltage types. 4.2.3 Subgroup 3 of group B inspection and subgroups 1, 2,4,anc 5 of group C inspection may be performed in accordance with MIL-S-19500 or may be performed on a full sample of any type to qualify all types. 4.2.4 Qualification testing, The non-TX types shall be used for qualification testing. At the manufacturers request to the qualifying activity, qualification will be extended to include the "TX" type of the device. 4.3 Qualityconformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall consist of the examina- tions and tests specified in groups A, B, and C. 4.3.1 Group A inspection, Group A inspection shall consist of examinations and tests specified in table I. 4.3.2 Group B inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests speci- fied in table I. 4.3.3 Grotp C inspection. Group C inspection shall consist of the examinations and tests speci- fied in table I. Group C inspecticn shall be conducted on the first lot every six months. Successful completion of the group C inspection shall permit acceptance of lots for the period specified on the basis of completion of groups A and B inspection. If a group C failure occurs, irispection of the failed subgroup shall revert to a per~lot basis until three consecutive lots have passed.MIL SPECS Ic fp oooo1es go03sk5 3 MIL-S-19500/276A 4.3.4 Inspection procedure. 4,3,4,1 Subgroups land 2 of group B inspection shall be performed on a full-sample size of each type in the lof. i . | Subgroup 3 of group B inspection and subgroups 1, 2, 4 and 5 of group inspection may be performed in accordance with MIL-S-19500 or may be performed on a full sample of any type within the lot to accept all types in the lot. Subgroup 4 of group B inspection and subgroups 3 and 6 of group C inspection shall be performed ona full-sample size of the highest-voltage type represented in the lot to accept all types in the lot. When a lot contains both "A" and non-"A" types, the samples for these subgroups shall be drawn from the highest-voltage "A" types and the highest-voltage non-"'A" types in proportion to the numbers of these types in the lot. Subsequent acceptance of voltage types which are higher than those previously subjected to subgroups 3 and 6 of group C (within the current specified period) requires retesting of subgroups 3 and 6 of group C for a lot including the higher~voltage type. Pro- visions of MIL-S- 19500 early-acceptance procedures do not apply to this specification. 4.4 Disposition of sample units. Sample units which have been subjected to and have passed sub- groups I, 2, and 4 of group B inspection and subgroups 1, 2, 3, and 6 of group C inspection may be delivered on the contract or order provided that, after the inspection is completed, these sample units are subjected to and pass group A inspection. Tests on subgroup 3 6f group B and subgroups 4 and 5 of group 0 are destructive. 4.5 Methods of test, Methods of test shall be as specified in tables I, If and Hil, the referenced methods of MIL-STD-750 and the figures herein. Section 4 of MIL-STD-750 is applicable. 4.5.1 Time-limit for end points. End point tests for qualification and quality conformance inspec- tion shall be completed within 96 hours after completion of the last test in the subgroup. TABLE I. Group A inspection MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non J Method Details Tx | TX Symbol | Min Max | Unit Subgroup 1 10 | 10 Visual and mechanical inspection 2071 Subgroup 2 5 |2 Reverse blocking current 4211 |} DC method, bias cond. B IpBx 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Ro = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Ry = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VR = 50 Vde -+- 10 =| wAde 2N2324, 2N2324A VR = 100 Vde --- 10 | yuAde 2N2326, 2N2326A VR = 200 Vde : --- 10 |pAde 2N2328, 2N2328A VR = 300 Vde --- | 10 |[pAde 2N2329 VR = 400 Vde --- | 10 |uAde