Order this document by MC1403/D (MA) MOTOROLA MC1403, B Low Voltage Reference PRECISION LOW VOLTAGE A precision band-gap voltage reference designed for critical REFERENCE instrumentation and D/A converter applications. This unit is designed to work with D/A converters, up to 12 bits in accuracy, or as a reference for power SEMICONDUCTOR supply applications. TECHNICAL DATA Output Voltage: 2.5 V +25 mV Input Voltage Range: 4.5 V to 40 V Quiescent Current: 1.2 mA Typical P1 SUFFIX Output Current: 10 mA PLASTIC PACKAGE Temperature Coefficient: 10 ppm/C Typical CASE 626 Guaranteed Temperature Drift Specification 1 D SUFFIX Equivalent to AD580 fe eae Standard 8-Pin DIP, and 8Pin SOIC Package << (SO-8) Typical Applications Voltage Reference for 8 to 12 Bit D/A Converters PIN CONNECTIONS Low Tc Zener Replacement ou High Stability Current Reference Vin [1] 8] NC e Voltmeter System Reference Vout [2 7] NC MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25C, unless otherwise noted.) Gnd [3| [6] Nc Rating Symbol Value Unit NG [4] 5] NC Input Voltage V| 40 v Storage Temperature Tsig 65 to 150 C ORDERING INFORMATION : Operating Junction Temperature qs +175 c Device Temperature Range Package Operating Ambient Temperature Range TA MC1403D om:) MC1403B -40t04+85 | C Mc1403P1 | [A= O t0+70C \Biastic DIP MC1403 0 to+70 Cc MCI40380 | 1s, pac 30-8 =- + MC1403BP 1 A Plastic DIP Figure 1. A Reference for Monolithic D/A Converters Full Scale FT 77 1 9 25V 10k Adjust 500 Q | | +5.0V O{_ MC1403 WN | Ri R2 | Reference 3 Ref | a Monolithic D/A | | mpiier Converter | | | * Caution: System stability may be affected if output capacitance exceeds 1.0 pF. Using higher capacitance values is not Providing the Reference Current = recommended and should be carefully considered. for Motorola Monolithic D/A Converters The MC1403 makes an ideal reference for many mono- lithic D/A converters, requiring a stable current reference of nominally 2.0 mA. This can be easily obtained from the MC1403 with the addition of a series resistor, R1. A variable resistor, R2, is recommended to provide means for full scale adjust on the D/A converter. The resistor R3 improves temperature performance by matching the impedance on both inputs of the D/Areference amplifier. The capacitor decouples any noise present on the reference line. It is essential if the D/A converter is located any appreciable distance from the reference. A single MC1403 reference can provide the required current input for up to five of the monolithic D/A converters. Motorola, Inc. 1996 Rev 1MC1403, B ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vin = 15 V, Ta = 25C, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Output Voltage Vout 2.475 2.5 2.525 v (lo =O mA) Temperature Coefficient of Output Voltage* AVO/AT - 10 40 ppm/C MC1403 Output Voltage Change AVo mV (Over specified temperature range) MC1403. 0 to+70C - - 7.0 MC1403B 40 to +85C - - 12.5 Line Regulation (lo = 0 mA) Regline mV (5V< V, = 40V) - 1.2 45 (45V <= Vv) <= 15V) - 0.6 3.0 Load Regulation Regload - - 10 mV (0 mA <log < 10 mA) Quiescent Current la - 1.2 1.5 mA (lo =0 mA) * Guaranteed but not tested. Figure 2. MC1403, B Schematic Vin Vout 1.483 k This device contains 15 active transistors. MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATAAVout , CHANGE IN Vout (mV) 14, QUIESCENT CURRENT (mA) MC1403, B Figure 3. Typical Change in Vout versus Vin (Normalized to Vin = 15 V @ Tc = 25C) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 5. Quiescent Current versus Temperature (Vin = 15 V, lout = mA) 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Ta, TEMPERATURE (C) 50 60 70 8085 y) AVout, CHANGE IN OUTPUT VOLTAGE (m A Vout, CHANGE IN Vout (mV) Figure 4. Change in Output Voltage versus Load Current (Normalized to Voyt @ Vin = 15 V, lout = 0 MA) 25 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 lout, OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) Figure 6. Change in Vout versus Temperature (Normalized to Voy; @ Vin = 15 V) lout =2mA Vin =15 V Qo Vin =5.0 V 4 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ta, TEMPERATURE (C) 60 70 8085 Figure 7. Change in Vout versus Temperature (Normalized to Ta = 25C, Vin = 15 V, Iout = O mA) AVout, CHANGE IN Vout (mV) do A Oo Oo -10 2 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Ta, TEMPERATURE (C) lIo=OmA =8.0mA 60 70 8085 MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATAMC1403, B 31/2-Digit Voltmeter Common Anode Displays, Flashing Overrange An example of a 31/2-digit voltmeter using the MC14433 is shown in the circuit diagram of Figure 8. The reference voltage for the system uses an MC1403 2.5 V reference IC. The full scale potentiometer can calibrate for a full scale of 199.9 mV or 1.999 V. When switching from 2.0 V to 200 mV operation, R] is also changed, as shown on the diagram. When using Rc equal to 300 kQ, the clock frequency for the system is about 66 kHz. The resulting conversion time is approximately 250 ms. When the input is overrange, the display flashes on and off. The flashing rate is one-half the conversion rate. This is done by dividing the EOC pulse rate by 2 with 1/2 MC14013B flip-flop and blanking the display using the blanking input of the MC14543B. The display uses an LED display with common anode digit lines driven with an MC14543B decoder and an MC1413 LED driver. The MC1413 contains 7 Darlington transistor drivers and resistors to drive the segments of the display. The digit drive is provided by four MPS-A12 Darlington transistors operating in an emitter-follower configuration. The MC14543B, MC14013B and LED displays are referenced to VEE via Pin 13 of the MC 14433. This places the full power supply voltage across the display. The current for the display may be adjusted by the value of the segment resistors shown as 150 Q in Figure 8. Figure 8. 31/2-Digit Voltmeter MC1403 +5.0V 1 9 20K X -.0V 0.1 weaR o + 3 15.0V + 450V 45.0V 01 Al ak ott? dC, uF iC . > T T T Segment Resistors = = Wi 10 2 12 24 = = 1 16 150 Q (7) Vx 3 23 4 9 7 10 Raq rT 1 22 2 10 6 W.ewa_ + RI* 21 3 & 11 5 12 Rwa_ WW 4 20 5 82 12 4 5 13}+-w_{ 5 S 13 3 = 14- \ 6 MC14433 = 14 2 15 ww . 13 -o -5.0V 15 1 Cl 0.1 BF 8 6 7 7 9 5.0 vot -5.0V o [, 14 -50V Minus Sign fgedcba 0.1 uF 15 t 18 17 #16 , 200 Q 05.0 V i Plus Sign Dst 5 50V MPS-A12 g DS3 Sg l. 3 dD Q 2 51k Common DS4 C,Q WW Anode + | | | | 4] MC14013B s50v 0 O. = 8 isplay 9 13 U U U We oral sour x tu 4 4 4 C R Qe * Ry = 470 kQ for 2.0 V Range 7 = Ry = 27 kQ for 200 mV Range 10 4 -5.0V eo Mylar Capacitor 5.0V oH Lo +5.0V MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATAMC1403, B OUTLINE DIMENSIONS NOTE 2 SEATING PLANE H P1 SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 626-05 ISSUE K ja ea aq M ~ -le-p LK G []o 0.13 (0.005) @|T] A @[8@] NOTES: 1. DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEAD WHEN FORMED PARALLEL. 2. PACKAGE CONTOUR OPTIONAL (ROUND OR SQUARE CORNERS). 3. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. MILLIMETERS INCHES D SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 751-05 (SO-8) ISSUE N [B] 4x P P SaaS re of Fle sey SEATING -T-| PLANE sx D _l le SER BOT TORS NOTES: . DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. eh ca g DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127 (0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. INCHES MILLIMETERS MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATA