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CEAG Products
Catalogue Part 2:
Chapter 5
Ex-Safety and main
current switches
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Ex-Safety and main current switches
Table of contents
Overview Ex-safety and main current switches .......................................................................... .2.5.4
5.1 GHG 26 / EXKO 2.. Ex-Safety Switches 10 A - 630 A ............................................................... 2.5.6
GHG 261 - Ex-safety switches 10 A ................................................................................................ .2.5.7
GHG 262 - Ex-safety switches 20 A .................................................................................................2.5.9
GHG 263 - Ex-safety switches 40 A ...............................................................................................2.5.12
GHG 264 - Ex-safety switches 80 A ...............................................................................................2.5.15
GHG 265 / EXKO 2 - Ex-safety switches 125 A ........................................................................... .2.5.17
GHG 266 / EXKO 2 - Ex-safety switches 180 A ........................................................................... .2.5.20
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 210 A ........................................................................................ .2.5.22
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 250 A ........................................................................................ .2.5.24
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 400 A ........................................................................................ .2.5.26
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 630 A ........................................................................................ .2.5.28
GHG 262 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 20 A ........................................................2.5.30
GHG 263 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 40 A ........................................................2.5.32
GHG 264 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 80 A ........................................................2.5.34
5.2 GHG 9810048 Ex-Safety Switches for Zone 22 .....................................................................2.5.36
GHG 9810048 - Ex-safety switches for Zone 22 .......................................................................... .2.5.38
5.3 GHG 981/KO 7317 Industrial Safety Switches 10 A - 630 A ..................................................2.5.44
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 10 A .................................................................................. .2.5.45
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 25 A ...................................................................................2.5.47
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 40 A ...................................................................................2.5.50
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 80 A ...................................................................................2.5.53
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 100 A ................................................................................ .2.5.55
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 160 A .................................................................................2.5.58
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 250 A ................................................................................. .2.5.61
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 400 A ................................................................................. .2.5.63
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 630 A ................................................................................. .2.5.65
5.4 GHG 26 Ex-Main Current Switches 10 A - 80 A ..................................................................... 2.5.68
GHG 261 - Ex-main current switches 10 A .................................................................................. .2.5.69
GHG 262 - Ex-main current switches 20 A .................................................................................. .2.5.71
GHG 263 - Ex-main current switches 40 A .................................................................................. .2.5.74
GHG 264 - Ex-main current switches 80 A .................................................................................. .2.5.77
5.5 EXKO 7318 Ex-Main Circuit Breakers 63 A - 630 A ................................................................ 2.5.80
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 63 A ....................................................................................2.5.81
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 125 A ..................................................................................2.5.83
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 160 A ..................................................................................2.5.85
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 250 A ..................................................................................2.5.87
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 400 A ..................................................................................2.5.89
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 630 A ..................................................................................2.5.91
5.6 GHG 635 Ex-Manual Motor Starters ...................................................................................... 2.5.94
GHG 635-1 Ex-manual motor starters ......................................................................................... .2.5.95
GHG 635-12 Ex-manual motor starters ....................................................................................... .2.5.98
2.5.4 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Overview Ex-safety and main current switches
Safety switches are used to
reliably isolate the power supply
on elec trical installations and
apparatus during maintenance,
cleaning and repair work.
Main current switches are used
to operate drives, motors and
other electrical equipment.
Star-delta starters, reversing
starters and pole-changing
switches (Dahlander switches)
can be im plemented with CEAG
main current switches.
Motors have to be protected
against over loads, phase fail-
ures and over heating: CEAG
power circuit breakers and
manual motor starters feature
phase-failure protection as well
as thermal and electromagnetic
tripping for reliable motor pro-
tection. CEAG manual motor
starters have such a precise
tripping time that they are
equally suited for the protection
of Ex-e as well as Ex-d motors –
to put you on the safe side.
CEAG safety features
Safety and main current switch-
es can be protected against
inadvertent switching on by
our integrated locking facility
for up to three padlocks in the
OFF position. To prevent manip-
ulations, the enclosure covers
cannot be opened in the locked
position without destroying the
enclosure itself.
AC 3 switching capacity
All CEAG safety switches up to
180 A feature full AC-3 motor
switching capa cities and iso-
lating properties according to
EN 60947-3 with compulsory
opening of the main current
contacts; optional Emergency
stop versions according to EN
60204-1 are also available.
Additional lagging/leading auxil-
iary contacts guarantee double
safety for extreme switching
The switch position is always
indicated by the switch handle
– practically excluding wrong
You‘ll find these advantages in
all CEAG safety, main current
and Emergency stop switches
as well as in the safety switch-
es for converter drives.
A special safety feature offered
by the manual motor starter: It
can only be re-activated on site
of the drive.
An operating-current trip for re-
mote cut-off is optional.
To take advantage of the
short-circuit protection in the
starter, a suitable backup fuse
must be selected. You‘ll find the
details in the relevant technical
Usage categories
The two most important usage
categories for circuit breakers
and motor starters: AC-23 for
circuit breakers and the more
demanding usage category
AC-3 for motor starters.
Starters, defined according to
AC-3, are used to switch motor
Switches which fall into the
AC-3 usage category are used
for switching of motor loads
under normal operating condi-
tions. Here, the test procedure
requires 50 making and break-
ing samples. Circuit breakers,
defined according to AC-23, are
designed for occasional sepa-
ration of motor loads. For this
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.5
Overview Ex-safety and main current switches
category EN 60947-4 requires
only five making and breaking
The AC-3 usage category
makes great demands on the
operating cycles and the service
life of motor starters. All CEAG
safety switches and manual
motor starters up to 180 A fulfil
these high requirements for the
motor-switching capacity of us-
age category AC-3 as specified
by EN 60947-4-1.
The new standard IEC 62626-1
The new standard IEC 62626-1
defines the requirements for
safety switches (switch-dis-
connectors) that are used to
provide isolation of equipment
during repair and maintenance.
These requirements go above
and beyond those of IEC 60947-
3, where no standard previously
The standard divides products
into two classifications: Class
0 for general use and Class 1
for harsh and rough/heavy duty
All products installed in ATEX/
IECEx hazardous areas should
be rated for Class 1. Class 1
requirements include minimum
ratings for mechanical strength,
IP protection, tamper resist-
ance, heat/vibration/corrosion
resistance, switching capacity,
and locking capability.
Areas of application
We offer you a wide range of
products in all areas: explo-
sion-protected apparatus for
gas and dust areas as well as
for industrial applications in
rough environments.
Both explosion-protected as
well as industrial switches are
provided in impact-resistant
polyamide, glass-fibre-rein-
forced polyester, powder-coated
steel, high-grade stainless steel
or flameproof enclosures made
of light alloy, depending on the
area of application and amper-
All explosion-protected switch-
es are certified according to the
ATEX directive.
Switches up to 180 A can be
mounted simply and quickly
with the CEAG mounting sys-
tem to pipes, trellis work and
walls. What‘s more, CEAG
switches up to 40 A offer low-
cost mounting – in a snap –
with the
snap-on system.
2.5.6 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Safety for your protection
CEAG safety switches can be
protected against inadvertent
switching on by our integrated
locking facility for up to three
padlocks in the OFF position.
To prevent manipulations, the
enclosure covers cannot be
opened in the locked position
without destroying the enclo-
sure itself.
Full AC-3 switching capacity
All CEAG safety switches fea-
ture full AC-3 motor switching
capacities and isolating proper-
ties according to EN 60947-4-1
with compulsory opening of the
main current contacts; optional
according to EN 60204-1 are
also available. An additional
lagging/leading auxiliary con-
tacts (option) guarantee double
safety for extreme switching
installation-friendly design
The safety switches feature an
installation-friendly design and
easily accessible connection
Versions in impact-resistant
polyamide or glass-fibre-rein-
forced polyester enclosures
provide the high degree of
protection IP66 for safety
switches up 180 A. These can
be optionally supplied with
snap-on moulded plastic or
brass flanges. Safety switches
for amperages up to 630 A are
supplied in metal enclosures.
These can be equipped with
screw-on flanges.
Explosion Group IIB
The described safety switches
at the sizes 210 - 630 A are also
available for Explosion Group
IIB, which is sufficient for many
of the applications.
GHG 26 / EXKO 2.. Ex-Safety Switches
Rated current from 10 A - 630 A
Full AC-3 switching capacity
Double safety: additional auxiliary contact
Cost-saving installation up to 180 A
Snap-on mounting up to 40 A
IP66 protection up to 180 A
Enclosed Switch-Disconnec-
tors to provide isolation dur-
ing repair and maintenance.
GHG 26 switches (10-160 A)
and GHG 981 switches
- 80 A) are now confirmed to
comply with the new standard
IEC 62626-1, requirements
Class 1.
The new standard IEC 62626-1
defines the requirements for
safety switches (switch-dis-
connectors) that are used to
provide isolation of equipment
during repair and maintenance.
These requirements go above
and beyond those of
IEC 60947-3, where no stand-
ard previously existed.