RM 4, ws xMIL SPECS TABLE I. Group A inspection - Continued tcf oooo1es oooase, 5 MIL-S- 19500/276A MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non : Method Details Tx |rx| Symbol Min Max | Unit Subgroup 2 ~ Continued Forward blocking current 4206 | DC method, bias cond, B leBx 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Ro = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rog = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A Vrpx = 50 Vde --- 10 | pAde 2N2324, 2N2324A Vepx = 100 Vdc --- 10 | pAde 2N2326, 2N2326A VFBX = 200 Vde --- | 10 | pAde 2N2328, 2N2328A Vrpx = 300 Vde se- 10 | pAde 2N2329 VFBX = 400 Vde --- 10 pAdc Subgroup 3 5 3 Reverse blocking current 4211 |DC method, bias cond. B; InBx T,a= 125C 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rg = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rg = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VR = 50Vdc --- | 100 | pAde 2N2324, 2N2324A VR = 100 Vde --- 1100 | pAdec 2N2326, 2N2326A VR = 200 Vde --- | 100 | pAde 2N2328, 2N2328A4 VR = 300 Vde --- | 100 | pAde 2N2329 VR = 400 Vde --- | 100 | pAde Forward blocking current 4206 |DC method. bias cond. B; Ippx Ta = 125C 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rg = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rg = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VrBx = 50 Vde --- |}100 | pAdec 2N2324, 2N2324A Vrpx = 100 vde --- | 100) | pAde 2N2326, 2N2326A Vppx = 200 Vde --- {100 | wAde 2N2328, 2N2328A VFBK = 300 Vdc --- | 100 | wAde 2N2329 VFBK = 400 Vdc --- | 100 | pAdc Exponential rate of voltage rise 4231 |Bias cond. B; T, = 125 C; Vrpx repetition rate = 60 pps; 502 < Ry, < 4002; C = 1 pfd; test duration = 15 sec 2N2323 thru 2N2329 dv/dt = 1. 8 v/psec; Rg = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A dv/dt =0.7 v/ psec; Rg = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A Vaa = 50 Vde 47 | --- | Vdc 2N2324, 2N2324A Vag = 100 Vde 95 --- | Vde 2N2326, 2N2326A VAA = 200 Vdc 190 --- | Vde 2N2328, 2N2328A Vaa = 300 Vdc 285 --- | Vde 2N2329 VAA = 400 Vde 380 --- | Vde 5MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/276A tcf oooo1es oo03sn7 7 &j TABLE I. Group A inspection - Continued MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details TX ITX| Symbol | Min | Max | Unit ' Subgroup 3 - Continued Gate trigger voltage 4221 | T, = 125 C; Ry = 1000 Vor ohms 2N2323 thru 2N2329 R, = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Re = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A Vo = Vepx = 50 Vde 0.1 -~- | Vdc 2N2324, 2N2324A Vo = Verpx = 100 Vde 0.1 --- | Vdc 2N2326, 2N2326A Vo = Vepx = 200 Vdc 0.1 ~~- | Vde 2N2328, 2N2328A V2 = Vepx = 300 Vde 0.1 --- |Vde 2N2329 Vg = Vrpx = 400 Vdc 0.1 vee Vde Subgroup 4 5 73 Gate trigger voltage and current 4221 | V9 = Vppy = 6 Vade; ; Ry, = 100 ohms = Ver | 0.35 | 0.80 | Vdc 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Re = 1000 ohms lon ~ 200 | pAdc 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Re = 2000 ohms Vor | 0.35 | 0,60 | Vdc Ier --- 20 | pAde Forward "on" voltage 4226 |ipy, = 4 a(pk) (pulse); pulse Vem ace 2.2 |v(pk) width = 8.5 msec, max; duty cycle = 2% max Holding current 4201 | Bias cond, B; Vag = 24 Vde Tox max; Ipy = 100 mAde; lpg = 10 mAdc; gate trigger source voltage = 6 Vdc; trigger pulse width = 25 usec min; Rg = 330 ohms 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rg = 1000 ohms --- 2.0 | mAdc 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rg = 2000 ohms . --- 2.0 | mAdc TABLE Il. Group B inspection MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details Tx |Tx}| Symbol | Min | Max | Unit Subgroup 1 10 | 10 Reverse gate current 4219 Vig = Vde Ika --- 200 | pAdc Surge current 4066 | T, = 122 C; ipyg (surge) = ~+- we- | =2- [--- (See fig 4) 15 a, 10 surges at 1 per minute; I, = 0 at rated vpy; f= 60 Hz riMIL SPECS cf oooo1es ooossea 