IFX20001 Low Dropout Voltage Regulator IFX20001MBV33 IFX20001MBV50 Data Sheet Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 Standard Power Low Dropout Voltage Regulator 1 IFX20001 Overview Features * * * * * * * * * * * * Two output voltage versions: 3.3 V, 5.0 V Very low drop voltage 300mV Output current: 30 mA Inhibit function Low quiescent current consumption Input voltage up to 45 V Wide temperature range: -40 C Tj 125 C Output protected against short circuit Overtemperature protection Reverse polarity protection Very small and thermally enhanced package Green Product (RoHS compliant) PG-SCT595-5 Applications * * * * * Manufacturing Automation Appliances HDTV Televisions Game Consoles Network Routers For automotive and transportation applications, please refer to the Infineon TLE and TLF voltage regulator series. Description The IFX20001 is a monolithic integrated low-drop voltage regulator in the very small SMD package PG-SCT5955. It is designed to supply various loads (e.g. microprocessor) under over severe conditions. Therefore the device is equipped with additional protection functions against overload, short circuit and reverse polarity. In case of an overtemperature condition the regulator is automatically turned off by the integrated thermal protection circuit. Input voltages up to 45 V are regulated to VQ,nom = 3.3 V (V33 version) or 5.0 V (V50 version). The output is able to drive a load of 30 mA while it regulates the output voltage within a 4% accuracy. To save energy the device can be switched in stand-by mode via an inhibit input which causes the current consumption to drop below 5 A. Type Package Marking IFX20001MBV33 PG-SCT595-5 V3 IFX20001MBV50 PG-SCT595-5 V5 Data Sheet 2 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 Block Diagram 2 Block Diagram Saturation Control and Protection Circuit Temperature Control 3 4 Band-GapReferenz + 2,5 1 GND INH Figure 1 Data Sheet Q AEB02312 Block Diagram 3 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 Pin ConfigurationPin Assignment 3 Pin Configuration 3.1 Pin Assignment INH 1 GND 2 3 5 GND 4 Q AEP02253 Figure 2 Pin Configuration (top view) 3.2 Pin Definitions and Functions Table 1 Pin Definitions and Functions Fixed Output Voltage Versions Pin No. Symbol Function 1 INH Inhibit input; high level to turn on the IC 2 GND Ground; connected to pin 5 3 I Input voltage 4 Q Output voltage; must be blocked with a ceramic capacitor CQ 3.3 F, ESR 2 5 GND Ground; connected to pin 2 Data Sheet 4 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 General Product CharacteristicsAbsolute Maximum Ratings 4 General Product Characteristics 4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute Maximum Ratings1) Tj = -40 C to 150 C; all voltages with respect to ground, (unless otherwise specified) Pos. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Max. Unit Test Condition Input I Voltage VI -42 45 V - Voltage VQ -0.3 30 V - 4.1.3 Voltage -42 45 V 4.1.4 Current -500 * A * internally limited 4.1.5 Current VINH IINH IINH -5 5 mA -0.3 V <VI < 45 V; tp < 1 ms Tj Tstg -40 150 C - -50 150 C - 4.1.1 Output Q 4.1.2 Inhibit Temperature 4.1.6 Junction temperature 4.1.7 Storage temperature 1) not subject to production test, specified by design Note: Stresses above the ones listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note: Integrated protection functions are designed to prevent IC destruction under fault conditions described in the data sheet. Fault conditions are considered as "outside" normal operating range. Protection functions are not designed for continuous repetitive operation. Data Sheet 5 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 General Product CharacteristicsFunctional Range 4.2 Pos. Functional Range Parameter 4.2.1 Input voltage 4.2.2 Input Voltage 4.2.3 Inhibit Voltage 4.2.4 Junction temperature Symbol VI VI VINH Tj Limit Values Unit Remarks Min. Max. 4.0 45 V IFX20001MBV33 5.5 45 V IFX20001MBV50 -0.3 40 V -40 125 C - Note: Within the functional or operating range, the IC operates as described in the circuit description. The electrical characteristics are specified within the conditions given in the Electrical Characteristics table. 4.3 Thermal Resistance Note: This thermal data was generated in accordance with JEDEC JESD51 standards. For more information, go to www.jedec.org. Pos. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max. - 81 - K/W 2s2p board1) 4.3.1 - 217 - K/W Footprint only2) 4.3.2 - 117 - K/W 300 mm2 PCB heatsink area2) 4.3.3 - 103 - K/W 600 mm2 PCB heatsink area2) - 30 - K/W Pins 2, 5 fixed to TA 4.3.5 4.3.4 Junction to Ambient Junction to Soldering Point RthJA RthJSP 1) Specified RthJA value is according to JESD51-2,-5,-7 at natural convection on FR4 2s2p board; The product (chip+package) was simulated on a 76.2 x 114.3 x 1.5 mm board with 2 inner copper layers (2 x 70m Cu, 2 x 35m Cu). Where applicable a thermal via array under the package contacted the first inner copper layer. 