ANP Product Specification 108-5179 So BS 22 FEB 01 Rev.E2 AMP ~ECONOSEAL J-IT Connector masyyon sl aKa Contents First 15 pages following this top sheet =: English version Next 13 pages : Japanese version When only one of above versions is supplied to customers, this top sheet shall be attached. Bx 2 ODv biCRE< RAO 15 Y > SeFBhR RO13~-vY : FE ARRBAR PAV -i(MBERMARBRMOR POLST SBA, LObhYy TYR OHS SUR AE 72 BV), Revision Record (#1 #28) Revision Letter EC number Date (teal aes) (ckaT aos) (Aft) E2 FJ00-0017-01 22 FEB 2001 Outline of the latest revision (e#tck#T OME) Combine two language versions into one document. No change was made on. product specification. 2HBONRBS HSH L Lic, HERARKERESL, FAD UV hURIA PY TRRSL GRAMME EAA 8-5-8) 7 OPAC LD RRSMAN CH), DEKE ULERSRET, 1 POC BL CARER BPE PS This AMP controlled document is subject to change. For latest revision call local AMP.108-5179 an ro AMP~ECONOSEAL "J" - IE Connector ob 2 qo 1. Scope: . This specification covers requirements for product performance and test = methods of AMP-ECONOSEAL "J'! - I connectors. 3 , . = 2. Product Part Numbers and Descriptions: The products of the following part numbers shall be governed under j this specification. Sy od ae Part Numbers Descriptions Or . _ 171630, 171662 .070 Series, Receptacle Contact 171631, 171661 .070 Series; Tab Contact re Bagh 12 eb 88 Rubber Plug for .070 Series Contact =< SE 172748 Cavity Plug for .070 Series Connector s 171632 -250 Series, Receptacle Contact tow . 171633 -250 Series, Tab Contact 172747 Rubber Plug for .250 Sereis Contact 1728749 Cavity Plug for .250 Series Connector 172743 -070/.250 Combination, 15-Pos. Plug Housing Assiy 172744 -070/.250 Combination, 15-Pos. Cap Housing 173090 -O70 Series, 2-Pos. Plug Housing Assy 173063 -070 Series, 2-Pos. Cap Housing 173091 -070 Series, 3-Pos. Plug Housing Ass'y 173065 -070 Series, 3-Pos. Cap Housing 173914 .070 Series, 4-Pos. Plug Housing Ass'y 173915 -070 Series, 4-Pos. Cap Housing 173919 .070 Series, 6-Pos. Plug Housing Ass'y 173920 -070 Series, 6-Pos. Cap Housing > 173891 -070 Series, 13-Pos. Plug Housing Ass'ty 173892 -070 Series, 13-Pos. Cap Housing E2/ADDED &700-o0r7-ot [AYA PEF] 4 E\ |Revised Fyoo-Ipb5-00 [ks Lif : bh} De vo Tae - b Electro Revised RFA-2026 | Fifi 2 ANN Ayco Electronics AMP KK D| Revised RFA-1976 [Ai5,7 844 [HE dn Kawasaki, Japan 5 cl Revised RFA-1741 UY G8 pp eS oe 7 i nS REV __[BifRevised RFA-1481 Yi He le le ee 208-5179 E2 2 Bl Revised & Ui rae SHEET wamMe = =Product Specification = Retyped RFA-957 ie A = ) . LTR REVISION RECORD "oR CHK lpaTe 1 OF 15 AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" ~- IF Connectors And? J. the hy teNUMBER * 108-5179 AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Customer Release 3. 4.1 343 3.4 345 3.6 4.3 Lak 45 Definitions of Terms: Contact: Contact is a metallic component member of connector to make electrical contact, capsulated in housing. Housing: Housing is an electrically insulating, plastic component member of con- nector to capsulate contacts in its cavities. Cap housing that capsulates tab contacts, and plug housing that capsulates receptacle contacts, are available. Rubber Plug: Rubber plug is an at achment rubber plug, used on the wire next to wire crimp of tab contact and receptacle contact to provide water-tight sealing of connector assembly. Cavity Plug: Cavity plug is a cavity filler to protect cavity when is is not in use. Seal Ring: Seal ring is a component part attached on plug housing to provide water- tight connection between cap housing, when the housings are mated. Connector Assembly: Connector assembly is an assembly, consisting of housing, eith wire- crimped contacts filled in all or partial cavity positions and furnished with all component parts required to provide water-tight connector func- tions. Cap connector asembly containing tab contacts, and plug connector containing receptacle contacts and being equipped with seal ring, are available. Material and Finish: Contact: Contact shali be made of brass or pre-tinned brass or plain brass with selective gold plating over nickel underplate, conforming to Copper Alloy No. 260 of ASTM B 36, or pre-tinned phosphor bronze or plain phosphor bronze with selective gold plating over nickel underplate. Housing: Housing shall be made of molded, heat-resistive 6/6 Nylon resin or polybuthylene terephthalate resin (PBT). Rubber Plug: Rubber plug shall be made of nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR). Cavity Plug: Cavity plug shall be made of nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR). Seal Ring: Seal ring shall be made of nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) . SHEET | AIMIP cre REM 2 OF LS y A { 108-5179 Ka NAME Product specification AMP-ECONOSEAL tJ" ~ IT Connector108-5179 NUMBER Customer Release AHP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Product Design Feature, Construction and Dimensions: 5.1 Contact: Contact design feature, construction and dimensions shall be conforming to the applicable customer product drawings. Ali tab contacts and receptacle contacts shall be mated regardless of the wire sizes applied. 5.2 Housing: , Product design feature, construction and dimensions shall be conforming to the applicable customer product drawings. Housings shall be provided with polarization and locking mechanism with contact insertion entry guide. 5.3. Rubber Plug: Product design feature, construction and dimensions shall be conforming to the applicable product drawings. 5.4 Cavity Plug: Product design feature, construction and dimensions shall be conforming * to the applicable product drawings. : Performance Rating: 6.1 Temperature Rating: Temperature rating of the connector assemblies shall be within the range. of 30 C and 105 C, including the temperature rising resulted from the energized operation effect in addition to the ambient temperature. 6.2 Applicable Wire Size: The wires of the following sizes, shall be used for terminating the subject product connectors. . . 2 . . Ee Ee rag Applicable Wire Size (mm) Insulation Diameter (mm) 171630 172746 AV or AVS Wire 0.2, 0.3 or O.5mm 1.4 - 2.4 171631 178210 One-wire Crimp 0.5, 0.85 or 1.25mm 2.0 - 2.6 176886 One-Wire Crimp 171632 172747 AV or AVS Wire 5 1.25, 2.0 or 3.0mm 2.5 - 4.1 171633 One-Wire Crimp SHEET | AIM cciica Rew 3 OF IS a A * 408-5179 2 NAME Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" - 1 ConnectorNUMBER 108-5179 Customer AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Release AV Wire = Low voltage Wires and Cables for Automobiles per Notes: JIS 3406 (Vinyl-insul ated) AVS Wire = Low voltage wires and cables for automobiles with thin wall insulation which have been predominently used for automobile harness wiring according to the wight reduction trends of recent automobile industry. Specification has been not established as the end of 1983, quality being equivalent to AV wires. 7s Performance Requirements and Test Methods: When the products are tested in accordance with the test methods specified in Paragraph. of 7.2, in accordance with the test sequence specified in Paragraph 7.3, the requirements specified in Table 3 shall be met. Tel Summary of Requirements: Test Items {Paragraph Nos. of Test Methods ) Performance Requirements of _ Contact (Initial) Performance Requirements of Connector Initial Final Appearance (Para. 7.2.1) Connector shall appear normal without evidence of defects such as cracks, damages and breakage, loose and loss of component parts, rust and fusion that are detrimental to connector functions. Insertiion Force of Contact or Connector (Para. 7.2.2) .070 Ser.: 2,94-7.85N .250 Ser. : 6.86-14.7N Extraction Force of Contact or Connector (Para, 7.2.3) 070 Ser.: 294-7. 85N .250 Ser. :5.88-13.7N Termin ation Resistance (Low Level ) (Para. 7.2.4) Table 3 Pos. 2 3 4 6 13 15 N 49 58.8 68.6 78.5 127 137 | Vex Pos. 2 3 4 6 13 15 N 39.2 49 68.6 78.5 127 137 Vex. 3.0 mQ max. 10.0 m& max. (To be continued) SHEET Tyo Electronics AMP KK, AINI Kawasaki, Japan 4 1 Loc REV OFT? Jt 108-5179 E2 NAME Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "Jt! _ Connector AMP J-523Ve (Continued): Performance Requirements of Connector (Para. 7.2.12) o Test items Performance Requirements of 4 (Paragraph Nos, o ont ac ar inal uy Test Methods ) {Initial ) (Initial) (Final ) os) a Termination 3 mV/A max. 10 m/A max. Resistance a bi (Para. 7.2.5) 2 : 2 Insulation . z Resistance iy 100 MQ min. (Para. %.2.6) - : = Dielectric Connector shall appear normal without 89 Strength SaaEEIEAr ame showing evidence of abnormalities. io S| (Para. 7.2.7) ing Handling Touch of No obstruction shall be felt tactually during insertion/extraction Connector Inser- of contacts and connectors z{ tion/Extraction: > oc cE (Para. 7.2.8) = = - _ 21 crimp Tensile Wipe Size Densile Strength 1. &] Strength ie N Min Zo] (Para. 7.2.9) 20.2. | (#24) | 68.6 . | 0.3 |(#22) [| 78.5 + -- 0.5 | (#20) | 88.3 0.85 1(#18) | 127.0 1,251 (#16) | 177.0 2.0 |(#714) | 265,0' 3.0 | (#12) } 294.0 Contact Retention _ (4 72 .5N min. Force (Para. 7.2.14 Housing Retention so : , - IN min. Force (Para. 7.2.14) i 98 ; ri . Water-tight Sealing . j Water-tig PBN ANY 49KPa( 49mN/ mm?) Min.| 29.4KPa(29.4mN/ mn?) Min. Heat Resistivity (Para. 7.2.13) Cold Resistivity (Para. 7.2.J4) "Kojirit Resistivity (Para, 7.2.15) Cleaning Solvent Resistivity (Para. 7.2.16) O11 Resistivity (Para. 7.2.17) Ozon Resistivity (Para. 7.2.18) Weather Aging (Para. 7.2.19) Dust Bombardment Performance require- ments for each test item shall be met when tested environ- mentally and dura- blily. in the sequence specified in Table 5. (Para. 7.2.20) Table 3. (To be continued) SHEET Electronics AMP KK. AIM Occ dane 5 15 frocy , [wo _ REV: OF J A 108-5179 . E2 NAME Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" -IF Connector AMP 1523(Continued IT) fel o S Test Items Performance Requirements of|Performance Requirements of Connector Ln . ob (Paragraph Nos. of) (Initial) {Initial ) (Final ) 7 Temperature Rising ; Performance require- ae ments for each test x (Para. 7.2.21) a item shall be met i bor . . . : a oe when tested environ- z } Water Splash mentally and dura- z (Para, 7.2.22) . , blily in the sequencd Toure. | . : specified in Table 54 (Para. 7.2.23) on re - os Table 3 (End) Wied : ag Ors 7.2 Test Methods: 7e2.