9 MIL-S-19500/276A _ TABLE IL. Group B inspection - Continued MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method . Details ex [TX Symbol | Min Max } Unit Subgroup 1 - Continued Non-repetitive peak reverse voltage (See fig 5) 10 pulses --- --- --- |--- 2N2323, 2N2323A Yeu 7 15 v (pk) 2N2324, 2N2324A Vago = 150 v (pk) 2N2326, 2N2326A VRM = 300 v (pk) 2N2328, 2N2328A Vem = 400 v (pk) 2N2329 VRM = 500 v (pk) End points: (See 4,5, 1) Reverse blocking current 4211 | DC method, bias cond. B. IRBx 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rg = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rg = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VR = 50 Vde o- 10 | pAde 2N2324, 2N2324A Vey = 100 Vde --- 10 | wAde 2N2326, 2N2326A VR = 200 Vde --- 10 | pAde 2N2328, 2N2328A VR = 300 Vde -- 10 {| pAdc 2N2329 VR = 400 Vde --- 10 | uAde Forward blocking current, 4206 | DC method, bias cond. B Ippx 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rg = 1000 ohms 2N2323 thru 2328A Rg = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A Vrpx = 50 Vde --- | 10 | pAde 2N2324, 2N2324A Vrpx = 100 Vde --- 10 | pAdc 2N2326, 2N2326A VFBK = 200 Vdc --- 10 | pAde 2N2328, 2N2328A VFBK = 300 Vdc --- 10 | wAde 2N2329 VEpBx = 400 Vdc --- 10 | pAde Gate trigger voltage and current 4221 | Vo= Vrpx = 6 Vde; R,, = 100 ohms Vv 0.35 | 0.80 } Vde 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Re = 1000 ohms Gt Lo 200 | pAde = Vor | 0.35 | 0.60 | Vde 2N2323A thru 2N23284 R, 2000 ohms Ion a 20 | Ade Forward "on" voltage 4226 linn = 4 a(pk) (pulse); pulse VEM --- 2.2 | v(ok) width = 8,5 msec max; duty cycle = 2% maxMIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/276A Tc Oooo12s ooo3ses o ff TABLE IL Group B inspection - Continued MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non Method Details Tx {Tx} Symbol | Min | Max | Unit Subgroup 2 10 | 10 Low temperature tests: Ta = -65 C Reverse blocking current 4211 | DC method, bias cond. B IrnBx 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Ry = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rg = 2000 ohms 2N23238, 2N2323A VR = 50 Vdc --- 5.0 | pAdc 2N2324, 2N2324A VR = 100 Vde --- 5.0 | pAde 2N2326, 2N2326A VR = 200 Vde --- 5.0 | wAdc 2N2328, 2N2328A VR = 300 Vde --- 5.0 | pAdc 2N2329 VR = 400 Vde --- 5.0 | pAdc Forward blocking current 4206 | DC method, bias cond. B; Ippx Ta = -65C 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Ry = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rg = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VFBK = 50 Vde woe 5.0 | Ade 2N2324, 2N2324A VFBxX = 100 Vdc --- 5.0 | uAdc 2N2326, 2N2326A VFBK = 200 Vdc --- 5.0 | pAdc 2N2328, 2N2328A VFBx = 300 Vde oon 5.0 | Adc 2N2329 Vrpx = 400 Vdc --- 5.0 | wAdc Gate trigger voltage and current 4221 | T, = -65 C; V2 = Vepx = 6 Vde; Ry, = 100 ohms Vor --- 1.0 | Vde 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Re = 1000 ohms Ior ee 350 | wAde Vor -s- 0.8 Vdc 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Re = 2000 ohms Ior oe 75 | Ade Subgroup 3 10 710 Solderability 2026 --- --- wee [ene Thermal shock 1051 | Test cond. F --- --- cee [o--e (temperature cycling) Thermal shock 1056 | Test cond. A --- --- wee jen (glass strain) Moisture resistance 1021 on-- --- wee poe End points: (Same as subgroup 1)MIL SPECS Icg O0001e5 0003570 7? a TABLE I. Group B inspection - Continued MIL-S-19500/276A width = 8.5 msec max; duty cycle = 2% max ar MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test Non . | Method Details Tx |TX| Symbol | Min Max | Unit Subgroup 4 10 | 5] Forward blocking voltage {(See fig6)} Ta = 122 C 43 C; --- --- w-- fone t= 170 +24 hours 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rox = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rox = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VEBx = 50 Vde 2N2324, 2N2324A VFBX = 100 Vac 