The standard divides products
into two classifications: Class
0 for general use and Class 1
for harsh and rough/heavy duty
All products installed in ATEX/
IECEx hazardous areas should
be rated for Class 1. Class 1
requirements include minimum
ratings for mechanical strength,
IP protection, tamper resist-
ance, heat/vibration/corrosion
resistance, switching capacity,
and locking capability.
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.7
GHG 261 - Ex-safety switches 10 A
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 10 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex ed IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 00 ATEX 1074
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0014
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T53 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 500 V
Rated current max. 10 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making-/ breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 10 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 10 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 10 A
Switch-disconnector for maintenance
accd. to IEC 62262-1
Class 1
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 20 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 16 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary-/Signal contact
2 x 1.5 - 2.5 mm2
2 x 0.5 - 2.5 mm2 (option)
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Protection class I
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M20 cable gland see ordering details
M25 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 0.55 kg
Enclosure material impact resistant polyamide
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact (option) 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
2.5.8 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Dimension drawing
Dimensions in mm
3-pole X = fixing dimensions
GHG 261 - Ex-safety switches 10 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Auxiliary contact Order No.
Safety switch 10 A 3-pole
3-pole 2 x M25 / 1 x M20 1 NO GHG 261 0005 R0009
3-pole 2 x M25 none GHG 261 0007 R0001
3-pole 2 x M20 1 NO GHG 261 0005 R0005
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M25 / 1 x M20 1 NO GHG 261 0005 R0010
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M25 none GHG 261 0007 R0002
Safety switch 10 A 4-pole
4-pole 2 x M25 none GHG 261 0007 R0003
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 10 A 3-pole
Size 1 Wall mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0101
Size 1 Pipe clamp screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0102
Size 1 Trellis-work mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0103
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Canopies for mounting plates
Size 1 for mounting plate size 1 1 GHG 610 1955 R0101
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Ø 5.5
Ø 8.5
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GHG 262 - Ex-safety switches 20 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 20 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex ed ia IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1161
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0012
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed ia IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T55 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 20 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making-/rated breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 20 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 20 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 16 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 10 A
Rated making-/ breaking capacity DC 1/DC 23
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 60 V / Ie 20 A (1 contact)
Ue 120 V / Ie 20 A (2 contacts in series)
Rated making-/ breaking capacity DC-13 (L/R = 100 ms)
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 60 V / Ie 6 A
Switch-disconnector for maintenance
accd. to IEC 62262-1
Class 1
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 35 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 35 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 25 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary-/Signal contact
2 x 4 mm2
2 x 0.5 - 2.5 mm2 (option)
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M20 cable gland see ordering details
M25 cable gland see ordering details
M32 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with thread
Weight 3-pole
approx. 1.48 kg
approx. 2.43 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact (option) 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC (only 6-pole version) making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.10 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 262 - Ex-safety switches 20 A
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Auxiliary contact Order No.
Safety switch 20 A 3-pole
3-pole 2 x M32 / 1 x M25 1 NO GHG 262 2301 R0001
3-pole 2 x M32 none GHG 262 2304 R0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M32 / 1 x M25 1 NO GHG 262 2301 R0002
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M32 none GHG 262 2304 R0002
Safety switch 20 A 4-pole
4-pole 2 x M20 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 262 2301 R0007
4-pole 2 x M32 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 262 2301 R0009
4-pole 2 x M32 none GHG 262 2304 R0004
4-pole 2 x M20 none GHG 262 2304 R0003
4-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M32 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 262 2301 R0010
Safety switch 20 A 6-pole
6-pole 4 x M32 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 262 2601 R0001
6-pole 4 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 262 2601 R0005
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M32 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 262 2601 R0002
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 20 A 3-pole
Size 2 Wall mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0104
Size 2 Pipe clamp snap on GHG 610 1953 R0105
Size 2 Trellis-work mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0106
Fixing method
Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 20 A 6-pole
Size 3 Wall mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Size 3 Pipe clamp snap on GHG 610 1953 R0110
Size 3 Trellis-work mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Size 2 for mounting plate size 2 1 GHG 610 1955 R0102
Size 2A for mounting plate size 2A 1 GHG 610 1955 R0103
Size 3 for pipe mounting plate size 3 vertical 1 GHG 610 1955 R0104
Size 3A for mounting plates wall/trellis fixing
size 3 vertical
1GHG 610 1955 R0105
Size 3B for mounting plates pipe fixing
size 3 horizontal
1GHG 610 1955 R0106
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
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Dimension drawing
Dimensions in mm
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
GHG 262 - Ex-safety switches 20 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
17 0
12 9
14 0
2.5.12 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 263 - Ex-safety switches 40 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 40 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex ed ia IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1161
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0012
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed ia IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T53 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 40 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 32 A
Rated making-/ breaking capacity DC 1/DC 23
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 60 V / Ie 40 A (1 contact)
Ue 120 V / Ie 40 A (2 contacts in series)
Switch-disconnector for maintenance
accd. to IEC 62262-1
Class 1
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 63 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 16 mm2
2 x 4 mm2 (option)
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M40 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with thread
Weight 3-pole
approx. 2.30 kg
approx. 2.75 kg
approx. 6.50 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact (option) 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC (only 6-pole version) making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.13
GHG 263 - Ex-safety switches 40 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Auxiliary contact Order No.
Safety switch 40 A 3-pole
3-pole 2 x M40 / 1 x M25 1 NO GHG 263 2301 R0001
3-pole 2 x M40 none GHG 263 2303 R0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M40 / 1 x M25 1 NO GHG 263 2301 R0002
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M40 none GHG 263 2303 R0002
Safety switch 40 A 4-pole
4-pole 2 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 263 2301 R0007
4-pole 2 x M25 none GHG 263 2303 R0003
4-pole 2x M40 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 263 2303 R0009
4-pole 2x M40 none GHG 263 2303 R0004
Safety switch 40 A 6-pole
6-pole 4 x M40 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 263 0050 R0001
6-pole 4 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 263 0050 R0006
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M40 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 263 0050 R0002
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 40 A 3-pole
Size 3 Wall mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Size 3 Pipe clamp snap on GHG 610 1953 R0110
Size 3 Trellis-work mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Type Application
Fixing method
Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 40 A 6-pole
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label for label holder and mounting plates size 4 and size 5 10 GHG 610 1953 R0011
Blind plug for mounting plate size 4 and size 5 1 set = 1 pcs. 10 GHG 610 1953 R0134
Plug-in fastener for CEAG modules with 5.5 mm and 11 mm mounting feet 1 set = 4 pcs. 10 GHG 610 1953 R0041
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Size 4 for mounting plate size 4 1 GHG 610 1955 R0107
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
2.5.14 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Dimension drawing
Dimensions in mm
GHG 263 - Ex-safety switches 40 A
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
14 0
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.15
GHG 264 - Ex-safety switches 80 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3/4-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3/4-pole
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 80 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex ed ia IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 00 ATEX 1091
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0010
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed ia IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T53 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 80 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 63 A
Rated making-/ breaking capacity DC 1/DC 23
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 60 V / Ie 80 A (1 contact)
Ue 120 V / Ie 80 A (2 contacts in series)
Switch-disconnector for maintenance
accd. to IEC 62262-1
Class 1
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 160 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 160 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 125 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 25 mm2
2 x 4 mm2 (option)
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M32 cable gland see ordering details
M50 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with thread
Weight 3/4-pole
approx. 6.5 kg
approx. 9.0 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact (option) 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.16 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 264 - Ex-safety switches 80 A
3/4-pole 3/4-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Auxiliary contact Order No.
Safety switch 80 A 3-pole
3-pole 2 x M50 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 264 0020 R0001
3-pole 2 x M50 none GHG 264 0025 R0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M50 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 264 0020 R0002
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M50 none GHG 264 0025 R0002
Safety switch 80 A 4-pole
4-pole 2 x M50 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 264 0020 R0012
4-pole 2 x M50 none GHG 264 0025 R0004
4-pole 2 x M32 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 264 0020 R0006
4-pole 2 x M32 none GHG 264 0025 R0003
Safety switch 80 A 6-pole
6-pole 4 x M50 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 264 0021 R0001
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M50 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 264 0021 R0002
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 80 A 3/4- and 6-pole
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Type label for label holder and mounting plates size 4 and size 5 10 GHG 610 1953 R0011
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Dimension drawing
Dimensions in mm
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.17
GHG 265 / EXKO 2 - Ex-safety switches 125 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3/4-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3/4-pole
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 125 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate 3/4-pole
PTB 99 ATEX 1164
PTB 00 ATEX 1073
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0005
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex de IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T53 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 125 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 125 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 125 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 110 A
Switch-disconnector for maintenance
accd. to IEC 62262-1
Class 1
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 200 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 200 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 160 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 3/4-pole
auxiliary/signal contact
1 x 50/70 mm2
6 x 95 mm2/2 x 95 mm2
2 x 4 mm2 (option)
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M40 cable gland see ordering details
M63 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight 3/4-pole
approx. 16 kg
approx. 31 kg
Enclosure material 3/4-pole
glass-fibre reinforced polyester
sheet steel polyester powder coated
Enclosure colour 3/4-pole
RAL 7032
Auxiliary contact (option) 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.18 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 265 / EXKO 2 - Ex-safety switches 125 A
3/4-pole 3/4-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Auxiliary contact Order No.
