Preface Open Source Software Table of Contents General Information System Overview SICAM A8000 Series Function Packages Ambient Conditions CP-8000, CP-8021, CP-8022 System Components and Technical Data Installation and Circuitry User Manual Preparing the Engineering Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Engineering via SICAM WEB Engineering via SICAM Device Manager Service Order Information Examples for Instruction Lists Error Handling Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Use Cases Glossary DC8-037-2.02 Unrestricted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A B C D E Note Please take notice of the notes and warnings for your safety in the preface. Disclaimer of Liability Although we have carefully checked the contents of this publication for conformity with the hardware and software described, we cannot guarantee complete conformity since errors cannot be excluded. The information provided in this manual is checked at regular intervals and any corrections that might become necessary are included in the next releases. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome. Copyright Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2017 The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Subject to change without prior notice. Document Label: Release Date: Unrestricted Siemens AG Energy Automation Humboldtstrae 59 90459 Nurnberg Deutschland SIC8000-HBCP802xCP8000-ENG_V2.02 2017-10-05 Order No.: DC8-037-2.02 Preface Purpose of this manual This manual describes the characteristics and functions of the following products: * * * CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 (GPRS) Particularly it contains the following information: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Safety instructions Fields of application and advantages of the system Configuration possibilities Functional overviews Technical specifications Order information Installation instructions Hardware descriptions (modules) Engineering options Parameterization of telecontrol applications Programming of open-/closed-loop control functions Saving and loading of application data Test functions Loading of firmware Diagnosis Target Group The document you are reading right now is addressed to users, who are in charge of the following engineering tasks: * * * * * * * * Evaluation of the suitability of the system Evaluation of the module specifications Evaluation of quotation criteria, such as technical specifications of the system or environmental conditions Conceptual activities, such as design and configuration Mechanical installation Creation of the assembly technical documentation Engineering and testing with the designated engineering tools Technical system maintenance and service, module handling Within this manual there are hints how to obtain information or files by means of the website If you have no access please consult your project manager at Siemens. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 3 Preface Recommendations for Third-party Products Siemens does neither receive liability nor warranty for recommendations which are given or implied by this manual. For the correct and intended use of the respective product the associated technical descriptions must be paid attention to in any case. Links to Third-Party Websites Siemens is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites mentioned in this document, as well as the correctness of the publications and links. For all product information the respective manufacturer is responsible. Conventions Used * * * * * * * * * * * Manuals to be referred to are represented in italics, such as for instance SICAM RTUs Common Functions Protocol Elements, chapter "Dial-Up Traffic (DIA)". Outputs visible on the screen are described in this font. Inputs via keyboard or mouse keys and visible on the screen are described in this font. Menu positions visible on the screen are described in this font. Unchangeable texts that are contained in windows and are visible on the screen ARE DESCRIBED IN THIS FONT . Buttons in windows visible on the screen and to be operated by keyboard or mouse are described in this font. Operation code from programs and variable names are described in this font. Path statements in the directory tree, which lead to parameters, are described in this font. Names of parameters are described in this font. Names of values are described in this font. Symbolic names, program names and file name extensions are described in this font. Note Within this manual described functions for operation, diagnosis and test of CP-8000/CP-802x have been recorded by means of an industrial PC with operating system Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise (R) (Service Pack 1) [64 bit] and web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer (R) 10. They are valid likewise - sometimes with inessential deviations - for other operating systems and web browsers. 4 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preface Placement into the Information Landscape Document name Item number SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-101/104 Interoperability DC0-013-2 SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-103 Interoperability DC0-026-2 SICAM RTUs TG800 Interoperability DC0-041-2 SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability DC0-046-2 SICAM RTUs MODBUS Interoperability DC0-073-2 Data Sheet CM-0819 MC0-043-2 Data Sheet CM-0821 MC0-031-2 Data Sheet CM-0822 MC0-033-2 Data Sheet CM-0823 MC0-035-2 Data Sheet CM-0827 MA0-025-2 SICAM TM System Data Sheet MC6-007-2 SICAM TM I/O Modules Manual DC6-041-2 SICAM I/O Modules Manual DC8-012-2 SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104 DC0-011-2 SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements DC0-015-2 SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements DC0-023-2 SICAM RTUs Common Functions MODBUS DC0-088-2 SICAM RTUs Common Functions DNP3 DC0-090-2 SICAM RTUs Common Functions Printer Logging (ASCII) and SMS Alarms DC0-096-2 SICAM RTUs Common Functions Landis & Gyr TELEGYR 800 GV-S DC0-103-2 SICAM RTUs Common Functions ABB RP5UT1 MPT-S DC0-105-2 SICAM RTUs * SICAM TOOLBOX II Administrator Security Manual DC0-115-2 Folder SICAM TOOLBOX II M30-001-5 SICAM TOOLBOX II License Catalog D30-017-5 SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help *) CAEx plus Online Help *) SICAM Device Manager Product Information D51-001 SICAM Device Manager User Manual D51-003 PC Products Reference List D95-003-1 *) available in the engineering system SICAM TOOLBOX II SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 5 Preface Further Support For more information, please contact our Customer Support Center: Phone: +49 (0)180 524 70 00 Fax: +49 (0)180 524 24 71 (charges depending on provider) e-mail: The Siemens Power Academy offers a comprehensive program of professional training events in the fields of power generation, distribution and transmission. Main training centers are: Nuremberg, Germany (Head Office) Phone: +49 911 433 7415 Fax: +49 911 433 5482 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 51707 31143 Fax: +43 51707 55243 Schenectady, NY, USA Phone: +1 518 395 5005 Fax: +1 518 346 2777 Hebburn, United Kingdom Phone: +44 1914 953449 Fax: +44 1914 953693 Notes on Safety This manual does not constitute a complete catalog of all safety measures required for operating the equipment (module, device) in question because special operating conditions might require additional measures. However, it does contain notes that must be adhered to for your own personal safety and to avoid damage to property. These notes are highlighted with a warning triangle and different keywords indicating different degrees of danger. Danger means that death, serious bodily injury or considerable property damage will occur, if the appropriate precautionary measures are not carried out. Warning means that death, serious bodily injury or considerable property damage can occur, if the appropriate precautionary measures are not carried out. Caution means that minor bodily injury or property damage could occur, if the appropriate precautionary measures are not carried out. Note is important information about the product, the handling of the product or the respective part of the documentation, to which special attention is to be given. 6 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preface Qualified Electrical Engineering Personnel Qualified electrical engineering personnel may commission and operate the device described in this document. Qualified electrical engineering personnel in the sense of this document are people who can demonstrate up to date technical qualifications as electrical technicians including safety and first aid training. These person may commission, isolate, ground and label devices, systems and circuits according to the standards of safety engineering. Use as Prescribed The device may only be used for such applications as set out in the catalogs and the technical description, and only in combination with third-party equipment recommended and approved by Siemens. Correct and safe operation of the product requires adequate transportation, storage, installation and mounting in a control cabinet, as well as appropriate use and maintenance. During operation of electrical equipment, it is unavoidable that certain parts of this equipment will carry dangerous voltages. Severe injury or damage to property can occur if the appropriate measures are not taken: * * * * * * Before making any connections, ground the equipment and the grounding terminal. Hazardous voltages can be present on all switching components connected to the power supply. The device does not represent a safety-oriented application. Even after the supply voltage has been disconnected, hazardous voltages can still be present in the equipment (capacitor storage). LED display does not ensure that the connectors are free of voltage. The limit values indicated in the manual must not be exceeded; that also applies to testing and commissioning. Danger Consider obligatory the safety rules for the accomplishment of works at electrical plants: 1. Switch off electricity all-pole and on all sides! 2. Ensure that electricity cannot be switched on again! 3. Double check that no electrical current is flowing! 4. Discharge, ground, short circuit! 5. Cover or otherwise isolate components that are still electrically active! SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 7 Preface Information on Conformity The product described conforms to the regulations of the following European Directives: * 2014/30/EU Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility; Official Journal of the EU L96, 29/03/2014, p. 79-106 * 2014/35/EU Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits; Official Journal of the EU L96, 29/03/2014, p. 357-374 * 2014/53/EU (applies for CP-8022) Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment and repealing Directive 1999/5/EC; Official Journal of the EC L153, 22/05/2014, p. 62-106 * 2011/65/EU Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment; Official Journal of the EU L174, 01/07/2011, p. 88-110 The conformity of the product with the regulations of the above mentioned directives is proven through the observance of the following harmonized standards: * EN 60870-2-1:1996 for 2014/30/EU * EN 61010-1:2010 for 2014/35/EU * EN 301489-1:2011 and EN 301511:2003 for 2014/53/EU * EN 50581:2012 for 2011/65/EU This declaration certifies the conformity with the specified directives, but is not an assurance of characteristics in the sense of the product liability law. The product is intended exclusively for use in an industrial environment. Maintenance, Cleaning and Disposal * Maintenance The device is maintenance-free. With handling on the bus - or its vicinity - a sufficient ESD protection must be considered. * Cleaning If necessary, wish the device with a clean, dry, soft and fluff-free cotton cloth. Detergents may cause damage. Do not use a detergent. Humidity and wetness may impair the functionality of the components. Make sure that humidity or wetness does not enter into the device. Disposal For the disposal of the device it is necessary to observe the local and national directives. * 8 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Open Source Software This product contains, among other things, Open Source Software developed by third parties. The Open Source Software used in this product and the license agreements concerning this software can be found in the Readme_OSS. These Open Source Software files are protected by copyright. Your compliance with those license conditions will entitle you to use the Open Source Software as foreseen in the relevant license. In the event of conflicts between Siemens license conditions and the Open Source Software license conditions, the Open Source Software conditions shall prevail with respect to the Open Source Software portions of the software. The Open Source Software is licensed royalty-free. Insofar as the applicable Open Source Software License Conditions provide for it you can order the source code of the Open Source Software from your Siemens sales contact - against payment of the shipping and handling charges - for a period of at least 3 years since purchase of the Product. We are liable for this product including the Open Source Software contained in it pursuant to the license conditions applicable to the Product. Any liability for the Open Source Software beyond the program flow intended for this product is explicitly excluded. Furthermore any liability for defects resulting from modifications to the Open Source Software by you or third parties is excluded. We do not provide any technical support for this Product if it has been modified. The Open Source Software used in this product and the license agreements concerning this software can be found on the SICAM RTUs SD card in the file ReadmOSS.htm. Path for Readme_OSS: SD card:\OSS\<Firmwarenumber>\<Revision>\ReadmOSS.htm (e.g.: SD card:\OSS\CPC80\01.01\ReadmOSS.htm). You need a SD card reader and a webbrowser to read the htm file. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 9 Open Source Software 10 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Table of Contents 1 General Information .................................................................................................... 27 1.1 2 The Basic Units CP-8000, CP-8021, CP-8022 ................................................ 28 1.1.1 High Performing ........................................................................................ 29 1.1.2 Different Fields of Application .................................................................... 30 1.1.3 Mechanical Design .................................................................................... 31 1.1.4 Local Operation with CP-8000 ................................................................... 31 1.1.5 Versatile Communication, Integrated Node Functionality............................ 32 1.1.6 Expandibility .............................................................................................. 33 1.1.7 Data Storage on SD Card .......................................................................... 34 1.1.8 Compatibility.............................................................................................. 34 1.2 Performance Characteristics........................................................................... 35 1.3 System Architecture ....................................................................................... 36 1.3.1 CP-8000 .................................................................................................... 36 1.3.2 CP-8021 and CP-8022 .............................................................................. 36 System Overview ........................................................................................................ 37 2.1 2.1.1 Modules ......................................................................................................... 38 Power Supply ............................................................................................ 38 CP-8000 ............................................................................................... 38 CP-8021 and CP-8022 ......................................................................... 38 2.1.2 Master Module........................................................................................... 40 2.1.3 Protocol Elements ..................................................................................... 41 Supported Protocols ............................................................................. 41 2.1.4 I/O Master Module ..................................................................................... 42 2.1.5 I/O Modules ............................................................................................... 43 Internal I/O Modules ............................................................................. 43 External SICAM I/O Modules ................................................................ 44 External SICAM TM I/O Modules .......................................................... 45 Configuration Rules for I/O Modules ..................................................... 46 2.2 Communication .............................................................................................. 47 2.2.1 Interfaces .................................................................................................. 47 2.2.2 Configuration Examples............................................................................. 49 2.2.3 Transmission Facilities .............................................................................. 50 2.3 Firmware Structure and Data Flow.................................................................. 51 2.4 Engineering .................................................................................................... 52 2.4.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II .................................................................................. 52 2.4.2 SICAM WEB for Simple Applications ......................................................... 53 2.4.3 Differences with the Engineering Tools ...................................................... 54 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 11 Table of Contents 3 Function Packages ..................................................................................................... 55 3.1 3.1.1 IPSec VPN ................................................................................................ 56 3.1.2 Security Logging........................................................................................ 56 3.1.3 Communication with the Engineering System (SICAM TOOLBOX II) ......... 57 3.1.4 Simplified Engineering via SICAM WEB..................................................... 57 3.1.5 Data Flow Control ...................................................................................... 58 3.1.6 Messages with Process Information...................................................... 58 Addressing ................................................................................................ 59 Addressing of Automation Units ............................................................ 59 Addressing of Process Information ....................................................... 59 3.1.7 Time Management..................................................................................... 59 Clock .................................................................................................... 59 Time Setting and Synchronization......................................................... 60 3.1.8 General Interrogation................................................................................. 60 3.1.9 Monitoring Functions ................................................................................. 60 3.1.10 Failure Management.................................................................................. 61 3.1.11 Diagnostics and Signaling.......................................................................... 61 3.1.12 Storage of Application Data ....................................................................... 61 3.1.13 Storage of Firmware .................................................................................. 62 3.1.14 Autonomy .................................................................................................. 62 3.2 3.2.1 Telecontrol ..................................................................................................... 63 Communication with other Stations ............................................................ 63 Protocol Elements ................................................................................ 63 Automatic or Selective Data Flow Routing ............................................ 64 Data Storage ........................................................................................ 64 Priority Control...................................................................................... 65 3.2.2 Communication within the Automation Unit ................................................ 65 3.2.3 Protocol Element Control and Return Information ...................................... 65 3.2.4 Decentralized Archive................................................................................ 66 3.2.5 Process Data Archive ................................................................................ 66 3.2.6 Test Functions via SICAM WEB ................................................................ 67 3.2.7 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 Process Data Input and Output .................................................................. 67 Automation ..................................................................................................... 68 Telecontrol Interface .................................................................................. 68 Transfer of Messages with Process Information .................................... 68 Treatment for Commands According to IEC 60870-101/104 ............. 68 Change Monitoring and Generation of Messages with Time Tag ........... 69 Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function ......................................................... 70 Non-Volatile Storage ............................................................................ 70 Task Management ................................................................................ 70 Loading Application Program ................................................................ 71 Test Functions...................................................................................... 71 3.3.3 12 System Services............................................................................................. 56 Process Data Input and Output .................................................................. 73 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Table of Contents 4 5 Ambient Conditions .................................................................................................... 75 4.1 Protection Type .............................................................................................. 76 4.2 Mechanical Ambient Conditions ...................................................................... 77 4.3 Climatic Ambient Conditions ........................................................................... 78 4.4 Electromagnetic Compatibility ......................................................................... 79 4.4.1 System Properties ..................................................................................... 79 4.4.2 Power Supply ............................................................................................ 80 4.4.3 Digital I/Os................................................................................................. 82 4.4.4 Analog I/Os ............................................................................................... 83 4.4.5 Communication with Insulation: RS-485/RS-232 ........................................ 84 4.4.6 Communication without Insulation: RS-232 ................................................ 84 4.4.7 Communication with Insulation: LAN .......................................................... 85 4.4.8 Storage and Transport ............................................................................... 86 System Components and Technical Data .................................................................. 87 5.1 Power Consumption Total System .................................................................. 88 5.1.1 Master Module without External Consumers .............................................. 88 5.1.2 Master Module with External Consumers ................................................... 88 5.2 Mechanical Design ......................................................................................... 89 5.3 Power Supply Modules ................................................................................... 90 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.5 5.5.1 CP-8000 (integrated) ................................................................................. 90 Technical Data ..................................................................................... 90 PS-8620, PS-8622..................................................................................... 91 Technical Data ..................................................................................... 91 PS-8640, PS-8642..................................................................................... 92 Technical Data ..................................................................................... 92 Master Modules .............................................................................................. 93 CP-8000 .................................................................................................... 93 Technical Data ..................................................................................... 93 CP-8021 and CP-8022 .............................................................................. 95 Technical Data ..................................................................................... 95 Protocol Elements .......................................................................................... 98 UMPMT0, UMPST0 ................................................................................... 98 Functions ............................................................................................. 98 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 101 Communication .................................................................................. 102 5.5.2 DIAST0 ................................................................................................... 103 Functions ........................................................................................... 103 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 104 Communication .................................................................................. 104 5.5.3 103MT0 ................................................................................................... 105 Functions ........................................................................................... 105 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 107 Communication .................................................................................. 107 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 13 Table of Contents 5.5.4 Functions ........................................................................................... 108 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 109 Communication .................................................................................. 110 5.5.5 ET84 ....................................................................................................... 111 Functions ........................................................................................... 111 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 113 Communication .................................................................................. 113 5.5.6 ET85 ....................................................................................................... 114 Functions ........................................................................................... 114 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 117 Communication .................................................................................. 118 ET85 Client ................................................................................... 118 ET85 Server .................................................................................. 118 5.5.7 COUMT0 ................................................................................................. 119 Functions ........................................................................................... 119 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 120 Communication .................................................................................. 121 5.5.8 MODMT2, MODST0 ................................................................................ 122 Functions ........................................................................................... 122 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 124 Communication .................................................................................. 125 5.5.9 DNPMT0, DNPST0.................................................................................. 126 Functions ........................................................................................... 126 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 126 Communication .................................................................................. 127 5.5.10 DNPiT1, DNPiT2 ..................................................................................... 128 Functions ........................................................................................... 128 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 129 Communication .................................................................................. 129 5.5.11 ST1ST0................................................................................................... 131 Functions ........................................................................................... 131 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 131 Communication .................................................................................. 132 5.5.12 TG8ST0 .................................................................................................. 133 Functions ........................................................................................... 133 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 133 Communication .................................................................................. 134 5.5.13 14 BPPT0 .................................................................................................... 108 SMST0 .................................................................................................... 135 Functions ........................................................................................... 135 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 135 Communication .................................................................................. 136 Printer control ................................................................................ 136 SMS Alert and Control ................................................................... 136 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Table of Contents 5.5.14 PCBST0 .................................................................................................. 137 Functions ........................................................................................... 137 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 138 Communication .................................................................................. 138 5.5.15 RP5UT1 .................................................................................................. 139 Functions ........................................................................................... 139 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 139 Communication .................................................................................. 140 5.6 5.6.1 5.7 5.7.1 Integrated Protocol SNMP ............................................................................ 141 Overview ................................................................................................. 141 I/O Master Module and I/O Modules ............................................................. 142 Internal I/O Modules ................................................................................ 143 DI-8100 .............................................................................................. 143 Functions....................................................................................... 143 Technical Data............................................................................... 144 DO-8203 ............................................................................................ 145 Functions....................................................................................... 145 Technical Data............................................................................... 146 5.7.2 5.7.3 External SICAM I/O Modules ................................................................... 147 DI-8110, DI-8111, DI-8112, DI-8113 ................................................... 148 Functions....................................................................................... 148 DO-8212 ............................................................................................ 149 Functions....................................................................................... 149 AI-8310 .............................................................................................. 150 Functions....................................................................................... 150 AI-8320 .............................................................................................. 151 Functions....................................................................................... 151 AI-8510 .............................................................................................. 152 Functions....................................................................................... 152 AI-8511 .............................................................................................. 153 Functions....................................................................................... 153 AO-8380............................................................................................. 154 Functions....................................................................................... 154 CM-8820 ............................................................................................ 154 Functions....................................................................................... 154 External SICAM TM I/O Modules (only with CP-8000) .............................. 154 DI-6100, DI-6101, DI-6104.................................................................. 155 Functions....................................................................................... 155 DI-6102, DI-6103 ................................................................................ 156 Functions....................................................................................... 156 AI-6300, AI-6307, AI-6308 .................................................................. 157 Functions....................................................................................... 157 AI-6310 .............................................................................................. 158 Functions....................................................................................... 158 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 15 Table of Contents 5.8 6 Functions....................................................................................... 159 DO-6200 ............................................................................................ 160 Functions....................................................................................... 160 DO-6212 ............................................................................................ 161 Functions....................................................................................... 161 DO-6220, DO-6221, DO-6230 ............................................................ 162 Functions....................................................................................... 162 AO-6380............................................................................................. 163 Functions....................................................................................... 163 MTBF Values of the SICAM A8000 Modules................................................. 164 Installation and Circuitry .......................................................................................... 165 6.1 6.1.1 Mechanical Design ....................................................................................... 166 CP-8000 .................................................................................................. 166 Locking Hook ..................................................................................... 167 Type Plate .......................................................................................... 168 6.1.2 CP-802x .................................................................................................. 169 Locking Hook ..................................................................................... 169 Type Plate .......................................................................................... 170 6.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................. 171 6.2.1 CP-8000 Front View ................................................................................ 171 6.2.2 CP-8000 Side View ................................................................................. 171 6.2.3 CP-802x Front and Side View.................................................................. 172 6.3 Installation Location and Position.................................................................. 173 6.3.1 DIN Rail (TS35 Rail) ................................................................................ 173 6.3.2 Cable Duct .............................................................................................. 174 6.4 6.4.1 Mounting CP-8000 ....................................................................................... 175 Space Requirement ................................................................................. 175 Space Requirement with SICAM I/O Modules ..................................... 176 Space Requirement with SICAM TM I/O Modules ............................... 177 6.4.2 Mounting of the Master Module................................................................ 178 6.4.3 Removal/Shifting of the Master Module.................................................... 179 6.4.4 Coupling of external SICAM I/O Modules ................................................. 180 Mounting of the Coupling Module for SICAM I/O Modules ................... 180 Mounting of the Bus Connector for SICAM I/O Modules ...................... 181 Mounting of the SICAM I/O Modules ................................................... 181 6.4.5 Coupling of External SICAM TM I/O Modules........................................... 183 Mounting of the Coupling Module for SICAM TM I/O Modules ............. 183 Mounting of the SICAM TM I/O Modules ............................................. 184 6.4.6 6.5 6.5.1 16 TE-6430 ............................................................................................. 159 Separating of Master Module and I/O Coupling Module............................ 186 Mounting CP-802x........................................................................................ 187 Space Requirement for the Master Module .............................................. 187 Space Requirement with SICAM I/O Modules ..................................... 188 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Table of Contents 6.5.2 Mounting of the Master Module................................................................ 189 6.5.3 Removal/Shifting of the Master Module.................................................... 190 Mounting of the Power Supply Module ................................................ 191 6.5.4 Coupling of external SICAM I/O Modules ................................................. 192 Mounting of the Bus Connector for SICAM I/O Modules ...................... 192 Mounting of the SICAM I/O Modules ................................................... 193 6.6 Memory Cards.............................................................................................. 194 6.6.1 SD Card .................................................................................................. 194 Inserting the SD Card ......................................................................... 194 Removing the SD Card ....................................................................... 194 6.6.2 SIM Card (only CP-8022)......................................................................... 195 Inserting the SIM Card ........................................................................ 195 6.7 Removing the SIM Card ..................................................................... 195 Wiring........................................................................................................... 196 6.7.1 Power Supply .......................................................................................... 196 6.7.2 Communication RS-485........................................................................... 196 6.7.3 Process Peripherals ................................................................................ 197 6.7.4 Shielding ................................................................................................. 197 6.7.5 Protective Earth/Ground .......................................................................... 197 6.8 Switching the Device On and Off .................................................................. 198 6.9 Block Diagrams and External Circuitry .......................................................... 199 6.9.1 CP-8000 .................................................................................................. 199 Overview ............................................................................................ 199 Power Supply ..................................................................................... 199 Master Module CP-8000 ..................................................................... 200 Digital Input DI-8100 ........................................................................... 201 Digital Output DO-8203 ...................................................................... 202 1 and 2-pole Circuitry..................................................................... 202 11/2-pole Circuitry ........................................................................... 203 6.9.2 CP-802x .................................................................................................. 204 Power Supply Modules PS-8620 and PS-8622 ................................... 204 Power Supply Modules PS-8640 and PS-8642 ................................... 205 Master Module CP-8021 and CP-8022 ............................................... 206 6.10 Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 207 6.10.1 CP-8000 .................................................................................................. 207 Position of the Interfaces on the Housing ............................................ 207 Pin Assignment .................................................................................. 208 6.10.2 CP-802x .................................................................................................. 210 Position of the Interfaces .................................................................... 210 Pin Assignment .................................................................................. 210 6.11 Installation of External Communication Connections ..................................... 212 6.11.1 Serial Communication.............................................................................. 213 Multi-Point Traffic via Leased Line Modem/VFT Channel Modem ........ 213 CP-8000 ........................................................................................ 213 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 17 Table of Contents Multi-Point Traffic via Glass Fiber Optic .............................................. 215 CP-8000 ........................................................................................ 215 CP-802x ........................................................................................ 217 Dial-up Traffic Analog with Westermo TD-36 (TDW-33) ...................... 227 CP-8000 ........................................................................................ 227 CP-802x ........................................................................................ 228 Dial-up Traffic ISDN with Westermo IDW-90 ....................................... 229 CP-8000 ........................................................................................ 229 CP-802x ........................................................................................ 230 Dial-up Traffic GSM, SMS Sender/Receiver........................................ 231 CP-802x ........................................................................................ 232 CP-8000 ........................................................................................ 233 CP-802x ........................................................................................ 234 Ethernet TCP/IP ...................................................................................... 235 Communication via LAN/WAN ............................................................ 235 CP-8000 ........................................................................................ 235 Communicaton via GPRS ................................................................... 236 CP-8000, CP-8021 ........................................................................ 236 CP-8022 ........................................................................................ 236 Preparing the Engineering ........................................................................................ 237 7.1 Engineering Tools ........................................................................................ 238 7.1.1 Differences .............................................................................................. 238 7.1.2 Interlocking.............................................................................................. 238 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 Software for the Engineering ........................................................................ 239 SICAM TOOLBOX II ................................................................................ 239 Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 240 SICAM WEB............................................................................................ 241 Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 241 Program Sicam_First_Startup ............................................................. 242 7.2.3 SICAM Device Manager .......................................................................... 242 Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 243 7.3 Loadable Firmwares ..................................................................................... 244 7.4 Integrated Protocol SNMP ............................................................................ 245 7.4.1 Download of the MIB-Files....................................................................... 245 7.4.2 Import of the MIB-Files in MIB-Browser .................................................... 245 7.4.3 Display of SNMP-Variables in MIB-Browser ............................................. 246 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 18 CP-8000 ........................................................................................ 231 Point-toPoint Traffic with another AU .................................................. 233 6.11.2 7 CP-802x ........................................................................................ 214 Memory Cards.............................................................................................. 248 SD Card .................................................................................................. 248 SD Card Reader/Writer....................................................................... 248 SIM Card (only CP-8022) ........................................................................ 248 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Table of Contents 7.6 7.6.1 7.7 7.7.1 Required Accessories .............................................................................. 249 Connecting Engineering PC with the Target Device ...................................... 250 SICAM TOOLBOX II ................................................................................ 250 Physical Connection ........................................................................... 251 Serial Point-to-Point Connection .................................................... 251 Serial Connection via Telecommunication Facilities ....................... 253 LAN/WAN Connection via Ethernet Interface ................................. 254 LAN/WAN Connection via Serial Interface and Terminalserver ....... 255 Remote Connection via further Automation Unit(s) ......................... 256 7.7.2 SICAM WEB............................................................................................ 257 Physical Connection ........................................................................... 258 Point-to-Point Connection via Serial Interface ................................ 258 Point-to-Point Connection via Ethernet Interface ............................ 260 LAN/WAN Connection via Ethernet Interface ................................. 261 Communication with the Target Device ............................................... 262 Point-to-Point Connection via Serial Interface ................................ 263 Point-to-Point Connection via Ethernet Interface ............................ 264 LAN/WAN Connection via Ethernet Interface ................................. 265 7.8 7.8.1 7.8.2 Interaction with the Engineering Tool ............................................................ 269 SICAM TOOLBOX II ................................................................................ 269 Structure ............................................................................................ 269 SICAM WEB............................................................................................ 270 Dashboard.......................................................................................... 270 General Buttons ................................................................................. 272 Parameter Entry ................................................................................. 274 8 Interfaces for the Communication ................................................................. 249 Show Expert Parameters ............................................................... 278 Automatic Restart Request ................................................................. 279 SICAM TOOLBOX II Locking .............................................................. 279 Language Versions............................................................................. 279 Navigation with the Web Browser ....................................................... 280 Session Monitoring ............................................................................. 281 Exceptions with Engineering via SICAM WEB..................................... 282 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II ........................................................................ 283 8.1 8.1.1 Telecontrol ................................................................................................... 284 Presets .................................................................................................... 286 User and Rights.................................................................................. 286 Password ........................................................................................... 287 Language ........................................................................................... 287 8.1.2 Entrance into the Project.......................................................................... 287 Logon ................................................................................................. 287 Logoff ................................................................................................. 287 Change Password .............................................................................. 288 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 19 Table of Contents 8.1.3 Plant Configuration .................................................................................. 288 8.1.4 Import Firmware ...................................................................................... 288 8.1.5 Configuration and Settings for Telecontrol ............................................... 289 Hardware Configuration ...................................................................... 290 System-Technical Settings ................................................................. 291 Communication.............................................................................. 291 Periphery ....................................................................................... 291 Levels............................................................................................ 292 Types ............................................................................................ 292 Images .......................................................................................... 293 Decentralized Archiving (DEAR) ......................................................... 294 8.1.6 Transform Parameters............................................................................. 294 8.1.7 Import, Export and Backup of Engineering Data....................................... 294 8.1.8 Documentation ........................................................................................ 294 Hardware Configuration ...................................................................... 295 Assembly Technique .......................................................................... 295 Interface to ELCAD............................................................................. 295 Telecontrol Function ........................................................................... 296 8.1.9 System-Technical Configuration .................................................... 296 Process-Technical Settings............................................................ 296 Commissioning and Test ......................................................................... 296 Loading Engineering Data .................................................................. 296 Parameter Comparison....................................................................... 297 Test Functions.................................................................................... 298 Status Of Spontaneous Data Points ............................................... 298 Simulation Of Spontaneous Data Points ........................................ 299 Check The Connection To Automation Units .................................. 299 8.2 8.2.1 Displaying Decentralized Archive (DEAR) ........................................... 300 Automation ................................................................................................... 301 Creating a Function Diagram with CAEx plus ........................................... 302 Restrictions with the Creation of a Function Diagram .......................... 303 Configuring External Signals............................................................... 304 Program Code Generation .................................................................. 304 8.2.2 8.2.3 20 Process-Technical Settings ................................................................ 292 Documentation ........................................................................................ 306 Cross Reference List .......................................................................... 306 Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function .................................................. 306 Commissioning and Test ......................................................................... 307 Loading Program Code....................................................................... 307 Test Functions.................................................................................... 307 Simulating Function Diagram Offline .............................................. 307 Testing Function Diagram Online ................................................... 308 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Table of Contents 9 Engineering via SICAM WEB .................................................................................... 309 9.1 9.1.1 9.1.2 Telecontrol ................................................................................................... 310 Start and Terminate Session.................................................................... 311 Logon ................................................................................................. 311 Rights of the Users ........................................................................ 312 Logoff ................................................................................................. 313 Basic Settings.......................................................................................... 313 Authentication Procedure.................................................................... 314 Authentication via Locally Stored Credentials ................................. 314 Authentication via External Service ................................................ 315 Change Web Server Password ........................................................... 316 Differentiation Secure/Non-Secure Passwords .................................... 317 Set IP Addresses ................................................................................ 320 MAC Addresses of the Ethernet Interfaces..................................... 321 Access Options for the Engineering PC in Operation...................... 322 Security Settings for Internet Security (IPSec)..................................... 