2N2326, 2N2326A Vrpx = 200 Vdc 2N2328, 2N2328A VFBK = 300 Vdc 2N2329 VEBx += 400 Vde End points: (See 4.5.1) Reverse blocking current 4211 | DC method, bias cond. B Ippx 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rg = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Ry = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VR = 50 Vde --- 12 | pAde 2N2324, 2N2324A VR = 100 Vde <n 12 | pAde 2N2326, 2N2326A VR = 200 Vdc wee 12 | pAdc 2N2328, 2N2328A IVR = 300 Vde --- 12 | wAde 2N2329 VR = 400 Vde o-- 12 | pAde Forward blocking current 4206 | DC method, bias cond. B lppx 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Ry = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Ry = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VFBX = 50 Vde --- 12 | pAdc 2N2324, 2N2324A VFrBx = 100 Vdc, one 12 | pAde 2N2326, 2N2326A VFBK = 200 Vde --- 12 | pAde 2N2328, 2N2328A VrBx .= 300 Vdc or 12 | wAde 2N2329 VFBX = 400 Vdc =<- 12 | uAde Gate trigger voltage and current 4221 | Vepy = Vo = 6 Vde Ry, = 100 chms Vor | 25 | 0.80 | Vde 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Reg = 1000 ohms lor _e 220 | pAde Vor | 0.25 | 0. 60 | Vde 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Re = 2000 ohms lor <a 25 | pAde Forward "on" voltage 4226 | ign = 42a (pk) (pulse); pulse VEM --- 2.2 | v(pk)MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/276A tcf cooo12s oooas7a 9 TABLE UI. Group C inspection 10 MIL-STD-750 LTPD Limits Examination or test oni Method Details TX |TX| Symbol | Min | Max | Unit Subgroup 1 20 } 20 Physical dimensions 2066 (See figure 1.) --- --- aoe [nee Subgroup 2 10 | 10 Shock 2016 Nonoperating; 1500 G, 0.5 --- ooo wre pero msec, 5 blows each in orientations: Xj, Yo and Zy Vibration variable frequency 2056 | Nonoperating cee wos wee feon Constant acceleration 2006 20, 000 G; in orientations --- --- wee [oon Xj, Yy and Ypy End points: (Same B, subgroup 1) Subgroup 3 15 | 15 Barometric-pressure, reduced! 1001 t= 60 seconds; pressure = coo 77 cer feet 15 mmHg .. ..~ Voltage applied during test 2N2323, 2N2323A Vp = 50 Vdc 2N2324, 2N2324A Vp = 100 Vde 2N2326, 2N2326A ve = 200 Vdc 2N2328, 2N2328A VR = 300 Vde 2N2329 VR = 400 Vde * Subgroup 4 m5 | 15 Salt atmosphere (corrosion) 1041 wee od a Subgroup 5 15 | 15 Terminal strength 2036 Test cond, E (lead fatigue) End points: (Same as group B, subgroup 1) Subgroup 6 p= 20)=10 Intermittent operation life (Seefig 7} 50 min "on" 10 min "off" --- --- --~ |--- Ta= 75 C 45 C; Ip = 220 mAdc 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rox = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A REx = 2000 ohms End points: oup B, 4) _MIL SPECS IC @ O0001c5 ddo357e O a MIL-S- 19500/276A 4,6 Process-conditioning, testing, and screening for "TX" Types, The procedure for process- conditioning, testing, and screening for "TX" types shall be in accordance with 4. 6. 1 through 4.6.6, 3 and figure 8. Process-conditioning shall be conducted on 100 percent of the lot, prior to submission of the lot to the tests specified in tables I, I, and HI. (At the option of the manufac- turer, the non-TX type may be subjected to process-conditioning and testing. ) 4.6.1 Quality assurance (lot verification). Quality assurance shall keep lot records for three years minimum, monitor for compliance to the prescribed procedures, and observe that satis- factory manufacturing conditions and records on lots are maintained for these devices. The records shall be available for review by the customer at all times. The quality-assurance monitoring shall include, but not be limited to: process-conditioning, testing, and screening. (The condi- tioning and screening tests performed as standard production tests need not be repeated when these are predesignated and acceptable to the Government as being equal to or more severe than speci- fied herein. ) 4.6.2 High-temperature storage. All devices shall be stored for at least 48 hours at a mini- mum temperature (T,) of 150 C. 4,6.3 Thermal shock (temperature cycling). All devices shall be subjected to thermal shock (temperature cycling) in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 1051, test condition F, except that ten (10) cycles shall be continuously performed and the time at the temperature extremes shall be fifteen (15) minutes minimum. 