1,990nm MQW:DFB DE ESHF/KM/LK Coaxial Laser Module FEATURES * Low threshold current and Low operating current * Long life and high reliability High temperature operation up to 75C APPLICATIONS Digital Signal Transmission Telecommunication Local Loop Interoffice and Intraoffice Data communication DESCRIPTION These Multiple Quantum Well (MQW) DFB Lasers are for use in long haul 156/622 Mb/s transmission systems. The uncooled, coaxial design offers a low cost/simplified design alternative to cooled laser LK solutions. The module includes a DFB laser and monitor photodiode. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS and ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Optical Output Power Pfmax 3.0 mw Forward Current (LD) IFmax 150 mA Reverse Voltage (LD) VRmax 2 V Photodiode Reverse Voltage VDRmax 20 Vv oe Tote 20 Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to +90 C Operating Case Temperature Top -25 to +75 C Storage Humidity (Note 1) Xstg 85 % Operating Humidity (Note 1) Xop 85 % Note 1. Storage or operating within 500 hours maximum oe FUJITSU March 1999FLD5F8HF/KMW/LK 7,550nm MQW-DFB Coaxial Laser Module OPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc=-25C to +75C unless otherwise specified) Timi Parameter Symbol Conditions Milin Tt | Mek Unit Fiber Output Power PF CW 2.0 - - mw Threshold Current Ith CW 2 - 50 mA Forward Voltage VF CW, Pf=2.0mW - 1.4] 15 V Qutput Power at Bias Pb CW, If=0.9lth - - 150 uw Slope Efficiency S CW, Pf=2.0mWw 33 - 200 uWw/mA Slope Efficiency Ratio - S(Tc)/S(25C) 0.45 - 1.5 - Linearity of dL/dl Svar CW, 0.2 to 2.4mW - - +/-20 % Saturation of dL/di Ssat CW, 0.2 to 2.4mWw -40 - - % Modulation Current Imod CW, Pf=2.0mWw 10 - 60 mA Peak Wavelength dp CW, Pf=2.0mW 1,530 - 11,570 nm Spectral Width (-20dB) AK CW, Pf=2.0mW - - 1.0 nm Sidemode Suppression Ratio SSR CW, Pf=2.0mW 30 - - dB CW, Pf=2.0mW Relative Intensity Noise RIN B.W.=45M to 150MHz - - -120 dB/Hz ORL<-25dB : : T ; Laser Rise Time r Ib=0.9Ith, Ppk=2.0mW 0.1 0.2 ns Laser Fall Time TF 10 to 90% - | 02 | 03 ns Monitor Current Im CW, Pf=2.0mW, VDR=5V | 0.05 - 1.0 mA Monitor Dark Current ID VDR=5V - 1 500 nA Monitor Capacitance Ct VDR=5V, f=1 MHz - 6 10 pF Monitor Frequency Response fc VDR=5V, RL=50Q 100 - - MHz Flatness of Photodiode _ VDR=5V, RL=50 . - fad dB Frequency Response 0 to 10 MHz . . _ CW, VDR=5V, _ _ ; of, Linearity of Pf-Im 0.2 to 2.4mw, +/-10 1c Tc=-25 to 75C Tracking Error TE Pf=2.0mW at Tc=25C - - |4/-1.0 dB APC with monitor PD Note: The characteristics are guaranteed under optical back reflection of less than -20dB, unless otherwise specified. FUJITSU =a March 19997,550nm MQW-DFB Coaxial Laser Module FLD5F8HF/KM/LK Fig. 1 Forward Current vs Output Power Fig. 2 Forward Voltage vs Forward Current Te=+25C 3.0 ] 7 100 2.5 | = 7 i /, 80 E oo L2sch _/r25c To=+75C < ir / / = > = 60 S15 f 5 5 5 a 10 2 40 3 o 0.5 f ir I/) JV 20 0 A 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 Forward Current, If (mA) 0 05 10 15 20 Forward Voltage, Vf (V) Fig. 3 Spectrum Fig. 4 Temperature Dependance of Threshold Current Te=t+25C 100 = 50 oo z 2 2 20 a 5 10 Oo g 2s 2 3 =& 2 1 1545 1550 1555 -40 --20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Wavelength (nm) Case Temperature, Tc (C) oe =e FUJITSUFLD5F8HF/KM/LK 1:90nm Mowe Coaxial Laser Module Fig. 5 Temperature Dependance Fig. 6 Temperature Dependance of Wavelength of Slope Efficiency 1570 200 Pf=2.0mW Pf=2.0mW =. 