Planning Guide 05/2003 Edition simodrive AC Servomotors 1FT5 SIMODRIVE 611 SIMODRIVE 611 AC Servomotors 1FT5 Motor Description 1 Technical Data and Characteristics 2 Motor Components (Options) 3 Dimension Drawings 4 References Planning Guide Index 05.2003 Edition 3ls SIMODRIVE Documentation Printing history Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below. The status of each edition is shown by the code in the "Remarks" column. Status code in the "Remarks" column: A . . . . . New documentation B . . . . . Unrevised reprint with new Order No. C . . . . . Revised edition with new status If factual changes have been made on the page since the last edition, this is indicated by a new edition coding in the header on that page. Edition Order No. for 1FK6 05.03 6SN1197-0AD01-0BP0 Remark A This Manual is included in the documentation available on CD-ROM (DOCONCD) Edition Order No. Remark 09.03 6FC5 298-7CA00-0BG3 C Trademarks SIMATIC, SIMATIC HMI, SIMATIC NET, SIROTEC, SINUMERIK, SIMODRIVE, MASTERDRIVES and MOTION-CONNECT are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Other names in this publication might be trademarks whose use by a third party for his own purposes may violate the rights of the registered holder. For more information refer to the Internet under: Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when servicing. The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to the hardware and software described. Nonetheless, differences might exist and therefore we cannot guarantee that they are completely identical. The information contained in this document is reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the next edition. We welcome suggestions for improvement. Subject to change without prior notice. This publication was produced with Interleaf V 7 Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved. Order No.6SN1197-0AD05-0BP0 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Siemens-Aktiengesellschaft Foreword Information on SIMODRIVE documentation This document is part of the Technical Customer Documentation which has been developed for the SIMODRIVE system. All of the documents are available individually. You can obtain the complete list of documentation encompassing all Advertising Brochures, Catalogs, Overviews, Short Descriptions, Operating Instructions and Technical Descriptions with Order No., ordering address and price from your local Siemens office. For reasons of transparency, this document does not include detailed information about all of the product types. Further, it cannot take into account every conceivable installation, operation or service/maintenance situation. We would also like to point-out that the contents of this document are neither part of nor modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment or contractual relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation of Siemens. The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any statements contained herein neither create new warranties nor modify the existing warranty. Structure of the documentation for 1FK and 1FT motors The complete Planning Guide for 1FK and 1FT motors can be ordered as hard copy. Table Foreword-1 Planning Guide with General Section and 1FK and 1FT motors Title Order No. (MLFB) Language 1FK and 1FT AC Servomotors 6SN1197-0AC20-0AP0 German 1FK and 1FT AC Servomotors 6SN1197-0AC20-0BP0 English The General Section and the individual motor series are also available separately. Table Foreword-2 Planning Guide, individual sections Title Order No. (MLFB) Language AC Servomotors, General Section 6SN1197-0AD07-0AP0 German AC Servomotors, 1FK7 Motor Section 6SN1197-0AD06-0AP0 German AC Servomotors, 1FK6 Motor Section 6SN1197-0AD05-0AP0 German AC Servomotors, 1FT6 Motor Section 6SN1197-0AD02-0AP0 German AC Servomotors, 1FT5 Motor Section 6SN1197-0AD01-0AP0 German Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition v 1 Kapitel 05.03 Hotline If you have any questions, please contact the following Hotline: A&D Technical Support Tel.: +49 (180) 5050-222 Fax: +49 (180) 5050-223 eMail: If you have any questions regarding the documentation (suggestions, corrections) then please send a fax to the following number: +49 (9131) 98-2176 Fax form: Refer to the feedback sheet at the end of the document Definition of qualified personnel For the purpose of this document and warning information on the product itself, "Qualified personnel" are those who are familiar with the installation, mounting, start-up and operation of the equipment and are appropriately qualified and trained for the function which they perform. vi Trained and authorized to energize/de-energize, circuits and equipment in accordance with established safety procedures. Trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with established safety procedures. Trained in rendering first aid. Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Foreword 05.03 Explanation of the symbols The following danger and warning concept is used in this document: ! ! ! Danger This symbol is always used if death, severe personal injury or substantial material damage will result if proper precautions are not taken. Warning This symbol is always used if death, severe personal injury or substantial material damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. Caution This symbol is always used if minor personal injury or material damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. Caution The warning note (without a warning triangle) means that material damage can occur if proper precautions are not taken. Notice This warning note indicates that an undesirable result or an undesirable status can occur if the appropriate information is not observed. Note In the sense of this document there is a possible advantage/benefit if the note text is observed. Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition vii Foreword 05.03 Danger and warning information ! ! ! Danger It is not permissible to commission the equipment until it has been clearly identified that the machine, in which the described components are to be installed, is in full compliance with the specifications in Directive 98/37/EC. Only appropriately qualified personnel may commission SIMODRIVE units and AC motors. This personnel must take into account the technical customer documentation belonging to the product and be knowledgeable and observe the specified information and instructions on the hazard and warning labels. When electrical equipment and motors are operated, the associated electrical circuits are at hazardous voltage levels. When the machine or system is operated, hazardous axis movements can occur. All of the work carried-out in the electrical machine or system must be carried-out with it in a no-voltage condition. SIMODRIVE drive units are designed for operation on low-ohmic, grounded line supplies (TN line supplies). Warning The successful and safe operation of this equipment and motors is dependent on proper transport, storage, installation and mounting as well as careful operator control, service and maintenance. For special versions of the drive units and motors, information and data in the catalogs and quotations additionally apply. In addition to the information and instructions on hazards and warnings in the technical customer documentation supplied, the applicable national, local and machine/system-specific regulations and requirements must be carefully taken into consideration. Caution The motors can have surface temperatures of over +80 C. This is the reason that it is not permissible that temperature-sensitive parts and components - e.g. cables or electrical components - are in contact with the motor or fastened to the motor. When connecting and routing connecting cables, the following must be carefully observed: - they may not be damaged - they may not be strained, and - they may not be able to be touched by rotating components. viii Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Foreword 05.03 Caution SIMODRIVE drive units with AC motors are subject to a voltage test, in compliance with EN 50178 as part of a routine test. While the electrical equipment of industrial machines is being subject to a voltage test in compliance with EN 60204-1, Section 19.4, all of the SIMODRIVE equipment connections must be disconnected/withdrawn in order to avoid damaging the SIMODRIVE equipment. Motors should be connected-up according to the circuit diagram supplied. It is not permissible to directly connect the motors to the three-phase line supply. Motors will be destroyed if they are connected directly to the three-phase line supply. Note SIMODRIVE equipment with AC motors fulfill, in the operational state and in dry operating areas, the Low-Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC. SIMODRIVE equipment with AC motors fulfill, in the configurations which are specified in the associated EC Declaration of Conformity, the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC. Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition ix Foreword 05.03 ESDS information and instructions ! Caution ElectroStatic Discharge Sensitive devices (ESDS) are individual components, integrated circuits or boards which can be damaged by electrostatic fields or electrostatic discharge. Handling ESDS boards: The human body, working area and packaging should be well grounded when handling ESDS components! Electronic components may only be touched by people in ESDS areas with conductive flooring if - they are grounded through an ESDS wrist strap - they are wearing ESDS shoes or ESDS shoe grounding strips. Electronic boards should only be touched when absolutely necessary. Electronic boards may not come into contact with synthetic materials and clothing manufactured out of man-made fibers. Electronic boards may only be placed down on conductive surfaces (table with ESDS surface, conductive ESDS foam rubber, ESDS packing bag, ESDS transport containers). Electronic boards may not be brought close to data terminals, monitors or television sets (minimum clearance to screen > 10 cm). Measuring work may only be carried out on the electronic boards if - the measuring device is grounded (e.g. via the protective conductor) or - for floating measuring equipment, the probe is briefly discharged before making measurements (e.g. a bare control housing is touched). x Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Table of Contents 1FT5 1 Motor Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/1-13 1.1 Features and technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/1-13 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 Order designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order designation, standard types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Order designation, core types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/1-14 1FT5/1-14 1FT5/1-16 1.3 Technical version, 1FT5 motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/1-18 1.4 Functions and expanded functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/1-23 1.5 Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/1-29 1.6 Electrical connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/1-31 1.7 Drive-out coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/1-33 Technical Data and Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/2-35 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 Speed-torque diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/2-35 1FT5/2-36 1FT5/2-64 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 Cantilever force diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Standard motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/2-70 1FT5/2-71 1FT5/2-74 2.3 Axial forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/2-75 Motor Components (Options) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/3-77 3.1 Thermal motor protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/3-77 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Encoders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tachogenerator system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROD 320.005 incremental encoders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROD 426 incremental encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mounting encoders with synchronous flange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/3-79 1FT5/3-80 1FT5/3-81 1FT5/3-83 1FT5/3-86 3.3 Holding brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/3-87 3.4 Working brake (option C00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/3-88 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 Gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-stage planetary gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-stage planetary gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/3-89 1FT5/3-89 1FT5/3-91 4 Dimension Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-95 5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/A-121 6 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-125 2 3 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5-11 Table of Contents 1FT5 05.03 Space for your notes 1FT5-12 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 1 1.1 Features and technical data Applications The 1FT5 series has been developed for use on different types of machine tools. In conjunction with the SIMODRIVE 611 analog drive converter system, the motors are admirably suited for Feed drives for lathes and milling machines Machining centers Grinding and special-purpose machines Robots and handling equipment Woodworking The 1FT5 series can be directly mounted onto feed spindles and onto gearboxes with toothed wheels or toothed belts. Features Depending on the shaft height, the 1FT5 series has stall torques from 0.9 up to 185 Nm at rated speeds from 1200 to 6000 RPM. The motors have a high overload capacity over the complete speed control range. Standards, Regulations The appropriate Standards, Regulations are directly assigned to the functional requirements. Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/1-13 Motor Description 05.03 1.2 Order designation 1.2 Order designation Structure of the order designation The order designation comprises a combination of digits and letters. It is sub- divided into four hyphenated blocks. The first block has seven positions and designates the machine type. Additional features are coded in the second block. The third and fourth blocks are provided for additional data. 1.2.1 Order designation, standard types 1 F T 5 . . . - 0 . . 7 1 - 1 - Z Electrical machine Synchronous motor AC Servomotor Series Frame size Length Designation, standard type Cooling type A = Non-ventilated S = Force-ventilated Rated speed A = 1200 RPM C = 2000 RPM F = 3000 RPM G = 4000 RPM K = 6000 RPM DC link voltage 7 = 600 V Type of construction 1 = IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) Connection type Power connector connection + bracket for the signal connection Additional data with code 1FT5/1-14 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.2 Order designation Supplementary data for standard types and options Plain text data Degree of protection Brief designation IP 67 (not for force-ventilated motors) IP 68 (not for force-ventilated motors) 7) 7) K93 M24 Second rating plate (this is standard for core types) K31 Cable entry from the drive end K83 4) 7) 11) Cable entry from the non-drive end K84 4) 7) rotated through 180 (with respect to the Standard) K85 7) Radial shaft sealing acc. to DIN 3760 K18 Shaft end: Smooth shaft K42 Connector outlet direction 1) Vibration severity (ISO 2373) Severity R (reduced) K01 600 to 1800 RPM >1800 to 3600 RPM v0.71 mm/s v1.12 mm/s Shaft and flange precision, tolerance R acc. to DIN 42955 Motor with mounted pulse encoder 5000 pulses/revolutions 7) 2500 pulses/revolutions 7) 2000 pulses/revolutions 7) 1000 pulses/revolutions 7) K04 9) H28 H27 H26 H22 The motor is prepared for mounting an encoder (incremental or absolute) with synchronous flange 2) 7) 11) G51 Motor with mounted ROD 320 pulse encoder 3) 6) 5000 pulses/revolutions 7) 2500 pulses/revolutions 7) 2000 pulses/revolutions 7) 1250 pulses/revolutions 7) H04 G44 G42 H01 Holding brake (integrated) 8) G45 Motor with mounted planetary gear Working brake; mounted 10) 11) V 4) 11) Prepared with a retrofit kit for mounting an encoder (G51) with mounting instructions 5) C00 EWN: 519.4033804: 1FT5034 to 1FT5036 519.4033803: 1FT5042 to 1FT5046 519.4033801: 1FT5062 to 1FT5066 519.4033802: 1FT5072 to 1FT5108 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Standard version corresponding to the dimension drawings For 1FT503, 1FT504 absolute value encoder mounting, only on request; not for force-ventilated motors For 1FT503, 1FT504not possible; not for force-ventilated motors For 1FT503, 1FT504 and 1FT506 not possible Only available ex-stock up to 2 motors per motor version Limiting frequency: 300 kHz; motors may only be designed for a winding temperature rise T=60 K. Cannot be combined with an axial connector outlet at the non-drive end. 7) Options mutually exclude one another 8) For motors with brake, axial forces are not permissible in operation 9) Pulse encoder with axial cable outlet 10) Only vibration severity stage N can be guaranteed for the motor and gearbox unit 11) Not possible for short motors Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/1-15 Motor Description 05.03 1.2 Order designation 1.2.2 Order designation, core types 1 F T 5 . . . - 1 A . 