GE Energy Data Sheet
CP2500DC54-PE series dc-dc converter
Input: -40Vdc to -72Vdc; Outputs: ±54Vdc @ 2500W; 5Vdc @ 4W
September 17, 2012 ©2012 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. Page 5
Status and Control
The PEM provides two means for monitor/control: analog or I2C.
Details of analog controls are provided in this data sheet under
Signal Definitions. GE Energy will provide separate application
notes on the I2C protocol for users to interface to the CPL PEMs.
Contact your local GE Energy representative for details.
Hot Plug
When rapidly extracting and reinserting modules care should be
taken to allow for discharging the internal bias supply so that a
predictable restart could be achieved. The way to ensure that the
circuit sufficiently discharges is to observe the spinning of the fans
after an extraction. The unit should not be reinserted until the fans
stop spinning.
Without bleeding down internal bias the module may remember
its last assigned address and may not configure itself properly if
reinserted into another slot.
Signal Definitions
All signals are referenced to Logic_GRD unless otherwise noted.
See the Signal Definitions Table at the end of this document for
further description of all the signals.
Input Signals
Margining: Set point of the PEM can be changed via this input pin.
Programming can be either a voltage source or a resistance
divider. The margining pin is connected to 3.3Vdc via a 10k
resistor inside the PEM. See graphs below.
An open circuit on this pin reverts the voltage level back to the
original setting.
Software commanded margining overrides the hardware set
point indefinitely or until the default setting is reinstated for
example if input power and bias power have been removed from
the module.
Module Present Signal: This signal has dual functionality. It can
be used to alert the system when a module is inserted. A 500
resistor is present in series between this signal and Logic_GRD. An
external pull-up should not raise the voltage on the pin above
0.25Vdc. Above 1Vdc, the write_protect feature of the EEPROM is
Protocol Select: Establishes the communications mode of the
power supply, between analog/I2C and RS485 modes. For RS485,
connect 10k pull-down resistor to 54_OUT(-DC).
Enable: On/Off control when I2C communications are utilized as
configured by the Protocol pin. This pin must be pulled low to turn
ON the power supply. The power supply will turn OFF if either the
Enable or the ON/OFF pin is released. This signal is referenced to
ON/OFF: This is a short pin utilized for hot-plug applications to
ensure that the power supply turns OFF before the power pins are
disengaged. It also ensures that the power supply turns ON only
after the power pins have been engaged. Must be connected to
V_OUT (-DC).
Output Signals
Power_OK: This signal is HI when the main output is present and
goes LO when the main output is not present.
I_limit: This signal is HI when the main output is not in current
limit and goes LO when current limit has activated.
Alert #: I2C interrupt signal.
Fault: This signal goes LO for any failure that requires PEM
replacement. Some of these faults may be due to:
Fan failure
Over-temperature condition
Over-temperature shutdown
Over-voltage shutdown
Internal PEM Fault