CCS, Inc. - 3.3V Embedded Ethernet Development Kit
Development Kit Options
Tools Included w/Compiler Hardware
Sku S-97 53321-755 53213-753
Compiler Software
Prototyping board
Power supply & cables
Exercise book
Price   
*Hardware only and proto-boards are intended for customers already owning a CCS compiler.
3.3V Embedded Ethernet Development Kit
The 3.3V Embedded Ethernet Development Kit features Microchip's PIC® PIC PIC18F67J60. This kit includes the powerful
PCWH Integrated Development Environment with compiler support for Microchip's PIC® PIC10, PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18
families and an ICD-U64 in- circuit programmer/debugger that supports C-aware real time debugging. The kit features a
prototyping board operating at 10-base T speeds and includes an exercise book with a TCP/IP tutorial and step-by-step
instructions to implement embedded ethernet programs.
Example Programs included:
Complete Web Server
Email Generator
SD Card Read/Write
3.3V Embedded Ethernet Prototyping Board (Size: 3.25" x 3")
PIC18F67J60 (RAM 3808 Bytes, Flash 128K)
20 I/O Pins (2 Can Be Analog)
40 Mhz Clock to run at 10 MIPs
Serial EEPROM (32 Kb)
Multi -media SD card reader
CCS, Inc. - 3.3V Embedded Ethernet Development Kit[9/19/2014 10:52:50 AM]
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RS-232 port and RS-232 level converter
One potentiometer
One pushbutton
Three LEDs
ICD Jack
All logic 3.3V from an AC Adapter or 9V Battery
I/O Jumper Block with 20 Available Pins
10 -BaseT Ethernet Jack
3.3V Embedded Ethernet Development
Kit includes:
3.3V Embedded Ethernet Prototyping Board
In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer
Exercise Tutorial
9V AC Adapter and Cables
If you need to quickly and inexpensively ADD INTERNET
CONDUCTIVITY to your product, visit
Featuring a simple, small and very low cost Ethernet Integration Device.
The EZ Web Lynx unit is simply programmable in HTML or C code!