-1 Appearance: = . rE Visually and tactually inspect the product samples for evidence of abnormalities oS such aS cracks, damages,:breakaye;-, loose and loss of component parts, rust, a fusion and deformation that are detrimental to connector functions. oo : : . = ul : , < : = 7e2e2 Insertion Force of Contact or Connector: Securely fasten one of the mating pair of contacts or connector assemblies on the head of tensile testing machine, and apply an axial push-in load to the counterpart contact or connector to mate them together, by operating the head to travel with the speed at a rate of 100mm approximately a minute. The force required to mate the samples without locking mechanism set in effect, shall be measured and recorded. , , 7-2.3 Extraction Force of Cont act or Connector: Securely fasteri one of the mated pair of contacts or connector assemblies on the head of tensile testing machine,-arid apply an axial pull-off load to the free end of the mated samples to separate them by operating the head to travel with the speed at a rate of 100mm approximately a minute. The force required to extract without locking leg set in effect, shall be measured and recorded. , 7-2.4 Termination Resistance (Low Level): Mated pair of contacts or connectors shall be tested by applying closed circuit test current of 50mA max, at open circuit voltage of 50mV max. in the test circuit as shown in Fig.'1. Measure the millivolt drop of the circuit by probing across the points 75mm apart from the wire crimps each side (Y - Y' in Fig. 1). Low level termination resistance shall be obtained by calculation after deducting the resistance of the totally 150mm long wires used for the termination. Measurement shall be done one position after one, respectively. SHEET Electronics AMP KK. AN oe cawacal Japan 6 15 Proe NO 108-5] REM OF. J A 5179 Ee. NAME Froduct Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" - I Connector AMP 1.523NUMBER 108-5179 Customer AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Rel ease Teed 7.2.6 - resistance shall be obtained by calculation after deducting the resistance of 75mm a ps 75mme (v) . WY) Y! Power Source (ay ar Termination Resistance: Mated pair of contacts or connectors shall be tested by applying closed circuit test current of 1 A. at open circuit voltage of 12V DC in the test circuit as ._- shown in Fig. 1. Measure the millivolt drop of the test circuit after the temperature of the circuit becomes stabilized, by probing across the points 75mm apart from the wire crimps each side (Y - Y' in Fig. 1). Termination totally 150mm long wires used for the termination. Measurement shall be done one position after one respectively. To facilitate uniform current flow on the wires, solder must be applied to the probing points with sufficiently leng removal of wire insulation. Insulation Resistance: Mated pair of connectors shall be tested for insulation resistance, with all the contacts series wired as shown in Fig. 2. Test potential of 500V DC shall be applied between the adjacent contacts and between the contacts and the ground, Measure the insulation resistance by using insulation megohmmet er. th *K Measuring fee ~e Lf + Apparatus m~- --++-----+44 Between the Adjacent Contacts en t HE i | l i i { Measuring Apparatus if /. - Wp: ti - I . SSS SS ee at Between the Contacts and the Ground Fig. 2 SHEET -_ Tyco Electronics AMP K.K. 7 oF!5 Loc NO REV, ~ 108-5179 Ay. JIA E2 NAME Product Specification AMP_ ECONOSEAL "J" I Connector 2 AMP 1.523108-5179 NUMBER AHP SECURITY Customer Release CLASSIFICATION | 70207 722.8 70209 7.2.10 72.11 722.12 L _ AMP 1-523 and fasten one of the connectors on the tensile testing machine. Then, Bielectric Strength: Mated pair of connectors shall be tested by applying test potential of 1000V AC with commercial frequency between the adjacent contacts that are series wired as shown in Fig. 2. The test potential shall be kept for 1 minute. Handling Touch of Connector Insertion/Extraction: Check handling touch of connector if obstruction is felt: during insert ion/ extraction assembly operation, by manually inserting and extracting repeatedly. Crimp Tensile Strength: A 100mm long wire crimped contact shall be securely fastened on the head of tensile testing machine, and apply an axial puli-off load to the wire by operating the head to travel with the speed at a-rate of 100mm approxiamtely a minute. Crimp tensile strength is determined when the wire is broken or is pulled out of the wire crimp. Measure and record the force required to separate the wire from the wire crimp. Contact Retention Force: Load the contact in housing cavity that is crimped on a 100mm long, 0. 