4.6.4 Acceleration. All devices shall be subjected to an acceleration test in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 2006, with the following exceptions: The test shall be performed one time in the Yj orientation only, at a peak level of 20,000 G minimum. The one-minute hold-time requirement shall not apply. 4.6.5 Hermetic seal (fine-leak) test. All devices shall be fine-leak tested in accordance with MIL-STD-202, method 112, test condition C, procedure Ila or Ib (using the applicable condi- tions of or 4. 6.5, 2). 4,6,5.1 Conditions for procedure Illa. The devices shall be placed in a sealed chamber and pressurized to 50 psig minimum with helium gas for a minimum of 4 hours. The devices shall then be removed from the chamber and within 30 minutes be subjected to a helium leak-detection test. Devices shall be rejected that exhibit a leak-rate of 1 x 10-8 atm cc of helium per second when measured at a differential pressure of one atmosphere, All devices exhibiting this leakage rate or greater shall be removed from the lot. _ Conditions for procedure IIb, The devices shall be placed in an activation tank which shall be pressurized with Krypton 85 tracer gas in a nitrogen solution for sufficient time to detect a leak rate of 1 x 10-8 atmospheric cubic centimeters per second (atm cc/sec), Within four hours after pressurization in the Krypton 85 tracer gas, the leak rate of the devices shall be determined on an attribute basis using the general equation shown below. Any device exhibiting a leak rate equal to or greater than 1 x 10-8 atm ec/sec shall be removed from the lot. The general equation for use with radioactive-gas leak test equipment is: - __R__ ~ SKT(P, 2-P,2) Q where: leak rate in atm cc/sec, net counting rate of tested part above background in cts/min, specific activity of the test gas mixture in pCi/atm cc. . counting efficiency of the system for the given part in ets/min Ci, pressure of test gas in activation tank during pressurization in atm abs. pressure inside part under test in atm abs. duration of pressurization in test gas mixture in seconds, o HAO DO fot uw ke nb a 4,6.5.3 Hermetic seal (gross-leak) test. All devices shall be tested for gross-leaks by immer- sing in noncorrosive ethylene glycol at approximately 100 C for a minimum of 15 seconds and observed for bubbles. All devices that bubble shall be removed from the lot. 11 thMIL SPECS MIL-~S-.19500/276A 4.6.6 Preburn-in tests, The Ic oo001eS5 9003573 2 i parameters of table IV shall be measured and the data recorded for all devices in the lot. All devices shall be handled or identified such that the delta end pointe can be determined after the burn-in test. removed from the lot and the quantity removed shall be noted on the lot record. All devices which fail to meet the requirements shall t TABLE IV. Burn-in test measurements MIL-~STD-750 Limits Examination or test > Method Details Symbol | Min | Max: |. Un Reverse blocking current. 