HU VWa-y | Type Package KIL IAF HHH Outline Transistors . unas aa = at a LRN y FTlk. BHO TY Yb RRS CUCMRBIRE L _ EF CRIEMAT 1D CRBIAEMU CHESS ICH ANK, 7 : PRI YVIRYTO-HYONT-bAIYEVARCT 12.9 ma 7.5 ma 1.0 mas ms & EeY eVI7O-, JO-MANOBMISA Ett lt DATRE. caren |) forse - eTFUUbhRRG CNBR 1 > eR BISA LRT OURE,D CAL IIBEPKEL. (Pe=ta az 5 Pc=15W SBR A SAAR (EAB BF i 2.3. $0.2 4.6 20,4 Mi Description | type package is a plastic package for power transistors designed ops te to solder radiation fin directly to PC board of an electronic equipment ME HENG YE Recommended Land | Layout without an insulator. Unit! mm 2.8 Features Can be soldered automatically by flow and reflow techniques. -f [TT Possible to solder radiation fin directly to PC board. e Big collector loss Pc= 1.3W independent stand Pc= 15W with infinite heat sink 13.5 Mi4\y7-LER Standard Package Ratings HAESMEE Timo | ERE Tstg HEB Po | | | 150C 55~+150C 1.3W*! -1T ; 7] E) BRE CEBORGS EOD HVE TOC, CIRBB CLO LORE so CHEER FAL, 23 5 #1: Ta=25C 135 +a Note) As some types have different ratings, refer to individual ratings before use. _. #1 Ta=Z5C BHMABHEE(TU> bLAMOMMBHI, FROGS THEO IAG OTF AU.) Standard Heat Radiation Ratings (At designing heat radiation of PC board, refer to the ratings tabled below.) Bi tk *2P4R I Area of PC Board (& thickness 1.7mm) P #R $635 ae Unit 20mm X 20mm 30mm X 30mm 40mm X 40mm Copper Area *1 IBA Pc max.(W) 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 4mm X 4mm *1Ta=25C *2:HPRIPRAD RMR Glass Epoxy Board MARttH Packing Style {t & Style Magazine (H) (Stick) $858) Bulk 24mm Taping #8 @ BH Quantity 50 pes 200 pes 1000 pes LIF IC & & OBERT ERLE T. Mvav-ttt Magazine Style tt # Style St #8 Outward FETA Dimensions Wray Fare? 2 3 = 2a IY AVL Horizontal! Magazine (Stick) Ll 2.8753 ong (50 pcs/Magazine) Panasonic 289 IY a RB _ | Type Package ; - Transistors @>-t>7tiK Taping Dimensions Unit ma TX _ 3 i 4.0+0.1 61.55+0.05 i e--o|-6-9-9-g 9 0-9- F rCS~sS co - os So ' + : Hote ote e] a 2 \ N 1 T I 7.340,1 L_120=01 | $2.05+0.05 4.15+0.1 @JJ-stie Reel Dimensions Unit mm | _--.I Qo ao p--4] u U | 3 max. 4 24.4 $2.0 Panasonic 290 - ys : AGL YRS { Type Package _ ee _ Transistors | Miho pV 24RBH Type Number List of | Type Transistors Absolute Max. Ratings Electrical Characteristics 2 % FA B Vceo Ic Po hre Voce (sat) tf i % Type No. Application max. typ. Note (Vv) CO (V) (us) 25A1550/(Y) 400 |0.5]} 15 | 80~280 } 1.5 0.5 2SA1495(Y) | 4o0 }0.6! 