Operating Instructions Vacuum pumps Pump ranges These operating instructions concem the following dry run- ning rotary vane vacuum pumps: Models VTE 3, VTE 6 and VTE 8. The vacuum capacities at atmosphere are 3.5, 6 and 8 m*/hr operating on 50 cycles. The pumping curves show- ing capacity against pressure can be found in data sheet D 187. Description All models are complete with a pipe connection on the inlet and an exhaust silencer on the outlet. All the air handled is filtered by a built-in micro-fine filter. The motor fan cools the motor and pump housing. Both the motor and pump have a common shaft. Optional extras: As required, vacuum regulating valve (ZRV), non return valve (ZAK) and motor starter (ZMS). Suitability The VTE can be used for the evacuation of a closed system or for a permanent vacuum from: 150 to 1000 mbar (abs.) The ambient and suction temperatures must be between 5 and 40C. For temperatures outside this range please contact your supplier. These dry running vacuum pumps are suitable for use with air of a relative humidity of 30 to 90%. No dangerous mixtures (i.e. flammable or explo- sive gases or vapours) extremely humid air, water vapour, aggressive gases or traces of oil and grease can be handled. The standard versions may not be handled in explosion areas. All applications where an unplanned shut down of the vacuum pump could possibly cause harm to persons or installations, then the corresponding safety backup system must be installed. Handling and Setting up (pictures @ and @) Pumps that have reached their operating temperature, may have on the VTE 6 and VTE 8 a surface temperature, at position (Q) of more than 70C. WARNING! Do Not Touch. There must be a minimum space of 20 cm in front of the housing cover (d) for servicing. The cooling air entries (E) and the cooling air exits (F) must have a minimum distance of 8 cm from any obstruction. The discharged cooling air must not be recirculated. The VTE pumps can only be operated reliably if they are installed horizontally. Other built-in positions on request. For installations that are higher than 1000 m above sea level there will be a loss in capacity. For further advice please contact your supplier. Installed on a solid base these pumps may be installed without fixing down. If the pumps are installed on a base plate we would recommend fitting anti-vibration mounts. This range of vacuum pumps are almost vibration free in operation. Installation (pictures @ and @) A\ For operating and installation follow any relevant national standards that are in operation. 1. Vacuum connection at (A). The air handied can be exhausted into the atmosphere through the exhaust port (B) or by utilising a pipe connection and pipeline. LN Long and/or small bore pipework should be avoided as this tends to reduce the capacity of the pump. 2. The electrical data can be found on the motor data plate (P). The motors correspond to DIN/VDE 0530 and have IP 54 protection and insulation class B. The connection diagram can be found in the terminal box on the motor (unless a special plug connection is fitted). Check the electrical data of the motor for compatibility with your available supply (voltage, frequency, permissible current etc.). 3. Connect the motor via a motor starter. It is advisable to use thermal overload motor starters to protect the motor and wiring. All cabling used on starters should be secured with good quality cable clamps. We recommend that motor starters should be used that are fitted with a time delayed trip resulting from running beyond the amperage setting. When the unit is started cold overamperage may occur for a short time. The electrical installation may only be made by a qualified electrician under the observance of EN 60204. The main switch must be planned through the operator. BE 187 1.10.96 Rietschie Postfach 1260 D-79642 Schopfheim Tel. 07622 /392-0 Fax 07622 /392300 Telex 773225 Rietschle (UK) Ltd. P.W.D.C. Paddock Wood, Kent TN126UU Tel: 07892 /635237 Fax:01892/834643Initial Operation (picture @) 1. Initially switch the pump on and off for a few seconds to check the direction of rotation against the direction arrow (see motor data plate (P)). Note: The suction pipework should not be connected. If the pump runs backwards this could result in damaged rotor blades. 2. Connect the suction pipe at (A). 3. Vacuum regulating valve (optional extra): The vacuum can be adjusted by turning the regulating valve (C) according to the symbols on the top of the regulat- ing valve. Potential risks for operating personnel Noise Emission: The worst noise levels considering direc- tion and intensity measured according to DIN 45635 part 3 (as per 3. GSGV) are shown in the table at the back. When g f e d wg working permanently in the vicinity of an operating pump we recommend wearing ear protection to avoid any damage to hearing. Maintenance and Servicing When maintaining these units and having such situations where personnel could be hurt by moving parts or by live electrical parts the pump must be isolated by totally disconnecting the electrical supply. It is imperative that the unit cannot be re-started during the maintenance operation. Do not maintain a pump that is at its normal operating temperature as there is a danger from hot parts. 1. Lubrication wae oe et tk 2 eeProductinfo Compact dry running vacuum pumps For modern applications which require a capacity of less than 10 m3/hr combined with a good vacuum level, dry running vacuum pumps are used al- most exclusively due to their compact size, high efficiency and iow noise level. Rietschle has improved their performance through extensive applications experience and has therefore retained leader- ship in this field. The pump range VTE includes the sizes 3, 6 and 8 m*/hr and achieves an ultimate vacuum of 150 mbar (abs ). The VTE is distinctive due to its compact construction, which makes it easy to build into end user equipment. A paper inlet filter, exhaust si- lencer and hose connection are fitted as standard, with the op- tion of a vacuum regulating valve if required. This vacuum pump model is also available in three electri- cal versions to meet virtually any voltage and frequency re- quirements: 1.Three phase application 200-255/346-440 V, 50/60 Hz 2.single phase operation 230 V + 10%, 50/60 Hz 3 Single phase operation 100 V + 10%, 50/60 Hz 115V + 10%, 60 Hz Plug and cable can easily be fitted on request. The TEFV motor conforms to protection IP 54. Models with asingle phase mo- tor have a thermo bi-metal con- tact in the winding, which ena- bles the motor to automatically switch off if it becomes too hot due to overload or insufficient Capacity m/hr* 0 200 400 Suction pressure mbar (abs.) ye 8 wa re 8 8 STE 6 (60 wz) VTE 6 (50 Hz) VTE 3 (60 Hz) VTE 3 (50 Hz) 600 800 1000 cooling. The motor will auto- matically re-start when the tem- perature decreases. UL approved motors can be obtained Noise levels from the VTE are minimised by the use of cast iron for the housing and end cover, making it ideal for appli- cations in quiet areas such as offices and laboratories. The rotor is corrosion resistant so that along stand still period, even at high humidity, is no problem. The main dimensions are: Length: VTE3 > 209 mm VIE 6 aad 224mm VTE 8 > 249 mm Width: VTE 3-8 154 mm Hight incl. hose connection: VTE3 > 151mm VTE 6 > 157 mm VTE & > 157mm Please do not hesitate to con- tact us for more detailed infor- mation! * related to suction conditions at inlet connection. Curves and specifications refer to vacuum pump at normal operating tem- perature. PE 187 1.8.96 Rietschle Postfach 1260 D-79642 Schoptheim Tel 07622 / 392-0 Fax 07622 / 392300 Telex 773225 Rietschie (UK) Ltd. P.W.D.C. Paddock Wood, Kent TN12 6UU Tel. 01892 / 835237 Fax 01892/ 834643Rietschle Pompes a vide Daten Vacuum Pumps Vakuum- pumpen Pompe per vuoto VTE [mm] P> veaTm OUD Vakuum-AnschluB Alternativer Vakuum-AnschluB Abluft-Austritt Alternativer Abluft-Austritt AnschluBmoaglichkeit fur Vakuum-Regulierventil Kuhlluft-Eintritt Kuhlluft-Austritt Datenschild Motordatenschild Vacuum connection Vacuum connection alternative Exhaust Exhaust alternative Connection possibility for vacuum regulating valve Cooling air entry Cooling arr exit Data plate Motor data label Raccord du vide Raccord alternatif du vide Refoulement Refoulement alternatif Possibilit de raccordement pour valve rglage vide Entre air refroidissement Sortie alr refroidissement Etiquette caractristique Etiquette caractrist. moteur Attacco vuoto Attacco vuoto alternativo Scarico aria Scarico aria alternativo Possibilita di allacciamento per valvola regolazione vuoto Entrata aria di raffreddamento Uscita aria di raffreddamento Targhetta dati Targhetta dati del motore 3 6 249 179 158 27 79 12 VTE 3 VTE 6 VTE 8 D 187 2.6.94 Werner Rietschle Maschinen- und Apparatebau GmbH Postfach 1260 D-79642 Schopfheim Tel. 07622/392-0 Fax 07622/392300 Telex 773 225VIE m/h mbar 3~ 1~ kW (50 Hz) kW (60 Hz) A (50 Hz) A 60 Hz) 6 0 7. 150 200-255/346-440 V Vt 10% 0,37 0 0,44 42 2,42/1,4 3 2( YIS/G6 $ S2ceL2 XAAL - OOLSGE/2e920 Xe4 O-C6E/C2920 IAL | Juolziuse uUNaUdOUdS Zr96L-C - 0921 Y9ENSOd S]t Hawi neqojeeddy pun -ueuiyasey - a[yosqery soUlaAA Sit Gunyeausaidney | uabuniy OLA SIA M@l9S eqnesyc OHA SIA MOIS aqnesyc 3JO}OW ANSJOW "|SU9}OeseD lop Hep eyoyBiey ep eyoubye | ayeusiel AYZ oyONA auolzejoba ejonje,, uossaooy COUBOS O|[E BOyeIZUI!Sg auojziwsen6 ojyjauy "AH BANSNIYD IP SHA, BJINSNIYS IP BUA, QuOIZIWeNB oauy SIIGISSEy OPUSLUBIDOE II obbequow Ip huaWwia|y ayjenba3 anbiysueyjoeeo ayenbiyy sanbiyajeubis enbelq AZ opis a6e|Hei anjen sallossao00y JUSLUAINOJSI xNB!OUAIIS SHPUSUE]9,p Nesuuy "wo anayesnjgo eyonog angyeanyqo ayonog SHeyouejg,p Nesuuy neAnj pioooey abeyuow op syuswal3 Jeqe| erep 1O}OW\ ajeid eq sjaqe7 AYZ @ajea Bune;nBes wnnoea eiyxe jeuondo Jeoualis sneyxy Buu Buyjees "wo 6Nid 6nid Buu Buyjeas UOI}JO@UUD asoH syed Aquiassy pllyssuayepiojo pryosuele Japs At |HUsALa!|NBayY-LUNNyE 4gyeqn Jojdusepljeyosse|qsr Sunyyar , aqnesyosgynjyosie aqneiyosgnjyosie Buyyuo| gnjyosueyone|yc apyeynequRietschle 2.4.95 E 187