INTEX/ SEMI ONT: , ' rrr TRONICS CORP e7E D MM 44b5e24b 0000319 3 Tr. | AS -Of SEMICON semiconpuctors discrete devices Semitronics Corp. thyristors and triggers silicon controlled rectifiers Max, Forward " Forward Max, Rev oR current vinta oe Haximum t FOM/ TR erat wie uj Vnow Temperature G te tring i ey jate Trigger ee , | aNeBe 25 () or (nd tale = . i tee inky Voltage i : 3 = Vor (volts) Case 2Neas 3 isa ie | : if # 2.0 70-48 N68E . : | 2N687 25 = i i aa : # 2.0 0-48 & : i 2.0 10-48 e : E 15 = T0-48 : = 3 40 2.0 4 od i igs 2 2.0 T0-48 = z Bs 40 2.0 10-48 ne - a 3 2.0 10-48 ne E % 2.0 TO-4B 2N876 035 at is Q a 0.35 8 123 if if 2N877 . is is i i 2NB78 0.35 = z i a 2N879 O38 e ; i : 2NBHD Oe a2 rE 8 : 2Ne81 O38 if iB : a 0.35 0 1 3 : 2Na82 - 8 i i HH 2N883 O38 3 2 i a QNgS4 Oe a0 : ; : 2N885 O38 8 fe : 7 2NB86 p32 a0 ig i u 0.35 a 180 ie i : E 83 0.8 70-18 2NaSS O38 re = i a 2N89 O38 iso 5 : 2NB92* 0.35 200 is i = i | $5 isa 130 0.02 TO-18 it 3 150 0.02 oe ni is) 0.02 0.6 10-18 2N900 0.250 = is i a 2N948 0.250 200/38 08 . zi 2N949 6:36 ~ ei : : a 3N950 38 i ie ie u u ! i 0.05 0.70 2N951 on 8 ss i a 2N1595 2 2 = s u : i 0.02 1.0 tous = 7 : 10 Toa 2N1598 ie zip ie a : : 2N1599 we i i d Hi 2N1600 0 a ' : e <a i 8 19 3.0 Toe a i ua 3.0 T0- 2N1603 4.0 10 12s : i8 8 is 8 i a aN B08, 4.0 : s ti 2N)687* 0.5 S . 2 et aie , me 3.0 TO- 2N1689* oe if { ' 0.5 200 8 i 2N1770 = 8 i B i 2N1770A AT = i u 3 or s i io 10 TO8 2NI771A a3 88 4 s 2N1772 ay s : : } j 47 0 et iH : 2N1772A 100 30 5 3 a 2N1773 a3 m7 : J 2 2N1773A ay isp ; 7 : 2N1774 aa 1s ; iz 217748 a3 z00 : 4:7 z H if 2N1775 = : i 2 2N1775A 43 : = J : 2N1776 43 23) : : = 2N1776A 43 309 ie y 2N17768 a3 #0 g : 2 47 Oo ss iH 4 NI : | BNIGITA ef : : : a a F = 15 2.0 Teed a : : - 10-64 : : 2 8 20 TO-64 184 : SNieas 16 ~ i ti 3N1846 i isp : : 2 2N1847 i8 200 z s 2Nisas 16 200 op 8 | a i je 2 89 2.0 : : 3 2.0 10-48 : at 2.0 10-48 8 2.0 10-48 20 10. 10-48discrete erem" | semitron hot line device TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 F- 25-0/ thyristors and triggers conta 276 > mm 4abs24_ coo0320 T mm ar *: INTEX/ SEMITRONICS CORP - silicon controlled rectifiers (cont'd) . Max, Forward : - Max. Reverse Maximum . Forward Voltages Junction Max. DC oc Gate . Current Vron/rou Temperature Gate Trigger Trigger Mid ty {voits) J Current Voltage Case (*Hote 1) (Amps) (Rote 2) (C) ley (mA) Ver (volts) _ Style - 2Niesg 16 400 100 80 20 10-48 * aM eso ; 16 500 100 80 2.0 10-48 <-2N1B89 : 1.25. 15 150 0.2 0.8 70-5 : - QNIS6SA : 1.25 15 150 0.2 0.8 10-5 _ &N1870 - 1.25 30 150 0.2 0.8 T0-5 N18? 2 1.25 30 150 0.2 0.8 10-5 aM 1.25 60 150 0.2 0.8 10-5 QNIB7IA . 1,25 60 150 0.2 0.8 10-5 9N1872 1.25 100 150 0.2 0.8 10-5 2N1872A 1.35 100 150 0.2 0:8 T0-5 . 2n1873 1.25 150 150 0.2 0.8 10-5 . -2N1874 1.25 200 150 0.2 0.8 70-5 2NIS74A . 