7 1 - . . . 0 Electrical machine Synchronous motor AC Servomotor Series Frame size Length Coding, core type Rated speed A = 1200 RPM C = 2000 RPM F = 3000 RPM G = 4000 RPM K = 6000 RPM Connector outlet direction 1 = transverse, right not for shaft heights 36, 48, 63 2 = transverse, left 3 = axial non-drive end 4 = axial drive end } Encoder system: Integrated tachogenerator/rotor position encoder A Additionally prepared for mounting an encoder 2) E Additional integrated ROD 320 pulse encoder 1) F (only shaft height 63, 73 and 100; 2500 impulses/revolution) Shaft with key and keyway/without holding brake Shaft with key and keyway/with holding brake Smooth shaft/without holding brake Smooth shaft/with holding brake 1FT5/1-16 A B G H Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.2 Order designation Ordering example When ordering a 1FT5 AC servomotor with options, it is necessary to specify the ordering code "-Z" and in addition the short designation. For core types, the last ordering block is appropriately supplemented. The following is required: An AC servomotor To connect to a SIMODRIVE 611 drive converter with a 600 V DC link voltage Rated voltage, 3000 RPM Stall torque, 33 Nm at T = 100 K Type of construction: IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3) Connection type: Power connectors for motors/brake, signal connector for the encoder system With integrated holding brake With mounted ROD 426 pulse encoder (1000 pulses/revolution) The following should be ordered: Order No.: 1FT5 AC servomtoor nN = 3000 RPM, M0 = 33 Nm at T = 100 K 1FT5102-0AF71-1-Z Special version: Codes Integrated holding brake G45 Mounted ROD 426 pulse encoder H22 Order No., core type: Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5102-1AF71-1EB0 (the same motor but only prepared for mounting an encoder) 1FT5/1-17 Motor Description 05.03 1.3 Technical version, 1FT5 motors 1.3 Technical version, 1FT5 motors Table 1-1 Features of 1FT5 standard motors Version Technical features Motor type Permanent-magnet synchronous AC servomotor Type of construction (acc. to EN 60034-7; IEC 60034-7) IM B5 (IM V1, IM V3); option, refer to Table 1-2 Degree of protection (acc. to EN 60034-5; IEC 60034-5) IP 64, option, refer to Table 1-2 Cooling (acc. to EN 60034-6; IEC 60034-6) Non-ventilated; options, refer to Table 1-2 Thermal motor protection (acc. to IEC and EN 60034-11) PTC in the stator winding Shaft end (acc. to DIN 748-3; IEC 60072-1) Cylindrical; with keyway and with key; tolerance zone k6; Option, refer to Table 1-2 Rating plate A second rating plate is provided for core types Radial eccentricity, concentricity and axial eccentricity (acc. to DIN 42955; IEC 60072-1) Tolerance N (normal); options, refer to Table 1-2 Vibration severity (acc. to EN 60034-14; IEC 60034-14) Stage N (normal); options, refer to Table 1-2 Balancing (acc. to IEC and EN 60034-14) Full-key balancing Bearings Deep-groove ball bearings with (permanent lubrication) bearing lifetime > 20000 h Locating bearing on the drive end Stator winding insulation (acc. to EN 60034-1; IEC 60034-1) Temperature rise class F for a winding temperature rise of T = 100 K for an ambient temperature of 40 C. For ambient temperatures > 40 C, the power must be reduced (de-rated) (refer to the documentation "General Section"). Installation altitude (acc. to IEC and EN 60034-1) v 1000 m above sea level, otherwise power de-rating (VDE0530) 2000 m factor 0.94 2500 m factor 0.9 (refer to the documentation "General Section") Magnetic materials Rare earth materials Electrical connection Connector for power and encoder signals Connector outlet direction can be selected Encoder system Integrated analog tachometer Speed sensing Magnetic elements or Hall sensors Rotor position sensing 1FT5/1-18 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.3 Technical version, 1FT5 motors Options Table 1-2 Options Version Technical feature Degree of protection (acc. to EN 60034-5; IEC 60034-5) IP 67, IP 68 (only non-ventilated) Cooling Forced cooling Shaft end (according to DIN 748-3; IEC 60072-1) Cylindrical without keyway (DIN 6885); tolerance zone k6 Radial eccentricity, concentricity, axial eccentricity (DIN 42955; IEC 60072-1) Tolerance R Vibration severity (acc. to EN 60034-14; IEC 60034-14) Stage R Mounted/integrated components Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Fail-safe holding brake; supply voltage 24V"10% (acc. to DIN 0580 7/79) Working brake (shaft height 71, shaft height 100 and shaft height 132) Integrated pulse encoder (shaft height 63 to shaft height 132) Mounted pulse encoder Prepared for mounting an encoder Mounted planetary gearbox 1FT5/1-19 Motor Description 05.03 1.3 Technical version, 1FT5 motors Technical data Core types have a grey background. 100 K values are specified in the table. Table 1-3 nN [RPM] 1200 2000 3000 1FT5/1-20 Technical data of standard 1FT5 motors M0 MN Motor type [Nm] [Nm] 1FT5- 33 45 31 40 55 68 75 90 105 130 Rated drive converter current [A] Pcalc [kW] 102-AA71 104-AA71 12.5 17 12.5 25 3.9 5.0 2 2 4x2.5 4x2.5 5A02-10 5A02-10 47 55 55 65 82 100 106-0AA71 108-0AA71 132-0AA71 134-0AA71 136-0AA71 138-0AA71 20.5 25.5 28 33.5 39 48.5 25 25 40 40 40 80 5.9 6.9 6.9 8.2 10.3 12.6 2 2 2 2 2 3 4x2.5 4x2.5 4x4 4x4 4x6 4x16 5A02-10 5A02-10 5A12-10 5A12-10 5A22-10 5A23-10 95 120 145 185 85 115 135 170 132-0SA71 134-0SA71 136-0SA71 138-0SA71 35 45 54 69 40 80 80 80 10.7 14.5 17.0 21.4 2 2 3 3 4x6 4x10 4x16 4x16 5A22-10 5A32-10 5A23-10 5A23-10 2.6 5.5 8 12 18 22 33 45 55 68 2.4 4.7 6.7 9.5 14 18.5 29 35 39 42.5 062-AC71 064-AC71 066-AC71 072-AC71 074-AC71 076-AC71 102-AC71 104-AC71 106-AC71 108-AC71 1.6 3.3 4.9 7.3 11 13.5 20.5 27.5 33 40 4 4 7.5 7.5 12.5 25 25 40 40 40 0.5 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.9 3.9 6.1 7.3 8.2 8.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x2.5 4x4 4x4 4x6 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A02-10 5A12-10 5A12-10 5A22-10 75 90 105 45 50 60 132-0AC71 134-0AC71 136-0AC71 44 56 59 80 80 80 9.4 10.5 12.6 3 3 3 4x10 4x16 4x16 5A13-10 5A23-10 5A23-10 95 120 145 80 110 130 132-0SC71 134-0SC71 136-0SC71 56 75 81 80 80 3) 80 16.8 23.0 27.2 3 3 3 4x16 4x16 4x25 5A23-10 5A23-10 5A33-10 1 2 3.7 2.6 5.5 8 12 18 22 33 1 1.9 3.4 2.3 4.3 6.1 8.5 12.5 16.5 25 042-AF71 044-AF71 046-AF71 062-AF71 064-AF71 066-AF71 072-AF71 074-AF71 076-AF71 102-AF71 1.1 2.1 3.9 2.4 5.0 7.3 11 17 20 31 4 4 4 4 7,5 7,5 12,5 25 25 40 0.3 0.6 1.1 0.7 1.4 1.9 2.7 3.9 5.2 7.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x2.5 4x4 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A02-10 5A12-10 45 55 68 75 29 28 20 30 104-0AF71 106-0AF71 108-0AF71 132-0AF71 41.5 52 62.5 59 40 80 80 80 9.1 8.8 6.3 23.6 2 3 3 3 4x6 4x16 4x16 4x16 5A22-10 5A23-10 5A23-10 5A23-10 40 58 70 95 36 45 58 75 102-0SF71 104-0SF71 106-0SF71 132-0SF71 37 53 66 75 40 80 80 80 11.3 14.3 18.2 29.8 2 3 3 3 4x6 4x16 4x16 4x16 5A22-10 5A23-10 5A23-10 5A23-10 3) 3) Connector size Cross section 1) [mm2] Cable type 4) Motor current I0 [A] 6FX002- Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.3 Technical version, 1FT5 motors Table 1-3 nN [RPM] 4000 6000 Technical data of standard 1FT5 motors, continued M0 MN Motor type [Nm] [Nm] 1FT5- 2.6 5.5 8 2.2 3.8 5.5 12 18 22 Rated drive converter current [A] Pcalc [kW] 062-AG71 064-AG71 066-AG71 3.2 6.7 9.6 4 7.5 12.5 0.9 1.6 2.3 1 1 1 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 7.5 11 13 072-0AG71 074-0AG71 076-0AG71 14.4 21.5 26.0 25 25 3) 25 3.1 4.6 5.4 1 2 2 4x1.5 4x2.5 4x4 5A01-10 5A11-10 5A12-10 33 10 102-0AG71 38.5 40 4.2 2 4x6 5A22-10 20.5 26 17 21 074-0SG71 076-0SG71 24.5 31.0 25 40 7.1 8.8 2 2 4x2.5 4x4 5A11-10 5A12-10 40 32 102-0SG71 46.5 40 13.4 3 4x16 5A23-10 0.9 1.3 1.0 0.76 1.0 0.9 034-AK71 036-AK71 042-AK71 1.6 2.3 1.7 4 4 4 0.5 0.6 0.56 1 1 1 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 2.0 1.65 044-0AK71 3.4 4 1.0 1 4x1.5 5A01-10 3.7 2.7 046-AK71 6.3 7.5 1.7 1 4x1.5 5A01-10 2.6 5.5 8 12 18 22 2.1 3.0 4.2 5.0 7.0 4.0 062-0AK71 064-0AK71 066-0AK71 072-0AK71 074-0AK71 076-0AK71 4.6 9.8 14.5 21.0 32.0 39.0 7.5 12.5 25 25 40 40 1.3 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.4 2.5 1 1 1 2 2 2 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x2.5 4x4 4x6 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A11-10 5A12-10 5A22-10 20.5 26 12 15 074-0SK71 076-0SK71 36.0 46.0 3) 40 40 7.5 9.4 2 3 4x6 4x16 5A22-10 5A23-10 1 0 Core type No core type Calculating the power Pcalc [kW] + MN n 9550 M [Nm] n [RPM] Connector size Cable type 4) Motor current I0 [A] Cross section 1) [mm2] without brake cable: without overall shield with overall shield with brake cable: without overall shield with overall shield Lengths 2) (examples) 6FX002- A C B D 5m 10 m 15 m 18 m 25 m AF BA BF BJ CF Cables are not included in the scope of supply of the motors - they must be separately ordered. 1) Designed for I0rms = I0[100 k] 2/3 ; ambient temp. 40 C; PVC-insulated cable; brake connection 2x1 mm2. 2) Cables are supplied by the meter; refer to the "General Section" of the documentation for the length code 3) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized acc. to the 100 K winding temperature rise. 4) 6FX8-002 = MOTION-CONNECT 800 6FX5-002 = MOTION-CONNECT 500 Technical data, refer to Catalog NC Z Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/1-21 Motor Description 05.03 1.3 Technical version, 1FT5 motors Table 1-4 nN [RPM] Technical data of short 1FT5 motors M0 MN Motor type [Nm] [Nm] 1FT5- Rated drive converter current [A] Pcalc 2000 3.5 5.5 9 13 19 25 3.1 5 8 12 17 22.5 070-0AC71 071-0AC71 073-0AC71 100-0AC71 101-0AC71 103-0AC71 3.1 5.2 8.2 12.0 18.0 23.0 4 4 7.5 12.5 12.5 25 0.65 1.0 1.7 2.5 3.6 4.7 1 1 1 2 2 2 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x2.5 4x2.5 4x2.5 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A02-10 5A02-10 5A02-10 3000 3.5 5.5 9 13 19 25 3.0 4.8 7.2 11 15 20 070-0AF71 071-0AF71 073-0AF71 100-0AF71 101-0AF71 103-0AF71 3.1 5.2 8.2 12.0 18.0 23.0 4 7.5 12.5 12.5 25 25 0.94 1.5 2.3 3.5 4.7 6.3 1 1 1 2 2 2 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x1.5 4x2.5 4x2.5 4x2.5 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A01-10 5A02-10 5A02-10 5A02-10 [kW] Connector size Cross section 1) [mm2] without brake cable: without overall shield with overall shield with brake cable: without overall shield with overall shield Calculating the power Pcalc [kW] + MN n 9550 Cable type 4) Motor current I0 [A] M [Nm] n [RPM] Lengths 2) (examples) 6FX002- A C B D 5m 10 m 15 m 18 m 25 m AF BA BF BJ CF Cables are not included in the scope of supply of the motors - they must be separately ordered. 1) Designed for I0rms = I0[100 k] 2/3 ; ambient temp. 40 C; PVC-insulated cable; brake connection 2x1 mm2. 2) Cables are supplied by the meter; refer to the "General Section" of the documentation for the length code 3) With the specified power module, the motor cannot be fully utilized acc. to the 100 K winding temperature rise. 4) 6FX8-002 = MOTION-CONNECT 800 6FX5-002 = MOTION-CONNECT 500 Technical data, refer to Catalog NC Z 1FT5/1-22 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.4 Functions and expanded functions 1.4 Functions and expanded functions Armature short-circuit braking For a definition refer to the "General Section" of the documentation. Brake resistors An optimum braking time is achieved by appropriately dimensioning the braking resistors. The braking torques which are obtained are also listed in the tables. The data applies for braking from the rated speed. If the motor brakes from another speed, then the braking time cannot be linearly reduced. However, longer braking times cannot occur. The resistor rating must be coordinated with the particular I2t load capacity, refer to the documentation "General Section". Table 1-5 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft heights 36 and 48 Motor type External braking resistor Ropt [] 1FT5034-AK71 - 4.7 1FT5036-AK71 Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 1.5 1.5 1.9 4.1 3.9 - 4.7 2.3 2.4 3.0 6.6 6.2 1FT5042-AF71 - 1.8 2.3 2.7 1FT5042-AK71 - 7.8 1.7 1.8 2.3 4.8 4.5 1FT5044-AF71 - 2.8 - 5.9 3.6 3.7 2.9 3.6 4.5 6.0 5.8 10.0 9.2 - 2.7 - 3.4 6.9 7.6 4.9 7.2 9.4 1FT5044-0AK71 1FT5046-AF71 1FT5046-AK71 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] 4.5 9.1 12.8 11.9 20.6 18.6 1FT5/1-23 Motor Description 05.03 1.4 Functions and expanded functions Table 1-6 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft height 63 Motor type Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 1FT5062-AC71 - 2.5 3.4 2.9 1FT5062-AF71 - 2.8 3.5 4.1 1FT5062-AG71 - 10.0 - 6.8 1.9 2.8 1.6 2.8 3.4 6.0 5.4 9.1 8.1 1FT5064-AC71 - 4.9 7.5 6.4 1FT5064-AF71 - 4.1 7.5 9.7 1FT5064-AG71 - 4.7 - 3.9 3.5 6.1 2.8 6.1 7.6 13.3 11.9 19.6 17.6 - 5.6 - 3.9 - 3.3 - 2.7 7.0 9.2 5.4 8.9 4.9 9.2 3.7 9.0 11.5 1FT5062-0AK71 1FT5064-0AK71 1FT5066-AC71 1FT5066-AF71 1FT5066-AG71 1FT5066-0AK71 Table 1-7 3.5 7.6 11.3 11.5 11.2 9.8 8.9 14.6 13.1 20.1 18.0 28.8 25.8 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft height 71 Motor type External braking resistor Ropt [] 1FT5072-AC71 - 4.7 - 3.9 - 3.3 - 2.7 - 2.7 - 2.2 - 3.9 - 2.2 1FT5072-AF71 1FT5072-0AG71 1FT5072-0AK71 1FT5074-AC71 1FT5074-AF71 1FT5074-0AG71 1FT5074-0AK71 1FT5/1-24 External braking resistor Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 7.7 10.0 6.5 10.1 5.6 10.3 4.0 9.8 12.5 10.8 9.8 16.5 14.7 22.0 19.5 30.5 27.0 12.3 17.6 10.0 18.0 8.1 17.0 7.0 18.0 21.9 12.5 12.6 12.4 22.0 21.7 22.2 19.0 17.0 29.5 26.5 36.5 32.5 59.0 52.5 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.4 Functions and expanded functions Table 1-7 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft height 71 Motor type External braking resistor Ropt [] 1FT5076-AC71 - 2.2 - 1.5 - 1.2 - 1.0 1FT5076-AF71 1FT5076-0AG71 1FT5076-0AK71 Table 1-8 Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] 16.8 25.5 13.4 25.0 11.5 25.5 8.9 25.5 Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 31.4 27.5 24.5 40.5 36.5 54.5 48.5 80.0 71.5 31.4 31.6 31.6 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft height 100 Motor type External braking resistor Ropt [] 1FT5102-AA71 - 1.8 - 1.2 - 0.82 - 0.82 1FT5102-AC71 1FT5102-AF71 1FT5102-0AG71 1FT5104-AA71 1FT5104-AC71 1FT5104-0AF71 1FT5106-0AA71 1FT5106-AC71 1FT5106-0AF71 1FT5108-0AA71 1FT5108-AC71 1FT5108-0AF71 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 34.0 45.5 25.5 45.0 20.5 45.5 18.0 45.0 56.5 29.5 26.5 48.5 43.5 75.5 67.5 94.5 84.5 - 1.2 - 0.82 - 0.68 49.0 67.5 37.0 68.0 27.5 66.0 82.0 - 1.0 - 0.68 - 0.47 59.5 87.0 43.0 84.0 33.0 82.0 105.0 - 0.82 - 0.56 - 0.39 73.0 102.0 51.0 100.0 43.0 101.0 126.0 56.4 56.6 56.4 82.5 81.5 104.0 103.0 123.0 125.0 44.0 39.5 73.0 65.5 105.0 94.0 56.5 51.0 89.0 80.0 136.0 122.0 71.0 64.5 105.0 93.0 167.0 149.0 1FT5/1-25 Motor Description 05.03 1.4 Functions and expanded functions Table 1-9 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft height 132 1) Motor type External braking resistor Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 1FT5132-0AA71 - 1.0 - 0.56 - 0.56 61.5 98.5 51.0 101.0 35.5 100.0 123.0 65.0 58.0 114.0 103.0 140.0 125.0 - 0.68 - 0.47 77.0 131.0 54.5 124.0 160.0 - 0.56 - 0.47 94.0 166.0 68.0 164.0 206.0 - 0.47 107.0 197.0 245.0 1FT5132-0AC71 1FT5132-0AF71 1FT5134-0AA71 1FT5134-0AC71 1FT5136-0AA71 1FT5136-0AC71 1FT5138-0AA71 Table 1-10 124.0 156.0 204.0 86.5 77.5 137.0 123.0 109.0 98.5 163.0 146.0 130.0 117.0 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft heights 71 and 100 (force-ventilated) Motor type External braking resistor Ropt [] Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 1FT5074-0SG71 - 3.9 - 2.2 8.1 17.0 7.0 18.0 21.7 36.5 32.5 59.0 52.5 - 1.2 - 1.1 11.5 25.5 8.9 25.5 31.6 - 0.82 - 0.82 20.5 45.5 18.0 45.0 56.6 1FT5104-0SF71 - 0.68 27.5 66.0 81.5 105.0 94.0 1FT5106-0SF71 - 0.47 33.0 82.0 103.0 136.0 122.0 1FT5074-0SK71 1FT5076-0SG71 1FT5076-0SK71 1FT5102-0SF71 1FT5102-0SG71 1) 128.0 Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] 22.2 31.6 56.4 54.5 48.5 80.0 71.5 75.5 67.5 94.5 84.5 When utilized acc. to M0 (100 K) a series resistor must be used in order to prevent partial de-magnetization. The additional braking resitor can be eliminated when utilized acc. to M0 (60 K). 