4211 DC method, bias cond. B | Ippy - 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rg = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Ro = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A VR = 50Vde --- 10 | pA 2N2324, 2N2324A VR = 100 Vde --- 10 | pA 2N2326, 2N2326A VR = 200 Vde --- 10 | pA 2N2328, 2N23284 VR = 300 Vde ae- 10 | pA 2N2329 VR = 400 Vde -o- 10 | pA Forward blocking current 4206 DC method, bias cond. B Ippx 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Rg = 1000 ohms 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Rg = 2000 ohms 2N2323, 2N2323A Vrpx = 50 Vdc --- 10 | pA 2N2324, 2N2324A Vrpx = 100 Vdc --- 10 | pA 2N2326, 2N2326A Vrpx = 200 Vdc o-- 10 | pA: 2N2328, 2N2328A VFBx = 300 Vde ven 10 | pA: 2N2329 VFBX = 400 Vdc one 10 pA Gate trigger voltage and 4221 Vepx = Vo = 6 Vdc current R,, = 100 ohms = V 0.35 | 0.80 | Vdc 2N2323 thru 2N2329 Re = 1000 chms Ion SS 200 | pA: Vor { 0.35 | 0.60 | Vac 2N2323A thru 2N2328A Re = 2000 ohms lor --- 20 | pA 4,6.6,1 Burn-in test, All devices shall be operated for 72 hours minimum under the following conditions: All devices which turn 'on" during the burn- removed shall be noted on the lot record. 2N2323 thru 2N2329 2N2323A thru 2N2328A - RgxK = 20060 ohms T, = 125C 2N2323, 2N2323A - Vppy = 50 Vdc 2N2324, 2N2324A - Vppx = 100 Vdc 2N2326, 2N2326A - Vppy = 200 Vdc 2N2328, 2N2328A - Vppy = 300 Vdc - 2N2329 - Vepy = 400 Vde - Rox = 1000 ohms 12 in test shall be removed from the lot and the quantityMIL SPECS Icy g000125 0003574 4 | at MIL-S-19500/276A Postburn-in tests. All parameters of table IV shall be tested after burn-in and the data recorded for all devices in the lot. IRpx :andIppx shall not have changed during the burn-in test from the initial value by more than the specified amount as follows: AlpBx = +4.0 wAde Alppx = +4,.0 uAde Burn-in test failures (screening). All devices that exceed the delta (A) limits of or the limts of table IV after burn-in shall be removed from the inspection lot and the quantity removed shall be noted on the lot record. If the quantity removed after burn-in should -exceed 10 percent of the total inspection lot on burn-in test, the entire lot shall be unacceptable as TX" types. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preparation for delivery. Preparation for delivery shall be in accordance with MIL- S- 19500. 6. NOTES 6.1 The notes specified in MIL-5S- 19500 are applicable to this specification. 6.2 Rating application. The following values may be used as application guidelines: igxkm = 0.1a, max. Pom = 0.1 watt, max, Pgtav) = 0. 01 watt, max. 6.3 Substitution criteria. The devices covered herein are interchangeable with the corresponding devices covered by the superseded document, & 6.4 Changes from previous issue, Asterisks are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue, due to the extensiveness of the changes. Custodians; Preparing activity: Army - EL Navy - EC Navy - EC Air Force - 11 (Project 5961-0050-16) Review activities: Army - EL, MI Navy - SH, EC Air Force - 11, 17, 85 Code "C" User activities: . Army - SM Navy - MC, CG, AS, OS Air Force - 19 13MIL SPECS tcf cooo1es O003575 b T MIL-S-19500/276A he--SEATING PLANE r D GATE M ANODE (SEE NOTE 7) , a a A .007 (.18 MM) RAD MAX Di Inches Millimeters | Notes Min Max 335 | 370 | 8.51 | 9.40 305 | 335 | 7 8.5 1.500 | 1.750 {38.10 | 44.45 | 9 .009 4 0707 Nom NOTES: 1. Metric equivalents (to the nearest .01 mm) are given for general information only.and are based upon 1 inch = 25.4 mm. 2. Measuredin the zone beyond .250 (6.35 mm) from the seating plane. 3. Measured in the zone .050 (1.27 mm) and .250 (6.35 mm) from the seating plane. 4, Variations on dimension B in this zone shall not exceed .010 (.25 mm). 5. Outline in this zone is not controlled. 6. When measured in a gaging plane .054 +.001, .000 (1.37 +.03, -.00 mm) below the seating plane of the transistor, maximum diameter leads shafl be within .007 (.18 mm) of their true location relative to a maximum width tab. Smaller diameter leads shall fall within the outline of the maximum diameter lead tolerance. Figure 2 preferred measured method. . 7. The anode shail be internally connected to the case. 8. Measured from the maximum diameter of the actual device. 