1,25 200 150 0.2 0.8 10-5 2N1875 - 1,25 15 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 2N1875A 1.25 15 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 201876 - 1.25 30 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 QNIg7BA 1.25 30 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 2h1877 1:25 60 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 2NI877A 1.25 60 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 antares " 1,25 100 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 2 gNig7aa 1.25 100 150 0.020 0.6 0-5 " 2NI879 1,25 150 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 : 2N1879A 1.25 150 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 : 2N1880 1.25 200 150 0.020 0.6 10-5 _ : - SNIS8OA 1,25 200 150 0.020 0.6 T0-5 : anissl . 1 20 150 2.0 2.0 10-5 : 2N1882 1 60 150 2.0 2.0 10-5 ir 2N1383 1 100 150 2.0 2.0 10-5 i". QN1g84 -- ip 150 150 2.0 2.0 10-5 ies anes}. a 1, 200 150 2.0 2.0 10-5 7" 2N2000 1. 25 150 0.2 1.0 TO-5 - &. 282010 1 50 150 0.2 1.0 70-5 E- 2N2011 L 100 150 0:2 10 0-5 i QN2012 1, 200 150 0.2 1.0 10-5 (- - @h2013 1, 300 150 0.2 1.0 10-5 - . BNZ014 1. 400 150 0.2 1.0 0-5 ke. Suree 1. 25 25 0.2 0.8 10-5 to SNe 1. 25 25 0.02 0.6 10-5 &. 2N232 1, 50 25 0.2 0.8 10-5 2N2328A 1, 50 25 0.02 0.6 T0-5 N34 1.6 100 25 0.2 0.8 10-5 ~ QND324A 16 100 25 0.02 0.6 10-5 - 2N23285 16 150 25 0.2 0.8 T0-5 F. QN2325A 1, 150 125 0.02 0.6 10-5 y " QN2926 1, 200 125 0.2 0.8 T0-5 es BN2336 16 200 25 0.02 0.6 10-5 Rx; 2N2927 : 1.6 250 25 0.2 0.8 10-5 sv GNA is 500 5 Oe Oe Tos -. QN2328A 1.6 300 25 0.02 0.6 T0-5 - Bo -BN2399 1.6 400 125 0.2 08 70-5 EL> _ QN2320A 1.6 400 25 0.02 0.6 70-5 - F aNbB TA O38 30 ei 0.02 07 Tode be - QNZ680 : 0.35 60 50 0.02 0.7 0-18 It > i+ QNRBBOA 0.35 60 50 0.62 0.7 10-18 f-> QN268E 0.35 100 50 0.02 0.7 10-18 o * SNzeslA 0.35 100 50 0.02 0.70 10-18 &~ QN2682 0.35 200 50 0.02 0.7 10-18 i; > 2N2682A 0.35 200 50 0.02 0.70 10-18 . 2N2683 0.28 30 25 0.02 0.8 10-18 . QN26M3A 0.28 30 25 0.02 0.80 70-18 co Babeeda 0.28 80 3 0.0 0-80 Tole > 7 BNZ6B5 0.28 100 25 0.02 08 70-18 = & -QN26854 0.28 100 125 0.02 0.80 10-18 F -2N2686 0.28 200 125 0.02 0.8 10-18 - SN268BA 0.28 200 125 0.02 0.80 10-18 bk - 9N2687 0.28 30 125 0.2 1.0 10-18 S QN2688 0.28 60 125 0.2 10 0-18 .- 2N2689 0.28 100 125 0,2 1.0 10-18 * 2N2690 0.28 200 125 0.2 1.0 70-18 - : + 2N3001 0.35 30 150 0.02 0.7 10-18 45~ S@mitron semiconvuctors discrete thyristors and triggers cong MH Y8926 0000321 1 mm T-aS-0/ : INTEX/ SEMITRONICS CORP 2e7E D : Forward Max, For, & Max. Rev, Max, Junction Max, DC Gate , DC Gate . Current Voltages Temperature Tigger Current Trigger Voltage Case Type fy (Amps) Veou/Veom (Volts) 3 (8G) et (mA) et (Volts) Style 2N3002 0.35 60 150 0.02 0.7 TO-18 c 2N3003 0.35 100 150 0.02 0.7 T0-18 2N3004 0.35 200 150 0.02 0.7 TO-18 2N3005 0.35 30 150 Q.2 0.8 T0-18 2N3006 0.35 60 150 0.2 0.8 T0-18 2N3007 0.35 100 150 0.2 0.8 T0-18 2N3008 0.35 200 150 0,2 0.8 70-18 2N3228 3.2 200 100 15 0 10-66 2 2N3525 3.2 400 100 15 2.0 TO-66 } 2N3555 1.6 30 150 0.020 0.7 T0-5 | 2N3556 1.6 60 150 0.020 0.7 TO-5 I 2N3557 1.6 100 150 0,020 0.7 70-5 ' 2N3558 16 200 150 0.020 0.7 10-5 t 2N3559 1.6 30 150 0.20 0.8 T0-5 i 2N3560 1,6 60 150 0.20 0.8 T0-5 } 2N3561 1.6 100 150 0,20 0.8 TO-5 } 2N3562 1.6 200 150 0.20 0.8 T0-5 2N3870 35 100 100 40 1,6 Press-Fit 2N38) 35 100 40 16 Press-Fit 2N3872 35 400 100 40 16 Press-Fit 2N3873 35 600 100 40 16 Press-Fit 2N3896 35 100 100 40 1.6 Stud . 2N3897 35 200 100 40 1.6 Stud 2N3898 35 300 100 40 16 Stud 2N3899 35 400 100 40 16 Stud 44 0.250 15 150 1,0 0.8 T0-52 2N4145 0.250 30 150 1.0 0.8 TO-52 2N4146 0.250 60 150 1,0 0.8 T0-52 2N4147 0.250 100 150 1,0 0.8 T0-52 2N4148 0.250 150 150 1.0 0.8 10-52 2N4149 0.250 200 150 1,0 0.8 T0-52 2 0.250 30 125 0.5 1.0 T0-18 2N4321 0.250 60 125 0.5 1.0 TO-18 2N4322 0.250 100 125 0.5 1,0 T0-18 2N4323 0,250 150 125 0.5 1.0 TO-18 2N4324 0.250 200 125 0.5 1.0 TO-18 2N4325 0,250 250 125 0.5 1,0 T0-18 2N4326 0.390 30 100 0,5 1.0 10-18 2N4327 0.390 60 100 0.5 1,0 T0-18 N43; 0.390 100 100 0.5 1.0 TO-18 0.390 150 100 0.5 1.0 TO-18 2N4330 0,390 200 100 0.5 1.0 TO-18 43: 0.390 250 100 0.5 1.0 10-18 2N4332 0.380 125 0.01 0.8 T0-52 2N4333 0.390 60 125 0,01 0.8 T0-52 N4334 0.390 100 125 0.01 0.8 T0-52 2N4335 0,390 150 125 0.01 0.8 TO-52 N4336 0.390 200 125 0.01 0.8 TQ-52 2N4337 0.390 250 125 0.01 0.8 T0-52 2N5060 0.8 39 125 0.2 0.8 TO-92 2N5061 0.8 60 125 0.2 0.8 T0-92 2N5062 0.8 100 125 0.2 0.8 T0-92 2N5063 0.8 150 125 0.2 0.8 10-92 . 2N5064 0.8 200 125 0.2 0.8 70-92 L 2N5164 20 50 100 40 15 Press-Fit 2N5165 20 200 100 40 15 Press-Fit . 2N5166 20 400 100 40 15 Press-Fit : 2N5167 20 600 100 40 15 Press-Fit i 2N5168 20 50 100 40 15 Stud 2N5169 20 200 100 40 1.5 Stud 2N5170 20 400 100 40 1.5 Stud 2N5171 20 600 100 40 1.5 Stud 2N6167 20 100 1 40 1.5 1S0-Stud : 2N6168 20 200 100 40 15 {$0-Stud ' 2N6169 20 400 | 100 40 15 180-Stud te 2N6170 20 600 100 - 40 15 1$0-Stud } 2N6171 35 100 100 40 1.6 [$O-Stud a 2N6172 35 200 1 4 1.6 1$0-Stud 2N6173 35 400 100 40 1.6 180-Stud 2N6174 35 600 100 40 1.6 '$0-Stud 2N6236 4 30 100 0.2 8 T0-126 i 2N6237 4 50 100 0.2 38 * -TO-202 } 2N6238 4 100 100 0.2 TO-202 k '2N6239 4 200 100 0.2 8 TO-202 t 2N6240 4 400 100 0.2 8 TO-202 { 2N6241 4 600 i00 0.2 8 TO-202 t 2N63904 12 50 125 30 1.5 TO-220 | AGE ae 1B it 13 res F 2N6397 12 400 125 30 15 T0-220 t 2N6398 12 600 125 30 15 0-220 t nesee 12 0 128 30 15 10-220 r 2N 16 50 125 30 15 T0-220 j 2NG401 16 100 125 30 15 T0-220 2N' 16 200 125 30 15 T0-220 i 2N6403 16 00 125 30 15 10-220 2N 16 600 125 30 15 TO-220 Qn 16 00 125 30 15 T0-220INTEX/ SEMITRONICS CORP | 2B | semitron hot line TOLL FREE NUMBER 800-777-3960 high current silicon controlled rectifiers TO-94 Outline 110 Amperes discrete devices T-a5-0! Y%" Stud. Flexible leads TO-83 Ye" Stud, Flag Terminals 110 Amperes @ Tc Noted ne TCVELE CURRENT pay Te tor SURGE MAX. REQD. aad RATED (PEAK GATE SIGNAL veo CURRENT