1FT5/1-26 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.4 Functions and expanded functions Table 1-11 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft height 132 (force ventilated)1) Motor type External braking resistor Ropt [] Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 1FT5132-0SA71 - 1.0 - 0.56 - 0.56 61.5 98.5 51.0 101.0 35.5 100.0 123.0 65.0 58.0 114.0 103.0 140.0 125.0 - 0.68 - 0.47 77.0 131.0 54.5 124.0 160.0 - 0.56 - 0.47 94.0 166.0 68.0 164.0 206.0 - 0.47 107.0 197.0 245.0 1FT5132-0SC71 1FT5132-0SF71 1FT5134-0SA71 1FT5134-0SC71 1FT5136-0SA71 1FT5136-0SC71 1FT5138-0SA71 1) 128.0 124.0 156.0 204.0 86.5 77.5 137.0 123.0 109.0 98.5 163.0 146.0 130.0 117.0 When utilized acc. to M0 (100 K) a series resistor must be used in order to prevent partial de-magnetization. The additional braking resitor can be eliminated when utilized acc. to M0 (60 K). Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/1-27 Motor Description 05.03 1.4 Functions and expanded functions Table 1-12 Resistor braking for 1FT5 motors, shaft heights 71 and 100 (short motors) Motor type Average braking torque Mbr rms [Nm] Max. braking torque Mbr max [Nm] RMS braking current Ibr rms [A] 1FT5070-0AC71 - 2.8 3.7 3.0 1FT5070-0AF71 - 2.4 3.6 4.4 1FT5071-0AC71 - 4.3 6.3 5.5 1FT5071-0AF71 - 3.8 6.4 8.5 1FT5073-0AC71 - 4.7 - 3.9 7.2 9.1 5.9 9.1 11.3 9.7 8.8 14.7 13.3 - 3.3 - 2.7 10.0 14.5 8.0 14.5 18.1 - 2.2 - 1.5 15.0 24.0 11.9 23.5 29.0 - 1.5 - 1.2 21.0 34.0 16.0 34.5 42.4 1FT5073-0AF71 1FT5100-0AC71 1FT5100-0AF71 1FT5101-0AC71 1FT5101-0AF71 1FT5103-0AC71 1FT5103-0AF71 1FT5/1-28 External braking resistor Ropt [] 11.3 18.0 28.7 42.7 15.8 14.3 23.8 21.4 26.0 23.5 39.0 34.5 38.0 34.0 56.5 50.5 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.5 Cooling 1.5 Cooling The different cooling types (non-ventilated and force-ventilated) are described in the "General Section" documentation. Forced ventilation Degree of protection: IP 54 (acc. to EN 60529). IP 67 cannot be fulfilled. It is not permissible that the hot discharged air is drawn-in again. The separately-driven fan can be retrofitted. However, the following measures must be carefully observed. For shaft height 100, only a Siemens-authorized workshop may do the retrofit work. In some cases, the motors have larger power connectors as a result of the higher torques and the associated higher phase currents. Shaft heights 71, 100 and 132 differ as follows: Shaft heights 100 and 132: Air flow direction from the drive end to non-drive end Air is drawn-in from the non-drive end through the corners of the extruded profile housing usig a mounted radial fan. The modified dimensions can be taken from the dimension drawings. Connection system: Terminal box Supply voltage: 3-ph. 400/460 V AC, 50/60 Hz Maximum current: 0.4 A Weight of the cooling assembly: approx. 5.6 kg Fig. 1-1 L1 L2 L3 U1 V2 W3 W2 U2 V2 Fan connection for shaft heights 100/132 Shaft height 71: Air flow direction from the non-drive end to drive end When the direction of the air flow is reversed, the torque yield is reduced by approx. 20 %. Mechanical changes to the motor with respect to non-ventilated versions: - The power connector is set about 12 mm higher. - A sheet metal envelope is located over the motor frame from the non-drive end side. The axial fan is mounted in this sheet metal envelope. As a result of the recesses in the sheet metal envelope at the connectors, at these locations, the motor is only partially cooled with air (three-sided cooling). - The motor dimensions can be taken from the dimension drawings. Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/1-29 Motor Description 05.03 1.5 Cooling Connection system:: Supply voltage: Maximum current: Weight of the fan assembly: Connector assignment: Connector 1), 6FX2003-0CA10 1-ph. 230/260 V AC, 50/60 Hz 0.3 A approx. 4.8 kg Fan connection (AH 71) L1 5 4 N 6 1 2 Minimum clearance between mounted components and the air discharge opening The following minimum clearance to customer-specific mounted components and the air discharge opening must be maintained: Table 1-13 1) Minimum clearance to customer-specific components Shaft height [mm] Minimum clearance [mm] 71 20 100 30 132 60 Power connector, Size 1 1FT5/1-30 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.6 Electrical connections 1.6 Electrical connections The motors have been designed to be connected to a 600 V DC link voltage with an impressed squarewave current. Together with the analog SIMODRIVE 611 drive unit, these motors form a complete drive system. For DC link voltages which differ from 600 V (max. 700 V), the voltage limiting characteristic is shifted as described in the "General Section" documentation. Note When a drive converter is, for example, connected to a 480 V line supply, then DC link voltages > 600 V are obtained. The following restriction then applies: Shaft heights 36, 48, 63, 71 may only be utilized according to T=60 K limit values. ! Warning The motors are not suitable for connecting directly to the line supply. Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/1-31 Motor Description 05.03 1.6 Electrical connections Connection assignment, power and signal connectors og bk rd U V W 3 M G LG rt bl BR+ BR- bu bk pk whgn gy rd rd rd whbn whbn whbn gn ye wh bn vt 9 10 1 2 3 5 4 Signal connector 8 11 12 7 6 Power connector 3UN6...9 V 9 1 8 10 12 7 2 11 4 1FT5/1-32 W bk - + rd BR+ rd U og 6 3 Fig. 1-2 BR- bu yegy 5 Connection assignment: Power, brake, tachogenerator, encoder and temperature sensor Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Description 05.03 1.7 Drive-out coupling 1.7 Drive-out coupling For the ordering address, refer to the documentation "General Section" or the Internet Table 1-14 Assignment of the drive-out couplings to the motors Shaft height Rotex GS Type Torques which can be transferred with 98 Sh-A-GS pinion TKN [Nm] TKmax [Nm] 63 24/28 60 120 71 28/32 160 320 100 38/45 325 650 It may be necessary to use other pinions (e.g. Shore hardness 80 SH-A). This must be optimally harmonized together with the mounted mechanical system. ! Warning The accelerating torque may not exceed the clamping torque of the coupling! Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/1-33 Motor Description 05.03 1.7 Drive-out coupling Space for your notes 1FT5/1-34 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 2 Technical Data and Characteristics 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Note DC link voltages > 600 V occur when the motors are fed from drive converters connected to 480 V line supplies. The following restrictions apply: - Shaft heights 36, 48, 63 and 71 may only be utilized to T = 60 K. - Shaft heights 100 and 132 may still be utilized to T = 100 K. For a description of the shift of the voltage limiting characteristics, refer to the documentation "General Section". The specified thermal S3 limits are referred to T = 100 K. Note For 1FT5 motors, the rotor moment of inertia is specified without tachometer. Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-35 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams 2.1.1 Standard motors Table 2-1 Standard 1FT5034 motor 1FT5034 Technical data Code Units -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 6000 0.76 1.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.6 0.74 0.67 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 9000 3.6 6.5 1.4 kT kE Rstr LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 0.58 70 16.3 21.8 1.3 6.5 40 2.6 2.4 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) K 3.2 2.8 1) 2.4 M [Nm] 2.0 1.6 S3-25% 1.2 S3-60% 0.8 S1 0.4 0 n [RPM] 0 Fig. 2-1 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5034 1) applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-36 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-2 Standard 1FT5036 motor 1FT5036 Technical data Code Units -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 6000 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.3 1.03 0.96 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 9000 5.2 9.5 2.5 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 0.58 70 8.6 13.7 1.5 4.9 45 3.3 3.1 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 4.5 K 4.0 3.5 1) 3.0 2.5 S3-25% 2.0 S3-60% 1.5 S1 1.0 0.5 0 0 Fig. 2-2 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5036 1) applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-37 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-3 Standard 1FT5042 motor 1FT5042 Technical data Code Units -0AF71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 3000 1.0 1.1 0.75 1.0 0.8 1.1 2.11 1.73 6000 0.9 1.6 0.75 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.11 1.73 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 5500 4.0 4.5 2.5 8300 4.0 7.0 1.9 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 0.95 115 28.2 48.4 1.7 11.0 40 3.5 3.2 0.60 75 11.8 20.3 1.7 11.0 40 3.5 3.2 F K Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 4.5 4.0 3.5 1) 1) 3.0 2.5 2.0 S3-25% 1.5 S3-60% 1.0 S1 0.5 0 0 Fig. 2-3 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5042 1) applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-38 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-4 Standard 1FT5044 motor 1FT5044 Technical data Code Units -AF71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 3000 1.9 2.2 1.5 2.0 1.6 2.1 3.14 2.8 6000 1.65 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.4 3.14 2.8 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 5500 8.0 8.5 5.0 8300 8.0 14.0 3.6 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 0.95 115 9.0 24.2 2.8 5.4 45 4.5 4.2 0.60 72 3.4 9.5 2.8 5.4 45 4.5 4.2 F K Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 9 8 7 1) 1) 6 5 4 S3-25% 3 S3-60% 2 S1 1 0 0 Fig. 2-4 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5044 1) applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-39 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-5 Standard 1FT5046 motor 1FT5046 Technical data Code Units -AF71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 3000 3.4 3.9 2.8 3.7 3.0 3.9 5.31 4.93 6000 2.7 5.1 2.8 3.7 4.8 6.3 5.31 4.93 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 5500 14.8 16.0 8.0 8300 14.8 26.0 6.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 0.95 115 3.1 11.7 3.8 3.4 50 6.7 6.4 0.59 71 1.2 4.6 3.8 3.4 50 6.7 6.4 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 18 F 16 K 14 1) 1) 12 10 8 6 S3-25% S3-60% 4 S1 2 0 0 Fig. 2-5 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5046 1) applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-40 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-6 Standard 1FT5062 motor 1FT5062 Technical data Code Units -AC71 -AF71 -AG71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 2.4 1.6 2.2 2.6 1.3 1.6 5.76 4.7 3000 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.6 2.0 2.4 5.76 4.7 4000 2.2 2.9 2.2 2.6 2.7 3.2 5.76 4.7 6000 2.1 4.1 2.2 2.6 3.9 4.6 5.76 4.7 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3200 10.4 6.6 5.0 4800 10.4 10.0 5.0 6400 10.4 13.5 4.9 8600 10.4 20.0 4.8 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.65 187 15.1 85.3 5.6 6.3 25 7.5 6.5 1.10 125 7.1 38.1 5.6 6.3 25 7.5 6.5 0.82 93 3.8 21.0 5.6 6.3 25 7.5 6.5 0.56 62 1.7 9.3 5.6 6.3 25 7.5 6.5 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 9 C 8 F G K 7 2) 2) 2) 2) 6 5 4 S3-25% 3 S3-60% 2 S1 1 0 0 Fig. 2-6 2) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5062 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-41 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-7 Standard 1FT5064 motor 1FT5064 Technical data Code Units -AC71 -AF71 -AG71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 4.7 3.1 4.5 5.5 2.7 3.3 9.36 8.3 3000 4.3 4.2 4.5 5.5 4.1 5.0 9.36 8.3 4000 3.8 5.1 4.5 5.5 5.5 6.7 9.36 8.3 6000 3.0 5.9 4.5 5.5 8.0 9.8 9.36 8.3 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3200 22 14.0 10.0 4800 22 20.0 10.0 6400 22 29.0 9.8 8600 22 42.0 9.6 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.65 187 5.0 39.3 7.5 3.0 30 9.5 8.5 1.10 125 2.2 17.5 7.5 3.0 30 9.5 8.5 0.82 93 1.2 9.5 7.5 3.0 30 9.5 8.5 0.56 63 0.56 4.4 7.5 3.0 30 9.5 8.5 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 18 C 16 F G K 14 2) 2) 2) 2) 12 10 8 S3-25% 6 S3-60% 4 S1 2 0 0 Fig. 2-7 2) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5064 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-42 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-8 Standard 1FT5066 motor 1FT5066 Technical data Code Units -AC71 -AF71 -AG71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 6.7 4.4 6.5 8.0 3.9 4.9 12.86 11.8 3000 6.1 6.1 6.5 8.0 6.0 7.3 12.86 11.8 4000 5.5 7.3 6.5 8.0 7.9 9.6 12.86 11.8 6000 4.2 8.3 6.5 8.0 11.6 14.5 12.86 11.8 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3200 32 20.0 14.8 4900 32 31.0 14.8 6400 32 41.0 14.8 8600 32 61.0 14.4 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.65 187 2.8 25.6 9.2 2.4 35 11.5 10.5 1.09 123 1.2 11.4 9.2 2.4 35 11.5 10.5 0.82 93 0.68 6.3 9.2 2.4 35 11.5 10.5 0.56 63 0.37 3.4 9.2 2.4 35 11.5 10.5 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 36 C 32 F G K 28 24 2) 2) 2) 2) 20 16 12 8 S3-25% 4 S3-60% S1 0 0 Fig. 2-8 2) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5066 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-43 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-9 Standard 1FT5072 motor 1FT5072 Technical data Code Units -AC71 -AF71 -AG71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 9.5 6.3 10.0 12.0 6.1 7.3 30.3 22.8 3000 8.5 8.4 10.0 12.0 9.1 11.0 30.3 22.8 4000 7.5 9.8 10.0 12.0 12.0 14.5 30.3 22.8 6000 5.0 9.9 10.0 12.0 17.5 21.0 30.3 22.8 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3200 40 29.0 15.0 4800 40 43.0 16.0 6300 40 60.0 18.0 7000 40 89.0 16.