72044-03 9/23/99
Power-Up Sequence
The SMH4811 is an integrated power controller for hot
swappable add-in cards. The device operates from a
single supply ranging from 20V to 500V and generates the
signals necessary to drive isolated output DC/DC con-
The SMH4811 hot-swap controller provides under-volt-
age and over-voltage monitoring of the host power sup-
ply, it drives an external power MOSFET switch that
connects the supply to the load. It also protects against
over-current conditions that might disrupt the host supply.
When the input and output voltages to the SMH4811
controller are within specification, the SMH4811 provides
a “Power Good” logic output that may be used to turn ON
a load or drive an LED status light. There is a master
enable/temperature sense input and 2.5V and 5V refer-
ence outputs for expanding monitor functions.
Insertion Process
As the add-in board is inserted into the backplane, physi-
cal connections must be made with the chassis to dis-
charge any electrostatic voltage potentials. The board
then contacts the long pins on the backplane that provide
power and ground. As soon as power is applied the
SMH4811 starts up but does not immediately apply power
to the output load. Under-voltage and over-voltage cir-
cuits inside the controller check to see if the input voltage
is within a user-specified range, and pin detection signals
determine whether the card is seated properly.
tPDD after these requirements are met, the hot-swap
controller enables Vgate to turn on the power MOSFET
switch. The Vgate output is current limited to IVGATE,
allowing the slew rate to be easily modified using external
passive components. During the controlled turn-on pe-
riod, the Vds of the MOSFET is monitored by the drain
sense input. When Vds drops below a user-specified
voltage the power output is considered to be ON. The
resistor and diode in series with the drain sense input
determine Vds(ON).
Provided there is no sustained over-current condition
during start-up, the SMH4811 turns on the loads with the
Power Good logic outputs. Three DC/DC converters can
be connected to the outputs and their turn-on is
sequenced by pre-programmed delays. If a sustained
over-current condition occurs during or after the insertion
process, then Vgate is shorted to Vss and the MOSFET
switch is turned off to protect the host supply.
Circuit Breaker Operation
The SMH4811 provides a circuit breaker function to
protect against over current conditions. A sustained over-
current event could damage the host supply and/or the
load circuitry. The board’s load current passes through a
series resistor connected between MOSFET source/
CBSense and Vss on the controller. The breaker will trip
whenever the voltage drop across the series resistor is
greater than 50mV for more than tCBD, and will trip
instantaneously if the voltage drop exceeds VQCB.
When the breaker trips, the Vgate output is turned off and
CBFault# will be driven LO. In duty-cycle mode, the circuit
breaker resets automatically after a fixed time period. If
the over current condition still exists after reset, the circuit
will re-trip. The MOSFET can be switched off by holding
the CBReset input LO.
The value of the over-current sense resistor is determined
by the following formula: Rs = 50mV/Ioc where Rs is the
value of the sense resistor and Ioc is the over current limit
determined by the board’s power requirement or the limit
of the host supply.
Current Sense Resistors
Current sense resistors are available from a number of
sources and come in two basic formats: open air sense
resistors and current sense resistor chips. The open air
resistors are metal strips that are available as both thru-hole
and surface mount. The resistor chips are surface mount
and offer excellent thermal characteristics. Both styles are
available in resistance ranges from 3 milliohm to 1 ohm.
IRC (www.irctt.com) is one source for these resistors. The
open air sense resistors can be found in their OARS series,
and the chip resistors are found in their LRC series.
Power Good Delay
The PG delay timer that controls the delay from Vgate to
PG# being asserted can be set to typical values of 5ms,
20ms, 80ms or 160ms.
Quick-Trip Circuit Breaker Threshold
The Quick-Trip circuit breaker threshold can be set to
200mV, 100mV, 60mv or OFF. This is the threshold
voltage drop across RS that is placed between VSS and
Circuit Breaker Delay
The circuit breaker delay defines the period of time the
voltage drop across RS is greater than 50mV but less than
VQCB before the Vgate output will be shut down. This is
effectively a filter to prevent spurious shutdowns of Vgate.
The delays that can be programmed are 5µs, 50µs, 150µs
and 400µs.
Pin Detect
The Pin Detect function can be enabled or disabled.