322 Settings for Internal GPRS Modem (CP-8022) .................................... 323 Monitoring of the GPRS Modem..................................................... 324 Monitoring of the Mobile Radio Network ......................................... 324 9.1.3 9.1.4 Autoconfiguration................................................................................ 325 Common Settings .................................................................................... 328 Configuration of the Target Device...................................................... 328 Application Program ...................................................................... 328 Topology ............................................................................................ 329 Failure Behavior upon Fault ................................................................ 329 Configuration of Optional Modules ........................................................... 330 Overview ............................................................................................ 330 Protocol Elements .............................................................................. 332 I/O Master Module .............................................................................. 333 9.1.5 Configuration of the Time Management ................................................... 335 Time Synchronization ......................................................................... 335 Time Synchronization with Multi-Point Traffic ................................. 336 Time Synchronization with Dial-up Traffic....................................... 336 Time Synchronization with Ethernet ............................................... 336 Daylight Saving Time Rule.................................................................. 337 9.1.6 Local Time Setting ................................................................................... 338 9.1.7 Configuration of the Communication ........................................................ 339 Common Settings ............................................................................... 339 Physical Interface for the Communication ........................................... 340 Protocols via Ethernet .................................................................... 341 Selection of the Transmission Facility ................................................. 342 Settings of the Messages.................................................................... 343 Data Management and Priority Control ............................................... 344 9.1.8 Configuration of the Decentralized Archive............................................... 345 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 21 Table of Contents 9.1.9 Configuration of the Process Data Archive ............................................... 347 9.1.10 Configuration of the Local Process Data Display (only CP-8000) ............. 348 9.1.11 Configuration of Peripheral and Internal Signals....................................... 349 Defining Signals ................................................................................. 349 Duplicate and Delete Rows ............................................................ 352 Automatic Filling and Automatic Incrementation ............................. 353 Assign Signals to the Master Module .................................................. 354 Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States ........................ 356 Parameters with Assignment on the Master Module ....................... 360 Assigning Signals to the I/O Master Module ........................................ 366 Assigning Signals to the I/O Module ................................................... 370 Automatic Display of Signal States................................................. 373 Parameters with Assignment on the DI Module .............................. 373 Parameters with Assignment on the DO Module ............................ 376 Parameters with Assignment on the AI Module .............................. 387 Parameters with Assignment on the AO Module ............................ 392 Circuitry of Signals.............................................................................. 394 Binary Information Acquisition........................................................ 395 Counting Pulse Acquisition ............................................................ 395 Current/Voltage Acquisition............................................................ 396 Temperature Acquisition ................................................................ 397 Command Output .......................................................................... 398 Binary Information Output .............................................................. 403 Current/Voltage Output .................................................................. 403 Import and Export of the Signal List .................................................... 404 Export Signal List........................................................................... 404 Import Signal List ........................................................................... 405 9.1.12 Usage of CP-8000/CP-802x as SICAM PAS I/O ..................................... 406 Synchronization of the I/O Configuration in SICAM PAS ..................... 407 9.1.13 Test Functions......................................................................................... 408 Logging ................................................................................................... 418 Show Event List.................................................................................. 418 Export Event List ........................................................................... 420 Show Alarm List ................................................................................. 421 9.2.1 Supported Type Identifications and Possible Values ...................... 413 Change Process Values ..................................................................... 414 9.1.14 9.2 Supported Signal Types................................................................. 409 Display Process Values ...................................................................... 410 22 Parameters with Assignment on the I/O Master Module ................. 369 Export Alarm List ........................................................................... 423 Automation ................................................................................................... 424 Creating an Instruction List (IL) ................................................................ 425 Structure of the Instruction List ........................................................... 425 Syntax for Instructions ........................................................................ 426 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Table of Contents General ......................................................................................... 426 Adressing of I/O Variables ............................................................. 426 Addressing of Flags ....................................................................... 427 Call of Functions ............................................................................ 427 Instruction Comments ......................................................................... 429 Settings in the Application Program .................................................... 429 Setting the Cycle Time ................................................................... 429 Spontaneous Program Execution ................................................... 430 System Information............................................................................. 432 Command Processing According to IEC 60870-5-101/104 .................. 433 Generation of Integrated Totals .......................................................... 434 9.2.2 Common Functions ............................................................................ 435 Import Application Program............................................................ 435 Load Application Programm Offline ................................................ 437 Export Application Program ........................................................... 438 Syntax Check ................................................................................ 438 Test Functions .................................................................................... 439 Statistic Information ....................................................................... 440 Display Current Value of Selected Variables .................................. 441 Change Status of the Application Program ..................................... 442 Change Value of Selected Variable................................................ 445 9.3 Administrative Functions............................................................................... 448 9.3.1 Restart Device ......................................................................................... 448 9.3.2 Download Device Settings ....................................................................... 450 9.3.3 Restore Device Settings .......................................................................... 451 Loading Device Settings Offline .......................................................... 453 9.3.4 Upload ICD/IID File.................................................................................. 455 9.3.5 Download SICAM PAS I/O Configuration ................................................. 457 9.3.6 Download Process Data Archive .............................................................. 461 9.3.7 Update Firmware ..................................................................................... 464 9.3.8 Update SICAM WEB................................................................................ 465 9.3.9 Install Language Package........................................................................ 466 Engineering via SICAM Device Manager .................................................................. 469 10.1 11 Commissioning and Test ......................................................................... 434 10 Call of Function Blocks .................................................................. 428 General Information ...................................................................................... 470 Service ....................................................................................................................... 471 11.1 Operation and Display Elements................................................................... 472 11.1.1 Description of the LED Display ................................................................ 473 11.1.2 Description of the LCD Display (only CP-8000) ........................................ 475 Navigation .......................................................................................... 476 Device Information.............................................................................. 476 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 23 Table of Contents Device ........................................................................................... 477 Language ...................................................................................... 477 Display .......................................................................................... 478 Start Page ..................................................................................... 479 Configuration ...................................................................................... 480 I/O Modules ................................................................................... 480 Protocols ....................................................................................... 482 Version .......................................................................................... 484 Monitoring .......................................................................................... 484 Events | ALL Events ...................................................................... 485 Events | DEF Events...................................................................... 487 Events | DIA Events ....................................................................... 488 Alarms ........................................................................................... 489 Cockpit .......................................................................................... 490 I/O Modules ................................................................................... 491 11.2 Checks and System Display ......................................................................... 492 11.2.1 Checks during Startup ............................................................................. 492 11.2.2 Checks after Startup ................................................................................ 494 11.2.3 Behavior of the Process Outputs upon Startup and Failure ...................... 495 11.3 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................... 496 11.3.1 Distinction of the Error Types................................................................... 496 11.3.2 SICAM TOOLBOX II ................................................................................ 497 Connection Possibilities for the Diagnosis ........................................... 497 Diagnosis Overview ............................................................................ 499 System Performance .......................................................................... 501 Diagnosis of the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function ........................ 501 11.3.3 Connection Possibilities for the Diagnosis ........................................... 503 Diagnosis Overview ............................................................................ 504 Device Information.............................................................................. 505 Diagnosis ........................................................................................... 507 Diagnosis Status............................................................................ 507 Diagnosis Logbook ........................................................................ 509 Export Diagnosis Logbook ............................................................. 511 Security Logbook ........................................................................... 512 Export Security Logbook ................................................................ 513 Diagnosis of the Time ......................................................................... 514 Diagnosis of the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function ........................ 514 11.4 11.4.1 24 SICAM WEB............................................................................................ 503 Maintenance of the Hardware ....................................................................... 515 Recognition of Hardware Errors ............................................................... 515 Internal Modules ................................................................................. 515 SD Card ............................................................................................. 515 11.4.2 Replacement of a Module ........................................................................ 516 11.4.3 Adapt New Equipped I/O Modules in the Parameterization....................... 517 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Table of Contents Adding I/O Modules ............................................................................ 517 11.4.4 Replacement of the SD Card ................................................................... 517 Initialization of the Firmware ............................................................... 518 11.4.5 11.5 Replacement of the SIM Card (only CP-8022) ......................................... 518 Firmware Update .......................................................................................... 519 11.5.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II ................................................................................ 519 Interrogation of the Firmware Revision................................................ 519 Importing Master Data into the SICAM TOOLBOX II ........................... 520 Loading Firmware Codes into the Target Device ................................. 520 Loading Firmware Online ............................................................... 520 Loading Firmware Offline ............................................................... 521 11.5.2 SICAM WEB............................................................................................ 521 Loading Firmware Online ............................................................... 521 Loading Firmware Offline ............................................................... 522 11.5.3 11.6 11.6.1 A Errors with Loading of Firmware .............................................................. 522 Remote Maintenance ................................................................................... 523 Configuration of Server and Clients.......................................................... 523 Order Information ...................................................................................................... 525 A.1 Basic Units ................................................................................................... 526 A.2 Power Supply Modules ................................................................................. 527 A.3 SICAM I/O Modules ...................................................................................... 528 A.3.1 A.4 A.4.1 Accessory................................................................................................ 530 SICAM TM I/O Modules ................................................................................ 531 Accessory................................................................................................ 534 A.5 Interface Modules ......................................................................................... 535 A.6 Transmission Facilities ................................................................................. 536 A.6.1 Recommended Third-Party Products ....................................................... 537 A.7 Recommended Upstream Power Supply Devices ......................................... 538 A.8 Cables and Plugs ......................................................................................... 539 A.8.1 B Loading Firmware Codes into the Target Device ................................. 521 Recommended Third-Party Products ....................................................... 540 A.9 Memory Cards.............................................................................................. 541 A.10 Engineering Tools ........................................................................................ 542 A.10.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II ..................................................................................... 542 A.10.2 SICAM WEB................................................................................................. 542 A.10.3 SICAM Device Manager ............................................................................... 542 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) ........................................................................... 543 B.1 Transfer an Input to a Signalling Output and to a Command Output .............. 544 B.2 Combine two Inputs with AND ...................................................................... 545 B.3 Linear Adaptation with Value Selection ......................................................... 546 B.4 Operating Hours Counter.............................................................................. 547 B.5 Bounce Suppression .................................................................................... 549 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 25 Table of Contents C B.6 Setpoint Command....................................................................................... 551 B.7 Speed Comparison ....................................................................................... 552 Error Handling ........................................................................................................... 553 C.1 D Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC ....................................................... 557 D.1 Settings in Microsoft Windows 8 ................................................................... 558 D.1.1 Modem Installation .................................................................................. 558 D.1.2 Network Configuration ............................................................................. 560 D.2 Settings in Microsoft Windows 7 ................................................................... 568 D.2.1 Modem Installation .................................................................................. 568 D.2.2 Network Configuration ............................................................................. 570 D.3 Settings in Microsoft Windows Vista ............................................................. 577 D.3.1 Modem Installation .................................................................................. 577 D.3.2 Network Configuration ............................................................................. 579 D.4 E Errors with the Engineering via SICAM WEB ................................................ 554 Restore Settings for the Internet Use ............................................................ 586 Use Cases.................................................................................................................. 587 E.1 Usage as Telecontrol Substation .................................................................. 588 E.2 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Node Function (Protocol Converter) ... 589 E.3 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Integrated Switch for External System Connection ................................................................................................... 590 E.4 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Integrated Switch for SICAM TOOLBOX II Connection ................................................................................................... 591 E.5 Usage with Static Routes.............................................................................. 592 E.5.1 E.5.2 E.6 General ................................................................................................... 592 Configuration ........................................................................................... 592 Usage with IPSec VPN ................................................................................. 595 E.6.1 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with IPSec VPN via fixed Network ........ 596 E.6.2 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with IPSec VPN via GPRS Router and ADSL Network ......................................................................................... 597 E.6.3 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with IPSec VPN via GPRS Network ...... 598 E.7 Usage of the Internal GPRS Modem (CP-8022) ............................................ 599 E.7.1 GPRS Communication without IPSec VPN .............................................. 600 E.7.2 GPRS Communication with 1 IPSec VPN Tunnel..................................... 601 E.7.3 GPRS Communication with 2 IPSec VPN Tunnel..................................... 602 Glossary .............................................................................................................................. 605 26 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 1 General Information Contents 1.1 The Basic Units CP-8000, CP-8021, CP-8022 ................................................ 28 1.2 Performance Characteristics........................................................................... 35 1.3 System Architecture ....................................................................................... 36 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 27 General Information 1.1 The Basic Units CP-8000, CP-8021, CP-8022 CP-8000 CP-8021 28 Unrestricted CP-8022 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 General Information 1.1.1 High Performing With CP-8000/CP-802x you can implement different applications, depending on the requirements: telecontrol applications and automation solutions. Evidently all applications can be combined with each other. CP-8000/CP-802x can be deployed universally and is suitable for electrical distribution substations, gas distribution substations, hydropower plants, pipelines, railway power supplies, as well as in building protection or for alarm signaling. Your advantages at a glance: * * * * * * * * Local operation via display and function keys (only CP-8000) Coupling of additional devices thanks to integrated node functionality Expandable with external I/O Modules Configuration, diagnostics and tests via the engineering system SICAM TOOLBOX II, alternatively via a Web server User-friendly through remote maintenance, remote diagnosis and remote parameterization Interlocking and local control in compliance with IEC 61131-3 thanks to smart user programs Data storage on SD card; plug-and-play for start-up and service Use of CP-8000/CP-802x under varied ambient conditions thanks to wide temperature range and extremely high degree of EMC Note Please consider the performance features of the systems and of its components in chapter 5, System Components and Technical Data. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 29 General Information 1.1.2 Different Fields of Application Due to their node functionality, CP-8000/CP-802x can be used in a variety of ways: * * * * * Classical small telecontrol unit Remote terminal unit with manifold communication to the central station Automation and supervision of local network stations Transformer control Automation in the fields of gas, water and waste water In principle, for this all necessary functionalities are available. The actual application is defined through the corresponding configuration and parameterization. Main Field of Application: Local Network Control With this application, CP-8000/CP-802x enables a three-stage intelligence: * Supervision High availability Rapid fault location * Telecontrol Minimizing downtime * Load flow control Management of distributed infeeds Minimizing losses SMART METER SICAM A8000 series SICAM CP-8 00 0 F1 F2 F3 F4 HIGH VOLTAGE 30 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 General Information 1.1.3 Mechanical Design The mechanical design is focused on achieving highest ease in handling. As a result, CP-8000/CP-802x is designated for mounting on a DIN rail (TS35). The communication interfaces are designed according to the RJ45 standard or as removable terminals. Process signals can be connected via removable screw terminals directly at CP-8000 or at additionally equipped I/O Modules. This efficient and simple way of interfacing permits a direct sensor/actuator wiring without requiring the use of intermediate terminals. Wherethrough the peripheral signals can be acquired very close to their point of origin, a wide cabling can be reduced to a minimum. When the system is exchanged no connections need to be detached, since the screw terminals carry the wiring. Thereby the assembly effort required for the connection is considerable less. With delivery, the screw terminals are plugged on the device. 1.1.4 Local Operation with CP-8000 In addition to status LEDs, CP-8000 provides function keys and a display on the front of the housing in order to enable a variety of . SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 31 General Information 1.1.5 Versatile Communication, Integrated Node Functionality There are several possible means of communicating with the control center: * Multi-point communications You can connect external communications modules via the RS-232 or via the RS-485 interface for transmission in joint traffic. The standard protocols are freely selectable (IEC 80870-5-101, DNP 3.0, Modbus RTU). Additional protocols are available on request. * Dial-up traffic Various connection-oriented transmission media are supported as standard via dial-up traffic (PSTN, ISDN, GSM, TETRA). * LAN/WAN In the case of communication via LAN/WAN networks, transmission is implemented in accordance with the standards IEC 60870-5-104 or IEC 61850 or DNP(i) - based on Ethernet TCP/IP. Further local devices can be connected in a very simple way via the further communication interfaces, in order to connect them to an entire unit. Networked Plant (Example) Control Center SICAM TOOLBOX II Ethernet TCP/IP - IEC 60870-5-104 NTP Server CP-8000 TFTP Server SICAM AK 3 DNS Server Station Operation RADIUS Server IEC 60870-5-101 PSTN/ISDN/GSM based on IEC 60870-5-101 Ethernet TCP/IP - IEC 60870-5-104 CP-802x CP-8000 CP-8000 32 Unrestricted CP-802x CP-802x IEC 60870-5-101 SIPROTEC IEC 60870-5-101 CP-802x CP-8000 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 General Information 1.1.6 Expandibility If the scope of signals of a substation should ever be insufficient, additional I/O Modules can be equipped or further CP-8000/CP-802x can be connected via the communication interfaces. Freely programmable user programs for local control or regulating functions round out the versatile attributes of the system. max. 6 I/O modules POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 TS35 rail CP-8000 Coupling module max. 8 I/O modules TS35 rail CP-8021 max. 8 I/O modules TS35 rail CP-8022 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 33 General Information 1.1.7 Data Storage on SD Card With the engineering, all data of a device - such as firmware and parameters - are stored centrally on an exchangeable SD card in a non-volatile manner. Upon startup of the device, all required data is checked and is - in case of differences to the device settings - automatically transferred from the SD card. The transfer only occurs in case of valid firmware and parameter signatures. Thus, when the device is exchanged with the same type, no subsequent loading process, this means, no engineering tool, will be required. The configuration is transferred directly to the replacement device (plug and play). 1.1.8 Compatibility CP-8000/CP-802x is in the range of IEC 60870-5-101/103/104, when using standard protocols, compatible with the hitherto existing SICAM RTUs system family (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM EMIC, SICAM MIC, SICAM BC). 34 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 General Information 1.2 Performance Characteristics General features CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 Maintenance-free, small compact device for mounting on DIN rail u u u Local operation via function keys and display (LCD) u - - Internal digital inputs for binary information acquisition 12 - - Internal digital outputs for command output 8 - - Expandable with external SICAM I/O Modules 6 8 8 Expandable with external SICAM TM I/O Modules 6 - - Combined automation and telecontrol function u u u Freely programmable application programs according to IEC 61131-3 u u u Ethernet interfaces 10/100Base-TX with parameter-settable protocols according to IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850 Ed. 2 Client/Server, DNP 3 TCP/IP Slave 2 1) 2 1) 2 1) Serial interfaces with parameter-settable protocols according to IEC 60870-5-101/-103, Modbus RTU, DNP 3 and others 2 2) 2 2) 3 2) 3) Integrated GPRS modem - - u Engineering, diagnosis and test via SICAM TOOLBOX II * SICAM TOOLBOX II connection via LAN/WAN ("remote connection") * Connection via proprietary TCP/IP protocol (one SICAM TOOLBOX II session can be served at the same time) u u u Integrated web server for the engineering, diagnosis and test via web browser (application SICAM WEB) * Access to the web server with standard web browser via http(s) u u u Engineering via SICAM Device Manager u u u Optional autoconfiguration via DHCP service u u u Optional dynamic IP settings via DHCP server u u u Integrated protocol SNMP u u u Time synchronization via SNTP server u u u Simplified maintenance operation by means of data storage on SD card u u u Optional authentication via RADIUS server u u u Secure password storage u u u Security * BDEW White Paper conformity and integrated crypto chip * IPSec * Security Logging u u u Process signal status display via LCD u - - Function and error display via LED u u u Communication 1) common or separate IP address configurable (2 MAC addresses reserved, see type label of the device) 2) 1x RS-232 and 1x RS-485 3) 1x selectable RS-232 or RS-485 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 35 General Information 1.3 System Architecture 1.3.1 CP-8000 CP-8000 consists of a power supply, a Master Module, up to 4 protocol elements, and 2 internal I/O Modules. Additionally, up to 6 external I/O Modules can be attached via a coupling module. Higher-level automation unit or control center SD card external SICAM I/O module 7 Bus external SICAM I/O module 2 Protocol element Master module internal I/O module 1 internal I/O module 0 internal power supply SICAM CP-8000 up to alternatively up to 6 SICAM TM I/O modules Display Keys Process 1.3.2 Process CP-8021 and CP-8022 CP-8021 and CP-8022 consist each of a Master Module with up to 4 optional protocol elements. The power supply is provided by an external power supply module. For purpose of redundancy also 2 power supply modules are possible. Additionally, up to 8 external I/O Modules can be attached. Bus Bus up to external SICAM I/O module 7 Bus external SICAM I/O module 0 Protocol element Higher-level automation unit or control center Master module SICAM CP-802x SD Card Process 36 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 2 System Overview Contents 2.1 Modules ......................................................................................................... 38 2.2 Communication .............................................................................................. 47 2.3 Firmware Structure and Data Flow.................................................................. 51 2.4 Engineering .................................................................................................... 52 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 37 System Overview 2.1 Modules 2.1.1 Power Supply CP-8000 With CP-8000 the supply is carried out via an internal power supply module. This provides the operating voltage for the internal modules (Master Module and I/O Modules) and for selected transmission facilities with multi-point traffic and dial-up traffic, as well as for the external I/O Modules. Features * * Input voltage DC 24...60 V System output voltages DC 5.2/10 V for internal supply and for external modem DC 5.2 V for external I/O Modules Wiring block for contact wetting * * * * Monitoring of the output voltage Environmental conditions with enhanced electromagnetic compatibility Withdrawable srew terminals Function display via LED CP-8021 and CP-8022 With CP-8021 and CP-8022 the power supply is carried out by the external power supply modules PS-862x and PS-864x. These provide the operating voltage for the Master Module and for selected transmission facilities with multi-point traffic and dial-up traffic, as well as for the external I/O Modules. PS-8620 38 Unrestricted PS-8622 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Overview PS-8640 PS-8642 Features PS-86xx * Different input voltages as according to the following table PS-862x: DC voltage input PS-864x: AC or DC voltage input * Output voltages for system-internal use DC 5 V/28 V * Output voltages for external use (only PS-8642) DC 24 V * * * * * * Monitoring of the output voltages Monitoring of the input voltage 2 redundant power supply modules possible (not for power enhancement) Environmental conditions with enhanced electromagnetic compatibility Withdrawable srew terminals Function display via LED Product Overview Type Designation PS-8620 Power supply DC 24 to 60 V, 12 W PS-8622 Power supply DC 110 to 220 V, 12 W PS-8640 Power supply DC 24 to 60 V, 45 W PS-8642 Power supply DC 100 to 240 V, AC 100 to 240 V, 45 W SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 39 System Overview 2.1.2 Master Module The Master Module is the central processing unit. Its functionality is provided by means of a loadable and parameter-settable firmware. The Master Module integrates the function packages for the telecontrol function (spontaneous processing and communication) and the open-/closed-loop control function (periodical processing and peripheral functions) into one common device. Additionally, it serves as centrally coordinating element for all system services. Features * * Data node functionality Organization of the data flow from and to the communication interfaces Ethernet (TCP/IP) for LAN/WAN connections according to IEC 60870-5-104 RS-232 for multi-point, point-to-point or dial-up traffic according to IEC 60870-5-101 with supply for an external transmission facility RS-485 for multi-point traffic * Main focus in telecontrol Parameter-settable telecontrol function according to IEC 61131-3 Parameter-settable communication protocols Time management and time synchronization via SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) - Up to 4 different NTP servers (redundancy) - Cyclical, can be set in a seconds grid, self-adapting * Automation Freely programmable open-/closed-loop control function Deterministic behavior of the open-/closed-loop control function with guaranteed reaction times and thereby time-consistent Test and diagnosis of the open-/closed-loop control function * * * * * Autonomous behavior (for instance in the case of communication failure) Logging and display of events and alarms Decentralized archive (DEAR) for the avoidance of data loss during communication fault Loadable firmware Storage of application data and firmware on SD card Monitoring and simulation of process signals Product Overview Type Designation CP-8000 Master module with I/O CP-8021 Master module CP-8022 Master module with GPRS CPC80 Firmware Central Processing and Communication SWEB00 Firmware SICAM WEB Sicam_first_s tartup Initialization tool for the detection of devices and IP address allocation SD card Memory card for parameters and firmware Note In a system of the SICAM A8000 series only 1 Master Module may be used. 40 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Overview 2.1.3 Protocol Elements A protocol element serves for the exchange of data - and thus for the transmission of messages - via a communication interface to other automation units or process control systems. The hardware for the protocol elements is integrated on the Master Module, and their functionality is provided by means of loadable and parameter-settable firmwares. Via the communication interfaces the Master Module is able to communicate with an arbitrary superior or subordinate automation unit in multi-point, point-to-point or dial-up traffic (with the aid of an external transmission facility), or via LAN/WAN. Supported Protocols CP-8000/CP-802x supports the following protocols and interfaces. Type Designation Interface Standard protocols 103MT0 IEC 60870-5-103 Master RS-232, RS-485 BPPT0 IEC 60870-5-101 point-to-point RS-232, RS-422 DIAST0 Dial-up traffic Slave RS-232 ET83 IEC 61850 Ed. 1 (Client, Server, GOOSE) LAN ET84 IEC 60870-5-104 LAN ET85 IEC 61850 Ed. 2 (Client, Server, GOOSE), Ed. 1 (Client) LAN UMPMT0 IEC 60870-5-101 Master RS-232, RS-485 UMPST0 IEC 60870-5-101 Slave RS-232, RS-485 Third-party protocols AGPMT0 AGP coupling Master RS-232, RS-485 BMCUT0 Benning MCU ASCII protocol RS-232, RS-422 COUMT0 IEC 62056-21 (IEC 1107) Master RS-232, RS-485 DNPST0 DNP3 Slave RS-232, RS-485 DNPMT0 DNP3 Master RS-232, RS-485 DNPiT1 DNP3 TCP/IP Slave LAN DNPiT2 DNP3 TCP/IP Master LAN MODST0 MODBUS RTU Slave RS-232, RS-485 MODMT2 MODBUS RTU Master RS-232, RS-485 PCBST0 SAT SK 1703 PCMBA Slave RS-232, RS-485 RP5UT1 ABB RP570/571 Slave RS-232, RS-485 SMST0 ASCII protocol for SMS alerting RS-232 ST1ST0 Siemens SINAUT-ST1 Slave RS-232, RS-485 TG8ST0 L&G Telegyr 800 Slave RS-232, RS-485 Additional information on interfacing to third-party systems and further protocols is available on request. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 41 System Overview 2.1.4 I/O Master Module The virtual I/O Master Module serves for the acquisition or output of process signals and performs the process-compliant adaptation, monitoring and processing of the process signals at each point of entrance or exit of the system. Its functionality is provided by means of a loadable and parameter-settable firmware. Features * Support of I/O Modules CP-8000: 2 internal and up to 6 external I/O Modules (maximal 116 I/Os) CP-802x: up to 8 external I/O Modules (maximal 128 I/Os) * Acquisition and preprocessing of process data according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 with and without time tag Transmission of process information to the telecontrol function (for further distribution) and to the open-/closed-loop control function (for further processing) - Single-point and double-point information items - Count pulses - Measured values * Postprocessing and output of process data according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 Reception of process information from the telecontrol function and from the open-/closedloop control function - Single-point information items - Single-point and double-point commands - Setpoint commands Transmission of system information (example: diagnosis data) Reception of system information (example: parameters) * * * * * Test functions for process signals Secured data exchange with the I/O Modules Supervision of the I/O Modules and failure handling Status for process signals via display (CP-8000 only) Error display via LED Product Overview 42 Type Designation USIO80 Firmware Universal Signal Input and Output for the connection of SICAM TM I/O Modules (only with CP-8000) USIO81 Firmware Universal Signal Input and Output for the connection of SICAM I/O Modules Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Overview 2.1.5 I/O Modules The I/O Modules support the I/O Master Module with the input and output of process data. The I/O Modules communicate with the Master Module via an internal bus. This bus transports data of different classes: * Spontaneous data for the spontaneous telecontrol function including communication Process information and system information that is transmitted acknowledged between the Master Module and the I/O Modules within the acquisition and output grid * Periodical data for the function package Automation Is transmitted between the Master Module and the I/O Modules in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function Features * Acquisition of process signals and preprocessing by means of hardware Binary inputs Analog inputs (currents, voltages, temperatures) * Output of process signals and postprocessing by means of hardware Binary outputs Analog outputs (currents and voltages) Types and Field of Operation CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 System-internal I/O Modules 2 - - External SICAM A8000 I/O Modules max. 6 1) max. 8 max. 8 External SICAM TM I/O Modules max. 6 2) - - 1) connectable via coupling module CM-8811 2) connectable via coupling module CM-6811 Internal I/O Modules Internal I/O Modules are available only with CP-8000. They are fixed integrated. Product Overview Type Designation DI-8100 Binary input 12x DC 24 to 60 V, 1 ms DO-8203 Binary output relays 8x DC 24 to 220 V / AC 230 V SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 43 System Overview External SICAM I/O Modules The external SICAM I/O Modules can be used with all products of the SICAM A8000 series: * * With CP-8000, up to 6 external SICAM I/O Modules can be used With CP-8021 and CP-8022, up to 8 external SICAM I/O Modules can be used Note SICAM A8 00 0 X4 SICAM A8000 SICAM A8 00 0 DI-8110 AI-8320 CM-8820 With CP-8000 the coupling module CM-8811 is required. X3 X2 X2 RY X2 X1 X1 X1 SICAM I/O Modules (type overview) Product Overview Type Designation Max. power DI-8110 Binary input 2x8 DC 24 V 130 mW DI-8111 Binary input 2x8 DC 48/60 V 130 mW DI-8112 Binary input 2x8 DC 110 V 130 mW DI-8113 Binary input 2x8 DC 220 V 130 mW DO-8212 Binary output relays 8x DC 24 to 220 V / AC 230 V 800 mW AI-8310 Analog input 2x2 Pt100/Pt1000 500 mW AI-8320 Analog input 4x 20 mA/10 V 180 mW AI-8510 Analog input 3x V (230 V), 3x I (LoPo) 800 mW AI-8511 Analog input 3x V (LoPo), 3x I (LoPo) 800 mW AO-8380 Analog output 4x 20 mA/10 V 2200 mW Coupling module for SICAM I/O Modules - Bus connector for SICAM I/O Modules - Current transformer adapter for AI-8510 (1 A/5 A) - CM-8811 CM-8812 CM-8820 *) 44 *) supplied with each I/O Module Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Overview External SICAM TM I/O Modules The external SICAM TM I/O Modules can be used only with CP-8000. Up to 6 external SICAM TM I/O Modules can be used. Thereby, also a 2-line arrangement is possible with TM I/O Modules extension cable CM-6810. Note With CP-8000 the coupling module CM-6811 is required. SICAM TM I/O Modules (type overview) Product Overview Type Designation Max. power DI-6100 Binary input 2x8 DC 24 to 60 V 170 mW DI-6101 Binary input 2x8 DC 110/220 V 170 mW DI-6102 Binary input 2x8 DC 24 to 60 V, 1 ms 170 mW DI-6103 Binary input 2x8 DC 110/220 V, 1 ms 170 mW DI-6104 Binary input 2x8 DC 220 V 170 mW DO-6200 Binary output transistor 2x8 DC 24 to 60 V 600 mW DO-6212 Binary output relays 8x DC 24 to 220 V / AC 230 V 800 mW DO-6220 Checked command out basic module 560 mW DO-6221 Checked command out basic module measurement 1380 mW DO-6230 Checked command output relay module 130 mW AI-6300 Analog input 2x2 20 mA/10 V 480 mW AI-6307 Analog input 2x2 2.5 mA/5 mA/10 V 480 mW AI-6308 Analog input 2x2 1 mA/2 mA/10 V 480 mW AI-6310 Analog input 2x2 Pt100/Ni100 480 mW AO-6380 Analog output 4x 20 mA/10 mA/10 V 1900 mW TE-6430 Counter input 2x DC 24 to 60 V 600 mW CM-6811 Coupling module for SICAM TM I/O Modules SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 45 System Overview Configuration Rules for I/O Modules With use of external I/O Modules please pay attention to the following rules. General * * The total power of all modules must not exceed the available power of the power supply module The total power of the external I/O Modules must not exceed the following values: CP-8000: 5 W CP-802x: 7 W (PS-862x), 8 W (PS-864x) (when using the fiberoptical interface CM-0847, 1 W is less available) * * * * I/O Modules with a power consumption >800 mW must be mounted as of the first slot Maximal 2 AO modules possible, with 2-line arrangement only in the first line permitted Mixing of current and voltage on the same AI module is not possible Mixing of binary information and pulse commands on the same DO module is not possible, except with usage of the categories DO_SX and DO_DX (for details refer to manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5101/104, chapter "Binary Information and Command Output" Mixing of signals on one module DO-820x or DO-821x: Mixing of DO_SX, DO_DX, DO_SC_1.5POL and DO_DC_1.5POL possible Mixing of DO_SC_1POL and DO_DC_1POL possible Mixing of DO_SC_2POL and DO_DC_2POL possible Mixing of DO_SX and/or DO_DX with DO_SC_1POL and/or DO_DC_1POL not possible * With use of AI-8510 (with current measurement), for each module a CM-8820 must be equipped; the modules CM-8820 must be always equipped at the end of a module line or at a separate line Option "Assignment of Return Information to Pulse Command" * * With the parameter-settable assignment the sequence of DI modules and DO modules is arbitrary With the fixed assignment respectively after a DI-811x (DI-610x) a DO-821x (DO-62xx) must be equipped For further details refer to section, Command Output. Option "Checked Command Output" (applies for CP-8000 with SICAM TM I/O Modules) * Only 1 command output basic module may be connected, alternatively DO-6220, command output according to IC1 DO-6221, command output according to RC1 * * * * The command output via DO-6220 or DO-6221 without a DO-6230 is not possible Up to 7 command output relay modules DO-6230 may be connected The command output via DO-6230 without a DO-6220 or DO-6221 is not possible On a DO-6230 either 1-, or 1.5- or 2-pole impulse commands can be assigned (mixture on the same module is not permitted) Additionally, further DO module types can be used * For further details refer to section, Command Output. 46 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Overview 2.2 Communication 2.2.1 Interfaces For a multitude of communication possibilities CP-8000/CP-802x provides the following interfaces: * 2 Ethernet TCP/IP interfaces LAN/WAN (X1 and X4) both Ethernet interfaces have optionally one common IP address or two independent IP addresses (2 separate MAC addresses * * 1 serial interface according to standard RS-232 (X2) 1 serial interface according to standard RS-485 (X3) CP-8022 provides moreover * * 1 serial interface configurable for standard RS-232 or RS-485 (X6) 1 GPRS antenna connection for integrated GPRS modem (X7) All interfaces can be operated simultaneously. CP-8000 X2: RS-232 X3: RS-485 Main menu 1.0 Device information Configuration Monitoring Alarms X1: RJ45 Ethernet POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 ESC SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 X4: RJ45 Ethernet CP-8021 CP-8022 X1: RJ45 Ethernet X1: RJ45 Ethernet X4: RJ45 Ethernet X4: RJ45 Ethernet X2: RS-232 X2: RS-232 X7: GPRS X3: RS-485 X3: RS-485 X6: RS-485/ RS-232 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 47 System Overview The protocols are available via the respective interfaces at the Master Module. X1, X4 X2 X1, X4 X2 CPC80 SNMP X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 X7 CPC80 SysLog client X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 X7 CPC80 NTP/SNTP X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 X7 CPC80 RADIUS X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 X7 103MT0 IEC 60870-5-103 Master X2 X3 BPPT0 IEC 60870-5-101 point-topoint X2 DIAST0 Dial-up traffic Slave X2 ET83 IEC 61850 Ed. 1 (Client, Server, GOOSE) 1) X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 ET84 IEC 60870-5-104 2) X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 ET85 IEC 61850 Ed. 2 (Client, Server, GOOSE), Ed. 1 (Client) X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 UMPMT0 IEC 60870-5-101 Master UMPST0 IEC 60870-5-101 Slave GPRS RS-232 RS-485 LAN RS-485 X1, X4 X2 LAN RS-232 CP-8022 Remote operation LAN RS-485 CP-8021 CPC80 Firmware Protocol name RS-232 CP-8000 Integrated standard protocols X7 Equipable standard protocols X2 X3 3) X2 X2, X6 X3, X6 3) X2, X6 X2 3) X2, X6 X7 X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 Equipable third-party protocols AGPMT0 AGP interfacing Master X2 X3 BMCUT0 Benning MCU ASCII protocol X2 COUMT0 IEC 62056-21 (IEC 1107) Master X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 DNPST0 DNP3 Slave X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 DNPMT0 DNP3 Master X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 DNPiT1 DNP3 TCP/IP Slave X1, X4 DNPiT2 DNP3 TCP/IP Master X1, X4 MODST0 MODBUS RTU Slave 3) X2 X2, X6 X3, X6 3) X1, X4 X2, X6 3), X6 X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 MODMT2 MODBUS RTU Master X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 PCBST0 SAT SK 1703 PCMBA Slave X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 RP5UT1 ABB RP570/571 Slave X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 SMST0 ASCII protocol for SMS alerting X2 X2 X2, X6 ST1ST0 Siemens SINAUT-ST1 Slave X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 TG8ST0 L&G Telegyr 800 Slave X2 X3 X2 X3 X2, X6 X3, X6 1) 48 X2 X3 only if Server Ed. 1 is required, else is ET85 to be used 2) GPRS communication possible via X1, X4 and external GPRS modem 3) X3 in RS-422 mode Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Overview 2.2.2 Configuration Examples Switch/Router etc. Interface to control center IEC 60870-5-104, Ethernet (10/100 Mbps) Modem ESC IEC 60870-5-101, balanced (RS-485) Interface to central station: IEC 60870-5-101, unbalanced (RS-232) Switch/Router etc. further SICAM A8000 or any other local IED possible Interface to control center IEC 60870-5-104, Ethernet (10/100 Mbps) Interface to remote devices: GPRS Interface to local devices: IEC 60870-5-103, Modbus (RS-485) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 IEC 60870-5-101, balanced (RS-485) Further SICAM A8000 or any other local IED possible Unrestricted 49 System Overview 2.2.3 Transmission Facilities CP-8000/CP-802x supports the following transmission facilities. Connection Transmission facility Multi-point traffic Point-to-point traffic CE-0700 V.23 Leased line modem (serial) Protocol CE-0701 VFT Channel modem 1) PCBST0, RP5UT1, ST1ST0, TG8ST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0 PCBST0, RP5UT1, ST1ST0, TG8ST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0 CM-0819 converter RS-232/RS-485 (galvanically insulated) 103MT0, DNPST0, MODMT2, ST1ST0, TG8ST0, UMPMT0 CM-0821 field bus interface ring (3x FO, 1x electrical) 103MT0, DNPST0, MODMT2, MODST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0 CM-0822 field bus interface star (4x FO) 103MT0, MODMT2, MODST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0 CM-0823 field bus interface ring (3x FO, 1x RS-485) 103MT0, MODMT2, MODST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0 CM-0829 converter RS-232/RS-422;-485 MODST0, PCBST0, RP5UT1 CM-0847 (CM-0827) fiberoptical interface (electrical-FO) 2) 103MT0, DNPST0, MODMT2, MODST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0 Westermo TD-23 (analog) 3) UMPMT0, UMPST0 SATELLINE 2ASxE PCBST0, ST1ST0, TG8ST0, UMPMT0 TP Radio WDM 8000 UMPST0 Radio digital PCBST0, ST1ST0, TG8ST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0 Radio analog PCBST0, ST1ST0, TG8ST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0, Direct connection RS-232 103MT0, BPPT0, DNPMT0, DNPST0, MODMT2, MODST0, PCBST0, RP5UT1, ST1ST0, TG8ST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0, Direct connection RS-485 DNPMT0, DNPST0, MODMT2, ST1ST0, UMPMT0, UMPST0 Dial-up traffic Westermo TD-36 / TDW-33 (analog) DIAST0 (serial) Westermo IDW-90 (ISDN) DIAST0 Westermo GDW-11 (GSM) DIAST0 Cinterion MC52iT (dualband GSM) 4) DIAST0 SMS MC Technologies MC55iw Terminal SMST0 GPRS integrated GPRS modem (CP-8022) ET84 Siemens SCALANCE M874-2 ET84 Siemens MD741-1 4) ET84 Dr. Neuhaus Tainy EMOD-V2-IO Dr. Neuhaus Tainy EMOD-L1-IO Welotech TK701G / TK704G Ethernet 1) 50 1) ET84 5) ET84 ET84 ET84, ET85 supply 5 V via modem cable for CE-070x 2) supply 5 V via RS-232 interface (in case of CP-8022 as of production level CC) 3) provides RS-232 and RS-485 interface 4) transmission of SMS possible 5) without IPsec VPN tunnel Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Overview 2.3 Firmware Structure and Data Flow The basis for CP-8000/CP-802x is a modular, open, and thus non-technology-dependent system architecture for processing, communication, and peripherals (single-processor system, firmware). The adaptation to the specific needs of the application is accomplished by relying on an individual hardware configuration and by loading standard firmware and parameters. The parameters influence, within their defined limits, not only the behavior of the firmware functions, but also that of the hardware functions. As a result, mechanical parameterizations such as the changing of jumpers or loads are no longer necessary on any of the module types. This permits not only online reconfiguration but also the gapless documentation of set parameters by the engineering system, as well as simplified inventory management. Due to the different requirements in terms of functionality, also different data flow concepts are produced: * Telecontrol For telecontrol tasks and the distribution of user data in networked plants, the use of spontaneous transmission proves advantageous for optimizing the utilization of the in many cases limited communication bandwidth. This helps avoid constant burdening of the data sinks with unnecessary data. * Automation For the implementation of a freely definable open-/closed-loop control function a deterministic guaranteed reaction time is needed. This is achieved by using the consistently periodic concept with regard to data acquisition, execution of functions, and data transfer, regardless of the number of changing signals. As interface to the process serve the integrated I/O Modules. The input/output and processing of the process signals is performed by means of the I/O Master Module. Internal Data Flow Protocol Element Communication interfaces Master Module System Services Telecontrol I/O Master Module Preprocessing / postprocessing Acquisition / output Open-/closed loop control function PROCESS Communication Automation spontaneous data SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 periodical data I/O bus Unrestricted 51 System Overview 2.4 Engineering Engineering, diagnosis and test of CP-8000/CP-802x takes place alternatively via * * * 2.4.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II (as of Version 6.01) SICAM WEB SICAM Device Manager SICAM TOOLBOX II The integrated engineering system SICAM TOOLBOX II comprises all stages of plant configuration and maintenance, this means data collection, configuring, parameter setting, expanding, changing, testing, system diagnosis, and documentation. The introduction of object orientation allows project engineers to describe real units and pieces of equipment in the configuration process (circuit breakers, feeders, etc.). Project engineers can take advantage of these structural advantages especially in cases where systems are constituted of a plurality of primary units and pieces of equipment of equal type (for example a transformer substation). This yields enormous streamlining effects for the engineering process. The SICAM TOOLBOX II stores all information in one central database. Once a piece of information has been entered, it will immediately and always be available in its latest updated form to all tools of the SICAM TOOLBOX II and to all people working on a project. This reaches from stand-alone terminal solutions all the way to complex network solutions. In networks, several engineers may work on one or more projects at the same time. Whether on a standalone terminal or in a network, always the same SICAM TOOLBOX II is used. Implementation of Application Programs When configuring via the SICAM TOOLBOX II, application programs (open-/closed-loop control function) can be created as function diagram (FUD) with the tool CAEx plus. Optionally, also an existing instruction list can be imported into the SICAM TOOLBOX II. In view of its conformity with IEC 61131-3, CAEx plus grants the user access to a wellestablished and generally acknowledged standard. This helps shorten staff training times considerably. By means of the available standard-conformal module libraries and standard-conformal data types, the engineering becomes more transparent and is possible with high application quality. 