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.64 186 2.6 23.2 11 4.4 35 15 13.5 1.10 124 1.2 10.3 11 4.4 35 15 13.5 0.84 95 0.63 5.7 11 4.4 35 15 13.5 0.57 65 0.32 2.9 11 4.4 35 15 13.5 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 36 C 32 F G K 28 2) 24 2) 2) 2) 20 16 S3-25% 12 S3-60% 8 4 S1 0 0 Fig. 2-9 2) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5072 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-44 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-10 Standard 1FT5074 motor 1FT5074 Technical data Code Units -AC71 -AF71 -AG71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 14.0 9.3 14.0 18.0 8.5 11.0 44.2 36.7 3000 12.5 13.0 14.0 18.0 13.0 17.0 44.2 36.7 4000 11.0 14.0 14.0 18.0 16.5 21.5 44.2 36.7 6000 7.0 14.1 14.0 18.0 25.0 32.0 44.2 36.7 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3200 56 45.0 24.0 4900 56 67.0 24.5 6200 56 90.0 24.5 7000 56 104.0 22.5 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.64 186 1.2 13.2 11 3.3 40 18.5 17.2 1.08 122 0.52 5.6 11 3.3 40 18.5 17.2 0.85 96 0.33 3.6 11 3.3 40 18.5 17.2 0.57 65 0.14 1.5 11 3.3 40 18.5 17.2 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 45 C 40 F G K 35 2) 2) 2) 2) 30 25 20 S3-25% 15 S3-60% 10 S1 5 0 0 Fig. 2-10 2) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5074 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-45 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-11 Standard 1FT5076 motor 1FT5076 Technical data Code Units -AC71 -AF71 -AG71 -AK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 18.5 12.0 18.0 22.0 11.5 13.5 58.4 50.9 3000 16.5 16.0 18.0 22.0 16.5 20.0 58.4 50.9 4000 13.0 17.0 18.0 22.0 21.5 26.0 58.4 50.9 6000 4.0 9.0 18.0 22.0 32.0 39.0 58.4 50.9 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3200 72 52.0 39.0 4800 72 78.0 38.0 6200 72 110 36.0 7000 72 163 36.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.63 185 0.75 9.1 12 2.8 45 22.5 21 1.10 125 0.35 4.2 12 2.8 45 22.5 21 0.85 96 0.20 2.4 12 2.8 45 22.5 21 0.57 65 0.093 1.1 12 2.8 45 22.5 21 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 90 C 80 F G K 70 60 2) 2) 2) 2) 50 40 30 S3-25% 20 S3-60% 10 S1 0 0 Fig. 2-11 2) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5076 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-46 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-12 Standard 1FT5102 motor 1FT5102 Technical data Code Units -AA71 -AC71 -AF71 -0AG71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 31.0 12.0 27.0 33.0 9.9 12.5 151 136 2000 29.0 19.0 27.0 33.0 16.5 20.5 151 136 3000 25.0 25.0 27.0 33.0 25.0 31.0 151 136 4000 10.0 13.0 27.0 33.0 31.5 38.5 151 136 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 1900 108 47.0 52.0 3200 108 80.0 57.0 4900 108 120.0 57.0 6200 108 164.0 45.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.74 310 0.9 14.2 16 3.3 45 36 31 1.64 186 0.33 5.2 16 3.3 45 36 31 1.08 122 0.14 2.2 16 3.3 45 36 31 0.86 97 0.097 1.4 16 3.3 45 36 31 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 90 A 80 C F G 70 1) 1) 1) 60 1) 50 S3-25% 40 30 S3-60% 20 10 S1 0 0 Fig. 2-12 1) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5102 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-47 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-13 Standard 1FT5104 motor 1FT5104 Technical data Code Units -AA71 -AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 40.0 16.0 37.0 45.0 14.0 17.0 210 185 2000 35.0 23.0 37.0 45.0 22.5 27.5 210 185 3000 29.0 29.0 37.0 45.0 34.0 41.5 210 185 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 1900 148 64.0 80.0 3200 148 110.0 78.0 4800 148 164.0 80.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.72 308 0.56 9.5 18 2.8 50 43 39 1.66 188 0.2 3.5 18 2.8 50 43 39 1.09 123 0.095 1.7 18 2.8 50 43 39 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 180 A 160 C F 140 1) 1) 1) 120 100 80 60 S3-25% 40 S3-60% S1 20 0 0 Fig. 2-13 1) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5104 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-48 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-14 Standard 1FT5106 motor 1FT5106 Technical data Code Units -0AA71 -AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 47.0 19.0 45.0 55.0 17.0 20.5 264 239 2000 39.0 25.0 45.0 55.0 26.8 33.0 264 239 3000 28.0 29.0 45.0 55.0 42.5 52.0 264 239 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 1900 180 80.0 90.0 3200 180 130.0 98.0 5000 180 200.0 102.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.72 308 0.39 7.4 19 2.5 50 49 45 1.68 190 0.15 2.9 19 2.5 50 49 45 1.06 120 0.066 1.2 19 2.5 50 49 45 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 180 A 160 C F 140 1) 120 1) 1) 100 80 S3-25% 60 S3-60% 40 S1 20 0 0 Fig. 2-14 1) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5106 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-49 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-15 Standard 1FT5108 motor 1FT5108 Technical data Code Units -0AA71 -AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 55.0 22.0 55.0 68.0 20.5 25.5 315 290 2000 42.5 27.0 55.0 68.0 32.5 40.0 315 290 3000 20.0 21.0 55.0 68.0 50.5 62.5 315 290 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 2000 220 95.0 120.0 3100 220 164.0 120.0 4900 220 247.0 125.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.29 5.8 19 2.4 55 55 51 1.70 192 0.13 2.5 19 2.4 55 55 51 1.09 123 0.054 1.0 19 2.4 55 55 51 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 225 A 200 C F 175 1) 150 1) 125 1) 100 S3-25% 75 S3-60% 50 25 S1 0 0 Fig. 2-15 1) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5108 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-50 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-16 Standard 1FT5132 motor 1FT5132 Technical data Code Units -0AA71 -0AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 55.0 22.0 60.0 75.0 22.5 28.0 539 464 2000 45.0 29.0 60.0 75.0 35.5 44.0 539 464 3000 30.0 27.0 60.0 75.0 47.5 59.0 539 464 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 2000 240 112.0 129.0 3100 240 186.0 115.0 3200 240 236.0 112.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.28 6.4 23 3.3 80 82 75 1.71 194 0.10 2.3 23 3.3 80 82 75 1.27 144 0.062 1.4 23 3.3 80 82 75 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 225 A 200 C F 175 150 1) 1) 1) 125 100 S3-25% 75 S3-60% 50 S1 25 0 0 Fig. 2-16 1) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5132 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-51 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-17 Standard 1FT5134 motor 1FT5134 Technical data Code Units -0AA71 -0AC71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 65.0 26.0 75.0 90.0 28.0 33.5 665 590 2000 50.0 34.0 75.0 90.0 47.0 56.0 665 590 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 2000 300 134.0 164.0 3200 300 222.0 156.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.19 4.8 25 3.1 85 102 95 1.61 182 0.073 1.8 25 3.1 85 102 95 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 360 A 320 C 280 1) 1) 240 200 160 120 S3-25% 80 S3-60% S1 40 0 0 Fig. 2-17 1) 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5134 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-52 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-18 Standard 1FT5136 motor 1FT5136 Technical data Code Units -0AA71 -0AC71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 82.0 33.0 85.0 105.0 31.5 39.0 791 716 2000 60.0 37.0 85.0 105.0 47.5 59.0 791 716 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 1900 340 156.0 180.0 2900 340 234.0 170.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.14 3.8 27 2.8 90 122 115 1.79 203 0.063 1.7 27 2.8 90 122 115 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 360 A 320 C 1) 280 1) 240 200 160 S3-25% 120 S3-60% 80 S1 40 0 0 Fig. 2-18 1) 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5136 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-53 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-19 Standard 1FT5138 motor 1FT5138 Technical data Code Units -0AA71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 100.0 40.0 105.0 130.0 39.0 48.5 980 905 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 2000 420 194.0 220.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.11 3.2 29 2.7 100 152 145 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 450 A 400 350 1) 300 250 200 S3-25% 150 S3-60% 100 S1 50 0 0 Fig. 2-19 1) 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5138 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-54 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-20 Standard 1FT5074 motor, force ventilated 1FT5074 Technical data Code Units -0SG71 -0SK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 4000 17.0 22.0 16.0 20.5 19.0 24.5 44.2 36.7 6000 12.0 23.0 16.0 20.5 28.0 36.0 44.2 36.7 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 6200 56 90.0 24.5 7000 56 104.0 22.5 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 0.85 96 0.33 3.6 11 3.0 40 23.5 22 0.57 65 0.14 1.5 11 3.0 40 23.5 22 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 45 G 40 K 35 1) 1) 30 25 20 15 S1 10 5 0 0 Fig. 2-20 1) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5074, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-55 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-21 Standard 1FT5076 motor, force ventilated 1FT5076 Technical data Code Units -0SG71 -0SK71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 4000 21.0 27.0 20.5 26.0 24.5 31.0 58.4 50.9 6000 15.0 29.0 20.5 26.0 36.0 46.0 58.4 50.9 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 6200 72 110.0 36.0 7000 72 163.0 36.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 0.85 96 0.20 2.4 12 2.9 45 27.5 26 0.57 65 0.093 1.1 12 2.9 45 27.5 26 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 90 G 80 K 70 60 1) 1) 50 40 30 20 S1 10 0 0 Fig. 2-21 1) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5076, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-56 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-22 Standard 1FT5102 motor, force ventilated 1FT5102 Technical data Code Units -0SF71 -0SG71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 3000 36.0 36.0 34.0 40.0 31.5 37.0 161 136 4000 32.0 40.0 34.0 40.0 39.5 46.5 161 136 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 4900 108 120.0 57.0 6200 108 164.0 45.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.08 122 0.14 2.2 16 3.5 45 39 35 0.86 97 0.097 1.4 16 3.5 45 39 35 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 90 F 80 G 1) 70 1) 60 50 40 S1 30 20 10 0 0 Fig. 2-22 1) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5102, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-57 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-23 Standard 1FT5104 motor, force ventilated 1FT5104 Technical data Code Units -SF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 3000 45.0 45.0 48.0 58.0 44.0 53.0 210 185 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 4800 148 164.0 80.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.09 123 0.095 1.7 18 3.0 50 47 43 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 180 F 160 1) 140 120 100 80 60 S1 40 20 0 0 Fig. 2-23 1) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5104, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-58 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-24 Standard 1FT5106 motor, force ventilated 1FT5106 Technical data Code Units -SF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 3000 58.0 59.0 57.0 70.0 54.0 66.0 264 239 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 5000 180 200.0 102.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.06 120 0.066 1.2 19 2.8 50 53 49 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 180 F 160 140 1) 120 100 80 60 S1 40 20 0 0 Fig. 2-24 1) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5106, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-59 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-25 Standard 1FT5132 motor, force ventilated 1FT5132 Technical data Code Units -0SA71 -0SC71 -0SF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 85.0 34.0 70.0 95.0 26.0 35.0 539 464 2000 80.0 50.0 70.0 95.0 41.0 56.0 539 464 3000 75.0 64.0 70.0 95.0 55.5 75.0 539 464 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 1900 240 112.0 129.0 3000 240 186.0 115.0 3200 240 236.0 110.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.28 6.4 23 3.5 80 87 80 1.71 194 0.10 2.3 23 3.5 80 87 80 1.27 144 0.062 1.4 23 3.5 80 87 80 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 225 A 200 C F 175 1) 1) 150 1) 125 100 75 S1 50 25 0 0 Fig. 2-25 1) 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5132, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-60 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-26 Standard 1FT5134 motor, force ventilated 1FT5134 Technical data Code Units -0SA71 -0SC71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 115.0 46.0 90.0 120.0 34.0 45.0 665 590 2000 110.0 74.0 90.0 120.0 56.0 75.0 665 590 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 1900 300 134.0 164.0 3200 300 222.0 156.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.19 4.8 25 3.2 85 107 100 1.61 182 0.073 1.8 25 3.2 85 107 100 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 360 A 320 C 280 1) 240 1) 200 160 120 S1 80 40 0 0 Fig. 2-26 1) 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5134, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-61 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-27 Standard 1FT5136 motor, force ventilated 1FT5136 Technical data Code Units -0SA71 -0SC71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 135.0 54.0 110.0 145.0 41.0 54.0 791 716 2000 130.0 78.0 110.0 145.0 61.5 81.0 791 716 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 1900 340 156.0 180.0 2900 340 234.0 170.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.14 3.8 27 2.8 90 127 120 1.79 203 0.063 1.7 27 2.8 90 127 120 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 360 A 320 C 1) 280 1) 240 200 160 S1 120 80 40 0 0 Fig. 2-27 1) 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5136, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-62 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-28 Standard 1FT5138 motor, force ventilated 1FT5138 Technical data Code Units -0SA71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 1200 170.0 67.0 140.0 185.0 52.0 69.0 980 905 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 1900 420 194.0 220.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 2.70 306 0.11 3.2 29 2.7 100 157 150 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 450 A 400 1) 350 300 250 200 S1 150 100 50 0 0 Fig. 2-28 1) 160 320 480 640 800 960 1120 1280 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5138, force ventilated applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-63 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams 2.1.2 Short motors Table 2-29 Short motor 1FT5070 1FT5070 Technical data Code Units -0AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 3.1 2.0 3.0 3.5 1.8 2.1 16.5 9.0 3000 3.0 2.8 3.0 3.5 2.6 3.1 16.5 9.0 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3000 12 8.0 6.0 4600 12 12.0 6.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.72 195 16.35 85.2 5.3 10.2 25 9.0 7.5 1.15 130 7.86 39.1 5.3 10.2 25 9.0 7.5 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 18 16 C 14 F 12 10 1) 1) 8 6 S3-25 % 4 S3-60 % 2 S1 0 0 Fig. 2-29 1) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5070 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-64 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-30 Short motor 1FT5071 1FT5071 Technical data Code Units -0AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 5.0 3.4 4.5 5.5 2.9 3.5 20.5 13 3000 4.8 5.0 4.5 5.5 4.3 5.2 20.5 13 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3300 18 13.0 8.0 5000 18 21.0 8.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.59 180 6.44 43.8 6.8 6.7 30 10 8.5 1.06 120 2.90 18.9 6.8 6.7 30 10 8.5 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 18 C 16 F 14 12 1) 1) 10 8 S3-25 % 6 S3-60 % 4 S1 2 0 0 Fig. 2-30 1) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5071 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-65 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-31 Short motor 1FT5073 1FT5073 Technical data Code Units -0AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 8.0 5.3 7.0 9.0 4.3 5.5 27.5 20 3000 7.2 7.2 7.0 9.0 6.4 8.2 27.5 20 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3200 28 21.0 15.2 4800 28 32.0 15.4 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.64 186 3.06 25.7 8.5 4.5 35 12 10.5 1.1 124 1.35 11.4 8.5 4.5 35 12 10.5 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 36 C 32 F 28 24 1) 1) 20 16 12 S3-25 % 8 S3-60 % 4 S1 0 0 Fig. 2-31 1) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5073 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-66 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-32 Short motor 1FT5100 1FT5100 Technical data Code Units -0AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 12.0 7.9 10.0 13.0 6.2 8.0 84 59 3000 11.0 11.0 10.0 13.0 9.2 12.0 84 59 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 3200 40 32.0 19.5 4800 40 47.0 20.