Alle Rechte vorbehalten! A// righ/s reserved 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 i 8 7H Faston quer - Kontakte A X 7-H faston across - contacts 12,37 40,03 B Kontaktanordnung (><) = Kontaktposition belegt 2 contact arrangement = position with contacts y s ([_]= Kontaktposition nicht belegt wa) 32 30 28 6 24 2 20 16 Mio 10 8 6 h 2 = position without contacts | ~ oe ee ee ee ee 24 F WW - Kontakte 2- | Wawa wee """""- 1 24 F WW - contacts d SIBIJSG] --------- 0 7} = = Kontaktposition belegt = position with contacts = = Kontaktposition nicht belegt mT ATW i] |! = position without contacts y Y UY S _ Y 2 > y = 3| 2 BL ,B5 40,05 1, 4 ff | J = S a v | | ~~ co Ld co | B Y W W yw A | a S 14, 7 20,05 5,08 = 2| 3 2x 5,08 (210,16) ; | | | Reihe 94,75 20,15 1.) Faston 6,3x0,8 fiir Steckhiilse y entsprechend DIN 46245 und DIN 4624? 1.) for faston 6,3x0,8 female contact 32. 28 642 Position acc. to DIN 46245 and DIN 46247 I | | 1 1 position H-Kontaktoberflache Ag 90 +0,1 H-contact plating Ag 3x 10,16 (=30,48) 09 06 231 7821 3 1,27 ; - tt. Reihe y) Reihe 1 10,16, 6,35 | 5,08 row 09 06 231 882 Z- 7-1 Pr Fr cH hb Bestell-Nr. Anforderungsstufe nach IEC d t i = + part-No. performance level acc. to IEC =I|a Cc 1) ALL Dimensions in aa | Techn. Character. Wich! tolerierte MaBe/ Free size folereaces $2, 87 40,03 10, 16 11,43]| 7x 5,08 (=35,56) ea] Original Size DINA3 | erganzend/complementary IEC 60603-2 erganzend/complementary IEC 60603-2 J Dat. Wane NaBslab/ Scale ax 10,16 (20,32) = Oetait. [14.06.05]Re 1- Baulorm / ype ee ae wp. 116.06. 05IkE . emale connector Position ~ oo. toate 2:1 and H faston across 31 pol. -,-. 30 26 ~ posi fion . Blatt! page ras coms emg[ TB OF 06 231 x82) Mod. | Dat. Name ot i. 7 Mod. v. 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 | 7 | 8