52 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Overview 2.4.2 SICAM WEB for Simple Applications A top priority was also a simplified engineering possibility. For the configuration, diagnosis and testing, CP-8000/CP-802x provides an integrated web server that is operated with a standard web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer(R) as of Version 9). By means of that, no special tools or additional licenses are needed. When configuring via web browser, there are some restrictions in the engineering options. You can find more details thereto in the following section. Implementation of Application Programs Simple application programs can be created with an ASCII text editor as instruction list (IL), based on the standard IEC 61131-3. Via the web browser, the instruction list can be uploaded into the automation unit for execution. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 53 System Overview 2.4.3 Differences with the Engineering Tools SICAM TOOLBOX II SICAM WEB License required u - Interfacing * Directly via RS-232 * Remotely via Toolbox cable and further SICAM RTUs automation units * Via Ethernet * Directly via RS-232 * Via Ethernet Addressing Via region, component Via IP address Engineering mode Offline, subsequently transform parameters and load into target system Online in the target system Remote maintenance u - HW configuration I/O Modules must be configured in the OPM II after configuring the I/O Master Module I/O Modules will be "learnt" automatically after configuration of the I/O Master Module and restart Process-technical parameterization * Images can be created for the instancing of object types * Bulk edit for the values of the images possible * Process signals are configured individually per hardware I/O * No automatic protocol parameterization Application program Based on IEC 61131-3, with restrictions (memory) * Function chart via CAEx plus * Instruction list Based on IEC 61131-3, with restrictions (memory) * Instruction list Test functions for Telecontrol * Data flow test * Topology test * I/O test I/O test (with restrictions) Test of application program * Online test * Offline simulation Online test (with restrictions) Diagnosis u With restrictions Sum diagnosis information u Via instruction list Via SNMP traps Extras Program Sicam_first_startup (find all CP-8000/CP-802x devices in a network and preset IP addresses) 54 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 3 Function Packages Contents 3.1 System Services............................................................................................. 56 3.2 Telecontrol ..................................................................................................... 63 3.3 Automation ..................................................................................................... 68 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 55 Function Packages 3.1 System Services The function package System Services provides general functions and basic services that are required by other function packages. It contains * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3.1.1 IPSec VPN Security Logging Communication with the engineering system Integrated webserver Data flow control Addressing Real-time concept General interrogation Monitoring functions Failure management Diagnostics and signaling Autonomy Storage of application data Storage of firmware IPSec VPN IPSec VPN (Internet Protocol Security - Virtual Private Network) is an extension of the Internet Protocol (IP) for encryption and authentication mechanisms. IPSec VPN actively establishes a VPN tunnel (initiator), which guarantees the required confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of data transmission in IP networks. The termination of the IPSec VPN tunnel takes place in a router. CP-8000/CP-802x supports one IPSec VPN tunnel. Thus, it is e.g. possible, to completely secure the IEC 60870-104 communication between CP-8000/CP-802x and a higher-level control center, even if the connection is running over a public network. CP-8000/CP-802x uses the IKE protocol (Internet Key Exchange) and the PSK authentification process (Pre-Shared Key). The used pre-shared key can be set by means of the engineering tool (e.g. SICAM TOOLBOX II) and is securely stored in SICAM TOOLBOX II and also in CP-8000/CP-802x. 3.1.2 Security Logging CP-8000/CP-802x provides a security logbook which acquires security-relevant events and transmits it by means of a SysLog client to a SysLog server. One automation unit can operate several SysLog clients (up to 20). 56 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages 3.1.3 Communication with the Engineering System (SICAM TOOLBOX II) For the communication between the SICAM TOOLBOX II and CP-8000/CP-802x exist different variants: * Physical connection Locally by means of a direct cable (RS-232 interface) Remotely - Serial communication link via modems (RS-232 or RS-485 interface) - Ethernet connection (TCP/IP) and Terminal Server (RS-232 interface) - Ethernet connection (TCP/IP) * Logical connection of the SICAM TOOLBOX II with that automation unit, that is the subject of the engineering task: Local automation unit (that is that one, to which the physical connection exists, regardless in which of the previously mentioned forms) Remote automation unit (automation unit that can be reached via the local automation unit; consistent remote communication according to IEC 60870-5-101 or -104 is required) Except for first-time initialization processes, all tasks are possible in each of the variants listed above: * * * * 3.1.4 Parameter setting Diagnostics Test Load firmware, load parameters Simplified Engineering via SICAM WEB For simple engineering tasks a webserver resides on the Master Module. The webserver provides the menus for the engineering and maintenance designed as websites. The engineering takes place online via the Microsoft Internet Explorer (R). The following functions are supported: * * * * * * * Configuration of I/O Master Module and protocol elements System-technical parameter-setting Diagnosis Event list, alarm list Process display, process simulation Load backup file, save backup file Application program handling (IL) Configuration Load code Diagnosis Online test SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 57 Function Packages 3.1.5 Data Flow Control The data flow control is that system function which coordinates the communication of messages within the automation unit. This function supports: * * Messages with Process Information Messages with System Information For the tracking of messages within an automation unit the following test functions are available: * * Data Flow Test Message Simulation Messages with Process Information IEC 60870-5 distinguishes between the following classes of messages. The type identification of each message provides information about the class to which a message belongs and with which methods it is to be distributed: * Messages with process information in monitor direction binary information, measured values, integrated totals and bit patterns * Messages with process information in control direction commands, setpoint values and bit patterns The distribution of messages with process information takes place by way of routing (telecontrol function) or assignment (open/closed-loop control function) based on the message address and type identification in the message. Messages with process information, that are to be transmitted to other automation units via protocol elements, are distributed with the help of the function Automatic Data Flow Routing. For messages with process information that are to reach sinks within the automation unit (I/O Modules, open-/closed-loop control function) the routing information or as-signments are automatically derived from parameters (datapoint address). Predominantly used are message formats according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 in the public range with the exception of user data containers. Therefore, for their part the messages are compatible and interoperable with many other manufacturers. Messages with process information have a 5-stage message address. Message addresses must be parameterized at the sources (I/O Modules, open-/closed-loop control function). 58 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages 3.1.6 Addressing Addressing of Automation Units Each device CP-8000/CP-802x forms an automation unit and is addressed with * * Region number (0...249) Component number (0...255) Within a system-technical plant, the automation unit must be uniquely addressed, which makes the maximum size of a system-technical plant 64000 automation units. Addressing of Process Information Addressing and the structure of the process information to be passed on by CP-8000/CP-802x are consistent with the IEC 60870-5-101/104 standard. Therefore, the information is in turn compatible and interoperable with many other vendors. In the automation network, each data point is addressed by means of CASDU 1.........Common address of ASDU, octet 1 CASDU 2.........Common address of ASDU, octet 2 IOA 1...............Information object address, octet 1 IOA 2...............Information object address, octet 2 IOA 3...............Information object address, octet 3 TI....................Type identification 3.1.7 Time Management Clock Generally, CP-8000/CP-802x supports automatical time tagging for all data. On the Master Module resides the central clock of the automation unit. Time tagging takes place automatically at each point in the system where spontaneous data originates. Data is transferred priority-controlled, in standard protocols with 7 octet date and time with resolution of 1 ms. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 59 Function Packages Time Setting and Synchronization For time setting and synchronization, the following possibilities are available: * * Time setting and synchronization via serial communication Time setting and synchronization via LAN/WAN (NTP) NTP/SNTP Client Up to 4 different NTP servers can be parameterized for the time setting. The time for the synchronization is determined via a defined algorithm from the received times of the NTP servers. Integrated NTP Server With the integrated NTP server time can be provided to further devices via LAN communication lines. 3.1.8 General Interrogation During startup and after errors in the system (communication errors, FIFO overflow events), the automation units involved ensure that operations are resumed automatically in a coordinated manner. This means that the communication connection is established and all data concerned as well as relevant system information are transferred from their source all the way to their sink, in order to update the process images throughout the system (taking a multi-hierarchical network into account). This is done by prompting a general interrogation of the respective portion of the automation network where the error has occurred. 3.1.9 Monitoring Functions Monitoring of an automation unit * * * * * Functionality of the processor and of the memories (periodical test of the program, data, and parameter memories, as well as watchdog function) Internal communication capability (periodical internal test messages with monitoring function) Data integrity (internally secured data transmission with parity, plausibility check at the internal interfaces, identification of data of failing modules) Information loss due to a buffer overflow Correctness of internal workflow sequences Monitoring of system environment * * * Plausibility of process states Plausibility of process sequences Availability of process circuits Monitoring of communication * * 60 Functionality (periodical call messages with monitoring function, monitoring of transmission quality) Data integrity (secured transmission, identification through failure of data concerned) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages 3.1.10 Failure Management The failure management system concept implemented in CP-8000/CP-802x ensures the individual identification of data of failing system components and the correct system and process behavior in disturbance events. For this purpose, the failure management function includes * * * a system function for failure detection (for instance for modules, communication) derived therefrom a system signaling in the form of status information in spontaneous messages and in the form of special data points for the open-/closed loop control function a parameter-settable behavior of I/O Master Modules with output function. This way, the state for each process information is available at all data sinks (peripheral outputs, open-/closed-loop control function, process control system), and it is possible - depending on the requirement and functionality - to elicit an appropriate counterreaction therefrom. 3.1.11 Diagnostics and Signaling The diagnostics function manages the system states and error information detected by the various functions and their watchdogs. It permits the indication of the internal system and error information, and of the process states by means of the engineering tool. System and error states are filed in tables as current and saved information. This information can be displayed in detail locally and from remote locations. The saved information can be acknowledged and can therefore be updated again. For the sake of better clarity, these tables are divided into various classes. The internal I/O Modules supply the detected system and error states together with additional information (for instance cause of error, originator description). A sum information about the detailed errors is transmitted via the communication to the closest automation units, where it is managed. Important detailed and sum information is indicated by means of LEDs, process states via the display at the front panel. 3.1.12 Storage of Application Data With engineering via the SICAM TOOLBOX II, application data are stored in a data base on the engineering PC. From there they can be loaded into a target system, or else be written on a suitable SD card. With engineering via the web browser, application data are written directly on the SD card in the target system. The application data of a project created via the web browser can be saved in a file on the engineering PC. With the aid of the program Sicam_first_startup this data can be written on a suitable SD card (for instance for the duplication of a project). After putting a written SD card into a target system, the target system transfers changed or added data into its main memory during a subsequent startup. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 61 Function Packages 3.1.13 Storage of Firmware Current firmware revisions for CP-8000/CP-802x can be loaded as binary files * * online into a target system with an equipped SD card offline through storage on a suitable SD card In both cases, the target system unpackes the corresponding files and stores the firmwares in the main memory during startup. 3.1.14 Autonomy This system concept ensures that, if central parts succumb to a failure, as much of the functionality as possible will remain intact. CP-8000/CP-802x is capable of functioning autonomously - this means, it will continue carrying out its defined local function even where the entire communication is disturbed. In such events, the system invariably ensures that the failure is detected and signaled. Based thereon, a functional behavior may be defined, if necessary, that is adapted to the disturbance event at hand. 62 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages 3.2 Telecontrol The function package Telecontrol includes the following functions: * Communication with other stations via selectable protocols Protocol elements Automatic or selective data flow routing Data storage Priority control Monitoring of the communication links upon failure * * * * * * Communication within the Automation Unit Protocol element control and return information Archiving of events (DEAR) Process data archive Test functions Process data input and output Note The listed functions are described in detail in the document SICAM SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements. 3.2.1 Communication with other Stations Protocol Elements The communication function controls the transmission of messages via protocol elements to other automation units or control systems. A protocol element is based on hardware integrated in the Master Module for serial or LAN/WAN communication, and supports protocols according to IEC 60870-5-101/103/104, as well as various protocols for the communication with third-party systems. Communication in Transmit Direction * * The messages to be transmitted are learned through the automatic data flow routing and stored in the data storage The transfer of the messages from the data storage to the protocol elements takes place via a priority control in order to optimally utilize the transmission route Communication in Receive Direction * * Messages with process information are distributed to all functions within the automation unit Messages with system information are either processed directly (example: station interrogation) or distributed further based on their destination address (CASDU) (example: messages for remote maintenance) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 63 Function Packages Automatic or Selective Data Flow Routing For the data flow routing, a routing of individual process information items is not necessary. Simply only the direction (monitor direction, control direction, both directions) in which the messages are to be transmitted must be parameterized. The type identification of each message provides information about the class (refer to Messages with Process Information) to which a message belongs and with which methods it is to be distributed: * Messages with process information in monitor direction For simple applications, the messages can be distributed via an entry in the topology For more complex applications, the messages can be distributed selectively by means of data flow filters For each communication interface, pass-through filters or blocking filters can be set; since wildcards can also be used for all address attributes of the message, it is possible to control the data flow very specifically with simple means * Messages with process information in control direction The messages are distributed to the destinations determined by their CASDU over interfaces that are defined in the topology; the CASDU is interpreted as destination address Data Storage The messages that are intended for transmission over communication interfaces, are in principle stored chronologically in rings. There is a process image both before and after a ring. The arrangement, consisting of one ring and two process images, is called a priority channel (priority channels for transparent data do not have any process images). Depending on the data communication mode of the protocol element over which the communication is processed, priority channels are provided for every priority of the messages to be transmitted and for every station that can be reached via the protocol element: * Data communication mode "multi-point" (e.g. multi-point traffic, LAN ) One priority channel for every transmission priority, for every station and for every protocol element * Data communication mode "single-point" One priority channel for every transmission priority and for every protocol element With regard to the data that they transport, priority channels are distinguished as follows: * * * * * * * 64 Time synchronization System information Process information in control direction Process information in monitor direction priority HIGH with class 1 data Process information in monitor direction priority MEDIUM with class 2 data Process information in monitor direction priority LOW with class 2 data Transparent information Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages Functions for priority channels: * * * * State compression for measured values (can be set using parameters) for the reduction of the flood of messages, that can continuously generate fluctuating measured values Behavior with a priority channel overload Behavior during a communication failure (transmit direction) Monitoring of the dwell time (parameter-settable) of messages with process information in control direction Messages that are stored too long in the priority channel are discarded * * * Answering of station interrogations Behavior during failure of I/O Master Modules, communication interfaces etc. Blocking (series of information elements) Priority Control The priority controller has the task of selecting messages recorded in the data memories independently and individually for each interface and station, and to direct the transmission of the messages via the protocol elements in accordance with their priority. This ensures that with simultaneous existence of several active information items, the higher-priority, highly important information is transmitted first. The prioritization does not however represent an absolute priority status, but rather a measure for dividing up the channel capacity. This ensures that even with continuously available higher-priority data, those of lower priority can also be transmitted. 3.2.2 Communication within the Automation Unit Within the automation unit, the function package Telecontrol communicates with the function package Automation via its Telecontrol Interface. 3.2.3 Protocol Element Control and Return Information This function is used for the user-specific influencing of the functions of the protocol elements. The main application lies with protocol elements with multi-point data communication mode and especially for dial-up traffic configurations. This function contains two separate independent parts: * Protocol element control Test if stations are reachable Suppression of errors with intentionally switched-off stations * Protocol element return information Cost control of telephone charges Cost-efficient utilization of the telephone line (for instance command initiation only if a connection has already been established) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 65 Function Packages 3.2.4 Decentralized Archive In case of a communication fault, occurring events can be recorded in a decentralized archive. After elimination of the fault the superior control system can demand the archive of the respective target system. By means of this function, a possible data loss will be prevented . * * Reconstruction of all process-relevant data during a communication fault Transmission of the archive to the control system Automatic initiation by the control system File transfer acc. to IEC 60870-5-101, section 7.4.11 * Data saving Datapoint-specific parameter-settable Number of files, memory size parameter-settable Spontaneous for binary information items and integrated totals Definable cycle for measured values Non-volatile on flash card * Configuration acc. to IEC 60870-5-101/104 (point-to-point, multi-point traffic, dial-up traffic, Ethernet), also multi-hierarchical configurations possible Also multi-hierarchical configurations are possible Reading of the archive via SICAM TOOLBOX II possible Front-end: SICAM AK3, optionally redundant Supported by SICAM 230 (also third-party control system possible) Update of the archive in the control system Own status marking Automatic subsequent billing of - Counter differencies - Secondary values - Mean values and extreme values * * * * 3.2.5 Process Data Archive Binary information states, measured values and integrated totals can be recorded in a process data archive. This archive comprises up to 5.000.000 records over a maximal period of 3 months. 66 * Data saving Datapoint-specific parameter-settable Spontaneous for binary information items and integrated totals Definable cycle for measured values Non-volatile on flash card * Reading of the archive via SICAM WEB by means of file download possible Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages 3.2.6 Test Functions via SICAM WEB The test functions provide a status display with the actual process values at each optional I/O Module. Additionally, process data outputs can be changed manually 3.2.7 Process Data Input and Output The process data input and output comprises * * Acquisition and preprocessing of the process data from the process image of the I/O Modules Generation and spontaneous transfer of messages with process information to the communication for further processing therein included are time information (resolution 1 ms) processed input signals - change-monitored conditioned values - change-monitored derived information * * Spontaneous reception of messages with process information from the communication Postprocessing and forwarding of the process data for the output via I/O Modules SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 67 Function Packages 3.3 Automation The function package Automation contains the following functions: * Telecontrol interface Reception of messages with process information Handling of commands according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 Change management and generation of messages with time tag * Open-/closed-loop control function Test functions * Process data input and output 3.3.1 Telecontrol Interface Transfer of Messages with Process Information Reception of messages with process information and transfer to the open-/closed-loop control function for the purpose of further processing. Messages with process information in monitor direction: * * * * Single-point information, double-point information, step position information Measured values Integrated totals Bitstring of 32 bit Messages with process information in control direction: * * * Single commands, double commands, regulating step commands Setpoint commands Bitstring of 32 bit Treatment for Commands According to IEC 60870-101/104 The treatment for commands serves for the check of the spontaneous information objects to be processed with the help of the open-/closed loop control function and transmission of the confirmation for: * * * Pulse commands (single commands, double commands, regulating step commands) Setpoint values (setpoint command) Bitstring of 32 bit The data transfer of the spontaneous information objects to the open-/closed-loop control function for further processing is dependent on the result of the checks. 68 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages The activation of the element or function to be controlled is the task of the open-/closed-loop control function. For the proper operation of this function, information is required by the open-/closed-loop control function (e.g. from an interlocking logic) for the choice of a posi-tive or negative confirmation. The treatment for commands can be activated individually for each command via a parameter. The treatment for pulse command comprises the following processing functions: * Prepare command output procedure Formal check Retry suppression 1 out of n check Direct command or Select and execute command Control location check Command locking * Initiate command output procedure Command to application program * Monitor pulse duration (only pulse commands) Command output time Return information monitoring * Terminate command output procedure Change Monitoring and Generation of Messages with Time Tag For the generation of messages with process information, the signals in the output process images that are assigned to an element of a spontaneous information object, are monitored for change. The change monitoring takes place in the grid of the cycle time of the open-/closed-loop control function, in which the signal is assigned to a spontaneous information object. On a change of the state in a corresponding element of the spontaneous information object, the generation of the message is initiated. If a spontaneous information object has been activated for transmission due to a change, a message with process information is generated. The time tag corresponds either cyclesynchronous with the current time (resolution corresponds with the cycle time) or the time information from an assigned spontaneous information object. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 69 Function Packages 3.3.2 Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function The open-/closed-loop control function is used for the management of automation tasks with the help of a freely programmable application program. The creation of the application program is carried out by the SICAM TOOLBOX II with the tool CAEx plus predominantly in function diagram technology according to IEC 61131-3. Alternatively, the application program can be created as instruction list with an ASCII editor. The application program processes process information (so-called signals) from the connected I/O Modules and/or from other system elements in the automation network of the specific process-technical plant. Process images form the interface of the application program to the outside world. It is distinguished between input process images and output process images. The exchange of the process information can take place in two ways: * * Transmission of periodical information objects from and to the I/O Master Module (process data input and output) Transmission of spontaneous information objects from and to functions within the automation unit, other automation units or control systems via the telecontrol interface Non-Volatile Storage Variables, signals (input process images for spontaneous information objects) and function blocks can be saved non-volatile. That means, that after a power failure these variables and signals are immediately available again with their values before the power failure. Task Management The open-/closed-loop control function manages the application program in a periodically running task. Coordination of the Sequences of a Task * * * * * Periodical start in the selected cycle Programmable single-run upon change of a signal from the communication or from the I/O Modules (no hardware interrupt) Input handling Program processing Output handling Cycle Time * * 70 Within the cycle time, the application programs must process the input handling and the output handling The cycle time can be set in the application program Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages Watchdog Timer This function monitors the proper sequence of the task within its set cycle time. If the task is not finished with its input handling, program processing and its output handling within this time, the next cycle for this task is omitted and a time-out is signaled. With serious time-outs, for example due to a malfunction, the reliability of the application program becomes questionable. A time scale can be defined for such cases, the exceeding of which leads to an error message and a controlled shutdown of parts or the entire application program as well as all I/O Master Modules connected. Loading Application Program The initial loading of an application program is always associated with a startup. Fundamentally however, the fault-free operation and consequently the availability of every control or controller depends on the quality of the program - in other words the measure of how free they are of formal and logical errors. The loading of error-burdened changes can always lead to interruptions to operation. Test Functions The entire functionality of the test functions applies to * * the engineering tool ("CAEx plus Online Test" of the SICAM TOOLBOX II or SICAM WEB) the online test function of the open-/closed-loop control function of the automation unit While in the engineering tool all functions of the user interface can be found, the open-/closedloop control function provides functions for the execution of the operator inputs. If for example a value is to be displayed, the selection of the value and its display takes place in the engineering tool. For this purpose, the open-/closed-loop control function is given the task of reading out the selected value and transmit it to the user interface. In the following, those functions are listed that the test function of the open-/closed-loop control function provides. Display and Setting of Variables and Signals * * Display of variables and signals Single setting of variables (single forcing) The value of a variable can change again at any time after setting, due to the function of the program ("CAEx plus Online Test") The value of a variable remains maintained until the test mode is active (SICAM WEB) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 71 Function Packages Blocking and Enabling of Messages with Process Information and Periodical Information The copy operation of messages with process information and periodical information can be blocked and enabled: * * in the input-side process images in the output-side process images This can take place with the following granularity: * * * * Per message All messages Per periodical information I/O Master Module Changing the Execution Status of the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function * * Halt and continue program Perform cold start or warm start of the program Test Means The available test means are: (a) Halting of the execution due to a trigger condition (breakpoint) (b) Execution of the task in cycle steps The function (a) is not supported by SICAM WEB. For the function (a) a trigger condition is defined in the tool "CAEx plus Online Test". A trigger conditions consists of up to 4 conditions. The conditions of a trigger condition are combined equal-ranking with AND or OR. A condition compares a variable with a constant value to be specified: Variable of the Type Condition <operator> BOOL variable <operator> value INT or REAL variable <operator> value = < <> = <> > The function "halting the execution due to a trigger condition" halts the task, if the trigger condition is satisfied. The trigger condition is evaluated at the end of the task. Display Statistic Information The following information on the application program is made available: * * * * * * Parameterized cycle time Current run time Maximum run time Number of time-outs that the system has registered Used memory space Compiler errors During the course of the interrogation, the current run time and the number of time-outs can be optionally reset (does not apply for SICAM WEB). 72 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Function Packages 3.3.3 Process Data Input and Output The peripheral functions comprise the process signal input and output. * * Acquisition and preprocessing of the process data from the process image of the I/O Modules Periodical transfer of the process information to the open-/closed-loop control function therein included are Processed input signals as not change-monitored conditioned values Processed input signals as change-monitored conditioned values For processing, operations-relevant error information of the processed input signals (for instance "measured value faulty") * Periodical reception of the process information from the open-/closed-loop control function therein included are Derived information items Processing results Operations-relevant error information (for instance "command output fault") * Postprocessing and forwarding of the process data for the output via I/O Modules SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 73 Function Packages 74 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 4 Ambient Conditions Contents 4.1 Protection Type .............................................................................................. 76 4.2 Mechanical Ambient Conditions ...................................................................... 77 4.3 Climatic Ambient Conditions ........................................................................... 78 4.4 Electromagnetic Compatibility ......................................................................... 79 Note The following data applies for CP-8000/CP-802x without external SICAM TM I/O Modules. If CP-8000/CP-802x is expanded with external SICAM TM I/O Modules, the corresponding data of the SICAM TM system apply. Refer to SICAM TM System Datasheet, MC6-007-2. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 75 Ambient Conditions 4.1 Protection Type Operational equipment Protection type acc. to IEC 60529 Protection class acc. to IEC 61140 CP-8000 * Front: IP 40 * Other housing sides: IP 20 (incl. terminals) Class II Protection through double or reinforced insulation * Front: IP 40 * Other housing sides: IP 20 (incl. terminals) Class II * Front: IP 40 * Other housing sides: IP 20 (incl. terminals) Class II Protection through double or reinforced insulation CP-8021 CP-8022 PS-8620 PS-8622 PS-8640 Protection through double or reinforced insulation PS-8642 SICAM I/O Modules SICAM TM I/O Modules 76 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Ambient Conditions 4.2 Mechanical Ambient Conditions Parameter Value Test standard Product standard Class Amplitude of the excursion 1...9 Hz 3.0 mm IEC 60068-2-6 IEC 60870-2-2 Bm Acceleration 9...200 Hz 10 m/s Acceleration 200...500 Hz 15 m/s Amplitude 10...60 Hz 0.075 mm IEC 60068-2-6 IEC 60255-21-1 2 Acceleration 60...150 Hz 1g Harmonic Shock Acceleration; 11 ms duration (functional capability) 100 m/s IEC 60068-2-27 IEC 60870-2-2 Bm Acceleration; 11 ms duration (resistivity) 15 g IEC 60068-2-27 IEC 60255-21-2 1 10 g IEC 60068-2-27 IEC 60255-21-2 1 7.5 mm IEC 60068-3-3 IEC 60255-21-3 2 Continuous shock Acceleration; 16 ms duration Seismic harmonic Amplitude 1...8 Hz (horizontal) Amplitude 1...8 Hz (vertical) Acceleration 8...35 Hz (horizontal) Acceleration 8...35 Hz (vertical) 3.5 mm 2g 1g The listed values cover or exceed the required seismic loading according to IEC 60870-2-2 Cl.S3 and IEC 60255-21-3 Cl.1. The values apply in operation and for storage. The permitted mechanical stresses during transport depend on the transport packaging. The device packaging is not a transport packaging. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 77 Ambient Conditions 4.3 Climatic Ambient Conditions Parameter Value 1) Test standard Product standard Class Minimum air temperature (cold) -25C/96 h -40C/96 h 2) IEC 60068-2-1 Ad IEC 60870-2-2 C2/C3 IEC 60654-1 C2/C3 Maximum air temperature (dry heat) 70C/96 h 10% rH IEC 60068-2-2 Bd IEC 60870-2-2 C3 IEC 60654-1 C3 Cyclic damp heat 25/40C/120 h 95% rH IEC 60068-2-30 Temperature gradient 30C/h IEC 60870-2-2 C2 IEC 60654-1 C2 IEC 60870-2-2 C1 IEC 60654-1 C1 IEC 60870-2-2 C2 IEC 60654-1 C2 IEC 60870-2-2 C2 IEC 60654-1 C2 Relative air humidity Absolute air humidity Air pressure 5...95% 35 g/m3 70...106 kPa (up to 3000 m) Temperature with storage and transport -30...+85C Pollution degree 2 IEC 61010-1 1) applies for CP-8000 (6MF21010AB100AA0) 2) applies for CP-8000 (6MF21011AB100AA0), CP-8021, CP-8022, SICAM I/O Modules SICAM TM I/O modules are tested partially against deviating values. You will find the details in the SICAM TM System Datasheet. The listed values apply for the use in open-air cabinets for bay devices. The products can be exposed to sun and heat. They can be exposed as well to air flow caused by draught in buildings, e.g. by open windows or influences of technical processes. Bedewing is possible for a short time, e.g. during the course of maintenance tasks (not in operation). Condensation, precipitations, water and icing are not permitted in operation. Heating and cooling is used to maintain the necessary conditions, especially in case of great differences between indoor and outdoor climate. The conditions of this class normally occur in living and working areas, as well as in production rooms for electronic and electrotechnical products, telecontrol rooms, storage rooms for valuable and sensible devices. Note CP-8000: With cold temperatures the display becomes more sluggish and the legibility may be restricted (at -25C the reaction time is 5 s). 78 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Ambient Conditions 4.4 Electromagnetic Compatibility 4.4.1 System Properties Parameter Value Test standard Product standard Class Discharge of static electricity (ESD) 8 kV-A 6 kV-C IEC 61000-4-2 IEC 60870-2-1 Electromagnetic fields 10 V/m 80 MHz...1 GHz 3 V/m 1...6 GHz IEC 61000-4-3 50 Hz magnetic fields 100 A/m (cont.) 1000 A/m (3 s) IEC 61000-4-8 Pulse-shaped magnetic fields 1000 A/m IEC 61000-4-9 Radio interference voltage approx. peak value 79 dBV (0.15...0.5 MHz) 73 dBV (0.5...30 MHz) CISPR22 Radio interference voltage mean value 66 dBV (0.15...0.5 MHz) 60 dBV (0.5...30 MHz) CISPR22 Radio interference field strength (10 m) approx. peak value 40 dBV/m (30...230 MHz) 47 dBV/m (0.23...2 GHz) CISPR22 3 IEC 60255-26 IEC 60870-2-1 3 IEC 60255-26 IEC 60870-2-1 4 IEC 60870-2-1 A CISPR22 A IEC 60870-2-1 A CISPR22 A IEC 60870-2-1 A CISPR22 A The characteristics required according to the standards IEC 61000-6-2 and IEC 61000-6-4 are covered by the listed values. Warning This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 79 Ambient Conditions 4.4.2 Power Supply Parameter Value Test standard Product standard Class Dielectrical test (50 Hz) U DC 70 V/AC 33 V 3.0 kVeff 60 s IEC 61010-1 IEC 61010-1 Dielectrical test (50 Hz) DC 70 V/AC 33 V U DC 286 V/AC 253 V 3.0 kVeff 60 s VW3 IEC 61010-1 IEC 61010-1 3.8 kVeff 5 s VW3 (220 VDC+30%/230 VAC+10%) Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s common 5.0 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 VW3 Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s normal 5.0 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 VW3 Voltage tolerance DC +30/-25% IEC 60870-2-1 DC3 IEC 60654-2 DC4 IEC 60870-2-1 AC2 IEC 60654-2 AC3 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Voltage tolerance AC +10/-15% Starting current Klasse S1 IEC 60870-4 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kVs 5 kHz IEC 61000-4-4 Fast transient burst (fast repitition) 4.0 kVp 100 kHz IEC 61000-4-4 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kV IEEE C37.90.1 Fast transient burst transverse 4.0 kV IEEE C37.90.1 Surge 1.2/50 s 4.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 4 4.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 >4 Induced HF voltage 10 V 0.15...80 MHz 80% AM 1 kHz IEC 61000-4-6 IEC 60870-2-1 3 Voltage dips, short-time interruption and voltage fluctuations on AC input connections Einbruche: (U N) 20% 5s 30% 20ms 30% 500ms 40% 200ms 60% 200ms 60% 1s 70% 500ms Unterbrechungen: (UN) 100% 10ms 100% 20ms 100% 50ms 100% 100ms 100% 1s 100% 5s Schwankungen: (U N) 8% 5s IEC 61000-4-11 IEC 60870-2-1 Frequency fluctuations AC 10% IEC 61000-4-11 IEC 60870-2-1 >F3 Ring waves 100 kHz common 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 3 common Surge 1.2/50 s normal 80 Unrestricted IEC 61850-3 Ed.2 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Ambient Conditions Parameter Value Test standard Product standard Class Ring waves 100 kHz normal 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 >3 Conducted common mode disturbances common 30...3 V 15 Hz...150 kHz 30 V 16/50/60 Hz 60 s 300 V 16/50/60 Hz 1 s IEC 61000-4-16 Voltage ripple DC 10% U N IEC 61000-4-17 IEC 60870-2-1 >VR3 Damped oscillotory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Damped oscillotory waves 1 MHz normal 2.5 kVp IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 60870-2-1 >4 Damped oscillotory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 Damped oscillotory waves 1 MHz transverse 2.5 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 Voltage dips, short-time interruption and voltage fluctuations on DC input connections Dikps: (Un) 30% 100ms 30% 500ms 60% 100ms 60% 500ms Interruptions: (Un) 100% 10ms 100% 50ms 100% 100ms 100% 500ms 100% 5s IEC 61000-4-29 *) IEC60870-2-1 IEC 61850-3 Ed.2 for interruptions/fluctuations > 50 ms applies criterion B: restart of the device allowed (CP-8000: > 100 ms) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 81 Ambient Conditions 4.4.3 Digital I/Os Parameter Value Test standard Product standard Class Dielectrical test (50 Hz) U DC 70 V/AC 33 V 3.0 kVeff 60 s IEC 61010-1 IEC 61010-1 Dielectrical test (50 Hz) DC 70 V/AC 33 V U DC 286 V/AC 253 V 3.0 kVeff 60 s VW3 IEC 61010-1 IEC 61010-1 3.8 kVeff 5 s VW3 (220 VDC+30%/230 VAC+10%) Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s common 5.0 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 VW3 Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s normal 5.0 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 VW3 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kVp 5 kHz IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Fast transient burst (fast repitition) 4.0 kVp 100 kHz IEC 61000-4-4 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 Fast transient burst transverse 4.0 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 Surge 1.2/50s 4.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 4 4.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 >4 Conducted disturbances (induced HF) 10 V 0.15...80 MHz 80% AM 1 kHz IEC 61000-4-6 IEC 60870-2-1 3 Ring waves 100 kHz common 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Ring waves 100 kHz normal 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Conducted common mode disturbances (induced HF) 30...3 V 15 Hz...150 kHz 30 V 16/50/60 Hz 60 s 300 V 16/50/60 Hz 1 s IEC 61000-4-16 Damped oscillotory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Damped oscillotory waves 1 MHz normal 2.5 kVp IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 60870-2-1 >4 Damped oscillotory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 Damped oscillotory waves 1 MHz transverse 2.5 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 common Surge 1.2/50s normal 82 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Ambient Conditions 4.4.4 Analog I/Os Parameter Value Test standard Product standard Class Dielectrical test (50 Hz) U DC 70 V/AC 33 V 1.6 kVeff 60 s IEC 61010-1 IEC 61010-1 Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s common 2.5 kVp Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s normal 1.8 kVeff 5 s IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 2.5 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kVp 5 kHz IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 60870-2-1 3 Fast transient burst (fast repetition) 4.0 kVp 100 kHz IEC 61000-4-4 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 Surge 1.2/50s 2.0 kVp 1) IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 4 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Conducted disturbances (induced HF) 10 V 0.15...80 MHz 80% AM 1 kHz IEC 61000-4-6 Ring waves 100 kHz common 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Ring waves 100 kHz normal 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Conducted common mode disturbances common 30...3 V 2) 15 Hz...150 kHz 30 V 3) 16/50/60 Hz 60 s 300 V 4) 16/50/60 Hz 1 s IEC 61000-4-16 Damped oscillatory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Damped oscillatory waves 1 MHz normal 1.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Damped oscillatory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 common Surge 1.2/50s normal 1) AO-8380: tested with 4.0 kVp 2) AI-8310: tested with 10...1 V 3) AI-8310: tested with 10 V 4) AI-8310: tested with 100 V SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 83 Ambient Conditions 4.4.5 Communication with Insulation: RS-485/RS-232 Parameter Value Test standard Product standard Class Dielectrical test (50 Hz) U DC 70 V/AC 33 V 1.5 kVeff 60 s IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s common 2.5 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s normal 2.5 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kVp 5 kHz *) IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 60870-2-1 3 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 Fast transient burst 4.0 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 3 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 3 Conducted disturbances (induced HF) 10 V 0.15...80 MHz 80% AM 1 kHz IEC 61000-4-6 IEC 60870-2-1 3 Ring waves 100 kHz common 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Ring waves 100 kHz normal 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Conducted common mode disturbances common 30...3 V 15 Hz...150 kHz 30 V 16/50/60 Hz 60 s 300 V 16/50/60 Hz 1 s IEC 61000-4-16 IEC 61850-3 Ed.2 Damped oscillatory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 60870-2-1 Damped oscillatory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 normal Surge 1.2/50s common Surge 1.2/50s normal *) 4 CP-8000: tested with 2.0 kVp The listed values are valid for shielded cables. 4.4.6 Communication without Insulation: RS-232 The communication via RS-232 is designed only for distances 2.5 m. Therefore this interface does not need to show an immunity. The immunity and the galvanic insulation is assumed by the external data communications equipment. You can find the electrical ambient conditions of data transmission equipment in the related data sheets. 84 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Ambient Conditions 4.4.7 Communication with Insulation: LAN Parameter Value Test standard Product stand. Class Dielectrical test (50 Hz) U DC 70 V/AC 33 V 1.5 kVeff 60 s IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s common 2.5 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 Impulse voltage 1.2/50 s normal 2.5 kVp IEC 60255-27 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2 Fast transient burst common 4.0 kVp 5 kHz *) IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 60870-2-1 3 Fast transient burst 4.0 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 3 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 3 Conducted disturbances (induced HF) 10 V 0.15...80 MHz 80% AM 1 kHz IEC 61000-4-6 IEC 61850-3 Ring waves 100 kHz common 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Ring waves 100 kHz normal 2.0 kVp IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 4 Conducted common mode disturbances common 30...3 V 15 Hz...150 kHz 30 V 16/50/60 Hz 60 s 300 V 16/50/60 Hz 1 s IEC 61000-4-16 IEC 61850-3 Ed.2 Damped oscillatory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEC 61000-4-18 IEC 60870-2-1 Damped oscillatory waves 1 MHz common 2.5 kVp IEEE C37.90.1 normal Surge 1.2/50s common Surge 1.2/50s normal *) 4 CP-8000: tested with 2.0 kVp The listed values are valid for shielded cat.5 cables with a length of up to 100 m. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 85 Ambient Conditions 4.4.8 Storage and Transport Storage Store the device in dry and clean rooms. The relative humidity must not lead to the formation of either condensation water or ice. For storage Siemens recommends that you maintain a limited temperature range of between +10C and +35C, in order to prevent premature ageing of the electrolytic capacitors used. For a longer storage period Siemens also recommends connecting the device to the supply voltage once a year for 1 to 2 days, in order to form the electrolytic capacitors used. You should proceed likewise before a planned use of the device. Transport The transport packaging of the devices can be re-used for forwarding. If other packaging is used the observance of the transport requirements according to ISO 2248 must be ensured. Storage packaging of the individual devices is not adequate for transport. 86 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 5 System Components and Technical Data Contents 5.1 Power Consumption Total System .................................................................. 88 5.2 Mechanical Design ......................................................................................... 89 5.3 Power Supply Modules ................................................................................... 90 5.4 Master Modules .............................................................................................. 93 5.5 Protocol Elements .......................................................................................... 98 5.6 Integrated Protocol SNMP ............................................................................ 141 5.7 I/O Master Module and I/O Modules ............................................................. 142 5.8 MTBF Values of the SICAM A8000 Modules................................................. 164 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 87 System Components and Technical Data 5.1 Power Consumption Total System 5.1.1 Master Module without External Consumers Designation Article number Power consumption CP-8000 Master Module with I/O -25 to +70C 6MF21010AB100AA0 4.3 W *) CP-8000 Master Module with I/O -40 to +70C 6MF21011AB100AA0 4.3 W *) CP-8021 Master Module 6MF28021AA00 1.6 W CP-8022 Master Module with GPRS 6MF28022AA00 BB 6MF28022AA00 CC 12 W 6W *) 5.1.2 inclusive internal periphery Master Module with External Consumers If a Master Module is expanded with external consumers (modem, I/O Modules) then you have to add their power consumption to that of the Master Module. With the power supply modules (with CP-8000 internal), it must be considered that due to the efficiency factor (typical 80%; sub-zero temperature 77%) the power consumption values of the external consumers must be corrected. Example: External consumer DO-8212 0.8 W Addition based on PS efficiency factor 0.2 W Power consumption for DO-8212 1.0 W This results in following power consumption: Power consumption CP-8000 4.3 W Power consumption for DO-8212 1.0 W Power consumption for system 5.3 W Note For the power consumption values of the external I/O Modules please refer to the sections, External SICAM I/O Modules and, External SICAM TM I/O Modules. For the values of the used modems see the documentation of the respective modem. 88 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.2 Mechanical Design CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 Structure System for mounting on 35 mm DIN rail System for mounting on 35 mm DIN rail System for mounting on 35 mm DIN rail Dimension (HxWxD) 124 x 128 x 123 mm 132 x 30 x 142 mm 132 x 30 x 142 mm Weight ca. 800 g ca. 210 g ca. 260 g Connection system for peripheral signals and power supply Removeable screw terminals, wire cross section up to 2.5 mm (applies for wires with realization rigid/multiwire/fine-wire with conductor end sleeve) - - Ethernet/LAN Communication via 2x RJ45 socket connector 8-pole, for connecting cat.5 cable 2x RJ45 socket connector 8-pole, for connecting cat.5 cable 2x RJ45 socket connector 8-pole, for connecting cat.5 cable X1, X4 X1, X4 X1, X4 D-SUB 9-pole, male, with additional supply output for external transmission facility 1x RJ45 socket 8-pole, with supply output for external transmission facility 1x RJ45 socket 8-pole, with supply output for external transmission facility X2 X2 X2 1x removable push-in terminal 8-pole Mechanics Connections Communication via RS-232 X6 1) Communication via RS-485 (RS-422) 1x removable screw terminal 6-pole 1x removable push-in terminal 8-pole 2x removable push-in terminal 8-pole X3 X3 X3, X6 1) Peripheral bus 5-pole connector for SICAM I/O coupling module or SICAM TM I/O coupling module 18-pole connector for bus connector 18-pole connector for bus connector Communication via GPRS 2) 2) SMA connector X7 1) interface can be used optionally for RS-232 or RS-485 communication 2) ext. GPRS modem/router with Ethernet/LAN interface SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 89 System Components and Technical Data 5.3 Power Supply Modules 5.3.1 CP-8000 (integrated) Technical Data Voltage input +15%/-25% *) +30%/-25% **) *) caused by the connection between input voltage and AUXV0 the input voltage must be < DC 70 V **) the reliable function of the power supply is guaranteed up to DC 78 V Input voltage DC 24...60 V Input power 34 W Protection type Double insulation Rated impulse voltage 4 kV Voltage outputs Output voltage 1 (internal) DC 5.2 V 3% Output voltage 2 (internal) DC 12 V +30/-5% Output voltage 3 (external) DC 5.2 V 1) 3% Output voltage for contact wetting Equals input voltage Output power 1 2.5 W Output power 2 3W Output power 3 5W Guaranteed interruption time 100 ms 3x each 100 mA 2) Mechanics Connections 90 Removable screw terminals for direct conductor assembly cross-section up to 2.5 mm 1) not short-circuit proof and not overload proof 2) protective mechanism is a self resetting fuse (PTC) statistical values: operation voltage: DC 60 V max. switching capacity: < 40 A ohmic resistance: < 5 permanent floating current after activation of the fuse: < 1.3 A Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.3.2 PS-8620, PS-8622 External power supply modules for * * CP-8021 CP-8022 (as of production level CC) Technical Data Voltage input (voltage is provided via terminals) PS-8620 Input voltage DC 24...60 V PS-8622 DC 110...220 V 1)) DC 82.5...253 V (286 V 1)) Operating voltage DC 18...70 V (78 V Input current 0.8 A at DC 24 V 0.16 A at DC 110 V 0.4 A at DC 48 V 0.08 A at DC 220 V 0.3 A at DC 60 V Reverse voltage protection Yes Overload protection Yes Short-circuit protection Yes Can be connected in parallel Yes (for redundancy, not for power enhancement) Inrush peak current Specified acc. to IEC 60870-4 (90) class S1 1) Voltage outputs Output nominal voltage 1 DC 5.15 V 2% static, 3% dynamic Output nominal current 1 0...1.8 A Output nominal voltage 2 DC 28 V 10%static, 3% dynamic Output nominal current 2 0...0.43 A Output power 1 (Pout 1) 9W Output power 2 (Pout 2) 12 W - Pout 1 (12 W if Pout 1 = 0 W) Total output power 12 W Guaranteed interruption time 50 ms Startup time <2s Permanent short-circuit proof Yes 2) Mechanics Connections Removable screw terminals, 4-pole (grid size 5.08) wire cross sections up to 2.5 mm Dimension (LxWxH) 124 x 30 x 132 mm (measure without DIN rail) Weight Approx. 240 g (incl. bus module 12 g) 1) as of production level CC 2) for the generation of the auxiliary voltage for specific transmission facilities SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 91 System Components and Technical Data 5.3.3 PS-8640, PS-8642 External power supply modules for CP-8021 and CP-8022. Technical Data Voltage input (voltage is provided via terminals) PS-8640 PS-8642 Input voltage DC 24...60 V DC 100...240 V AC 100...240 V Operating voltage DC 18...78 V DC 82.5...286 V AC 85...264 V (45...66 Hz) Input current 3.05 A at DC 18 V 0.68 A at DC 82,5 V 0.66 A at AC 85 V 2.20 A at DC 24 V 0.55 A at DC 100 V 0.56 A at AC 100 V 0.90 A at DC 60 V 0.24 A at DC 240 V 0.26 A at AC 240 V 0.67 A at DC 78 V 0.20 A at DC 286 V 0.25 A at AC 264 V 55 W at DC 18 V 55.5 W at DC 82,5 V 55.2 W at AC 85 V 52.9 W at DC 48 V 55.1 W at DC 220 V 55.0 W at AC 100 V 52.5 W at DC 78 V 55.3 W at DC 286 V 54.8 W at AC 264 V Power consumption Reverse voltage protection Yes Overload protection Yes Short-circuit protection Yes Can be connected in parallel Yes (for redundancy, not for power enhancement) Inrush peak current Specified acc. to IEC 60870-4 (90) class S1 Voltage outputs Output nominal voltage 1 DC 5.15 V 2% static, 3% dynamic Output nominal current 1 0...2 A Output nominal voltage 2 DC 28 V 10%static, 3% dynamic Output nominal current 2 0...1.79 A Output nominal voltage 3 DC 24 V +0%/-15% 2) Output nominal current 3 0.42 A Output power 1 (Pout 1) 10 W Output power 2 (Pout 2) 45 W - Pout 1 - PAUX (45 W if Pout 1/AUX = 0 W) Output power 3 (P AUX) 10 W (30 W peak) 2) Total output power 45 W Guaranteed interruption time 50 ms Startup time <2s Permanent short-circuit proof Yes 1) 2) Mechanics 92 Connections Removable screw terminals, 4-pole (grid size 5.08) wire cross sections up to 2.5 mm Dimension (LxWxH) 124 x 30 x 132 mm (measure without DIN rail) Weight Approx. 