Safety switch 125 A 3-pole
3-pole 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 265 0010 R0001
3-pole 2 x M63 none GHG 265 0015 R0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 265 0010 R0002
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M63 none GHG 265 0015 R0002
Safety switch 125 A 4-pole
4-pole 2 x M40 1 NO + 1 NC GHG 265 0010 R0005
4-pole 2 x M63 none GHG 265 0015 R0003
Safety switch 125 A 6-pole
6-pole 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC EXKO 224716 K 0000
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 1 NO + 1 NC EXKO 224726 K 0000
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 125 A 3/4-pole2)
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
2) 2 pcs. necessary for mounting
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.19
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 520
Ø 12
Ø 7
GHG 265 / EXKO 2 - Ex-safety switches 125 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3/4-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3/4-pole
2.5.20 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 266 / EXKO 2 - Ex-safety switches 180 A
3/4-pole 3/4-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 180 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6
D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate 3/4-pole
PTB 99 ATEX 1164
PTB 00 ATEX 1073
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0005
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex de IIC T6 –55 °C up to +45 °C
Ex tD A21 IP66 T53 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 180 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 180 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 150 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 125 A
Switch-disconnector for maintenance
accd. to IEC 62262-1
Class 1
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 200 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 3-pole
auxiliary/signal contact
1 x 120 mm2
6 x 150 mm2/2 x 95 mm2
2 x 4 mm2 (option)
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M40 cable gland see ordering details
M63 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight 3/4-pole
approx. 16.5 kg
approx. 31.5 kg
Enclosure material 3/4-pole
glass-fibre reinforced polyester
sheet steel polyester powder coated
Enclosure colour 3/4-pole
RAL 7032
Auxiliary contact (option) 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.21
GHG 266 / EXKO 2 - Ex-safety switches 180 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3/4-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3/4-pole
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Auxiliary contact Order No.
Safety switch 180 A 3-pole
3-pole 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 1 NC / 1 NO GHG 266 0006 R0001
3-pole 2 x M63 none GHG 266 0011 R0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 1 NC / 1 NO GHG 266 0006 R0002
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M63 none GHG 266 0011 R0002
Safety switch 180 A 4-pole
4-pole 2 x M50 1 NC / 1 NO GHG 266 0006 R0005
4-pole 4 x M63 none GHG 266 0011 R0004
4-pole 2 x M50 none GHG 266 0011 R0003
Safety switch 180 A 6-pole
6-pole 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 1 NC / 1 NO EXKO 224716 L 0000
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 1 NC / 1 NO EXKO 224726 L 0000
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 180 A 3/4-pole2)
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
2) 2 pcs. necessary for mounting
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with label (unlabelled) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
3-pole 6-pole X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 520
Ø 12
Ø 7
2.5.22 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 210 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 210 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6, T5 bzw. T41) / D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C/T95 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 210 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 210 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 210 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 210 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 210 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 200 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 3-pole
auxiliary/signal contact
3 x 150 mm2/95 mm2
6 x 150 mm2/2 x 95 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (IP65 optional)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M63 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 41.5 kg
approx. 84.5 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.23
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 210 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Safety switch 210 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731713 S0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731723 S0001
Safety switch 210 A 6-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
6-pole 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731716 S0001
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731726 S0001
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
639 X 256
X 295 329
971 156
X 365
X 405 329
X = fixing dimensions
2.5.24 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 250 A
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 250 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6, T5 bzw. T41) / D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C/T95 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 250 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 250 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 200 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 3-pole
auxiliary/signal contact
3 x 150 mm2/95 mm2
6 x 150 mm2/2 x 95 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (IP65 optional)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M63 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 41.5 kg
approx. 84.5 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.25
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 250 A
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Safety switch 250 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731713 T0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731723 T0001
Safety switch 250 A 6-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
6-pole 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731716 T0001
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731726 T0001
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
3-pole 6-pole X = fixing dimensions
X 295
X 255
1275 156
X 365
430 329
X 405
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
2.5.26 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 400 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 400 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6, T5 bzw. T41) / D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C/T95 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 400 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 400 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 500 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 500 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 500 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
6 x 150 mm2/2 x 95 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (IP65 optional)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M63 cable gland see ordering details
Weight approx. 64.5 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.27
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 400 A
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Safety switch 400 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731713 U0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731723 U0001
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
X 365
430 329
X = fixing dimensions
2.5.28 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 630 A
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 630 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6, T5 bzw. T41) / D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C/T95 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 630 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 630 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 800 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 800 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 800 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
6 x 240 mm2/2 x 120 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (IP65 optional)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M80 Ø 62 - 68 mm see ordering details
Weight approx. 245 kg
Enclosure material steel, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.29
EXKO 7317 - Ex-safety switches 630 A
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Safety switch 630 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 4 x M80 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731713 V0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M80 / 1 x M25 EXKO 731723 V0001
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
M20 x 2
X 600
655 510
X 505
X = fixing dimensions
2.5.30 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 262 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 20 A
3-pole, 20 A
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 20 A for controlled three-phase drives
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex ed ia IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1161
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0012
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed ia IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T55 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 20 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 20 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 20 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 16 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 10 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 35 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 35 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 25 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 4 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M32 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight approx. 1.48 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Aux. contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Safety interlock for electronics 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.31
GHG 262 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 20 A
3-pole, 20 A
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Safety switch 20 A
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC), 1 x Safety interlock for electronics (1 x NO)
3-pole 2 x M32 / 2 x M25 GHG 262 0014 R0001
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 20 A controlled three-phase drives
Size 3 Wall mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0118
Size 3 Pipe clamp screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0110
Size 3 Trellis-work mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0118
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with label (unlabelled) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Accessories for canopies plates
Size 3 for pipe mounting plate size 3 vertical 1 GHG 610 1955 R0104
Size 3A for mounting plates wall/trellis fixing
size 3 vertical 1 GHG 610 1955 R0105
Size 3 for mounting plates pipe fixing
size 3 horizontal 1 GHG 610 1955 R0106
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
3-pole X = fixing dimensions
X 110.5
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
2.5.32 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 263 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 40 A
3-pole, 40 A
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 40 A for controlled three-phase drives
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex ed ia IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1161
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0012
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed ia IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T53 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 40 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 32 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 63 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 16 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M40 cable gland see ordering details
M50 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight approx. 4.3 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Aux. contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Safety interlock for electronics 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.33
GHG 263 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 40 A
3-pole, 40 A
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Safety switch 40 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC), 1 x Safety interlock for electronics (1 x NO)
3-pole 2 x M40 / 2 x M25 GHG 263 0053 R0001
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
Ex-safety switches 40 A X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 125 A/180 A 3-pole
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with label (unlabelled) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
2.5.34 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 264 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 80 A
3-pole, 80 A
Technical data
Ex-safety switches 80 A for controlled three-phase drives
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 00 ATEX 1091
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0010
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed ia II T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T53 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 80 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 63 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 160 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 160 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 160 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary-/Signal contact
2 x 25 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M40 cable gland see ordering details
M50 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight approx. 7.25 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Aux. contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Safety interlock for electronics 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.35
GHG 264 - Ex-safety switches for three-phase drives 40 A
3-pole, 80 A
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Safety switch 80 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC), 1 x Safety interlock for electronics (1 x NO)
3-pole 2 x M50 / 2 x M25 GHG 264 0024 R0001
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
Ex-safety switches 80 A X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-safety switches 80 A controlled three-phase drives
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with label (unlabelled) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
2.5.36 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
The right size for every appli-
The switches are available in
3-pole, 4-pole, and 6-pole ver-
sions in sizes ranging from 25
A to 400A. The 630 A and 700
A sizes are available in 3-pole or
4-pole versions.
On the 25 A through 80 A sizes,
they feature full AC-3 switch-
ing capacity for squirrel- cage
motors during starting or while
running per EN 60947-3 Appen-
dix A. This is the most typical
industrial application for motors.
Sizes 100 A and above feature
full AC-23 switching capacity
for motor loads or other highly
inductive loads per EN60947-3
GHG 9810048 Ex-Safety Switches for Zone 22
Rated current from 25 A - 700 A
Approved for use in Zone 22 explosive dust atmospheres and for
industrial applications
For max. currents from 25A up to 700A
AC-3 switching capacity (25A to 80A)
AC-23 switching capacity (100A and up)
Environmental protection to IP66
Reliable corrosion protection
Wide temperature range from -55°C to +55°C
Can be locked in OFF”
position by max. 3 padlocks
Emergency stop versions
according to EN 60204-1
Optional emergency stop ver-
sions to EN 60204-1 featuring a
red handle with a yellow back-
plate are also available. The ad-
ditional leading or lagging auxil-
iary contact guarantees double
safety for extreme switching
conditions. All switch versions
feature an earth terminal.
