| al (Rectangular Tail, Elevated) | 4 2 Chamfered entry prevents pin stubbing High reliability tuning fork contact Standoffs reduce rework due to flux residue Selective plating options available SINGLE ROW (1 to 36 positions) ad Single Row Dual Row OD OP / / W1 | WIDTH 0,100/2,54mm_ | 0.200"/5,08mm Mates with PEG, MPEG, DPEG, LPEG, TPEG headers i SUANDAKD PART H1 | HEIGHT ELE WN gels 0.325"/8,25mm 0.325"/8,25mm 38 D BODY (BOTTOM) [aanminadl Dual Row W2 | WIDTH 0.096'/2,44mm 0.198/5,03mm H2 | HEIGHT 0.098'/2,49mm 0.098"/2,49mm | STANDOFF 0.015"/0,38mm 0.015"/0,38mm Single Row - Dual Row TH | TOTAL Please refer to chart on the next page IH_ | INSTALLED INSULATOR BODY Glass Filled Polyester (UL94V-0) CONTACT Phosphor Bronze Specifications and Performance Data: Page 105 Elevated sockets available in a "Solid Stack" 4700 Smith Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45212 (513) 631-4700 Fax # (513) 631-5700 1-800-676-7644 24944e2 OOOOYOO cb4 L?F0.100 in. (2,54mm) Centers HOW TO ORDER.CRANE'S MATP/MATL S _* STANDARD PART NUMBER 0.025 in. (0,64mm) Sq. Mating Posts. MAT | GMAT HIGH TEMP VERSION . STANDARD LIF (NOTE: LIF not available with tin plating) SINGLE DUAL SINGLE DUAL STRAIGHT CHOOSE G, T or M, H, L, F (Tin plating is not available on LIF sockets) a 4h R K Due to the number of options, not all platings are stocked for ail contact lengths. Contact factory for availability. RECTANGULAR KINKED A 0.016"/0,41mm x 0.030'/0,76mm 4} SOLID STACK SINGLE INSULATOR AT BOTTOM INSTALLED HEIGHT "B" DIM TOTAL HEIGHT "D" DIM > > Many other sizes are available. Please call 1-800-676-7644 and give us your exact requirements. / | a ig TYPEA TYPE B 0.400" = B 0.435" =C 0.435" =C 0.435" = C 0.500" = G 0.535" = H 0.535" =H 0,600" = L 0.635" =M 0.635"=M 0.700" =Q 0.735"=R 0.800" = V 0.835" =W 0.525" = F 0.525" = F 0.725" =N 0.915"=T 0.725=N 0.725" =N 0.915" =T 0.725"=N 0.725" =N 0.915" =T 0.915" =T 0.915" =T 0.915" =T 0.915" =T Crane's MATP Series can be used with our MPEG Series for ultra-high. board stacking needs. Refer to pages 12 - 13. Sl<lixmi Ole zie ci xrialanl al ala tl tl mt] at ot el zi etl zl} | aa] zion] on e4944uee COOCOuOL 1TSaoNoU yNoYWM abuey> oy Palqns S| UONPWIOJU UY adUeWOpad jeayeW pue UBisap aruRApe 0} SLOyJa BuIObUO 0} ang aipa|mouy ino yo ysaq ay} 0} ayesnsze si Hojeye> si) Ul pajuasazd UONeUUOjUI ay! papaau I UOIJEWOJU! BJOW JO} BUeID }3e1UO2 aseajd SJINPOd yo AYIA '3.LON DNINZANIONG JO} JIGe|IeAe aue SaOyes0qe| 3Sa} apIsyno Aq pawsoyad syOdal payteyap OW Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae 6ae Bae Bae Bae Bae Bae bae Bae bae DYNO Bost | zoozL ZOO'L 209% 6Z1 200S Z2OG7 | ZOO? | ZOO9 | ZOCe | ZzOOE} 2Z0G1 ZOQ'E | ZOGL | ZOOE TWMVECHIM V/N Bae Bae Bae 6ae Bae Bae Bae Bae bae Bae 6ae 6ae Bae 6ae 6ae Ios bosr 20 0'P~ zOGl ZOGS'E 6572 2009 ZO GE ZOGZ | Z200L| Z20G'E ZO0'S | 209? 2005 | 2ZOGZ ZOO'S NOILYISNI v/N wS2Z0 | sSLLO | WW .0SZ'0 V/N s0S7TO | EEO | wS6LO | ,OLL'0 S70 XV Hid3q wus? | ,021'0 V/N 40S00 | ,OSO'O | ww9'Z s00L'O 5500 | ,COLO | .06L'0 | ,OOL'O | .S600 sO7ZL0 NIW | NOUWYISNI qv31 wuwice | ,007'0 wOvlO | .GtL'O | wus' wOE70 - sOETZO | ,OEZO | OSLO | OSLO s0EZO WON JONVLSIS3Y SWYO} suuyo|! SUUYOIT suyo! WUYOIITIIW 02> YOUN OL> YOu O%> WYO OL> IDVINOD dWv SdNV ONILVY I dav! LIN3YYAD (ONIONVLSHLIM SW DVA 0001 SWY A00S OV SWY DIVA O00L yy 137310) AM wnuwiuiy) suyobay, swyobay\ JONVLSISIY oo0l 0005 NOLLVINSNI : ya ' 4'H may : ' . mye ' SNOILdO 40 Jo 0 Jo i dH 19 uih H4045 1D ITHW401L5D dH 4019 JITHW 4019 ONILY1d TWIY3LVA azuolg s0ydso azuojg JOYydso! Koyy saddo 4g JOYdSOUd OLLVD 4g JOydsoud O2z AOllY 4 2 IDWINOD ONILVY payey ay s}onpolg JoPauUO OAP6 1N 32 parey aly spnpolg 407 > suel> |Iv ALMavWWY14 JONVY - oO o oO - DSZL+ 0} DSS DSOL 9} DOF 3077+ 9} DS9 DSZL+ OF DSS JUALVWadWAL TWIHALVIAN Jaysafjo ons aUuL aunyesaduiay yh dw} | aySBA|O ayii4 sse rsadjog 49 nsedouwayl any 1 Y6iH ddd LH Jaysaf|og (49) palliy ssejd JOL'VINSNI _ . . 