400 g (inkl. bus module 12 g) 1) for the generation of the auxiliary voltage for specific transmission facilities 2) applies only for PS-8642 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.4 Master Modules 5.4.1 CP-8000 Technical Data Processor and memory Processor Blackfin BF536 Clock pulse frequency Core clock System clock Accuracy clock pulse 3.5 ppm (-40C to +80C), 2 ppm (0C to 40C) Internal real time clock and external synchronization * Buffered maintenance-free (72 h) * Automatical daylight-saving time/normal time change * (S)NTP time server Free run accuracy 12.6 ms/h Program memory Flash-PROM 16 MB (parallel connected) Main memory SDRAM 32 MB Local non-volatile memory FRAM 8 KB Changeable non-volatile memory SD card up to 2 GB Max. number of data points 20000 (sum of process images over all 4 interfaces) Memory for application program 128 KB, thereof 4 KB temporary memory for variables Number of variables for application program 512 variables possible, thereof 256 bytes non-volatile (variables: BOOL = 1 bit, DINT = 4 bytes, REAL = 4 bytes) Program sampling * Cyclical 10...2000 ms (settable raster 1 ms) * Spontaneous (settable; run not based on interrupt) Acquisition grid digital I/O 10 ms Decentralized archive Recording raster for measured values 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 min, settable approx. 400 MHz approx. 133 MHz Max. message length of a segment 1...200 bytes, settable Memory configuration, settable 10 files of 1000 records each (= 10000 records) 20 files of 500 records each (= 10000 records) 50 files of 400 records each (= 20000 records) 80 files of 450 records each (= 36000 records) 100 files of 100 records each (= 10000 records) 100 files of 25 records each (= 2500 records) 200 files of 50 records each (= 10000 records) 200 files of 25 records each (= 5000 records) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 93 System Components and Technical Data Communication * * * * * * * * * Ethernet acc. to IEEE 802.3 (10Base-T or 100Base-TX) Galvanically insulated Transmission rate 10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s Half duplex or full duplex Auto-MDI(X) Time synchronization via NTP server Sub station function Line length 0...100 m Rated impulse voltage 2 kV 1 serial interface (X2) * * * * * Unbalanced interchange circuit RS-232, V.24/V.28 Galvanically not insulated ESD protection Transmission rate up to 115.2 kbit/s (depending on protocol) Line length up to 2.5 m 1 serial interface (X3) * * * * 2 Ethernet/LAN interfaces (X1, X4) Balanced interchange circuit RS-422/RS-485 Galvanically insulated ESD protection Configuration 4-wire/2-wire with/without terminating resistor (parameter-settable) * Transmission rate up to 115.2 kbit/s (depending on protocol) * Rated impulse voltage 2 kV Power supply Power supply DC 5.2 V 1.5 W Internal operating voltages Logic LCD DC 3.3 /2.5/1.2 V DC 12 V Optional power supply for external modem via X2 *) * De-energized (for modem reset) * DC 5.2 V 5% 2.5 W * DC 12 V 5% 2.5 W Connections/mechanics Ethernet/LAN (X1, X4) RJ45 socket connector 8-pole (IEC 60603-7) Serial RS-232 (X2) Connection D-SUB 9-pole, male (DIN 41652) Serial RS-485 (X3) Screw terminal 6-pole with shield interception Ethernet/LAN (X4) RJ45 socket connector 8-pole (IEC 603.7) Dimension (LxWxH) 124 x 128 x 123 mm (measure without DIN rail) Weight Approx. 800 g *) 94 only for specific transmission facilities Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.4.2 CP-8021 and CP-8022 Technical Data Processor and memory Processor Blackfin BF536 Clock pulse frequency Core clock System clock Accuracy clock pulse 3.5 ppm (-40C to +80C), 2 ppm (0C to 40C) Internal real time clock and external synchronization * Buffered maintenance-free (72 h) * Automatical daylight-saving time/normal time change * (S)NTP time server Free run accuracy 12.6 ms/h Program memory Flash-PROM 16 MB Main memory SDRAM 32 MB Local non-volatile memory FRAM 8 KB Changeable non-volatile memory * SD card up to 2 GB * SIM card standard (mini SIM) for GPRS communication approx. 400 MHz approx. 133 MHz 1) Max. number of data points 20000 (sum of process images over all 4 interfaces) Memory for application program 128 KB, thereof 4 KB temporary memory for variables Number of variables for application program 512 variables possible, thereof 256 bytes non-volatile (variables: BOOL = 1 bit, DINT = 4 bytes, REAL = 4 bytes) Program sampling * Cyclical 10...2000 ms (settable raster 1 ms) * Spontaneous (settable; run not based on interrupt) Acquisition grid digital I/O 10 ms Decentralized archive Recording raster for measured values 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 min, settable Max. message length of a segment 1...200 bytes, settable Memory configuration, settable 10 files of 1000 records each (= 10000 records) 20 files of 500 records each (= 10000 records) 50 files of 400 records each (= 20000 records) 80 files of 450 records each (= 36000 records) 100 files of 100 records each (= 10000 records) 100 files of 25 records each (= 2500 records) 200 files of 50 records each (= 10000 records) 200 files of 25 records each (= 5000 records) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 95 System Components and Technical Data Communication * * * * * * * * Ethernet acc. to IEEE 802.3 (10Base-T or 100Base-TX) Galvanically insulated Transmission rate 10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s Half duplex or full duplex Auto-MDI(X) Time synchronization via NTP server Line length 0...100 m Rated impulse voltage 2 kV 1 serial interface (X2) * * * * * * Unbalanced interchange circuit RS-232, V.24/V.28 Galvanically not insulated ESD protection Transmission rate up to 115.2 kbit/s (depending on protocol) Time synchronization Line length up to 2.5 m 1 serial interface (X3) * * * * 2 Ethernet/LAN interfaces (X1, X4) 1 serial interface (X6) Balanced interchange circuit RS-422/RS-485 Galvanically insulated ESD protection Configuration 4-wire/2-wire with/without terminating resistor (parameter-settable) * Transmission rate up to 115.2 kbit/s (depending on protocol) * Rated impulse voltage 2 kV 1) RS-232 Mode: * Unbalanced interchange circuit RS-232, V.28 * Galvanically insulated * ESD protection * Transmission rate up to 115.2 kbit/s (depending on protocol)Rated impulse voltage 2 kV * Line length up to 2.5 m RS-485 Mode: * Balanced interchange circuit RS-422/RS-485 * Galvanically insulated * ESD protection * Configuration 4-wire/2-wire with/without terminating resistor (parameter-settable) * Transmission rate up to 115.2 kbit/s (depending on protocol) * Rated impulse voltage 2 kV 1 radio interface (X7) 1) GPRS * * * * * * Quad band EGSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GPRS multislot class 10 2) Coding scheme CS 1-4 Uplink up to 80 kbit/s (HW rev. BB: 60 kbit/s) Downlink up to 40 kbit/s (Hw rev. BB: 20 kbit/s) Maximum transmitted RF power: - 2 W (33 dBm) for GSM 850 and GSM 900 - 1 W (30 dBm) for GSM 1800 and GSM 1900 * Permitted antenna gain: - GSM 850 MHz 6 dBi - GSM 900 MHz 6 dBi - GSM 1800 MHz 2.25 dBi - GSM 1900 MHz 2.25 dBi * ESD protection * Licensing RED 2014/53/EU 96 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data Power supply Operating voltage Input DC 5 V: DC 4.75...5.5 V 1.5 W Input DC 28 V: DC 25.2...30.8 V 3.5 W (CP-8021) 5.5 W (CP-8022) Internal operating voltages Logic Optional power supply for external modem via X2 3) (CP-8021; CP-8022 with deactivated internal GPRS modem 4)) * De-energized (for reset of modem) * DC 5.2 V 5% 2.5 W * DC 12 V 5% 2.5 W DC 3.3 /2.5/1.2 V Optional power supply for external modem via X2 3) (CP-8022 with activated internal GPRS modem) * De-energized (for reset of modem) * DC 5.2 V 5% 0.75 W Connections/mechanics Ethernet/LAN (X1, X4) RJ45 socket 8-pole (IEC 60603-7) Serial RS-232 (X2) RJ45 socket 8-pole (IEC 60603-7) Serial RS-485 (X3) Push-in terminal 8-pole (without interception) max. wire cross section: 1.5 mm2 serial RS-232/RS-485 (X6) GPRS (X7) 1) 1) Push-in terminal 8-pole (without interception) max. wire cross section: 1.5 mm2 SMA connector Dimension (LxWxH) 132 x 30 x 142 mm (measure without DIN rail) Weight Approx. 210 g (CP-8021), ca. 260 g (CP-8022) 1) only CP-8022 2) for CP-8022 with production level BB applies class 4 3) only for specific transmission facilities 4) as of production level CC SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 97 System Components and Technical Data 5.5 Protocol Elements Note The hardware of the protocol elements is integrated on the Master Module. The relevant technical data are described there. 5.5.1 UMPMT0, UMPST0 Functions Communication of a central station with one or several substations in multi-point traffic. Central Station * * Serial communication protocol according IEC60870-5-101 UMPT0 is central station Unbalanced transmission Master Network configuration - Multipoint-partyline - Multipoint-star - Max. connections: 100 System or device (application function) - Controlling station 98 * Physical layer / data flow control Unbalanced interchange circuit accordingV.24/V.28 standard Transmission medium (half duplex) Byte Frame (8E1) Data flow control Bit in receive direction Data flow control Bit supervision * * Interoperability according to IEC 60870-5-101 Ed.1 Interoperability according to the following document: SICAM RTUs Interoperability IEC 60870-5-101/104 (DC0-013-2) * Data acquisition by polling (station interrogation) Continuous Interrogation of a Remote Terminal Unit Station failure delay * * * Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Clock synchronization according IEC 60870-5-101 Clock synchronization with <TI:=103> clock synchronization command Acquisition of transmission delay (primary station) used for correction of clock synchronization (with request status of link = proprietary) * Command transmission Demand Set control location Check control location Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data * * * Transmission of integrated totals File transfer Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities (modems) Predefined optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Free definable parameters for transmission facility 5 V power supply for external modem ATTENTION: check power consumption of external modem! * * * * Standby transmission line over the public telephone network (PSTN) Data transmission using time slot radio Co-ordination of several masters Data transmission in relay operation mode (multi-point traffic with routing) Main and Standby Transmission Line * Protocol element control and return information Protocol element control messages - Send (general) interrogation command to all - Send (general) interrogation command to selective CASDU - Set control location - Data filter in transmit direction "ON/OFF" - Data filter in receive direction "ON/OFF" - "Activate/Deactivate" interface - "Activate/Deactivate" interface + protocol functions - Add / Remove station to station polling - Call cycle START / STOP / CONTINUE - Continuous call station x ON / OFF - Main/ Standby transmission line ACTIVE Protocol element return information - Station failure - Station status - Status DTR (1 = state line active) - Status DSR (1 = state line active) - Protocol-specific return information 0-3, 6, 7, 8-11 * * Remote maintenance with SICAM TOOLBOX II via serial connection Special functions Summer time bit (SU) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (summer time bit in time tag) Day of week (DOW) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (day of week time tag) Originator address = 0 for all messages in transmit direction * Transparent Mode (Tunneling) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 99 System Components and Technical Data Substation * * Serial communication protocol according to IEC60870-5-101 UMPST0 is substation Unbalanced transmission Slave Network configuration - Multipoint-partyline - Multipoint-star - Max. connections: 1 System or device (application function) - Controlled station * * * * * * * * * * Physical layer / data flow control Unbalanced interchange circuit according to V.24/V.28 standard Transmission medium (half duplex) Byte Frame (8E1) Interoperability according to IEC 60870-5-101 Ed.1 Interoperability according to the following document: SICAM RTUs Interoperability IEC 60870-5-101/104 (DC0-013-2) Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Non Interruptible GI Send GI-data as class 1 data Convert general interrogation command in receive direction to Broadcast Clock synchronization according to IEC 60870-5-101 Clock synchronization with <TI:=103> clock synchronization command Acquisition of transmission delay (secondary station) used for correction of clock synchronization with <TI:=106> Correction of clock synchronization (via parameter) Accuracy +/-20ms Accuracy (relay operation) +/-20ms *) File transfer Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities (modems) Predefined optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Free definable parameters for transmission facility 5 V power supply for external modem ATTENTION: check power consumption of external modem! Data transmission in relay operation mode (multi-point traffic with routing) Protocol element control and return information Protocol element control messages - Send (general) interrogation command to all - I bit handling for time ON/OFF Protocol element return information - Status DTR (1 = state line active) - Status DSR (1 = state line active) 100 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data * Special functions Summer time bit (SU) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (summer time bit in time tag) Day of week (DOW) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (day of week time tag) Originator address = 0 for all messages in transmit direction Send GI-data as class 1 data Non interruptible GI Convert general interrogation command to BROADCAST in receive direction Do not store general interrogation commands in receive direction Send End of init message as class 1 data Send ACTCON, ACTTERM message as class 1 data Send ACTCON for clock synchronization command Emulate ACTCON+/ Emulate ACTCON, ACTTERM for commands (with control message) Message synchronization Filtering of measured values with COT = 3 (spontaneous) in transmit direction ___ *) with relay operation accuracy will be reduced 10 ms per routing station Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, section "Multi-Point Traffic (UMP)". Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM SICAM RTUs Platforms - Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 101 System Components and Technical Data Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 UMPMT0 Remarks Remote Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element Remarks SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/UMPSA0 SM-0551/UMPSA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM EMIC, SICAM MIC, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/UMPSA0 SM-0551/UMPSA0 UMPST0 SM-2541/UMPS00 acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-101/104 Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-101/104 Interoperability Remarks Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 UMPST0 Remote Station (Central Station) 102 System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 UMPMT0 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/UMPMA0 SM-0551/UMPMA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/UMPMA0 SM-0551/UMPMA0 UMPMT0 SM-2541/UMPM00 acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-101/104 Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-101/104 Interoperability Unrestricted Remarks SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.2 DIAST0 Functions Communication of a central station with up to 100 substations. * * Unbalanced dial-up traffic Slave based on IEC 60870-5-101 DIAST0 is substation Controlling connection establishment and disconnection Connection establishment spontaneously and cyclically, controlling station o controlled station - Establishing a connection cyclically at a settable interval (monitoring cycle) for transmission of low-priority data for monitoring the station availability for clock synchronization Controlling connection establishment by means of modem commands - AT Hayes, V.25bis, X.20, X.28 - Arbitrary main telephone number of a telephone network (PSTN) Access control (LOGIN with password) in the private range of IEC 60870-5-101 Disconnection control in the private range of IEC 60870-5-101 * Communication when a connection is established according to unbalanced multi-point (dial-up traffic) based on IEC 60870-5-101 Data acquisition by polling (station interrogation) Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Clock synchronization - Each time a connection has been established - When a connection is established, one time per minute Command transmission Transmission of integrated totals * Co-ordination of several masters in "multi-master operation" (availability and data throughput) The controlling station can simultaneously establish connections to different controlled stations * Standby transmission line(s) by means of standby telephone numbers of the same or another (PSTN) telephone network Multi-hierarchical configurations Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Toll-saving transmission strategies Having a telephone set connected in parallel Functions for supporting redundant communication routes * * * * * Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, section "Dial-Up Traffic (DIA)". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 103 System Components and Technical Data Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 Modem (GSM, PSTN, TETRA, ISDN) RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 2) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) only CP-8022 (RS-232 mode) Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM SICAM RTUs Platforms - Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DIAST0 Remarks Remote Station (Central Station) 104 System System element Protocol element SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/DIAMA1 SM-0551/DIAMA1 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/DIAMA1 SM-0551/DIAMA1 SM-2541/DIAM00 Unrestricted Remarks SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.3 103MT0 Functions Communication between one central station and up to 100 protective devices. * * Serial communication protocol according to IEC 60870-5-103 103MT0 is central station Unbalanced multi-point traffic (primary station) Network configuration - Point-to-point configuration (Master+ 1 Slave) - Multiple point-to-point configuration (separate interface for each single point-topoint configuration required) - Multipoint partyline - Multipoint star - Max. connections: 100 1) System or device (application function) - Controlling station * Physical layer/data flow control Unbalanced interchange circuit according to V.24/V.28 standard Transmission medium (half duplex) Byte Frame (8E1) Data flow control bit in receive direction Data flow control bit supervision * Interoperability Compatibility level 1 (VDEW/ZVEI Standard) Compatibility level 2 (Disturbance Data) Message Conversion (protocol mode/message format) - IEC 60870-5-103/IEC 60870-5-103 "standard" [default] - IEC 60870-5-103/IEC 60870-5-101 "tunneling mode" 2) * Interoperability according to the following document: SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-103 Interoperability (DC0-026-2) * Data acquisition by polling (station interrogation) Continuous interrogation of a remote terminal unit * Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) Test mode * General interrogation, outstation interrogation Delayed transmission of general interrogation command * Clock synchronization according to IEC 60870-5-103 Cyclic clock synchronization (parameterizable) Correction of clock synchronization (via parameter) Command transmission Demand Set control location Check control location * * * Transmission of integrated totals File transfer Disturbance records to SICAM DISTO Disturbance records to control center systems according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 105 System Components and Technical Data * Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities (modems) Predefined optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Free definable parameters for transmission facility 5 V power supply for external modem ATTENTION: check power consumption of external modem! * Protocol element control and return information Protocol element control messages - Send (general) interrogation command to all - Send (general) interrogation command to selective CASDU - Set control location - Call cycle START/STOP/CONTINUE - Continuous call station x ON/OFF - "Activate/Deactivate" interface Protocol element return information - Station failure - Station status - Status DTR (1 = state line active) - Status DSR (1 = state line active) - Protocol-specific return information 0-3, 6, 7 * Special functions Send short-circuit location values with GI Resetting the short-circuit location values - Reset short-circuit location values with command - Reset short-circuit location values automatically ___ Signaling/measured value disabling Technological adaptation for measured values Measured value change monitoring Monitoring intermediate and faulty positions of double-point information Transfer of the information "blocked activation/tripping of the protection" Transmit non-updated process images Emulation of the going binary information Remote-configuration of Reyrolle relays 1) recommendation max. 30 stations 2) IEC 60870-5-101 messages are transmitted in IEC 60870-5-103 container messages (in the private range); with SICAM RTUs configurations with BC 1703 the conversion of IEC 60870-5-101 a IEC 60870-5-103 a IEC 60870-5-101 can be omitted Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, section "Interfaces of Protective Devices (103)". 106 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 103MT0 Remarks Remote Station (Substation; e.g. protective device, power meter) System System element Protocol element Remarks Legacy systems (SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-50xx SM-2551/103SA0 SM-0551/103SA0 SM-2541/103S00 electrical Local serial interface optical Protection devices of SIPROTEC series - - acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-103 Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-103 Interoperability SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 107 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.4 BPPT0 Functions Communication of a central station with a substation. * * Serial communication protocol according to IEC60870-5-101 Balanced point-to-point transmission Network configuration - Point-to-point configuration - Multiple point-to-point configuration *) Max. connections: 1 System or device (application function) - Controlled station - Controlling station 108 * Physical layer / data flow control Unbalanced interchange circuit accordingV.24/V.28 standard Transmission medium (full duplex) Byte Frame (8E1) Data flow control Bit in receive direction * Interoperability IEC60870-5-101 Ed.1 * Interoperability according to the following document: SICAM RTUs Interoperability IEC 60870-5-101/104 (DC0-013-2) * * Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Non Interruptible GI * Clock synchronization according IEC 60870-5-101 Clock synchronization with <TI:=103> clock synchronization command Acquisition of transmission delay (primary station) used for correction of clock synchronization with <TI:=106> Acquisition of transmission delay (secondary station) used for correction of clock synchronization with <TI:=106> * Command transmission Set control location Check control location * * * Transmission of integrated totals File transfer Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities (modems) Free definable parameters for transmission facility * Protocol element control and return information Protocol element control - Send (general) interrogation command to all - Send (general) interrogation command to selective CASDU - Send (general) interrogation command for image GI to own Master Module - Set control location - Data filter in transmit direction "ON/OFF" - Data filter in receive direction "ON/OFF" - Activate/Deactivate interface - Activate/Deactivate interface + protocol functions Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data Protocol element return information - Protocol-specific return information 0 "Interface activated/deactivated" - Protocol-specific return information 1 "Interface + protocol functions activated/deactivated" * * Remote maintenance with SICAM TOOLBOX II via serial connection Special functions Summer time bit (SU) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (time tag) Day of week (DOW) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (time tag) Originator address = 0 for all messages in transmit direction Convert general interrogation command in receive direction to BROADCAST Non interruptible GI - ACTCON for clock synchronization command - Emulate ACTCON+/- Emulate ACTCON, ACTTERM for commands with control message - Compatibility TCS100 Special functions for project DBAG - Breaker delay in transmit direction (DBAG-specific special message format <TI=150>) - Send originator address with settable value - Transparent Mode (tunneling, container mode) ___ *) separate interface for each single-point-to-point configuraration required Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, chapter "Point-to-Point Traffic (BPP)". Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 2) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 2) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 109 System Components and Technical Data Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 BPPT0 System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 BPPT0 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/BPPA0 SM-0551/BPPA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM EMIC, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/BPPA0 SM-0551/BPPA0 BPPT0 SM-2541/BPP00 Third-party system - - Remarks Remote Station 110 Unrestricted Remarks acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-101/104 Interoperability SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.5 ET84 Functions * LAN/WAN communication over Ethernet TCP/IP - general 10 Mbit/s (full duplex) 1) 10 Mbit/s (half duplex) 1) 10 Mbit/s (full duplex , auto negotiation) 1) 10 Mbit/s (half duplex, auto negotiation) 1) 10/100 Mbit/s (half duplex / full duplex, auto negotiation) 1) 100 Mbit/s (full duplex) 1) 100 Mbit/s (half duplex) 1) 100 Mbit/s (full duplex, auto negotiation) 1) 100 Mbit/s (half duplex, auto negotiation) 1) Auto-MDIX (Auto Medium Dependent Interface Crossover) Parameters for TCP/IP optimization 1) TCP/IP Keep Alive 1) 1) * LAN/WAN communication over Ethernet TCP/IP according to IEC 60870-5-104 Controlled station Controlling Station Max. connections: 100 2) * Supported Ports Port 2404: IEC 60870-5-104 Port 80: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - "Remote operation for SICAM TOOLBOX II" 1) Port 443: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS) - "Remote operation for SICAM TOOLBOX II" 1) Port 123: NTP V3 (Network Time Protocol) 1) Port 123: SNTP V3 (Simple Network Time Protocol) 1) * Special protocols: Address Resolution Protocol (Gratuitous ARP) 1) * Interoperability according to the following document: SICAM RTUs Interoperability IEC 60870-5-101/104 (DC0-013-2) * * * Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Clock synchronization according to NTP (Network Time Protocol) NTP server 1) NTP client 1) SNTP client 1) * Command transmission Command transfer monitoring (dwell time monitoring) Set control location Check control location * * Transmission of integrated totals Protocol element control and return information Protocol element control message Send (general) interrogation command Preset control location Protocol element return information PRE return information 0 "Status DATA TRANSFER (Master Module)" PRE return information 1 "Status DATA TRANSFER (104)" SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 111 System Components and Technical Data * Functions for the support of redundant communication routes PSI redundancy (synchronous connections) 104 redundancy according IEC 60870-5-104 Edition 2.0 - 104 redundancy "controlled station" with 1 Ethernet interface 1703 redundancy Dual LAN interface with integrated switch for ring or star configurations (DNIP) - Switch mode 1) * SICAM TOOLBOX II connection over LAN/WAN ("remote connection") Remote connection based on HTTP/HTTPS 1) Authentication in SICAM RTUs using connection password (optional) Warning "Remote Operation" 1) * 1) Security IPSec VPN - IPSec in tunnel mode: initiator 1) - Authentication / encryption based on pre-shared key 1) - Internet Key Exchange protocol: IKEv1, IKEv2 1) - Authentication: HMAC-SHA1, SHA2_224, SHA2_256, SHA2_384, SHA2_512, HMAC-MD5 1) - Encryption: AES-128/-192/-256, 3DES 1) - Diffie Hellman group: group 1, group 2 1) Security logging - SysLog Client * 1) Special functions Summer time bit (SU) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (time tag) Day of week (DOW) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (time tag) Originator address = 0 for all messages in transmit direction WhiteList filter Data throughput limitation - Suppress error in case of connection failure - Error handling for connection with "failure = suppress" NT-Bit simulation after connection failure General interrogation after connection is OK ______ 1) function is integrated in the Master Module 2) recommendation max. 10 connections Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, section "LAN Communication (104)". 112 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Electrical Ethernet interface (twisted pair) X1 X4 TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- GPRS X7 *) (Antenna) *) only CP-8022 Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station System System element Protocol element Remarks SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 ET84 System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 ET84 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX25 CP-2019/PCCX25 ET24 SM-2558/ETA4 only 100 Mbit/s Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM EMIC, SICAM MIC, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2558/ETA4 SM-2557/ETA2 ETT0 SM-15x4/ET00 acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-101/104 Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-101/104 Interoperability Remote Station SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted Remarks 113 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.6 ET85 Functions Common Functions IEC 61850 Client * 114 LAN/WAN communication over Ethernet TCP/IP - general 100 Mbit/s (full duplex, auto negotiation) 1) Auto-MDIX (Auto Medium Dependent Interface Crossover) 1) * IEC 61850 client Edition 1 Edition 2 Max. number of servers (max. connections): 20 Max. number of "logical devices" (for each connection): 2) Max. number of "logical nodes" (for each connection): 2) Max. number of data points: 1000 Startup time PRE: 3) Initialization (after startup time PRE): 4) ACSI services 5) Common data classes 5) Attributes 5) Supported functionality according to: - PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement) - PIXIT (Protocol Implementation Extra Information) - Supported Logical Nodes and their Attributes * Supported ports Port 102: MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification) Port 80: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - "Web server" 1) Port 80: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - "Remote operation for SICAM TOOLBOX II" 1) Port 443: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS) - "Web server" 1) Port 443: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS) - "Remote operation for SICAM TOOLBOX II" 1) Port 123: NTP V3 (Network Time Protocol) 1) Port 123: SNTP V3 (Simple Network Time Protocol) 1) * Acquisition of events Static data sets Dynamic data sets Buffered reports Unbuffered reports * Transmission of files Disturbance records to SICAM DISTO * * * Transmission of integrated totals General interrogation Command transmission Set control location Check control location Command interlocking Direct control with normal security Direct control with enhanced security SBO control with enhanced security * Setting groups Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data * Clock synchronization according to NTP (Network Time Protocol) NTP server 1) NTP client 1) SNTP client 1) * Functions for the support of redundant communication routes Dual LAN interface with integrated switch for ring or star configurations (DNIP) - Switch mode 1) - Single mode 1) - Single + service mode 1) * Protocol element control and return information Protocol element control message * START connection to server ("Initiate") STOP connection to server ("Conclude") Send (general) interrogation command Preset control location SICAM TOOLBOX II connection over LAN/WAN ("remote connection") Remote connection based on HTTP/HTTPS 1) Authentication in SICAM RTUs using connection password (optional) Warning "Remote Connection" 1) 1) * Web Server Integrated web server to display connection-/statistic-/developer information Access to the web server with standard web browser via HTTP 1) Access to the web server with standard web browser via HTTPS 1) Supported web browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11 - Microsoft Edge * Special functions Conversion of the time information (UTC; local time w/wo Summer-Wintertime) Signaling / measured value disabling Emulation of the going binary information Emulation of the data on reception of the attribute Beh.stVal = "OFF" and Beh.stVal = "BLOCKED" Technological adaptation for measured values Measured value change monitoring Monitoring intermediate and faulty positions of double-point information Remote parameterization/diagnostic of SICAM RTUs components via IEC 61850 ______ 1) function is integrated in the Master Module 2) not limited (limited only by free memory) 3) due to performance matters (initialization times upon connection setup), no more than 2000 data points are recommended 4) max. startup time (with 10000 data points): approx. 4 min min. startup time (with 1 data point): approx. 30...60 s (dependent on the configuration of the AU) 5) supported with restrictions (for details see SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, chapter "LAN Communication (61850)", section Basic Data Types" and "Conversion IEC 60870-5-101/104 IEC 61850") SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 115 System Components and Technical Data Common Functions IEC 61850 Server * LAN/WAN communication over Ethernet TCP/IP - general 100 Mbit/s (full duplex, auto negotiation) 1) * IEC 61850 server Edition 2 GOOSE 2) Max. number of servers (max. connections): 6 Max. number of "logical devices" (including all servers): 300 Max. number of "logical nodes" (including all servers): 3) Max. number of data points: 4) ACSI services 5) Common data classes 5) Attributes 5) Supported functionality according to: - PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement) - PIXIT (Protocol Implementation Extra Information) - Supported Logical Nodes and their Attributes * Supported ports Port 102: MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification) Port 80: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - "Web server" 1) Port 80: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - "Remote operation for SICAM TOOLBOX II" 1) Port 443: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS) - "Web server" 1) Port 443: HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS) - "Remote operation for SICAM TOOLBOX II" 1) Port 123: NTP V3 (Network Time Protocol) 1) Port 123: SNTP V3 (Simple Network Time Protocol) 1) * Acquisition of events Static data sets Buffered reports Unbuffered reports * Transmission of files Disturbance records to SICAM DISTO * * * Transmission of integrated totals General interrogation Command transmission Direct control with normal security Direct control with enhanced security SBO control with enhanced security * * Setting groups Clock synchronization according to NTP (Network Time Protocol) NTP server 1) NTP client 1) SNTP client 1) * Functions for the support of redundant communication routes Server redundancy GOOSE redundancy * Protocol element control and return information Protocol element control message Send (general) interrogation command * 116 SICAM TOOLBOX II connection over LAN/WAN ("remote connection") Remote connection based on HTTP/HTTPS Authentication in SICAM RTUs using connection password (optional) Warning "Remote Connection" 1) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data * Web Server Integrated web server to display connection-/statistic-/developer information Access to the web server with standard web browser via HTTP Supported web browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11 - Microsoft Edge * Special functions Conversion of the time information (UTC; local time w/wo Summer-Wintertime) Technological adaptation for measured values Measured value change monitoring Logging of the remote commands at the local control center Remote parameterization/diagnostic of SICAM RTUs components via IEC 61850 ______ 1) function is integrated in the Master Module 2) with GOOSE publish and GOOSE subscribe only data attributes are supported (no data objects)! 3) not limited (limited only by free memory) 4) formulas for the determination of the total number of data points (n): unbuffered reports: #LD * 54 + #CON (13 (#LD + #DP/60) * 2) + #DP * 14 = n buffered reports: #LD * 54 + #CON (19 (#LD + #DP/60) * 2) + #DP * 14 = n unbuffered + buffered reports: #LD * 54 + #CON (32 (#LD + #DP/60) * 2) + #DP * 14 = n Meaning: Thereby, the following maximum value applies: n = 20000 #LD number of logical devices #CON number of connections #DP number of data points 5) supported with restrictions (for details see SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, chapter "LAN Communication (61850)", section Basic Data Types" and "Conversion IEC 60870-5-101/104 IEC 61850") Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, section "LAN Communication (61850)". Note At the moment the IEC 61850 Server can be parameterized with the SICAM TOOLBOX II only (not with SICAM WEB). Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Electrical Ethernet interface (twisted pair) X1 X4 TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 117 System Components and Technical Data Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. ET85 Client Own Station (Client) System System element Protocol element Remarks SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 ET85 Edition 1 + 2 Remote Station (Server) System System element Protocol element Remarks SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 ET85 Edition 2 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 ET25 SM-2558/ETA5 Edition 2 Edition 2 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2558/ETA5 SM-2558/ETA3 SM-2557/ET03 Edition 2 Edition 1 Edition 1 Protection devices of SIPROTEC series - - IEC 61850 Interoperability Third-party system - - IEC 61850 Interoperability System System element Protocol element Remarks SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 ET85 Edition 2 IEC 61850 Interoperability ET85 Server Own Station (Server) Remote Station (Client) 118 System System element Protocol element Remarks SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 ET85 Edition 2 SICAM AK3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 ET25 SM-2558/ETA5 Edition 2 Edition 2 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2558/ETA5 Edition 2 Third-party system - - IEC 61850 Interoperability Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.7 COUMT0 Functions Communication of a central station with up to 10 counter devices. * * Serial communication protocol according to IEC 62056-21 (IEC 61107) COUMT0 is central station Network configuration Multipoint partyline Multipoint star * * Max. connections: 10 System or device (application function) Controlling station * Physical layer/data flow control Unbalanced interchange circuit according to V.24/V.28 standard Transmission medium (half duplex) Byte Frame (8E1) Data flow control bit in receive direction Data flow control bit supervision * * Interoperability according to IEC 60870-5-101 Ed. 1 Interoperability according to the following document: SICAM RTUs IEC 60870-5-104 Interoperability (DC0-013-2) * Data acquisition by polling (station interrogation) Continuous interrogation of a remote terminal unit Station failure delay * * * Acquisition of events General interrogation, substation interrogation Clock synchronization according to IEC 60870-5-101 Clock synchronization with <TI:=103> clock synchronization command Acquisition of transmission delay (primary station) used for correction of clock synchronization (with "request status of link" = proprietary) * Command transmission Demand Set control location Check control location * Transmission of integrated totals IEC 62056-21 (IEC 61107) Mode-C EDIS data coding (EDIS = Energy Data Identification System) OBIS data coding (OBIS = Objekt Identification System) * Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Predefined optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Free definable parameters for transmission facility 5 V power supply for external modem ATTENTION: check power consumption of external modem! * * * Standby transmission line over the public telephone network (PSTN) Data transmission using time slot radio Co-ordination of several masters SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 119 System Components and Technical Data * Data transmission in relay operation mode (multi-point traffic with routing) Main and Standby Transmission Line * Functions for supporting redundant communication routes NUC redundancy (Norwegian Users Convention) - NUC redundancy controlling station 1703 redundancy - Listening mode with passive - Tristate of the RS-232 interfce with passive * Special functions Summer time bit (SU) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (summer time bit in time tag) Day of week (DOW) = 0 for all messages in transmit direction (day of week time tag) Originator address = 0 for all messages in transmit direction Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM SICAM RTUs Platforms - Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. 120 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 COUMT0 Remarks Remote Station (Counter Device) System System element Protocol element Remarks Third-party system - - acc. to IEC 62056-21 (IEC 61107) mode C with EDIS/OBIS data coding SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 121 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.8 MODMT2, MODST0 Functions Communication between one central station and up to 100 substations (MODBUS). Central Station 122 * Serial communication according to Modicon MODBUS MODMT2 is central station * MODBUS protocol with half duplex link transmission procedure MODBUS RTU mode * Max. connections (number of supported MODBUS Slaves): 100 1) max. number of SICAM FCMv2 devices per interface without SICAM FCMv2 parameter loading: 100 max. number of SICAM FCMv2 devices per interface with SICAM FCMv2 parameter loading: 5 * Message protection CRC16 + parity (optional) "RTU mode" * Network Configurations Point-to-point Multiple point-to-point (extra interface required for each point-to-point configuration) Multipoint-partyline Multipoint-star Data concentrator * * * MODBUS Slave address 0 "broadcast" 2) MODBUS Slave addresses 1...247 Physical Interface RS-232 - unbalanced interface according V.24/V.28 standard RS-485 - balanced interface according V.11 standard 3) RS-422 - balanced interface according V.11 standard 3) Transmission line (half duplex) * Interoperability according to the following documents: SICAM RTUs MODBUS Interoperability (DC0-073-2) * * * Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Clock synchronization for selected MODBUS Slave Devices Clock synchronization - selectable for each MODBUS Slave Clock synchronization for SICAM FCM * Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities (modems) Predefined optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Free definable parameters for transmission facility 5 V power supply for external modem ATTENTION: check power consumption of external modem! * Protocol element control and return information Protocol element return information Station status Station failure Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data * Special Functions SICAM FCM "parameter loading" (SICAM FCM V2.00, V2.10, V2.20, V2.30) SICAM FCM "firmware loading" (SICAM FCM >=V2.00) * Engineering TOOLBOX II + OPM Web engineering ___ 1) this specification refers to the max. number of possible stations for MODBUS Master in SICAM RTUs (per communication interface); due to performance and required response time, in most cases only a few stations are possible (typ. 20-30); the MODBUS protocol itself defines a max. possible number of 247 stations per line 2) broadcast addressing is only restricted supported by Master 3) external converters (V.24/V.28 V.11) are required in some cases Substation * Serial communication according to Modicon MODBUS MODST0 is substation * MODBUS protocol - half duplex link transmission procedure MODBUS RTU-Mode MODBUS ASCII-Mode * * Max. connections: 1 1) Message protection CRC16 + parity (optional) "RTU-Mode" LRC + parity (optional) "ASCII-Mode" * Network Configurations Point-to-point Multiple point-to-point (extra interface required for each point-to-point configuration) Multipoint-partyline Multipoint-star Data concentrator * * * MODBUS Slave address 0 "broadcast" MODBUS Slave addresses 1...247 Physical interface RS-232 - unbalanced interface according V.24/V.28 standard RS-485 - balanced interface according V.11 standard 2) RS-422 - balanced interface according V.11 standard 2) Transmission line (half duplex) * Interoperability according to the following documents: SICAM RTUs MODBUS Interoperability (DC0-073-2) * Clock synchronization for selected MODBUS Slave devices Clock synchronization for OMV * Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities (modems) Predefined optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Free definable parameters for transmission facility 5 V power supply for external modem ATTENTION: check power consumption of external modem! SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 123 System Components and Technical Data * Engineering SICAM TOOLBOX II + OPM II Web engineering ___ 1) from the perspective of the remote terminal unit the max. number of stations per line is not relevant 2) external converters (V.24/V.28 V.11) are required in some cases Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs Ax 1703 Common Functions MODBUS. Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. 124 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 MODMT2 Remarks Remote Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element Remarks SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 MODST0 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/MODSA0 SM-0551/MODSA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM EMIC, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/MODSA0 SM-0551/MODSA0 MODST0 SM-2541/MODS00 acc. to SICAM RTUs MODBUS Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs MODBUS Interoperability Remarks Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 MODST0 Remote Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 MODMT2 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/MODMA0 SM-0551/MODMA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM EMIC, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/MODMA0 SM-0551/MODMA0 MODMT0 SM-2541/MODM00 SM-1543/MODM00 acc. to SICAM RTUs MODBUS Interoperability SICAM FCM - - acc. to SICAM RTUs MODBUS Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs MODBUS Interoperability SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted Remarks 125 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.9 DNPMT0, DNPST0 Functions Communication between one central station and one or several substations. * Unbalanced multi-point traffic according to DNP3 DNPMT0 is central station, DNPST0 is substation Data acquisition by polling (station interrogation, register interrogation) Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent, unsolicited responses) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Command transmission Transmission of integrated totals * * Max. connections (number of supported DNP Slaves): 100 *) Physical interface RS-232 - unbalanced interface according to V.24/V.28 RS-485 - balanced interface according to V.11 * Supported functionality according to the following document: SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability (DC0-046-2) * * * Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Functions for supporting redundant communication routes Special functions ______ *) because of performance, required response time and limited storage capacity max. 20 Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs Ax 1703 Common Functions DNP3. 126 Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DNPMT0 Remarks Remote Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DNPST0 Remarks SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/DNPSA0 SM-0551/DNPSA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/DNPSA0 SM-0551/DNPSA0 SM-2541/DNPU00 acc. to SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability Remarks Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DNPST0 Remote Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DNPMT0 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/DNPMA0 SM-0551/DNPMA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/DNPMA0 SM-0551/DNPMA0 SM-2541/DNPM00 SM-1543/DNPM00 acc. to SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted Remarks 127 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.10 DNPiT1, DNPiT2 Functions Communication between one central station and one or several substations according to DNP3 via Ethernet (TCP/IP). * Unbalanced multi-point traffic according DNP3 DNPiT1 is substation Data acquisition by polling (station interrogation) Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent, unsolicited responses) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Command transmission Transmission of integrated totals DNPiT2 is central station Data acquisition by polling (station interrogation, event interrogation) General interrogation, outstation interrogation Command transmission * * Max. connections (number of supported DNP Slaves): 4 Physical interface LAN (TCP/IP) * Supported functionality according to the following document: SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability, chapter "Interoperability of SICAM RTUs for DNP3 Slave (serial + Ethernet) using DNPS" (DC0-046-2) * Clock synchronization according to NTP (Network Time Protocol) - RFC 1305 NTP Client: Clock synchronization with one or more NTP servers NTP Server: integrated NTP server for clock synchronization of one or several NTP clients Functions for supporting redundant communication routes SICAM TOOLBOX II connection over LAN/WAN ("remote operation") connection via proprietary TCP/IP protocol (one SICAM TOOLBOX II session can be served at the same time) * * * Web server Integrated web server to display connection-/statistic-/developer information Access to the web server with standard web browser via HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) * Special functions Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs Ax 1703 Common Functions DNP3. 128 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Electrical Ethernet interface (twisted pair) X1 X4 TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DNPiT2 Remarks Remote Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DNPiT1 DNPST0 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/DNPSA0 SM-0551/DNPSA0 additional serial/Ethernet converter (device server) is required Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/DNPSA0 SM-0551/DNPSA0 SM-2541/DNPU00 additional serial/Ethernet converter (device server) is required acc. to SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted Remarks additional serial/Ethernet converter (device server) is required 129 System Components and Technical Data Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DNPiT1 Remarks Remote Station (Central Station) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 DNPiT2 DNPMT0 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/DNPMA0 SM-0551/DNPMA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/DNPMA0 SM-0551/DNPMA0 SM-2541/DNPM00 SM-1543/DNPM00 additional serial/Ethernet converter (device server) is required acc. to SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to SICAM RTUs DNP3 Interoperability SICAM AK 3 130 Unrestricted Remarks additional serial/Ethernet converter (device server) is required additional serial/Ethernet converter (device server) is required SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.11 ST1ST0 Functions Communication of a central station with one or more substations. * Unbalanced multi-point traffic according to Siemens SINAUT ST1 (TIM 11) ST1ST0 is substation Data acquisition by polling (station interrogation) Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) General interrogation, substation interrogation Command transmission Transmission of integrated totals * Physical interface RS-232 - unbalanced interface according to V.24/V.28 RS-485 - balanced interface according to V.11 * Supported functionality according to Siemens SINAUT ST1 (TIM 11) Protocol definition (with restrictions) * * Optimized parameters for selected transmission facilities Message conversion IEC60870-5-101 <-> Siemens SINAUT ST1 (TIM11) Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs Ax 1703 Common Functions SIEMENS SINAUT-ST1 GV-S. Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 131 System Components and Technical Data Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 ST1ST0 Remarks Remote Station (Central Station) 132 System System element Protocol element SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/ST1MA0 SM-0551/ST1MA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/ST1MA0 SM-0551/ST1MA0 SM-2541/ST1M00 acc. to Siemens SINAUT ST1 (TIM11) Interoperability Third-party system - - acc. to Siemens SINAUT ST1 (TIM11) Interoperability Unrestricted Remarks SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.12 TG8ST0 Functions Communication of a central station with one or more substations. * Unbalanced multi-point traffic according to L&G TG800 (DIN 19244) in "leased line" mode or "dial-up" mode TG8ST0 is substation Supported functionality according to document SICAM RTUs Interoperability TG800 Data acquisition by polling Acquisition of events (transmission of data ready to be sent) General interrogation, interrogation of integrated totals (counter values) * * Spontaneous transmission of commands and set points in command direction Spontaneous transmission of indications, measured values and integrated totals (counter values) in monitoring direction Multi-hierarchical TG800 configurations possible Time synchronization via TG800 communication Subset of TG800 "system indications" Radio spontaneous mode * * * * Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs Ax 1703 Common Functions Landis & Gyr TELEGYR 800 GV-S. Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 133 System Components and Technical Data Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 TG8ST0 Remarks Remote Station (Central Station) 134 System System element Protocol element SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/TG8MA0 SM-0551/TG8MA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/TG8MA0 SM-0551/TG8MA0 SM-2541/TG8M00 Third-party system - - Unrestricted Remarks acc. to SICAM RTUs TG800 Interoperability SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.13 SMST0 Functions Printer logging (ASCII) and SMS alert/control. * Printer logging Logging on a serial printer (ASCII) * SMS-alert Send binary information with SMS - Aquisition time in SMS text Send command with SMS Member adminstration Modem control with AT-Hayes commands * SMS control Receive command with SMS - Command delay supervision for SMS commands Member administration Modem control with AT-Hayes commands Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs Ax 1703 Common Functions Printer Logging (ASCII) and SMS Alarms. Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 modem (GSM) RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) modem (GSM) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND *) only CP-8022 (RS-232 mode) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 135 System Components and Technical Data Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Printer control Own Station System System element Protocol element Remarks SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 SMST0 System System element Protocol element Remarks Third-party system - - Serial printers (for printed protocols) Remarks Remote Station SMS Alert and Control Own Station System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 SMST0 System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 SMST0 SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/SMSA0 SM-0551/SMSA0 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM EMIC, SICAM MIC, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/SMSA0 SM-0551/SMSA0 SMST0 SM-2541/SMS00 Third-party system - - Remote Station 136 Unrestricted Remarks * Mobile phone (SMS alert/control) * Third-party system (SMS alert/control) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.14 PCBST0 Functions Communication of a substation with a central station (SAT SK 1703 Slave). * * * * * * * * * * * * * Multi-point traffic slave for the transmision of SAT 1703 standard formats (external database formats) PCBST0 is substation Traffic handling optional according to "SK 1703 Multi-point traffic (Master = PCBM00, PCBM10, PCBMA0) or "Radio relay operation" without routing procedure (Master = SKSZ40, SKSZA0) Message formats according to IEC 60870-5-1/FT1.2 Puls code modulation; byte asynchronous Transmission rate 50 up to 19200 bps Protection of the messages with hamming distance HA = 4 Control of the traffic handling with handshaking and message repititions upon acknowledgement failure Check of received messages Bundle in send/receive direction Chaining in send direction Linear measured value adaptation Timesetting and time synchronization of the automation unit Multi-hierarchical configurations possible (to substations in multi-point traffic further automation units can be connected) Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions SK 1703 Multi-Point Traffic GV-U. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 137 System Components and Technical Data Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 PCBST0 Remarks Remote Station (Central Station) 138 System System element Protocol element AK 1703 CP-2000/MC00 CP-2002PCCE00 CP-2002/CE00 CP-2012/CE20 SM-2551/PCBMA0 SM-0551/PCBMA0 AMC 1703 CP-4000/CPC4x SM-2551/PCBMA0 SM-0551/PCBMA0 Third-party system - - Unrestricted Remarks SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.5.15 RP5UT1 Functions Communication of a substation with a central station. * Multi-point traffic slave according to RP570/RP571 specification in dedicated line operation RP5UT1 is substation (ABB RP570/RP571 Slave) Data acquisition by means of interrogations General interrogation, counter request spontaneous transmission of commands and setpoint values in control direction spontaneous transmission of binary information, measured values and integrated totals in signalling direction Time synchronization via communication line Multi-hierarchical configurations possible (RP571 mode) * * * * * * Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions ABB RP570/571 GV-S. Operating Modes Operating mode Interface optional DTE Interface signals Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X2 RXD, TXD, CTS 1), RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X3 TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X2 CM-0829 (CM-0819 2)) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-08x9) Optical interface (multimode fibre optic) ring X2 CM-0821 RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR/VCC, GND (to CM-0821) Unbalanced interchange circuit (V.24/V.28) RS-232 asynchronous X6 3) RXD, TXD, CTS, RTS, DCD, DTR, DSR, GND Balanced interface (V.11) RS-485 (2-wire)/ RS-422 (4-wire) asynchronous X6 3) TXD+/RXD+, TXD-/RXD- (2-wire) TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD- (4-wire) 1) not usable (reserved for SICAM TOOLBOX II) 2) RS-422 not supported 3) only CP-8022 (switchable mode via parameter) Note Details about realization of various operation modes are given in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 139 System Components and Technical Data Communication For the communication infrastructure, additional suitable transmission facilities and/or network components may be needed. Own Station (Substation) System System element Protocol element SICAM A8000 CP-8000/CPC80 CP-802x/CPC80 RP5UT1 Remarks Remote Station (Central Station) 140 System System element Protocol element SICAM AK 3 CP-2016/CPCX26 CP-2019/PCCX26 SM-2551/RP5ZA1 SM-0551/RP5ZA1 Legacy systems (SICAM AK, SICAM TM, SICAM BC, Ax 1703) CP-20xx CP-4000 CP-50xx CP-60xx SM-2551/RP5ZA1 SM-0551/RP5ZA1 SM-2541/RP5Z01 Third-party system - - Unrestricted Remarks SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.6 Integrated Protocol SNMP 5.6.1 Overview CP-8000/CP-802x provides the protocol SNMP. This protocols is integrated in the firmware of the Master Module. CP-8000/CP-802x is SNMP Agent. SNMP Manager * SNMP variables retrievable via: Standard SNMP network management software SCADA system with integrated SNMP manager SICAM 230 Note The protocol SNMP is described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs * Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements, chapter "SNMPv3 Agent". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 141 System Components and Technical Data 5.7 I/O Master Module and I/O Modules The virtual I/O Master Module is jointly with the integrated and optional external I/O Modules responsible for the process data input and output. The processing is performed partially by * * firmware (example: smoothing of measured values, time tagging) hardware (example: filter, ADC, 1-out-of-n check, DAC) The peripheral functions are specific for each I/O Module. Note The functions and the belonging mode of action are described in detail in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements according to IEC 60870 5 101/104. In the following listing, footnotes are used to specify the effect of the functions in detail. t Telecontrol the function affects process information which is spontaneously transmitted t1 Telecontrol the function delivers (acquisition) spontaneously transmitted process information or is controlled by such information (output); partly, periodically transmitted information is also created/required a Automation the function affects process information which is periodically transmitted c Calculation the function affects process information which is used as input for the calculation of calculated (derived) values 142 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.7.1 Internal I/O Modules DI-8100 Functions * Single-point information Acquisition with a resolution of 1 ms t Update every 10 ms a (in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function, if larger) Revision ta Power monitoring ta Inversion ta Firmware filter t Bounce suppression t Determination of the cause of transmission t Spontaneous transmission of changes t Periodical transmission a * Double-point information Acquisition with a resolution of 1 ms t Update every 10 ms a (in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function, if larger) Revision ta Power monitoring ta Inversion ta Firmware filter t Bounce suppression t Monitoring intermediate and faulty positions t Determination of the cause of transmission t Reporting switching operations in progress t Breaker tripping detection t Breaker tripping suppression during auto-reclose t Spontaneous transmission of changes t Periodical transmission a * Integrated totals via count pulses t1 Acquisition by firmware with a maximum count frequency of 20 Hz - Pulse length/pause >2 ms/>2 ms - Revision - Power monitoring - Inversion - Pulse counting Counter value formation - Count pulse evaluation - Set counter Formation of integrated totals - Counter request - Interval control - Frozen absolute value - Frozen relative value Not power-fail safe Integrated total transmission according to iec 60870-5-101 Spontaneous transmission SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 143 System Components and Technical Data Technical Data Binary inputs 12 binary inputs * 2 groups (with 8 and with 4 inputs) * Via optocouplers the inputs are galvanical insulated from logical circuits and ground with double insulation. * Each group is galvanically insulated from the other group, from logical circuits and from ground with double insulation * For each group one common return with selectable polarity * Function and status of the inputs via display Filter time 1 dedicated input per group All other inputs Nominal voltages 24/48/60 VDC Operating points Logical 0 Logical 1 Dynamic suppression of noise caused by cable capacitance typ. 220 nF (for 18...78 VDC) Rated current 0.6...1.5 mA (at 18...78 V) Input circuits 18...78 VDC (operated by means of an external voltage) Rated impulse voltage 4 kV 2 ms 3 ms 12 V 18 V Connectors Terminals 144 Unrestricted Removable screw terminals (grid size 5.08) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data DO-8203 Functions * Pulse commands t1 Checked output of pulse commands - 1-pole, 11/2-pole, 2-pole - Cannot be mixed Single, double and regulating step commands Command output (OC) Application functions and procedures according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 - Formal check - Direct command - Select and execute command Retry suppression 1-out-of-n check Control location check Command locking Synchronization Revision Command output time - Settable - Dependent on the process Return information monitoring Command prolongation Switching sequences Command output for the auto-reclose function If outputs are used for pulse commands, no outputs can be used for binary information output * Binary information output Selectable behavior on communication failure ta (deactivation or retention) Deactivation on module failure ta Spontaneous transmission t or Periodical transmission a If outputs are used for binary information output, no outputs can be used for pulse commands Usage of outputs as Watchdog * Binary information and command output Settable output of the categories DO_EX and DO_DX - Mixed output of binary information items and commands on 1 DO module possible - Output of persisting commands SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 145 System Components and Technical Data Technical Data Binary outputs 8 binary outputs (relay) * 4 groups with 2 outputs each * Each relay has a 1-pole normally-open contact * The outputs are galvanically insulated from logic circuits and ground by monostable relays with double insulation * Each group is galvanically insulated from the other groups, logic circuits and ground with double insulation * Within the groups the outputs are galvanically insulated with operational insulation (250 kV) * The Outputs can be used for switching of direct voltage or also alternating voltage * Function and status of the outputs via display Nominal voltage * 24/48/60/110/220 VDC * 110/230 VAC Maximum continuous current Standard circuitry * 8 outputs max. 2 A each (5 A/1 min) Circuitry with derating resp. for switching capacity 6 A * 4 outputs max. 3 A each, 4 outputs max. 1 A each *) Circuitry with derating at 5 A * 1 output max. 5 A, 7 outputs max. 1 A each * 2 output max. 5 A each, 6 outputs max. 0 A each (relay must not be activated) Switching capacity DC voltage * Min. 50 mW at 5 VDC * Max. acc. to diagram AC voltage * Max. 1250 VA * Max. 500 VA 5 A/250 VAC, resistive load 2 A/250 VAC, cos = 0.4 Switching cycles * 3x104 Output circuits Max. 250 VDC/253 VAC (operated with an external voltage) Rated impulse voltage 4 kV Connectors Terminals *) * * * * * 146 Removable screw terminals (grid size 5.08) with parallel connection For power augmentation 2 relays may be connected parallel, this must happen within one group (applies only for I < 6 A 2 x 3 A) Groups with parallel connection must not be next to another Next to a group with parallel connection outputs may be loaded only with 2 A Outputs that are loaded with > 3 A must not be next to another; exception: with power augmentation the outputs of one group must be used Groups that are loaded with > 2 A should not be next to another; example: 3 A-3 A-1 A-1 A-3 A-3 A-1 A-1 A instead of 3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-1 A-1 A1 A-1 A Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data 5.7.2 External SICAM I/O Modules Note The technical data of the SICAM I/O Modules are described in the document SICAM I/O Modules. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 147 System Components and Technical Data DI-8110, DI-8111, DI-8112, DI-8113 Functions * Single-point information Acquisition with a resolution of 1 ms t Update every 10 ms a (in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function, if larger) Revision ta Power monitoring ta Inversion ta Firmware filter t Bounce suppression t Determination of the cause of transmission t Spontaneous transmission of changes t Periodical transmission a * Double-point information Acquisition with a resolution of 1 ms t Update every 10 ms a (in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function, if larger) Revision ta Power monitoring ta Inversion ta Firmware filter t Bounce suppression t Monitoring intermediate and faulty positions t Determination of the cause of transmission t Reporting switching operations in progress t Breaker tripping detection t Breaker tripping suppression during auto-reclose t Spontaneous transmission of changes t Periodical transmission a * Integrated totals via count pulses t1 Acquisition by firmware with a maximum count frequency of 20 Hz - Pulse length/pause >20 ms/>20 ms - Revision - Power monitoring - Inversion - Pulse counting Counter value formation - Count pulse evaluation - Set counter Formation of integrated totals - Counter request - Interval control - Frozen absolute value - Frozen relative value Not power-fail safe Integrated total transmission according to iec 60870-5-101 Spontaneous transmission 148 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data DO-8212 Functions * Pulse commands t1 Checked output of pulse commands - 1-pole, 11/2-pole, 2-pole - Cannot be mixed Single, double and regulating step commands Command output (OC) Application functions and procedures according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 - Formal check - Direct command - Select and execute command * Retry suppression 1-out-of-n check Control location check Command locking Synchronization Revision Command output time - Settable - Dependent on the process Return information monitoring Command prolongation Switching sequences Command output for the auto-reclose function If outputs of the module are used for pulse commands, no outputs of the same module can be used for binary information output Binary information output Selectable behavior on communication failure ta (deactivation or retention) Deactivation on module failure ta Spontaneous transmission t or Periodical transmission a If outputs of the module are used for binary information output, no outputs of the same module can be used for pulse commands Usage of outputs as Watchdog SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 149 System Components and Technical Data AI-8310 Functions * Temperatures t1 Connecting resistance thermometers: 2-, 3- or 4-wire technique Settable measuring ranges - Temperature values Input range Pt100: -50...+350C / -58...+662F / (80.31...229.67 ) Pt100: -100...+700C / -148...+1292F / (60.25...345.13 ) Ni100: -60...+250C / -76...+482F / (69.5...289.2 ) Pt1000: -100...+700C / -148...+1292F / (602.5...3451.3 ) Resolution Pt100: -50...+350C 0.15C / 0.28F / (10 m) Pt100: -100...+700C 0.15C / 0.28F / (10 m) Ni100: -60...+250C 0.15C / 0.28F / (10 m) Pt1000: -100...+700C 0,15C / 0,28F / (100 m) Response time 16 Hz < 1.2 s 50 Hz < 1.0 s 60 Hz < 0.9 s - Resistance values Input range 40...400 , Resolution: 10 m 400...4000 , Resolution: 100 m Response time 16 Hz < 1.2 s 50 Hz < 1.0 s 60 Hz < 0.9 s Revision Noise rejection Calibration for 2-wire technique Smoothing Adaption - Temperature value (C, F), conversion using implemented curves - Resistance value () Change monitoring Spontaneous transmission upon change 150 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data AI-8320 Functions * Currents and voltages Settable acquistion grid n*100 ms t Measurement range settable with a resloution of t - 12 bits + sign at 20 mA/10 V - Shrinking the range results in decreasing resolution Revision t Noise rejection t Automatic calibration t Smoothing t Adaptation t - Linear (normalized, technologically scaled or short floating point) - Suppression of zero range - Plausibility check Change monitoring t - Spontaneous transmission of changes SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 t Unrestricted 151 System Components and Technical Data AI-8510 Functions * Acquisition of the measuring currents Acquisition of currents through submodule CM-8820 using DFT algorithm, 1 signal sampling per millisecond Nominal value 1 A/5 A with 100% overrange and 16 bit resolution * Acquisition of the measuring voltages Acquisition of voltages through transformers or direct measurement using DFT algorithm, 1 signal sampling per millisecond Circuitry of the voltage inputs with phase voltages Nominal value 100 V/3, 230 V, 400 V/3 with 50% overrange and 16 bit resolution Supervision of the measuring voltage * Acquisition of the frequency Acquisition of frequency using signal zero crossing of voltage U1 Measuring range 45 Hz to 65 Hz (parameter-settable nominal frequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz) with a resolution of 100 mHz * Calculation of Values from Acquired Values Current r.m.s. value I1 tc, I2 tc, I3 tc Phase voltage r.m.s. value U1 tc, U2 tc, U3 tc *) Phase-to-phase voltage r.m.s. value U12 tc, U23 tc, U31 tc Frequency tc Voltage and current r.m.s. values undergo a linear (technological) adaptation the base for calculating further values tc and are Zero current r.m.s. value I0 t Zero voltage r.m.s. value U0 t Active power P1 t, P2 t, P3 t Active power P (total value) t Reactive power Q1 t, Q2 t, Q3 t Reactive power Q (total value) t Apparent power Q1 t, Q2 t, Q3 t Apparent power Q (total value) t Power factor 1 t, 2 t, 3 t Power factor (total value) t Phase angle I1 t, I2 t, I3 t, IN t Phase angle U12 t, U23 t, U31 t Phase angle , U1 t, U2 t, U3 t, U0 t To calculated values the following functions are applied: Revision tc Format conversion t - Normalized, technologically scaled or short floating point - Suppression of zero range Change monitoring t Fault detection Spontaneous transmission of changes t Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements according to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Measurement in Three-Phase Systems - I/O Module". 152 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data AI-8511 Functions * Acquisition of the measuring currents Acquisition of currents through low-power measuring sensors using DFT algorithm, 1 signal sampling per millisecond Nominal value 225 mV with 100% overrange and 16 bit resolution * Acquisition of the measuring voltages Acquisition of voltages through low-power voltage transformers using DFT algorithm, 1 signal sampling per millisecond Circuitry of the voltage inputs with phase voltages Nominal value 3.25 V/3 with 50% overrange and 16 bit resolution Supervision of the measuring voltage * Acquisition of the frequency Acquisition of frequency using signal zero crossing of voltage U1 Measuring range 45 Hz to 65 Hz (parameter-settable nominal frequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz) with a resolution of 100 mHz * Calculation of Values from Acquired Values Current r.m.s. value I1 tc, I2 tc, I3 tc Phase voltage r.m.s. value U1 tc, U2 tc, U3 tc *) Phase-to-phase voltage r.m.s. value U12 tc, U23 tc, U31 tc Frequency tc Voltage and current r.m.s. values undergo a linear (technological) adaption base for calculating further values tc and are the Zero current r.m.s. value I0 t Zero voltage r.m.s. value U0 t Active power P1 t, P2 t, P3 t Active power P (total value) t Reactive power Q1 t, Q2 t, Q3 t Reactive power Q (total value) t Apparent power Q1 t, Q2 t, Q3 t Apparent power Q (total value) t Power factor 1 t, 2 t, 3 t Power factor (total value) t Phase angle I1 t, I2 t, I3 t, IN t Phase angle U12 t, U23 t, U31 t Phase angle , U1 t, U2 t, U3 t, U0 t To calculated values the following functions are applied: Revision tc Format conversion t - Normalized, technologically scaled or short floating point - Suppression of zero range Change monitoring t Fault detection Spontaneous transmission of changes t Note The previously mentioned functions are described in detail in the document SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements according to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Measurement in Three-Phase Systems - I/O Module". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 153 System Components and Technical Data AO-8380 Functions * Setpoint values by means of currents and voltages Output range settable with a resloution of ta - 14 bits at 20 mA/10 V - Shrinking the range results in decreasing resolution Application functions and procedures according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 ta - Formal check - Direct command - Select and execute command ("select/execute") Adaptation t - Linear (normalized, technologically scaled or short floating point) t Selectable behavior on communication failure and module failure ta (keep value, output substitute value) Spontaneous transmission t or Periodical transmission a CM-8820 Functions Acquisition Functions * Measuring currents Acquisition of currents through measuring sensors Measuring range 1 A or 5 A with 100% overrange Output Functions * 5.7.3 Output through low-power outputs Nominal voltage 225 mV Measuring range 0 V to 450 mV External SICAM TM I/O Modules (only with CP-8000) Note The technical data of the SICAM TM I/O Modules are described in the document SICAM TM I/O Modules. 154 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data DI-6100, DI-6101, DI-6104 Functions * Single-point information Acquisition with a resolution of 10 ms t Update every 10 ms a (in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function, if larger) Revision ta Power monitoring ta Inversion ta Firmware filter t Bounce suppression t Determination of the cause of transmission t Spontaneous transmission of changes t Periodical transmission a * Double-point information Acquisition with a resolution of 10 ms t Update every 10 ms a (in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function, if larger) Revision ta Power monitoring ta Inversion ta Firmware filter t Bounce suppression t Monitoring intermediate and faulty positions t Determination of the cause of transmission t Reporting switching operations in progress t Breaker tripping detection t Breaker tripping suppression during auto-reclose t Spontaneous transmission of changes t Periodical transmission a * Integrated totals via count pulses t1 Acquisition by firmware with a maximum count frequency of 20 Hz - Pulse length/pause >20 ms/>20 ms - Revision - Power monitoring - Inversion - Pulse counting Counter value formation - Count pulse evaluation - Set counter Formation of integrated totals - Counter request - Interval control - Frozen absolute value - Frozen relative value Not power-fail safe Integrated total transmission according to iec 60870-5-101 Spontaneous transmission SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 155 System Components and Technical Data DI-6102, DI-6103 Functions * Single-point information Acquisition with a resolution of 1 ms t Update every 10 ms a (in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function, if larger) Revision ta Power monitoring ta Inversion ta Firmware filter t Bounce suppression t Determination of the cause of transmission t Spontaneous transmission of changes t Periodical transmission a * Double-point information Acquisition with a resolution of 1 ms t Update every 10 ms a (in the cycle of the open-/closed-loop control function, if larger) Revision ta Power monitoring ta Inversion ta Firmware filter t Bounce suppression t Monitoring intermediate and faulty positions t Determination of the cause of transmission t Reporting switching operations in progress t Breaker tripping detection t Breaker tripping suppression during auto-reclose t Spontaneous transmission of changes t Periodical transmission a * Integrated totals via count pulses t1 Acquisition by firmware with a maximum count frequency of 20 Hz - Pulse length/pause >2 ms/>2 ms - Revision - Power monitoring - Inversion - Pulse counting Counter value formation - Count pulse evaluation - Set counter Formation of integrated totals - Counter request - Interval control - Frozen absolute value - Frozen relative value Not power-fail safe Integrated total transmission according to IEC 60870-5-101 Spontaneous transmission 156 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data AI-6300, AI-6307, AI-6308 Functions * Currents and voltages Settable acquistion grid n*100 ms t Measurement range settable with a resloution of 12 Bit + sign t - Shrinking the range results in decreasing resolution Revision t Noise rejection t Automatic calibration t Smoothing t Adaptation t - Linear (normalized, technologically scaled or short floating point) - Suppression of zero range - Plausibility check Change monitoring t - Spontaneous transmission of changes SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 t Unrestricted 157 System Components and Technical Data AI-6310 Functions * Temperatures t1 Acquisition of resistance thermometers via analog inputs of a SM-0571 Connection of the resistance thermometers: 2-, 3-, or 4-wire technique Update every 400 ms Settable measuring range - Temperaturwerte - Input range Pt100: -50...+350C / -58...+662F / (80,31...229,67 ) Pt100: -100...+700C / -148...+1292F / (60,25...345,13 ) Ni100: -60...+250C / -76...+482F / (69,5...289,2 ) - Resolution Pt100: -50...+350C 0.15C / 0.28F / (56 m) Pt100: -100...+700C 0.15C / 0.28F / (56 m) Ni100: -60...+250C 0.15C / 0.28F / (56 m) - Update grid 16 Hz <6,8 s 50 Hz < 5,6 s 60 Hz < 5,2 s - Resistance values - Input range 40...400 - Resolution 56 m - Update grid HW rev. ="--" 16 Hz < 6,8 s 50 Hz < 5,6 s 60 Hz < 5,2 s HW rev. "-A" 16 Hz < 1,68 s 50 Hz < 1,44 s 60 Hz < 1,36 s Revision Noise rejection Automatic calibration Calibration for 2-wire technique Smoothing Adaptation - Temperature value (C, F), conversion using implemented curves - Resistance () Change monitoring Spontaneous transmission of changes 158 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data TE-6430 Functions * Integrated totals via counting pulses 2 counting pulse inputs or 1 counting pulse input and 1 transfer input Inputs are galvanically insulated from logic circles and ground Inputs are not galvanically insulated from each other Input voltage range from 24 up to 60 V Inputs are secured by means of EMC filter and protector equipment The autonomous operable functions of the module are operated buffered, thus counting function and counts remain correct also over a voltage failure from up to 72 hours Spontaneous transmission f SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 159 System Components and Technical Data DO-6200 Functions * Pulse commands t1 Output of pulse commands - 1-pole Single, double and regulating step commands Command output (OC) Application functions and procedures according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 - Formal check - Direct command - Select and execute command ("select/execute") 160 Retry suppression 1-out-of-n check Control location check Command locking Synchronization Revision Command output time - Settable - Dependent on the process Return information monitoring Command prolongation Switching sequences Command output for the auto-reclose function If outputs of the module are used for pulse commands, no outputs of the same module can be used for binary information output * Binary information output Selectable behavior on communication failure ta (deactivation or retention) Deactivation on module failure ta Spontaneous transmission t or Periodical transmission a If outputs of the module are used for binary information output, no outputs of the same module can be used for pulse commands Usage of outputs as Watchdog * Return information to pulse command assignment Settable assignment for messages and pulse commands, which are acquired or output on the I/O Master Module Predefined assignment for messages and pulse commands, which are acquired or output on the I/O Master Module Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data DO-6212 Functions * Pulse commands t1 Output of pulse commands - 1-pole, 11/2-pole, 2-pole - Cannot be mixed Single, double and regulating step commands Command output (OC) Application functions and procedures according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 - Formal check - Direct command - Select and execute command ("select/execute") Retry suppression 1-out-of-n check Control location check Command locking Synchronization Revision Command output time - Settable - Dependent on the process Return information monitoring Command prolongation Switching sequences Command output for the auto-reclose function If outputs of the module are used for pulse commands, no outputs of the same module can be used for binary information output * Binary information output Selectable behavior on communication failure ta (deactivation or retention) Deactivation on module failure ta Spontaneous transmission t or Periodical transmission a If outputs of the module are used for binary information output, no outputs of the same module can be used for pulse commands Usage of outputs as Watchdog * Binary information and command output Settable output of the categories DO_EX and DO_DX - Mixed output of binary information items and commands on 1 DO module possible - Output of persisting commands * Return information to pulse command assignment Settable assignment for messages and pulse commands, which are acquired or output on the I/O Master Module Predefined assignment for messages and pulse commands, which are acquired or output on the I/O Master Module SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 161 System Components and Technical Data DO-6220, DO-6221, DO-6230 Functions * Pulse commands t1 Checked output of pulse commands - 1-pole, 11/2-pole, 2-pole - Cannot be mixed on one module Single, double and regulating step commands Application functions and procedures according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 - Formal check - Direct command - Select and execute command ("select/execute") Control location check Retry suppression 1-out-of-n check Command locking Synchronization Revision DO-6220 - command output according to IC1 - Idle check - Selective activation check DO-6221 - command output according to RC1 - Idle check - Selective activation check - Resistance check - Current flow information - Earth fault check - Interference voltage check Command output time - Settable - Dependent on the process * 162 Return information monitoring Command prolongation Periodical control circuit check Switching sequences Monitoring of command output sequence to prevent incorrect outputs Command initionation for auto-reclose Activation of command contactors with or without series-break contacts (with DO-6221) Return information to pulse command assignment (applies for DO-6230) Settable assignment for messages and pulse commands, which are acquired or output on the I/O Master Module Predefined assignment for messages and pulse commands, which are acquired or output on the I/O Master Module Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 System Components and Technical Data AO-6380 Functions * Setpoint values by means of currents and voltages Output via analog outputs of a SM-0572 ta Output range settable with a resloution of ta - 12 bits + sign at 20 mA/10 V - Shrinking the range results in decreasing resolution Application functions and procedures according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 ta - Formal check - Direct command - Select and execute command ("select/execute") Adaptation t - Linear (normalized, technologically scaled or short floating point) t Selectable behavior on communication failure and module failure ta (keep value, output substitute value) Spontaneous transmission t or Periodical transmission a SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 163 System Components and Technical Data 5.8 MTBF Values of the SICAM A8000 Modules The MTBF values shown in this section have been calculated according to Siemens standard SN29500. All electrical and electromechanical components have been considered. Not included are mechanical components (screws, housing, adhesive labels, etc.). The values have been calculated for an ambient temperature of 40C. The following specified values of MTBF are statistic values which serve only for the estimation of maintenance and substitute needs. These values are no guaranteed product attribute. Master Modules Module MTBF at 40C [Hours] [Years] CP-8021 Master Module 682 165 77,87 CP-8022 Master Module with GPRS 485 206 55,39 Power Supply Modules Module MTBF at 40C [Hours] [Years] PS-8620 Power supply DC 24 to 60 V, 12 W 1 809 267 206,54 PS-8622 Power supply DC 110 to 220 V, 12 W 1 748 221 199,57 PS-8640 Power supply DC 24 to 60 V, 45 W 1 490 671 170,1 PS-8642 Power supply DC 100 to 240 V, AC 100 to 240 V, 45 W 1 014 243 115,8 SICAM I/O Modules Module 164 MTBF at 40C [Hours] [Years] AI-8310 Analoge Eingabe 2x2 Pt100/Pt1000 1 293 929 147,71 AI-8320 Analoge Eingabe 4x 20 mA 2 238 589 255,55 AI-8510 Analoge Eingabe 3x U (230 V), 3x I (LoPo) 1 354 169 154,59 AI-8511 Analoge Eingabe 3x U (LoPo), 3x I (LoPo) 1 408 352 160,77 AO-8380 Analoge Ausgabe 4x 20 mA/10 V 1 377 524 157,25 CM-8820 Stromwandler Adaptermodul fur AI-8510 11 993 284 1369,10 DI-8110 Binare Eingabe 2x8, 24 VDC 1 617 914 184,69 DI-8111 Binare Eingabe 2x8, 48/60 VDC 1 617 914 184,69 DI-8112 Binare Eingabe 2x8, 110 VDC 1 617 914 184,69 DI-8113 Binare Eingabe 2x8, 220 VDC 1 552 120 177,18 DO-8212 Binare Ausgabe Relais 8x 24...220 VDC/230 VAC 2 362 056 269,64 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 6 Installation and Circuitry Contents 6.1 Mechanical Design ....................................................................................... 166 6.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................. 171 6.3 Installation Location and Position.................................................................. 173 6.4 Mounting CP-8000........................................................................................ 175 6.5 Mounting CP-802x ........................................................................................ 187 6.6 Memory Cards.............................................................................................. 194 6.7 Wiring........................................................................................................... 196 6.8 Switching the Device On and Off .................................................................. 198 6.9 Block Diagrams and External Circuitry .......................................................... 199 6.10 Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 207 6.11 Installation of External Communication Connections ..................................... 212 This chapter describes the mechanical design of CP-8000/CP-802x and how the installation and wirings are to be accomplished. This chapter shows further how the various communication methods can be realized by means of the standard modems and special cables. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 165 Installation and Circuitry 6.1 Mechanical Design 6.1.1 CP-8000 The electrical components of the device are housed in a plastic casing with the dimensions 128 mm x 124 mm x 116 mm (W x H x D). The casing is designed for assembly on a DIN rail. At the front are the operation and display elements, an interface for the communication via Ethernet, and a slot for the SD card. At the top of the device are the connections for the communication via RS-485 and RS-232, as well as a further Ethernet interface. On the right side of the housing is the bus connector for the I/O coupling module. It is covered with a label. 166 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry On the bottom side of the device are the connections for the process signals as well as for the supply voltage. At the back is the DIN rail mounting. Locking Hook The device is locked onto the DIN rail and also removed again using the locking hook. Details see section 6.4.2, Mounting of the Master Module. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 167 Installation and Circuitry Type Plate On the left side of the housing resides the type plate with specific information as type, power consumption, order number, serial number, hardware addresses for the network operation (MAC address for interface X1 and X4). SIEMENS CP-8000 Master Modul mit I/O -40/+75C MAC X1: 00-E0-A8-B2-51-63 X4: 00-E0-A8-B2-51-64 6MF21011AB100AA0FF BF1208154985 Humboldtstr. 59, 90459 Nuremberg, Germany Made in India Symbol Meaning CE conformity Protection class II / protective insulation The documentation must be observed 168 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.1.2 CP-802x The electrical components of the device are housed in a plastic casing with the dimensions 30 mm x 132 mm x 124 mm (W x H x D). The casing is designed for assembly on a DIN rail. CP-8021 CP-8022 RJ45 Ethernet RJ45 Ethernet RJ45 Ethernet RJ45 Ethernet RS-232 RS-232 GPRS RS-485 RS-485 SIM Card RS-232/RS-485 At the front are the LED display elements, the communication interfaces and a slot for the SIM card. At the back are the locking hooks, the bus connector and below the slot for the SD card. Locking Hook SD Card Bus connector Locking Hook View without bus connector Locking Hook The device is locked onto the DIN rail and also removed again using the locking hook. Details see section 6.4.2, Mounting of the Master Module. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 169 Installation and Circuitry Type Plate On the left side of the housing resides the type plate with specific information as type, power consumption, order number, serial number, hardware addresses for the network operation (MAC address for interface X1 and X4). SIEMENS CP-8021 Master Module CP-8021 Master Modul MAC X1: 00-E0-A8-FD-B6-0A X4: 00-E0-A8-FD-B6-0B 6MF28021AA00 BB GF1611016515 Humboldtstr. 59, 90459 Nuremberg, Germany Made in India Symbol Meaning CE conformity Protection class II / protective insulation The documentation must be observed 170 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.2 Dimensions 6.2.1 CP-8000 Front View SICAM A8000 SICAM CMIC CP-8000 124 mm POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RTX2 RS-485 OH3 RTX3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 128 mm 6.2.2 CP-8000 Side View 124 mm 116 mm 123 mm SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 171 Installation and Circuitry 132 mm CP-802x Front and Side View 122 mm 6.2.3 124 mm 30 mm 18 mm 124 mm 30 mm 122 mm 132 mm 18 mm 172 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.3 Installation Location and Position CP-8000/CP-802x is designed for the installation in a cabinet, rack or on the wall. For details on the subject of environmental conditions, please refer to chapter 4, Ambient Conditions. + RY ER X1 CP-8000/CP-802x may only be installed horizontally. - X1 Ma in m e nu + horizontal mounting position OH 3 X 3 4 X R TX 3 E T H R TX 2 R S - 48 5 OH 3 L K 4 P K 4 F4 OH 3 F3 R TX3 F2 F4 F1 F3 M E NU F2 E SC X3 F1 R S - 23 2 OH 2 ER P K 1 RY Al a rm s X4 De v ic e in f or m a t io n Co n f i u r a t io n g Mo n it o r in g ME NU SICAM A80 SIC0AM 0 CPCMIC 8000 ES C S D R S -4 8 5 P K4 E T H L K 1 RT X 2 ER S D SICAM CMIC PS- 8620 R S -2 3 2 X2 RY L K4 RY PK4 OH 2 O H3 R T X 3 E T H E R A la r m s P O K ETH X4 R T X 2 R S 4- 8 5 SICAM CMIC O H2 PK1 L K4 1. 0 L K1 P K1 R S 2- 3 2 M o n it o r in g X1 SICAM A8000 E R E T H D e v ic e in f o r m a t io n C o n f ig u r a t io n L K1 ETH SICAM A8000 CP- 8021 CP- 8021 P OK R Y SI CAM A8000 1. 0 R S -4 8 5 me nu RT X3 R TX2 R S -2 3 2 X 2 P K4 O H2 RY ER E TH X 4 L K4 P K1 E TH X 1 PS- 8620 L K1 SI CAM A8000 SICAM A80 SICAM 00 CPCMIC 8000 M a in vertical mounting position Note Not permitted is the vertical installation or installations on the ceiling and on the floor (excessive temperature, dust load). 6.3.1 DIN Rail (TS35 Rail) For the installation of CP-8000/CP-802x a DIN rail is to be used, which conforms to the European Standard IEC 60715. The orientation and position in which the DIN rail is to be installed must be determined locally. The DIN rail must be installed horizontally on a vertical wall. Warning The connection of the DIN rail with the cabinet/rack must guarantee a reliable grounding of the device. The cabinet/rack itself must be grounded properly. A mounting plate is recommended. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 173 Installation and Circuitry 6.3.2 Cable Duct Cable ducts are recommended for the cabling above and below the device. The minimum distance from the device to the cable duct is 30 mm. Note When using a cable duct with 100 mm depth below the device, it is necessary to keep a 50 mm minimum distance between device and cable duct to operate the locking hook. 174 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.4 Mounting CP-8000 6.4.1 Space Requirement Besides the size of the device (128 mm x 124 mm) the space requirement for the height is dependent on the size of the cable ducts used and their minimum distance (30 mm) to the device. 128 30 30 30 SICAM CMIC SICAM A8000 CP-800 0 124 POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH 2 RTX2 RS-485 OH 3 RTX3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F2 F3 F4 min 30 *) F1 SI CAM A8 SIC 000 AMCP-C8000 MIC MENU min 5 0 m m **) ESC 100mm *) for thermal reasons, a minimum distance of 30 mm must be maintained around the device **) when using a cable duct with 100 mm depth below the device, it is necessary to keep a 50 mm minimum distance between device and cable duct to operate the locking hook SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 175 Installation and Circuitry Space Requirement with SICAM I/O Modules If the device is extended by external SICAM I/O Modules (max. 6 are permitted), then you must consider the width of the coupling module, the number of used I/O Modules and the end clamp. Example: CP-8000 + 6 ext. SICAM I/O Modules Thermical space ...................................................... 30 CP-8000 ............................................................... 128 CM-8811 coupling module .................................... 12,5 6 SICAM I/O Modules (6 x 30) ............................... 180 End clamp.................................................................5 Horizontal space requirement (mm) .................... 355,5 355,5 128 30 30 30 30 30 5 124 min. 30 30 12,5 30 SI CAM A8 00 CCMIC P- 8000 S0 ICAM P OK R Y E R ET H L K1 P K1 R S -2 3 2 O H2 R T X2 RY R S -4 8 5 O H3 R T X3 RY RY RY RY RY ET H L K4 X4 F1 176 F2 F3 F4 Unrestricted SD min. 30 P K4 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Space Requirement with SICAM TM I/O Modules If the device is extended by external SICAM TM I/O Modules (max. 6 are permitted), then you must consider the width of the coupling module, the I/O Modules, the bus protection cap and the end clamp. Example: CP-8000 + 6 ext. SICAM TM I/O Modules Thermical space ..................................................... 30 CP-8000................................................................128 CM-6811 coupling module ........................................ 5 6 SICAM TM I/O Modules (6 x 63)..........................378 Protective cap for bus ............................................... 3 End clamp ................................................................ 5 Horizontal space requirement (mm)........................549 549 128 63 63 63 63 63 63 3 5 124 30 30 5 SI CAM A8 S0 I 00 CAMCPCMI 8000 C P OK R Y E R E T H L K1 P K1 R S 2- 3 2 O H2 R T X 2 R S 4- 8 5 O H3 R T X 3 E T H L K4 P K4 S D min. 30 *) X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 177 Installation and Circuitry 6.4.2 Mounting of the Master Module CP-8000 can be installed on the DIN rail by hand, without any tools. Hang the inclined device in the top edge of the DIN rail. 1 Swing the device until the locking hook has contact with the bottom edge of the DIN rail. 2 Push the casing to the back. As a result the locking hook opens briefly and the casing engages in the rail. 3 178 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.4.3 Removal/Shifting of the Master Module To remove the device again, or to change its position on the DIN rail, the locking hook must be opened again. Insert a screwdriver suitable for slotted screws into the locking hook below the casing. The screw driver must have contact to the housing. The locking hook is opened by carefully pushing the screwdriver upwards. 1 Swing the bottom section of the device slightly forward. 2 3 Lift the device upwards out of the rail. Note If external I/O Modules are coupled to your device, then you can only remove the device after separating the external I/O Modules. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 179 Installation and Circuitry 6.4.4 Coupling of external SICAM I/O Modules CP-8000 can be expanded by up to 6 external SICAM I/O Modules. Thereto the following steps are essential: * * * Mounting of the coupling module for SICAM I/O Modules Mounting of the bus connector for SICAM I/O Modules Mounting of the SICAM I/O Modules Mounting of the Coupling Module for SICAM I/O Modules The coupling module (CM-8811) must be mounted on the right side of the CP-8000 housing. To mount the coupling module it is necessary to remove the label j which covers the I/O bus. Afterwards lead the coupling module parallel to the housing k and push it evenly on it until it is engaged. SICAM A8000 SICAM C CMIC P-8000 P OK RY ER E TH LK 1 P K1 R S-232 OH 2 RTX2 R S-485 OH 3 RTX3 E TH LK 4 P K4 j k SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Now you can mount CP-8000 on the DIN rail. Note The mounting of the coupling module can take place before or after the housing is mounted on the DIN rail (see Mounting of the Master Module). 180 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Mounting of the Bus Connector for SICAM I/O Modules Each SICAM I/O Module is equipped with a bus connector (CM-8812). This must be equipped separately from the I/O Module. You must disconnect the bus connector before mounting. Click the first bus connector right beside the coupling module on the DIN rail j and push it into the bus plug of the coupling module k. Both elements must be aligned seamlessly. k SICAM CMIC SICAM A8000 CP-8000 P OK RY ER E TH LK1 P K1 R S -232 OH2 RTX2 R S -485 OH3 RTX3 E TH LK4 P K4 j SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Afterwards you can attach the bus connectors of further SICAM I/O Modules in the same way. Mounting of the SICAM I/O Modules The SICAM I/O Modules can be mounted as shown in following picture. SICAM C MIC SICAM A8000 CP -8000 P OK RY ER E TH LK 1 P K1 R S-232 OH 2 RTX2 R S-485 OH 3 RTX3 E TH LK 4 P K4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 RY Note The tongue and groove system integrated in the modules facilitates the correct combination. The module is only connected correctly when the locking hook is snapped onto the DIN rail. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 181 Installation and Circuitry Caution To increase the stability it is necessary to mount an end clamp flush left from the CP-8000 housing and flush right after the last SICAM I/O Module. SICAM A8000 SICAM CP-8000 CMIC P OK RY ER E TH LK 1 P K1 R S -232 OH2 RTX2 R S -485 OH3 RTX3 E TH LK 4 P K4 RY RY RY RY SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 You can take information on the SICAM I/O Modules out of the following document: Document name Item number SICAM I/O Modules User Manual DC8-012-2 Please consider the notes in the section, Configuration Rules for I/O Modules. 182 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.4.5 Coupling of External SICAM TM I/O Modules CP-8000 can be expanded with up to 6 external SICAM TM I/O Modules. Thereto the following steps are essential: * * * Mounting of the coupling module for SICAM TM I/O Modules Mounting of the bus connector for SICAM TM I/O Modules Mounting of the SICAM TM I/O Modules Mounting of the Coupling Module for SICAM TM I/O Modules The coupling module (CM-6811) must be mounted on the right side of the CP-8000 housing. To mount the coupling module it is necessary to remove the label j which covers the I/O bus. Afterwards lead the coupling module parallel to the housing k and push it evenly on it until it is engaged. The mount of the coupling module at the housing can take place before or after the device is mounted on the DIN rail (see Mounting of the Master Module). SICAM A8000 SICAM CMIC CP-8000 POK RY ER E TH LK 1 PK 1 R S-232 OH 2 RTX2 R S-485 OH 3 RTX3 E TH LK 4 PK 4 j k SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Now you can mount CP-8000 on the DIN rail. Note The mounting of the coupling module can take place before or after the housing is mounted on the DIN rail (see Mounting of the Master Module). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 183 Installation and Circuitry Mounting of the SICAM TM I/O Modules After CP-8000 and coupling module are mounted on the DIN rail you can start to mount the SICAM TM I/O Modules. Lead the first I/O Module as shown in the following picture into the guides on the SICAM TM I/O coupling module and lock it on the DIN rail. SICAM A8000 SICAM CMIC CP-8000 P OK RY ER ETH LK 1 P K1 RS -232 OH2 RTX2 RS -485 OH3 RTX3 ETH LK 4 P K4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Afterwards you can attach the further SICAM TM I/O Modules. Caution The last SICAM TM I/O Module must be equipped with a protective cap to protect the bus. The appropriate cap is delivered with the coupling module. SICAM A8000 SICAM CMIC CP-8000 POK RY ER E TH LK 1 PK 1 R S-232 OH 2 RTX2 R S-485 OH 3 RTX3 E TH LK 4 PK 4 SD X4 F1 184 F2 F3 F4 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Caution To increase the stability it is necessary to mount an end clamp flush left from the CP-8000 housing and flush right after the last SICAM TM I/O Module. SICAM A8000 SICAM CMIC CP-8000 POK RY ER E TH LK 1 PK 1 R S-232 OH 2 RTX2 R S-485 OH 3 RTX3 E TH LK 4 PK 4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 SICAM A8000 SICAM C CPMIC -8000 POK RY ER E TH LK 1 PK 1 R S-232 OH 2 RTX2 R S-485 OH 3 RTX3 E TH LK 4 PK 4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 You can take information on the SICAM TM I/O Modules out of the following documents: Document name Item number SICAM TM I/O Modules User Manual DC6-041-2 Please consider the notes in the section, Configuration Rules for I/O Modules. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 185 Installation and Circuitry 6.4.6 Separating of Master Module and I/O Coupling Module If you need to separate a CP-8000 from the I/O coupling module (e.g. spare part replacement), proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. Separate the external I/O Modules from the Master Module. Remove the Master Module including the coupling module from the DIN-rail). Loose at first the 4 clamps of the coupling module which are arrested at the housing. 4. Loose the 3 clamps which are arrested inside the housing. Use a proper tool (e.g. a small slotted screwdriver). 5. 6. Now you can demount the TM I/O coupling module. Cover the holes of the TM bus with a label. Note Above illustrations show the separation of a SICAM TM I/O coupling module from a CP-8000. The separation of a for SICAM I/O coupling module works the same way. 186 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.5 Mounting CP-802x 6.5.1 Space Requirement for the Master Module For the operation of CP-8021 or CP-8022 a power supply module is required. The belonging dimension and the minimum distance (30 mm) around the modules must be considered for the determination of the space requirement. 30 30 30 PS-8620 CP-8021 30 30 LK 1 ETH SICAM A8000 SICAM A8000 X1 PK 1 LK 4 ETH X4 PK 4 OH 2 132 R S- 232 X2 R TX2 RY ER R S- 485 RY X3 OH 3 R TX 3 4 - 3 X1 2 + ETH SICAM A8 000 X1 PK1 LK4 ETH X4 PK4 OH2 PS-8620 LK1 SICAM A8 000 CP-8021 min 30 *) 1 RS- 232 X2 RTX2 ER RY ER R S-485 RY X3 RTX3 OH3 X1 + *) for thermal reasons, a minimum distance of 30 mm must be maintained around the device SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 187 Installation and Circuitry Space Requirement with SICAM I/O Modules If the device is extended by external SICAM I/O Modules (max. 8 are permitted), then you must consider the number of used I/O Modules and the end clamp/grounding terminal. Example: CP-802x + 8 ext. SICAM I/O Modules + redundant PS-86xx Thermical space ...................................................... 30 CP-802x.................................................................. 30 2 SICAM PS-86xx (2 x 30) ....................................... 60 8 SICAM I/O Modules (8 x 30) ............................... 240 Grounding terminal ....................................................5 Horizontal space requirement (mm) ....................... 365 365 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 5 L K4 E TH X 4 P K4 O H2 PS- 8622 124 P K1 SICAM A800 0 SICAM A800 0 E TH X 1 PS- 8622 L K1 SICAM A800 0 CP- 8022 min. 30 30 R S -2 3 2 X 2 R TX2 RY ER RY E R RY RY E R RY RY RY RY RY RY RY X 7 PK 7 R S -2 3 2 R S -4 8 5 RT X3 S IM X3 - - O H3 X1 X1 X6 RT X6 188 OH 6 + min. 30 R S -4 8 5 L K7 + Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.5.2 Mounting of the Master Module CP-802x can be installed on the DIN rail by hand, without any tools. The Master Module is equipped with a bus connector. Remove the bus connector from the module and click it on the DIN rail. 1 Press the module on the bus connector. This opens the locking hooks. 2 When module and bus connector are connected correctly, the locking hooks are latched on the DIN rail. 3 Note You also can open and lock the locking hooks on the module, before you mount the module. They must be closed manually after assembly. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 189 Installation and Circuitry 6.5.3 Removal/Shifting of the Master Module To remove CP-802x again or to change its position on the DIN rail, the locking hooks must be opened again. 1 Insert a screwdriver suitable for slotted screws into the locking hook (as shown in the picture). The screw driver must have contact to the housing. The locking hooks are opened by carefully pushing the screwdriver downwards j resp. upwards k. 2 When the locking hooks are locked on the housing you can pull the module off forward. 3 Note If external I/O Modules are coupled to your device, then you can only remove the device after separating the external I/O Modules. 190 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Mounting of the Power Supply Module The Power Supply Module is equipped with a bus connector (CM-8812). This must be equipped separately from the module. You must disconnect the bus connector before mounting. Click the bus connector right beside the Master Module on the DIN rail j and push it into the bus plug of the Master Module k. Both elements must be aligned seamlessly. k j The Power Supply Module can be mounted as shown in the following picture. Note The tongue and groove system integrated in the modules facilitates the correct combination. The module is only connected correctly when the locking hook is snapped onto the DIN rail. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 191 Installation and Circuitry 6.5.4 Coupling of external SICAM I/O Modules CP-802x can be expanded by up to 8 external SICAM I/O Modules. Thereto the following steps are essential: * * Mounting of the bus connector for SICAM I/O Modules Mounting of the SICAM I/O Modules Mounting of the Bus Connector for SICAM I/O Modules Each SICAM I/O Module is equipped with a bus connector (CM-8812). This must be equipped separately from the I/O Module. You must disconnect the bus connector before mounting. SI CAM A8000 ETH X1 PK1 LK4 ETH X4 PK4 OH2 k PS- 8620 LK1 SI CAM A8000 CP- 8022 Click the first bus connector right beside the Power Supply Module on the DIN rail j and push it into the bus plug of the Power Supply Module k. Both elements must be aligned seamlessly. RS-232 X2 j RTX2 RY ER RY ER X7 PK7 RS-48 5 LK7 RS-2 32 RS-4 85 RTX3 SIM X3 OH3 X1 X6 RTX6 OH6 + Afterwards you can attach the bus connectors of further SICAM I/O Modules in the same way. 192 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Mounting of the SICAM I/O Modules SI CAM A8000 ETH X1 PK1 LK4 ETH X4 PK4 OH2 PS- 8620 LK1 SI CAM A8000 CP- 8022 The SICAM I/O Modules can be mounted as shown in following picture. RS-232 X2 RTX2 RY ER RY ER X7 PK7 RS-48 5 LK7 SIM X3 RTX3 - RS-2 32 RS-4 85 X6 RTX6 OH3 X1 RY OH6 + Note The tongue and groove system integrated in the modules facilitates the correct combination. The module is only connected correctly when the locking hook is snapped onto the DIN rail. Caution PS- 8620 CP- 8022 To increase the stability it is necessary to mount an end clamp flush left from the CP-802x housing and flush right after the last SICAM I/O Module. LK1 PK1 LK4 ETH X4 PK4 OH2 SI CAM A8000 SI CAM A8000 ETH X1 RS-232 X2 RTX2 RY ER LK7 PK7 RY RY ER RY RY RY RS-48 5 X7 RS-2 32 RS-4 85 RTX3 SIM X3 OH3 X1 X6 RTX6 OH6 + You can take information on the SICAM I/O Modules out of the following document: Document name Item number SICAM I/O Modules User Manual DC8-012-2 Please consider the notes in the section, Configuration Rules for I/O Modules. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 193 Installation and Circuitry 6.6 Memory Cards 6.6.1 SD Card CP-8000/CP-802x uses an SD card (Secure Digital) for the storage of firmware, application and diagnosis data. The Master Modules are supplied with an SD card inserted. You find further information in section 7.5.1, SD Card. Note Do not remove or insert the SD card during operation of the device. Inserting the SD Card Whith CP-8000 the SD card is inserted in the front of the device. With CP-802x the SD card is inserted in the rear side, therefore the Master Module must be removed from the DIN rail when exchanging the SD card. SICAM CP-8000 SICAM CP-802x SICAM A8000 SICAM CMIC CP-8000 POK RY ER E TH LK1 PK1 RS-2 3 2 OH2 RTX 2 RS-4 8 5 OH3 RTX 3 E TH LK4 PK4 SD AM SIC s TU R X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Put the SD card in the slot and press carefully until it engages. Removing the SD Card Disconnect the device from the supply voltage and wait for at least 30 s. Push the SD card carefully until it is disengaged and springs out of the slot. The SD card can now be removed. 194 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.6.2 SIM Card (only CP-8022) CP-8022 needs a SIM card for the communication via GPRS. This will be supported by your mobile network provider. You find further information in section 7.5.2, SIM Card (only CP-8022). Note Do not insert or remove the SIM card during operation of the device. This can damage the SIM card and the device! Please consider that the SIM card supports the required temperature range. Such kind of SIM cards are frequently managed under the tariff M2M. Inserting the SIM Card In CP-8022 the SIM card is inserted in the front of the device. Put the SIM card in the corresponding slot and press carefully until it engages. Removing the SIM Card Disconnect the device from the supply voltage and wait for at least 30 s. Push the SIM card carefully until it is disengaged and springs out of the slot. The SIM card can now be removed. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 195 Installation and Circuitry 6.7 Wiring Due to the power dissipation in the device there is a higher temperature on the terminals than the device ambient temperature. This increase is maximum 15K with full load. For this reason the isolation of the wires must withstand a higher temperature than the device environment temperature (see example for process peripherals). 6.7.1 Power Supply CP-8000 has an integrated power supply module (see 5.3.1, CP-8000 (integrated)). * * The supply can be performed via a station battery or series power units. For the fuse protection a circuit breaker 2-pole 2 A, characteristic C is prescribed (standard type: Siemens 5SY5 202-7). CP-802x needs an external power supply module PS-862x or PS-864x (see, Technical Data and, Technical Data). * * * * * The supply can be performed via a station battery or series power units. PS-8642 can be supplied optionally via the public low-voltage network. Furthermore, 2 redundant power supply modules can be used (PS-862x as of production level CC). For the fuse protection of PS-862x a circuit breaker 2-pole with 2 A, characteristic C is prescribed (standard type: Siemens 5SY5 202-7). For the fuse protection of PS-864x a circuit breaker 2-pole with 10 A, characteristic C is prescribed (standard type: Siemens 5SY5 210-7). You can establish the supply with single leads of the type H07V-K (1.5...2.5 mm) or a cable of the type LA-YY-0 (2 x 1.5...2.5 mm) or H05VV-F 3G (1.5...2.5 mm). Recommended and tested series power units (standard types) can be found in the Appendix A.7, Recommended Upstream Power Supply Devices. 