Special features of the safety
switches include designs for
ease of installation and readily
accessible connection termi-
Safety switches rated 160 A
and below are available in all 3
material types while those 250
A and above are built into enclo-
sures made of powder- coated
sheet steel or electro- polished
stainless steel. These enclo-
sures can be fitted with screw-
on flanges.
Enclosed Switch-Disconnec-
tors to provide isolation dur-
ing repair and maintenance.
GHG 26 switches (10-160 A)
and GHG 981 switches
- 80 A) are now confirmed to
comply with the new standard
IEC 62626-1, requirements
Class 1.
The new standard IEC 62626-1
defines the requirements for
safety switches (switch-dis-
connectors) that are used to
provide isolation of equipment
during repair and maintenance.
These requirements go above
and beyond those of
IEC 60947-3, where no stand-
ard previously existed.
The standard divides products
into two classifications: Class
0 for general use and Class 1
for harsh and rough/heavy duty
All products installed in ATEX/
IECEx hazardous areas should
be rated for Class 1. Class 1
requirements include minimum
ratings for mechanical strength,
IP protection, tamper resist-
ance, heat/vibration/corrosion
resistance, switching capacity,
and locking capability.
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.37
Ex-safety switches
Safety first
Occupational safety always has
top priority in any industrial fa-
cility. Whenever maintenance,
cleaning, or repair work is
necessary, it must be possible
to safely and reliably isolate
machines and installations from
the electrical power supply.
Safety switches are the most
widely used and cost effective
isolation method available.
However, not all isolator switch-
es are created equal. If safety
switches that meet the require-
ments of the Raw Materials and
Chemical Industry Employers’
Liability Insurance Association
(BG RCI) are used, time-con-
suming measures (e.g. the
complete disconnection of mo-
tors) can be eliminated. Eatons
Crouse-Hinds series GHG981
safety switches meet these
In addition, the GHG981 safety
switches have been approved
for use in zone 22 areas con-
taining explosive dust. With the
built-in padlocking facilities, they
can be used as a load break
switch with full confidence they
will provide the required safety
and personnel protection.
Ready for harsh environments
The enclosures for our
GHG981 safety switches are
designed with IP66 environ-
mental protection and are avail-
able in powder-coated sheet
steel, glass-reinforced polyester
(GRP), or electro-polished stain-
less steel. They are impact re-
sistant and robust, corrosion-re-
sistant, and are suitable for use
in harsh industrial environments
with extreme ambient tempera-
tures from -55 °C to +55 °C.
Lock-out/tag-out capability
All GHG981 safety switches
come with built-in lock-out/
tag-out capability and can be
locked in the OFF” position
by means of max. 3 padlocks.
While switched to the OFF”
position, the enclosure covers
of safety switches cannot be
opened without destroying the
enclosure. This provides an ex-
tra level of safety as it prevents
access to a switch locked in
the “OFF” position, eliminating
any risk of tampering with the
switch position or electrical con-
Electrical equipment for use
in areas with combustible
Combustible dust can be ig-
nited by electrical apparatus in
various ways:
by apparatus surface temper-
atures that are higher than the
ignition or glow temperature of
the respective dust. The tem-
perature at which the dust ig-
nites is dependent on the prop-
erties of the dust, on whether it
is present in the form of a cloud
or deposits, on the thickness
of the layer and on the type of
heat source
by sparks at electrical parts
such as switches, contacts,
commutators, brushes or sim-
by the discharge of stored elec-
trostatic energy
by radiated energy (e.g. electro-
magnetic radiation)
by magnetic impact or friction
sparks or a rise in temperature
originating from the apparatus.
To avoid ignition hazards, it is
necessary that:
the temperature of any sur-
faces on which dust deposits
can form or that can come
into contact with a cloud of
dust are kept at a temper-
ature that is lower than the
limiting temperatures laid
down in EN 50028-1-2
all parts with electric sparks
or with temperatures above
the ignition or glow tempera-
ture of the dust are built into
an enclosure that prevents
the ingress of dust in a suita-
ble manner, or
the energy of the electric
circuits is limited to such a
degree, that sparks or tem-
perature that could ignite
combustible dust are avoided
all other ignition sources are
2.5.38 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
80 A 3-pole plastic 80 A 6-pole sheet steel 100 A 3-pole plastic 100 A 6-pole stainless steel
GHG 9810048 - Ex-safety switches for Zone 22
Technical Data
GHG 981...
Marking to 2014/34/EU D II 3 D Ex tc IIIC T80°C Dc
Type Examination Certificate CCH 15 ATEX 1001
Permissible ambient temperature -55 °C up to +40 °C/45 °C/50 °C/55 °C see instruction manual
IK-class according to EN 50102 IK 9 =^ 10 J
Rated voltage up to 690 V
Rated current see ordering information
Frequency 50 - 60 Hz
Switch-disconnector for maintenance
accd. to IEC 62262-1
Class 1 (25 A - 80 A)
Protection class I and II
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging, breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading, breaking - lagging
Padlocking can be logged in OFF position with 3 commercially padlocks
Enclosure colour Plastic = black / sheet steel = RAL 7032 / stainless steel 316L = electro-polished
GHG 981 (25 A)
GHG 981 (40 A)
GHG 981 (80 A)
Back-up fuse up to 415 V AC
50 A gG
up to 690 V AC
50 A gG
up to 415 V AC
50 A gG
up to 690 V AC
80 A gG
up to 415 V AC
100 A gG
up to 690 V AC
100 A gG
Rated making-/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. to EN 60947-3 Appendix A
25 A / 3 pole
23 A / 4/6 pole
14 A / 3 pole
14 A / 4/6 pole
40 A / 3 pole
40 A / 6 pole
22 A / 3 pole
17 A / 6 pole
71 A / 3 pole
55 A / 6 pole
23 A / 3 pole
17 A / 6 pole
Connecting terminals 4 mm² - 10 mm² 16 mm² - 35 mm² 50 mm² - 70 mm²
GHG 981 (100 A)
GHG 981 (160 A)
GHG 981 (250 A)
Back-up fuse up to 415 V AC
315 A gG
up to 690 V AC
355 A gG
up to 415 V AC
315 A gG
up to 690 V AC
355 A gG
up to 415 V AC
315 A gG
up to 690 V AC
355 A gG
Rated making-/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. to EN 60947-3 Appendix A
100 A 100 A 160 A 160 A 250 A 250 A
Connecting terminals 50 mm² - 70 mm² 95 mm² - M8 x 25 185 mm² - M10 x 30
GHG 981 (400 A)
GHG 981 (630 A)
GHG 981 (700 A)
Back-up fuse up to 415 V AC
500 A gG
up to 690 V AC
500 A gG
up to 415 V AC
800 A gG
up to 690 V AC
800 A gG
up to 415 V AC
800 A gG
up to 690 V AC
800 A gG
Rated making-/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. to EN 60947-3 Appendix A
400 A 400 A 630 A 630 A 700 A 700 A
Connecting terminals 1 x 240 mm² 2 x 185 mm² - M12 x 40 2x240 mm² - M12 x 40
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.39
160 A plastic 160 A sheet steel 250 A sheet steel
GHG 9810048 - Ex-safety switches for Zone 22
250 A stainless steel
Ordering details GHG 981 25 A - 100 A
Enclosure sizes: GRP Enclosure sizes: metall
Poles Enclosure material Cable entry
(metal thread)
Cable glands
Order No.1)
GHG 981 (25 A)
25 A 3-pole GRP 2xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1211
25 A 4-pole GRP 2xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1212
25 A 6-pole GRP 4xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1213
25 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1214
25 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1215
25 A 6-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1216
25 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1217
25 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1218
25 A 6-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM32, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1219
GHG 981 (40 A)
40 A 3-pole GRP 2xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1221
40 A 4-pole GRP 2xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1222
40 A 6-pole GRP 4xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1223
40 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1224
40 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1225
40 A 6-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1226
40 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1227
40 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1228
40 A 6-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM40, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1229
GHG 981 (80 A)
80 A 3-pole GRP 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1231
80 A 4-pole GRP 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1232
80 A 6-pole GRP 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1233
80 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1234
80 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1235
80 A 6-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1236
80 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1237
80 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1238
80 A 6-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R1239
GHG 981 (100 A)
100 A 3-pole GRP 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0241
100 A 4-pole GRP 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0242
100 A 6-pole GRP 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0243
100 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0244
100 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0245
100 A 6-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0246
100 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0247
100 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0248
100 A 6-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0249
1) For an emergency stop switch (red handle/yellow back plate), change the 3rd to last digit from R*2** (standard version) to R*3** (emergency stop)
2.5.40 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 981 (630 A) GHG 981 (800 A)
GHG 9810048 - Ex-safety switches for Zone 22
Type Version
Cable glands
Plastic cable glands M20 up to M63 see: Main catalogue part 2 - page 2.3.4 - 2.3.11
Metal cable glands ADE 1 F2 see: Main catalogue part 2 - page 2.3.12 - 2.3.19
Ordering details GHG 981 160 A - 700 A
Enclosure sizes: GRP Enclosure sizes: metall
Poles Enclosure material Cable entry
(metal thread)
Cable glands
Order No.1)
GHG 981 (160 A)
160 A 3-pole GRP 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0251
160 A 4-pole GRP 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0252
160 A 6-pole GRP 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0253
160 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0254
160 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0255
160 A 6-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0256
160 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0257
160 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0258
160 A 6-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM50, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0259
GHG 981 (250 A)
250 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0264