9. All 3 leads. FIGURE 1. Physical dimensions of thyristors types (both TX and non-TX) 2N2323 through 2N2329, 2N2323A through 2N2328A. 14MIL SPECS rc cooo12s oooas7h a &f MIL-S-19500/276A +A cE GAGE OUTLINE H OPTIONAL : : 8 V6 mn { Cea \{ sf T 6; | No oi ed SEATING ee Eee Ce SURFACF TRANSISTOR oa GAGE J REF. L DIA. PLANE po A) T \y WN ? r G F i N lek 01K Dimensions Ltr Inches Millimeters Min | Max Min | Max 1409] .1419 | 3.58 | 3.60 0702 | .0712 | 1.78 | 1.81 182 | .199 4.62 | 5.05 009 | 011 23 28 125 Nom 3.18 Nom 055 1.37 | 1.40 2312 | 378 9.45 | 9.6 -0350 | .0355 89 90 150 Nom 3.81 Nom 0325 | .0335 83 +85 0595) 0605 | 1.51 7 1.54 ris Cilia Mm ol] ojala Qo an NOTES: 1, The following gaging procedure shall he used: The use of a pin straightener prior to insertion in the gage is permissible. The device being measured shall be inserted until its seating plane is .125+.010 (3.18.25 mm) from the seating surface of the gage. A spacer may be used to obtain the .125 (3.18 mm) distance from the gage seat prior to force application. A force of 8 oz +.5 oz. shall then be applied parallel and symmetrical to the devices cylindrical axis. When examined visually after the force application (the force need not be removed) the seating plane of the device shall be seated against the gage. . The location of the tab locator, within the limits of dimension C, will be determined by the tab and flange dimension of the device being checked. 3. Metric equivalents (to the nearest 01 mm) are given for general information only and are based upon 1 inch = 25.4 mm. FIGURE 2. Gage for lead and tab location for thyristors, types (both TX and _non-TX) 2N2323 through 2N2329,. 2N2323A through 2N2328A.MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/276A NOTES: (1) RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD, 50 TO 400 Hz 130 (2) RATINGS DERIVED FOR .01 WATT AVERAGE GATE POWER (3) RATE OF RISE OF FORWARD CURRENT MUST NOT EXCEED 120 100 MILLIAMPERES/MICROSECOND DURING THE FIRST FIVE MICROSECONDS AFTER APPLICATION OF GATE SIGNAL. IF 2 HOF TPS HIGHER RATES OF RISE ARE TO BE USED, THE AMBIENT z RQ OK. |p TEMPERATURE MUST BE REDUCED ACCORDING TO THE = 100 AWN FOLLOWING EQUATION: Woo YS KOKA AT = 110 f vegxm ip X10 ~ cw q - 6, YI WHERE AT = TEMP DERATING, C E g0 Nx NI {= FREQUENCY, Hz a AY YFBXM = INSTANTANEOUS ANODE VOLTAGE i 70 OA (VOLTS) PRIOR TO SWITCHING a \ ANS 'EM = INSTANTANEOUS ANODE CURRENT G 60 N (AMPERES) AFTER SWITCHING FE \ \N NDOT 50 N nN N ke . N c \ \ uJ 40 7 A A N @ LAN LUAAAAT TN < / V YN N\ 20 0 180 o | of olf tic, 10}+-connucTION 9] 8] Zidilo g 0 {| ANGLE | | i | 1Cfoooo1es aooas77 T 0 OI 0.2 0.3 04 OS 0.6 0.7 0.8 AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT IN AMPERES FIGURE 3A. Operating conditions (average forward current vs ambient temperature). ny 130 110 S os Ta0 7 100 SSE 7 4 YASIR 4 CONDUCTION 90 pS P| ANGLE 80 30||60| 90912097 = oc NOTES: | | , 180 f- (1) RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE LOAD, 50 TO 400 Hz. (2) RATINGS DERIVED FOR .01 WATT AVERAGE GATE POWER 6O | (3) RATE OF RISE OF FORWARD CURRENT MUST NOT EXCEED 100 MILLIAMPS/ 50 |- 40 |- CASE TEMPERATURE IN C ~ o MICROSECOND DURING THE FIRST FIVE MICROSECONDS AFTER APPLICA- TION OF GATE SIGNAL. IF HIGHER RATES OF RISE ARE TO BE USED, THE CASE TEMPERATURE MUST BE LOWER ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING EQUATION: - AT = 13f YEBXM leu x10 -6 _ 30 WHERE AT = TEMP DERATING C = FREQUENCY, Hz YFBXM = INSTAN- 20 1. TANEOUS ANODE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) PRIOR TO SWITCHING 'FM = INSTANTAN-_____J EOUS ANODE CURRENT (AMPERES) AFTER SWITCHING (o+ (4) CASE TEMP IS MEASURED AT A POINT IN THE CENTER OF THE BOTTOMOF | [mee Pip pp tL 1 tL - 090 Oo2 04 O86 O8 10 2 14 16 1.8 AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT IN AMPERES FIGURE 3B. Operati- uns (average forward current vs case temperature). 