2001. 2. 8 TENTATIVE LED DOT MATRIX MODULE MODEL : KLM-HoeD CAH WAAL EAL RAL AUK CORP. 802- 12 Shinheung-Dong, Iksan, Korea TEL : (063) 835-7111 FAX : (063) 835-2681 URL : http:/Awww.auk.co.kr E-mail : webmaster@auk.co.kr 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 1. OVERVIEW AUK has successfully developed a 7*32 LED dot matrix module. It is integrated with Chip LED lamps. This module is compact, slim and light. It is suitable for the wide applications of a text board beyond a simple message board. 2. SPECIFICATION ITEM DESCRIPTION Size( WxHxD) 82x 256x12(mm) Display area : 56 x 256 (mm) Display Color Red, Green, Amber, Black Number of Dots 224(7 x 32) Drive mode Dynamic Drive(1/14 Duty) *Not use: address 1110,1111(A0,A1,A2,A3) Brightness Control Using VR Over Voltage Protection Works at over 6V (Only LED Off) Viewing Angle Horizontal : +60, Vertical +75 Weight 110+5g 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Ta=25 TC) ITEM SYMBOL RATING UNIT DC Supply Circuit Vecl 6 V Voltage LED Vcc2 5.25 V Input Circuit Vint -0.3 to Vecl +0.3 V Voltage LED Vin2 -0.3 to Vec2 V Current Circuit IC 0.1(Vcc=5V) A Consumption | LED IL 2.3(Vcc=5V) A Clock Frequency ft 50 Miz Operating Temperature Topr -25~45 Cc Storage Temperature Tstg -25~85 Cc Isolation Temperature Viso AC500V(10mA), 1Minute(connector ~ supporter) 2) RECOMMENDABLE DRIVE CONDITIONS ITEM SYMBOL RATING UNIT DC Supply Circuit Vccl 4.75~5.25 V Voltage LED Vcc2 4.75~5.25 V Operating Temperature Topr O~40 Cc 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 o Oo o Oo o Oo o 90 4. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTIC @ MEASURE AREA : 55mm (Note 1) Oo oO oO Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo RATING ITEM SYMBOL UNIT MIN TYP MAX cd/m (nit), Luminous Red LvR 130 Note 1 intensity Green LvG 60 " Peak Emission Red APR 630 nm Wavelength Green APG 567 nm 5. INPUT LEVEL ITEM SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT Input"L" ViL - - 0.8 Vv Input"H" ViH 2.4 - - Vcc Rn | All input is pulled up 50ke 6.FUNCTION ITEM PIN NAME FUNCTION DESCRIPTION PIN NO. Vccl Power supply for the circuit 1 Power Pj Vcc2 Power supply for the LED 3 in GND Ground of the module 2 RED Data (RD) Data input for Red color 8 GREEN Data (GD) Data input for Green color 6 Line Address(A0O~A2) Signal input for line address 9,10,11,12 Data Clock (CLK) Clock signal for Data input and display 4 Pin Signal input for Data latch Latch (New Data Latch at Rising Edge) e Display ON or OFF control Out Enable (OE) aoa tion 1 CH' Display OFF) ('L' Display ON) GND Signal Ground 3,5,7 Brightness VR Total brightness control of Red color Control Switch VR Total brightness control of Green color 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 7. BLOCK DIAGRAM a? ' nana Al_ A2 A2 a3 Aa? = p> @ >= 2DATA R -_> - 16 BIT SHIFT REGISTER Lp = LATCH DRIVER 4 TO 7 LINE DECODER AND 7 X 32 LED DOT MARTRIX ARRAY C DRIVER eo = LATCH 3DATA @ = => = |16 BIT SHIFT REGISTER arc aca ENABLE ENABLE > > VE VE 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 8. TIMING 12 3 4 5 16 417 1819 39 241242243 256 I ol Fl RED,GREEN a L CLOCK TI 5 a 5 a 5 | Tsu jth I ol RED,GREEN DATA Data of Line n+1 Data of Line N+2 Fei I LATCH | | L+- Tlow Tel_ -Tepw OE 1 (OUTENABLE) Tad r-Tla I LINE ADDRESS (AO~A3) I DISPLAY a LINE Line n | Line n+1 ; I LED ON/OFF DISPLAY ON | OFF | DISPLAY ON ** when the Latch "L" or OE "H" => LED turn Off MOPERATING TIMING (Ta=25T, Voc=5V) NO ITEM SYMBOL MIN MAX UNIT | Clock Cycle T - 50 MHz 2 Data Set up Time Tsu 5 - ns 3 Data Hold Time Th 5 - ns 4 Latch Pulse Width Tpw 5 - ns 5 Clock-Latch Time Tckl 20 - ns 6 Enable-Latch Time Tel 3 - HS 7 Enable Pulse Width Tepw 3 - HS 8 Address-Enable Time Tae 1.5 - HS 9 Latch-Address Time Tla 1.5 - HS 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 9. PIN CONNECTION & SWITCH Oo Oo Oo Oo | Oo Oo Oo Oo moocoooca # eeneinnineeiein diana # i * ff (A # + 0 5 5 + 0 _ _ _ _ # ih _ _ ofol| _ +o le _ Ei ib _ _ _ |- \ # O dal i # 0 < C/N=1 # if a # i vA (a \ +} ih ES ih a C/N-3 a hi i aia ui C/N-2 NO SHES888 Oo oO Oo Oo | Oo Oo 0 Oo v_ ~ Brightness control "VR" Ge) UP | Red brightness control Gos) DOWN | Green brightness control SEY 1) C.N-1 (DATA INPUT) 2) C.N-2 (DATA OUTPUT) PIN NO. NAME PIN NO. NAME | OUT ENABLE | OUT ENABLE 2 LATCH 2 LATCH 3 GND 3 GND 4 CLK 4 CLK 5 GND 5 GND 6 G-DATA 6 G-DATA T GND T GND 8 R-DATA 8 R-DATA 9 AQ 9 AO 10 Al 10 Al 11 A2 11 A2 12 A3 12 A3 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 10. DIMENSION Co Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo 0 00 OOOODDODOO0O000000 OOOODDDOOON000000 OODDDDOONONNNDON0ONONO 10000000000000000 OOODDODOQODD0000000 OOODDDDOONONDNONONONO 0000000 0000000 0000000 00000000000 OODDDDOONONNNDON0ONONO OODDDDOONONNDNDOONONO OODDDDOO0N0NND0O0NO OOODDDDOONONDNONONONO O0OO0000000000000 OOODDDDDDNDNDNNDN0N0DNN oO O Oo O Oo oO Oo O 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 11. CONNECTION & CABLE (STANDARD) 1) C.N-1, C.N-2 ( FFC CABLE ) 40 16.25 50 2) C.N-3 ( POWER CABLE ) Po OO TO GREEN \93.3mm_ HOUSING GH-03 CONNECTION NO. MODEL NO. SPEC KF2B 12/50P7 C.N-1 , C.N-2 12P*50*1.25*7(0.1*0.8) S9 BO :VS3 VB3 C.N-3 GH - 0522 - 200R 5P * 200mm 3) C.N-3 ( POWER ) PIN NO NAME LEVEL FUNCTION |e] s { Vecl 5V For the Circuit IN oe 3 WS 2 GND OV Ground 3 Vec2 5V For the LED 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 12. The rate of Lits derating curve A When you drive the module, refer to Oo oO x left graph. 50% - -- Lighting ratio Ambient temperature(C) 13. Data Shift Direction DIRECTION OF DATA SHIFT 123 | 14.1516 1.2.3 | 14.1516 O00 Ooo 1000 Ooo 2|I00 | OO 2\|00 | Oo 3|0 | 3/0 | oO | | | | 141 | Oo| 1410 | oO 15|O00 | OO) 15/00 | OO 16|OO0 | COO} %2|O00 | Oooo | MODULE(1,1) MODULE(1,2) 14. Example connection Controller (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) Cable Connection * The above drawing shows the back side of LDM 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 15. Matter on caution when installed ( assembly ) AZ(AA)AL 222) Abet 1) It should be installed deeply considered in noisy place because wrong operation might be occurred. uF Te NOISE #20] Alret RANE LSA ood SAAS. uo U9 - UOSS Seo VAs sAoscs Hd Oll 2) Make sure of power source before operating after being assembled module. Damage may be occurred by low voltage or short circuit. AS SF S&S Alsop AA SOA) AASS SelotOl ALF] UPSLICt. JAS, ESO Loh MODULEO] HAS + ASUCt. 3) The module is not waterproofed. so, do waterproof treatment to instrument if you need. = MODULES SeAelIt DAMA EeCSSS BEA Psd SI a et Me Aas ood SAAS. 4) Please install module within guaranteed scope and specially escape installation from circumstance of smoke, dust, and SOe-GAS. MODULEO! 4al& AS LOA SAlokM ZEALD, Sol SI], AA, HA SO2-GAS So #2a & 5) Please turn off power source if there is no data transmission when you testing its operation after installation. Al (os SAS SAASA DATA ASO] RS SLA rr OFF of} A Al&. Oli (0 no 6) Please establish policy of heat release and use it under circumstance within guarantee scope in case a lot of module is assembled and used. Cref| MODULEO] ASA ASHE ALi BAHAG ASoth SSA&. rr SSanHHS Seo SSHAues Al ro Ss 7) In case it is used under below zero circumstance, it is favorable to use it with high voltage within maximum extent of value of input power source. = a4 AAS AAW AWS SEUOA SS AICS NS ot 24 01 8) Please make instrument after examining weight fully as module weight is 110g. Sse45 Szo| 3500 Utes MAA SAA. 