85mm= (#18 AWG) or greater wire... Then, securely fasten the contact-loaded connector on the tensile testing machine, and apply an axial pull-off load to the end of crimped wire by operating the head te travel with the speed at a rate of 100mm approximately.a minute. The force required to dislodge the contact from the loaded contact position.shall be. measured and recorded. Housing Retention Force: Mate the contact-loaded connectors with the locking mechanism set in effect, apply an axial pull-off load to separate theti: tonthe counterpart iconngctor uniformly by operating the head to travel with the speed at a rate of 100mm approximately a minute. . The force required to separate the connectors. with or without disengageiient or breakage of kocking: mechanism. Water-tight Sealing: Suspend the assembled connector in the tapiwater inithe!-tub, immersingly,. as shown in Fig. 3. With the tub chamber closed, blow compressed air. into it until inside .pressure} 9.8Kpa (9.8mN/mm) and keep the pressure level for 1 minute. If the connector withstands the pressure without showing signs of water leakage into housing, increase the pressure level by the steps of graduation of 9.8Kpa (9.8mN/mm*} each time. The circuitry of the testing connector shall be monitored for turnent leakage by, applying the test. currnt of 12V during the pressure elevation. : SHEET ANP =2cso* 8 oft 15 | A I"? 108-5179 Ea | Pr feet specttication NAME | AMP- BCONOSEAL "J" JD ConnectorNUMBER 108-5179 Customer - Release AHP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION [ 7.2.13 a 8.1k 7.2.15 Compressed Air Inlet Pressurized . Pressure Air Gauge Pressure Regulator . . Leakage of Compressed . : V4; eakage Kir Blow-in =Q tft . * Test Specimen__-~ | (Sealed Connector) F SS NS AS SWART ER Prep Water 22 nhl ha ak Fig.. 3 Heat Resistivity: Expose. mated pair of connectors under the elevated temperature of 12022: Or in the test oven:for 120 hours. After completion of test duration, take out . of the oven and recondition the sample in the room temperature. Cold Resistivity: Expose mated pair of connectors under the frozen temperature of ~50 25 Pe for 120 hours in the test chamber. After completion of the test duration, take out of the chamber, and recondition the sample in the room temperature. "Kojiri Resistivity: Apply one cycle each of reciprocating, twisting and bending torque; force of. 196N-cm (7 ) _to free-end side of mated connectors with the couterpart connector securely fastened on the testing fixture. The torque shall be applied at every lmm depth in unmating way tintil the connectors are separatds, Making one separation a cycle, repeat the motion for 25 cycles for front-rear direc- tion of the connectors. After one-direction movement cycles are completed, apply the forcing motion:'in the same manner to the right-left direction of the mated pair of the connectors, for another 25 cycles, po 5mm tax Plug Housing The Point to Which Or manually.repe the Load is Applied 50 cycles in tot of "Kojiri! fore motions. Connector Securely Fixed on the Test Fixture Cap Housing Fig. 4 at. al ing | SHEET Tyco Electronics AMP KK. This method may be manually simulated ANI Kawasaki, Japan by repeating insertion/extraction with 9 oris Loc NO Kojiri movement by hand, _ J A 108-5179 REY. Fa | Name Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" = IE Connector AMP 1.523108-5179 NUMBER Customer AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Release 7.2.16 72.17 722,18 7.2.19 . sunshine carbon weathermeter in accordance with the met hod specified. in Para. 5, iy _(WAS-TS) of JIS D 0205, in the temperature at 63 - =3 C. The tested - 7.2420 Cleaning Solvent Resistivity: Immerse assembled connector in commercially availablesdlverit for cleaning automobile front-shield glass which is controlled at 50 *2c for 1 hour. After the test duration, the sample connector shall be Finsed in tap water for 5 minutes, and dried in the room temperature without aid of powered vent lation. Oil Resistivity: Mated pair of connectors shall be tested by immersing into the following kinds of test oil, in the sequence stated below. 1. Engine Lubricant oil conforming to SAE 10W 50C for l hour or equivalent, : 2.