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.63 185 1.4 15.7 11 6.2 35 19.5 15.5 1.09 123 0.62 7.0 11 6.2 35 19.5 15.5 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 45 C 40 F 35 30 1) 1) 25 20 15 S3-25 % 10 S3-60 % 5 S1 0 0 Fig. 2-32 1) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5100 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-67 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-33 Short motor 1FT5101 1FT5101 Technical data Code Units -0AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 17.0 11.0 15.0 19.0 9.4 12.0 110 85 3000 15.0 15.0 15.0 19.0 14.5 18.0 110 85 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 2700 60 46.0 32.0 4200 60 66.0 35.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.61 182 0.71 9.4 14 4.8 40 23 19 1.06 120 0.33 4.2 14 4.8 40 23 19 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 90 80 C 70 F 60 1) 1) 50 40 30 20 S3-25 % 10 S3-60 % S1 0 0 Fig. 2-33 1) 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5101 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage 1FT5/2-68 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.1 Speed-torque diagrams Table 2-34 Short motor 1FT5103 1FT5103 Technical data Code Units -0AC71 -0AF71 nN MN (100 K) IN M0 (60 K) M0 (100 K) I0 (60 K) I0 (100 K) Jmot Jmot RPM Nm A Nm Nm A A 10-4 kgm2 10-4 kgm2 2000 22.5 15.0 19.0 25.0 12.0 16.0 195 110 3000 20.0 20.0 19.0 25.0 17.5 23.0 195 110 nmax Mmax Imax Mlimit RPM Nm A Nm 2700 76 62.0 45.0 4200 76 93.0 45.0 kT kE Rph. LD Tel Tmech Tth m m Nm/A V/1000 RPM Ohm mH ms ms min kg kg 1.60 181 0.47 6.5 17 3.8 45 26 22 1.10 124 0.20 3.0 17 3.8 45 26 22 Engineering data Rated speed Rated torque (100 K) Rated current Standstill torque (60 K) Standstill torque (100 K) Standstill current (60 K) Standstill current (100 K) Moment of inertia (with brake) Moment of inertia (without brake) Limiting data Maximum speed Maximum torque Max. current Limiting torque Physical constants Torque constant Voltage constant Winding resistance Rotating field inductance Electrical time constant Mechanical time constant Thermal time constant Weight (with brake) Weight (without brake) M [Nm] 90 C 80 F 70 1) 1) 60 50 40 30 S3-25 % 20 S3-60 % 10 S1 0 0 Fig. 2-34 1) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 n [RPM] Speed-torque diagram, 1FT5103 applies for a 600 V DC link voltage Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-69 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.2 Cantilever force diagrams 2.2 Cantilever force diagrams Cantilever force stressing Point of application of cantilever forces FQ at the shaft end for average operating speeds for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h x FQ l Fig. 2-35 Force application point at the drive shaft end Dimension x: Distance between the point of application of force FQ and the shaft shoulder in mm. Dimension l: Length of the shaft end in mm. Calculating the pre-tensioned belt force FR = 2 < M0 < c/dR FR [N] M0 [Nm] dR c Belt pre-tension force Motor standstill torque Effective diameter of the belt pulley Pre-tension factor for the accelerating torque Experience values for toothed belts c = 1.5 to 2.2 Experience values for flat belts c = 2.2 to 3.0 When using other configurations, the actual forces, generated from the torque being transferred, must be taken into account. FR 1FT5/2-70 FQper Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.2 Cantilever force diagrams 2.2.1 Standard motors Cantilever force 1FT5034 to 1FT5036 FQ N 300 n=2000 RPM n=3000 RPM n=4500 RPM n=6000 RPM n=8000 RPM 200 100 0 0 Fig. 2-36 10 20 23 30 x [mm] Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h Cantilever force 1FT5042 to 1FT5046 FQ 600 N n=2000 RPM 400 n=3000 RPM 300 n=4500 RPM n=6000 RPM n=8000 RPM 200 100 0 0 Fig. 2-37 10 20 30 x [mm] Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-71 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.2 Cantilever force diagrams Cantilever force 1FT5062 to 1FT5066 FQ n=120 RPM 2200 N 41Cr4V 1800 1600 n=300 RPM 1400 1200 n=600 RPM 1000 n=1000 RPM 800 n=1500 RPM n=2000 RPM n=3000 RPM 600 n=6000 RPM 400 0 Fig. 2-38 10 20 30 40 x [mm] Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h Cantilever force 1FT5072 to 1FT5076 FQ 2400 n=120 RPM N 2000 41Cr4V 1800 n=300 RPM 1600 1400 n=600 RPM 1200 n=1000 RPM 1000 800 n=1500 RPM n=2000 RPM n=3000 RPM n=6000 RPM 600 400 0 Fig. 2-39 10 20 30 40 50 60 x [mm] Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h 1FT5/2-72 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.2 Cantilever force diagrams Cantilever force 1FT5102 to 1FT5104 FQ 6000 N 5000 4500 n=120 RPM St60-2 4000 3500 n=300 RPM 3000 2500 n=600 RPM n=1000 RPM n=1500 RPM n=2000 RPM n=3000 RPM n=6000 RPM 2000 1500 1000 0 Fig. 2-40 10 20 30 40 50 60 x [mm] Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h Cantilever force 1FT5132 to 1FT5136 FQ 14000 n=60 RPM N St60-2 12000 11000 10000 n=120 RPM 9000 8000 n=300 RPM 7000 6000 n=600 RPM 5000 n=1000 RPM n=1500 RPM n=2000 RPM n=3000 RPM n=4000 RPM n=6000 RPM 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 10 Fig. 2-41 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 x [mm] Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-73 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.2 Cantilever force diagrams 2.2.2 Short motors Cantilever force 1FT5070 to 1FT5071 FQ 2200 n=60 RPM N 1800 St60-2 1600 1400 n=120 RPM 1200 1000 n=300 RPM 800 n=600 RPM n=1000 RPM n=1500 RPM n=3000 RPM n=6000 RPM 600 400 200 0 Fig. 2-42 10 20 30 40 x [mm] Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h Cantilever force 1FT5100, 1FT5101, 1FT5103 FQ 3000 N 2500 n=120 RPM 2250 2000 n=300 RPM 1750 1500 n=600 RPM 1250 n=1000 RPM 1000 n=1500 RPM n=2000 RPM n=3000 RPM 750 500 0 Fig. 2-43 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 x [mm] Cantilever force FQ at a distance x from the shaft shoulder for a nominal bearing lifetime of 20 000 h 1FT5/2-74 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.3 Axial forces 2.3 Axial forces Axial force stressing ! Warning Axial forces are not permissible for motors with integrated holding brake! When using, e.g. helical gearwheels as drive element, in addition to the radial force, the motor bearings are also subject to an axial force. For axial forces, the spring-loading of the bearings can be overcome so that the rotor moves corresponding to the axial bearing play present (up to 0.2 mm). The permissible axial force can be approximately calculated using the following formula: FA = 0.35 < FQ Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/2-75 Technical Data and Characteristics 05.03 2.3 Axial forces Space for your notes 1FT5/2-76 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 3 3.1 Thermal motor protection A temperature sensor is integrated in the stator winding to sense the motor temperature and provide thermal motor protection. Temperature sensor, type Q63100-P426-M135 Characteristics acc. to DIN 44081 Characteristics PTC thermistor Use For motors with the following shaft heights: shaft heights 36 and 48: 2 integrated PTC thermistors (in series) shaft heights 63 and 132: one integrated PTC thermistor Resistance when cold (20 C): t 250 Response temperature: 155 C $5 C Connection: via the encoder cable The change in resistance is not proportional to the change in the winding temperature. The evaluation circuit signal in the SIMODRIVE drive converter must externally evaluated. High short-term overload conditions require additional protective measures as a result of the thermal coupling time of the sensor. The cables for the temperature sensor are included in the pre-assembled encoder cable. Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/3-77 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.1 Thermal motor protection ! Caution The integrated temperature sensor protects the servomotors against overload conditions: Shaft heights 36 and 48 from shaft height 63 to 2<I0 60 K to 4<I0 60 K Sufficient protection is no longer provided for thermally critical load situations, e.g. a high overload condition at motor standstill. This means that as an additional protective measure, it is necessary, for example, to use a thermal overcurrent relay. 104 RKL 4000 1330 103 550 350 250 102 TKL Fig. 3-1 1FT5/3-78 TNAT+15K TNAT-5K T NAT T NAT+5K TNAT-20K 25 C -20 C 101 TNAT = Response temperature Resistance characteristic Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.2 Encoders 3.2 Encoders Prepared for mounting encoders using a synchronous flange ROD 426 Incremental encoders 1FU1050 Tach. system 1FU1030 Tach. system Motor types ROD 320.005 Overview of the encoders used Incremental encoders Table 3-1 1FT5 03 X X X 1FT5 04 X X X 1FT5 06 X X X X 1FT5 07 X X X X 1FT5 10 X X X X 1FT5 13 X X X X Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/3-79 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.2 Encoders 3.2.1 Tachogenerator system Version: Brushless analog encoder system Coupling: Via a taper on the drive end (this is integrated in the motor) Function: Tachometer to sense the speed actual value Magnetic elements or Hall switch system as rotor position encoder for inverter control Trapezoidal voltage signals from the tachogenerator Absolute signal for the rotor position 18 pieces of information per motor revolution Output signals: Connection: Table 3-2 Connector with pre-assembled encoder cable Technical data, 1FU tachometer system 1FU1030 Technical data 1FU1050 Hall switch system Magnetic elements Speed (mech. limiting speed) 8000 RPM 8000 RPM Peak value, phase voltage at the rated speed 16/40 V 40 V Voltage tolerance +15 %, -5 % $8 % Voltage calibration $20 % $20 % Peak ripple v1% v 0.5 % Linearity error v 0.2 % v 0.2 % Reversing error v 0.2 % v 0.2 % Encoder cable: 6FX202-2CB31-0 Length 5 = MOTION-CONNECT 8 = MOTION-CONNECT Mating connector: 1FT5/3-80 500 800 6FX2003-0CE12 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.2 Encoders 3.2.2 ROD 320.005 incremental encoders Version: Optical encoder system with different pulse numbers (refer to the Catalog) Coupling: Via a taper on the drive end (this is integrated in the motor) Application: Indirect measuring system for digital position control loop Evaluation: Incremental Output signals: Squarewave; RS422 (TTL) Connection: Connector Table 3-3 Technical data, ROD 320.005 pulse encoder Mech. speed Electr. speed Operating voltage Current drain Frequency range max. 8500 RPM Dependent on the pulse number (refer below) 5 V DC $5 % v150 mA (without load) 0 to 300 kHz Edge clearance Delay Va0 to Va1 and Va2 Output load capacity a 420 ns td 50 ns Ihigh DC 20 mA Ilow DC 20 mA; CLoad 1000 pF Short-circuit strength Briefly, all outputs with respect to 0 V; 1 output continuously at 25 C Light source Vibration-proof LED Operating temperature -30 C to +100 C Intrinsic moment of inertia 0.035<10-4 kgm2 Weight 0.25 kg Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/3-81 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.2 Encoders A+ A- a B+ B- td R+ R- Fig. 3-2 Signal characteristic for clockwise direction of rotation The servomotors may only be utilized for an overtemperature for T = 60 K. Maximum electrical speed: nmax = fg<103<60 [RPM] Pulse number fg [kHz] Limiting frequency (-3dB) Connection assignment for 17-pin flange-mounted socket with pin contacts PIN No. A B Signal A+ B+ C, J, K D E F G H N, P, T R, S L +5 V A- B- R+ R- Shield 0V Bridge Vas 1) A M L B C N T K P R S J H G D E F When viewing the plug-in side (pins) Mating connector: 6FC9348-7AV01 (socket) Pre-assembled cable: refer to Catalog NC Z 1) Fault signal: LED monitoring 1FT5/3-82 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.2 Encoders 3.2.3 ROD 426 incremental encoder Version: Optical encoder system with different pulse numbers (refer to the Catalog) Coupling: At the non-drive end through a bellows-type or plate-spring coupling (mounted at the motor); synchronous flange Application: Indirect measuring system for digital position control loop Output signals: squarewave; RS422 (TTL) 2 channels offset through 90 electr. one zero pulse per revolution Evaluation: Incremental Connection: Connector Table 3-4 Technical data, ROD426 pulse encoder Speed Operating voltage Current drain Frequency range max. 12 000 RPM 5 V DC 5 % v150 mA (without load) 0 kHz to 300 kHz Signal edge Minimum edge clearance Va1 to Va2 Electrical resolution RS 422 (TTL) w 0.45 s at 300 kHz Degree of protection (acc. to DIN 40050) Operating temperature Storage temperature -30 C to +100C -30 C to +80 C Vibration stressing (acc. to DIN IEC 68-2-6) Shock stressing (acc. to DIN IEC 68-2-29) 100 m/s2 (50...2000 Hz) Moment of inertia of the mounting encoder incl. the coupling and motor shaft 0.0175<10-4 kgm2 Moment of inertia of the encoder 1.45<10-6 kgm2 Weight 0.25 kg Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 500 to 5000 pulses/revolution (corresponds to the resolution of the pulse disk); for external multiplication, up to 20 000 pulses/revolution without shaft input: IP 67 with shaft input: IP 64 1000 m/s2 (11 ms) 1FT5/3-83 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.2 Encoders A+ A- B+ B- R+ R- 1FT5/3-84 Fig. 3-3 Signal characteristic for a clockwise direction of rotation Fig. 3-4 1FT5 servomotor with mounted encoder Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.2 Encoders Connection assignment for 12-pin connectors with pin contacts PIN No. Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B- +5 V Sense R+ R- A+ A- Uas1) B+ not connected 0V 0 V Sense +5 V 1 2 9 8 10 12 7 3 11 6 4 5 When viewing the plug-in side (pins) Mating connector: 6FX2003-0CE12 (socket) Pre-assembled cable: refer to Catalog NC Z 1) Fault signal: LED monitoring Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/3-85 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.2 Encoders 3.2.4 Mounting encoders with synchronous flange For this particular version, the ROD 426 incremental encoder is mounting-compatible Order designation: G51 Application: SIMODRIVE sensor incremental encoder with synchronous flange: - 6FX2001-2 with RS 422 (TTL) - 6FX2001-3 with sinusoidal 1Vpp - 6FX2001-4 with HTL as well as mounting-compatible encoders SIMODRIVE sensor absolute value encoder with synchronous flange: - 6FX2001-5S with SSI interface - 6FX2001-5E with EnDat interface - 6FX2001-5P with Profibus DP interface as well as mounting-compatible encoders B Fig. 3-5 Type B "1 1FT503 5.9 1FT504 7.1 1FT506 6.3 1FT507 5.9 1FT510 5.9 1FT513 5.9 Mounting absolute angular encoders with standard pulse encoder flange at motors 1FT503 to 1FT513 1FT5/3-86 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.3 Holding brake 3.3 Holding brake For a description of the function, refer to the "General Section" documentation. The holding brake can be retrofitted! This does not change the motor length. Table 3-5 Motor type Technical data of the holding brakes used for 1FT5 motors Brake type Holding torques M4 1) [Nm] 20 C Dyn. torque M1m [Nm] 120 C 120 C DC current Power drain [W] [A] Opening time t2 1) [ms] Closing time 1) [ms] Moment of inertia [10-4 kgm2] Highest switching work 2) 4) [J] Standard motors, force-ventilated 1FT503 EBD 0.11B 1.2 1.0 0.75 0.3 7.5 20 10 0.07 24 1FT504 EBD 0.2B 2.0 1.5 1.3 0.6 13 40 20 0.4 122 1FT506 EBD 0.8B 12 10 7 0.7 16 55 15 1.1 291 1FT507 EBD 2B 28 23 13 0.93 22 100 30 7.6 1005 1FT510 EBD 4B 100 80 43 1.4 32 180 20 32 2150 3) 1FT513 EBD 8B 200 140 60 1.7 40 260 70 76 9870 Short motors 1FT507 EBD 0.4B 6.5 5 3.5 0.8 20 30 15 1.1 148 1FT510 EBD 2.2B 20 15 13 0.9 22 70 35 9.5 987 M1m = Average dynamic torque determined from the slip time t3 M4 = Torque which can be transmitted taking into account the max. solenoid temperature, fluctuations in the frictional coefficient and spread of characteristic data Refer to the "General Section" documentation for a definition of torques and switching times in compliance with VDE 0580. 