Data Sheet Rev. 1.1 / August 2010 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation Brief Description ZLED7001 Features Wide input range from 8 VDC to 450 VDC or 110 VAC/220 VAC Temperature compensation to protect the LEDs and extend LED lifetime Operates in constant off-time mode Both PWM and linear dimming control signal inputs available Very few external components needed for operation Broad range of applications: outputs greater than 1A The ZLED7001, one of our ZLED family of LED control ICs, is a peak current-mode control LED driver IC that is optimal for buck LED driver applications. The ZLED7001 operates in constant off-time mode. Capable of operating efficiently with voltage sources ranging from 8 VDC to 450 VDC or rectified 110 VAC/ 220 VAC, it is ideal for High Brightness (HB) LED applications. The ZLED7001 provides a PWM input for an external dimming control signal. The ZLED7001's linear dimming input can be used both for linear dimming (0 to 240 mV) and temperature compensation of the LED current. Because the ZLED7001's response time is limited only by the rate of change in the inductor current, it attains a high performance pulse-width modulation (PWM) dimming response. The ZLED7001 ensures proper output current regulation, without loop compensation, via peak current-mode operation. Application Examples Line-powered replacement LED lighting Illuminated LED signs and other displays LED street and traffic lighting Constant-current source for general purposes Architecture / building LED lighting LED backlighting Line powered LED flood lighting Interior / exterior LED lighting ZLED7001 Application Circuit 8 to 450 VDC VS RIN CLED D1 8 1 CIN ZLED7001 R1 3 2 C1 LD PWMD TOFF 7 R2 NTC L1 VIN VREF n LED GATE GND CS 4 Q1 5 6 RCS COFF (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation ZLED7001 Block Diagram SOP-8 Package Dimensions (mm, except ) A 1.550 0.200 E 3.900 0.100 A1 0.175 0.075 E1 6.020 0.220 A2 1.450 Typical e 1.270 Typical b 0.420 0.070 L 0.835 0.435 c 0.214 0.036 4 4 D 4.900 0.100 Ordering Information Sales Code Description Package ZLED7001-ZI1R ZLED7001 - Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation ZLED7001Kit-E1 ZLED7001 Evaluation Board up to 24VAC / 40VDC, including 1 ZLED-PCB1 Kit ZLED-PCB1 Test PCB with one 3W white HB-LED, cascadable to one multiple LED string Printed Circuit Board ZLED-PCB2 10 unpopulated test PCBs for modular LED string with footprints of 9 common HB-LED types Printed Circuit Board Sales and Further Information Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG (ZMD AG) Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG, Japan Office ZMD America, Inc. Grenzstrasse 28 01109 Dresden Germany 8413 Excelsior Drive Suite 200 Madison, WI 53717 USA Phone +49 (0)351.8822.7.533 Fax +49(0)351.8822.8.7533 Phone Fax +1 (608) 829-1987 +1 (631) 549-2882 2nd Floor, Shinbashi Tokyu Bldg. 4-21-3, Shinbashi, Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Phone +81.3.6895.7410 Fax +81.3.6895.7301 SOP8 (Tape & Reel) ZMD FAR EAST, Ltd. 3F, No. 51, Sec. 2, Keelung Road 11052 Taipei Taiwan Phone +886.2.2377.8189 Fax +886.2.2377.8199 DISCLAIMER: This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG (ZMD AG) assumes no obligation regarding future manufacture unless otherwise agreed to in writing. The information furnished hereby is believed to be true and accurate. However, under no circumstances shall ZMD AG be liable to any customer, licensee, or any other third party for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the furnishing, performance, or use of this technical data. ZMD AG hereby expressly disclaims any liability of ZMD AG to any customer, licensee or any other third party, and any such customer, licensee and any other third party hereby waives any liability of ZMD AG for any damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of this technical data, whether based on contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise. (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation Contents 1 2 IC Characteristics .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2. Operating Conditions ............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.3. Electrical Parameters............................................................................................................................................. 5 Circuit Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1. ZLED7001 Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Application Signal Flow.......................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3. Input Voltage Regulator ......................................................................................................................................... 8 2.4. Current Sensing ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.5. Timing Circuit ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.6. PWM Dimming Application Circuit ......................................................................................................................... 9 2.7. Linear Dimming Application Circuit ........................................................................................................................ 