2) Package mounted on PCB FR4; 80 x 80 x 1.5 mm; 35 m Cu, 5 m Sn; horizontal position; zero airflow. Not subject to production test; specified by design. Data Sheet 6 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 Electrical CharacteristicsElectrical Characteristics Voltage Regulator 5 Electrical Characteristics 5.1 Electrical Characteristics Voltage Regulator Table 2 Electrical Characteristics VI = 13.5 V; VINH > +2.5 V; -40 C < Tj < 125 C; unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. 3.17 3.30 3.43 V 1 mA < IQ < 30 mA VI = 13.5 V 3.17 3.30 3.43 V IQ = 10 mA 4.3 V < VI < 40 V 4.80 5.00 5.20 V 1 mA < IQ < 30 mA VI = 13.5 V 4.80 5.00 5.20 V IQ = 10 mA 6 V < VI < 40 V 30 - - mA 1) - 0.25 0.30 V IQ = 20 mA1) Output capacitor IQ Vdr CQ 3.3 - - F ESR 2 at 10 kHz Current consumption Iq - 2 5.2 mA IQ < 30 mA Current consumption Iq = II - IQ Iq - 130 170 A IQ < 0.1 mA; Tj < 85 C Quiescent current (stand-by) Iq = II - IQ Iq - 0 1 A VINH = 0.4 V; Tj < 85 C Quiescent current (stand-by) Iq = II - IQ Iq - 0 5 A VINH = 0.4 V Load regulation VQ - 17 50 mV 1 mA < IQ < 25 mA; Tj = 25 C IFX20001MBV50 - 14 40 mV 1 mA < IQ < 25 mA; Tj = 25 C IFX20001MBV33 Output voltage V33 version Output voltage V50 version Output current limitation Drop voltage Iq = II - IQ VQ VQ Line regulation VQ - 10 25 mV VI = (VQ,nom + 0.5 V) to 36 V IQ = 5 mA; Tj = 25 C Power Supply Ripple Rejection PSRR - 60 - dB fr = 100 Hz; Vr = 0.5 Vpp Inhibit, Turn-on voltage VINH, high - - 2.2 V VQ > 0.95 VQ,nom Inhibit, Turn-off voltage VINH, low 0.4 - - V VQ > 0.1 V H-input current IINH, high - 8 12 A VINH = 5 V L-input current IINH, low -2 - 2 A VINH = 0 V Inhibit Input 1) Measured when the output voltage VQ has dropped 100 mV from the nominal value. Data Sheet 7 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 Electrical CharacteristicsTypical Performance Characteristics Voltage 5.2 Typical Performance Characteristics Voltage Regulator Output Voltage VQ versus Input Voltage VI Current Consumption Iq versus Input Voltage VI AED 03349.VSD 10 VQ VINH = 5 V RL = 1 k V AED03347.VSD 1000 Iq A VINH = 5 V 800 8 600 6 V 50 4 200 2 0 0 2 4 6 0 8 V 10 RL = 5 k 0 10 20 30 40 V 50 VI VI Data Sheet RL = 1 k 400 V 33 8 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 Application Information 6 Application Information Note: The following information is given as a hint for the implementation of the device only and shall not be regarded as a description or warranty of a certain functionality, condition or quality of the device. V Q ,nom + 0.5V to 45V I CI 100 nF Inhibit 4 3 IFX20001 INH 1 2,5 Q 3.0V / 3.3V / 5.0V CQ 4.7 F e.g. TDK C3216X7R1C475M GND Figure 3 Application Diagram Application Hints In the IFX20001 the output voltage is divided and compared to an internal reference of 2.5 V typical. The regulation loop controls the output to achieve a stabilized output voltage. Figure 3 shows a typical application circuit. In order to maintain the stability of the control loop the IFX20001 output requires an output capacitor CQ of at least 3.3 F with a maximum permissible ESR of 2 . It is recommended to use a multi layer ceramic capacitor for CQ. If aluminum electrolytic and tantalum capacitors are selected as output capacitors they must be carefully chosen to cover the required ESR range over the full operating temperature range of -40 C to 125 C. At the input of the regulator a capacitor is required for compensating line influences. A resistor of approximately. 1 in series with the input capacitor (CI) can dampen oscillations that could occur due to the input line inductance and the input capacitor. If the regulator is sourced via long input lines of several meters it is recommended to place an additional capacitor 47 F at the input. Data Sheet 9 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 Package Outlines Package Outlines 2.9 0.2 (2.2) B (1.45) 1.2 +0.1 -0.05 (0.4) 1) 0.6 +0.1 -0.05 2 3 1.6 0.1 (0.13) (0.23) 1) 1 4 0.25 0.1 0.1 MAX. 5 0.25 M B 1.1 MAX. (0.3) 2.5 0.1 7 0.3 +0.1 -0.05 0.15 +0.1 -0.06 A 0.95 0.2 1.9 M A 1) Contour of slot depends on profile of gull-wing lead form SCT595-PO V05 2.3 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.9 1.9 1.45 0.4 1.3 MIN. PG-SCT595-5 1.6 Figure 4 0.4 0.75 0.75 0.95 0.95 SCT595-FPR V05 SCT595-FPW V05 Reflow Soldering Figure 5 Transport direction Wave Soldering Footprint PG-SCT595-5 Green Product (RoHS compliant) To meet the world-wide customer requirements for environmentally friendly products and to be compliant with government regulations the device is available as a green product. Green products are RoHS-Compliant (i.e Pb-free finish on leads and suitable for Pb-free soldering according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020). For further information on packages, please visit our website: http://www.infineon.com/packages. Data Sheet 10 Dimensions in mm Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 IFX20001 Revision History 8 Revision History Revision Date Changes 1.02 2010-05-20 Editorial change (fig. 3) 1.01 2009-09-10 Coverpage changed Overview page: Inserted reference statement to TLE/TLF series. 1.0 2009-04-28 Initial Release Data Sheet 11 Rev. 1.02, 2010-05-20 Edition 2010-05-20 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany (c) 2010 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.