15 | 30~160 | 1.0 1.0 2SB1169/A(Y) 60/80} 1 | 15 | 40~450 | 1.0 0.3 2SB1170/A(Y) 60/-80} 2, 15 | 40~250 | 2.0 0.3. | 2SD1751/A 2SD1751/A(Y) 60/80 2 | 15 | 40~250 2.0 0.7 | 2SB1170/A 2SB1172/A(Y) : 60/80' 3 | 15 | 40~250 | 1.2 0.3 | 2SD1742/A 2SD1742/ACY) Ce 60/80 3 | 15 | 40~250 1.2 0.4 | 2SB1172/A 2SB1173/AC(Y) 60/80) 4 } 15 | 40~250 | 1.5 0.2 | 2SD1743/A 2SD1743/A(Y) 60/80 4 | 15 | 40~250 1.5 0.5 | 2SB1173/A 2SBII71/A(Y) | 150/-180| 2 | 15 | 60~240 | 1.0 2SD1741/A 2$B1233/A(Y) 150/-180) 1 | 15 60~240 , 1.0 2SDI1741/A(Y) 150/180 2 | 15 | 60~240 1.0 _ 2SB1171/A 25D2215(Y) 250 0.75 15 | 40~250 1.0 0.5 2SB1148/ACY) 20/40, 10} 15 | 60~260 | 0.6 0.1 2SD1752/A 2SD1752/ACY) | 20/40 10] 15 | 60~260 0.6 0.1 2SB1148/A 2SB1174(Y) 80 | 3 | 15 | 60~260 | 0.5 0.3 | 28D1744 2SD1744(Y) 80 3 | 15 | 60~250 | 0.5 0.15 | 2SB1174 2SB1175(Y) 380 | 4/ 15 | 60~260 | 0.5 0.15 | 2SD1745 }+___-_4_ Low Vcetsar) 2SD1745(Y) 80 4 | 15 | 60~260 0.5 0.15 | 2SB1175 2SB1176(Y) 80 | 5 | 15 | 60~260 | 0.5 0.13 | 28D1746 2SD1746(Y) 80 5 | 15 | 60~260 0.5 0.15 | 2SB1176 2SB1177(Y) 80 | 7 | 15 | 60~260 | 0.5 0.1 2SD1747 2SD1747/A(Y) 80/100 7115 | 60~260 | 0.5 | 0.15 | 28B1177 2SD1753(Y) 150 1 | 15 |500~2000 1.0 2SD1754/A(Y) High hre 60/80 3 | 15 |500~2500 1.0 2SD1755(Y) 60 6 | 15 }|300~2000 0.5 0.6 2SB1178/A(Y)O 60/80' 2 | 15 | 1000~10000) 2.5 0.5 | 28D1748/AO 2$D1748/A(Y)O 60/80 2 | 15 | 1000~10000 2,5 1.0 | 28B1178/AO 2SB1179/A(Y)O wo by 60/--80; 4 | 15 | 1000~10000} ~2.0 0.5 | 25D1749/A 2SD1749/A(Y)O Darlington 60/80 4 | 15 | 1000~10000 2.0 1.0 2SB1179/AO 25B1180/A(Y)O 60/80; 8 | 15 | 1000~10000) 1.5 1.0 2S8D1750/AO 2SD1750/A(Y )}O 60/80 8 | 15 | 1000~10000 1.5 1.0 | 2SB1180/AO 2SD2209(Y)O 100+15 4 + 15 | 1000~10000 = Built-in ZenerO 2503824/A(Y) SiMEAZT y FL 7 | 800/900 1 | 15 >3 1.5 0.2 2S03825(Y) High Voltage Switching 400 2) 15 >8 1.0 | 0.3 OF-ULRY RIL Y2Z (Darlington) Ml@Nch FET &#BR Type Number List of | Type Nch FETs Re % A iz Voss Voss lb Pp Roston) | | Yfs | ton tr ta(off) Type No. Application (Vv) (Vv) (A) (W) | (max)(Q) | (typ)(S) | (typ)(ns) | (typ{ns) | (typ)(ns) - | Ye-, VEST E 2SK795(Y) pce/DCaLiN% 600 +20 2 15 5.0 1.5 25 30 70 ~- FR At yF > FRR 2SK963(Y) Relay, Solenoid 250 +20 5 15 0.7 3.0 30 45 90 DC/DC Converter M Dri 2SK981/A(Y) | Sw Power Supply | 400/450} +30 3 15 3.0 | 2.0 30 40 60 a Panasonic 291