1) 2) 3) Standardized acc. to VDE 0580 with resistor and diode for each emergency stop with n=3000 RPM for each emergency stop with n=2000 RPM 4) W=1/2 *Jtot * 2; Jtot in [kgm2], in [1/s], W in [J] Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/3-87 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.4 Working brake (option C00) 3.4 Working brake (option C00) The working brake is a fail-safe brake. This means that the brake is closed when it is in a no-current condition. However, the brake can be released in the no-voltage condition using a manual release lever. The working brake cannot be ordered in conjunction with an integrated or mounted position encoder. Further, the brake can only be mounted to standard non-ventilated motors (not for 1FT503, 1FT504, 1FT506 and not for short motors). Mounting: Degree of protection: Connection: Circuit connection: Dimensions: Non-drive end IP 54 24 V DC through a terminal box as for the holding brake refer to Section 4. Braking torque M can be subsequently reduced by up to 50% using the setting ring. Table 3-6 Motor type Technical data, working brake Brake type Brake torque m at speed n [Nm] [RPM] Max. speed Highest switching power [RPM] [kJ/h] Ratedpower [W] Interlockingtime Moment of inertia [ms] [10-4 kgm2] Highest switching work (nominal value) [MJ] 1FT507 13A 32 250 4000 460 38 40 5 175 1FT510 16A 60 250 3500 570 60 85 14 345 1FT513 19A 130 125 3000 640 75 100 38 440 1FT5/3-88 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.5 Gearbox 3.5 Gearbox Engineering, refer to the "General Section" documentation. 3.5.1 1-stage planetary gearbox L15 2 L13 d L14 D4 l F k K2 Fig. 3-6 1FT5 series with 1-stage planetary gearbox (alpha company), dimensions, refer to Table 3-7 Table 3-7 1FT5 series with 1-stage planetary gearbox (alpha company) Standard motor version Type 1-stage planetary gearbox Dimensions Type Motor mit planetary gearbox Dimensions Dimensions k l d F 1FT5034 181 23 11 70 1FT5036 206 287 1FT5042 165 265 1FT5044 190 1FT5046 240 340 1FT5062 241 355 1FT5064 281 1FT5066 321 435 1FT5072 273 418 1FT5074 323 1FT5076 373 1FT5102 352 1FT5104 402 1FT5106 452 637 1FT5108 502 687 1FT5132 429 625 1FT5134 479 1FT5136 529 725 1FT5138 604 800 30 40 50 14 19 24 92 115 142 SP 060-MF1 SP 075-MF1 SP 100-MF1 SP 140-MF1 L13 L14 L15 D1 D3 D4 D9 F4 K2 F2 20 28 129 60 16 5.5 68 62 262 70 20 30 30 36 58 82 156 202 257 70 90 130 22 32 40 6.6 9 11 85 120 165 76 101 141 290 395 468 90 100 140 518 537 58 82 32 48 190 260 SP 180-MF1 SP 210-MF1 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 30 38 82 105 297 339 160 180 55 75 13 17 215 250 182 212 587 675 190 260 1FT5/3-89 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.5 Gearbox Gearbox selection for 1-stage planetary gearbox Table 3-8 Selection for 1-stage planetary gear (alpha company, SP series) Ordering data: 1FT5-0A71-1-Z Order No. of the motor (standard type) with codes -Z and V Code for mounting the planetary gear assigned to the specific motor Motor type Planetary gearbox 1-stage non-ventilated Available gearbox ratios i = 4...10 Rotary play v 4 arcmin 2) Type Weight approx. [kg] 4 1.5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1FT5076 X X X X 1FT5102 X X X X X X X X 1FT5106 X X X X 1FT5108 X X X X 1FT5132 X X X X X X X X X X X X Gearbox shaft with keyway V02 V03 V05 V09 Gearbox shaft without keyway V22 V23 V25 V29 1FT5034 SP 060-MF1 1FT5036 1FT5042 1FT5044 SP 075-MF1 2.8 1FT5046 1FT5062 1FT5064 SP 100-MF1 6.2 1FT5066 1FT5072 1FT5074 1FT5104 1FT5134 SP 140-MF1 SP 180-MF1 SP 210-MF1 11.5 27 53 1FT5136 1FT5138 5 7 Max. perm. input speed 10 Max. perm. output torque Max. perm. drive out shaft load 1) Moment of inertia gearbox JG at i=4 10-4 kgm2 MG2 Fr Fa [RPM] [Nm] [N] [N] 40 2600 2300 0.14 0.12 3800 3200 0.57 0.4 6000 5400 2.0 1.3 9000 9400 5.7 3.5 14000 13500 30.6 17.4 18000 22500 75.8 47.1 6000 (32) 3) 100 6000 (80) 3) 4500 (200) 3) 4000 (400) 3) 250 500 1100 3500 (880) 3) 2500 (1520) 3) 1900 Code 1) Nominal values for the max. permissible drive-out shaft load at the center of the shaft for a drive-out speed of 300 RPM 2) For SP 060 and SP 075: 6 arcmin 3) Values in brackets (...) for i = 10 1FT5/3-90 JG at i=10 10-4 kgm2 nG1 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.5 Gearbox 3.5.2 2-stage planetary gearbox L15 2 L13 d L14 D4 l k F K2 Fig. 3-7 1FT5 series with 2-stage planetary gearbox (alpha company), dimensions, refer to Table 3-9 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/3-91 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.5 Gearbox Table 3-9 1FT5 series with 2-stage planetary gearbox (alpha company) Standard motor version Type 2-stage planetary gearbox Dimensions Type Motor with planetary gearbox Dimensions l d F 1FT5034 181 23 11 70 1FT5036 206 1FT5042 165 1FT5044 190 317 1FT5042 165 312 1FT5044 190 1FT5046 240 1FT5062 241 1FT5064 281 1FT5064 281 1FT5066 321 1FT5072 273 1FT5072 273 1FT5074 323 1FT5076 373 577 1FT5072 273 489 1FT5074 323 1FT5076 373 1FT5102 352 58 32 190 568 190 1FT5076 373 50 24 142 616 140 1FT5102 352 1FT5104 402 1FT5106 452 695 1FT5108 502 745 1FT5/3-92 L13 SP 075-MF2 30 14 20 L14 36 L15 183 D1 70 D3 Dimensions k 22 D4 6.6 D9 85 F4 76 92 30 14 92 40 19 115 K F2 308 80 333 292 90 337 SP 100-MF2 30 58 235 90 32 9 120 101 387 100 388 428 40 19 115 466 SP 140-MF2 50 24 30 82 297 130 40 11 165 141 142 506 140 458 477 50 50 24 24 142 142 SP 180-MF2 SP 210-MF2 30 38 82 105 316 359 160 180 55 75 13 17 215 250 182 212 527 539 140 140 589 595 58 32 190 SP 240-MF2 40 130 413 200 85 17 290 240 645 190 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.5 Gearbox Gearbox selection for 2-stage planetary gearbox Table 3-10 Motor type non- ventilated Selection for 2-stage planetary gear (alpha company, SP series) Ordering data: 1FT5-0A71-1-Z Order No. of the motor (standard type) with codes -Z and V Code for mounting the planetary gear assigned to the specific motor Planetary gearbox 2-stage Available gearbox ratios i = 16..0.50 Max. perm. input speed Rotary play v 6 arcmin Type Weight approx. [kg] 1FT5034 16 20 28 40 50 X X X X X X X X X X 1FT5042 X X X X 1FT5044 X X 1FT5036 SP 075-MF2 3.1 1FT5042 X X X X X X X 1FT5062 X X X X X 1FT5064 X X X X X X X X X X X X X SP 100-MF2 7.1 1FT5064 SP 140-MF2 14.5 1FT5072 1FT5072 1FT5074 X Fr Fa [RPM] [Nm] [N] [N] 6000 100 3800 3200 JG at i=20 10-4 kgm2 0.47 29 1.7 4500 250 6000 5400 1.8 4.4 4000 500 9000 9400 X X 1FT5072 4000 1100 14000 13500 5.5 3500 1900 18000 22500 34.5 3500 3400 27000 27800 43.1 X SP 210-MF2 51 1FT5076 X X X X X X X 1FT5102 X X 1FT5076 1FT5102 1FT5104 MG2 5.1 X SP 180-MF2 1FT5076 1FT5074 nG1 Moment of inertia gearbox 0.52 X 1FT5066 Max. perm. drive out shaft load 1) X 1FT5044 1FT5046 Max. perm. output torque X SP 240-MF2 78 X X X 1FT5106 X X X 1FT5108 X X Gearbox shaft with keyway V12 V13 V15 V16 V17 Gearbox shaft without keyway V32 V33 V35 V36 V37 Code 1) Nominal values for the max. permissible drive-out shaft load at the center of the shaft for a drive-out speed of 300 RPM Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/3-93 Motor Components (Options) 05.03 3.5 Gearbox Space for your notes 1FT5/3-94 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Dimension Drawings 4 Note Siemens AG reserves the right to change the dimensions of motors without prior notice as part of ongoing improvements to the mechanical design. This means that dimensions drawings can go out-of-date. Up-to-date dimension drawings can be requested at no charge. Please contact your local Siemens office. Standard type of construction, basic version 1FT503 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-97 1FT504 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-98 1FT506 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-99 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-100 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-101 1FT510 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-102 1FT513 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-103 1FT507 force-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-104 1FT510 force-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-105 1FT513 force-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-106 Standard type of construction, pulse encoder mounting option 1FT503 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-107 1FT504 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-108 1FT506 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-109 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-110 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-111 1FT510 non-ventilated with connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-112 1FT513 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-113 Short type of construction, basic version 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-114 1FT510 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-115 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/4-95 Dimension Drawings 05.03 Short type of construction, pulse encoder mounting option 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-116 1FT510 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-117 Standard type of construction, working brake option 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-118 1FT510 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-119 1FT513 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1FT5/4-120 1FT5/4-96 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 70 1 Transverse - right 12.5 Section A-B 2 Transverse - left 3 3 B 23 +0,5 2.5 16 23 +0,5 A 8 Centering DIN332-DR M4 Axial-NDE 3.5 Signal connection Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh. 1 14 4 Connector outlet direction: 14 Motor and brake connection 60 j6 A 2 11 k6 Fig. 4-1 4 Axial-DE 4 Replacement for Memo Date 05.05.95 n Status not tol. dim. Graphically updated 2 2.4 3.1 21 6 kg 2.6 3.3 6 Sigraph DESIGN Name Siemens AG Kri/Ke Date: 28.05.86 Contact:Moltner Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 +1 w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/Br. Mom.of inertia Weight -4 0.88 1.17 x10 kgm 0.81 1.1 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Shaft height mm 36 1FT5034 Type 36 1FT5036 k Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh. 1 5 31.5 1 k mm without 510.33 921.01 with/without brake IMB5 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector 1FT503. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale 181 206 7 8 n Sheet No. 1 No. of sheets1 E D C B A 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT503 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector 1FT5/4-97 Fig. 4-2 1FT5/4-98 F E D C B A 5 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: 1 Signal connection 2 Transverse - left Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh. 1 A-B 14 92 16 Section 14 Motor and brake connection 2 80 j6 1 6 3 30 +0,5 3 B 20 30 +0,5 A 8.1 Centering DIN332-DR M5 Axial-NDE 3 4 Axial-DE 4 mm Type Replacement for Memo Date 08.05.95 l Status not tol. dim. Graphically updated 3,2 4,2 6,4 22.5 6 kg 3,5 4,5 6,7 9 Sigraph DESIGN Name Siemens AG Kri/Ke Date: 26.05.86 Contact: Moltner Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 +1 w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight 2 2,25 3,32 5,45 x10 kgm -4 1,87 2,94 5,07 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Shaft height 48 48 1FT5042 48 1FT5044 31.5 1FT5046 k 5 k mm without Sheet qty. 1 l 510.33922.01 E D C B A Sheet No. 1 8 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector with/without brake IMB5 1FT504. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale 165 190 240 7 Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT504 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 14 k6 2 3 4 5 6 l 28 8 Motor and brake connection l l Centering DIN 332 DR M6 7 05.03 Fig. 4-3 Signal connection 22.5 21.5 A A l 31 32.5 8 l 20.5 40 +0.5 3 6.5 A B 116 115 105 32 j6 95 k6 5 40 +0.5 B 19 B k 9 C C k -6.5 86 34 with pulse encoder ROD320 1 4 21.5 D 152.5 ROD320 Weight: Moment of inertia: 1FT5066 63 1FT5064 63 1FT5062 63 E 13.0 14.1 10.5 11.5 9.5 10.6 8.5 9.5 5.9 7.0 6.5 7.5 2 mm x10 kgm kg Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to Not for pulse encoder ROD320 1FT5/4-99 k l F Index 1 2 not tol. dim. Sigraph DESIGN +1 DIN 42955 Axial-NDE Axial-DE 3 4 Graphically updated 08.05.95 A-No. 24 2 4178 08.05.96 Memo Date Kri/Ke Si/Ke Cont./Chkd. Date: 11.05.87 Contact: Hartung Checked: Zisler ASI1 PE DT3 Siemens AG 321 281 241 E mm k Scale without Dimension drawing AC Servomotor 1FT506. non-ventilated with Size 1 connector with/without brake IMB5 510.34181.01 l Sheet No. 1 5 Sheet qty. 1 Dimension Drawings Shaft w/o Br.w/ Br. w/o Br.w/ Br. height Mom.of inertiaWeight Connector outlet direction: D +1.5 kg +0.414x10-4 kgm2 -4 Type Section A-B Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 6 1FT506 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1 F E D C B Centering DIN 332 DR M8 10 5 2 37 1 3.5 k Signal connection 3 19.5 3 Axial-NDE 34 4 4 Axial-DE DIN 6885 Sh.1 Dimensions acc. to Section A-B Not for pulse encoder ROD320 27 Motor + brake connection Shown without protective plugs and insulating assembly Transverse - left 25 40 50 +0.5 11 50 +0.5 2 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: 130 j6 A 24 k6 1FT5/4-100 8 Fig. 4-4 31.5 1 45 33 mm Type Shaft height 71 71 1FT5074 1FT5072 71 1FT5076 -4 Memo 2 31.5 45.4 59.6 15 18.5 22.5 kgm 2 Date Cont./Chkd. Ki/Se Kri/Ke not tol. dim. +1 Siemens AG Date: 14.03.88 Contact: Hartung Checked: Seufert A&D DS A P2 AC1 Sigraph DESIGN w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight kg 13.5 17 21 +0.414x10 -4 +1.5 kg x10 kgm 24 37.9 52.1 Graphically updated 09.05.95 Connector clearance corrected 23.06.98 Replacement for Index i k Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Flange and shaft 6 for pulse encoder ROD320 Moment of inertia: Weight: ROD320 66 5 k without 142 11 510.34549.01 with/without brake IMB5 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector 1FT507. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale mm 273 323 373 7 8 k Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 130 j6 5 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: View Z Centering DIN 332 DR M8 24 k6 A A 3.5 37 2 Transverse - left B 40 50 +0.5 11 50 +0.5 3 k 84 3 Axial-NDE Connector for motor and brake connection 4 105.5 4 Axial-DE DIN 6885 Sh.1 Dimensions acc. to Section A-B M 50 x2 R 28.5 Not for pulse encoder ROD320 27 50 Connector signal cable connection 23.5 2 8 Fig. 4-5 30 1 52.1 mm Type -4 Memo kg 13.5 17 21 15 18.5 22.5 kgm 2 Date Kri/Ke +1 Cont./Chkd. not tol. dim. Siemens AG Date: 15.10.87 Contact: Sturm Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 Sigraph DESIGN w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight 2 31.5 45.4 x10 kgm 24 37.9 Graphically updated 09.05.95 Replacement for Index h Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Flange and shaft Shaft height 71 1FT5072 71 1FT5074 59.6 +0.414x10 -4 71 1FT5076 +1.5 kg Z Moment of inertia: 33 for pulse encoder ROD320 6 Weight: ROD320 66 5 58.5 k without 19 510.34442.01 with/without brake IMB5 8 11 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector 1FT507. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale mm 273 323 373 142 84 7 h Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 E D C B A 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector 1FT5/4-101 F E D C B 32 k6 180 j6 237 +1 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: View Z 2 4 B 4 15 48 3 Transverse - left R 32 13 50 58 +0.5 A 58 +0.5 3 k 97 M B N dimensions R E C F Current Io rms Connector sizes B 4 Axial-NDE Not for pulse encoder ROD320 C M R 33 3 M50 x 2 84 58.5 R 28.5 30 50 23.5 5 Axial-DE M58 x 2 88 64 R 31.5 32.5 64 18.5 Z for pulse encoder ROD320 up to 37.5A up to 99A 2 66 5 142 4 Motor and brake connection Signal connection F 1FT5/4-102 Centering DIN 332 DR M12 2 10 R 20 35 A-B +1.5 kg Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 Section B Ring bolt not shown 7 19 Memo Date Replacement for Cont./Chkd. k N / Rated speed Size 2 Connector assignment ASI 1 PE DT3 510.24236.01 g AC Servomotor 1FT510. non-ventilated with Size 2/3 conn. Siemens AG with/without brake IMB5 E D C B A Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 Size 3 / RPM-1 3000 1200/2000/3000/4000 3000 1200/2000 1200/2000 8 1200/2000/3000 14 190 1:1 Sigraph Scale DESIGN Dimension drawing 21.07.87 Kri/Ke Date: Contact: Werner Checked:Kessler not tol. dim. +1 Graphically updated 08.05.95 Index g Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Shaft w/o Br.w/ Br. w/o Br.w/ Br. height Mom. of inertiaWeight +0.414x10 -4 kgm 2 Moment of inertia: 1FT5108 100 291 316 52 56 502 1FT5106 100 240 265 46 50 452 1FT5104 100 186 211 40 44 402 1FT5102 100 137 162 32 36 352 Type mm x10-4kgm2 kg mm Weight: ROD320 6 E Fig. 4-6 A 1 Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT510 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B A C B 1 Transverse - right 2 250 h6 3 Transverse - left 48 k6 6 B 70 18 82 +0.5 A 5 82 +0.5 23 4 k M B N dimensions R E C F Current Io rms Connector sizes Axial-NDE 47 4 245 3 2 3 86 M50 x 2 84 58.5 R 28.5 30 50 23.5 5 Axial-DE M58 x 2 88 64 R 31.5 32.5 64 18.5 up to 37.5A up to 99A A M 5 66 10 6 33 A-B -4 2 260 inertia: +0.414x10 kgm 132 906 981 145 152 604 132 717 792 115 122 529 132 591 666 95 102 479 132 465 540 75 82 429 mm mm x10-4kgm2 kg +1.5 kg 18 7 / 1200 1200 1200 R 24 8 RPM-1 Memo Date Replacement for Index Cont./Chkd. e Graphically updated05.05.95 Kri/Ke f A-No. 100 053, drawing re-activated 16.04.99 Ki/Tsch Siemens AG Date: 20.10.87 Contact: Sturm Checked:Tschanter A&D MC EWN AC1 E D C B A 510.24443.01 f Sheet qty. 1 AC Servomotor 1FT513. non-ventilated with Size 2/3 conn. Sheet with/without brake IMB5 No. 1 3 1200 2000 2000 2000/3000 Rated speed Shaft w/o Br.w/ Br. w/o Br.w/ Br. k Size 2 Connector assignment Size height Mom.of inertia Weight Flange and shaft Scale without Sigraph not tol. Tolerance acc. to DESIGN Dimension drawing dim. +1 DIN 42955 Moment of 1FT5138 1FT5136 1FT5134 1FT5132 Type Weight: ROD320 51.5 Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 Section for pulse encoder mounting ROD 320 142 Centering DIN 332 DR M16 Motor and brake connection Connector outlet direction: View Signal connection R 177 A F 2 N Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition E B 19 Fig. 4-7 e 14 1 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT513 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector 1FT5/4-103 1FT5/4-104 F E D C B A 130 j6 5 40 45 77 50 +0.5 11 50 +0.5 B A 3.5 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: View Z 24 k6 2 3 C M 3 Axial-NDE dimensions Current Io rms Connector sizes Signal connection Transverse - left 37 Centering DIN332-DR M8 F Fig. 4-8 2 E 30 50 23.5 E C F 58.5 N R 28.5 84 R M50 x 2 B 3 4 Axial-DE 18.5 64 32.5 R 31.5 64 88 M58 x 2 up to 99A 208 43 5 Shaft height mm 71 71 3 Memo Date Cont./Chkd. Kri/Ke not tol. dim. +1 Graphically updated 16.05.95 Replacement for Index b 2 22 26 kg 23.5 27.5 DIN 6885 Sh.1 Dimensions acc. to Section A-B 6 Siemens AG Date: 30.04.93 Contact: Balling Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 Sigraph DESIGN w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight -4 54.4 59.6 x10 kgm 37.9 52.1 27 Air intake Z 220V~, 50/60Hz Fan connector Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Type 1FT5074 1FT5076 Motor and brake connection up to 37.5A 377.5 M k B 4 N 2 R 8 1 k mm 4000 Without Size 2 4000/6000 142 7 -1 6000 8 with/without brake IMB5 510.37468.01 83 160.5 b E D C B A Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 Rated speed Size 3 Connector assignment RPM 11 19 Force-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector 1FT507. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale 426 476 166 B Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT507 force-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 196 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: 265 2 R 32 32 k6 Transverse - left 3 Centering DIN 332 DR M12 4 13 4 3 M50 x 2 84 58.5 R 28.5 30 50 23.5 4 M58 x 2 88 64 R 31.5 32.5 64 18.5 up to 37.5A up to 99A 2 Air intake Axial-NDE M B N dimensions R E C F Current Io rms 48 47 +1 Signal connection N 15 Connector sizes B 50 58 +0.5 A 58 +0.5 k 5 C B 76 5 Axial-DE 35 M R Motor + brake connection 10 4 A-B 6 39.5 1FT5106 1FT5104 1FT5102 Type 66 R 20 2 265 49 211 43 162 35 mm x10 kgm -4 100 240 100 186 100 137 7 kg 53 47 39 Memo Date Correction 19.10.98 Drawing re-activated 28.09.98 AM 24 2 4542 12.06.97 Dimension "k" corrected 14.05.96 Cont./Chkd. -1 RPM 14 3000 3000 4000 without Rated speed Size Connector assignment Dimension drawing Scale Size 2 / / 3000 19 8 190 3 E D C B A b 510.24963.01 k Sheet qty. 1 AC Servomotor 1FT510. Force-ventilated w/ Size 2/3 conn. Sheet Siemens AG with/without brake IMB5 No. 1 Ki/Tsch Date: 21.04.89 Contact: Buhl Ki/Har Checked:Tschanter Wd/Sch A&D MC EWN AC1 Si/Ke Replacement for 510.24963.01 Index h g k i k 582 532 482.5 mm B Ring bolt not shown Air discharge 46 Shaft w/o Br.w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. height Mom.of inertia Weight Flange and shaft Sigraph not tol. Tolerance acc. to DESIGN dim. +1 DIN 42955 2xPg11 146.5 Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 Section E 3 17.5 82 15 2 j6 180 195 Fig. 4-9 A 1 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT510 force-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector 1FT5/4-105 F F E D C B A 15 82 1 Transverse - right 64 2 88 48 k6 6 31.5 Motor and brake connection Centering DIN 332 DR M16 Connector outlet direction: View A Signal connection 46 18.5 h6 250 Transverse - left 3 3 B 70 18 4 Axial-NDE A 47 23 82 +0.5 5 82 +0.5 4 245 2 32.5 51.5 A 5 Axial-DE Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 10 86 Section A-B M 50 x2 k 5 Pg11 66 140 Airflow direction 20 Memo Date Graphically updated17.05.95 Conn. outlet dir. corr.26.06.95 Conn. outlet dir. corr.25.07.95 A-No. 100 053 09.04.99 Cont./Chkd. Kri/Ke Kri/Ke Kri/Zi Ki/Tsch not tol. dim. +1 Replacement for Index a b c d 906 981 717 792 591 666 465 540 -4 2 x10 kgm 177 150 120 100 80 kg 18 157 127 107 87 7 Siemens AG Date: 22.07.93 Contact: Hartung Checked:Tschanter A&D MC EWN AC1 260 k without 8 84 E D C B A 510.27536.01 d Sheet qty. 1 AC Servomotor 1FT513. Force-ventilated with Size 3 conn. Sheet with/without brake IMB5 No. 1 Dimension drawing Scale 764 689 639 589 mm Sigraph DESIGN Shaft w/o Br.w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. height Mom.of inertia Weight 132 132 132 132 mm Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Type 1FT5138 1FT5136 1FT5134 1FT5132 56 6 219 1FT5/4-106 19 Fig. 4-10 64 1 Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT513 force-ventilated with Size 3 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 14 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 70 14 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: 14 Power connection 3 2.5 23 +0,5 B 16 8 2 Transverse - left 3 Axial-NDE Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh. 1 12.5 Section A-B 3.5 23 +0.5 A Centering DIN332-DR M4 Signal connection 60 j6 A 2 4 Fig. 4-11 11 k6 1 k 4 Axial-DE 4 mm Type Memo Graphically updated Replacement for Status n Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Shaft height 36 36 22 1FT5034 1FT5036 21 5 kg 2.90 3.60 3.10 3.80 Date 10.05.95 not tol. dim. Sigraph DESIGN Name Siemens AG Kri/Ke Date: 04.03.87 Contact:Moltner Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 +1 w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight 2 0.90 1.19 58 x10 kgm -4 0.83 1.13 68 k mm 7 without with/without brake IMB5 510.34182.01 8 n E D C B A Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 / with pulse encoder ROD426 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector 1FT503. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale 197 222 Pulse encoder ROD426 acc. to customer order 6 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT503 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector 1FT5/4-107 31.5 F E D C B 92 14 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: 14 Power connection Signal connection 2 6 30 +0,5 3 B 20 30 +0.5 A 3 Axial-NDE 8.1 Centering DIN332-DR M5 3 Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh. 1 16 Section A-B Transverse - left 5 A 2 80 j6 1FT5/4-108 14 k6 Fig. 4-12 4 Axial-DE 4 k Replacement for Memo Date 10.05.95 i Status 2 2.27 3.34 5.47 3.8 4.8 7.0 kg 4.1 5.1 7.3 Sigraph DESIGN Name Siemens AG Kri/Ke Date: 05.03.87 Contact: Moltner Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 +1 w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight not tol. dim. Graphically updated 6 k 7 without 8 510.34183.01 with/without brake IMB5 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector 1FT504. AC Servomotor i E D C B A Sheet qty. 1 Sheet No. 1 Dimension drawing / with pulse encoder ROD426 Scale 180 205 255 mm Pulse encoder ROD426 acc. to customer order 68 x10 kgm -4 1.89 2.96 5.09 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Shaft height mm Type 48 48 48 24 1FT5042 1FT5044 1FT5046 22.5 5 58 1 Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT504 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 31.5 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 95 j6 19 k6 B 1 Connector outlet direction: View Z 32 40 +0.5 A 3 40 +0.5 8 2 31 28 d 3 Axial-NDE k d 4 Axial-DE 4 d 22.5 d d kg Memo Replacement for Index Date Graphically updated 10.05.95 A-No. 24 2 4178 09.05.96 Cont./Chkd. Kri/Ke Si/Ke not tol. dim. +1 Siemens AG Date: 02.08.88 Contact: Schafer Checked: Zisler ASI 1 PE DT3 Sigraph DESIGN w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight 2 Shaft height -4 8.5 10.5 12.5 x10 kgm 7.5 9.5 11.5 mm 7.0 10.6 14.1 Type 5.9 9.5 13.0 63 63 Z 7 k mm without 510.34749.01 d 8 116 d 6 E D C B A Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 / with pulse encoder ROD426 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector with/without brake IMB5 1FT506. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale 235 275 315 9 Motor and brake connection Signal connection 1FT5062 63 1FT5064 Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 Section A-B 68 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 c d 6 Pulse encoder ROD426 acc. to customer order 1FT5066 21.5 23 38 32.5 5 58 Centering DIN 332 DRM6 3 115 A 2 105 Fig. 4-13 1 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT506 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector 1FT5/4-109 6 20.5 F E D C B 130 j6 10 5 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: View Z Centering DIN 332 DR M8 24 k6 A A 11 3.5 2 Transverse - left 25 B 40 50 +0.5 2 3 Axial-NDE 27 Motor + brake connection 37 k Signal connection 3 8 1FT5/4-110 31.5 Fig. 4-14 19.5 4 Axial-DE DIN 6885 Sh.1 Dimensions acc. to Section A-B 32 4 30 7 31 68 Memo Replacement for Index Date Graphically updated 12.05.95 Cont./Chkd. Kri/Ke not tol. dim. + 1 Sigraph DESIGN Siemens AG Date: 01.03.89 Contact: Guse Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 kg w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight 2 Shaft height -4 16 19.5 23.5 x10 kgm 14.5 18 22 mm 31.5 45.4 59.6 Type 24 37.9 52.1 71 71 6 1FT5072 71 1FT5074 acc. to customer order Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 d Z Pulse encoder ROD426 1FT5076 5 58 1 k without 142 510.36025.01 8 d E D C B A Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 / with pulse encoder ROD426 11 1FT507. non-ventilated with Size 1 connector with/without brake IMB5 AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale mm 258 308 358 7 Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 5 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: View Z Centering DIN 332 DR M8 130 j6 A 24 k6 A 3.5 37 2 Transverse - left B 40 50 +0.5 11 50 +0.5 k 3 Axial-NDE 27 50 R 28.5 Connector signal cable connection 3 23.5 8 2 75.5 4 Axial-DE DIN 6885 Sh.1 Dimensions acc. to Section A-B 84 M 50 x2 Connector for motor and brake connection 4 30 Fig. 4-15 7 31 68 Memo Replacement for Index Date Graphically updated 15.05.95 Weight corrected 14.05.96 Cont./Chkd. Kri/Ke Si/Ke not tol. dim. + 1 Sigraph DESIGN Siemens AG Date: 15.10.87 Contact: Sturm Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 kg w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight 2 Shaft height -4 16.0 19.5 23.5 x10 kgm 14.5 18 22 mm 31.5 45.4 59.6 Type 24 37.9 52.1 71 71 1FT5072 71 acc. to customer order 1FT5074 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 e f Z 6 Pulse encoder ROD426 1FT5076 5 58 1 f f 142 without 84 11 510.34751.01 with/without brake IMB5 8 E D C B A f 2 Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 / with pulse encoder ROD426 19 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector 1FT507. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing Scale k mm 258 308 358 7 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector 1FT5/4-111 58.5 E D C B A Centering DIN 332 DR M12 237 +1 180 j6 4 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: View Z 32 k6 13 48 2 Transverse - left B 50 58 +0.5 A 4 15 k 4 Signal connection 3 Axial-NDE dimensions 30 50 23.5 E C F 58.5 N R 28.5 84 R M50 x 2 B 18.5 64 32.5 R 31.5 64 88 M58 x 2 up to 99A 3 82 R 4 Axial-DE up to 37.5A Current Io rms M 2 Connector sizes C B M Motor and brake connection F 1FT5/4-112 31 5 68 100 100 1FT5104 Shaft height mm Memo 2 32 40 46 52 6 kg 36 44 50 56 Date Cont./Chkd. Kri/Ke not tol. dim. +1 Siemens AG Date: 08.09.88 Contact: Guse Checked: Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 Sigraph DESIGN w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight -4 162 211 265 316 x10 kgm 137 186 240 291 Graphically updated 11.05.95 Replacement for Index c Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Type 100 100 acc. to customer order 1FT5106 1FT5102 Z Pulse encoder ROD426 1FT5108 58 58 +0.5 3 k mm 19 without Size 2 RPM-1 Size 3 c E D C B A Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 / with pulse encoder ROD426 / / 3000 3000 Connector assignment with/without brake IMB5 510.34802.01 8 Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 non-ventilated with connector 1FT510. AC Servomotor 14 N Section A-B E Rated speed 1200/2000/3000/4000 1200/2000/3000 1200/2000 1200/2000 35 Dimension drawing Scale 352 402 452 502 B Ring bolt not shown 7 190 2 10 Fig. 4-16 1 Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT510 non-ventilated with connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 2 3 4 82 A 5 7 8 k +0.5 Centering DIN 332 DR M16 6 05.03 Fig. 4-17 A 86 23 5 10 16 A 68 245 82 +0.5 B B 70 19 6 48 k6 250 58 h6 B B M 18 C 47 18 C A 260 Pulse encoder ROD426 acc. to customer order Motor and brake connection Signal connection Section A-B Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 N D Connector sizes B 2 M B N dimensionsR E C F C View A E M50 x 2 M58 x 2 84 88 58.5 64 R 28.5 R 31.5 30 32.5 50 64 23.5 18.5 E Connector outlet direction: Type 132 132 132 132 906 717 591 465 981 792 666 540 mm x10 kgm -4 2 146 116 96 76 153 123 103 83 kg 604 529 479 429 1FT5/4-113 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to not tol. dimensions +1 DIN 42955 Transverse - left Axial-NDE Axial-DE c d Index 1 2 3 4 5 Graphically updated10.05.95 A-No. 100 053 09.04.99 Memo Replacement for Date Kri/Ke Ki/Tsch Cont./Chkd. 1200 1200/2000 2000 2000/3000 -1 RPM mm Shaft w/o Br.w/ Br. w/o Br.w/ Br. height Mom.of inertia Weight F / 1200 1200 1200 Sigraph DESIGN Date: 01.03.89 Contact: Guse Checked:Tschanter A&D MC EWN AC1 Siemens AG k Size 2 Scale Rated speed Size 3 Connector assignment without Dimension drawing / with pulse encoder ROD426 AC Servomotor 1FT513. non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector with/without brake IMB5 510.26027.01 d Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty.1 