} Kerosene at room temperature for cleaning for 5 minutes 3..) Gasoline conforming to JIS K 2202 . : for 1 hour or equivalent, at room temperature : 4&.] Drying in the room temperature . as required Ozon Resistivity: Mated ,pair of connectors shall be exposed under the test ozon atmosphere of 5022 pphm for24 hours in accordance with JIS K 6301 Para. 16. After the test duration, the sample shall be taken out from the test chamber, and reconditioned in the room temperature. The chamber shall be kept at 4o t2c, The tested condition of cracking on rubber parts shall be recorded in accordance with Para. 16.6 of JIS .K 6301. Weather Aging: (Accelerated Aging Test by Using Weathermeter): Mated pair of connectors shall be tested for 150 hours in accordance with - condition of cracking on rubber parts shall be recorded in accordance with Para. 16.6 of JIS K 6301. Dust Bombardment : Hang mated pair of connectors in the middle of closed test chamber whose three dimensions are 1,000mm respectively (1 m. capacity), where the connector assemblies are subject to undergo dust bombardment testing by ejecting i. Kg ofPortland Cement or dust particles of Kanto Loam Layers with the use of:: powered blower fan to disperse within the chamber at a rate of 10 seconds once every 15 minutes totally for 1 hour. The sample connector shall be placed at the place 150mm apart from the chamber wall. After the test duration, connectors shall be inserted and extracted for 3 cycles. - Note: Kanto Loam Layers = Volcanic soil layers typically found in the eastern areas of. Mt.;.Fujai, extending to cover up to near Tokyo in Kanto District, Japan. SHEET Tyco Electronics AMP KK. AIM Kawasaki, Japan 109F 15 foc | NO 108-5179 rev, JIA E2- NAME Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL tJ" -IE Connector AMP 1.523NUMBER 108-5179 Customer AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATICN Release 72.21 Temperature Rising: All .070 and .250 contacts are series wired into two separate circuits in segregation by contact sizes respectively, and apply test current of the intensity obtained from the calculation by using coefficient factors specified in Table 4 until the temperature rising becomes stabilized. Measurement shall be done by probing the temperature on the surface of contact wire crimp. The test shail be done in the draft-free test chamber. Wire Size Test rorrent No. of Pos. | Reduction Coefficient 0.2 mm 7.0 1 i 0.3 mm- 9.0 Q-- 3 0.75 0.5 mm 11.0 hoe 5 0.6 0.85 mm 14.5 6 - 8 | 0.55 1.25 mm 18.5 - 9 - 12 0.5 2.0. mm 25.0 13 and Over 0.4 3.0 mm 34.0. Note: Applicable intensity of the test current can be obtained by calcula- tion of the specified test current Table 4a & 4b for each wire size multiplied by the reduction coefficient. 7.2.22 Water Splash: Hang the test sample | in the test chamber and expose under the elevated atmosphere of 120 73 C for 40 minutes, immediately after this,. followed by undergoing water splash conditioning by sprinkling water having temper- ature of normal atmosphere for 20 minutes. Making this a cycle, repeat 48 cycles of the test in accordance with the test method specified in Para. S1 of JIS D 0203. During the test, the test current of 12V shail be applied between the contacts, and circuits shall be monitored and current leakage shall be recorded. For this test, the length of the lead shall be 2 meters: with the end of which te be placed outside of the chamber, 7.2.23 Current-loaded Vibration: All .O70 and .250 contacts are series-wired into two separate circuits in segregation by contact sizes respectively, and fasten the connectors loaded with the crimped contacts on the vibartion testing machine as shown in Fig. 3+ -Testing shall be done by applying vibration having accelerated velocity of Adn/s2(4,56)'8 in sweeping vibration changing in the range of 20-200 Hz at a rate of one reciprocation cycle every 3 minutes, The vibratite conditioning shalIbe applied to "X" axis for 30 hours, to "Y" axis for 30 hours and to "Z" axis for 40 hours. At the end of vibration for one axis, termina- tion resistance (low level) shall be measured. During vibration, test current obtained from the calcualation'in the same manner specified in Para. 7.2.21 shall be applied with intervals for 100 cycles, each cycle consisting of 45 minutes "ON" and 15 minutes "OFF, SHEET VE Tyco Electronics AMP KK. mA Kawasaki, Japan Tl OF 15 bor Mo _ REV ERS | & 108-5179 E2 NAME Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" - I onnector AMP J-523NUMBER 108-5179 Customer SECURITY . CLASSIFICATION AMP Release | Directions of Vibration Wires Connector Fixing Stand Fastened Both Ends Vibration Plate Fig. 5 SHEET AMP Tyco Electronics AMP KK. Kawasaki, Japan NO OF A 108-5179 REM NAME Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" -il Connector E2 AMP J-523108-5179 HUMBER n 73 Test Sequence: All the tests shall be performed in the sequence specified in Table 5, - ; Test . Sequence Classification Con- tact Connector + c L . Test Item amr Groups | y/ a} 7 u mr Iv V vie} vi | vir Appearance 1Piyrdzd-d 1toy di fl 1 1p 4tig4 (Confirmation of Products) Contact or Connector | Insertion Force 2 2h: 10 Contact or Connector , k Extraction Force || 3 - Termination Resistance (Low Level): 34 1618 - 21547 [9 . ayo} 25 Termination Resistance 2 51. 21517 Cust omer Water-tight. Sealing | PT FR Edgy : f did | 78 3} Pel t Insulation Resistance dof 3 - {10 Dielectric Strength , , Tad. Handling Touch of Connector aE Od. to hat insertion and Extraction , AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Release Contact Retention Force i ofe Housing Retention Force . 12 Heat Resistivity OO . 5 Cold Resistivity toda Water Splash . - 2 "Kojiri" Resistivity - . , | 4 Crimp Tensile Strength Current-Loaded Vibration . 6 Cleaning Solvent Resistivity Oil Resistivity 6 Ozon Resistivity , , {3 Weather Aging . 3 Dust Bombardment . 8 Temperature Rising 3 Table 5 the sequence in which the tests are Kawasaki, Japan performed. Note: The numbers in the colums indicate SHEET ne iV Tyco Electro rice AMP KK tac 13 15 NO . REY. OFZ, | A 108-5179 E2 to NAME Product Specification AMPECONOSEAL "J'' -IT Connector AMD LESS108-5179 NUMBER ease ustomer Ruf AMP SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 8, Quality Assurance Provisions: 8.1 Test Conditions: Unless otherwise specified, all the tests shall be performed in any combination of the following test conditions. | Temperature 15 - 35C - Relative Humidity AS - 75% Atmospheric Pressure 86.7-107KPa(650~800nnHs ) Table 6 8.2 Qualification Testing: (8.2.1 Sample Preparation: . All.the samples to be employed for the tests, shall be prepared in ac- cordanc with AMP Application Specification, 114-5082, Crimping AMP- ECONOSEAL "Jt! MARK TL Connector, Contacts, by using the wires of the Sizes specified in Table 7. . ; Unless otherwise specified, no sample shall be reused for the tests, 8.2.2 Number of the Samples: Each group of the sampie.contacts shall consist. of more than 10 sets of prepared contacts, and connector sample group shail consist of more than 2 sets of assembled connectors. 8.2.3 Applicable Wires: , For termination of the sample contacts to be used for the tests, the wires of the following sizes shall be used. Wire Size | Strand Composition | Calculated Cross-sectional onTTaY a : . 7 Area,of Conductor Remarks ste - : mn (AWG) 6f a Strand Strands mm CMA 0.2 | (#24) 0.20 7 0.22 3h [SES 3406 - ; Wires and; 0.3 {(#22) 0.26 7 |. 0.37 733 Cables i . : for Auto- 0.5 | (#20) 0.32 7 0.56 1,112 mobiles 0.85 | (#18) 0.32 2d 0.88 1,746 AV Wires 5 : 2-3 2746 & AVS 1.25 | (#16 ) 0.32 16 1.29 2,540 Wires ; - with Thin 2.0 |(#14) 0.32 26 2.09 4,127 insul a~ tion: Wall 3.0 {{#12) 0.32 41 3.30 6,508 Table 7 SHEET Electronics AMP KK. AIWNI ay caerasali, Japan 14 OF A5%tse NO rey. VF ty A 108-5179 E2 NAME Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" -H- Connector AMP 1.5239. a oi o 9 = n a lod c tad a = = =z ic. Me oo Bn od ed Ue ab Om = - oO SE fi ?ou eT wn a wi aS < =_ <u LL AMP 1.523 Application and Handling: Crimping and Handling: All the wire crimping and handling shail be done moderately in conformance with the procedures and workmanship evaluation levels specified in AMP Application Specification 114-5082, Crimping of AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" MARK I, Combination, 15-positon Connector Contacts, Harness assembly operation and extraction/loading of contacts to and from the housing must be done according to the instructions provided in the customer manual CM-229J. Reference Documents: JASO D605 :. JASO D 7101 Jis JIS JIS JIS JIS JIS JIS 114- Cc 3406 D 0203 D 0204 D 1601 D 0205 K 6301 K -2202 5082 501-5364 Multi-Position.Connectors.for Automobiles Test Methods for Plastic Molded Component Parts Low Voltage Cables for Automobiles Method of Moisture, Rain and Spray Test for Automobile Parts Method of High and Low Temperature Test for Automobile Parts Vibratile Testing Method for Automobile Parts General Rules of Weatherability for Automobile Parts Physical Testing Methods for Vulcanized Rubber Motor Gasoline Application Specification, Crimping of AMP- ECONOSEAL MIU, MARK I, .070/.250 Combination, 15-Position Connector Contacts Qualification Test Report Kawasaki, Japan 15 OF 15 y A " 108-5179 REM E2 Name Product Specification AMP-ECONOSEAL "J" -IT ConnectorEAA AMP J-CO2 (Rev. Apr 78) ANP 4t A HR caze: KRER (Gk @ #2 Me) RAUL, puny AT Y TED 2 H & 108-5179 naeyyonw J" Paar 1 27 a . AMBidie ae wow I"-| ZASZFICDOMN CHE tbo 2 RANE # 1 . Ht & Z ca 171630 O70 YI -K+- Ve FRanw- avast t7ieet O70 Yd -K ke ava 78910. Lebeee O10 FAA FIF 4799748 070 Aer ER 4 FFF 171632 250 yY -Xs VeFRINM- AY RDAF { 171633 250%) -4-FF+ AV RSS 172747 250A 7 8-79 F 172749 250A * +e r+ +79 172743 O70 4 25024 ER-YaY ISAT F nore - Tak 7) 172744 0707 .250 2% ERY SY1SMe ey Fi nvyys 173090 O70 YY KKB SL nV YT Ty er T) 173063 O70 YY -KAQMe ey Tern ovrs 173091 O70 YY -XBET SL en ovyvs- Fore TF) 173065 ON YAS ee Fon vevs 173914 070 YUH KART IT AOD YD Te tv 7 "173915. 070 YY KAR ey Fens 173919 O70 YY -XAGRAIFF- AY YF Ty ev TY 173920 0 YU - KEM ey Fo nosey es 173891. 