16MIL SPECS 1c cooo1es oooas7a 1 &j MIL-S-19500/276A ieM SURGE SURGE I ob MINUTE 7 : fo. ny : hoe i { , bE \ Jat TTT Procedure: The above waveform shall be applied to the devices under test. During this test the gate shall be connected to the anode through a suitable firing resistor and series diode or fired by an equivalent method. The device shall be operating at the specified maximum reverse voltage and specified temperature in a single phase circuit with a 60 Hz supply and a resistive load. The total peak device current during the surge shall be 15 amps. FIGURE 4. Surge current waveform. 200 n VERT {GATE 7 +95 mtd 220K open > OSCILLOSCOPE .007mtd CKT COMMON Procedure: Adjust potentiometer to achieve the specified voltage across the device under test. Timing sequence of firing circuit is: apply trigger pulse to CR2 once every 15 seconds, apply trigger pulse to CR1, 5.0 #1.0 milli- seconds after firing CR2. The specified number of pulses shall be applied. Alternate circuits shall apply rectan- gular pulses of 5.0 + 1.0 milliseconds with a maximum rise and fall time of 50 microseconds. FIGURE 5. Non-repetitive peak reverse voltage test. 50 St. [ en a ae DC POWER SUPPLY Rox 91/8 amp "ak % 1/8 amp ck 41/8 amp t - Procedure: Adjust the power supply to the specified value for the device under test. _ NOTE: Rate of riseof voltage must be limited to values specified in Group A inspection. - FIGURE 6. Blocking-voltage test. 17MIL SPECS Icg OO0012e5 00035759 3 i MIL-S-19500/276A A oB FORWARD Rex BLOCKING CURRENT VOLTAGE SUPPLY SUPPLY Co oc 71-7 ALTERNATE / 2" = WAVEFORM | 5 MAX = LZ WAVEFORM A 7545. Ln 130-21 CONDUCTING BLOCKING WAVEFORM B HALF CYCLE HALF CYCLE Test circuit details: The test circuit used must provide one of the waveforms shown. When a large number of devices are to be tested, they may be connected in parallel or series combinations with suitable provisions (resistive, reactive, etc., methods) for proper division of forward current or blocking volt- ages. Suitable protective elements should be used to isolate defective devices without interrupting the test and to protect the remaining devices on test. The forward current supply shall consist of a low-voltage transformer with a means of adjusting the second- ary voltage. It shall supply 220mAdc average forward current to each device under test. The gate supply shail be in phase with the forward curent supply. The gate average power input shali not be allowed to exceed .01 watt per device. Operating conditions: The devices shail be subjected to the following operational conditions: a, Power sources are to be 60 Hz sinusoidal waveform sources. b. The conduction angle of } shall be 150 to 180, c. The rated forward or reverse blocking voltage shall be started during the non-conducting half cycle no later than 5 after conduction has ceased. For waveform A, the RC time constant of the blocking volt- age shall be 200+100 microseconds. d. The duration of the biocking voltages shall be 175+5. The duration of life test shall be 1000 (+72-24) hours. Ambient test temperature shall be 755C. am <D 7s FIGURE 7. Test circuit and waveforms for intermittent operation life test. 181c Dooo12e5 0003580 T 5 MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/276A *sodA} XLNWE pus (XL -uoN) NVf 10} weiserp dainpesoid jo zapro:s *8 THNOIA yoafar 10 jda00% JOT 10} Bed O pue q yw sdnoin JO MATA NMOHS SV GHNYOAUAd FA TIVHS SYOO1d AHL NISISAL AHL 10 wdaduox = 95 dnory q@ dnory vy dnoaiy ddLTt AJIIAA 0} S}S3L uotpedsuy Slap aUTWUIIa}ep 0} siajeutered patyioads Jo yustweinsea = uj-uing "2 - saajourered petjroeds jo yuaureinseall T x UT-Uang JwIIed OOT qyofar 10 4da008 Joy Bye O pue It _| gq y dnory JO MOTAZY 5 dnory q dnoiy y dnoip GdL'l Ayres 0} s}sa, uotpadsuy SisaL-Teag-oTjeuliey Pp uoTIeIaTaNNV (SurpoAo oanjeredwaLy) yooyg TeusroyL S aserojg dwaL-qsig T ,SUTLOTIPUOD SSed0Ig pSdI9d OOT | (X.L-u0N) sad, NWF TO} pesodoig s}o'T = sodkl, XAINVE OF pasodorg sjoT aa (Sutyees) uotzeiadg AiquiessyV | yeuly ye pews07 sj]O'T uoljedsul 19