7 . . Z-7Z . . . . . . . lv-Ov | LY-OF . . SL-ti | SS-bS | 66-86 | 26-96 | S6-v6 | 6- 726 LL-OL 6b -8P 1S-OS | Zv-9h | S-ZS | SP-by | Sh-HP | EV-cb 6e-ae | 6E-8E LE -9E LE- 9E $Id WATE nor fos 391 ilv ddV WLY Lilv iivS dag HEV 1sv sav SLY LVN dlVN WV dlv pnadon SYAdINN ONIWINVYEDO"d / SLINDOS LNNOW GYHVO_ :suozesyinads a2ueWOpiad 105 17F MM 2494422 COOOL? O16 DdPERFORMANCE / TEST SPECIFICATIONS QUALITY CONTACTS Quality Program Requirements ISO 9001 Material Specifications Military Specifications - Connectors MIL-C-55302D Phosphor Bronze QQ-B-750/ASTM B159 Sampling Procedures and Tables for inspection |MIL-STD-105 Copper and Copper Alloy 770 ASTM B122 Quality Assurance Terms and Conditions MIL-STD-109 General Specifications Calibration Systems Requirements MIL-STD-45662A General Specifications for Contacts MIL-C-39029D Inspection System Requirements MIL-I-45208A POSTS res: Wire, Phosphor Bronze Plastic Material Specification Le Wil ile) Molding Plastics, Polyester, Thermoplastic MIL-M-24519 Outer Plating Specifications Tests For Flammability UL94V-0 Gold - Type li, Grade C MIL-G-45204 UL Temperature Index UL746B Tin/Lead MIL-P-81728A4 Limiting Oxygen index ASTM D2863 Under Plating Specifications Plastic Material Applied Tests Nickel QQ-N-290 Dielectric Strength, Short Term ASTM D149 Copper MIL-C-14550 Dielectric, Constant ASTM D150 Palladium Nickel MIL-P-45209 Izod Impact Strength ASTM D256 Plating Applied Tests DC Resistance (Volume Resistivity) ASTM D257 Coating Thickness (X-Ray Fluorescence) ASTM-A-754-79 Water Absorption ASTM D570 Testing Specifications Test for Tensile Strength ASTM D638 Test Methods for Electrical Connectors MIL-STD-1344A Heat Deflection Temperature ASTM 0648 Test Methods for Electrical and Electronic Components |MIL-STD-202 Compressive Strength ASTM D695 Connections, Electrical, Solderless, Wrapped MIL-STD-11308 Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion ASTM D696 Environmental Test Methods MIL-STD-810 Shear Strength of Plastics ASTM D732 Packaging Specifications Rockwell Hardness R-scale ASTM D785 Connector, Preparations For Delivery Of MIL-C-55330 Flexural Strength of Plastics ASTM D790 Marking of Electronic Parts MIL-STD-12858 Specific Gravity and Density of Plastics ASTM D792 Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-129 Mold Shrinkage Flow ASTM 0995 Identification Marking of US Military Property MIL-STD-130 Outgassing Test ASTM E-595-84 Bar Coding Symbology MIL-STD-11898 Crane uses the above test methods in full or in part to determine compliance of its parts and materials to internal and customer supplied specifications. iw Wal LC) CONTACT AREA oe rte ee The following names and symbols SPECIFICATIONS Inches (Millimeters) Inches (Miilimeters) Inches {Millimeters) used in this catalog are trademarks Selective 15u"(0,00038) gold 100y"(0,00254) tin/lead - min. |50y"(0,00127) nickel - min. |_| Of Crane Electronics, Inc. T |Tin/lead _ |100y"(0,00254) tin/lead |100u"(0,00254) tin/lead - min. [50y"(0,00127) nickel- min.| | Crane Electronics M Selective 50y"(0,00127) gold 1001"(0,00254) tin/lead- min. |501"(0,00127) nickel- min.| | Crane Connectors H {Selective 30y"(0,00076) gold 100u"(0,00254) tin/lead- min. _[50p"(0,00127) nickel min.| | Mate-Rite Tip L |Selective 10,"(0,00025) gold 100y"(0,00254) tin/lead - min. }50u"(0,00127) nickel - min. F |Selective 3y"(0,00008) gold 100y"(0,00254) tin/lead - min. }50u"(0,00127) nickel - min. STANDARD TAIL OPTIONS ON .100" PIN STRIP HEADERS R K F Ra DV ie coined tail improving solder action while making insertion easier. reducing unwanted movement on the PC Board. rounded tail with an 0.025 square post. The fine line feature allows more traces between holes. wire wrap square tail for use in applications. UL File No. 120111 (N) Q ISO 9001 COINED KINKED FINE LINE SQUARE The standard *R The "K" aption The F" option The Q" option Wi vA option provides a provides a kinked tail, | combines an 0.018" provides a 0.025" Crane Connectors File No. A-3620 Recognized to U.S. and Canadian Tequirements under the 106 Component Recognition Program of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Registered by UL to 1809001 under UL's accreditation by Raad voor de Certificatie (RvC), the Dutch Council for Certification, D o17F MP 24944ee OOO04bd Tle