Evaluate: MAX1030/MAX1031/MAX1230/
MAX1231B/MAX11633/MAX11635 Evaluation Systems
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 11
Frequency Domain Tab
The Frequency Domain tab sheet (Figure 7) displays
the FFT plot of the signal shown in the Time Domain tab
Histogram Tab
The Histogram tab sheet (Figure 8) displays the histo-
gram of the signal shown in the Time Domain tab sheet.
The software automatically calculates the Mean and the
Std Dev (standard deviation, sigma) and displays the
calculated values in the Calculation group box.
The Histogram Display Control radio group box
provides three options to scale the horizontal axis on
the histogram. The options include (Mean - 3 sigma)
to (Mean + 3 sigma), (Mean - 6 sigma) to (Mean + 6
sigma), and User Define range.
Single Conversion Tab
The ADC Value Display for Single Conversion group
box in the Single Conversion tab sheet (Figure 9)
displays the ADC Codes and the calculated Voltage
values for a single sample of all the channels that
associate with the selected scan mode. Pressing the
Start Conversion button in the Data Logging group
box updates the status of the ADC Value Display for
Single Conversion group box. If the Temperature
Measurement checkbox in the Input Type group box is
checked, the temperature reading is displayed below the
ADC Value Display for Single Conversion group box.
Detailed Description of Hardware
EV System
Each MAX1231B/MAX11633/MAX11635 EV system is a
complete data-acquisition system that consists of one
master board and three daughter boards. The three
daughter boards support the following parts: MAX1030,
MAX1031, MAX1230, MAX1231, MAX11624, MAX11625,
MAX11632–MAX11635, MAX11642, and MAX11643. The
Ordering Information/Selector Guide shows the boards
that are compatible with different parts.
MAX116XX SPI Master Board
The MAX116XX SPI master board connects to a PC’s
USB port and allows the transfer of SPI commands to the
EV kit daughter board.
Power Supply
By default, the master board is USB powered. The user
can apply an external 5V supply to DVDD. The daughter
board can be powered by the master board.
EV Kit Daughter Boards
The EV kit daughter boards are fully assembled and tested
PCBs that demonstrate the capabilities of the MAX1030,
MAX1031, MAX1230, MAX1231, MAX11624, MAX11625,
MAX11632–MAX11635, MAX11642, and MAX11643
4-/8-/12-/16-channel, 8-/10-/12-bit, 3V/5V, low-power, high-
speed SPI ADCs with internal or external references.
There are three EV kit daughter boards that evaluate
the various ADCs. Each daughter board comes with
one ADC installed, but other pin-compatible ADCs can
be installed by the user. See the Ordering Information/
Selector Guide section to select the desired EV kit
daughter board and ADC.
Carefully connect the EV kit daughter board to the
master board by aligning the EV kit daughter board’s
20-pin connector (J1) with the 20-pin header (J1) of the
master board. Gently press them together.
Voltage Reference
An on-board 2.5V voltage reference (U2) is provided
on the EV kit daughter board. U3 is a user-supplied
reference and is not installed. To use a user-supplied
reference voltage, install U3 with the desired reference
voltage and change the shunt on jumper JU2 to the
1-2 position. Alternatively, the user can also supply the
reference voltage to the REF+ or REF- test point after
removing the shunt from JU2. For more information about
the 4.096V reference voltage ADCs, refer to the indi-
vidual IC data sheet.
Power Supply
By default, the EV kit daughter board is powered from the
master board. Jumper JU1 selects between a 5V supply
and a 3.6V supply. The output voltage can be monitored
on the VDD test point. To use an external power supply,
remove the shunt from JU1 and apply user-supplied
power to the VDD test point. The power-supply range is
between 3.6V and 5.5V.
When evaluating the 5V part, as shown on the Ordering
Information/Selector Guide, see Tables 2, 3, and 4.
Evaluating the 5V Parts
When evaluating the 5V parts (MAX1030, MAX1230,
MAX11624, MAX11632, MAX11634, and MAX11642), see
Tables 2, 3, and 4 to properly set jumpers JU1 and JU2.