AMPS) @TsC) 50 65 1000 3V, 103mA,40 100 65 1000 3V, 130mA, 40 150 85 1000 3V, 130mA, -40 200 85 1000 3V, 130mA, 40 250 85 1000 3V, 130mA, 40 300 65 1000 3V, 130mA, -40 400 65 1000 3V. 130mA, 40 500 65 1000 3V, 130mA, 40 600 65 1000 3V, 130mA, -40 700 65 1000 3V, 130mA, -40 800 85 1000 3V, 130mA, -40 900 65 1000 3V, 200mA, -40 1000 65 1000 3V, 200mA, ~40 500 82 1000 3V, 130mA, -40 1 A0 600 62 1000 3V, 130mA,-40 gNiany : 700 62 1000 3V, 130mA, -40 TO-94 Outline 110 Amperes 4" Stud. Flexible leads 1 CYCLE CURRENT PRV To for SURGE MAX. REOQ'D. and RATED (PEAK GATE SIGNAL veo CURRENT AMPS) e@Ts("c) 26 62 1000 3V, 130mA,40 50 62 1000 3V, 130mA, 40 100 62 1000 3V, 130mA, ~40 150 62 1000 3V, 130mA, ~40 62 1090 3V, 130mA, -40 259 62 1000 3V, 130mA, 49 300 62 1000 3V, 130mA, -62 400 62 1006 3V, 130mA, ~62 25 a5 1000 3V, 150mA, -65 50 85 1000 3V, 150mA, ~65 100 85 1000 3V, 150mA, -65 150 85 1000 3V, 150mA, 65 200 85 1000 3V, 150mA, ~65 250 85 1000 3V, 150mA, ~65 300 85 1000 3V, 150mA, -65 400 85 1000 aV, 150mA,65 50 60 1000 3V,130mA, 49 600 62 1000 3V, 200mA, -40 700 62 1000 3V, 200mA, ~40 800 62 1000 3V, 200mA,40 900 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 1000 62 1000 3V, 200mA, ~40 1100 62 1000 3V, 200mA, -40 1200 62 1000 3V, 200mA, -40 1300 62 1000 3V, 200mA, -40 600 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 700 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 800 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 900 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 1000 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 1100 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 1200 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 1300 62 1000 3V, 200mA, 40 100 82 1600 5V, 260mA,40 200 82 1600 BV, 250mA, 40 T CYCLE CURRENT Tc for SURGE MAX. REQD. RATED (PEAK GATE SIGNAL CURRENT AMPS) @T.(c) 82 600 5V, 250mA, 40 82 1600 5V, 250mA, 40 82 1600 5V, 250mA, -40 82 1600 5V, 250mA, 40 82 1600 5V, 250mA, ~40 82 1600 5V, 250mA, 40 82 1600 5V, 250mA, 40 82 1600 SV, 250mA, 40 82 Heoo 5V, 250mA, 40 82 1600 BV, 250mA, 40 82 1600 5V, 250mA, 40 82 160b 5V, 250mA, 40 82 1600 5V, 250mA,40 82 1600 5V, 250mA, -40 TO-93 235 AMPS @ Tc Noted %" stud. flexible leads 1 CYCLE CURRENT PRY Tc tor SURGE MAX, REQ'D. and RATED (PEAK GATE SIGNAL veo CURRENT AMPS) eT") 50 80 3600 3V, 150mA, -40 100 80 3500 3V, 150mA, 40 200 80 3500 3V, 150mA, 40 300 80 3500 3V, 150mA, -40 400 80 3500 3V, 150mA, 40 500 80 3500 3V, 150mA, 40 275 AMPS @ Tc Noted 1 CYCLE CURRENT PRY. Tc tor SURGE MAX. REQ'D. and RATED (PEAK GATE SIGNAL vBO CURRENT AMPS) e@Ts(c) 60 a0 4500 AV, 400mA, 40 100 80 4500 4V, 400mA, 40 200 80 4500 4V, 400mA, 40 300 80 4500 4V, 400mA, 40 400 80 A500 4V, 400mA, ~40 500 80 4500 4V,4C9mA, -40 600 80 4500 4V, 400mA, 40 700 80 4500 4V, 400mA, -40 800 80 4500 4V, 400mA, 40 900 80 4500 4V, 400mA, ~40 1000 80 asoo 4V, 400mA, 40 1200 80 4500 AV, 400mA, ~40 47