250 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0265
250 A 6-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0266
250 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0267
250 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0268
250 A 6-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0269
GHG 981 (400 A)
400 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0274
400 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0275
400 A 6-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0276
400 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0277
400 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 2xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0278
400 A 6-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM63, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0279
GHG 981 (630 A)
630 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM80, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0284
630 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM80, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0285
630 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM80, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0287
630 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM80, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0288
GHG 981 (700 A)
700 A 3-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM80, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0294
700 A 4-pole Sheet steel, powder-coated 4xM80, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0295
700 A 3-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM80, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0297
700 A 4-pole 316L stainless steel, electro-polished 4xM80, 1xM25 X GHG 981 0048 R0298
1) For an emergency stop switch (red handle/yellow back plate), change the 3rd to last digit from R*2** (standard version) to R*3** (emergency stop)
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.41
GHG 9810048 - Ex-safety switches for Zone 22
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
25 A, 3-/4-pole, plastic
25 A, 6-pole, plastic
25 A, 3-/4-/6-pole, metal
40 A, 3-/4-/6-pole, metal40 A, 3-/4-/6-pole, plastic
X 110.5
134.5 200
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
X247 M6
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
40 A sheet steel 40 A plastic 25 A stainless steel 25 plastic
X = fixing dimensions
2.5.42 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
80 A, 3-/4-pole, plastic
100 A, 3-pole, plastic
160 A, 3-pole, plastic
80/100/160 A, 6-pole, plastic
100 A, 4-pole, plastic
160 A, 4-pole, plastic
80 A, 3-/4-pole, metal
100 A, 3-pole, metal
160 A, 3-pole, metal
80/100/160 A, 6-pole, metal
100 A, 4-pole, metal
160 A, 4-pole, metal
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
GHG 9810048 - Ex-safety switches for Zone 22
80 A 3-pole plastic 80 A 6-pole sheet steel 100 A 3-pole plastic 100 A 6-pole stainless steel
X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 520
Ø 12
Ø 7
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.43
GHG 9810048 - Ex-safety switches for Zone 22
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
250 A, 3-/4-/6-pole, metal
400 A, 3-/4-/6-pole, metal
630 A, 3-/4-pole, metal
700 A, 3-/4-pole, metal
X 562
X 572
GHG 981 (630 A) GHG 981 (700 A)
X = fixing dimensions
2.5.44 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Industrial safety switches
CEAG safety switches can be
protected against inadvertent
switching on by our integrated
locking facility for up to three
padlocks in the OFF position.
To prevent manipulations, the
enclosure covers cannot be
opened in the locked position
without destroying the enclo-
sure itself.
Full AC 3 motor switching
Full AC 3 motor switching
capacities and isolating proper-
ties according to EN 60947-4-1
with compulsory opening of the
main current contacts and op-
tional EMERGENCY STOP ver-
sions according to EN 60204-1
are further features offered by
CEAG safety switches.
GHG 981/KO 7317 Industrial Safety Switches
Rated current from 10 A - 630 A
Full AC-3 switching capacity
Double safety: additional auxiliary contact
• Cost-saving installation
Up to 40 A: snap mounting
Up to 630 A: IP66 protection
Additional lagging/leading auxil-
iary contacts guarantee double
safety for extreme switching
The safety switches feature an
installation-friendly design and
easily accessible connection
Industrial applications for
harsh environments
For rough industrial environ-
ments we use the proven en-
closures from the explosion-pro-
tection areas: impact-resistant,
modified moulded-plastic
enclosures made of glass-fi-
bre-reinforced polyester, pow-
der-coated steel or stainless
steel 316 L. These can be
optionally supplied with snap-
on moulded plastic or brass
flanges. Metal versions can
be equipped with screw-on
flanges. Up to 630 A the high
degree of protection, IP66, is
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.45
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 10 A
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 10 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 500 V
Rated current max. 10 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 10 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 10 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 10 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 20 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 16 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 1.5 - 2.5 mm2
2 x 0.5 - 2.5 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M20 cable gland see ordering details
M25 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 0.55 kg
Enclosure material impact resistant polyamide
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
2.5.46 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 10 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 10 A
3-pole 2 x M25 / 1 x M20 GHG 981 0014 R0011
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M25 / 1 x M20 GHG 981 0014 R0012
Customized version on request
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Industrial safety switch 10 A 3-pole
Size 1 Wall mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0101
Size 1 pipe clamp screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0102
Size 1 Trellis-work mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0103
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with label (unlabelled) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Accessories for canopies plates
Size 1 Mounting plate size 1 1 GHG 610 1955 R0101
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
3-pole X = fixing dimensions
Ø 5.5
Ø 8.5
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.47
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 25 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 25 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 25 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 20 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 20 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 16 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 10 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 35 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 35 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 25 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 4 mm2
2 x 0.5 - 2.5 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M32 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight 3-pole
approx. 1.48 kg
approx. 2.43 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC (only 6-pole version) making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
2.5.48 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 25 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 25 A 3-pole
Version with 1 aux. contacts (NO)
3-pole 2 x M32 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0037 R0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M32 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0037 R0002
Industrial safety switch 25 A 6-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
6-pole 4 x M32 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0038 R0001
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M32 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0038 R0002
Customized version on request
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Industrial safety switch 25 A 3-pole
Size 2 Wall mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0104
Size 2 pipe clamp snap on GHG 610 1953 R0105
Size 2 Trellis-work mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0106
Fixing method
Order No.
Mounting plate for Industrial safety switch 25 A 6-pole
Size 3 Wall mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Size 3 pipe clamp snap on GHG 610 1953 R0110
Size 3 Trellis-work mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Plug-in fastener for CEAG modules with 5.5 mm and 11 mm mounting feet 1 set = 4 pcs. 10 GHG 610 1953 R0041
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Accessories for canopies plates
Size 2 for mounting plate size 2 1 GHG 610 1955 R0102
Size 2A for mounting plate size 2A 1 GHG 610 1955 R0103
Size 3 for pipe mounting plate size 3 vertical 1 GHG 610 1955 R0104
Size 3A for mounting plates wall/trellis fixing
size 3 vertical
1GHG 610 1955 R0105
Size 3B for mounting plates pipe fixing
size 3 horizontal
1GHG 610 1955 R0106
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.49
Dimensions in mm
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 25 A
Dimension drawing
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
17 0
12 9
14 0
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Dimensions in mm
2.5.50 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 40 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 40 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 40 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 32 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 63 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 16 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M40 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange on request
Weight 3-pole
approx. 2.30 kg
approx. 6.50 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.51
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 40 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 40 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 2 x M40 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0039 R0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M40 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0039 R0002
Industrial safety switch 40 A 6-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
6-pole 4 x M40 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0024 R0001
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M40 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0024 R0002
Customized version on request
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Industrial safety switch 40 A 3-pole
Size 3 Wall mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Size 3 Pipe clamp snap on GHG 610 1953 R0110
Size 3 Trellis-work mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Fixing method
Order No.