9 2.8. Temperature Compensation ................................................................................................................................ 10 2.9. Design Example................................................................................................................................................... 10 3 ESD/Latch-Up-Protection ............................................................................................................................................ 12 4 Pin Configuration and Package ................................................................................................................................... 13 5 Ordering Information ................................................................................................................................................... 15 6 Document Revision History ......................................................................................................................................... 15 List of Figures Figure 2.1 Input Current .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 4.1 Pin Configuration ZLED7001........................................................................................................................ 13 Figure 4.2 Package Drawing SOP-8.............................................................................................................................. 14 List of Tables Table 1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................................................................................ 5 Table 1.2 Operating Conditions...................................................................................................................................... 5 Table 1.3 Electrical Conditions ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Table 4.1 Pin Description SOP-8.................................................................................................................................. 13 Table 4.2 Package Dimensions SOP-8 ........................................................................................................................ 14 Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 4 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation 1 IC Characteristics 1.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings No. PARAMETER SYMBOL 1.1.1 Input voltage 1.1.2 Voltage to GND at pin CS, LD, PWMD, GATE, TOFF, VREF 1.1.3 Input current VIN pin 1.1.4 Junction temperature Tj MAX 1.1.5 Storage temperature TST 1.2. 1 MIN TYP MAX UNIT VIN -0.3 8 V VCS, VLD, VPWMD, VGATE, VTOFF, VVREF -0.3 6 V IVIN 1 10 mA 150 C 150 C MAX UNIT -40 +85 C 8 450 V -55 Operating Conditions Table 1.2 Operating Conditions No. PARAMETER SYMBOL 1.2.1 Operating temperature TOP 1.2.2 Input DC supply voltage VINDC 1.3. CONDITIONS CONDITIONS Resistor RIN required between DC supply voltage and VIN pin with resistance determined by equation (2) and with 2 proper voltage rating. MIN TYP Electrical Parameters Production testing of the chip is performed at 25C. Functional operation of the chip and specified parameters at other temperatures are guaranteed by design, characterization, and process control. Test conditions: VIN = 12V; Tamb = 25C; RIN=2k; unless otherwise noted. Table 1.3 Electrical Conditions No. PARAMETER 1 2 SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Always higher than under voltage lockout threshold 6.6 7.1 7.6 V VIN= 6V, GATE floating 0.33 0.5 0.64 mA 6.1 6.5 6.8 V 1.3.1 VIN clamp voltage VINCL 1.3.2 Operation current IIN 1.3.3 Under voltage lockout threshold VULO VIN rising 1.3.4 Under voltage lockout hysteresis VULO VIN falling 1.3.5 PWMD pin input low voltage 500 VENL mV 1.2 V Beyond the input current range, VIN might not clamp at 7.1V This parameter limit is guaranteed by design, characterization, and application check. See equation (2) on page 8 Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 5 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation No. PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 1.3.6 PWMD pin input high voltage VENH 1.3.7 PWMD pin pull-up resistance REN 1.3.8 Current sense threshold voltage VCSTH 1.3.9 LD pin voltage low threshold VLDL 50 mV 1.3.10 LD pin voltage high threshold VLDH 240 mV 1.3.11 Current sense blanking interval TBLANK 1.3.12 Output delay tDELAY VCS = VCSTH + 50mV, after TBLANK 1.3.13 OFF time TOFF TOFF pin floating 1.3.14 GATE output rise time tRISE CGATE = 500pF 19 ns 1.3.15 GATE output fall time tFALL CGATE = 500pF 29 ns 1.3.16 REF pin voltage VREF 1.3.17 REF pin load current IREF 1.3.18 Load regulation of reference voltage Data Sheet August 12, 2010 VREFLOAD 2 UNIT V 100 215 400 480 265 550 30 480 1.12 IREF = 0 to 500A, PWMD = 5.0V 240 k 510 1.20 0.5 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. mV ns ns 550 ns 1.30 V 0.5 mA 5 mV 6 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation 2 Circuit Description The ZLED7001 is a peak current-mode-control LED driver IC that operates in constant off-time mode, enabling proper LED current control without additional loop compensation or high-side current sensing. The ZLED7001 supports both linear and PWM control of the LED current. Only a few external components are needed for typical applications. It is well-suited for buck LED driver applications. 