070 YY KIRIAIS nO Y eS Ty ey 7) 173892 |.070 YY - XGA 4 op F- nS a% oo-bbs-00 KS AIG Bag E2 | ibm FI00-0017-01 |AF WA FP? E | mee RFA~2026 .7| fn a tem 4 16h BR : , D BCR] RFA 1976 Kx| ba ytSe ceeet we #. R c | ez] RFA-1711 FL Co lee [Be ie, bala Bip RT RPA-1481 ZL Apa tes | eM! Ly aR eT B | te] RPA- 957 yo Golf G 6s Tf oS 108-5179 9 A |&#] RFA-792 Ko | Ale! Lipa OTT rae a 0 | fem RFA-723 vo |e ev ae] RR: 2% eg | BR: aaT a 87 2 a Pat | BRIM) | AREE |e AA nravyrwoarw*y"-J]aReZ eB wea * # Bom | 13 RI oy oe ec rin Ad, bles 55.6 1000 (2)RBS A 4.5 fe Fat BL - Fe AL 4.1 wyvay7r7h 42 Aoyvrve 4.3 4.4 FM PST Be ery FaeT; yYr-wy ys. ; Tek - BB RUTE 5.1 3va7 5.2 ANUP Y ST 5.38 9AN-TPSF ; 5.4 Bebra -Fe7; fe AE ~ AMP J-002.1 Pae ae me: 3... A ED HE OR 31 SvYRPR PAPAS ORBRBRTCAZLBMTELD. B2 ADYYSS ARPFOMMRBERTCSS IY FA 7PERAPSIOEKS, CHEK ZFYauYv RF hEMBP Sey THY VYFEVETR IM AYR? Ph EMETS TSP A. Yu TED Be . ag gHuyer , AEBS AMT SYED IRE ey so va ad b OB GMICHRANS TALES, 34 F4eF4-FIF 5 2HUEDZAIZOBSR, wav e7>ePAL ABO DV YFTABRICS DAATHHENSLOENS, 35 vw-ryres ; FOPADDYICBBENTHED, Bey TROY Y TER CLABES ONSHKEERS BH TRB EH SY ORC 5. 36 aRZB ; 2 AEB Lh EMRE ER, ODIYSCRRT yey 7 YLAS&DEWS, CHUM AT IY AT RET oS EY FIL Ree DT ROIY TEV eT eon av EAR Y wy YTET eo RLIN URS IF NRO PSY TRB. ; ASTM B 36 COPPER ALLOY 260 KBMTAZRMARUG Ora &ttRMARVSH =v 7 VP MH AT BD SHroaSYRSRKRMEVIBHOORH OARS RUSH = 977 VFMO DAB DSHS oO ADHERE HARMS LH BENS, NAGE H+ FOYER YS F LY FLT (PBT) HR LO RBSHS, =P YVOIS (NBR) LOMB AnNS, =bhY Mos (NBR) LOMGEHS!, =} Y Uo (NBR) EO RE KHS|, TK. BERT RAT SZRMMRSGRKL EVAL, TRTDISF DYFPhEYRAFVIWIAYIAZhI FAR ee CFR CHS, WK, BBRUTEMATAMMCARL TM4LL, ik SM IRRB. NY Y SHE ONY ORBRU AY oP GATS FLATA, FR, PEROT RATAMMKAKLTV4rL, FAK. MBM ER BAT SMMC ARLTVAZCE, 6.1 (8 FAB BE #8 A 30~105C (PRG + BE ick 2 i EA) BR _ FROZE MRO: aT} ow Hom RK Zzasyon"J"*-YP ares 108-5179 E2 13 As Aa. bes 55.6 2000 {2}eee: -KESA AMP J.002-1 - 6.2 A BRee ce BS 2. #& OF ge 9 a ay | Tab IN 799 : i FO Cai] HERR ES B (mn) | AV B U.AVS {| 171630 172746 02,03, 0.5 14~24 | 171681 | 178210 D-AE AV & U AVS ;, 171661 172882 05,085,125 2~26 || 171662 | 176886 OD Ee. : || 171632 | 172747 AN UX OO AVS 5 ~ 41 [| 171633 O- KE 7. tHE RORRAE - a 1 2 RR) ROBT 3 RRR ) CBORRB LAER, 83 ROME XAG BES CAVS) Wet Sc ke @# 3 & oe Re av eo b OE (SR DSR 0. ES - OR Fk 4 3 HE DHE | HA - RRO A @| 7.2.1 22, HR, HH. Ox, BROATH, HU, BRS RIECR 5RROEMA LS ave? eRe 070 4 ~X 52.94-7-05N |w_ Hel 2 | 3-1 4 | 6 [istis sar 208 AD) Py ya ORIEN IN, 4) 49 | 58.96826/78.5) 127] 137 : 070%) x 72+94-7.85N lee Bel 2 1 3 | 4 tf 6 et 77 f ; bo slien 1 2, 8 SHITE N pe? 49 [68.4 78.5) 127] 137 n- UN wa HH) 724 3 maser 10 m@LlF 6 f& fl 725 3m V/A LF 10mV/A LF * & #8 fh 7.26 100 M2 Lk t ay & FEL 7.2.7 BeezeRee FRO71-VY7| 7.28 BHA HOSORWAL | 1 02 mi- 6.N LE 0.3 mi 78.5N AE: 0.5 m 88.3N oh E ro we wl 7.29] 0.85 ma 127.0N WEL 4 1.25 mi 177,0N UAE 2.0 n 265.0N Be 3.0 aa 204.0N ae PM PEORIA | REO AK: we a7 BG RB | ssvy-etst-asars | 1os-si79 | ey fee A4. fle 55.6 2000 (2)cues: RBS AMP J-002-1 - at EA ay Ra) OEE TARR OEE 5 | AS 4 SAE BE RE RE | A - RRO ERE avaohReHA | 72210 4* 78.5N | BE AgvyvcheH | 7211 oS.IN BE yo T212| a [aan 2 mE 9s aKpa 2 LE fit mR HE 7.2.13 fitt 5 7.2.14 Hoc bb Oe | 7.215 im wu Ft 6 7.2.16 a By re SS HICRTEAT m+ FY 7.2.18 th RA - RRRRET it - fee 7.2.19 a , - peek RHR THE i Ct A .) 7220 | | FEELS & EF &: F | 7221] % 7k 7. 2. 23 oo. & Ro BM.) 72.23 1.2 RRAR 721 % # Nt SRROMMICLVRRL, BSCR, BWA ce. BROTH, HR, BRRURBSORRERMT 3. . 7.22 avy e#Fa>RMEAAL SOMA aveSPbRAAALSFO-HCMEL, HHEMAMCBAH 100mO-# SECRET A. RB, ADV YTOR, SRRAEAS HTH 5. 7123 s28F7bRAAAZ ASTRA IYSI+RADAAIAO-HEBEL, HATBAABSH 100MO-# HERE CRVES ZS, RE, OY YA7Ony SVS RTL FU CHS. 71.24 8-vAnBe . av AFP RAS ASAERALARE CREE DCOMVUT, BOER SOmAM FESR L, ERED 75 mMNRATHHEMET S. ($$ 1HOY-Y'R): | ne UNE, Y-YRORRD 6 150 mORMORMFAEEI > THK 34. RS, WER IROCTI VOLTS. : ED Rt z FK: fa BE Sep yen sod SAP R 8 8179 Ed Hee A4, bus 55.6 2000 (2)AMP J-002-1 cman: REE 125 Be DAT RUT AD AEG LAST BACME DCI2V, SME LA CRE - Leys? OREMRELAR EMBL D7 SmMN RA TEEMT @ HET (So (H1BOY- Y"F ) (eeu, Y- LY MORER TAS 150 mow ROREMT ERE ls CHEF Bo Re, MEALBT OTD LOL TS. Y-VARRMERAICE EL OTH Bit i BE MIC PSRO, TH-FESTLEMBAICHHE SZ. 7.2.6 RED . | IAS PERAELARETH2MOMS, BREt42r27+0 EH, REaY ROMA oY SR CMT KAR) ERIE TS. ke, WSEBECDCHOOVE TAS, 727 & B E IAP FERALARBCH2MOCMS, MEPSar 47 HEM RE ays go httag vy SHICRRBRMO ACIOO0OVE 1 SM MMT 3. : | | HR OD 5 BR: : BAA FF: oe aT 22M vow y > naufsyera*T"*-]aaer 2 108-5179 E2 3m Ad, b-% 55.6 2000 (2)AMP J-002-1. - pepe) | RRB + ot +. win + \, ET J Aes ayeo7 RE ==s =) | ot Wee TN TN | ++ ! i A + It | RIeS ; - Bie IL J; ay RDN MAD ZY TTA 7.28 FROF4~-Y vrs IYS7)>REAPAS SOMA, MRECFRCTH, O71-V YS ERR (CO CHERET 4. 7.2.9 FRB BRS leo Ml00mORAOERMCEBLAYASbeHEL, BRERA KHEAH LOOmO-TCRE CHE), BRORMRAEBRS CERO RMORLEOD MHeHet So 7210 3ara7 > RBH AY IY FCO 100MOLS, 085 nd LOMMROBMEEBL RIYA? OMAHA IAS SEMEL, BRERA AABAH 100 mO-CRET Bb BY AF RBAD IY SHhORDAMOMECHET 5. T2M wov-r SRB TAPAFERELARRC-ACHEL., HHTRAANBSHA 100m O-# FRE CUD, oy SRHEOANRARILTREONHAROREBSt METS. See : PIEOZ ER HBROa-K: ak 27 mR 6 # sasyor"J"-Paage 108-5179 E2 isaes Ad. $US 55.6 2000 (2)AMP J-002-1 eee: RBA (7.212 4 3 QCRTRREENOKHICZASAS EBL, SBEACEMPREKY, 9.8KPa (9.8mNimm?) CENt 30BHRD. TAZ FANORKMATHILI.8KPa G.8mNimm}# > LTH 6. MRPOTADSANORKONRE, IRDZR2OSR GMC LAVORECHML Y -7EMEBATSCLICKOMRTS, Feat ok SS eA CA AZ#) 7.213 Tt @ # TRISERALARMT 12042 CRANKED 120K KEL, tO BMbDMLCHEBCRSt CHET SZ. 7.214 fF # ARP FCREALARRC-50tS CKRARKEEM I 120RRREBL, to BROUMLCHEBKERAttTHET 4. 7.2.15 OU De AAT FERRER AMON IAP ASO-HEMEL, HAT lake SY FIN MRORABAN SS CHMIANS, SRBCHREAC IEE, 1IN-cm (Dp) Op wv PEMA S. TNHELPAFWEL TID ASAI. RM cekam sme i aw IN oT) Oper emer. CHeELYvASH ELT25v 41 775, MAHI, Cl bao 50 MRE DRS. Seth: PRE ORD RAI! a aT Rod Bh Zasyovw"*jJ*-Jarse 198-5179 cs 7 E2 | 138 Ad. be 55.6 2000 (2)AMP J-002-1 geese : REA pS aS ft BR PRP ROY YS Tao aE a ey Fours 7216 ERE | , | | S0L2 TOs Y + KC HARE) IC AZAEIBMRERL, TORKBKT CSPMBRLEOD, BREADS. 72217 iF wh & RDF ERA LAR 50L2 COTY YY THCSAE 10W) Rika, BOWY I y (JIS-2202) R4NSH, RUMBORTMEERL, OKOR ECRBLE OD. xsyvyvYvih 1RRRE => ATBresshkRe o> AYI YI RHR > FREER 7.218 fRa7-Y TADRERS LAR T 40L2 CRRANREMABAICAL, JIS K 6301 S16CHOS, tY > MR SOLS pphm FC 24H RBEM > HL SICH #33. THOSE PRAIIS K63S01B16. GREBOSRRLTHS. yh: RAE ee: ; WROIE: a ay HRB Caan . pF rayyn"J"+ Pare eB 108-5179 E2 i3 me Ad. bbe 55.6 2000 (2)AMP J-002-2 - ~ feaea: ~RBEH 7. 2.19 7. 2. 20 7. 2.21 . 72 22 tt fee. aR FERMALARMAETIIS D 0205 BS. 4 (WAN-41S) KBs - PY yt yA-HYP-PHAMRERBEC 633C, 1SORMMReT > oc ThOBR QRIJIS K6301#%16. GRCBROFHRLTHS. HB AP AEBS LERIECHAUE So 1000 OUMSBAICE DS 150 0N8 L CREEL HV Fy Ke AY PRAM R-ABLS KE LSA 1OBON EG Cuma em AVAARM St, CHEIBMACKER. MONL TI MRRETS. BE LF SRFAERE LARC SRE AICBRL UBL 070/.250 24 e AY ey isha are .07V2rF 7b 2054 F7 > SHAR TCNTHE AICHE MIS) SARI VRMANZEHREREL, REM Lik ROMF EERO AME Met o. COMEAR REED > BREEA| AEs 65 CHE TS bp OTE EAT 9 o ab, RRPARARERE TS Ghat + <x (nd) @ ire (DC A) 0.2 7 0.3 9. 0.5 11 4~5 06 0.8 5 14.5 4: 6~ 8 "O55 125 18.5 38 9~ 12 0.5 2. 295 3 4 3. 34 13 FA G KH |. RoRH 1 |v a 23 + O0F-5 GE) BE+ HAS ERI KCHMT SERELRDRME OBO DORMSNS, . KKEB SASFERKBBAAICHL, 4089612043 CORE TMAL, TORE SIC QOMMEBKEMKTS. TRELPAFSHMELTABY 1 ZI*AMTS. Meet, JIS D 020308144. MMPS AS AOSBMIC 1L2VORECMML, 1-7 BHELRTS. BP BRERA SLE, Viv I4+e2ameEL, RRMORN HT. Wee: Rom Rm PLE DE : . RMmmOa KF: a 47 9 #8 zasyyon*J"-Taare 108-5179 E2 i3m Ad. be 55.6 2000 (2)AMP J-002-1_- wuan: ~RRSA 7.223 HRB TARP SERS LAR TSERH ICREL BL: 1070 4.250 ave Rm Ya 15 Baar rit, O70areza7bhE 28027 AF be MERTEN EN EAC BES 2), SS MOM, RHRRBC MIT S. mebromerta 48/5" em meaeaee, 20~200Hz 3AM CA4-7ASS ci X@h 30 AS, YR 30 TF, 2 ih 40M 1 PA PVELTIPA AAA, BBM OR TIC a UN RE ET RET So Semis, 070, 2027 27H AKL YD RHANSEHE B . BL, 45PION, 15 FAOPFE 1 tA SH ELTION# 4295. HBA SME IOTETZ. aa IAP SAES TP fe Bl EE gb iz SoS SH : PROBA : oo eo m K: Tl io mta/yyvea*J*-Juree 108-5179. E2 1384 Ad. be o% 55.6 2000 (2)AMP J-002-1 - graze: ~RRBA 7.3 = & JB SERIE SRICKT IT ~-7TROMEKHSOTHSLOLTAS, BSB 5 RO! . _ ] eR KF BD 7 OR FF A Od Mamararan: I m | OW V Ww | a @ o(1i1{14ji 1 I 1 1 1j4 [1/4 "eas man |? 2 me ae NO ER 3 6 8 2/15 :7.19 245 1215 e @ #& # ! 21 15 21517 yoo | 9 11 18 3) lel i6 @ # mt dp fe 3 10 iit = E | oT ig #ROF74-Yves | | 3 sy RIV RED 2. , APY FIRED | : le : Ss & k . fs & & k | 47 | 1 *k ; i 2 nn | | 4 Ee M8 5 ae 2 | 2 os 8 : 6 i & om # } 4 : a ne fe 16 | mM + Yo. 3 rt i. te g fm & ct # 3 ye: #e HK HE eR: . mEMIO-F: me a7 11 Zasyyrwe "J *-Paree 108-5179 E2 [isms A4, US 55.6 2000 (2}AMP J-002-1__ eye RRA 8 BARRIER 81 RR EE RICHEORMBSLE 6 RICHtTRRREO az CHRERR 77 5 4D tts ss 6 & i E 15~35 CT 48 XT ie 45~75 & & | 86.7-107KPa(650-800mtg) a2 & 821 a MRRRICHD SRA, EMM 114-5082 P2avynv"J"-] 4 oR, .070 RU .250. 4} -XaY APP ORBRA! CHOU, BIRCH FERC ER LAEROBH CE STL, WFNORARMEIN AMAL MOTH ORBCAKTLESAY, 822 He R MOPRRICHH SRERMDES + -7FHC ay seh BRORS IO ey b, FA PIOBR2 ey bWETHAIOLTS, 8, 2,3 RES HAERR ICH SERES 7 RICKI RRC CHS ROLF 4S, . = 7 # Ey x x eR * ER = # mm U AWG | BRA(m) | KBR mi. CMA 0.2 #24 0.20 7 0.22 A434 0.3 #22 0.26 7 0.37 733 7 JIS 3406 0.5 #20 0.32 | 7 0.56 1111 0 ahERES (085 #18 O32 0 2d 0.88 1746 | AVELUSGH ert rt a RHA BR 1.25 #16 0.3 2 16 129 2540 | (ays) 2. #14 0.32 - 26 2.09 4127 3. #12 0.32 4 3.30 6508 Sree: PEER: M#onm KF: e& fT 1 om 12 8 oR RB zayyew "J+ YP cae & 108-5179 E? lH Ad. be 85.6 2000 (2)AMP. J-002-1 . gepeaae | RRS 9 Rik LOkRSE 9.1 E@RURRR AY YY LAYIDS ORMERRU 2 AD 2 OBMEME TERT SR, 227 ORB (RAR RB ay oe TI" sao oR .070 BU 2507) -x Daves bORRMRE114-5082) CHOW THREAD TLD | He, --RAOMBEEES, rv ARP pPOMNRAAee, freavyvn"jJ"-Ya A? SBMS CM-2290! CRON CHR ITE, 0. BARE JASO D 605 >: [RERBASRm7 AZ 2 | JASO D 7101 : [FFAF > FRERBAORRAE] Jigs C 3406: [ASMA RAR JIS D 0203 + (ABEMROMMs I UM KRRDE | JIS D 0204. : fASEMROBBe ORBRBD IE JIS D 1601 : [HERR] JIS D 0205 : feHeRROMRHRBBEA | JIS K 6301 : [mrs meme | JIS K 2202 : [BRAY IY) 114-5082 to fas yw "J"-] sala .0T0 RO 2507) -xXO AYP) OR GEE CM-229d : f2asyo-w"*J*-Tsrs 7 sR 501-5364 | RE MRREH om Soin wm aos You" FHP aRDR a0 B-8179 ED Ad. be 55.6 2000 (2)