Mounting plate for Industrial safety switch 40 A 6-pole
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Plug-in fastener for CEAG modules with 5.5 mm and 11 mm mounting feet 1 set = 4 pcs. 10 GHG 610 1953 R0041
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Accessories for canopies plates
Size 3 for pipe mounting plate size 3 vertical 1 GHG 610 1955 R0104
Size 3A for mounting plates wall/trellis fixing
size 3 vertical
1GHG 610 1955 R0105
Size 3B for mounting plates pipe fixing
size 3 horizontal
1GHG 610 1955 R0106
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
2.5.52 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Dimensions in mm
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 40 A
Dimension drawing
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
14 0
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.53
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 80 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 80 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 80 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 80 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 160 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 160 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 125 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 25 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M50 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight 3-pole
approx. 6.50 kg
approx. 9.00 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
2.5.54 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Dimensions in mm
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 80 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 80 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 2 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0025 R0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0025 R0002
Industrial safety switch 80 A 6-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
6-pole 4 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0026 R0001
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0026 R0002
Customized version on request
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Industrial safety switch
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Dimension drawing
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.55
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 100 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 100 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 100 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 100 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 100 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 100 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 100 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 200 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 200 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 160 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
1 x 50/70 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M50 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight 3-pole
approx. 9.50 kg
approx. 16.00 kg
Enclosure material 3-pole
glass-fibre reinforced polyester
steel, powder-coated polyester
Enclosure colour black
Auxiliary contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
2.5.56 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 100 A 3-pole
Version with 4 auxiliary contacts (2 x NO; 2 x NC)
3-pole 2 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0029 R0004
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0029 R0005
Industrial safety switch 100 A 6-pole
Version with 4 auxiliary contacts (2 x NO; 2 x NC)
6-pole 4 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0030 R0001
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0030 R0002
Customized version on request
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Industrial safety switch
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
GHG 981 -GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 100 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.57
Dimensions in mm
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 100 A
Dimension drawing
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
X 247
X 520
Ø 12
Ø 7
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
2.5.58 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 160 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 160 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 160 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 160 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 160 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 160 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 160 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 200 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
1 x 95 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M63 cable gland see ordering details
Double cable pothead Ø 46 -72 mm)
Option: metal flange with 2 x thread
Weight 3-pole
approx. 9.00 kg
approx. 16.50 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Aux. contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.59
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 160 A
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 160 A 3-pole
Version with 4 auxiliary contacts (2 x NO; 2 x NC)
3-pole 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0031 R0003
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0031 R0004
Industrial safety switch 160 A 6-pole
Version with 4 auxiliary contacts (2 x NO; 2 x NC)
6-pole 4 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0032 R0003
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M50 / 1 x M25 GHG 981 0032 R0004
Customized version on request
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Industrial safety switch
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
OU Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
2.5.60 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Dimensions in mm
GHG 981 - Industrial-safety switches 160 A
Dimension drawing
6-pole X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
X 247
X 520
Ø 12
Ø 7
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 6-pole 6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.61
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 250 A
3-/6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-/6-pole
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 250 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 250 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 250 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 200 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 200 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 3-pole
auxiliary/signal contact
3 x 150 mm2/95 mm2
6 x 150 mm2/2 x 95 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP65
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M63 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 18 kg
approx. 31 kg
Enclosure material sheet steel polyester powder coated
Enclosure colour RAL 7032
Aux. contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks
2.5.62 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 250 A
3-/6-pole 3-/6-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 250 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 KO 731713 W0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 2 x M63 / 1 x M25 KO 731723 W0001
Industrial safety switch 250 A 6-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
6-pole 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 KO 731716 W0001
6-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 KO 731726 W0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
3-/6-pole X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.63
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 400 A
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 400 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 400 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 400 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 500 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 500 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 500 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
3 x 150 mm2/95 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP65
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M63 cable gland see ordering details
Weight approx. 39.50 kg
Enclosure material steel, powder-coated polyester
Enclosure colour RAL 7032
Aux. contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks
2.5.64 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 400 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 400 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 KO 731713 X0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M63 / 1 x M25 KO 731723 X0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
3-pole X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.65
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 630 A
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 3-pole
Technical data
Industrial safety switch 630 A
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 630 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 630 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 800 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 800 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 800 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
3 x 240 mm2/120 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP65
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M80 Ø 62 - 68 mm see ordering details
Weight approx. 40.50 kg
Enclosure material steel, powder-coated polyester
Enclosure colour RAL 7032
Aux. contact 1 x NO making - lagging; breaking - leading
1 x NC making - leading; breaking - lagging
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
2.5.66 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
KO 7317 - Industrial-safety switches 630 A
3-pole 3-pole EMERGENCY STOP
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Industrial safety switch 630 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole 4 x M80 / 1 x M25 KO 731713 Y0001
3-pole EMERGENCY STOP 4 x M80 / 1 x M25 KO 731723 Y0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
3-pole X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.67
2.5.68 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Safety for your protection
CEAG main current switches
in a number of versions can be
protected against inadvertent
switching on by our integrated
locking facility for up to three
padlocks in the OFF position.
Full AC-3 motor switching
Full AC-3 motor switching ca-
pacities and isolating properties
according to EN 60947-4-1 with
compulsory opening of the
main current contacts according
to EN 60204-1 are just some of
the eminent features offered by
CEAG‘s main current switches.
The main current switches
feature an instal lation-friendly
design and easily accessible
connection terminals.
Versions in impact-resistant
polyamide or glass-fibre-rein-
GHG 26 Ex-Main Current Switches
Rated current from 10 A - 630 A
Full AC-3 switching capacity
• Cost-saving installation
Variants: star, delta, Dahlander or reversing switches up to 80 A
Up to 40 A: snap mounting
Up to 180 A: IP66 protection
forced polyester guarantee the
high degree of protection IP66
for amperages up to 180 A.
These can be optionally sup-
plied with snap-on moulded
plastic or brass flanges. They
can be equipped with screw-on
Main current switches >180 A are
realized in metal enclosures.
Internationally approved.
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.69
GHG 261 - Ex-main current switches 10 A
3-pole, 10 A 0-I
Technical data
Ex-Main current switches 10 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 00 ATEX 1074
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0014
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T53 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 500 V
Rated current max. 10 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 10 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 10 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 10 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 10 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 10 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 1.5 - 2.5 mm2
2 x 0.5 - 2.5 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
Weight approx. 0.60 kg
Enclosure material impact resistant polyamide
Enclosure colour black
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.70 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 261 - Ex-main current switches 10 A
3-pole, 10 A 0-I
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-Main current switches 10 A
3-pole 0-I 2 x M25 ON-OFF switch GHG 261 0006 R0001
Customized version on request
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-Main current switches 10 A 3-pole
Size 1 Wall mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0101
Size 1 Pipe clamp screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0102
Size 1 Trellis-work mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0103
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Protective canopy for mounting plate
Size 1 for mounting plate size 1 1 GHG 610 1955 R0101
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
3-pole, 10 A 0-I X = fixing dimensions
10 2
X 68.5
84 80
Ø 5.5
Ø 8.5
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.71
GHG 262 - Ex-main current switches 20 A
3-pole, 20 A change-over 3-pole, 20 A 0-I
Technical data
Ex-Main current switches 20 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex ed ia IIC T6 / D II 2 D IP66 T55 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1161
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0012
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed ia IIC T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T55 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 20 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 20 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 20 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 16 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 10 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 35 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 35 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 25 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 4 mm2
2 x 0.5 - 2.5 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M32 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with thread
Weight approx. 1.40 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.72 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 262 - Ex-main current switches 20 A
3-pole, 20 A 0-I 3-pole, 20 A change-over
Ordering details
Version Cable gland Order No.
Ex-Main current switches 20 A 3-pole
3-pole 0 - I 2 x M32 ON-OFF switch GHG 262 1301 R0001
0 - Y - D 3 x M32 Star-delta GHG 262 0016 R0004
0 - I - II 3 x M32 Dahlander GHG 262 0016 R0005
Ex-Main current switches 20 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
3-pole I - II 3 x M32/1 x M25 Change-over GHG 262 0016 R0001
I - 0 - II 3 x M32/1 x M25 Change-over GHG 262 0016 R0002
I - 0 - II 3 x M32/1 x M25 Reversing switch GHG 262 0016 R0003
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-Main current switches 20 A 3-pole
Size 2 Wall mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0104
Size 2 Pipe clamp snap on GHG 610 1953 R0105
Size 2 Trellis-work mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0106
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Plug-in fastener for CEAG modules with 5.5 mm and 11 mm mounting feet 1 set = 4 pcs. 10 GHG 610 1953 R0041
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Protective canopy for mounting plate
Size 2 for mounting plate size 2 1 GHG 610 1955 R0102
Size 2A for mounting plate size 2A 1 GHG 610 1955 R0103
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.73
GHG 262 - Ex-main current switches 20 A
3-pole, 20 A change-over 3-pole, 20 A 0-I
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
GHG 262 1301 R0001 GHG 262 0016 R... X = fixing dimensions
17 0
12 9
13 120
X 247
2.5.74 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 263 - Ex-main current switches 40 A
GHG 263 1301 R0001 GHG 263 0048 R....
Technical data
Ex-Main current switches 40 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1161
IECEx Certificate of Conformity BKI 07.0012
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex ed ia II T6
Ex tD A21 IP66 T55 °C
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 40 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 40 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 32 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 63 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 2 x 16 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M40 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with thread
Weight 3-pole
approx. 2.30 kg
approx. 6.50 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.75
GHG 263 - Ex-main current switches 40 A
GHG 263 0048 R.... GHG 263 1301 R0001
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-Main current switches 40 A 3-pole
3-pole 0 - I 2 x M40, 1 x M25 ON-OFF switch GHG 263 1301 R0001
0 - Y - D 3 x M40, 2 x M25 screw plug Star-delta GHG 263 0048 R0005
0 - I - II 3 x M40, 2 x M25 screw plug Dahlander GHG 263 0048 R0006
Ex-Main current switches 40 A 3-pole
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO + 1 x NC)
3-pole I - II 3 x M40/1 x M25, 1 x M25 screw plug Change-over GHG 263 0048 R0002
I - 0 - II 2 x M40/1 x M25, 1 x M25 screw plug Reversing switch GHG 263 0048 R0004
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO + 1 x NO)
3-pole I - 0 - II 3 x M40/1 x M25, 1 x M25 screw plug Change-over GHG 263 0048 R0003
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-Main current switches 40 A 3-pole
Size 3 Wall mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Size 3 Pipe clamp snap on GHG 610 1953 R0110
Size 3 Trellis-work mounting snap on GHG 610 1953 R0118
Fixing method
Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-Main current switches 40 A 6-pole
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Plug-in fastener for CEAG modules with 5.5 mm and 11 mm mounting feet 1 set = 4 pcs. 10 GHG 610 1953 R0041
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Protective canopy for mounting plate
Size 3 for pipe mounting plate size 3 vertical 1 GHG 610 1955 R0104
Size 3A for mounting plates wall/trellis fixing
size 3 vertical
1GHG 610 1955 R0105
Size 3B for mounting plates pipe fixing
size 3 horizontal
1GHG 610 1955 R0106
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
2.5.76 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Dimensions in mm
GHG 263 - Ex-main current switches 40 A
GHG 263 1301 R0001 GHG 263 0048 R....
