Rev A
For more information www.analog.com
The LTC4418 is an intelligent 40V dual channel PowerPath™
switch that automatically connects one of two input sup-
plies to a common output based on a channel’s priority
and validity. Channel 1 is defined to be higher priority
than Channel 2 regardless of voltage levels. A channel’s
validity is user defined by a set of undervoltage (UV) and
overvoltage (OV) comparators biased with a resistive
divider off of the channel’s input. Connection is made by
enhancing external back-to-back P-channel MOSFETs. Un-
like a diode-OR, which always passes the highest supply
voltage to the output, the LTC4418 lets one use a higher
supply as a secondary for backup power.
During normal operation the LTC4418 continuously moni-
tors V1 and V2 through its respective UV and OV pins
using precision overvoltage and undervoltage compara-
tors. An input supply is defined valid when the voltage
remains in the OV/UV window for at least the validation
time, (tVALID). If the input supply connected to V1 falls
out of the OV/UV window and remains outside for at least
3.5µs (tVALID(OFF)) the channel is disconnected. V2 is then
connected to the common output if it is within its OV/UV
window. The LTC4418 always connects the higher priority
V1 supply if it becomes valid regardless of the status of
V2. VALID1 and VALID2 pull low to indicate when the V1
and V2 input supplies are valid.
Hysteresis on the UV and OV inputs can be configured to
be a fixed 3% or made adjustable. Connecting the HYS
pin to ground sets the hysteresis on both channels to be
3% of the monitored voltage. Connecting a resistor, RHYS,
between HYS and ground forces 63mV/RHYS current out
of OV1 and OV2 and into UV1 and UV2 in order to create
hysteresis when outside their respective OV/UV windows.
The configuration of HYS affects both channels.
During channel transitions, monitoring circuitry prevents
cross conduction between input supplies and reverse
conduction from VOUT using a break-before-make archi-
tecture. The VGS comparator monitors the disconnecting
channel’s gate pin voltage (G1 or G2). When the gate
voltage is 300mV (∆VG(OFF)) from its common source
connection (VS1 or VS2), the VGS comparator latches the
output to indicate the channel is off and allows the other
valid priority input supply to connect to VOUT, preventing
cross conduction between channels.
To prevent reverse conduction from VOUT to V1 and V2
during channel switchover, the REV comparator monitors
the connecting input supply (V1 or V2) and VOUT. The REV
comparator delays the connection until the output voltage
droops lower than the input voltage by 120mV (VREV).
Once activated, the LTC4418 gate driver pulls G1 or G2
down to 6.2V (∆VG) below its respective VS1 or VS2 with
a strong pull-down current. After turning on, the gate
driver holds the gates of the external P-channel MOSFETs
at ∆VG with a small pull-down current. To minimize inrush
current at start-up, the gate driver soft-starts the first input
supply to connect to VOUT at a rate of approximately 4V/
ms terminating when any channel disconnects or 35ms
elapses. Once slew rate control has terminated, the gate
driver returns to normal gate driving operation.
When EN is driven above 1V (VEN(TH)) the highest valid
priority input supply is connected to VOUT. When EN is
driven below VEN(TH) all channels are disconnected from
VOUT and the LTC4418 continues to monitor the OV and
UV pins indicating status with VALID1 and VALID2. When
SHDN is pulled below 1V (VSHDN(TH)) all channels are
disconnected, OV and UV comparators are disabled and
both channel validation timers are reset. A SHDN low to
high transition reactivates soft-start, provided VOUT drops
below 2.3V before SHDN is high. VOUT dropping below
1.7V also reactivates soft-start.
When additional supplies need to be prioritized the part can
work in conjunction with other LTC4417s and/or LTC4418s
where the CAS pin of the highest priority controller is con-
nected to the EN of the lower priority controller. If VOUT
is allowed to fall below 1.7V, the next connecting input
supply is soft-started.
The LTC4418 has its own internally generated 3.3V rail
(INTVCC) that provides power to internal circuits of the
part. The INTVCC rail is prioritized such that supply cur-
rent comes from one of three prioritized sources (V1, V2
or VOUT).
An external capacitor must be connected between the
INTVCC pin and GND to hold up the internal rail in the event
of transients such as input supply shorts.