Arinc 600 Range for Quadrax and ELIOTM 8 1 - CHARACTERISTICS Mechanical Shells Inserts Material Finish Aluminum alloy to QQ-A-591 Alodine 1200 passivation to MIL-C-5541 Classe 1 Thermoset, Thermoplastic, Metal Seals and Grommets Fluorinated silicone to MIL-R-25988 Contacts Copper alloy to QQ-B-626 Gold (plated to MIL-G-45204) over nickel (to QQ-N-290) Contact gauge Wire gauge Current (A) Voltage drop max (mV)* 22 22 24 26 5 3 2 40 30 25 20 20 22 24 7.5 5 3 55 40 30 16 16 13 50 12 12 23 45 * measured over a conductor length of 150 mm Endurance: 500 matings Insertion and extraction forces, max: - shell size 1: 120 N (27 Ibs) - shell size 2: 267 N (60 Ibs) - shell size 3: 467 N (105 Ibs) Vibration: 8 hours in each axis Random vibration at 16,4 g from 50 to 2000 Hz (MIL-STD-1344 A method 2005-1). Triaxal contact size 8 bandwidth: 0-20 MHz Voltage rating: 500 Vac Max - 125 Vac at 21000 m Voltage drop: Inner and middle contact 55 mV under 1 A outer contact 5 mV under 12 A Environmental Dynamic shock: 3 impacts of 50 g in all axis, duration 11 s (half-wave) to MIL-STD-202 method 213 Electrical Current ratings, continuous: Dielectric withstanding voltage Mated Unmated Sea level 1500 Vrms 1500 Vrms 15 000 m 500 Vrms 500 Vrms Insulation resistance: 5000 M 18 Temperature rating: - 65 C to +125 C for both classes, sealed and unsealed Fluid resistance: Hydraulic to MIL-H-5606 Lubricating to MIL-L-23699 Isopropyl alcohol Resistance to salt spray: 48 hours (MIL-STD-202 method 101 or MIL-STD-1344 method 1001) Arinc 600 Range for Quadrax and ELIOTM 8 STANDARD INSERTS 2 - INSERT ARRANGEMENTS I-Q11 I-C12Q6 II-Q6 II-11Q2 II-68Q2 Arinc 600 Range PLEASE CONSULT US I-Q10 I-118Q2 I-47Q2 II-62Q2 II-20Q4 PLEASE CONSULT US STANDARD INSERTS Contact Layouts Insert name ARINC 600 cavity Receptacle Plug contact release contact release I-Q11 A,B,D,E Front/Rear Rear I-C12Q6 A,B,D,E Rear Rear II-68Q2 C,F Front Rear II-Q6 C,F Front/Rear Rear II-11Q2 C,F Rear Rear I-Q10 A,B,D,E Front/Rear Rear Number of cavities # 22 # 20 # 16 # 12 # 8 "Quadrax" type 11* 12* 68 6* 2* 6* 4 3 4 2* 10* I-47Q2 A,B,D,E Rear Rear I-118Q2 A,B,D,E Rear Rear 118 47 II-62Q2** C,F Rear Rear 60 II-20Q4 C,F Rear Rear 2* 2 20 * grounded cavities: contact to shell conductivity < 10 m ** not intermariable with II-62Q2 insert from ARINC 600 sup 14 specification 19 2* 2* 4* Arinc 600 Range for Quadrax and ELIOTM 8 3 - DIMENSIONS WITH QUADRAX CONTACTS PLUG RECEPTACLE Dimensions in millimeters 20 Arinc 600 Range for Quadrax and ELIOTM 8 4 - DIMENSIONS WITH ELIOTM 8 ADAPTOR AND ELIOTM TERMINI Arinc 600 Range Arinc 600 receptacle with ELIOTM 8 adaptor and ELIOTM termini Arinc 600 plug with ELIOTM 8 adaptor and ELIOTM termini Dimensions in millimeters 21 Arinc 600 Range for Quadrax and ELIOTM 8 5 - ORDERING INFORMATION P/N: SB612MG13Q1PQA01AQ Delivered with signal and Quadrax contacts P/N: SB612FK13Q1SQA01AQ Delivered with mounted PC tail signal and Quadrax contacts CAVITY A CAVITY A I-Q11 I-Q11 REAR RELEASE FRONT RELEASE CAVITY B CAVITY B I-Q11 I-Q11 REAR RELEASE FRONT RELEASE CAVITY C CAVITY C II-68Q2 II-68Q2 REAR RELEASE FRONT RELEASE P/N: SB612MG13Q1P0001AQ Delivered with signal and Quadrax contacts P/N: SB612FK13Q1S0001AQ Delivered with mounted PC tail signal and Quadrax contacts CAVITY A CAVITY A I-150 PTS I-150 PTS REAR RELEASE FRONT RELEASE CAVITY B CAVITY B I-150 PTS I-150 PTS REAR RELEASE FRONT RELEASE CAVITY C CAVITY C II-68Q2 II-68Q2 REAR RELEASE FRONT RELEASE To get the part number of any other arrangement, please consult us 22 Arinc 600 Range for ELIOTM Termini: ELIOTM 600 Standard ARINC 600 shell Compatible with ELIOTM contact termini Rackable connector - 500 mating / unmating cycles Environmental performance as per EN 2591 and MIL-STD-1344 Temperature range: -65 C, +150 C Mechanical Resistance to fluids Shell: aluminum alloy to QQ-A-591 Hydraulic: MIL-H-5606 Endurance: 500 mating / unmating operations Lubricating: MIL-L-23699 Shocks: 300 g, 3 ms as per EN 2591-6402 method A and MIL-STD-1344 Isopropyl alcohol Vibrations: random 50 to 2000 Hz, 3 x 8 hours, 0.2 g2/Hz, 16.4 g, as per MIL-STD1344 A method 2005-1 and EN 2591 Optical Compatible with ELIOTM termini Contact retention: minimum 11 daN Typical Insertion Loss - Singlemode: 0.3 dB @ 1300 nm - Multimode: 0.2 dB @ 1300 nm Typical Return Loss - Singlemode: -30 dB @ 1300 nm - Multimode: -30 dB @ 1300 nm Maximum IL during and after climatic tests: 0.7 dB @ 1300 nm and 850 nm for multimode 62.2/125 fiber Environmental Salt spray: 48 hours Temperature range: -65 C, +125 C long term (1000 hours), +150 C short term (100 hours) Damp heat: 10 cycles of 24 hours in accordance with EN 2591-321 and MIL-STD-1344 Fire resistant: 30 seconds fire exposure as per EN 2591-317 and MIL-STD-1344 23 Arinc 600 Range 1 - CHARACTERISTICS Arinc 600 Range for ELIOTM Termini: ELIOTM 600 2 - INSERTS PROPOSAL 22 optical ways 16 optical ways 14 optical ways Shell size 2 Shell size 2 Shell size 2 10 optical ways 6 optical ways Shell size 1 Shell size 1 3 - DIMENSIONS ARINC 600 plug ARINC 600 receptacle Dimensions in millimeters 24