Dimension drawing
GHG 263 1301 R0001
GHG 263 0048 R... X = fixing dimensions
14 0
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.77
GHG 264 - Ex-main current switches 80 A
6-pole, 80 A (change-over)
Technical data
Ex-Main current switches 80 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 00 ATEX 1091
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C1)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 80 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 80 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 63 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 63 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary/signal contact
2 x 16 mm2
2 x 4 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M25 cable gland see ordering details
M50 cable gland see ordering details
Option: metal flange with thread
Weight 3-pole
approx. 6.50 kg
approx. 9.00 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.78 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 264 - Ex-main current switches 80 A
6-pole, 80 A (change-over)
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-Main current switches 80 A
Version with 2 auxiliary contacts (1 NO; 1 x NC)
4-pole 0 - I
without auxiliary contact
2 x M50, 2 x M25, 1 x screw plug ON-OFF switch GHG 264 0022 R9015
3-pole I - 0 - II 3 x M50, 1 x M25 screw plug Change-over GHG 264 0019 R0003
3-pole I - 0 - II 2 x M50, 1 x M25 screw plug Reversing switch GHG 264 0019 R0004
Customized version on request, auxiliary contacts in Ex ia available
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-Main current switches 80 A 3- and 4-pole
Size 3 2 x pipe clamp screw-on1) GHG 610 1953 R0110
1) observe mounting distance
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with label (unlabelled) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Protective canopy for mounting plate
Size 3 for pipe clamp plate size 3 vertical 1 GHG 610 1955 R0104
Size 3A for mounting plates wall/trellis fixing
size 3 vertical
1GHG 610 1955 R0105
Size 3B for mounting plates pipe fixing
size 3 horizontal
1GHG 610 1955 R0106
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
GHG264 0019 R.... X = fixing dimensions
X 247
X 247
Ø 12
Ø 7
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.79
2.5.80 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Safety for your protection
CEAG main circuit breakers
enable making or breaking of
circuits under normal operating
conditions as well as cutting in,
briefly conducting and cutting
out currents under exceptional
conditions, such as short circu-
EXKO 7318 Ex-Main Circuit Breakers
Rated current from 63 A - 630 A
Full AC-3 motor switching capacity
High degree of IP protection
Simple integration into systems
Full AC-3 motor switching
Full AC-3 motor switching ca-
pacities and iso lating properties
according to EN 60947-4-1 with
compulsory opening of the
main current contacts according
to EN 60204-1 are just some of
the eminent features offered by
CEAG power circuit breakers.
Versions up to 180 A guarantee
the optional high degree of
protection IP65. The switch po-
sition is always clearly indi cated
and easily seen.
The main current switches
feature an installation-friendly
design and easily accessible
connection terminals.
Metal versions can be equipped
with metal screw-on flanges
allowing simple integration in
system as well as cost-efficient
later extensions. These can be
optionally supplied with snap-
on moulded plastic or brass
The described power circuit
breakers are also available for
Explosion Group IIB, which is
sufficient for many of the appli-
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.81
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 63 A
EXKO 73 1813 A
Technical data
Ex-main circuit breaker 63 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de ia/ib [ia/ib] IIC T4 – T61)
D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C / T95 °C / T130 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 63 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 63 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 63 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 63 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 63 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 80 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 80 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 2 x 35 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (Option IP65)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M50 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 17 kg
approx. 18 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.82 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 63 A
EXKO 73 1813 A
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-main circuit breaker 63 A
3-pole 2 x M50 EXKO 73 1813 A0001
4-pole 2 x M50 EXKO 73 1814 A0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.83
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 125 A
EXKO 73 1813 B
Technical data
Ex-main circuit breaker 125 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de ia/ib [ia/ib] IIC T4 – T61)
D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C / T95 °C / T130 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 125 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 125 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 125 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 125 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 125 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 160 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 160 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 160 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 50/35 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (optional IP65)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M50 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 48 kg
approx. 52 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.84 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 125 A
EXKO 73 1813 B
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-main circuit breaker 125 A
3-pole 2 x M50 EXKO 73 1813 B0001
4-pole 2 x M50 EXKO 73 1814 B0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.85
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 160 A
EXKO 73 1813 C
Technical data
Ex-main circuit breaker 160 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de ia/ib [ia/ib] IIC T4 ... T61)
D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C / T95 °C / T130 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 160 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 160 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 160 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 160 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 160 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 210 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 210 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 210 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 95/50 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (optional IP65)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M50 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 48 kg
approx. 52 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.86 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 160 A
EXKO 73 1813 C
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-main circuit breaker 160 A
3-pole 2 x M50 EXKO 73 1813 C0001
4-pole 2 x M50 EXKO 73 1814 C0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.87
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 250 A
EXKO 73 1813 D
Technical data
Ex-main circuit breaker 250 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de ia/ib [ia/ib] IIC T4 ... T61)
D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C / T95 °C / T130 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 250 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 250 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 250 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 250 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 250 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 150/95 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (optional IP65)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M63 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 50 kg
approx. 55 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.88 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 250 A
EXKO 73 1813 D
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-Main current switches 250 A
3-pole 2 x M63 EXKO 73 1813 D0001
4-pole 4 x M63 EXKO 73 1814 D0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.89
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 400 A
EXKO 73 1813 E
Technical data
Ex-main circuit breaker 400 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de ia/ib [ia/ib] IIC T4 ... T61)
D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C / T95 °C / T130 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 400 A (3-pole / max. 300 A (4-pole)
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 400 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 400 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 500 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 500 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 500 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 150/95 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (optional IP65)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M63 cable gland see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 85 kg
approx. 90 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
grey (RAL 7032)
dark grey (RAL 7022)
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.90 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 400 A
EXKO 73 1813 E
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-Main current switches 400 A
3-pole 4 x M63 EXKO 73 1813 E0001
4-pole 4 x M63 EXKO 73 1814 E0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
X 365
430 329
X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.91
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 630 A
EXKO 73 1813 F
Technical data
Ex-main circuit breaker 630 A
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex de ia/ib [ia/ib] IIC T4 ... T61)
D II 2 D IP66 T80 °C / T95 °C / T130 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1057
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx PTB 12.0026
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIC T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Ex d IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb / Ex de IIB T6, T5 or T4 Gb
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C2)
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 630 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3
Ue 230 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 400 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 500 V / Ie 630 A
Ue 690 V / Ie 630 A
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC: 800 A gG
up to 500 V AC: 800 A gG
up to 690 V AC: 800 A gG
Connecting terminals main contact 240/120 mm2
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP54 (optional IP65)
Cable glands/enclosure drilling M80 Ø 62 - 68 mm see ordering details
Weight 3-pole
approx. 245 kg
approx. 250 kg
Enclosure material aluminium, powder-coated polyester
connection box steel, powder-coated
Colour Enclosure
dark grey
1) Also available with Explosion Group IIB
2) Other ambient temperatures on request
2.5.92 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de2.5.92 EATON’S CROUSE-HIMDS BUSINESS
EXKO 7318 Ex-main circuit breakers 630 A
EXKO 73 1813 F
Ordering details
Content Cable gland Order No.
Ex-Main current switches 630 A
3-pole 4 x M80 EXKO 73 1813 F0001
4-pole 4 x M80 EXKO 73 1814 F0001
Customized version on request
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
M20 x 2
X 600
X 505
X = fixing dimensions
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.93
2.5.94 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
Motors have to be protected
against over loads, phase failures
and overheating: CEAG power
circuit breaker and manual motor
starter features phase-failure
protection as well as thermal and
electromagnetic tripping for relia-
ble motor protection.
An optional under-voltage trip or
auxiliary contact complements the
safety package. The switch po-
sition is always indicated by the
switch handle – practically exclud-
ing wrong operation.