2.1. ZLED7001 Block Diagram 8 to 450 VDC VS TOFF RIN Voltage Regulator 8 VIN ZLED7001 vdda vddd 7 COFF Timing Circuit 7.1V Clamp 1 CIN Bandgap VREF CLED D1 R n LED R2 NTC 0.24V R1 L1 R + 0.05V CMP1 R - 3 Blanking 480ns S RS LD - R CMP2 C1 5 Driver Q1 GATE Q + 6 + CS CMP3 0.24V 2 - POR UVLO RCS vdda REN PWMD GND 2.2. 4 Application Signal Flow A capacitor between the TOFF pin and ground determines the internal timer's off-time. The timer pulses set flipflop in the ZLED7001, turning on the GATE pin driver, which is connected to the Q1 external MOSFET. When Q1 turns on, a ramp current flows through the LED(s), the L1 external inductor, and the external sense resistor RCS. This results in a ramp voltage applied at the CS pin, which the ZLED7001's two internal comparators continually compare to the voltage at its LD pin and its internal 240mV reference. If either comparator goes high and the blanking time is expired (see Table 1.3), the flip-flop is reset, causing the GATE pin output to go low, shutting off the current through the LED(s). The peak current control scheme with constant off-time can easily operate at duty cycles higher than 0.5 and also gives inherent input voltage rejection, making the LED current almost insensitive to input voltage variations. Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 7 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation 2.3. Input Voltage Regulator The value and rating of the RIN input resistor must be selected as needed to drop the application supply voltage (Vs) to the proper operating voltage for the ZLED7001 specified in section 1 (see equation (2) below). When these conditions are met, the ZLED7001's internal input voltage regulator maintains a stable 7.1V (typical) at the VIN pin to power the ZLED7001. A low-equivalent-series-resistance (ESR) bypass capacitor is required on the VIN pin to provide a low-impedance path for the GATE pin output driver's high frequency current. The VIN pin draws an input current that is the sum of the 0.5mA (typical) required by the internal circuit and the average current drawn by the GATE driver. The GATE driver current is primarily determined by the GATE charge (QG) and switching frequency (fs) of the external MOSFET as shown in equation (1). I IN 0.5mA QG f S (1) Where fS = Switching frequency QG = External MOSFET gate charge (refer to the MOSFET data sheet) The input resistor RIN value is given by equation (2). RIN VINDC VIN I IN (2) For two typical MOSFET types, the following IIN diagram will result: Figure 2.1 Data Sheet August 12, 2010 Input Current (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 8 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation 2.4. Current Sensing Assuming a 30% current ripple in the inductor, the sense resistor RCS can be calculated as shown in equation (3): RCS VCSTH 1.15 I LED (3) Where VCSTH = 240mV (typical) The current sense input of the ZLED7001 is connected to the non-inverting inputs of two comparators. The inverting terminal of one comparator is tied to an internal 240mV reference and the inverting terminal of the other comparator is connected to the LD pin. The outputs of both comparators are fed into an OR gate, and the output of the OR gate is connected to the reset pin of the flip-flop. Thus, the comparator that has the lower voltage at the inverting input determines when the GATE output is turned off. The comparator outputs also include a typical 480ns blanking time that prevents spurious turn-offs of the external MOSFET due to the turn-on spike normally present as a result of transistor gate-source capacitance. In rare cases, this internal blanking time might not be enough to filter out the turn-on spike. If so, an external RC filter must be added between the external sense resistor (RCS) and the CS pin. Note that the comparators are relatively fast: 80ns typical response time. Invalid triggering by these comparators could result if the layout fails to minimize external inductances. 2.5. Timing Circuit The timing circuit in the ZLED7001 is controlled by a single capacitor connected from TOFF to ground. TOFF, the time of the cycle period, is given by equation (4): C TOFF _ TIME 510 ns 1 OFF 10 pF 2.6. (4) PWM Dimming Application Circuit For PWM dimming applications, the ZLED7001's PWMD pin is driven with a low-frequency square-wave control signal. The GATE pin's driver is enabled when the control signal is high and disabled when the control signal is low. The LED current's rise and fall rate is controlled only by the inductance value, the supply voltage, and LED forward voltage. If the PWMD pin is allowed to float, the PWM dimming function is disabled. 2.7. Linear Dimming Application Circuit For linear dimming applications, an external voltage ranging from 50mV (typical) to 240mV (typical) is applied to the LD (linear dimming) pin to control the LED current during operation. Linear dimming can be used to adjust the LED current level to reduce the LED's brightness. In this case, connect a resistor between the VREF pin and the LD pin and connect a negative-temperature-coefficient (NTC) thermistor between the LD pin and ground. The ZLED7001 can also provide temperature compensation, (see the application circuit on page 2 and section 2.8). Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 9 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation A group of modules based on the ZLED7001 can be matched in LED brightness using the linear dimming input with the PWM dimming feature still available for overall brightness control. If the LD pin is not used, it must be connected to the PWMD pin, which is internally pulled-up. When the LD pin voltage drops below 50mV, the GATE output is switched off. 2.8. Temperature Compensation ZLED7001 provides thermal protection for the connected LEDs. Applying an NTC thermistor close to the LED string will enable the temperature compensation of the LED current. Refer to the application circuit on page 2. If the temperature of the LEDs rises, the resistance of the NTC thermistor decreases until the voltage of the LD pin falls below 240mV. Then the average current is controlled by the LD pin and the temperature compensation function starts. The upper threshold to start compensation is given by equation (5): R NTC VLDH ~ 240 mV VREF R NTC R1 (5) Considering the limit for IREF, under all conditions R1 must be selected larger than 2.2k. Assuming a 30% inductor current ripple, the temperature compensated continuous current can be computed as shown in equation (6): VREF I OUT 1.15 RS RNTC RNTC R1 (6) When the LD pin voltage drops below 50mV (typical), the GATE output is switched off. The transition to dimming as well as the switch-off is reversible as soon as the respective thresholds are exceeded after the LED assembly cools. Adding a capacitor C1 from the LD pin to ground will reduce noise on the LD input. 2.9. Design Example A common application for an AC-line-powered ZLED7001 is luminants with a string of several LEDs operated by one driver. For the example, the following constraints are assumed: Application: 15W LED luminant with 13 HB LEDs in 1 string AC supply voltage: VINAC = 230 VAC Average DC supply voltage: VINDC 280 VDC resulting after bridge rectification and filtering with a 10F capacitor; power factor correction is not considered. LED string forward voltage: VF = 13*3.3V 43V LED string average current: ILED = 350mA IC Input Resistor (RIN) and Hold Capacitor (CIN): For a given 2N60 MOSFET and a maximum expected switching frequency of 100kHz, the IC input current will be IIN 0.5mA QG fS 0.5mA (9nC 100kHz ) 1.4mA Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 10 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation Resulting in a supply resistor of RIN VINDC VIN 280V 7V 195k IIN 1.4mA An 180k type can be chosen with a power rating of 0.5W. CIN is chosen to be a 10F/ 10V capacitor. TOFF Time Capacitor (COFF) The selection of the operation frequency is based on a tradeoff between higher frequencies allowing for smaller and less expensive inductors and lower frequencies incurring lower losses in the power switch. An estimation of the duty cycle D is based on the ratio of output voltage over input voltage: D TON _ TIME TON _ TIME TOFF _ TIME VF 43V 0.15 VINDC 280V A timing capacitor of 220pF yields C 220 pF TOFF _ TIME 0.51s 1 OFF 0.51s 1 11.7 s 10 pF 10 pF Resulting in an operation frequency of fO 1 D 1 0.15 72kHz TOFF _ TIME 11.7 s Inductor (L1) The inductance L1 is determined by the LED string's forward voltage, the off-time, and the acceptable current ripple. Assuming a ripple of 30% of the average current yields L VF TOFF _ TIME IRipple 43V 11.7 s 4.8mH 30% 350mA Lower ripple at the same average current will increase the lifetime of the LEDs but requires a more expensive higher value inductor and increased thermal losses since the inductor's DC resistance will increase as well. The DC resistance of the inductor is an important design parameter, too. A capacitor placed in parallel with the array of LEDs can be used to reduce the LED current ripple while keeping the same average current. The inductor chosen must have a saturation current higher than the peak output current and a continuous current rating above the required mean output current. The circuit design must also consider the decrease of inductance and saturation current with rising temperature. Current Sense Resistor (RCS) With peak current-mode control, the output is switched off when the LED current reaches its maximum value summing up the average LED current and half of the defined current ripple, yielding for the given example IO _ PEAK I LED ( AVG ) I Ripple 2 350mA 30% 350mA 402.5mA 2 The current sense resistor can now be calculated from the internal comparator threshold VCSTH and the peak current as RCS VCSTH IO _ PEAK 240mV 0.596 402.5mA This value can be built by a 0.68 in parallel with a 4.7 type. Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 11 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation MOSFET (Q1) and Diode (D1) The MOSFET and diode must be dimensioned with a minimum 50% safety rating of their relevant voltage and current parameters. Thus a FET with minimum 500V drain-source breakdown voltage and 0.6A drain current as well as a fast recovery diode with at least 500V reverse voltage and a 0.6A forward current may be selected. 3 ESD/Latch-Up-Protection All pins have an ESD protection of > 2000V according human body model (HBM). The ESD test follows the Human Body Model with 1.5 k/100 pF based on MIL 883-G, Method 3015.7 Latch-up protection of > 100mA has been proven based on JEDEC No. 78A Feb. 2006, temperature class 1. Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 12 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation 4 Pin Configuration and Package Figure 4.1 Pin Configuration ZLED7001 VIN VREF TOFF PWMD LD CS GND Table 4.1 GATE Pin Description SOP-8 Pin Name NO. VREF 1 1.2V reference voltage. No bypass capacitor needed. PWMD 2 PWM dimming input. The gate driver operates normally if PWMD is pulled high. The gate driver is turned off if PWMD is pulled to GND or open. LD 3 Linear dimming input. If the voltage at LD is < 240mV (typical), LD controls the current sense threshold. Can also be used as temperature compensation threshold voltage. GND 4 Internal circuit ground reference. Electrical connection to ground is required. GATE 5 Output for external N-channel power MOSFET gate driver. CS 6 Current sense pin that senses the Q1 MOSFET drain current through external resistor RCS. The GATE output goes low if the voltage at CS > the voltage at the LD pin or the internal 240mV. TOFF 7 Sets the off-time of the power MOSFET. If left floating, off-time will be 510ns. For increased off-time, a capacitor must be connected between TOFF and GND. VIN 8 Supply input of 8V to 450V through a resistor, clamped at 7.1V internally. Low-ESR bypass capacitor to GND is required. Data Sheet August 12, 2010 Description (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 13 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation Figure 4.2 Package Drawing SOP-8 Table 4.2 Package Dimensions SOP-8 Symbol Dimension (mm) Min Max A 1.350 1.750 A1 0.100 0.250 A2 1.450 Typical Symbol Dimension (mm, except ) Min Max E 3.800 4.000 E1 5.800 6.240 e 1.270 Typical b 0.350 0.490 L 0.400 1.270 c 0.178 0.250 0 8 D 4.800 5.000 The SOP-8 package has a thermal resistance (junction to ambient) of RJA = 80 K/W. Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 14 of 15 ZLED7001 Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation 5 Ordering Information Product Sales Code Description Package ZLED7001-ZI1R ZLED7001 - Universal LED Driver with Temperature Compensation SOP8 (Tape & Reel) ZLED7001Kit-E1 ZLED7001 Evaluation Board up to 24VAC / 40VDC, including 1 ZLEDPCB1 Kit ZLED-PCB1 Test PCB with one 3W white HB-LED, cascadable to one multiple LED string Printed Circuit Board ZLED-PCB2 10 unpopulated test PCBs for modular LED string with footprints of 9 common HB-LED types Printed Circuit Board 6 Document Revision History Revision Date Description 1.0 June 2, 2010 1.1 August 12, 2010 Production release version Removed references to thermal shutdown protection in "Features" section and in section 2.9. Updated contact information Updated block diagram connection for correct PWMD internal connection. Sales and Further Information Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG (ZMD AG) ZMD America, Inc. Grenzstrasse 28 01109 Dresden Germany 8413 Excelsior Drive Suite 200 Madison, WI 53717 USA Phone Fax Phone Fax +49 (0)351.8822.7.533 +49(0)351.8822.8.7533 +1 (608) 829-1987 +1 (631) 549-2882 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG, Japan Office ZMD FAR EAST, Ltd. Phone Fax Phone Fax 3F, No. 51, Sec. 2, 2nd Floor, Shinbashi Tokyu Bldg. Keelung Road 11052 Taipei 4-21-3, Shinbashi, Minato-ku Taiwan Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan +81.3.6895.7410 +81.3.6895.7301 +886.2.2377.8189 +886.2.2377.8199 DISCLAIMER: This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice. Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG (ZMD AG) assumes no obligation regarding future manufacture unless otherwise agreed to in writing. The information furnished hereby is believed to be true and accurate. However, under no circumstances shall ZMD AG be liable to any customer, licensee, or any other third party for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the furnishing, performance, or use of this technical data. ZMD AG hereby expressly disclaims any liability of ZMD AG to any customer, licensee or any other third party, and any such customer, licensee and any other third party hereby waives any liability of ZMD AG for any damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of this technical data, whether based on contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise. Data Sheet August 12, 2010 (c) 2010 Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG -- Rev. 1.1 All rights reserved. The material contained herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information furnished in this publication is subject to changes without notice. 15 of 15 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ZMDI: ZLED7001Kit-E1