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 16. Matter of reference when handling. ~zA oi 1) 4) oAl 04 } 1) Kt 08 Over voltage prevention circuit is built in "LED POWER SUPPLY (Vcc2)" of module and LED will be turned off in case high voltage is supplied beyond maximum extent of regular power. = Module2! LED AA SEFHE YAS SASSI USA UA Aa ASS OlAeS! ke nN 2 Aol Sasa S22 LED Sates! AG SUC. Switch of brightness adjustment-use is adjusted in fixed rank by LOT and supplied therefore don't operate it as you please. AG ABS SWITCH = SorAl LOT S& SAS RANKS AADA Bot RWSui Alo ASS SI SSA. Operating circuit is composed of CMOS, so, please take caution for static electricity. TSR 220 CMOSSOl SACO UCOe SAAia 2 ASA AAD HHS Acta = A\I| RELIC. If you have any question for using this, please contact us. = ASI ASS AeASso] SHA SASSAHS SoH SIH FAA. 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 Product warranty ASPs Warranty contents x Hous Exchange without compensation will be made for the period of 12 month after having been delivered in case troubles in ordinary treatment in occurred. Warranty is for delivered products. Expense of exchange work, damage compensation for advertisement suspension is not paid. Also compensative treatment will be made in case of following even for warranty period. Bs AGS VSO] Sats SS, Ses 12na2e Sawa Saud fet SS2 YeAMSa Het SSO, WHA GE SY, Zonba, VAAAI TE Ssulsesl] SWE ANaeol SSuc. fet OSS SPHE SSI2ASULT RAAC! SUC. 1) Troubles by handling carelessness and wrong using. A 2% fo 2 FRAS0 GE VA 2) Troubles by inapplicable repair or remarking. SABet eclll WAS OES VA a 3) Troubles by natural disaster. A THAA SO st SIpspez re VS Matters that demand attention and notice in compliance with contents of this document and use of the product. = TAO UMS UWS 2 = ASS ASO GE sIA|et B RIA. (1) In case that the products mentioned in this document is applicable to foreign exchange and foreign control law, admission of korea government is required when exporting or taking out. BAO WME MSO! (IsHs 2S UFHcs)]oa dase ae 8 I SSA OE eta AFL a7 J 2001. 2. 82001. 2. 8 (2) Technical information mentioned in this document is record of production characteristics and practical circuit and it is not mean guarantee of possessive right of industry or permission of performance right. EAQ Me WISaAP=E MSI Saf See S55 Set AO, SeaSaA so FS Fe ANAS ASS ADoe AE OSUC. (3) Standard use of this production It is used for general electronic parts (indicators, Display, office machine measuring equipment and home consumer products). When it is used for specific use (Aviation space, Traffic equipment, Burning equipment and safety equipment, ETC) which special quality and reliability is required and when trouble or miss operation of these threaten human's life or do harm to person, you should discuss it with us in advance considering using except standard use of our intention. = ASS BE Sl: V4 ASS (BAI, API, ASI! WIAMSS) SA (4) You should use it within the warranty scope for special maximum rating operation power source electronic voltage scope and heat release ability. We are not responsible for the defect that occur to instrument when it is used beyond our warranty measures. AWA S6| AUB, SAA (40 rx 19 29, $240 HoNe SSSel UA AFSotAlO| Wretli Ct. HBSAlts SA NSMS SS 1 So SMe JI2! SS! AolANeS WAGA HANA BSUCt. If you have any question or change required about the specification, please solve it after agreement with us. oan Oz ANS Bet SSL HAO! (ve HO ro AS, WAS SAS Sod A. 2001. 2. 8