GHG 635 Ex-Manual Motor Starters
Rated current up to 25 A
Full AC-3 motor switching capacity
Decisive cost savings with CEAG mounting system
Easily accessible connection terminals
High degree of protection IP66
Isolating properties according to DIN EN 60947-4-1
Clear indication of switch position
• Phase-failure protection
Integrated locking facility
A special safety feature offered
by the manual motor starter: It
can only be switched on on-site
– where the drive is. An operat-
ing-current trip for remote switch-
off is optional.
CEAG manual motor starters have
such a precise tripping time that
they are equally suited for the
protection of Ex-e as well as Ex-d
motors – just to put you on the
safe side.
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.95
GHG 635-1 Ex-manual motor starters
GHG 635 (25 A)
Technical data
Ex-manual motor starter GHG 635 (25 A)
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex ed IIC T5/T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 1162
IECEx Certificate of Conformity IECEx BKI 08.0014
Marking accd. to IECEx Ex d IIC T6/
Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
Permissible ambient temperature
at T6 le d 16 A
at T5 le > 16 A; d 25 A
–20 °C up to +40 °C
–20 °C up to +55 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current max. 25 A
Rated current aux. contact max. 2 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-4-1
Ue 690 V / Ie 25 A
Back-up fuse see table
Undervoltage trip tripping at 15 % - 75 % Un
can be switched on at U > 80 % Uc
Connecting terminals main contact
auxiliary-/Signal contact
10 mm2
2 x 0.75 - 4.0 mm2
Thermal tripping characteristic T II
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Cable glands/enclosure drilling
0.1 - 6.3 A
6.3 - 25 A
2 x M25 cable gland 1)
2 x M32 cable gland 1), optional metal flange with thread
Weight 2.5 kg
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyester
Enclosure colour black
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
1) Version with aux. contact or under voltage trip with additional cable gland M25
2.5.96 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 635-1 Ex-manual motor starters
GHG 635 (25 A)
Short-circuit protection up to 100 kA and maximum backup fuse
Setting range 230 V AC 400 V AC 500 V AC 690 V AC Order No.
lcs gG, aM lcs gG, aM lcs gG, aM lcs gG, aM Temp Class A B C R...
0.1 A ... 0.16 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0101
0.16 A ... 0.25 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0102
0.25 A ... 0.40 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0103
0.40 A ... 0.63 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0104
0.63 A ... 1.0 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0105
1.0 A ... 1.6 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0106
1.6 A ... 2.5 A 40 kA 25 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0107
2.5 A ... 4.0 A 40 kA 35/40 A 10 kA 40 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0108
4.0 A ... 6.3 A 30 kA 50 A 3 kA 40 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0109
6.3 A ... 9.0 A 30 kA 80 A 3 kA 50 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0110
9.0 A ... 12.5 A 50 kA 80 A 20 kA 80 A 3 kA 50 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0111
12.5 A ... 16.0 A 50 kA 100 A 20 kA 100 A 3 kA 50 A T6 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0112
16.0 A ... 20.0 A 50 kA 100 A 20 kA 100 A 2 kA 50 A T5 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0113
20.0 A ... 25.0 A 50 kA 125 A 50 kA 125 A 20 kA 125 A 2 kA 50 A T5 GHG 635 1 1 0 1 R0114
Customized version on request
no backup-fuse
Ordering coding for special version
Description Content Undervoltage trip Aux. contact
GHG 635 1 A B C R...
AContent 1 = Standard version
BUndervoltage trip 0 = without undervoltage trip
1 = undervoltage trip 230 V
2 = undervoltage trip 400 V
3 = undervoltage trip 440 V
4 = undervoltage trip 500 V
5 = undervoltage trip 24 V
6 = undervoltage trip 48 V
7 = undervoltage trip 60 V
8 = undervoltage trip 110 V
9 = undervoltage trip 415 V
CAuxiliary contact 1 = without aux. contact
2 = with aux. contact 1 NO + 1 NC
3 = with aux. contact 2 NO
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.97
GHG 635-1 Ex-manual motor starters
GHG 635 (25 A)
Type Application Fixing method Order No.
Mounting plate for Ex-Main current switches 25 A
Size 3 Wall mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0118
Size 3 Pipe clamp screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0110
Size 3 Trellis-work mounting screwless mounting GHG 610 1953 R0118
Order No.
Accessories for mounting plates
Label holder with type label (blank) for mounting plate size 1, 2, 2A and 3 10 GHG 610 1953 R0057
Mounting set for pipes 1” (of 27 - 30 mm) for mounting plates with pipe fixing 10 GHG 610 1953 R0020
Order No.
Protective canopy for mounting plate
Size 3 for pipe mounting plate size 3 vertical 1 GHG 610 1955 R0104
Size 3A for mounting plates wall/trellis fixing
size 3 vertical
1GHG 610 1955 R0105
Size 3B for mounting plates pipe fixing
size 3 horizontal
1GHG 610 1955 R0106
Please pay attention that only order units (OU) according to the ordering details can be delivered.
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
Wiring diagram
GHG 635 X = fixing dimensions
14 0
I >
I >
I >
14 22
(12) 13 21
D1D2 N PE 246
U <
2.5.98 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 635-12 Ex-manual motor starters
GHG 635-12 Panel mounting
Technical data
Ex-manual motor starter GHG 635-12
Marking accd. to 2014/34/EU D II 2 G Ex d IIC T6 / D II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T80 °C
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 05 ATEX 1020
Permissible ambient temperature –20 °C up to +40 °C
Rated voltage up to max. 690 V
Rated current 0.1 up to 16 A
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated making/breaking capacity AC-3
accd. EN 60947-3-4-1
Ue 650 V / Ie 16 A
Rated voltage undervoltage trip 400 V 50/60 Hz (Standard version)
440 V / 500 V / 24 V / 48 V / 60 V on request
tripping at 35 % – 70 % Uc
Undervoltage trip can be switched on at U > 85 % Uc
Back-up fuse up to 400 V AC short circuit proof up to 50 kA up to 6.3 A; 30 kA up to 16 A
Thermal tripping characteristic T II
Protection class I
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 IP66
Connecting cable H07RN-F (standard 3 m, other length on request)
Weight 1 kg (without cable)
Enclosure material glass-fibre reinforced polyamide
Enclosure colour black
Padlocking facility can be locked in OFF position with 3 commercially available padlocks (Ø max. 6 mm)
Short-circuit protection up to 100 kA and maximum backup fuse
Setting range 230 V AC 400 V AC 500 V AC 690 V AC
lcs gG, aM lcs gG, aM lcs gG, aM lcs gG, aM
0.1 A ... 0.16 A
0.16 A ... 0.25 A
0.25 A ... 0.40 A
0.40 A ... 0.63 A
0.63 A ... 1.0 A
1.0 A ... 1.6 A
1.6 A ... 2.5 A 40 kA 25 A
2.5 A ... 4.0 A 10 kA 40 A
4.0 A ... 6.3 A 40 kA 50 A 7 kA 40 A
6.3 A ... 9.0 A 30 kA 80 A 5 kA 50 A
9.0 A ... 12.5 A 27 kA 80 A 4.5 kA 50 A
12.5 A ... 16.0 A 25 kA 100 A 4 kA 50 A
Customized version on request
no backup-fuse
up to I
= 50 A
www.crouse-hinds.de EATON 2.5.99
Ordering details
Setting range undervoltage trip Cord length Order No.
Ex-manual motor starter GHG 635-12
0.1 - 0.16 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0001
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0001
0.16 - 0.25 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0002
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0002
0.25 - 0.40 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0003
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0003
0.40 - 0.63 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0004
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0004
0.63 - 1.0 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0005
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0005
1.0 - 1.6 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0006
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0006
1.6 - 2.5 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0007
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0007
2.5 - 4.0 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0008
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0008
4.0 - 6.3 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0009
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0009
6.3 - 9 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0010
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0010
9 - 12.5 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0011
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0011
12.5 - 16 A no 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1200 R0012
400 V 2 x 3 m GHG 635 1220 R0012
GHG 635 Ex-manual motor starters
GHG 635-12with mounting platePanel mounting
2.5.100 EATON www.crouse-hinds.de
GHG 635 Ex-manual motor starters
GHG 635-12 with mounting plate Panel mounting
Type Application Order No.
Mounting plate Ex-manual motor starter GHG 635-12
Mounting plate Mounting plate for pipe mounting (1” or 2”)
and square profile 41 x 41 mm or U-profile
60 x 40 mm incl. snap-on fixing clips GHG 630 1926 R0001
Screws size 1 5 self-tapping screws for panel mounting
1 - 2 mm wall thickness GHG 630 1925 R0001
Screws size 2 5 self-tapping screws for panel mounting
2 - 3 mm wall thickness GHG 630 1925 R0002
Dimensions in mm
Dimension drawing
Wiring diagram
with undervoltage trip
without undervoltage trip
GHG 635-12
69 11,8
38 50
m 3 .ac
10 12 14 16 1811,21,5 2
1,05 2,5 3 4 5 6 7
min 1
lsuA tiezesö gnippirT emit tnemehcnelcédedspmeT
Vielfaches des Einstellstromes
Multiple of setting current
Multiple de l'intensité reglée