Dimension Drawings 1FT5138 1FT5136 1FT5134 1FT5132 Transverse - right D 51.5 3 up to 37.5A up to 99A E F Current Io rms 14 1FT513 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1 F E D C B 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: R 20 10 21.5 25 2 Centering DIN332 DR M6 130 j6 185 28 +0.5 5 B 20 A 28 +0.5 3 Axial-NDE Not for pulse encoder ROD320 Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 Section A-B Transverse - left 2 3 19 k6 1FT5/4-114 6 k 10 3.5 4 31.5 19.5 5 mm Type Index e f 21.2 2 11.3 15.3 22.3 6.5 7.5 9.5 kg 7.1 8.1 10.1 not tol. dim. +1 Sigraph DESIGN w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight x10 kgm -4 10.2 14.2 2 kgm Memo Date Cont./Chkd. Siemens AG Graphically updated 08.05.95 Kri/Ke Date: 30.06.88 Connector outlet direction axial-DE deleted Contact: Schafer Schofer 14.09.98 Ki/Wg Checked: Zisler A&D DS A P2 AC1 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Shaft height 71 71 1FT5071 1FT5070 71 1FT5073 +0.414x10 -4 +1.5 kg 33 k mm 7 without 11 510.34726.01 with/without brake IMB5 AC Servomotor 1FT507. non-ventilated with Size 1 connector Dimension drawing Scale 183 198 223 for pulse encoder ROD320 Moment of inertia: 45 66 6 Weight: ROD320 32 Signal connection Motor + brake connection 4 142 Fig. 4-18 A 1 8 f Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 E D C B A Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 84 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: R 32 19 2 31 Section DIN 6885 Sh.1 Dimensions acc. to 242 3 Transverse - left A-B Centering DIN 332 DR M10 B 42 +0.5 32 11 58.5 M 50 x2 30 28 k6 Axial-NDE 4 k 84 R 28.5 5 97 50 62 Signal connection 5 22.5 Motor + brake connection 10 Not for pulse encoder ROD320 5 A 4 42 +0.5 4 23.5 3 66 33 for pulse encoder ROD320 6 142 A 2 +0.5 190 j6 180 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 7 Sigraph DESIGN Graphically updated05.05.95 Kri/Ke Date: 04.02.88 Dimension 89 changed to 97 mechanical Contact: Sturm design change 03.08.98 Ki/Se Checked:Zisler Connector outlet direction axial-DE deletedA&D DS A P2 AC1 14.09.98 Ki/Wg Index Memo Date Cont./Chkd. Siemens AG Replacement for i g h Flange and shaft not tol. Tolerance acc. to dim. +1 DIN 42955 Shaft w/o Br.w/ Br. w/o Br.w/ Br. height Mom.of inertia Weight k without 14 8 510.24525.01 i AC Servomotor 1FT510. non-ventilated with Size 2 conn. with/without brake IMB5 Dimension drawing Scale ROD320 Weight: +1.5 kg Moment of inertia: +0.414x10 -4 kgm 2 1FT5103 100 111 121 22 24 282 1FT5101 100 86 96 19 21 257 1FT5100 100 60 70 15.5 17.5 232 -4 2 Type mm x10 kgm kg mm Fig. 4-19 8 1 Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 E D C B A 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT510 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector 1FT5/4-115 F E D C B 21.5 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: R 20 10 6 2 Centering DIN332 DR M6 185 130 j6 19 k6 3 Axial-NDE Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 Section A-B Transverse - left 25 3 28 +0.5 5 B 20 A 4 28 +0.5 10 3.5 mm Type Index c d 11.3 15.3 22.3 68 6.5 7.5 9.5 kg 7.1 8.1 10.1 not tol. dim. +1 Sigraph DESIGN Memo Date Cont./Chkd. Siemens AG k mm 7 without 510.34815.01 with/without brake IMB5 8 d E D C B A Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 with pulse encoder ROD426 11 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector 1FT507. AC Servomotor Dimension drawing / Scale 168 183 208 Pulse encoder ROD426 acc. to customer order w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight -4 2 x10 kgm 10.2 14.2 21.2 31 6 Graphically updated 11.05.95 Kri/Ke Date: 13.09.88 Connector outlet direction axial-DE deleted Contact: Schafer 14.09.98 Ki/Wg Checked: Zisler A&D DS A P2 AC1 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Shaft height 71 71 1FT5070 71 30 1FT5071 32 Signal connection 5 1FT5073 Motor + brake connection k 19.5 4 31.5 2 142 1FT5/4-116 Fig. 4-20 58 A 1 Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 1 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 242 View Z 5 1 Transverse - right 42 +0.5 2 Transverse - left B 32 A 42 +0.5 4 58.5 Motor + brake connection Connector outlet direction: 28 k6 Centering DIN332 DR M10 180 j6 A k M 50 x2 84 3 82 d 7 Signal connection 50 Axial-NDE 3 31 4 4 42 58 d not tol. dim. Memo Date Cont./Chkd. Kri/Ke Si/Ke deleted Ki/Wg Ki/Se +1 Graphically updated 12.05.95 Dimensions corrected 28.06.96 Connector outlet direction axial-DE 14.09.98 Dimensions corrected 28.09.98 Replacement for Index d a b c Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 Sigraph DESIGN Siemens AG Date: 03.04.92 Contact: Hartung Checked: Seufert A&D DS A P2 AC1 kg w/o Br. w/ Br. w/o Br. w/ Br. Mom.of inertia Weight 2 Shaft height -4 18.5 22 25 x10 kgm 16.5 20 23 mm 70 96 121 19 k 7 without DIN 6885 Sh.1 Dimensions acc. to 8 510.37049.01 1FT510. non-ventilated with Size 2 connector with/without brake IMB5 AC Servomotor d 2 Dimension drawing / with pulse encoder ROD426 31 Section A-B Scale 217 242 267 mm 14 Type 60 86 111 84 100 100 1FT5101 6 1FT5100 100 1FT5103 Pulse encoder ROD426 acc. to customer order Z 5 8 2 23.5 Fig. 4-21 142 1 Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 E D C B A 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT510 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector 1FT5/4-117 30 F E D 8 1 Connector outlet direction: Transverse - right 24 k6 130 j6 2 40 B A 3 R 20 50 +0.5 5 Transverse - left View A Centering - DR M8 DIN 332 acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 27 3.5 11 37 82 4 4 k 5 22.5 22.2 72.5 88.5 Axial-DE 72 5 20 66 6 A -4 58 43 29 Replacement for Memo kg Date Name k mm 373 323 273 11.5 140 142.5 84 510.26989.01 8 19 c 1 E C B A AC Servomotor 1FT507. c non-ventilated with Size 2 connector Sheet Siemens AG IMB5 with mounted brake 13/13 15 No. 1 1 Sheet qty. without Sigraph Scale DESIGN Dimension drawing Kri/Ke Date: 15.01.92 Kri/Zi Contact: Gener Si/Ke Checked:Kessler ASI1 PE DT3 dim. +1 not tol. Graphically updated 16.05.95 Conn. outlet dir. corr. 25.07.95 Brake designation corrected 14.05.96 Status 2 26 22.2 18.5 Shaft height Mom.of inertia Weight mm x10 kgm 71 71 71 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 1FT5076 1FT5074 1FT5072 Type Spring-operated brake a b c 7 Option: Lever for manual release Release angle 19 Pg 9/11 Brake connection 135 105 R 28.5 M 50 x2 84 50 30 3 140 1FT5/4-118 C B SECTION A-B 2 58.5 Fig. 4-22 54 102 A 1 Dimension Drawings 05.03 160 1FT507 non-ventilated with Size 2 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 23.5 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition F E D C B 180 j6 237 +1 1 Transverse - right Connector outlet direction: View Z k6 32 Centering DIN 332 DR M12 2 2 4 198 B 50 58 +0.5 A Signal connection Transverse - left 82 10 _ 13 48 4 202.5 3 F B M 97 4 Axial-NDE Option: Lever for manual release Release angle 17 N 58 +0.5 15 C E k 20 54 165 Motor connection 4 22.7 106 66 88.5 38.5 5 5 Axial-DE Z Pg 9/11 Brake connection 190 B mm Type 2 x10 kgm -4 305 254 200 151 kg 60.5 54.5 48.5 40.5 7 mm 502 452 402 352 19 -1 RPM 1200/2000 1200/2000 1200/2000/3000 1200/2000/3000 14 8 3000 3000 / / Replacement for Memo Date Brake size suppl. 24.05.93 Graphically updated 15.05.95 Conn. outlet dir. corr. 25.07.95 Brake designation corrected 14.05.96 Status a b c d Name Gs Kri/Ke Kri/Zi Si/Ke 510.26993.01 d AC Servomotor 1FT510. non-ventilated with Size 2/3 conn. d Siemens AG IMB5 with mounted brake 16/16 15 1 Date: 16.01.91 Contact: Hartung A. Checked:Kessler ASI1 PEDT3 D C B A Sheet No. 1 Sheet qty. 1 Shaft k Size 2 Rated speed Size 3 height Mom.of inertia Weight Connector assignment Flange and shaft without Sigraph Scale not tol. Tolerance acc. to DESIGN Dimension drawing DIN 42955 dimensions + 1 100 100 100 100 1FT5108 1FT5106 1FT5104 1FT5102 Dimensions acc. to DIN 6885 Sh.1 35 Shown without ring bolt 6 10 3 175 Fig. 4-23 135 A 1 05.03 Dimension Drawings 1FT510 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector 1FT5/4-119 F 1 Transverse - right 2 C M 50 x2 Connector outlet direction: Signal connection View A 82 B 250 h6 B 70 18 47 23 3 M B N dimensions R E C F Current Io rms Connector sizes 4 4 Axial-NDE Centering DIN 332 DR M16 6 82 +0.5 A 5 82 +0.5 Motor connection Transverse - left E 10 _ 224 E D C B 223 3 245 A 2 k6 48 N 2 3 M50 x 2 84 58.5 R 28.5 30 50 23.5 5 A M Axial-DE M58 x 2 88 64 R 31.5 32.5 64 18.5 up to 37.5A up to 99A k 5 86 10 Type 1FT5138 1FT5136 1FT5134 1FT5132 Memo Date Kri/Ke Si/Ke Ki/Tsch Cont./Chkd. Graphically updated 15.05.95 Brake designation corrected 14.05.96 A-No. 100 053 09.04.99 not tol. dim. +1 Replacement for Index a b c 906 944 717 755 591 629 465 503 -4 2 x10 kgm 18 158 128 108 88 260 604 529 479 429 mm / 1200 1200 1200 B 1200 2000 2000 2000/3000 -1 RPM D C B A Rated speed k Size 2 Connector assignment Size 3 without Sigraph Scale DESIGN Dimension drawing 145 115 95 75 kg 8 Option: Lever for manual release Release angle 18 7 510.27472.01 c Sheet qty. 1 AC Servomotor 1FT513. non-ventilated with Size 2/3 conn. Sheet Siemens AG IMB5 with mounted brake 19/19 15 No. 1 Date: 28.05.93 Contact: Gessner Checked:Tschanter A&D MC EWN AC1 Shaft w/o Br.w/ Br. w/o Br.w/ Br. height Mom.of inertia Weight 132 132 132 132 mm DIN 6885 Sh.1 Dimensions acc. to Section A-B 66 Flange and shaft Tolerance acc. to DIN 42955 116 98.5 25.5 200 51.5 20 Brake connection Pg 9/11 6 177 48.5 54 190 1FT5/4-120 19 Fig. 4-24 F 1 Dimension Drawings 05.03 1FT513 non-ventilated with Size 2/3 connector Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 14 R References General Documentation /BU/ Catalog NC 60 Automation Systems for Machine Tools Order No.: E86060-K4460-A101-A9 Order No.: E86060-K4460-A101-A9-7600 (English) /Z/ Catalog NC Z Connection Technology and System Components for SIMATIC, SINUMERIK, MASTERDRIVES and SIMOTION Order No.: E86060-K4490-A101-B1 Order No.: E86060-K4490-A101-B1-7600 (English) Electronic Documentation /CD1/ DOC ON CD The SINUMERIK System (includes all SINUMERIK 840D/810D and SIMODRIVE 611D documents) Order No.: 6FC5298-6CA00-0BG3 Manufacturer/Service Documentation /PJM/ Planning Guide, AC Servomotors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC General Section, 1FT5, 1FT6, 1FK6, 1FK7 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC20-0BP0 /PJAL/ Planning Guide, AC Servomotors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC AC servomotors, General Section Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD07-0BP0 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/A-121 References /PFK7/ 05.03 Planning Guide, AC Servomotors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC AC Servomotors 1FK7 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD06-0BP0 /PFK6/ Planning Guide, AC Servomotors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC AC Servomotors 1FK6 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD05-0BP0 /PFT5/ Planning Guide, AC Servomotors SIMODRIVE AC Servomotors 1FT5 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD01-0BP0 /PFT6/ Planning Guide, AC Servomotors SIMODRIVE 611, MASTERDRIVES MC AC Servomotors 1FT6 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD02-0BP0 /PPH/ Planning Guide, AC Induction Motors SIMODRIVE AC Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PH2, 1PH4, 1PH7 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC60-0BP0 /PPM/ Planning Guide, Hollow Shaft Motors SIMODRIVE Hollow Shaft Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PM6 and 1PM4 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD03-0BP0 /PJFE/ Planning Guide, Synchronous Build-in Motors SIMODRIVE AC Motors for Main Spindle Drives Synchronous Build-in Motors 1FE1 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AC00-0BP4 1FT5/A-122 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition References 05.03 /PJTM/ Planning Guide, Build-in Torque Motors SIMODRIVE Build-in Torque Motors 1FW6 Order No.: 6SN197-0AD00-0BP1 /PJLM/ Planning Guide, Motor Spindles SIMODRIVE ECO-Motor Spindle 2SP1 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD04-0BP0 /PJLM/ Planning Guide, Linear Motors SIMODRIVE Linear Motors 1FN1 and 1FN3 Order No.: 6SN1197-0AB70-0BP3 /PJU/ Planning Guide, Drive Converters SIMODRIVE 611 Drive Converters Order No.: 6SN1197-0AA00-0BP5 /EMV/ Planning Guide, EMC Design Guidelines SINUMERIK, SIROTEC, SIMODRIVE Order No.: 6FC5297-0AD30-0BP1 Operating Instructions 1FT5062 - 1FT5138 Bestell-Nr. / Order No.: 610.41199.21 Operating Instructions 1FT5020 - 1FT5046 Bestell-Nr. / Order No.: 610.42078.21 Operating Instructions 1FT6 Bestell-Nr. / Order No.: 610.43410.21 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition 1FT5/A-123 References 05.03 Space for your notes 1FT5/A-124 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Index A H Additional data, 1FT5/1-15 Armature short-circuit braking, 1FT5/1-23 Axial force stressing, 1FT5/2-75 Holding brake, 1FT5/3-87 Hotline, vi I B Brake resistors, 1FT5/1-23 Incremental encoder, ROD 426, 1FT5/3-83 Incremental encoders, ROD 320.005, 1FT5/3-81 C Cantilever force diagrams, 1FT5/2-70 Cantilever force stressing, 1FT5/2-70 Connection assignment, 1FT5/1-31 Cooling, 1FT5/1-29 Core types, 1FT5/1-20 O Options, 1FT5/1-15, 1FT5/1-19 Order designation, 1FT5/1-14 P D Danger and warning information, vii Drive-out coupling, 1FT5/1-33 Planetary gearbox 1-stage, 1FT5/3-89 2-stage, 1FT5/3-91 R E Electrical connections, 1FT5/1-31 Encoders Overview, 1FT5/3-79 with synchronous flange, 1FT5/3-86 ESDS information and instructions, x F Resistance characteristic, 1FT5/3-78 S Speed-torque diagrams Force-ventilated, 1FT5/2-55 Short motors, 1FT5/2-64 Standard motors, 1FT5/2-36 Features, 1FT5/1-13 Forced cooling, 1FT5/1-29 T G Tachogenerator system, 1FT5/3-80 Technical data, 1FT5/1-20 Temperature sensor, 1FT5/3-77 Gearboxes, 1FT5/3-89 W Working brake, 1FT5/3-88 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition Index-125 Index 05.03 Space for your notes Index-126 Siemens AG 2003 All rights reserved AC Servomotors 1FT5 (PFT5) - 05.03 Edition To SIEMENS AG A&D MC BMS Postfach 3180 Recommendations Corrections For documentation: D-91050 Erlangen AC Servomotors 1FT5 Tel.: +49 (0)180 / 5050 - 222 [Service Support] Fax: +49 (0)9131 / 98 - 2176 [Documentation] email: Manufacturer/Service Documentation Planning Guide From Order No.: Edition: Name 6SN1197-0AD01-0BP0 05.2003 Company address/Dept. 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Documentation overview SIMODRIVE General Documentation Manufacturer/Service Documentation SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE Accessories Catalog Catalog Accessories NC Z NC 60.1 Ordering Document NC 60.2 Advertising brochure 611 Accessories Electronic Catalog CA01 Planning Guide Drive Converters Manufacturer/Service Documentation SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE Planning Guide Planning Guide Planning Guide Planning Guide Planning Guide Planning Guide AC Servomotors General Part AC Servomotors 1FT5 AC Servomotors 1FT6 AC Servomotors 1FK6 AC Servomotors 1FK7 AC Induction Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PH2, 1PH4, 1PH7 Manufacturer/Service Documentation SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE Planning Guide Hollow-Shaft Motors for Main Spindle Drives 1PM6 and 1PM4 SIMODRIVE SIMODRIVE Planning Guide Planning Guide Planning Guide AC Motors for Main Spindle Drives Linear Motors 1FN1, 1FN3 1FW6 Build-in Torque Motors Electronic Documentation 840D/810D/ SIMODRIVE/ Motors DOC ON CD The SINUMERIK System Order No.: 6FC5298-6CA00 EMC Design Guidelines SINUMERIK SIROTEC SIMODRIVE 1FE1 Synchronous Build-in Motors SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE SIROTEC SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE 840C DOC ON CD Order No.: 6FC5198-6CA00 Siemens AG Automatisierungs- und Antriebstechnik Motion Control Systems Postfach 3180, D - 91050 Erlangen Bundesrepublik Deutschland (c) Siemens AG 2003 Subject to change without prior notice Order No.: 6SN1197-0AD01-0BP0 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany