Absolute Maximum Ratings @ 25ºC
Parameter Ratings Units
Blocking Voltage 60 VP
Reverse Input Voltage 5 V
Input Control Current 50 mA
Peak (10ms) 1 A
Input Power Disipation 170 mW
Total Power Dissipation 2400 mW
Isolation Voltage, Input to Output 1500 Vrms
Operational Temperature -40 to +85 °C
Storage Temperature -40 to +125 °C
1 Derate linearly 1.33 mW / ºC
2 Derate linearly 3.33 mW / ºC
Parameter Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Units
Output Characteristics
Load Current
Continuous 1IF=0mA IL- - 150 mArms / mADC
Peak t=10ms ILPK - - ±350 mAP
On-Resistance 2IF=0mA, IL=120mA RON -516
Off-State Leakage Current IF=1mA, VL=60VPILEAK --1 µA
Switching Speeds
Turn-On IF=2mA, VL=10V ton - 0.316 10 ms
Turn-Off toff - 1.55 10
Output Capacitance IF=0.5mA, VL=50V, f=1MHz COUT -10- pF
Input Characteristics
Input Control Current to Activate (Output Open) 3-I
F- 0.16 1 mA
Input Control Current to Deactivate (Output Closed) IL=120mA IF0.1 0.14 - mA
Input Voltage Drop IF=5mA VF0.9 1.2 1.5 V
Reverse Input Current VR=5V IR- - 10 µA
Common Characteristics
Capacitance, Input to Output VIO=0V, f=1MHz CIO -1- pF
1 Load current derates linearly from 150mA @ 25oC to 100mA @85oC.
2 Measurement taken within 1 second of on-time.
3 For applications requiring high temperature operation (greater than 60oC) a minimum LED drive current of 3mA is recommended.
Electrical Characteristics @ 25ºC
Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Stresses in
excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage to the
device. Functional operation of the device at conditions beyond
those indicated in the operational sections of this data sheet is
not implied.
Typical values are characteristic of the device at +25°C, and
are the result of engineering evaluations. They are provided for
information purposes only, and are not part of the manufacturing
testing requirements.