160 E 1560 = " s < 120 & 1550 = > c S 80 3 2 g 1540 io 2 40 Oo ) 1530 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Case Temperature, Tc (C) Case Temperature, Tc (C) Fig. 7 Tracking Fig. 8 Frequency Response Te=+25C Im is Constant (Pf=2.0mW) * To=+25C _ Pf-2.0mW 0.8 Ip-p=2mA a a +3 ZS 04 2 5 a wu OO 6 0 2 g 6 -0.4 a e r -3 -0.8 -1.2 -6 -40 -20 0O 20 40 60 980 100 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 Case Temperature, Tc (C) Frequency, f (MHz) March 1999 oe FUJITSU =1,550nm MQW-DFB Coaxial Laser Module Pf=2.0mW Ibias=0.9x\Ith Relative Optical Output (dB) Fig. 9 Pulse Response Time (0.5nsec./div) T FLD5F8HF/KM/LK Fig. 10 Transmission Characteristics 25C 10% 677.99 Mb/s, Ib=0.9 Ith Ppk=2.0mW, PRBS=2?-1, NRZ Tc=+70C o0km e@120km A120km,BR=-14dB 106 Bit Error Rate 10 | 1010 10 -40 -35 Average Received Optical Power (dBm) HF PACKAGE 014.0#0.2 11,320.15 P.C.D. 2.54 1,640.15 UNIT: mm 26.3 MAX. 26.15 MAX. 3-00.4520.05 @0.9+0.1 10.0 MIN. 31.0 MAX. 1000 MIN. Edition 1.0 March 1999 oe FUJITSUFLD5F8HF/KM/LK. 2:20 More Coaxial Laser Module KM PACKAGE UNIT: mm x a. _ = | 8 L a So a 32 MAX. | 1000 MIN. | a @ YY 2. SX LK PACKAGE UNIT: mm 2-92,5? @6.0 MAX. 12,720.15 1000 MIN. @ Ss) a PAL 2. co FUJ ITSU March 19991,550nm MQW-DFB FLD5F8HF/KMW/LK Coaxial Laser Module For further information please contact: FUJITSU COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. Americas & R.O.W. CAUTION Fujitsu Compound Semiconductor Products contain gallium arsenide 2355 Zanker Rd. (GaAs) which can be hazardous to the human body and the environment. San Jose, CA 95131-1138, U.S.A. For safety, observe the following procedures: Phone: (408) 232-9500 FAX: (408) 428-9111 + Do not put this product into the mouth. 55 Schanck Road, ; ; Suite A-2 - Do not alter the form of this product into a gas, powder, or liquid through burning, crushing, or chemical processing as these by-products Freehold, NJ 07728-2964, U.S.A. are dangerous to the human body if inhaled, ingested, or swallowed. Phone: (732) 303-0282 ob. tt 4 lati hen discarding thi . * Observe government laws and company regulations when discarding this FAX: (732) 431-3393 product. This product must be discarded in accordance with methods specified by applicable hazardous waste procedures. www.ticsi.fujitsu.com FUJITSU MIKROELECTRONIK GmbH Quantum Devices Division Network House Norreys Drive Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4FJ, UK Phone:+44 (0)1628 504800 FAX:+44 (0)1628 504888 FUJITSU QUANTUM DEVICES, LTD. Asia & Japan 2-7-1, Nishi Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0721 Japan Phone: 3-5322-3356 FAX: 3-5322-3398 Fujitsu Limited reserves the right to change products and specifications without notice. The information does not convey any license under rights of Fujitsu Limited or others. 1999 FUJITSU COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. Printed in U.S.A. FCSI0199M200 oe FUJITSU March 1999