6.7.2 Communication RS-485 The wiring at the RS-485 interface is specified as follows: 196 Max. ambient temperature min. max. Conductor cross section solid 0.2 mm 1.5 mm Conductor cross section flexible 0.2 mm 1.5 mm Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule w/o plastic sleeve 0.25 mm 1.5 mm Conductor cross section flexible, with ferrule with plastic sleeve 0.25 mm 0.75 mm Conductor cross section AWG 24 16 AWG according to UL/CUL 16 24 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.7.3 Process Peripherals Cabinet-internal wiring is preferably carried out with plastic-insulated cables according to DIN VDE 298 T4 2/89. Use only copper wires. You can establish the connections with single leads of the type H05V-K or H05V2-K (0.5...1 mm), as well as H07V-K or H07V2-K (1.5...2.5 mm). Max. ambient temp. Max. operating temp. Type 55C 70C H05V-K, H07V-K 70C 85C H05V2-K, H07V2-K * * * * * 6.7.4 If a wire bridge with 0.75 mm is used or a bridged comb, the cable cross section is limited to 1.5 mm. The construction of the peripheral connectors is designed for direct peripheral wiring. That means, that the wiring can be carried out without the use of a routing terminal or other additional screw terminals. Removable screw terminals are used as peripheral connectors. These are attached to the device for delivery. Optionally spring-loaded- or crimp terminals can be used. Preferably wire end sleeves are to be used. A cable duct is to be provided for the wiring of the process signals. Shielding CP-8000/CP-802x is designed in order that no shielded cables are necessary. Normally, shielded cables are strain-relieved directly after the cabinet/rack entry and then grounded on a large-surface screening rail installed for this purpose. The device itself provides no possibility of shield clamping. 6.7.5 Protective Earth/Ground When installing CP-8000/CP-802x, it is to be ensured that the cabinet or rack used has proper protective earth and ground. That means, that all electrical conducting parts must be connected large-surface and as short as possible with the existing grounding system. If these preconditions exist, the grounding of the device takes place via the connection of the DIN rail with the cabinet spar. A reliable connection is achieved by using screws with contact washers. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 197 Installation and Circuitry 6.8 Switching the Device On and Off Before switching the device on it must be connected to the designated power supply. Switching on takes place by connecting the voltage at the corresponding connector (X12/CP-8000, X1/PS-862x, X1/PS-864x), commonly by switching on a miniature circuit breaker (Details see 6.7.1, Power Supply). The circuit breaker must be arranged at a suitable location, simply accessible to the user, close to the device, and be marked as disconnector for the device. The device starts up automatically. It is operational (without error display), as soon as all connected modules have concluded the startup. The startup time is dependent on the loaded data on the SD card and may last up to 15 minutes. Pay attention to the status display during and after startup. You will find the details therreto in section 11.2, Checks and System Display. The switching off of the device takes place by disconnecting the power supply. Caution Switching off during writing operations to the SD card (load firmware, load parameters) is to be avoided without fail, since the data on the SD card could be destroyed as a result. 198 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.9 Block Diagrams and External Circuitry 6.9.1 CP-8000 Overview SICAM CP-8000 CM-8800 SD Card Sideplane X4 X1 X12 X13 Digital Inputs DI-8100 Digital Outputs DO-8203 X21 X22 X23 X24 X31 Master Module CP-8000 Display Power Supply PS-8630 I/O-Module(s) Coupling Module Keys X2 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS X32 Power Supply PS-8630 BUS 5 V / 12 V intermediate circuit DC 24...60 V SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 1 2 not connected AUX V0- X14 5 not connected 4 AUX V0- AUX V0+ 3 AUX V0+ 2 AUX V0+ 1 Self resetting fuse (PTC) X13 BAT4 2 not connected 3 1 not connected X12 2 1 3 not connected not connected not connected X11 BAT+ Sideplane (CM-8800) reinforced insulation Contact wetting Unrestricted 199 Installation and Circuitry Master Module CP-8000 BUS CP-8000 SD-Card LED POK Keys RY ER LK1 Prozessor Basic System PK1 IP 1 OH3 Display OH2 IP 2 LK4 PK4 Switch RS-485 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RTS (O) CTS (I) n.c. X3 (2-wire) 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 RXD (I) TXD (O) DTR (5 V/12 V) (O) GND DSR (I) X2 1 DCD (I) (4-wire) Shield RXDRXD+ TXDTXD+ 0V 2 3 4 5 6 RS-422 X3 1 galvanical insulation RXDn.c. n.c. 3 4 5 6 7 8 TXD+ 2 1 RXDn.c. n.c. TXD- 4 5 6 7 8 n.c. n.c. RXD+ n.c. n.c. 1 2 3 TXD+ TXDRXD+ X4 RS-232 Shield n.c. n.c. TXD- / RXDTXD+ / RXD+ 0V Ethernet X1 Ethernet Note X1 and X4 are alternatively 1 Ethernet interface (duplicated via an internal switch) or 2 independent Ethernet interfaces. 200 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Digital Input DI-8100 The following circuitry variants are examples, and do not relate exclusively to the depicted inputs/outputs. DI-8100 BUS Controller COM IN D10 5 IN D13 4 IN D12 3 IN D11 2 X32 1 IN D10 COM IN D00 9 IN D07 8 IN D06 7 IN D05 6 IN D04 5 IN D03 4 IN D02 3 IN D01 2 X31 1 IN D00 reinforced insulation PS-8630 AUX V0+/- SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 201 Installation and Circuitry Digital Output DO-8203 The following circuitry variants are examples, and do not relate exclusively to the depicted inputs/outputs. Note The module is monitoring autonomously the communication to the Master Module. With communication failure (> 150 ms) the parameterized failure behavior (terminate or keep) becomes active. Further information see section 11.2.3, Behavior of the Process Outputs upon Startup and Failure. 1 and 2-pole Circuitry DO-8203 4 COM OUT D07 3 2 OUT D07 1 X24 OUT D06 reinforced insulation 4 COM OUT D04 COM OUT D05 3 2 OUT D05 1 OUT D04 4 X23 COM OUT D02 COM OUT D03 3 2 OUT D03 1 X22 OUT D02 COM OUT D01 4 COM OUT D00 3 2 OUT D01 OUT D00 1 X21 COM OUT D06 BUS Controller U+ U- Rz 1-pole with switched plus 202 Unrestricted Rz Rz 1-pole with switched minus 2-pole SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 11/2-pole Circuitry DO-8203 BUS reinforced insulation 4 U- U+ U+ U- Unrestricted Minus switched COM OUT D06 COM OUT D07 3 2 OUT D07 1 X24 OUT D06 *) Plus switched 1,5-pole *) no galvanical insulation between the relay common and COM OUT D06 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 4 COM OUT D04 COM OUT D05 3 2 OUT D05 1 OUT D04 4 X23 COM OUT D02 COM OUT D03 3 2 OUT D03 1 OUT D02 X22 COM OUT D00 COM OUT D01 4 3 2 OUT D01 1 X21 OUT D00 Controller 203 Installation and Circuitry 6.9.2 CP-802x Power Supply Modules PS-8620 and PS-8622 BUS PS-862x X99 PIC 5 V 28 V X1 4 3 2 1 galvanical insulation - + PS-8620: DC 24...60 V PS-8622: DC 110...220 V 204 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Power Supply Modules PS-8640 and PS-8642 BUS PS-864x X99 Controller 5 V 28 V X1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 - (N/-) + (L/+) AUX AUX AUX AUX V0V0V0+ V0+ X2 *) reinforced insulation contact wetting/ modem supply *) only PS-8642 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 PS-8640: DC 24...60 V PS-8642: DC 100...240 V AC 100... 240 V Unrestricted 205 Installation and Circuitry Master Module CP-8021 and CP-8022 BUS CP-802x LED SD Card RY ER LK1 PK1 Processor Basic System OH2 OH3 IP 1 IP 2 LK4 GPRS Modem *) PK4 OH6 SIM Card *) Switch LK7 PK7 X2 RS-232 X7 *) GPRS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RX/TXRX/TX+ n.c. n.c. n.c. GND n.c. n.c. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CTS (I) RTS (O) VCC (O) TXD (O) RXD (I) X4 Ethernet X6 *) X3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TXTX+ n.c. n.c. n.c. GND RXRX+ RS-422 4-wire TXTX+ n.c. n.c. n.c. GND RXRX+ RS-422 4-wire galvanical insulation RS-485 2-wire RX/TXRX/TX+ n.c. n.c. n.c. GND n.c. n.c. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TXD+ TXDRXD+ n.c. n.c. RXDn.c. n.c. X1 Ethernet DCD (I) DTR (O) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TXD+ TXDRXD+ n.c. n.c. RXDn.c. n.c. RS-485 2-wire DTR (O) n.c. GND DCD (I) RXD (I) *) applies only for CP-8022 (SIM Card is not scope of supply) RTS (O) TXD (O) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RS-232 Note X1 and X4 are alternatively 1 Ethernet interface (duplicated via an internal switch) or 2 independent Ethernet interfaces. 206 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.10 Interfaces 6.10.1 CP-8000 Position of the Interfaces on the Housing The communication and process interfaces are positioned on the CP-8000 Master Module according to their use. Interfaces on the top of the housing Interfaces on the front of the housing POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 X1 X3 X2 Top Front X33 DI-8100 X31 to X32 X24 DO-8203 X21 to X24 X14 X23 X13 X11 X12 X22 X21 X32 X31 Interfaces on the bottom of Power Supply PS-8630 X12 to X13 Bottom X1...Ethernet X2...RS-232 X3...RS-485 X4...Ethernet SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 207 Installation and Circuitry Pin Assignment Interfaces at the Top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n.c. n.c. RXD- n.c. n.c. RXD+ TXD- TXD+ X1: Ethernet OV TXD+ / RXD+ TXD- / RXD- n.c. n.c. shield n.c. CTS (I) RTS (O) GND DSR (I) X3: RS-485 2-wire DTR (O) TXD (O) RXD (I) DCD (I) X2: RS-232 8 1 2 3 4 5 0V TXD+ TXD- RXD+ RXD- shield X3 RS-422 4-wire 6 DCD (I)................ Data Carrier Detect (Input) RXD (I)................ Receive Data (Input) TXD (O)............... Transmit Data (Output) DTR (O)...............Data Terminal Ready (selectable as voltage output 5 V or 12 V) GND................... Ground DSR (I)................ Data Send Ready (Input) RTS (O)............... Request To Send (Output) CTS (I)................. Clear to Send (Input) TXD+, TXD-.......... Transmit Data RXD+, RXD-......... Receive Data Note RS-485 RS-485 In case of using the RS-485 interface (X3) it is necessary to clamp the shield of the communication cable to the DIN rail. This shield clamping should be done close to the system. Remote station SICAM CP-8000 DIN rail Note The assignment of X3 is independent whether a termination is existing or not (termination = resistance that is connected through parameter in the firmware). 208 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Interfaces at the Front TXD- RXD+ n.c. n.c. RXD- n.c. n.c. X4: Ethernet TXD+ SD card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TXD+.................. Transmit Data + TXD-................... Transmit Data RXD+.................. Receive Data + RXD-................... Receive Data - Interfaces at the Bottom The process signals are to be connected to screw terminals. The pin assignment of the peripheral connectors is described in the following table. 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 reserved reserved 4 1 2 3 COM OUT D07 DO-8203 4 2 3 4 AUX V0- X14 AUX V0- BAT4 3 COM OUT D06 OUT D06 COM OUT D05 4 X13 2 2 5 1 PS reserved 4 reserved reserved IN D13 IN D12 COM IN 10 1 X24 COM OUT D04 OUT D04 COM OUT D03 COM OUT D02 3 BAT+ reserved 3 5 AUX V0+ 2 X12 reserved reserved X11 1 4 AUX V0+ 4 OUT D03 COM OUT D01 COM OUT D00 3 3 X23 reserved 2 2 reserved 1 IN D11 IN D10 9 DI-8100 OUT D07 8 COM IN 00 IN D07 IN D05 IN D06 7 reserved 1 6 X22 OUT D01 OUT D00 X21 5 OUT D05 4 IN D04 IN D03 IN D02 3 X33 AUX V0+ 2 OUT D02 1 X32 IN D01 IN D00 X31 2 IN D00 to IN D07............... binary inputs of group 0, inputs 0 to 7 IN D10 to IN D13............... binary inputs of group 1, inputs 10 to 13 COM IN 00........................ common/supply of group 0 COM IN 10........................ common/supply of group 1 OUT D00 to D07............... make contact outputs 0 to 7 COM OUT D00 to D07........ common (root) outputs 0 to 7 BAT+/-.............................. input voltage AUX V0+/-......................... voltage distribution SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 209 Installation and Circuitry 6.10.2 CP-802x Position of the Interfaces The communication interfaces are positioned on the front side of the CP-802x Master Module. CP-8021 CP-8022 Communication X1: Ethernet X1: Ethernet X2: RS-232 LK 1 X4: Ethernet SICAM A8000 CP-8022 X4: Ethernet SICAM A8000 CP-8021 Communication E TH X1 PK1 LK 4 X2: RS-232 E TH X4 PK4 OH2 LK 1 E TH X1 PK1 LK 4 E TH X4 PK4 OH2 R S - 232 R S - 232 X2 X2 R TX 2 RY R TX 2 ER RY ER LK7 PK7 X7 R S- 48 5 R S- 485 X7: GPRS X3: RS-485 OH3 RTX3 X3: RS-485 R S- 23 2 R S- 48 5 RTX3 SIM X3 X3 OH3 X6 RTX6 OH6 X6: RS-232/RS-485 Pin Assignment X1, X4: Ethernet X2: RS-232 1 TXD+ 1 CTS (I) 2 TXD- 2 RTS (O) 3 RXD+ 3 VCC (O) 4 n.c. 4 TXD (O) 5 n.c. 5 RXD (I) 6 RXD- 6 GND 7 n.c. 7 DCD (I) 8 n.c. 8 DTR (O) TXD+, TXD-...........Transmit Data RXD+, RXD-.........Receive Data CTS (I).................Clear to Send (Input) RTS (O)...............Request To Send (Output) VCC (O)...............Voltage output (selectable 5 V or 12 V) TXD (O)...............Transmit Data (Output) RXD (I).................Receive Data (Input) DCD (I)................Data Carrier Detect (Input) DTR (O).................Data Terminal Ready (Output) GND.....................Ground 210 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry X3, X6: RS-485 2-Draht X3, X6: RS-422 4-Draht 1 TXD-/RXD- 1 TXD- 2 TXD+/RXD+ 2 TXD+ 3 n.c. 3 n.c. 4 n.c. 4 n.c. 5 n.c. 5 n.c. 6 GND 6 GND 7 n.c. 7 RXD- 8 n.c. 8 RXD+ X6: RS-232 1 RTS (O) 2 TXD (O) 3 CTS (I) 4 DTR (O) 5 n.c. 6 GND 7 DCD (I) 8 RXD (I) Pins on connector X3 and X6 (rear view) TXD+, TXD-...........Transmit Data RXD+, RXD-.........Receive Data CTS (I).................Clear to Send (Input) RTS (O)...............Request To Send (Output) TXD (O)...............Transmit Data (Output) RXD (I).................Receive Data (Input) DCD (I)................Data Carrier Detect (Input) DTR (O).................Data Terminal Ready (Output) GND.....................Ground SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 211 Installation and Circuitry 6.11 Installation of External Communication Connections Via the communication interfaces of CP-8000/CP-802x selected transmission facilities can be connected. Depending on the kind of the selected communication type, different connection cables are required for the connection of a data transmission facility. Connection type Communication type Transmission Facility Connection cable Serial Multi-point traffic * Leased line modem * VFT channel modem Modem cable Multi-point traffic via glass fiber optic Optional star coupler D-sub/RJ45 adapter Dial-up traffic analog Westermo TD-36, TDW-33 with external supply See section Dial-up traffic ISDN Westermo IDW-90 with external supply See section Dial-up traffic GSM Cinterion MC52iT See section SMS MC Technologies MC55iw See section Point-to-point traffic - See section Ethernet TCP/IP See section LAN/WAN GPRS See section Patch cable * Internal (CP-8022) * M874-2 GPRS Modem * MD741-1 GPRS Router Patch cable Patch cable Order information for transmission facilities and cables see appendix A.6, Transmission Facilities and A.8, Cables and Plugs. Note Communication cables are, if possible, to be installed separately from the supply and peripheral cables. Caution It is not permitted to connect a serial port with an Ethernet interface and vice versa. Note With a serial connection via X2 a bridge between CTS and GND is required, as far as the interface shall also be used for the connection with the engineering PC. By means of a special parameter you can define that the interface X2 is not used for engineering (Communication settings serial | Serial engineering interface = disabled). Thereby the connection between CTS and GND is not required. 212 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.11.1 Serial Communication Multi-Point Traffic via Leased Line Modem/VFT Channel Modem CP-8000 CE-070x TC6-210 POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 CP-8000 V.24/V.28 (X1) Wiring for Cable TC6-210 9-pole D-sub female CP-8000 DCD RXD TXD DTR/5 V GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. X2:1 1 1 X2:1 X2:2 2 2 X2:2 X2:3 3 3 X2:3 X2:4 4 4 X2:4 X2:5 5 5 X2:5 X2:6 6 6 X2:6 X2:7 7 7 X2:7 X2:8 8 8 X2:8 X2:9 9 9 Shield GND X2:9 +5 V Shield 1 X1:1 2 X1:2 3 X1:3 4 X1:4 5 X1:5 6 X1:6 7 X1:7 8 X1:8 CTS RTS (I) n.c. TXD (I) RXD (O) GND DCD (O) DTR Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 213 Installation and Circuitry CP-802x CE-070x CP-8021 CP-8022 RS-232 (X2) Cable max. 330 mm V.24/V.28 (X1) Wiring for Modem Cable CP-802x X2:1 CTS RTS VCC/5 V TXD RXD GND DCD DTR 8-pole RJ45 male 1 1 X2:1 X2:2 2 2 X2:2 X2:3 3 3 X2:3 X2:4 4 4 X2:4 X2:5 5 5 X2:5 X2:6 6 6 X2:6 X2:7 7 7 X2:7 X2:8 8 8 X2:8 9 Shield X2:9 GND +5 V Shield 1 X1:1 2 X1:2 3 X1:3 4 X1:4 5 X1:5 6 X1:6 7 X1:7 8 X1:8 CTS RTS (I) n.c. TXD (I) RXD (O) GND DCD (O) DTR Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. 214 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Multi-Point Traffic via Glass Fiber Optic CP-8000 Connection via Star Coupler and CM-0847 SICAM AK 3 SIC AM AK SICAM AK PS-663x CM-0822 Fiber optic cable max. 1.5 km CM-0847 (CM-0827) D-sub/RJ45 adapter female RS-232 (X2) POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 CP-8000 Note CM-0847 replaces CM-0827 which is used only in existing plants. A maximum of 6 star couplers CM-0822 may be attached next to each other. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 215 Installation and Circuitry Wiring for Connection CP-8000 - CM-0847 Fiberoptic Interface RXD TXD DTR/5 V GND RTS CTS n.c. X2:2 2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 7 X2:8 8 X2:9 9 X2:1 DCD DSR 1 8-poleRJ45 8-pol. RJ45 mannl. male 1 9-pole D-sub female 1 VCC (5 V) RXD TXD GND 8 Shield Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. Wiring for Connection CP-8000 - CM-0827 Fiberoptic Interface (Existing Plants) Recommended D-Sub/RJ45 Adapter RS Pro MHDA9-SMJ8-M-K (see appendix A.8.1, Recommended Third-Party Products). This adapter provides a wired RJ45 socket and an unwired D-sub plug (female). Wiring of the RJ45 socket: 216 Pin Wire color 1 black 2 yellow 3 orange 4 red 5 green 6 browne 7 grey 8 blue Shield black Unrestricted Wiring at the 9-pole D-sub plug: The assignment of the pins at the D-sub plug can be made according to wiring diagram. RJ45 socket D-sub plug (backside) . solding point Not used wires must be isolated! With use of the shield this must be soldered at the metal plate of the D-sub plug. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry CP-802x Connection via Point-to-Point and CM-0847 CP-8021 CP-8022 RS-232 (X2) CM-0847 Fiber optic cable max. 1.5 km Tx Rx Tx Rx CM-0847 RS-232 (X2) CP-8022 CP-8021 Wiring for Connection CP-802x - CM-0847 Fiberoptic Interface X2:1 8-pole RJ45 male 1 X2:2 2 X2:3 3 X2:4 4 X2:5 5 X2:6 6 X2:7 7 X2:8 8 CP-802x CTS RTS VCC/5 V TXD RXD GND DCD DTR Shield VCC (5 V) RXD TXD GND Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 217 Installation and Circuitry Connection via Point-to-Point and Converter 7XV5652 CP-8021 CP-8022 Fiber optic cable 3 km range with graded index fibre 62,5/125 m (when connected to a SIPROTEC device, the maximum distance via grade index fibre 62,5/125 m is approx. 1,5 km) RS-232 (X2) RS-232 (X6) T Converter FO - RS232 7XV5652 R RS232 DC 24 V D-sub/RJ45 adapter male T Converter FO - RS232 7XV5652 R Patch cable cat.5 max. 1.5 m RS232 D-sub/RJ45 adapter male Patch cable cat.5 max. 1.5 m DC 24 V RS-232 (X2) CP-8021 CP-8022 Recommended D-Sub/RJ45 Adapter RS Pro MHDA9-PMJ8-M-K (see appendix A.8.1, Recommended Third-Party Products). This adapter provides a wired RJ45 socket and an unwired D-sub plug (male). 218 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Wiring for Connection CP-802x/X2 - 7XV5652 Patch cable CP-802x CTS RTS VCC TXD RXD GND DCD DTR X2:1 D-Sub/RJ45 adapter 8-pole RJ45 8-pole RJ45 female male 1 8-pole RJ45 male 1 1 X1:1 2 X1:2 n.c. X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 3 X1:3 X2:4 4 4 4 X1:4 X2:5 5 5 5 X1:5 X2:6 6 6 6 X1:6 X2:7 7 7 7 X1:7 X2:8 8 8 8 X1:8 9 X1:9 n.c. Shield Shield RXD TXD n.c. GND n.c. n.c. n.c. Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. Wiring for Connection CP-8022/X6 - 7XV5652 Patch cable Single wires RTS TXD CTS DTR n.c. GND DCD RXD D-Sub/RJ45 adapter 8-pole RJ45 8-pole RJ45 male female 1 X6:1 1 1 X1:1 X6:2 2 2 2 X1:2 X6:3 3 3 3 X1:3 X6:4 4 4 4 X1:4 X6:5 5 5 5 X1:5 X6:6 6 6 6 X1:6 X6:7 7 7 7 X1:7 X6:8 8 8 8 X1:8 9 X1:9 n.c. Shield Shield SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted n.c. RXD TXD n.c. GND n.c. n.c. n.c. 219 Installation and Circuitry Connection via Star Coupler 7XV5450 to other AU CP-8022 CP-8021 Fiber optic cable max. 1.5 km RS-232 (X2) CM-0847 Tx Rx CM-0847 Tx Rx Tx Rx CM-0847 R3 T2 R2 T1 R1 Mini Starcoupler 7XV5450 CM-0847 Tx Rx T3 RS-232 (X2) CP-8021 220 Unrestricted CP-8021 CP-8022 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Connection via Star Coupler 7XV5450 to other AU CP-8021 CP-8022 Fiber optic cable max. 1.5 km RS-232 (X2) RS-232 (X6) T3 R3 T2 R2 T1 R1 Mini Starcoupler 7XV5450 X1 D-sub/RJ45 adapter male Patch cable cat.5 max. 1.5 m Tx Rx CM-0847 CM-0847 Tx Rx Tx Rx CM-0847 RS-232 (X2) CP-8021 CP-8021 CP-8022 Recommended D-Sub/RJ45 Adapter RS Pro MHDA9-PMJ8-M-K (see appendix A.8.1, Recommended Third-Party Products). This adapter provides a wired RJ45 socket and an unwired D-sub plug (male). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 221 Installation and Circuitry Wiring for Connection CP-802x/X2 - 7XV5450 Patch cable CP-802x CTS RTS VCC TXD RXD GND DCD DTR X2:1 D-Sub/RJ45 adapter 8-pole RJ45 8-pole RJ45 female male 1 8-pole RJ45 male 1 1 X1:1 2 X1:2 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 3 X1:3 X2:4 4 4 4 X1:4 X2:5 5 5 5 X1:5 X2:6 6 6 6 X1:6 X2:7 7 7 7 X1:7 X2:8 8 8 8 X1:8 9 X1:9 Shield n.c. RXD TXD n.c. GND n.c. "RS-232" GND n.c. Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. Wiring for Connection CP-8022/X6 - 7XV5450 Patch cable Single wires RTS TXD CTS DTR n.c. GND DCD RXD D-Sub/RJ45 adapter 8-pole RJ45 8-pole RJ45 male female 1 X6:1 1 X6:2 2 2 2 X6:3 3 3 3 X6:4 4 4 4 X6:5 5 5 5 X6:6 6 6 6 X6:7 7 7 7 X6:8 8 8 8 1 9 Shield 222 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Connection via Star Coupler 7XV5450 to SIPROTEC 5 CP-8021 CP-8022 RS-232 (X2) Fiber optic cable max. 1.5 km CM-0847 Tx Rx T3 R3 T2 R2 R5 T5 T1 R1 Mini Starcoupler 7XV5450 Mini-Starcoupler 7XV5450-0AA00 R4 T4 2 1 L- L+ SIPROTEC 5 Note No protective device slaves may be connected to the T1/R1 connector of the Siemens 7XV5450 star coupler. T1/R1 is used for connection with the central station or to other star couplers in a star or ring structure. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 223 Installation and Circuitry Connection via Star Coupler 7XV5450 to SIPROTEC 5 (cascaded in Star Structure) CP-8021 CP-8022 Fiber optic cable max. 1.5 km RS-232 (X2) CM-0847 Tx Rx T3 R3 T2 R2 T1 R5 T5 2 R1 T3 Mini-Starcoupler 7XV5450-0AA00 R4 T4 R3 T2 R2 T1 R5 T5 2 R1 Mini Starcoupler 7XV5450 Mini-Starcoupler 7XV5450-0AA00 1 L- L+ R4 T4 1 L- L+ SIPROTEC 5 Note A maximum of 30 Siemens 7XV5450 star couplers may be used in a star or ring structure. No protective device slaves may be connected to the T1/R1 connector of the Siemens 7XV5450 star coupler. T1/R1 is used for connection with the central station or to other star couplers in a star or ring structure. 224 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Connection via Star Coupler 7XV5450 to SIPROTEC 5 (cascaded in Ring Structure) CP-8021 CP-8022 Fiber optic cable max. 1.5 km RS-232 (X2) CM-0847 Tx Rx T3 R3 T2 R2 T1 R5 T5 2 R1 T3 Mini-Starcoupler 7XV5450-0AA00 R4 T4 R3 T2 R2 R5 T5 T1 R1 Mini Starcoupler 7XV5450 Mini-Starcoupler 7XV5450-0AA00 1 L- L+ R4 T4 2 1 L- L+ SIPROTEC 5 Note A maximum of 30 Siemens 7XV5450 star couplers may be used in a star or ring structure. No protective device slaves may be connected to the T1/R1 connector of the Siemens 7XV5450 star coupler. T1/R1 is used for connection with the central station or to other star couplers in a star or ring structure. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 225 Installation and Circuitry Connection via Star Coupler 7XV5450 and Converter 7XV5652 to other AU CP-8021 CP-8022 RS-232 (X2) Fiber optic cable max. 1.5 km CM-0847 T3 R3 T2 R2 R5 T5 Tx Rx T1 R1 Mini Starcoupler 7XV5450 Mini-Starcoupler 7XV5450-0AA00 R4 T R T4 T RS232 2 1 L- L+ T R Converter RS232-FO 7XV5652 R RS232 RS232 D-sub/RJ45 adapter male Patch cable cat.5 max. 1.5 m RS-232 (X2) CP-8021 CP-8022 CP-8050 Wiring for connection CP-802x - 7XV5652 see page 219. Note This configuration with converters is given when, for example, the customer provides the complete infrastructure for the communication. Alternatively, a CM-0847 can be used in the substations instead of the optical converter RS232-FO 7XV56529. 226 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Dial-up Traffic Analog with Westermo TD-36 (TDW-33) CP-8000 Westermo TD-36 POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 WESTERMO TD-36 PSTN RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 POWER F1 F2 F3 F4 CP-8000 max. 2.5 m AC 22...264 V / DC 18...300 V (TD-36 AV) AC 12...27 V / DC 12...48 V (TD-36 LV) Wiring for Modem Cable CP-8000 X2:1 DCD RXD TXD DTR/5 V GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. 9-pole D-sub female 1 1 4 2 2 7 X2:3 3 3 8 X2:4 4 4 3 X2:5 5 5 1 X2:6 6 6 2 X2:7 7 7 6 X2:8 8 8 5 X2:9 9 9 9 X2:2 DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI Shield Shield AUX V0+ AUX V0(12/24 V) 1 2 3 4 5 V+ TxRx+ TxRx- 6 Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 227 Installation and Circuitry CP-802x Westermo TDW-33 CP-8021 CP-8021 PSTN WESTERMO TDW-33 WESTERMO TD-36 RS-232 ISDN Westermo TD-36 POWER CP-8022 CP-8022 max. 2.5 m max. 2.5 m AC 22...264 V / DC 18...300 V (TD-36 AV) AC 12...27 V / DC 12...48 V (TD-36 LV) AC 10...42 V / DC 10...60 V Wiring for Modem Cable CP-802x CTS RTS VCC TXD RXD GND DCD DTR X2:1 8-pole RJ45 male 1 1 4 X2:2 2 2 7 X2:3 3 3 8 X2:4 4 4 3 X2:5 5 5 1 X2:6 6 6 2 X2:7 7 7 6 X2:8 8 8 5 9 9 DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI Shield Shield AUX V0+ AUX V0(12/24 V) 1 2 3 4 5 V+ TxRx+ TxRx- 6 Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. 228 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Dial-up Traffic ISDN with Westermo IDW-90 CP-8000 POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 RS-232 WESTERMO IDW-90 ISDN Westermo IDW-90 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 CP-8000 max. 2.5 m AC 10...42 V / DC 10...60 V Wiring for Modem Cable CP-8000 X2:1 DCD RXD TXD DTR/5 V GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. 9-pole D-sub female 1 1 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 X2:8 8 8 X2:9 9 9 Shield DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. Shield AUX V0+ AUX V0(12/24 V) 4x2xAWG26 n.c. n.c. Tx+ TxRxRx+ n.c. n.c. Shield 1 2 3 wsor or wsgn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bl wsbl gn wsbn bn 4 5 6 7 8 n.c. n.c. Tx+ TxRxRx+ n.c. n.c. Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 229 Installation and Circuitry CP-802x Westermo IDW-90 RS-232 WESTERMO IDW-90 ISDN CP-8021 max. 2.5 m CP-8022 AC 10...42 V / DC 10...60 V Wiring for Modem Cable CP-802x CTS RTS VCC TXD RXD GND DCD DTR X2:1 8-pole RJ45 male 1 1 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 X2:8 8 8 9 Shield DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. Shield AUX V0+ AUX V0(12/24 V) 4x2xAWG26 n.c. n.c. Tx+ TxRxRx+ n.c. n.c. Shield 1 2 3 wsor or wsgn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 bl wsbl gn wsbn bn 4 5 6 7 8 n.c. n.c. Tx+ TxRxRx+ n.c. n.c. Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. 230 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Dial-up Traffic GSM, SMS Sender/Receiver Modem Protocol Description Cinterion MC52iT DIAST0 Data transmission via GSM with CSD-Service (Circuit Switched Data) MC Technologies MC55iw SMST0 SMS Sender/Receiver CP-8000 8 to 30 VDC Cinterion MC52iT or MC55iw Terminal POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 CP-8000 Wiring for Modem Cable X2:1 DCD RXD TXD DTR/5 V GND RTS n.c. 1 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 X2:8 8 8 X2:9 9 9 DSR CTS 9-pole D-sub female 1 Shield DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI Shield 6-pole RJ12 1 2 3 DC 8 V to DC 30 V 4 V+ PD_IN IGT_IN 5 6 GND Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 231 Installation and Circuitry CP-802x 8 to 30 VDC Cinterion MC52iT or MC55iw Terminal CP-8021 CP-8022 Wiring for Modem Cable CTS RTS VCC TXD RXD GND DCD DTR X2:1 MC52iT MC55iw 8-pole RJ45 male 1 1 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 X2:8 8 8 DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS 9 RI Shield 1 2 3 V+ 4 IGT_IN Shield 6-pole RJ12 DC 8 V to DC 30 V PD_IN 5 6 GND Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. 232 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry Point-toPoint Traffic with another AU CP-8000 Wiring for Connection Cable for D-Sub - D-Sub (e.g. CP-8000) X2:1 DCD RXD TXD DTR/5 V GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. 9-pole D-sub female 1 1 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 X2:8 8 8 X2:9 9 9 Shield DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. Wiring for Connection Cable for D-Sub - RJ45 (e.g. SICAM AK 3) X2:1 DCD RXD TXD DTR/5 V GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. 9-pole D-sub female 1 1 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 X2:8 8 8 X2:9 9 Shield CTS RTS DSR TXD RXD GND DCD DTR Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 233 Installation and Circuitry CP-802x Wiring for Connection Cable for RJ45 - D-Sub (e.g. CP-8000) CTS RTS VCC TXD RXD GND DCD DTR X2:1 8-pole RJ45 male 1 1 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 X2:8 8 8 9 Shield DCD RXD TXD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS n.c. Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. Wiring for Connection Cable for RJ45 - RJ45 (e.g. SICAM AK 3) CTS RTS VCC TXD RXD GND DCD DTR X2:1 8-pole RJ45 male 1 1 X2:2 2 2 X2:3 3 3 X2:4 4 4 X2:5 5 5 X2:6 6 6 X2:7 7 7 X2:8 8 8 Shield CTS RTS DSR TXD RXD GND DCD DTR Shield Connection CTS-GND: see note at page 212. 234 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Installation and Circuitry 6.11.2 Ethernet TCP/IP Communication via LAN/WAN CP-8000 Ethernet TCP/IP Switch Patch cable POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 You will find more detailed information on network configuration in appendix E, Use Cases. Note Depending whether a connection is done inside or outside of cabinets, different types of patch cables must be used. You can find details on connections above 10 m in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks, appendix A; section "Electrical Connection, Cable longer than 10 m". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 235 Installation and Circuitry Communicaton via GPRS CP-8000, CP-8021 GPRS Modem Patch cable POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 Antenna Antenna cable CP-8022 236 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 7 Preparing the Engineering Contents 7.1 Engineering Tools ........................................................................................ 238 7.2 Software for the Engineering ........................................................................ 239 7.3 Loadable Firmwares ..................................................................................... 244 7.4 Integrated Protocol SNMP ............................................................................ 245 7.5 Memory Cards.............................................................................................. 248 7.6 Interfaces for the Communication ................................................................. 249 7.7 Connecting Engineering PC with the Target Device ...................................... 250 7.8 Interaction with the Engineering Tool ............................................................ 269 This chapter describes with which methods CP-8000/CP-802x can be parameterized and programmed, and which prerequisites must be fulfilled thereto. Note Grafics and screenshots shown in this chapter relate to the engineering of CP-8000. They apply analogously for CP-8021 and CP-8022. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 237 Preparing the Engineering 7.1 Engineering Tools CP-8000/CP-802x is a parameter-settable miniature telecontrol device with optional automation function. The engineering is alternatively possible via * * * 7.1.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II, with tool OPM II SICAM WEB Device Manager Differences For the engineering via SICAM WEB no special knowledge of an engineering system is required, and also no licenses. The web user interface makes a very simple access to the parameter-setting of CP-8000/CP-802x. The structure of the parameter blocks is basically identical structured like in the SICAM TOOLBOX II, an exception is the parameterization of the periphery (not consistent). The engineering via SICAM WEB is useful for simple applications. There are not all the functions which offer the SICAM TOOLBOX II, available. You can find more details thereto section, Exceptions with Engineering via SICAM WEB. You find an overview of the respective functions in the sections 8, Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II and 9, Engineering via SICAM WEB. 7.1.2 Interlocking The writing access to a target device is exclusive. This means, changes of the parameterization of a target device are only possible with that engineering tool, with which engineering was begun for the first time. If a target device has been parameterized via SICAM WEB, it is not possible to take over the parameterization into the SICAM TOOLBOX II. All online tools of the SICAM TOOLBOX II (diagnosis, dataflow test, message simulation, etc.) can not be used. If a target device has been parameterized via the SICAM TOOLBOX II, there is only a reading access possible via SICAM WEB (change of parameters not possible). The online functions (diagnosis, process display) can be used in this case. Note CP-8000/CP-802x is delivered ex factory with an equipped SD card and a default web parameterization. At the moment that you load SICAM TOOLBOX II parameters, the access via SICAM WEB is only reading (role guest). 238 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering 7.2 Software for the Engineering 7.2.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II The SICAM TOOLBOX II (as of Version 6.01) is available on a USB stick and consists of the following toolsets: * EM II Engineering Manager (base package) * PSR II Engineering and Maintenance Computer * OPMII Object-Oriented Process Data Manager * CAEx plus Tool for the creation of an application program as function diagram (FUD), structured text (ST), sequential function chart (SF) Alternatively to the use of CAEx plus an existing and compatible instruction list (IL) can be stored in the SICAM TOOLBOX II The toolsets are also available as "Light" version. With this version, the engineering is limited to maximal 100 system elements and 2000 data points. The toolsets are available individually. You find information and updates for the individual toolsets, as well as numerous licences, on the website Document Item number SICAM TOOLBOX II V6 License Catalog, License Ordering D30-017-6 SICAM TOOLBOX II Release Information V6 M3E-031-2 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 239 Preparing the Engineering Prerequisites Prerequisite for the operation of the SICAM TOOLBOX II is the usage of an appropriate PC, that must fulfill certain hardware requirements, depending on the license package you purchased. Information thereto reside within a permanently updated List of PC preference types. Should that be not at your disposal, please consult your contact person at Siemens. For the installation of the SICAM TOOLBOX II the following preconditions are required: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * USB interface must exist C:\ drive must exist File system NTFS be existing Administrator rights for operating system Microsoft Windows (R) (read and write rights to the file system and the Windows Registry) Installed TCP/IP Other SICAM TOOLBOX II version must not be installed Other ORACLE (R) applications (data base, client, etc.) must not be installed Necessary regional settings: 'Dot' for decimal separator and 'comma' for the thousand separator must be different As separator an 'inverted comma' must not be used Usage of Windows Fonts in normal size (96 DPI) Microsoft Internet Explorer (R) as of version 6.0 Installated Microsoft Media Player (R) to play online help videos ( Installated Adobe Acrobat Reader (R) to read related documentation ( The initial installation needs 30 GB free harddisk memory An update needs additional 4 GB installed main memory Supported Operating Systems and Hardware Requirements You find the exact information on supported operating systems and hardware, as well as installation and accomplishment of updates, in the following document: 240 Document Item number SICAM TOOLBOX II USB BOX Booklet V6 D3E-021-1 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering 7.2.2 SICAM WEB For the engineering via SICAM WEB you need the following programs: Program Designation Version CPC80 Firmware for the Master Module 1) as of 10.01 (CP-8000) as of 11.01 (CP-8021, CP-8022 level BB) as of 12.01 (CP-8022 level CC) SWEB00 Firmware SICAM WEB 1) 2) as of 4.2 Sicam_first_startup Initializing tool for the device detection and IP address setting 1) as of 2 ASCII text editor for the creation of an instruction list (IL) 1) further information see 7.3, Loadable Firmwares 2) functionality of a web server as grafical user interface for the engineering The following web browsers can be used alternatively: Web browser Download Version Internet Explorer (R) as of 11 Edge (R) as of 40 Chrome (R) (current) Firefox (R) (current) Safari (R) (current) Opera (R) (current) Note When accessing a SICAM A8000 device via other web browsers, a warning appears in the logon dialog. Prerequisites For SICAM WEB the following operating systems are supported: Hardware Operating system PC, Notebook Windows 7 (R) (64-bit) Windows 8 (R) (64-bit) Windows Server 2012 (R) (64-bit) Version Samsung Galaxy TAB 2 10.1 Android (R) as of 4 Apple iPad4 iOS (R) as of 6 The following minimum screen resolution is recommended: * * * 1024 x 768 pixel screen resolution (1280 x 800 pixel recommended) 16 Bit color depth Screen diagonal: 7" SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 241 Preparing the Engineering Program Sicam_First_Startup The executable file Sicam_first_startup.exe must be stored locally on the engineering PC. For a convenient launching you can create a shortcut on the taskbar of the engineering PC. With the program Sicam_first_startup you can * * * find CP-8000/CP-802x connected in a network assign an IP address to a target device write a parameter file existing on the engineering PC on a SD card (backup of the parameterization of a target device) With assistance of a SD card read/write device, engineering data and firmwares can be copied also without target device, directly from the engineering PC on a SD card, for instance for the replication of projects. 7.2.3 SICAM Device Manager The SICAM Device Manager package consists of the following parts: * * * * 242 DVD with software and license agreement USB stick with license key Product Information Certificate of license Document Item number SICAM Device Manager S51-000 SICAM Device Manager Release Notes D51-004-1 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Prerequisites Prerequisite for the operation of the SICAM Device Manager is the usage of an appropriate PC, that must fulfill certain hardware requirements. For the installation of the SICAM Device Manager the following preconditions are required: * * * * * * * * * USB interface must exist DVD drive must exist C:\ drive must exist File system NTFS be existing Administrator rights for operating system Microsoft Windows (R) (read and write rights to the file system and the Windows Registry) Installed TCP/IP Enabled DirectX features 30 GB free harddisk memory 4 GB installed main memory The memory requirements and also the hard disk space of the operating system and all applications running parallel to the SICAM Device Manager (Microsoft Office etc.) and/or memory usage of onboard graphic adapters have to be considered. To make sure that DirectX features are enabled on your PC * * * * Click the Start button, type dxdiag in the search box, and then press the enter key Click the System tab and then, under SYSTEM I NFORMATION , check the DirectX version number, e.g.: DirectX 11 Click Next page Under DirectX Features all features must be enabled For the SICAM Device Manager the following operating systems are supported: Operating system Hardware Microsoft Windows 7 (R) 64 Bit PC, Notebook Microsoft Windows 8 (R) 64 Bit PC, Notebook Microsoft Windows 10 (R) 64 Bit PC, Notebook Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (R) 64 Bit PC, Notebook Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (R) 64 Bit PC, Notebook DirectX version depends on the used operating system SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 243 Preparing the Engineering 7.3 Loadable Firmwares CP-8000/CP-802x consists of system elements that are designed for specific functions: * Master module Central processing and communication * Protocols Communication with control center and further automation units * I/O Master Module Acquisition and output of process signals For the performing of the respective function, a special firmware is provided for each system element. The functionality of each system element is adjustable by means of parameters. As a partner of Siemens, you are able to download all the code revisions for your system as loadable binary files via the website * * * * Select > Home > Products, Systems & Solutions > Products for Substation Automation > Substation Control Systems and Remote Terminal Units Click on the Downloads tab Open SICAM A8000 | Firmware and Device Drivers In the result list you can select the required firmware(s) Examples: CPC80 Central Processing/Communication CPC80 Binary File TU CPC80 TB II Update SWEB00 SICAM WEB SWEB00 SICAM WEB Binary File UMPMT0 Multipoint Master IEC60870-5-101 UMPMT0 Binary File TU UMPMT0 TB II Update USIO81 Universal Signal Input/Output USIO81 Binary File TU USIO81 TB II Update A binary file contains the firmware code for the engineering via SICAM WEB. A TB II update contains the firmware code and the master data for engineering via the SICAM TOOLBOX II. For the parameterization of the corresponding system elements, the respective * * Firmware codes must exist in the target device (for engineering via SICAM WEB) TBII update must be stored in the SICAM TOOLBOX II (for engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II) How to load firmwares into a target device depends on the used engineering tool: * * 244 SICAM TOOLBOX II: section 8.1.4, Import Firmware and 11.5.1, SICAM TOOLBOX II SICAM WEB: section 9.3.7, Update Firmware and 11.5.2, SICAM WEB Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering 7.4 Integrated Protocol SNMP CP-8000/CP-802x supports the protocol SNMP Agent (version 2 and version 3). For the engineering of the SNMP protocol you need to get MIB files and a MIB browser. 7.4.1 Download of the MIB-Files MIB-files can be downloaded from the website * * * * Select > Home > Products, Systems & Solutions > Products for Substation Automation > Substation Control Systems and Remote Terminal Units Click on the Downloads tab Open SICAM AK3 | Manuals In the result list click on SICAM RTUs SNMP MIB File in order to start the download After the download you get the file * * Save this file on the computer where the MIB-browser is installed Open the file and start the therein contained file by means of double-click: SICAMRTUs_SNMP_MIB_V04.00.00.exe The MIB files are automatically stored on your computer. You find them in the subdirectory C:/siemens/SICAMRTUS_SNMB_MIB_V04.00.00/MIB-Files. 7.4.2 Import of the MIB-Files in MIB-Browser The import of the MIB-files into your MIB-browser must be done in the following sequence: Import Import Import Import Import Import Import of SIEMENS-SMI.mib of sicamRTUs.mib of RFC1213-MIB (optional) of rfc3635_mib.mib (Ethernet MIB, optional) of rfc2790_mib.mib (Host Resources MIB, optional) of rfc2574_mib.mib (USM MIB, optional) of rfc2575_mib.mib (VACM MIB, optional) Besides a standard MIB browser you can load the MIB files also with the control center systems SICAM 230 and 250 SCALA. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 245 Preparing the Engineering 7.4.3 Display of SNMP-Variables in MIB-Browser Example 1: SNMP variable plant Example 2: SNMP variable classInternal. 246 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Example 3: SNMP variable sysUpTime. Example 4: SNMP variable ipInReceives. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 247 Preparing the Engineering 7.5 Memory Cards 7.5.1 SD Card For the storage of engineering data CP-8000/CP-802x needs an SD card. This resides in the slot at the housing front (CP-8000) or housing back (CP-802x), refer to section 6.6.1, SD Card. With delivery of CP-8000/CP-802x, all required files for the correct operation are stored in folders on the SD card: * * * * * Firmware SICAM WEB (short text: SWEB00), binary file: SCD-001-1_xy.web The Web files for SICAM WEB are unzipped on the SD card in the folder SYSTEM\SICWEB The master data for SICAM WEB are unzipped on the SD card in the subfolders of SYSTEM\SICWEB\FW Firmware of the device (CPC80), binary file: SC8-080-1_xy.bin Optional firmwares for protocol and peripherals With usage of another suitable SD card, please consider the instruction in section 11.4.4, Replacement of the SD Card. SD Card Reader/Writer For archiving purposes, the engineering data and firmwares stored on the SD card can be read with a standard commercial SD card reader/writer and be stored on a PC. On the other hand, in particular for the initialization of a target device, the data can be written from a PC to the SD card. If needed, a driver software required for the use of the SD card reader/writer must be installed on the PC. Follow thereto the instructions of the manufacturer. For the formatting of the SD card the formatting tool SD Card Formatter must be used ( The SD card must be formatted with the file system FAT16. 7.5.2 SIM Card (only CP-8022) For the communication via GPRS you need a mobile network provider. This supplies a SIM card (choose the standard format = Mini SIM). The SIM card must be put in the slot at the housing front, refer to section 6.6.2, SIM Card. 248 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering 7.6 Interfaces for the Communication CP-8000/CP-802x provides the following interfaces for engineering and maintenance: Interface Type X1 Ethernet TCP/IP SICAM TOOLBOX II or SICAM WEB X2 Serial RS-232 *) SICAM TOOLBOX II or SICAM WEB X4 Ethernet TCP/IP SICAM TOOLBOX II or SICAM WEB X6 Serial RS-232 mode SICAM WEB X7 GPRS SICAM TOOLBOX II or SICAM WEB *) Engineering tool with additional voltage output (supply for external modem) Via the duplicated Ethernet link (X1 and X4 in switch mode) it is for instance possible to connect a local engineering PC and at the same time a GPRS modem for the communication to the central station. Furthermore, X1 and X4 can be operated via 2 independent IP addresses, you will find examples in appendix E, Use Cases. Note For CP-802x applies: X2/pin 3 (supply for external modem) must not be connected with the engineering PC! Note If the serial interface X2 is not used for the engineering, this can be set by means of a special parameter (Communication settings serial | Serial engineering interface = disabled). The engineering via X2 is then no more possible, however, for the connection of other devices (see 6.11.1, Serial Communication) a simpler cable wiring can be created. 7.6.1 Required Accessories Depending on the connection type, the following accessories are required: * * * Direct cable D-sub/RJ45 adapter D-sub/USB adapter (if needed) You will find the order information in appendix A.8, Cables and Plugs. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 249 Preparing the Engineering 7.7 Connecting Engineering PC with the Target Device 7.7.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II Before parameters can be loaded via the SICAM TOOLBOX II into CP-8000/CP-802x, the following steps must be performed: * * * * Insert a suitable SD card into the target device (if not present) Store required TBII updates in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Switch on the target device Set up physical connection with the target device The following connection options are available: * * * * * 250 Serial point-to-point connection Serial connection via telecommunication facilities LAN/WAN connection via Ethernet interface LAN/WAN connection via serial interface and Terminalserver Connection via further automation unit(s) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Physical Connection Serial Point-to-Point Connection Engineering PC and CP-8000 are connected with a direct cable via the serial interface (X2). SICAM TOOLBOX II CP-8000 TOOLBOX II Revision : Licen se Pak: PO K RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 Versio n 5 | Siemen s AG RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 Direct cable 2x D-sub F1 F2 F3 F4 Wiring for Connection CP-8000 - PC (Direct Cable) Engineering PC 9-pole D-sub female DCD X2:1 1 1 DCD RXD X2:2 2 2 RXD TXD X2:3 3 3 TXD DTR X2:4 4 4 DTR GND GND X2:5 5 5 DSR X2:6 6 6 DSR RTS X2:7 7 7 RTS CTS X2:8 8 8 CTS RI X2:9 9 9 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 RI shield shield Unrestricted 251 Preparing the Engineering With CP-802x, a standard patch cable and a D-sub/RJ45 adapter must be used. SICAM TOOLBOX II Standard patch cable max. 1.8 m CP-802x TOOLBOX II Revision : License Pak: Version 5 | Siemen s AG D-sub/RJ45 adaptor Wiring for Connection CP-8000 - PC (patch cable + D-sub/RJ45 adapter) 9-pole D-sub female Engineering PC CTS X2:1 1 1 1 1 DCD RTS X2:2 2 2 2 2 RXD VCC X2:3 3 3 3 3 TXD TXD X2:4 4 4 4 4 DTR RXD X2:5 5 5 5 5 GND GND X2:6 6 6 6 6 DSR DCD X2:7 7 7 7 7 RTS DTR X2:8 8 8 8 8 CTS 9 shield RI shield Recommended D-sub/RJ45 adapter RS Pro MHDA9-SMJ8-M-K (see appendix A.8.1, Recommended Third-Party Products). This adapter provides a wired RJ45 socket and an unwired D-sub plug (female). Wiring of the RJ45 socket: Pin Wire color 1 black 2 yellow 3 orange 4 red 5 green 6 browne 7 grey 8 blue Shield black Wiring at the 9-pole D-sub plug: The assignment of the pins at the D-sub plug can be made according to wiring diagram. RJ45 socket D-sub plug (backside) . solding point Not used wires must be isolated! With use of the shield this must be soldered at the metal plate of the D-sub plug. Note If the engineering PC does not provide a serial COM port, additionally a USB/RS-232 converter is required (see appendix A.8.1, Recommended Third-Party Products). 252 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Serial Connection via Telecommunication Facilities Engineering PC and CP-8000 are connected via the serial interface (X2) via modems and alternatively via a dedicated line, the public fixed network, or wireless radio. serial serial Modem Modem Line, PSTN, GSM, ... Direct cable SICAM TOOLBOX II CP-8000 TOOLBOX II Revision: License Pak: POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK 1 RS-232 OH2 Version 5 | Siemen s AG RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK 4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 With CP-802x, a special modem cable (or standard patch cable and D-sub/RJ45 adapter) must be used. serial serial Modem Modem Line, PSTN, GSM, ... D-Sub/RJ45 adaptor SICAM TOOLBOX II Standard patch cable max. 1.8 m CP-802x TOOLBOX II Revision : License Pak: Version 5 | Siemen s AG Note The circuitry of the modem cable (alternatively D-sub/RJ45 adapter) is dependent on the used modem. You will find the corresponding circuitries in section 6.11.1, Serial Communication. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 253 Preparing the Engineering LAN/WAN Connection via Ethernet Interface Engineering PC and CP-8000 are connected via one of the Ethernet interfaces (X1 or X4) via a network by means of standard patch cables. Ethernet TCP/IP IEC 60870-5-104 Standard patch cable SICAM TOOLBOX II CP-8000 TOOLBOX II Revision: License Pak: PO K RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 O H2 Version 5 | Siemens AG RS-485 O H3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Engineering PC and CP-802x are connected via one of the Ethernet interfaces (X1 or X4) via a network by means of standard patch cables. Ethernet TCP/IP IEC 60870-5-104 Standard patch cable SICAM TOOLBOX II CP-802x TOOLBOX II Revision: License Pak: Version 5 | Siemens AG 254 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering LAN/WAN Connection via Serial Interface and Terminalserver Engineering PC and CP-8000 are connected via the serial interface (X2) via a network and a terminal server. Ethernet TCP/IP Terminal Server Standard patch cable SICAM TOOLBOX II Direct cable CP-8000 TOOLBOX II Revision: Lice nse Pak: POK RY ER ETH LK 1 PK1 RS- 23 2 OH2 Version 5 | Siem ens AG RS- 48 5 OH3 ETH LK 4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Note The circuitry of the direct cable is described in section, Serial Point-to-Point Connection. With CP-802x, a standard patch cable and a D-sub/RJ45 adapter must be used for the connection with the terminal server. Ethernet TCP/IP Terminal Server D-sub/RJ45 adaptor Standard patch cable SICAM TOOLBOX II Standard patch cable max. 1.8 m CP-802x TOOLBOX II Revisio n: Licen se Pak: Version 5 | Siem ens AG Note The circuitry of the D-sub/RJ45 adapter is described in section, Serial Point-to-Point Connection. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 255 Preparing the Engineering Remote Connection via further Automation Unit(s) In need, the SICAM TOOLBOX II can also be connected indirectly via a connected automation unit (SICAM AK, SICAM AK3, SICAM TM). For engineering there must be a logical connection to that automation unit, which is subject of the engineering task. The both following cases are differentiated: * Connection with a local automation unit (that one, to which a physical connection exists) Note A first initialization of the automation unit is only possible in this way. * Connection with a remote automation unit that one, which can be accessed via a local automation unit; thereby, a continuous remote communication according to IEC 60870-5-101 or -104 is required) SICAM AK3 Local automation unit SICAM TOOLBOX II TOOLBOX II Revision: License Pak: Version 5 | Siemens AG CM-0825 USB connection cable Communication interface Automation/telecontrol network (IEC 60870-5-101/104) POK RY ER ETH LK 1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK 4 PK4 X4 F1 256 Unrestricted F2 F3 F4 SD Remote automation unit Communication interface CP-8000 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering 7.7.2 SICAM WEB Before CP-8000/CP-802x can be parameterized via SICAM WEB, the following steps must be performed: * * * * Insert a suitable SD card with the current firmware codes into the target device (if not present) Switch on the target device Set up physical connection with the target device Establish communication with the target device Set up IP configuration on the engineering PC Set up dial-up connection on the engineering PC (if necessary) Install security certificate on the engineering PC (if necessary) instruction thereto see, tab Cyber Security General Downloads, directory Application Notes, document Certificate trusting in web browsers Connect with the target device via web browser The following connection options are available: * * * Point-to-point connection via serial interface Point-to-point connection via Ethernet interface LAN/WAN connection via Ethernet interface SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 257 Preparing the Engineering Physical Connection Point-to-Point Connection via Serial Interface Engineering PC and CP-8000 are connected via the serial interface (X2) with a direct cable. Web browser CP-8000 POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH 2 RS-485 OH 3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Direct cable connection 2x D-sub Wiring for Connection CP-8000 - PC (Direct Cable) Engineering PC 9-pole D-sub female DCD X2:1 1 1 DCD RXD X2:2 2 2 RXD TXD X2:3 3 3 TXD DTR X2:4 4 4 DTR GND X2:5 5 5 GND DSR X2:6 6 6 DSR RTS X2:7 7 7 RTS CTS X2:8 8 8 CTS RI X2:9 9 9 shield 258 Unrestricted RI shield SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering With CP-802x, a standard patch cable and a D-sub/RJ45 adapter must be used. Web browser Standard patch cable max. 1.8 m CP-802x D-sub/RJ45 adaptor Wiring for Connection CP-8000 - PC (patch cable + D-sub/RJ45 adapter) 9-pole D-sub female Engineering PC CTS X2:1 1 1 1 1 DCD RTS X2:2 2 2 2 2 RXD VCC X2:3 3 3 3 3 TXD TXD X2:4 4 4 4 4 DTR RXD X2:5 5 5 5 5 GND GND X2:6 6 6 6 6 DSR DCD X2:7 7 7 7 7 RTS DTR X2:8 8 8 8 8 CTS 9 shield RI shield Recommended D-sub/RJ45 adapter RS Pro MHDA9-SMJ8-M-K (see appendix A.8.1, Recommended Third-Party Products). This adapter provides a wired RJ45 socket and an unwired D-sub plug (female). Wiring of the RJ45 socket: Pin Wire color 1 black 2 yellow 3 orange 4 red 5 green 6 browne 7 grey 8 blue Shield black Wiring at the 9-pole D-sub plug: The assignment of the pins at the D-sub plug can be made according to wiring diagram. RJ45 socket D-sub plug (backside) . solding point Not used wires must be isolated! With use of the shield this must be soldered at the metal plate of the D-sub plug. Note If the engineering PC does not provide a serial COM port, additionally a USB/RS-232 converter is required (see appendix A.8.1, Recommended Third-Party Products). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 259 Preparing the Engineering Point-to-Point Connection via Ethernet Interface The parameterization via point-to-point is suitable if the engineering PC and the target device are not operated in a network. Engineering PC and CP-8000 are connected with a cross connected patch cable via one of the Ethernet interfaces (X1 or X4). Web browser Patch cable cat.5 (twisted pair ) CP-8000 POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 R S-232 OH 2 R S-485 OH 3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Engineering PC and CP-802x are connected with a cross connected patch cable via one of the Ethernet interfaces (X1 or X4). Web browser 260 Unrestricted Patch cable cat.5 (twisted pair ) CP-802x SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering LAN/WAN Connection via Ethernet Interface The parameterization via LAN/WAN is suitable if the engineering PC and (several) CP-8000/CP-802x are operated in a network. Engineering PC and CP-8000 are connected with a cross connected patch cable via one of the Ethernet interfaces (X1 or X4). Ethernet TCP/IP IEC 60870-5-104 Standard patch cable Web browser CP-8000 POK RY ER ETH LK 1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 RS-485 OH3 ETH LK 4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Engineering PC and CP-802x are connected with a cross connected patch cable via one of the Ethernet interfaces (X1 or X4). Ethernet TCP/IP IEC 60870-5-104 Standard patch cable Web browser CP-802x SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 261 Preparing the Engineering Communication with the Target Device For the parameterization the target device must be connected with the engineering PC and switched on. In the Master Module of the target device a SD card must be equipped. The establishing of a communication connection between engineering PC and the target device takes place via adjustable IP addresses. For the initial parameter setting of CP-8000/CP-802x, default IP addresses are available. These are specific for the respective physical connection. With local engineering, fixed IP addresses are used since they are required only temporarily for the parameterization of the target device. Default IP Configuration in CP-8000/CP-802x 262 Parameter Value Meaning/Remark <Own IP address> Address of CP-8000/CP-802x web server via serial interface X2 (fixed) Autoconfiguration NO Configuration via DHCP service deactivated Mode of the Ethernet ports 1 IP address (connected ports in switch mode) Common IP address ON Ethernet interfaces X1 and X4 Parameter "Mode of the Ethernet ports" display (selection) Mode for X1 and X4 can be selected (configuration of separate IP addresses enabled) Own IP address Address of CP-8000/CP-802x web server via Ethernet interface X1 and X4 Subnet mask = not used Default gateway = not used In practice the default gateway is assigned on the smallest (193) or greatest (222) usable IP address in the network. If the own network is connected via a router, the address of the router is to be set. Network connection LAN Utilized transmission media Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Point-to-Point Connection via Serial Interface The following steps are necessary: * * Configure IP address for engineering PC Connection setup via SICAM WEB Configure IP Address for Engineering PC For the parameter setting the IP addresses predefined in CP-8000/CP-802x are used. Thereby the web server of the target device assignes automatically the IP address to the engineering PC, if this is configured for the automatic acceptance of an IP address. For the communication via the serial interface, a dial-up connection must be set up on the engineering PC. You find the instruction thereto in Appendix D, Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC. Connection via SICAM WEB Start the web browser and enter the IP address of your target device ( in the address bar. You find the further information in chapter 9, Engineering via SICAM WEB. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 263 Preparing the Engineering Point-to-Point Connection via Ethernet Interface The following steps are necessary: * * Configure IP address for engineering PC Connection setup via SICAM WEB Configure IP Address for Engineering PC For the parameter setting the engineering PC must be adjusted corresponding to the IP address predefined in CP-8000/CP-802x. * * * * Click in the control panel of the engineering PC on Network connections , after that on Local Network and Properties . Mark in the property dialog Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on Properties . Select USE THE FOLLOW ING IP ADDRESS: and enter for instance and the subnet mask, and confirm with OK . Confirm the network setings with OK . Connection via SICAM WEB Start the web browser and enter the IP address of your target device ( in the address bar. You find the further information in chapter 9, Engineering via SICAM WEB. Note According to the parameterization in CP-8000/CP-802x you have to enter a http or https address in the browser to establish the connection. During the first time connetion establishment via https there is a check if the corresponding security certificate is installed. If it is missing, it must be installed manually (see, tab Cyber Security General Downloads, directory Application Notes, document Certificate trusting in web browsers). 264 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering LAN/WAN Connection via Ethernet Interface The following steps are necessary: * * Writing IP address with Sicam_first_startup Connection setup via SICAM WEB Configure IP Address with Sicam_first_startup With operation in a network, an unambiguous IP address must be assigned to each connected CP-8000/CP-802x. The assignment of the IP address is dependent on the subnet mask used in the network. The identification for the assignment of the IP address happens solely via the MAC address of the target device. This is printed on the type plate at the left side of the housing, or it can be read also on the display under the menu Device information. Note The IP address can be assigned with the tool Sicam_first_startup within a network segment (subnet). This can happen also if the IP address of the engineering PC is located out of this subnet. On the other side, the assignment of the IP address via a routed network (PC and target device separated via a router) is not possible. For the address assignment start the program Sicam_first_startup.exe with double click. The Sicam_first_startup splash screen is opened, and the Sicam_first_startup symbol appears in the notification area of the taskbar: * * Click on the splash screen in order to close it Click then with the right mouse button on the Sicam_first_startup symbol The context menu of Sicam_first_startup is opened: SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 265 Preparing the Engineering * * Change the language if needed and open the context menu again After that click on Set Ethernet IP Address The window for the address assignment is opened. Click Discover A8000 to find the physically connected automation units within the network. The found devices -unambigously identified by the respective MAC address - are listed in the table. Note The IP settings depend on the configuration and the used transmission media of your network. For the setting of these values please contact your network administrator. Note With the firmware CPC80 as of revision 09 the setting of an IP address by means of Sicam_first_startup is supported only as long as the default IP address ( exists in the target device. 266 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering You can change the settings for IP ADDRESS, SUBNET and GATEW AY by means of clicking on the respective value. Confirm each with the enter key. The status of the respective target device is set to changed. After completion of the entries mark the corresponding target devices by marking their lines. Then click on Set IP address for selected A8000 . Sicam_first_startup creates now the ARP table on the engineering PC (assignment MAC address to IP address). Afterwards Sicam_first_startup tries to reach the target device. If this is successful, the parameterized addresses are loaded into the respective target device and the status is set to OK. Thereafter a restart is performed. The procedure is terminated for all target devices when the information Setting IP addresses A8000 finished appears. The supplement NOK means that an error occurred with writing the addresses. Check the set network addresses and the physical connection. If necessary, check the IP settings of your PC via the command prompt with the command ipconfig. Confirm the reset information with be addressed by the webbrowser. OK . After the startup, the respective target device can Note The writing of the IP address with Sicam_first_startup is also possible locally via the serial interface. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 267 Preparing the Engineering Connection via SICAM WEB Start the web browser and enter that IP address in the address bar you have previously assigned to your target device. You find the further information in chapter 9, Engineering via SICAM WEB. Note According to the parameterization in CP-8000/CP-802x you have to enter a http or https address in the browser to establish the connection. During the first time connetion establishment via https there is a check if the corresponding security certificate is installed. If it is missing, it must be installed manually (see, tab Cyber Security General Downloads, directory Application Notes, document Certificate trusting in web browsers). Configure IP Address via Autoconfiguration In a network, the IP address of the physically connected target devices CP-8000/CP-802x can be assigned by a DHCP server. The DHCP service is switched off by default and can be only activated by means of parameter (see, Autoconfiguration). 268 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering 7.8 Interaction with the Engineering Tool 7.8.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II For the engineering of CP-8000/CP-802x serves the SICAM TOOLBOX II installed on the engineering PC. Before you start with the engineering, the predefined configuration parameters of the SICAM TOOLBOX II must be checked and changed, if necessary (see section 8.1.1, Presets). The system-technical and process-technical parameterization is performed with the tool "OPM II". An application program can be created with the tool "CAEx plus" as function diagram, or alternatively as instruction list with a text editor in ASCII format. The setting of parameters is only possible independent from the target device (offline). Firmwares for the system elements and application programs must be imported into the SICAM TOOLBOX II. Engineering data maintained with the SICAM TOOLBOX II is stored in a data base on the harddisk of the engineering PC. By means of loading processes, the engineering data can be transferred from the harddisk of the engineering PC to a target device. Thereto the target device must be connected with the engineering PC and switched on, and a SD card must be equipped in the Master Module of the target device. The engineering data is stored during a load procedure on the SD card of the target device. With startup of the target device, all new or changed data is transferred into the main memory. Structure The individual tools of the SICAM TOOLBOX II have a design oriented according to Microsoft Windows(R) . After successful installation they can be started from the Windows start menu Start | All Programs | TOOLBOX II , or via the Toolbox shortcut on the desktop. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 269 Preparing the Engineering The most frequently needed tools (Load Parameters, CAEx plus, etc.) can be started also directly from the central engineering tool "OPM II". Note The SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help can be started either directly via the start menu of your PC, or from each single tool via the menu Help . 7.8.2 SICAM WEB For the engineering of CP-8000/CP-802x serves the web browser installed on the engineering PC. The web browser shows HTML sites provided by the integrated web server of CP-8000/CP-802x. The parameterization is performed online in the target device. By means of the web server the engineering data is maintained and stored on the SD card of the Master Module. Engineering data can be transferred also by means of loading processes from the harddisk of the engineering PC to a target device and reversely. Dashboard After successful log-in, the so called Dashboard appears. Here you can select the individual submenus via the displayed tiles: 270 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Alternatively, each area and each tab can be also accessed via the context menu: Home By clicking on this button you are able to return to the Dashboard from each website in SICAM WEB. Navigation By clicking on this button you are able to select the desired area from a drop-down list from each website in SICAM WEB. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 271 Preparing the Engineering General Buttons Open menu The button contains the following menu functions available exclusively for the user name administrator. The menu functions are also visible for the user name guest, however, he has no authorization to execute them. With attempt of a selection, a corresponding notification is recorded in the status log (example: Missing privilege for restart). Apply changes This button is disabled after logging in. As soon as you modified the parameter settings the button is enabled. During the saving procedure the changed parameters are transmitted into the device. Then the button remains disabled until the next modification of parameters. Thus, you can see at a glance whether there is a modification of parameters (button enabled) or not (button disabled). For the user name guest the button is always disabled. 272 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Reload This button causes an update of the data saved last in the device. If you changed values and you did not yet save it, * Click on the button, if you want to discard these changes The web browser opens an interrogation dialog according to the following example: * * select Cancel, if you want to abort the procedure select OK to update (unsaved data will be lost) If for instance one administrator and up to two guest are logged on to the same device, the changes made and stored by the administrator will be visible for the guest only upon reload. Show status log This button causes the display of a list of error information, warnings and information logged during the current session: * * * You may close the list by means of button You may clear all by means of button You have the possibility to specifically search for certain information: In the field Filter enter the word (or a part of it) to search for Click the cross to reset the filter SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 273 Preparing the Engineering Parameter Entry In the submenu Settings you find all configuration data of the device. You have the possibility to change configuration parameters. In the left window area, all configuration data is shown as a hierarchical directory tree: * CP-8000/CP-802x Master Module Note At present, a modification of periphery parameters (node I/O Master Module) is not possible. At present, navigation is possible via mouse only (via finger in case of touch screen). In order to carry out modifications, you have to log in as administrator. This is how to retrieve information about parameters: * * In the directory tree, select any node You can expand or collapse each directory by clicking or To the right of the directory tree, all parameters of the selected parameter group or table parameters (such as topology information, dataflow messages and so on) are shown in a table. * * * 274 Select the parameter group or parameter you want In the table, click on a value of a parameter For showing/hiding the description of the selected parameter, click on the yellow bar located to the right of the work area Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering This is how to enlarge the work area: * For hiding the tree, and therefore enlarging the work area, click on the grey bar left to the work area This is how to edit parameters: Depending on the parameter, different options for the parameter entry exist: * * Click on a parameter in the table and modify the value (in the input field) Select a predefined value in the drop down list Each entered value has a specific validity range. Immediately after entering a value, a value range check will be carried out. Only valid values will be accepted. When entering an invalid value, a red highlighted notification about the valid value range appears and the focus remains in the input field. * * Enter a new valid value Press ESC key if you want to restore the previous valid value In case of table parameters, there is the possibility to define new rows with parameters. The procedure for that is described subsequently. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 275 Preparing the Engineering This is how to add new parameters: * Click on the symbol The new row containing initial values is added at the bottom of the table. These values may be modified as you wish. This is how to remove parameters: * * In the table, select a row by placing a checkmark on the left next to the row Click on the symbol for delete This is how to fill an amount of table parameters automatically: Example 1: 276 * Select the desired column * Enter the start value and the increment, then click on Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering The selected column is now filled according to the input: Note The start value must be within the permitted range, the increment must be always a number. Example 2: * Select the desired column * Enter the start value and the increment, then click on The selected column is now filled according to the input: SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 277 Preparing the Engineering This is how to select all rows: * Place a checkmark in front of the table name in the table header to place a checkmark in front of each row: This is how to save your modifications: * To conclude save your changes, refer to Apply A restart with subsequent startup of the target device may be necessary after saving, refer to 9.3.1, Restart device. Note The storage of values is possible only with equipped SD card. This is how to undo your modifications since the last saving procedure: * * Click on the symbol (refer to Reload) Close your browser without saving, if you want to finish your work Show Expert Parameters For the most applications not all of the available parameters are required. For special cases, additional parameters are provided (expert parameters). To simplify the engineering of the target device, the expert parameters are hidden by default. Thereby the directory tree has a reduced number of directories and parameter tables have a reduced number of columns (no impact on the parameter table of the signals page). When activating the checkbox S HOW ALL PARAMETERS the expert parameters get visible: The state of the checkbox is maintained during the current session. When logging on again, the state of the checkbox is deactivated. 278 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Automatic Restart Request Under certain circumstances a restart of the device will be necessary (for instance if a changed parameter requires a restart for activation, or after updating of the SICAM WEB application). In this case, a corresponding dialog appears: * * Click Click , if you want to perform the restart instantly , if you want to change arbitrary further parameters yet The restart request appears then as an indication in the headline: You can define the moment of the restart, and with that the activation of the changed parameters, on your own. The indication is maintained also with change of the menus and also after abortion of the session. It disappears only after the performance of a startup of the target device. For the information on execution of a restart refer to 9.3.1, Restart Device. SICAM TOOLBOX II Locking If the initial engineering has been performed with the SICAM TOOLBOX II, a corresponding indication appears in the header. Then only a reading access to the parameterization is possible. Language Versions SICAM WEB is available in the following languages: * * English German The language of the GUI corresponds to the language settings of your browser. If the browser language is not supported, English will be used as the standard language. Additionally, you have the option of installing language packs, see 9.3.9, Install Language Package. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 279 Preparing the Engineering Navigation with the Web Browser If you refresh or change the page in the web browser: After using the functions refresh or back a new page build does not happen. An interrogation dialog of the web browser appears, whether you want to leave the page. Example: * * If you leave the page, the session is automatically terminated and unsaved data is lost; afterwards the logon dialog appears If you stay on the page, you can continue workoing with the latest entered values If you close the page in the web browser: After clicking the button close of the web browser (or tab) an interrogation dialog of the web browser appears, whether you want to leave the page. * * 280 If you leave the page, the web browser is closed, the session is automatically terminated, and unsaved data is lost If you stay on the page, you can continue workoing with the latest entered values Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Preparing the Engineering Session Monitoring If you do not terminate a session with SICAM WEB via the menu: An automatic logout occurs after 15 minutes of inactivity. Unsaved data is thereby lost: * Click OK in order to reconnect with the device, refer to, Logon If you open a new browser window or a new browser tab: You are already logged on at CP-8000/CP-802x (successful logon). The logon dialog will appear after opening a new browser window or a new browser tab, after entering the IP address of the device and after a successful connection establishment. With a log-on attempt, a corresponding error message will appear: Note Please note that no more than one administrator and two guest can be logged in to the device at the same time. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 281 Preparing the Engineering Exceptions with Engineering via SICAM WEB The parameter records in the SICAM TOOLBOX II and in the SICAM WEB are basically identical structured. However, for the engineering via SICAM WEB some simplifications exist, hence the following functions are not supported or implemented in another manner: 282 * HW configuration Master Module The Master Module is automatically configured as soon as a SD card with the firmware CPC80 has been installed. * System technique I/O Master Module After the configuration of the I/O Master Module the I/O Modules must be configured in the OPM II. With the engineering via SICAM WEB the I/O Modules are configured automatically. * Process technique I/O Master Module In contrast to the OPM II no images are applied, for each I/O Module an assignment page and a parameter page exist. In the assignment page the usage of the I/Os is defined (according to the assignment in the SICAM TOOLBOX II). In the setting page the previously configured I/Os are parameterized. There appear only the parameters relevant for the defined usage. * Process technique protocol element In contrast to the OPM II no images are applied, the process technique is provided as spreadsheets (send detailed routing, receive detailed routing). * Loading firmware of protocol elements Protocol elements can not be loaded slot-selectively. If for instance on PRE0 and on PRE1 the system element UMPST0 is configured, both are loaded. * Message simulation The message simulation is not supported (inserting of arbitrary messages into the system). However, there is the possibility of displaying current process values of the periphery (binary information states, integrated totals, measured values) and to set process values (commands, setpoint commands). * Data flow test The data flow test is not supported (different log points, filters, etc.). * Revision interrogation The current firmware revision of the Master Module is displayed in the header of the user interface, the revisions of the additional system elements (protocol elements, I/O Master Module) in the drop-down menu on the configuration page. * Application program A graphical function diagram (FUD) creation is not possible, only an instruction list (IL) with ASCII format can be loaded into the target device. * Test of the application program Offline simulation of the application program is not possible. A simplified online test (state display, forcing of a selectable signal) is available. Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 8 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Contents 8.1 Telecontrol ................................................................................................... 284 8.2 Automation ................................................................................................... 301 This chapter is a guideline for the work with the SICAM TOOLBOX II. You find the detailed instructions for the work with the tools of the SICAM TOOLBOX II in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help and in the CAEx plus Online Help. Note Screenshots shown in this chapter relate to the engineering of CP-8000. They apply analogously for CP-8021 and CP-8022. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 283 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II 8.1 Telecontrol Overview of the Tasks 284 Task Meaning Presets Define user and rights Initialization of the plant data Configure plant and automation unit Import firmware Load firmware into the SICAM TOOLBOX II HW configuration Selection of the installed system elements Parameterization of the system technique * * * * * Time management Communication common Protocol elements Assignment of process signals to data points Decentralized archive Parameterization of the process technique * * * * Create images Assign images to data points Settings for configured process signals Routing of send data and receive data Bulk edit Creation of great amounts of values of the images Transfer parameters Compile the set values SD card Write and read application data Import/Export Restore and backup of application data Documentation Prepared spreadsheets for printing * Hardware (configuration, pin assignment) * Parameters Load parameters Transfer parameters and function diagram to the target device Parameter comparison Compare settings between current project and target device Dataflow test Record and store dataflow in the target device Message simulation Send messages from the SICAM TOOLBOX II to a target device Service function online Read and set time of target device ST emulation Execute system-internal functions (only for authorized users) Topology test Acqusition of physically connected automation units in a SICAM RTUs automation network Diagnosis Read detailed information generated by the self monitoring Read decentralized archive Chronological display of parameterized events Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Fundamental Procedure of the Parameterization define customer ans process technical plant (with wizard) customer process technical plant branch number define customer process technical plant (with wizard) system technical plant region AU configure plant OPM II configure AU with modules OPM II basic system elements protocol elements peripheral elements system technique system functions select AU/BSE set parameters save process technique periphery protocols system data define images set parameters save system technique automatically when saving process technique target system SAT1703... (select AU) select AU load parameters set telecontrol parameters OPM II translate parameters OPM II parameters to target system user defines the moment Essential Administrative Functions Authorization Presets TOOLBOX II Presets configure plant plant management System project technique customer system technique plant region AU assemble technique export/backup data distribution center import document HW configuration plant station building location cabinet board rack process technique plant range content in export record ... customer plant management system technique process technique system elements selection import file selection import file selection AU services system technique selection AU start export data distribution center generate (csv file) documentation assembly technical documentation preview spreadsheet document parameters print spreadsheet SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 285 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II 8.1.1 Presets Before you begin with the engineering of CP-8000/CP-802x, several basic settings are to be carried out for the work with the SICAM TOOLBOX II: * * * * * User and rights User-specific settings Password Workplace-secific settings Organization of the SICAM TOOLBOX II Language For the access to the SICAM TOOLBOX II a logon with username and password is required. The parameterization with the SICAM TOOLBOX II happens exclusively offline. Only the transfer of data (firmware, application data), as well as test and diagnosis are performed online via a communication connection. The globally valid configuration parameters in the SICAM TOOLBOX II are displayed and set with the tool "TOOLBOX II Presets". They can - dependent on the access rights - be changed at any optional time. You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "TOOLBOX II Presets" and chapter "Administration of TOOLBOX II". User and Rights The following user names are predefined and can be selected. For each user name different rights are predefined. * * * Type admin Type profi Type standard As user name admin you can freely assign new user names (max. 8 characters). For each user a special role (max. 20 characters) can be assigned. For each role certain rights can be freely selected and assigned from a list. Depending on which role a user has been assigned, he may control determined functions. An exception are the unchangeable roles, that are reserved for the Siemens specialists for maintenance purposes. You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "TOOLBOX II Presets", section "User/Role Administration". Note All operation and test functions of CP-8000/CP-802x described in this manual are generally applicable for the admin role available in the SICAM TOOLBOX II. Note From SICAM TOOLBOX II V5.11 it is possible to create domain users. Such a domain user does not use a specific SICAM TOOLBOX II user role to start SICAM TOOLBOX II, but he uses the user account for the logon on his workstation. 286 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Password The entrance into the SICAM TOOLBOX II is protected for each user by means of an individual password. The preset password is equal to the predefined user name. Note The preset password must be changed after the first logon. Language The languages Deutsch or English can be selected: 8.1.2 Entrance into the Project Logon With the initial start of a tool of the SICAM TOOLBOX II you must enter a user name and a password. After that you are able to begin the parameterization. A user change is possible with the tool "TOOLBOX II Presets" (menu Authorization | Login ). Logoff A user logoff is possible with the tool "TOOLBOX II Presets" (menu Authorization | Logout ). You can continue to operate tools that are still active, but the activation of tools requires another login. If all tools are quit without logout, the user will remain logged in unless a logout from the Toolbox PC or Toolbox Server takes place. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 287 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Change Password As user name admin you can define a password for each newly added user. Guidelines for the Assignment of Passwords * * * * The password may consist of up to 8 characters No differentiation between upper case and lower case Special characters can be used Empty password possible (logon to the project without password) Note The preset password must be changed after the first logon. 8.1.3 Plant Configuration A plant is configured according to different perspectives: * * * Project technique System technique Process technique The configuration data is in each case specifically parameterized for the different views. With the initial creation of a plant you must enter the configuration data into the SICAM TOOLBOX II with the tool "OPM II". The entry of the parameters is thereby supported by "Wizards". The plant topology is determined based on the parameter setting of the configuration data. After the initialization, the administration of the plant configuration can be carried out with the tool "Plant Management". With this tool the configuration data can be changed or deleted at any time. You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Plant Management". 8.1.4 Import Firmware For the parameterization of a target device the system elements to be used must be equipped, and the belonging firmwares must be present in the SICAM TOOLBOX II. You can import the required firmwares - if not yet present - into the data base of the SICAM TOOLBOX II with the tool "Master Data Update". You find further information in section, Importing Master Data into the SICAM TOOLBOX II. You find information on firmware files in section 7.3, Loadable Firmwares. 288 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II 8.1.5 Configuration and Settings for Telecontrol The acquisition, parameter setting and documentation for the telecontrol function and its associated data points is enabled in the SICAM TOOLBOX II mainly with the help of the tool "OPM II" (Object Orientated Process Data Manager). The user's guide of the OPM II can be found in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II". The description of the system-technical and process-technical settings can be found in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Telecontrol". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 289 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Hardware Configuration Before the parameter setting a target device must be configured with the required system elements: * * * Master module (details see 2.1.2, Master Module) Protocol elements (details see 2.1.3, Protocol Elements) I/O Master Module (details see 2.1.4, I/O Master Module) I/O Modules (details see 2.1.5, I/O Modules) Note The firmware codes of the corresponding system elements must exist in the target device. You find an overview of the available system elements and I/O Modules and their technical specification chapter 5, System Components and Technical Data. The configuration takes place with the tool "OPM II" via the menu items Tools | System Technique and Tools | Library Overview . By dragging the system elements of the system CP-8000/CP-802x from the Library Overview onto the respective target device in the system technique, the corresponding system elements are added with default parameters. With use of I/Os, the higher-level I/O Master Module must be configured at first. After that you can drag I/O Modules onto the I/O Master Module and assign signals to the respective I/O Module (system technique). Note With CP-8000, the slots for the internal I/O Modules are predefined in the parameter-setting: IOM0: DO-8203, IOM1: DI-8100. For external I/O Modules, the slots IOM2 ... IOM7 are available. With CP-802x, the slots IOM0...IOM7 are available for external I/O Modules. When deleting an I/O Module, all the assigned signals (hardware pins and software data points) are then deleted from the plant tree. The changed hardware configuration must be converted with the tool "OPM II", menu Destination systems | SICAM 1703 transformer , and subsequently transmitted to the target device with the tool "Load parameters", to become effective. During startup the target device checks if the mechanically installed I/O Modules match the parameterization. Note The configuration in the "OPM II" must match the mechanically installed I/O Modules. If you remove an I/O Module mechanically, you must delete it also in the "OPM II". If you do not adapt the configuration in the "OPM II", the target device detects this I/O Module as failed (error indication). If you add an I/O Module mechanically without adapting the configuration in the "OPM II", this has no effects. In this case, the added I/O Module is ignored. 290 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II System-Technical Settings The system-technical configuration of a target device resides in the window "System technique". This can be opened via the menu Tools | System technique . The parameter setting is carried out in the directory tree, respectively below the selected Master Module: * * * * * * * * Common settings Time management Communication protocols Network settings Topology Dataflow filter Periphery Decentralized archiving Communication The protocol is determined by configuring a protocol element suitable for the existing application and its parameterization. For security relevant informationen refer to the SICAM RTUs / SICAM TOOLBOX II - Administrator Security Manual. Periphery The peripheral functions are defined by means of configuring the I/O Master Module, the I/O Modules suitable for the present application, as well as their parameters. Below the level of the Ax peripheral bus the configured I/O Master Module with the configurable signals is displayed: * * Hardware pins Software data points By means of the context menu of a hardware pin or software data point, selection Edit image , you get directly to the process-technical settings of the respective signal. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 291 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Process-Technical Settings Levels The process-technical plant can be structured in freely-definable hierarchy levels. The following graphic shows an example: You find the instruction to create levels in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "Levels". The process-technical settings of the system elements can be opened centrally via the menu item Tools | Images . Types Types form the template for the structure of a process-technical plant. They serve for the simplification with engineering of large quantities of objects, parameters and values. Types of the following type categories can be defined below the levels: * * * * User names Link types Info types Parameter types A type is defined respectively for objects, that have the same features (examples: feeder, circuit breaker, disconnector). You find the instruction to define the different types in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "Types". 292 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Images Images are real objects of the plant with parameters and signals (examples: feeder north, circuit breaker Q00, disconnector Q10). * Typified images Typified images can be created from the defined types, that means, each images is assigned to a type. The assigned type defines thereby the structure for the image. The structure defines which linktypes include a signal and which parameter includes a link. This structure can be changed only in the type of the belonging image. All images that are assigned to that type, adopt automatically the structure change (inheritance). The same behavior applies for default input. The usage of typified images is the more efficient, the more identic images are present. * Typeless images Typeless images do not have a reference to the types, that means, no inheritance takes place. Typeless images are also created by structural changes of a typified image (since the image does not have the same structure as the type). Typeless images are advantageous, if images are only uniquely existing. Below typless images, typified images can be used (example: voltage level "20 kV" is typeless since it is only uniquely existing, all feeders thereunder are typified images). * Link images In the link images the parameters of the single target devices can be set. The signals of the libraries include as first link a so-called common link (LNK_ADR). There reside parameters (example: longtext, LAN station...) that include "references" to other links of the same signal or are source of "formulas". A reference causes that upon changes of an entry in the common link the change takes place automatically in the link of the specific target device. Message address CASDU(1,2), IOA(1,2,3) and TI are generated automatically with filling of the 1703 link address (Lk_Reg, Lk_Komp, Lk_BSE, Lk_ZSE, Lk_DP) by means of formulas and references and do not have to be entered. You find the instruction for the creation of images in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "Images". Parameterization of the Process Signals and Assignment to the System Technique The parameters for the technological processing of process signals reside in the directory tree below the link images: * * * Addressing Signal preprocessing Signal postprocessing You find the description of the parameters in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Parameter Documentation". You find the description of the technological processing of inputs and outputs of the process periphery in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104. The assignment of a process signal to a hardware pin or software data point in the system technique takes place by means of assignment (alternatively automatical or manual). You find the instruction thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Parameter Documentation", section "Assign". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 293 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Decentralized Archiving (DEAR) The decentralized archive serves for the local storage of events of a substation, and - whenever necessary - for the transmission to the control system. By means of that, it is for instance possible to recover the archive of a control system after a communication fault. In the decentralized archive all the data points used in the substation can be acquired. You can configure the archive in the system technique of the "OPM II" (parameter group Decentralized archiving of the respective automation unit). In the images you can define the process-technical settings of the data points to be acquired. During operation, these data points are archived chronologically upon status change. This applies for all commands and binary information items of the send and receive direction. You find the detailed information on the settings in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Telecontrol", section "Decentralized Archiving". 8.1.6 Transform Parameters Before loading into the target device, the process-technical parameters of the plant must be transformed. This can be carried out with the tool "OPM II" through selection of the menu Destination systems | SICAM 1703... | SICAM 1703 Transformer . System-technical parameters are automatically transformed when saved. You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "Transform and Load", "SICAM RTUs". 8.1.7 Import, Export and Backup of Engineering Data The tool "Data Distribution Center" enables the importing and exporting of parameters, as well as the creation of backup files. You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Data Distribution Center". 8.1.8 Documentation With the tool "OPM II" you can generate and print the documentation of the engineering data: * * * * Hardware configuration Assembly technique Interface to Elcad Telecontrol function System-technical configuration Process-technical settings You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "System Technique", section "Documentation". 294 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Hardware Configuration You can initiate the documentation of the system elements in the plant tree of the menu System technique , via the context menu of the automation unit. The output takes place as a table in a file (format .csv) or to a printer. With the tool "HW-FW Configuration" you can assign the required assembly-technical information to the system elements. Assembly Technique You can initiate the documentation of the assembly-technical configuration in the plant tree of the menu System technique , via the context menus of the I/O Modules. The output takes place as a table with adjustable layout, optionally as preview on the screen or to a printer. The documentation extends over the HW pins of the respective I/O Module and contains: * * * * * Slot and type of I/O Module System-technical address of each pins within the message Process-technical address of each pins within the message Common information of a pin (long text) Assignment of the pins to a link image in the "OPM II" Interface to ELCAD For the coupling with the design tool ELCAD, it is possible to transfer images that are assigned to a system element via this defined interface. The output takes place to a text file (format asc). The generation of the file takes place via selection of the menu Destination systems | SICAM 1703... | SICAM 1703 Transformer. You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "Elcad". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 295 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Telecontrol Function System-Technical Configuration You can initiate the documentation of the system-technical configuration in the menu System technique , via the context menu of an automation unit or of a specific system element. The output takes place as a spreadsheet, optionally as preview on the screen or to a printer. Process-Technical Settings You can initiate the documentation of the process-technical settings in the tree of the menu Edit image , via the context menu of a selected hierarchical level. The output takes place as a spreadsheet, optionally as preview on the screen or to a printer. 8.1.9 Commissioning and Test For commissioning and test of the projected settings the following functions are available (online): * * * * Load engineering data Parameter comparison Test functions Diagnosis (see section 11.3.2, SICAM TOOLBOX II) For these functions the engineering PC must be connected with the target device (see 7.7.1, SICAM TOOLBOX II). Loading Engineering Data The loading of the parameters of a process-technical plant from the PC into the target device takes place with the tool "Load Parameters". You can launch it from the "OPM II" via the menu Target systems | SICAM 1703 | Parameter loader , or directly via the start menu of your PC. With the tool "Parameter Loader" you can add and select automation units, and initiate the loading via the menu Load | Selected Aus . All settings that have been performed in the SICAM TOOLBOX II are thereby saved jointly on the SD card of the target device: * * * * 296 Configuration parameters System-technical parameters Process-technical parameters (if they have been transformed previously) Application program (if code has been generated previously) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II For the loading of the parameters there are different variants available: * Load intelligent only the changed parameters are loaded into the target device can be applied locally or remotely after the loading of the parameters an automatic startup of the target device is performed (for each selected automation unit a corresponding notification appears subsequently) * Load unconditional all parameters are loaded into the target device can be applied locally or remotely after the loading of the parameters an automatic startup of the target device is performed (for each selected automation unit a corresponding notification appears subsequently) * Initialize all parameters are deleted in the target device, and all parameters newly transferred can be applied only with the locally connected automation unit is used for the first loading of an automation unit or of a Master Module if a changed parameter requires a startup of the Master Module, a notice appears after the loading, whether the startup is to be performed immediately or at a later time - for instance if further changed parameters are to be activated jointly You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Parameter Loader". Caution During a loading operation, the switching off of the target device is to be absolutely avoided, since the data on the flash card could be destroyed as a result. Parameter Comparison With the tool "Parameter Loader" you can check whether the parameter status in the target device is current. You can select an automation unit and start the comparison via the menu Parameter | Comparison AUs <-> Toolbox ). For each selected automation unit appears the indication whether the parameters are current or not current. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 297 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Test Functions The following test functions are available: * * * Data flow test Message simulation Topology test State of spontaneous data points simulation of spontaneous data points selection AU data flow test start record play record selection AU select message display format total network or selection AU logging of the connected AUs message simulation check connection to AUs define TOOLBOX filters select test points select message display format send message(s) topology test Status Of Spontaneous Data Points With the tool "Data Flow Test" data streams (flow of messages) can be simultaneously logged and visualized. For a subsequent analysis - also at another location - a recording can take place with the Interface Recorder. The function Simultaneous log serves for the recording of messages within the internal data flow of an automation unit. In protocol elements, the data flow from and to other automation units can also be acquired. The following data can (with change of the spontaneous data) be simultaneously logged: * * * * Change of state of inputs/outputs Communication from and to protocol elements Data traffic from and to the application program Data traffic from and to special functions (for example set counters, set time) By means of triggering a General Interrogation all spontaneous input signals can be simultaneously logged at any arbitrary time. You find the instruction for this test function in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Data Flow Test". You find further information in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "System Services", section "Data Flow Test". 298 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Simulation Of Spontaneous Data Points With the tool "Message Simulation" messages can be transmitted from the SICAM TOOLBOX II to automation units. Just one message or up to 100 messages in succession can be transmitted; in addition sequential delays and message repetitions can be defined. The messages can be passed in at defined points of the system. With this function the following possibilities exist: * * * * Setting of outputs Simulation of the communication from and to protocol elements Data traffic from and to the application program Data traffic from and to special functions (for example set counters, set time) Pay attention that due to the simulation the plant state can change. Warning The manual controlling of outputs with the plant running can lead to damage to persons and machines. Ensure that aggregates in the control area of the command output and those subsequent aggregates in the process chain are protected and that persons in the vicinity are warned. You find the instruction for this test function in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Message Simulation". You find further information in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "System Services", section "Message Simulation". Check The Connection To Automation Units The tool "Topology Test" is used for the acquisition of all automation units in a SICAM RTUs automation network that are reachable or non-reachable from the automation unit momentarily physically connected. You find the instruction for this test function in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Topology Test". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 299 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Displaying Decentralized Archive (DEAR) The current contents of DEAR can be displayed with the tool "OPM II". Via the context menu of the automation unit, submenu Display decentral archiving... , you get to the file directory. Then select a file and click on the button Display archives to display the respective records. Note The data records of the decentralized archive are registered in configurable files. The files are stored on the SD card. The record of data points is therefore only possible with equipped SD card. Example You can save the displayed records of DEAR in a file (Format .csv) on the engineering PC. You find the information thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "System Technique", "General", "SICAM RTUs", "Decentral Archive Display". 300 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II 8.2 Automation For the implementation of freely definable open-/closed-loop control functions you can create optionally an application program as function diagram. Overview of the Tasks Task Meaning Configure external signals Create images for spontaneous and periodical data points Create function diagram Edit the application program Simulate function diagram Offline test of the application program Generate program code Compile application program Load program code Transfer application program into the target device Perform startup Initialize application program in the target device Test function diagram Online-Test des Anwenderprogramms Documentation Prepare application program for printing Fundamental Procedure of the Programming configure external signals OPM II translate parameters define images for ... spontaneous messages periodical data points from periphery CAEx plus: variable import/code generation user defines the moment create signal list use of process technical signals from OPM II select resource Offline simulation (test of function chart logic without target system) select resource code generation select AU load parameters select AU ONLINE simulation (test of function chart logic in the target system) OPM II edit function chart simulate function chart CAEx plus CAEx plus generate code CAEx plus load code OPM II test function chart CAEx plus Online Test SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 301 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II 8.2.1 Creating a Function Diagram with CAEx plus For the creation of a function diagram (FUD) the tool "CAEx plus" is required. This provides various editors and standard libraries for the creation of the open-/closed-loop control function. The process-technical functions of a plant are created with the function diagram editor (FBD Editor). A function diagram is thereby created by the interconnection of * * predefined functions and function blocks (CP-8000/CP-802x library) functions and function blocks defined by the user You find the description of the editor in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Editors". Additional information can be found in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Tutorials", section "CAEx plus". You find the most important characteristic values (limits) for the creation of the open-/closedloop control function in section 5.4.1, CP-8000 and 5.4.2, CP-8021 and CP-8022. You find the technical details for the processing of the open-/closed-loop control function and its partial functions in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Restricted Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function", "Application Program" | "Function Diagram". Note Optionally to the creation of a function diagram, an instruction list (IL) with ASCII format can be imported in "CAEx plus" (tool "OPM II", context menu of the CPU, Instruction list | Import from file ). Function Diagram (Example) 302 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Restrictions with the Creation of a Function Diagram For the creation of a function diagram several exceptions must be paid attention to: * Blocks and data types In the type instance and in the application blocks of the AU library, only blocks and data types supported by CP-8000/CP-802x can be used. * Signals from the signal list From the signal list only signal types supported by CP-8000/CP-802x can be used in the type instance (for instance the message with TI 38 - "protection event" is not allowed). The check is performed via the data type of the signal. Also the system data point from the signal list can not be used in the type instance. * System data points These are available as global variables in the global variable object "System info" in the resource. These global variables can be used in the FUD. * Type identifications Since the type identifications supported by CP-8000/CP-802x are restricted, a check is performed during the creation of the FUD. Messages with not supported type identifications can not be used in the FUD. * Non-volatile states If messages or inputs/outputs of blocks are set to "retain" in the FUD, then a corresponding warning is output upon the code generation. * CASDU All the information that is produced in the application program of CP-8000/CP-802x has the same CASDU in the message address. Thereby it is necessary that for parametersettable messages that originate in the application program, the same CASDU is assigned in the CAEx plus link (see, Application Program). With "wrong" setting in the "OPM II" the code generaration aborts with a corresponding error information. For input messages in the FUD an arbitrary message address can be assigned. * Status bit Class 1" This is not supported by the FUD (priority management of the communication function). * Status bit R" (redundancy) This can not be set by the target device. Using the redundancy bit a warning will be output upon code generation. * Additional attributes These are not supported by CP-8000/CP-802x. Upon code generation these attributes are not taken account of, and neither a warning nor an error will be output. * Periodical datapoints CP-8000/CP-802x does not support periodical links (1703 links with use in the FUD, no evaluation of the parameter use_caex_plus). With periodical use, the variables must be entered directly in the FUD (system variables with predefined names). These system variables can be found in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help in the datenpoint description of the I/O Master Module firmware (internal key 92128 up to 92255). You will find further information in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Restricted Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function". You will find some selected program examples in appendix B, Examples for Instruction Lists (IL). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 303 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Configuring External Signals The I/O's are integrated into the Function Diagram via the Signal List. Dependent from the fact, whether the target device is engineered via the SICAM TOOLBOX II or via the SICAM WEB, the Signal List can be alternatively * * generated with the tool "OPM II" imported from a local parameterization (see thereto section 8.1.7, Import, Export and Backup of Engineering Data) The signals of the process-technical plant can be used by "CAEx plus" after the transformation (see section 8.1.6, Transform Parameters). The structure of the project tree automatically adapts to the structure from the "OPM II". An introduction how to create a project can be found in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "First Steps" and chapter "Additional Products", section "Signal List (Optional)". Program Code Generation Before the loading of the open-/closed-loop control function into the target device, the program code must be generared. You can start the code generation via the following ways: * * CAEx plus Transformer CAEx plus, via the context menu of the Master Module (<firmware>) Start of the Program Code Generation 304 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II The function diagram is now translated and checked by a compiler. Simultaneously the program code is created as instruction list (IL) in the folder "Specification". Via the menu Tools | Error-state viewer you can activate the notification display of the code generation. There are recorded common notifications (as for instance information about the occupied storage space for code and variables), as well as detected errors in detail. Error State of the Compiler The exact description of this tool resides in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Target System Connection", section "Functions for Target System Connection", section "Code Generation". The code generation can be started independently from "CAEx plus" with the tool "OPM II" through selection of the function Destination systems | CAEx plus... | signal list/generate code . Thereby a signal list is created for the processing of the parameterized signals in the open-/closed-loop control function and read into "CAEx plus". You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "Transform and Load", "CAEx plus". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 305 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II 8.2.2 Documentation Cross Reference List With the tool "CAEx plus" a cross reference list over the project hierarchy can be generated, displayed on the screen, or printed. The cross reference list refers alternatively to * * Entire function diagram of the selected Master Module Single program organization unit (POU) It is executed via the respective context menu Cross-references . You find the details thereto in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Basics", section "Default Operating Elements", section "Commands of the Pop-Up Menus". Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function In the project hierarchy of the tool "CAEx plus", by selecting one of each level, by means of pop-up menu the function Print can be executed. The print operation is started on the default printer of the PC. You find the details thereto in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Basics", section "Default Operating Elements", section "Commands of the Pop-Up Menus", section "Print in Project Management". Additional information can be found in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Basics", section "Default Properties" as well as chapter "Lists and References", section "Designing Printouts with DXF". Further extensive possibilities for the documentation are provided by the optional function Document Management (additional product for "CAEx plus"). You find the details thereto in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Additional Products", section "Documents Management (optional)". 306 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II 8.2.3 Commissioning and Test Loading Program Code To load the compiled program code into the target device, the engineering PC must be connected with the target device (see 7.7, Connecting Engineering PC with the Target Device). The loading of the program code into the target device takes place jointly with the parameters set in the "OPM II". Thereto the tool "Parameter Loader" must be used (see also section, Loading Engineering Data). Caution During a loading operation, the switching off of CP-8000/CP-802x is to be absolutely avoided, since the data on the SD card could be destroyed as a result. You find the technical description thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function" | "Loading of Application Program (Reload)". You find the instruction for the operation in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Parameter Loader". Test Functions The following test functions are available: * * Simulating Function Diagram Offline Testing Function Diagram Online Simulating Function Diagram Offline The logic operations of a function diagram can be tested in "CAEx plus" with the Offline simulation . This function can be called via the context menu of the Master Module, program instance or type instance. You can find the details thereto in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Additional Products", section "Offline Simulation". The oscilloscope function serves for the chronological representation of analog values and binary values during the offline simulation of the function diagram. You find exact details thereto in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Additional Products", section "Logic Analysis with Oscilloscope Functions". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 307 Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II Testing Function Diagram Online With the tool "CAEx plus", all open- and closed-loop technical tasks in processing elements of the system can be tested online. This function can be called via the context menu of the Master Module <firmware>, selection ONLINE Test. The following test functions are available: * * * Display and force values Test switch input/output messages, input/output process images of the periphery Changing the execution status of the open-/closed-loop control function Stop controller Start controller Perform cold start of the resource Perform warm start of the resource Halt task Continue task Perform cold start of a task Perform warm start of a task Halt program Continue program * * * * Setting breakpoints Real time archive Display status information Read and write variables The technical description of the online test function can be found in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Online Test". The details for operation can be found in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Target System Connection", section "Functions for Target System Connection". Note With user program running, the simulated value of a variable is statically overwritten. In contrast to this, inputs/outputs are not statically overwritten, rather only with a change to their process image (edgetriggered). With user program stopped, simulated values are retained. 308 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 9 Engineering via SICAM WEB Contents 9.1 Telecontrol ................................................................................................... 310 9.2 Automation ................................................................................................... 424 9.3 Administrative Functions............................................................................... 448 This chapter describes how CP-8000/CP-802x can be parameterized via SICAM WEB, which possibilities exist for the loading and saving of data, and how an application program can be created. Note Screenshots shown in this chapter relate to the engineering of CP-8000. They apply analogously for CP-8021 and CP-8022. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 309 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1 Telecontrol Overview of the Tasks Task Meaning Start and terminate session * Log on to the target device * Log off from the target device Presets * Define passwod * Set IP adresses Common settings * Configuration of the target device * Topology (routing of send data and receive data) * Failure behavior upon error Hardware configuration * Add or remove protocol element * Add or remove I/O Master Module Time management * Time settings * Local time setting * Time synchronization Communication * Settings of the messages * Interface for the communication * Transmission facility Periphery * Configuration of the signals * Signal list import/export * Settings for configured signals Administration * * * * * * Test functions * Display of input/output signal states * Forcing of output signals Event list Chronological display of the occurred events Alarm list Chronological display of the occurred alarms Diagnosis Indications generated by the self monitoring Restart device Save device settings Recover device settings Firmware update Install language package Set date and time Preconditions for the Engineering For the engineering via SICAM WEB the steps according to section 7.7.2, SICAM WEB must be performed: * * * * * * 310 Firmware CPC80 (as of rev. 10) is on the SD card Firmware SWEB00 (as of rev. 03) is on the SD card SD card is installed in the target device Target device is switched on Physical connection to the target device is established IP addresses for target device and/or engineering PC are configured Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.1 Start and Terminate Session Logon Prerequisite: the device is in operation and reachable via its IP address. This is how to establish a connection to the Web server of the device: * * * Open your browser In the URL field of your browser, enter the IP address of the device Confirm with the Enter key After connection establishment the Logon dialog appears. The language of the Logon dialog corresponds to the language settings of your browser/operating system. For the entrance into a target device, the following entries are required: * Input field USER NAME (entry user name) administrator guest * Input field PASSWORD (entry of a password) preset: * Dropdown list L ANGUAGE (selection of the language) English Deutsch * Click If a connection via GPRS is used, the Dashboard will appear at the latest after 20 seconds. The session with the web server of the target device has started. As user name administrator you can begin now with the parameter-setting. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 311 Engineering via SICAM WEB In case of missing entries or inconsistent entries regarding user name and password, a corresponding error message will appear in a red line of the Logon dialog: * Re-enter user name and password After entering of a valid user name/password * Click After sussessful logon the Dashboard of the SICAM WEB application will appear. Rights of the Users Depending on the user name, different rights are defined: * * administrator is generally entitled to make changes guest does not have any editing permissions, the relevant buttons are disabled Action Administrator Guest Change administrator password u - Change guest password u - Perform restart u - HW configuration u - Change parameters u - Display parameters u u Load parameters (backup upload) u - Save parameters (backup download) u - Load firmware u - Display I/O status u u Force outputs u - Diagnosis u u Note No more than 1 administrator and 2 guest can be logged in to the device at the same time. 312 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Logoff If you want to finish your work you should log out. * Click the button and then the submenu Logout Thus, you are logged out again, the Logon dialog will appear. If a connection via GPRS is used, the Logon dialog will appear at the latest after 20 seconds. If you made any changes after the last saving, the following dialog will appear after clicking Logout: * * If you click If you click , changed data will not be saved and the logout will be performed , you remain logged on and you can save the data Note The session will be closed by the web server after 15 minutes of inactivity. In this case you have to logon again. This applies also in case of an unwanted abortion of the communication connection (failure, closing of the web browser, etc.). 9.1.2 Basic Settings * Menu Home | Settings After the initial logon you should define some basic settings for working with SICAM WEB. The basic settings are necessary to logon to the target device and security * * * * Authentication procedure Change web server password Set IP addresses Enable optional "Autoconfiguration" SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 313 Engineering via SICAM WEB Authentication Procedure The authentication definition takes place in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Network settings | Authentication (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). CP-8000/CP-802x provides different authentication mechanisms. Depending on the settings, SICAM WEB uses the respective role information: * Authentication via locally stored credentials Usernames, passwords, profiles defined by CP-8000/CP-802x will be used * Authentication via external service (RADIUS server) Usernames, passwords, profiles defined by the RADIUS server will be used Fallback option, if the RADIUS server is not available Authentication via Locally Stored Credentials This is the default mechanism. After entering the login credentials and login attempt, the target device compares these credentials with the locally stored credentials: * * 314 If the comparison is successful, the target device returns the specific user role If the comparison is not successful, the logon fails Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Authentication via External Service For this mechanism a RADIUS server can be configured. The parameter Radius Authentication must be set to YES. If the RADIUS authentication is enabled, the target device uses the RADIUS server IP address and the RADIUS shared secret key for the RADIUS communication. After entering the login credentials and login attempt, the target device sends these credentials to the RADIUS server for authentication: * If the RADIUS server is available, it compares the login credentials If the comparison is successful, the RADIUS server returns the specific user role; SICAM WEB and the internal role based protection mechanism use this roleinformation for the user If the login credentials are invalid, the logon fails * If the RADIUS server is not available, the target device runs into a timeout If the fallback option is enabled, the authentication mechanism falls back to local authentication and the target device compares the credentials with the locally stored credentials - If the comparison is successful, the target device returns the specific user role; SICAM WEB and the internal role based protection mechanism use this roleinformation for the user - If the comparison is not successful, the logon fails If the fallback option is not enabled, the logon fails Configuration with RADIUS Server The IP address of the RADIUS server must match with the setting in the target device (parameter Radius server IP address). The shared key on the RADIUS server must match with the setting in the target device (parameter RADIUS shared secret key). The target device sends User-Name (attribute 1), User-Password (attribute 2), NAS Identifier (attribute 32) and NAS Port (attribute 5) - possibly an application-specific server-side request - to the RADIUS server. The RADIUS server should be configurated that way, that after successful authentication the role designed as a vendor-specific value (attribute 26) will be sent back. You find detailed information on the RADIUS protocol under Structure of the authentication request from CP-8000/CP-802x: Connection via HTTP Connection via HTTPS User-Name User-Password NAS-Identifier = "00:E0:A8:B0:DC:80" NAS-Port= "80" User-Name User-Password NAS-Identifier = "**:**:**:**:**:**" NAS-Port= "443" Structure of the response from the configured RADIUS server: User role Administrator User role Guest Service-Type = Login-User Cisco-AVPair = "priv-lvl=15" Service-Type = Login-User Cisco-AVPair = "priv-lvl=0" SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 315 Engineering via SICAM WEB Schematic Procedure of the Authentication SICAM WEB SICAM CP-8000 User, Password Protocol: HTTPS RADIUS Server Authenti cation request (Us er, Passwor d) Protocol: RADIUS Change Web Server Password The change of the password for the web server takes place in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Network settings | IP address | HTTP web server. After the initial logon, an indication appears that a password must be defined. The password is required in order to protect the respective target device against unauthorized access. To change the settings, the parameter HTTP web server must be set to enabled. Note With engineering via SICAM WEB, the HTTP web server is system-internally fixed enabled. After transfer of the entered values, a new logon is only possible with the current password. Password Assignment Rules The following entries are allowed: * * * * * * Empty password possible (only with non-secure password) Maximum 8 characters Digits 0...9 Letters A...Z and a...z (no umlauts) Special characters !?$%&/\(){}[]=^`@*#|+-,.;:_ A secure password must contain at least one digit, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one special character Note In case of problems with passwords please contact the Siemens Support Center. 316 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Differentiation Secure/Non-Secure Passwords The selection of the secure password storage resides in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Network settings | Security (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). All passwords can be stored in the target device in a secure manner. Thereto the passwords are stored irreversibly encrypted in a location not accessible by unauthorized persons. This applies for all protocols using a password for authentication, such as HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP. Note For secure password storage/https in CP-8000 a hardware revision >= ***CC is required. With the parameter Secure password storage you can select between non-secure or secure password storage. If the secure password storage is activated (Secure password storage is YES), the parameter HTTP/HTTPS must be HTTPS, otherwise a warning is generated in the diagnosis. With the secure password storage, a password is masked behind 8 bullets, independently of the real length of the password, even if no password was entered. Example: SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 317 Engineering via SICAM WEB If the secure password storage is deactivated (parameter Secure password storage = NO), a password is displayed as readable original text. Example: Change a Password When modifying a secure password, a dialog is displayed when selecting a password field in the Settings page. When opening the dialog both input fields are always empty and the checkbox U NHIDE CHARACTERS is deactivated. Example: You must enter the same password in both input fields (new password and verify new password). Each entered character is shown as a bullet. Example: 318 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB When activating the checkbox U NHIDE CHARACTERS , the entered characters in both inputfields are displayed. Example: * * To close the dialog, click To confirm the entries, click (new entries are discarded) With the entries are checked against conformity and against the guideline for the password assignment. If the checks are not successful, a notification is shown in the dialog. Example: If all checks have been passed, the dialog is closed and the new password is valid. * When pressing the button , the target device stores the password; if the secure password storage is active, the password is encrypted before the storage Switching Between Secure and Non-Secure Password Secure passwords and non-secure passwords are stored separately in CP-8000/CP-802x. If you enter a non-secure password in the target device, and you activate the secure password storage afterwards, you must enter a new secure password. The non-secure one still remains stored, but it is deactivated. If you deactivate the secure password storage afterwards, the non-secure password is active again and the new secure password is deactivated. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 319 Engineering via SICAM WEB Set IP Addresses The settings of the IP addresses reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Network settings | IP address. With engineering in a network (company intranet, networked plant), conformable IP addresses must be assigned. The IP address for the web server of your target devices can be changed with the parameter Own IP address. Note The IP settings depend on the configuration and the used transmission media of your network. For the setting of these parameters please contact your network administrator. The details for the setting of the advanced parameters for secure network configurations can be found in the SICAM RTUs * SICAM TOOLBOX II Administrator Security Manual. With the parameter Mode of ethernet ports you can define whether the interfaces X1 and X4 are operated via the same or via 2 separate IP addresses. The presetting is 1 IP address (connected ports in switch mode). Note The IP address set via SICAM WEB is only relevant without use of a DHCP server (parameter Autoconfiguration = NO). With use of a DHCP server the target device receives the the IP address automatically. Further details see, Autoconfiguration (restricted operation mode). nd With the selection 2 IP addresses (independent ports) you can define a 2 IP address for X4. Thereby the target device can be accessed also via X4 independently of the network settings on X1, for instance * * X1: process LAN X2: office LAN The server services of CP-8000/CP-802x are accessible on both interfaces. The further possibilities resulting thereout are described in Appendix E, Use Cases. 320 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB If for security reasons no connection between the networks may be established, the use of a second IP address on interface X4 can be suppressed. Thereto, in the initial parameterization can be defined whether the parameter Mode of ethernet ports is permanently displayed or hidden. This can be adjusted with the expert parameter Advanced parameters | Parameter "Mode of ethernet ports" using the following selection: * * display (selection) (default) hide (freeze) Note With the selection hide (freeze) this parameter and the parameter Mode of ethernet ports are permanently hidden. A further change of these parameters is no longer possible! The set mode remains unchanged, unless the target device will be restarted via a complete reparameterization: * Initialization with other parameters or with an anew generated SD card (SICAM TOOLBOX II). * Initialization with an empty SD card (SICAM WEB). * Store the changed settings by clicking The stored values require a restart of the target device and are only active after the startup. Note After changing the data, the target device can be accessed only by selection of the newly set IP address(es). The current IP address is always displayed on the LCD of the target device (Main menu | Device). If the access to the web server is no longer possible, check the IP settings of the engineering PC. MAC Addresses of the Ethernet Interfaces The local Ethernet interfaces X1 and X4 have dependent on the version of the module 1 or 2 MAC addresses. Designation MLFB MAC addresses CP-8000 -25/+70C CP-8000 -40/+70C 6MF21010AB100AA0EE 6MF21011AB100AA0EE 1 CP-8000 -25/+70C CP-8000 -40/+70C 6MF21010AB100AA0FF 6MF21011AB100AA0FF 2 CP-8021 6MF28021AA00 BB 1 CP-8021 6MF28021AA00 CC 2 CP-8022 6MF28022AA00 BB 1 CP-8022 6MF28022AA00 CC 2 The MAC addresses reside on the type plate sideways at the module housing (see, Type Plate and, Type Plate). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 321 Engineering via SICAM WEB If parameter Network settings | IP addresses | Mode of Ethernet ports is set to value 1 IP address (connected ports in switch mode), then the first MAC address (of X1) is used on both local Ethernet interfaces. If parameter Network settings | IP addresses | Mode of Ethernet ports is set to value 2 IP addresses (independent ports), then separate MAC addresses are used for X1 and X4. Access Options for the Engineering PC in Operation DHCP service used DHCP server available Access option IP address SICAM A8000 IP address engineering PC Autoconfiguration = NO Irrelevant Ethernet (X1) Own IP address = <set value> <free address in subnet of SICAM A8000> Autoconfiguration = YES Yes Ethernet (X1) Own IP address = <automatic> assigned by DHCPserver, if DHCP is enabled on the PC Autoconfiguration = YES No Ethernet (X1) Own IP address = <> <free address in subnet 169.254.0> (IP address in SICAM A8000 is not routed) Irrelevant Irrelevant Ethernet (X4) Own IP address (X4) = <set value> <free address in subnet of SICAM A8000> *) Irrelevant Irrelevant Point-to-Point (X2) (assigned by SICAM A8000) *) applies only if Mode of the Ethernet ports = 2 IP addresses (independent ports) Security Settings for Internet Security (IPSec) The settings for internet security reside in the direction tree under SICAM A8000 CP-8022 | Master module | Network settings | Security (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). The communication over IPSec can be enabled with the parameter IP Security activated. With activated IPSec VPN a firewall is automatically activated. Only activated services can pass the firewall. Interface Assignment Furthermore, the assignment of the Ethernet interfaces according to the respective application is necessary. You will find more information in section, Physical Interface for the Communication. You will find further information in appendix E.6, Usage with IPSec VPN. 322 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Settings for Internal GPRS Modem (CP-8022) The settings for the internal GPRS modem reside in the direction tree under SICAM A8000 CP-8022 | Master module | Network settings | GPRS (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). The GPRS communication is activated or deactivated with the parameter enable GPRS communication. With selection YES the parameter string for GPRS is visible and the parameter Mode of ethernet ports will be hidden. The both interfaces X1 and X4 operate as connected ports in switch mode via 1 common IP address. Common Settings With the parameter Operator selection you can define how to select the mobile radio provider: * * with selection automatic (default) the operator is read from the SIM card with selection manual the operator must be entered according to the corresponding SIM card; the operator list can be read out from the SD card, if the parameter GPRS log is set to operator list. The entry for SIM PIN is needed if the SIM card is PIN protected. An empty PIN (default) corresponds to an unlocked SIM. With parameter APN the acccess point name can be configured. If no APN is entered, then the default APN is used implicitly during the PDP context activation (acccess point name from provider). The PPP authentication is required depending on the operator's policy in particular APNs. If authentication is needed, then PPP user name and PPP password have to be entered. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 323 Engineering via SICAM WEB Monitoring of the GPRS Modem Additional settings for the handling in case of error reside in the direction tree under SICAM A8000 CP-8022 | Master module | Network settings | GPRS | advanced parameters. With the parameter advanced parameters | GPRS logging the detail level of the logging procedure can be selected (Operators + Modem status / Detailed logging of communication to modem (AT-CMD). Logs will be saved on the SD card in the GPRS directory). With the parameter advanced parameters | Debug trigger the action upon GPRS modem error is defined for debugging (None / Stop logging on modem error). Monitoring of the Mobile Radio Network Settings for the monitoring of the mobile radio network reside in the direction tree under SICAM A8000 CP-8022 | Master module | Network settings | GPRS | Mobile radio ping supervision. With the setting Ping supervision enabled = YES the belonging parameters get visible. With this function, 5 ping request are sent with an interval of 20 seconds to up to 2 adjustable IP addresses (Ping peer IP address 1, Ping peer IP address 2). If no reply is received, the ping counts as failed attempt. After that, the cycle time (Ping interval (60...3600 s)) is started for the next ping request. After an adjustable number of failed attempts (Number of fails before action (2...100)), a selectable reaction is triggered (Action after ping failure (logging only/mobile connection re-establishment/ mobile module restart/device reboot)). Interface Assignment Furthermore, the assignment of the Ethernet interfaces according to the respective application is necessary. You will find more information in section, Physical Interface for the Communication. You will find further information in appendix E.7, Usage of the Internal GPRS Modem (CP-8022). 324 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Autoconfiguration CP-8000/CP-802x provides the option of being configured automatically by means of a complete autoconfiguration file via DHCP service. The autoconfiguration file is a previously generated CP-8000/CP-802x backup (see 9.3.2, Download Device Settings). Note If a SD card generated through copy is used, please make sure that the file dhcpid is deleted (located in AUTOCONFIG folder). The selection of the autoconfiguration resides in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | AU common settings (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). With the expert parameter Autoconfiguration = YES the DHCP service is activated. In a network with DHCP server, the DHCP server defines the IP address on X1. If the DHCP server is no more available, the target device can be accessed via X1 with the IP address, if the "lease time" of the DHCP server is already terminated. Otherwise the IP address from the DHCP server is used until the termination of the time. The time is defined by the DHCP server. Note DHCP can be easily disturbed and manipulated because DHCP clients accept any DHCP server. The accidental activation of a DHCP server, for example by a simple DSL router or wireless router on delivery status can largely paralyze a network. That may respond faster than the foreseen DHCP server and thereby distributes invalid configurations. On the DHCP server, corresponding DHCP options must be configured: Option 6: Option 61: Option 66: Option 67: DNS Servers (optional) Client Identifier TFTP Server Name Backup File Name SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 325 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: settings on a DHCP server TFTP Server The TFTP protocol serves for the loading of operating systems or configurations via the network. It is designed for simpliest data transfer based on the client-server principle. The protocol supports only the reading and writing of files and is suitable for applications that do not require the complex procedures of FTP. The TFTP server must provide the configuration file of the respective CP-8000/CP-802x target device. Note TFTP does not provide authentication or encryption. Therefore, the Internet access should be denied by default when enabled TFTP service when using a firewall. 326 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Connection via SICAM WEB After the first startup with activated autoconfiguration, the engineering PC must be connected to the target device via the interface X1. Start the web browser and enter the IP address in the address bar. A dialog for the entry of the DHCP identifier and the confirmation appears. * * Click on Click on (OK), if you want to save the DHCP identifier (Skip to Logon), if you want to log on directly at the target device As soon as this setting is saved, the target device uses this identifier as DHCP option 61. If no identifier is set, the MAC address of the device is used. The parameter can be changed also afterwards in operation via SICAM WEB. In order that the autoconfiguration works, at least the DHCP options 66 and 67 must be given. The TFTP Server Name can be either an IP address or likewise a Full Qualified Domain Name (see DNS), if one or more DNS servers are supplied via DHCP. The target device connects to the TFTP server indicated in DHCP option 66, and downloads the configuration file indicated in DHCP option 67. The file is checked upon integrity by means of a cryptologic hash function that is calculated over the file. The result is compared with the hash value in the filename: * * if the file is valid, it is accepted and all settings in the target device are adapted with different results, the file is deleted and no changes are carried out Depending on the setting of the "Lease Time" on the DHCP server, the configuration can be updated. If the same file name is given, the target device keeps its settings. If another name is given, the file is downloaded again and the settings are accepted. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 327 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.3 Common Settings * Menu Home | Settings Configuration of the Target Device The settings for the configuration of the target device reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | AU common settings. Here reside the basic settings for the identification of the target device (Customer, Plant, Device Name, Region, Component). If the target device is integrated in an existing plant, these values should fit to the existing parameterization (conformable region and component number, same customer and plant designation). Furthermore you can enter, amongst others, the values for Short Pulse Duration and Long Pulse Duration. Depending on whether the target device receives a command with short or with long command output time, the command is output with the duration adjusted here. Application Program With use of an application program, the address can be set which uses the application program for the generation of its data. The setting thereto resides under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | AU common settings | common address of ASDU (CASDU). CASDU1 (least significant octet) and CASDU2 (most significant octet) result automatically in the CASDU upon storing. 328 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Topology The settings for the topology reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Topology. Here is defined via which interface which remote stations are accessible, and which basical data flow direction is needed to these remote stations (control direction, monitor direction or both directions). For the parameterization of remote stations you can insert lines with the button . With activation of the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS the complete parameter block can be made visible (the hidden expert parameters serve for special applications and need not to be used in normal case). Failure Behavior upon Fault The setting for the failure behavior resides in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | BSE common settings. The occurance of a heavy fault can lead to an undefined state in the processing of the firmware on the Master Module. Normally the target device stops thereby the firmware and records an error in the diagnosis. You can change this behavior with the parameter Failure behavior. The setting Restart firmware means that the firmware of the target device performs an automatic startup in case of error. This might be advantageous upon a temporary error that disappears by itself. You find further information thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "System Services", section "Operating States", "Firmware Shut Down". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 329 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.4 Configuration of Optional Modules * Menu Home | Hardware & Protocols Overview In addition to the Master Module, you can equip the following optional system elements: * * Protocol elements for the communication Hardware (integrated on the Master Module) + loadable firmware I/O Master Module for peripheral functions Hardware (integrated on the Master Module) + loadable firmware internal I/O Modules (only CP-8000) are detected automatically external I/O Modules are detected automatically The protocol elements and I/O Modules supported by CP-8000/CP-802x are listed in chapter 2.1.3, Protocol Elements and 2.1.5, I/O Modules. Prerequisite for the equipment of additional system elements is that the corresponding Firmwares are loaded in the target device. You find the instruction thereto in section 9.3.7, Update Firmware. The hardware configuration overview resides in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx. This page shows an overview of the equipped system elements: 330 * * Master module I/O Master module I/O Modules * Communication module (protocol elements) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Note The selection in the drop-down boxes contains only that system elements, whose firmware has already been loaded into the Master Module (with indication of the revision level). By clicking you will leave the equipment program. Changes will not be saved, that means, selected system elements will be rejected. * * In the respective drop down list, select the desired entry If you want to save the adjusted equipment, click A restart request appears: You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * Confirm by clicking The target device performs a restart, refer to Restart device. During startup, the settings are stored on the SD card and the configuration pages for the selected system elements are built in SICAM WEB. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 331 Engineering via SICAM WEB Protocol Elements You can equip up to 4 protocol elements. The hardware for a protocol element is integrated on the Master Module. The selection of the protocol elements resides in the directory tree also under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module. * In order to configure a protocol element, select a protocol for the respective protocol element number. After selection of the protocol(s) and acceptance with quired. a restart of the target device is re- After the startup the configured protocol elements appear in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | PRE <0...3>: <protocol name>. The parameterization takes place for each protocol in the settings page. The parameters of newly identified protocols are assigned with their default values. You find more detailed information on the protocols in the manual SICAM RTUs Y Ax 1703 Common Functions Protocol Elements. 332 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB I/O Master Module In CP-8000/CP-802x you can equip 1 I/O Master Module. The hardware for the I/O Master Module as well as 2 internal I/O Modules are integrated on the Master Module. With use of external I/O Modules, these must be connected (mechanically) to the target device before the engineering in SICAM WEB. The selection of the I/O Master Module resides in the directory tree also under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | I/O Master module. * In order to configure a I/O Master Module, select the desired firmware: USIO80: operation with SICAM TM I/O Modules USIO81: operation with SICAM I/O Modules After the selection of the I/O Master Module a notification appears: This means, a new I/O Master Module (firmware revision) can be accepted only if no signals are assigned to the I/O Master Module and to I/O Modules. If occasion arises, the corresponding signal assignments must be deleted (see, Assigning Signals to the I/O Master Module and, Assigning Signals to the I/O Module). * Click on the button in order to close the dialog After the selection of the I/O Master Module and acceptance with a restart of the target device is required. Thereby, the target device automatically detects the internal and the connected external I/O Modules. Hence, for the equipment of an I/O Module you need not make a selection. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 333 Engineering via SICAM WEB After the startup the configured I/O Modules appear in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | I/O Master module | <0...7>: <I/O module name>. You find more detailed information on the I/O Modules in the manuals SICAM RTUs Y SICAM I/O Modules and SICAM RTUs Y SICAM TM I/O Modules. Please pay attention to the configuration notes and rules for the equipment of I/O Modules in section 2.1.5, I/O Modules. Note The detected configuration is checked with each additional startup against the actually connected I/O Modules. With deviation the target device notifies an error. If the once detected configuration is changed, pay attention to section 11.4.3, Adapt New Equipped I/O Modules in the Parameterization. 334 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.5 Configuration of the Time Management * Menu Home | Settings Time Synchronization The internal clock of CP-8000/CP-802x serves for the time tagging of generated data * * * from the periphery from the optional Open/closed-loop control function for the records in the diagnosis The resolution of the time tag is 1 ms. The settings for the time synchronization reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Time management | Common settings (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). CP-8000/CP-802x supports the following time synchronization variants (selectable with parameter Synchronizing of the automation unit): * * Remote synchronization via serial communication or via LAN Free running With the Parameter Monitoring time for synchroniz. event the monitoring fort he remote synchronization is defined. If the time was already set and if there is no synchronization within the parameterized time, a warning is recorded in the diagnosis. With the Parameter Unit of time for free running and monitoring time the unit of the monitoring time is defined (seconds or minutes). You find the detailed information on the time synchronization reside in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "System Services", section "Time Management", section "Time Synchronization". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 335 Engineering via SICAM WEB Time Synchronization with Multi-Point Traffic The time is sent from a central station (time master) to CP-8000/CP-802x. The time master must synchronize at least each 60 s, in order that the minimum resolution of 10 ms is achieved. With failure of the time synchronization the target device records a warning in the diagnosis after 10 min. Time Synchronization with Dial-up Traffic The time is sent from a central station (time master) to CP-8000/CP-802x. A synchronization can be performed only upon setup of a connection. Time Synchronization with Ethernet SNTP/NTP Client The settings for the (S)NTP client reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Network settings | NTP/SNTP time synchronization client. With communication according to IEC 60870-5-104 or IEC 61850, the time can be synchronized via NTP or SNTP. To achieve that, you can enter the IP address of up to 4 NTP servers, as well as the cycle time of the NTP synchronization. For the time synchronization, the current NTP server is determined by "voting". This takes place according to the following weighting: * * * Attainability Stand-alone (NTP server does not receive a time) Distance (with regard to the time) A voting is performed after each 3-fold cycle time (parameter NTP cycle time). The minimum voting time is 1 hour. Upon failure of the time synchronization the target device records a warning in the diagnosis. With time synchronization via another automation unit (without NTP server) the warning is recorded after 10 minutes. The description of the parameters reside in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Protocol Elements, chapter "LAN Communication (104)", section "Time Synchronization", as well as chapter "LAN Communication (61850)", section "Time Synchronization". 336 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB NTP Server The settings for the NTP server reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Network settings | NTP time synchronization server (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). If further devices that require a time synchronization by means of NTP are connected with a target device, these devices can be supplied also with the time via the function NTP Server. Thereby must be considered that the corresponding target device itself is already synchronized via a serial interface or via NTP. Daylight Saving Time Rule The settings for the daylight-saving time reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Time management | Daylight saving time (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). You can enable the daylight saving time and select the format for the setting of the daylight saving time rule. In the subdirectory Daylight saving time rule you can adjust the exact data for the daylight saving time/normal time switchover. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 337 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.6 Local Time Setting * Menu Home | Time This function allows you to set any time or the time of your engineering PC in the target device manually. This function is useful especially for the "stand-alone" operation. This is how to set the time of your engineering PC in the target device: * Click on the button in order to load the PC time into the target device This is how to set any time in the target device: * * * 338 Set a checkmark in the checkbox E NTER MANUALLY Edit the fields D ATE, TIME and TIME ZONE as you wish Click on the button in order to load the defined time into the target device Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.7 Configuration of the Communication * Menu Home | Settings Common Settings The common settings of the communication reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Communication | Common settings (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). Periodical Transfer of User Data Each user data message can be assigned a periodical level (only in the case of datapointspecific routing). Three periodical levels are possible, and each of these levels can be assigned a parameterizable period length. Once the period length of a level elapses, all periodical data of this level will be chained. Such chaining takes place separately for each supplementary system element. The chain of periodical data is processed via a separate priority level from the downstream process image. If another chaining activation occurs with the chain not being empty, it will be stored. Once the chain becomes vacant, a stored activation will cause the periodical data of this level to be chained again. Blocked data will not be activated for transmission while a blocking condition is active. Warning Filling Level Priority Channels For the system information without storage and the transparent channel a warning for the filling level is generated. For each channel a warning for the entire Master Module is available (not for each remote station). The filling level for the incoming and outgoing warning can be parameterized in percent for each priority channel. For the system information, this warning is activated if one of the remote stations reaches the parameterized filling level for the incoming warning. It will be reset if all remote stations where the warning has been activated reach the parameterized filling level for the outgoing warning. For the transparent information, there is a channel for all remote stations. This is where the warning is set or reset if the filling level of the channel reaches the parameterized thresholds. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 339 Engineering via SICAM WEB Physical Interface for the Communication CP-8000/CP-802x can communicate simultaneously via multiple physical interfaces. For each configured protocol element an interface must be assigned exclusively. The assignment of the interface for each protocol element resides in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | PRE <0...3>: <protocol> | Common settings. Equipable protocols can be assigned with the parameter Interface: Firmware Protocol name 103MT0 IEC 60870-5-103 Master BPPT0 IEC 60870-5-101 point-to-point DIAST0 Dial-up traffic Slave X2 - u - u - u X3 X4 u u 1) X6 X7 - u - - u - - - - u 3) - IEC 61850 Ed. 1 (Client, Server, GOOSE) u 2) ET84 IEC 60870-5-104 u 2) - - u - u ET85 IEC 61850 Ed. 2 (Client, Server, GOOSE), Ed. 1 (Client) u 2) - - u 2) - - UMPMT0 IEC 60870-5-101 Master - u u - u - UMPST0 IEC 60870-5-101 Slave - u u - u - AGPMT0 AGP interfacing Master - u u - u - BMCUT0 Benning MCU ASCII protocol - u u 2) - u - COUMT0 IEC 62056-21 (IEC 1107) Master - u u - u - DNPST0 DNP3 Slave - u u - u - DNPMT0 DNP3 Master - u u - - - ET83 - u 2) - - 2) u - u 2) - - - u 2) - - DNP3 TCP/IP Slave u 2) DNPiT2 DNP3 TCP/IP Master u 2) MODMT2 MODBUS RTU Master - u u - u - MODST0 MODBUS RTU Slave - u u - u - PCBST0 SAT SK 1703 PCMBA Slave - u u - u - RP5UT1 ABB RP570/571 Slave - u u - u - SMST0 ASCII protocol for SMS alerting - u - - u 3) - ST1ST0 Siemens SINAUT ST1 Slave - u u - u - TG8ST0 L&G Telegyr 800 Slave - u u - u - DNPiT1 340 X1 - 1) only in RS-422 mode 2) fixed if Mode of ethernet ports = 1 IP address (connected ports in switch mode) 3) only in RS-232 mode Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Protocols via Ethernet The assignment of the Ethernet interface for all (integrated and equipable) protocols via Ethernet is dependent on the use case: * * * Usage of 2 Ethernet interfaces (parameter Mode of ethernet ports = 2 IP addresses (independent ports)) Communication with IP Security (parameter IP security activated = YES) GPRS communication (parameter enable GPRS communication = YES) (applies only for CP 8022) The assignment of the Ethernet interface takes place in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Network settings | IP addresses | Interface mapping. Overview of the select options for the assignment of the Ethernet interface IP Security enabled NO YES IPSec VPN Tunnel 1 enabled - YES NO YES IPSec VPN Tunnel 2 enabled - NO YES YES X1 X1-VPN0 X1-VPN1 X4 X4 X4 - GPRS-VPN0 GPRS-VPN1 GPRS-VPN0 X1/X4 X1/X4 GPRS-VPN1 enable GPRS communication NO YES X1/X4 Note In case of enabled IP Security always LAN must be selected with parameter Network settings | IP address |Network connection X1 (Network connection X2), even if IP Security is used via GPRS. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 341 Engineering via SICAM WEB Selection of the Transmission Facility After the assignment of a physical interface, you can select a transmission facility usable for the respective protocol element with the parameter Interface modem. Dependent on the selected transmission facility, in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | PRE <0...3>: <protocol> | Common settings a dynamic subdirectory is created. In this subdirectory, you can adapt the settings on the protocol element to the values of the transmission facility. Example: the speed for the transmission to the remote station by means of parameter Baud rate. You find further details thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Protocol Elements, respectively in the section "Optimized Parameters for selected Transmission Facilities". After saving the settings a restart request appears. * * 342 Click Click , if you want to change further parameters to perform a restart Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Settings of the Messages The settings of the messages reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Communication | PRE<0...3> | IEC60870-5101/104 (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). These settings are independent on the communication type and exist on the Master Module individually for each protocol element: * * * * Transmission with/without time tag Variable elements of the message Command time monitoring Monitoring ACTCON Transmission with/without time tag The information objects supported by CP-8000/CP-802x can be transmitted to the control center either with time tag or without time tag. The definition happens selectively for each type identification. You find the parameters thereto in the subdirectory Transmission with/without time tag. Variable elements of the message For the communication with different systems the byte numbers of the identifiers in the message header can be parameterized. The settings on the Master Module reside in the subdirectory under Variable elements of the message. You find the information thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, Appendix "Message Formats". The settings on the protocol element reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | PRE <0...3>: <protocol > | Advanced settings | IEC 60870-5-101 (applies only for point-to-point traffic and multi-point traffic). You find the information thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Protocol Elements, chapter "Multi-Point Traffic (UMP)", section "Communication according to IEC 60870-5-101", "Data Acquisition by Polling (Station Interrogation)". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 343 Engineering via SICAM WEB Data Management and Priority Control The settings for data management and priority controltraffic) reside in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Communication | PRE<0...3> | Advanced settings. (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). * * Behavior upon communication failure Priority for the emission You find the information thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Telecontrol", section "Communication with other Automation Units", section "Data Storage", "Behavior during a Communication Failure" and section "Priority Control". 344 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.8 Configuration of the Decentralized Archive * Menu Home | Settings The decentralized archive serves for the local storage of events of a substation, and - whenever necessary - for the transmission to the control system. By means of that, it is for instance possible to recover the archive of a control system after a communication fault. The configuration of the decentralized archive resides in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Decentral archiving (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). All the data points that are recorded in the event list are simultaneously recorded in the decentral archive. The definition thereto resides in the signal parameterization (see, Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States). The data points to be recorded are archived chronologically during operation. The record happens for the following categories: * * * Commands upon status change Binary information items upon status change Measured values according to parameter Recording grid for measured values You find the detailed information on the settings in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Telecontrol", section "Decentralized Archiving". Note The data records of the decentralized archive are registered in configurable files. The files are stored on the SD card. The record of data points is therefore only possible with equipped SD card. Memory Configuration Archive With the help of this parameter it is possible to select the configuration of the archive stored on the SD card. You may select this parameter referring to your field of application. The smaller the bandwidth of your communication line is the smaller the separated files should be. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 345 Engineering via SICAM WEB Recording Grid for Measured Values This parameter defines the recording grid (the cycle time) for measured values. It can be set from 1 to 60 minutes. Timeout for Filetransfer With this parameter it is defined when the data transmission will be cancelled if a disturbance occurs during a file transfer (connection error etc.). Number of Bytes for CASDU, IOA, COT in the Archive You can select the format of saving the entries into the archive. If there is a control system which needs another format for the CASDU, IOA or COT you can define this with the help of these parameters. The parameters only affect the entries in the archive, however, it will not affect any other data in your automation unit. Note It is not possible to call the archive from more than one different control system which use different settings for the number of bytes for CASDU, IOA, COT, because the settings for these parameters affect the whole archive of a automation unit. Spontaneous Transmission of Directory List It is possible to transmit the directory list spontaneously. This behavior is specified in the IEC 60870-5. It means, that whenever there is a change in the directory list (one file was written, or an old file was deleted), this change may be reported to the control system. However, since upon initialization of a file transfer the control system asks for the directory list anyway, it is not useful to transmit the directory list spontaneously. Note The addresses that are calculated automatically are not shown in the web browser. If such an address is set in the parameterization of the telecontrol function, an error message occurs on attempt to apply. 346 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.9 Configuration of the Process Data Archive * Menu Home | Settings The process data archive serves for the local storage of binary information items and measured values of a substation, and - whenever necessary - for the download and evaluation on the engineering PC. The configuration of the process data archive resides in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Process data | Archive (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). Only those data points are recorded in the archive, which are parameterized for that. The assignment thereto can be performed in the signal parameterization (see, Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States). The data points to be recorded are archived chronologically during operation. The archive captures up to 5.000.000 records over a maximal period of 3 months. The record happens for the following categories: * * Binary information items upon status change Measured values according to parameter Recording grid for measured values Note The process data archive is deleted with every change of process data measured values and/or of process data message (for instance if a new signal is added). If needed, download the archive before such kind of change (see 9.3.6, Download Process Data Archive). Change of a signal name affects the archive only after startup. Before startup the archive shows the previous signal name. Recording Grid for Measured Values This parameter defines the recording grid (the cycle time) for measured values. It can be set from 1 to 60 minutes. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 347 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.10 Configuration of the Local Process Data Display (only CP-8000) The definition of the groups happens in the * Menu Home | Settings The local process data display (cockpit) enables the visualization of the status of process signals on the LCD. For the cockpit, binary information items, measured values and integrated totals can be selected by means of assignment to groups. The configuration of the local process data display resides in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module |Process data | Cockpit (the checkbox SHOW ALL PARAMETERS must be activated). For the local process data display in the cockpit, 32 freely definable groups are available with respectively up to 256 entries. The assignment to the groups can be performed in the signal parameterization (see, Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States). * * In the column Value, enter the respective desired name (max. 24 characters) Save the settings with the button The group display on the LCD (menu Cockpit) is immediately refreshed thereupon. Note If in the signal settings a group is assigned for which no name has been set, in the Cockpit appears the default name (example: Group_6). This is how you get to the display of signal states on the LCD: * 348 Menu Monitoring | Cockpit (see, Cockpit) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.11 Configuration of Peripheral and Internal Signals * Menu Home | Signals In order to use the peripheral functios, on the I/O Master Module a corresponding firmware must be selected in the Configuration page. The firmware of the I/O Master Module provides the functions for the technological preparation of the inputs/outputs (signal preprocessing, signal postprocessing). CP-8000/CP-802x supports 2 internal and up to 6 external I/O Modules. The following types can be used: * * * * Digital input (DI) for the acquisition of binary information and counting pulses Analog input (AI) for the acquisition of currents, voltages and temperatures Digital output (DO) of commands and binary information Analog output (AO) of currents and voltages I/O Modules are equipped with an individual number of physical inputs/outputs that serve for the acquisition or for the output of electrical signals. The names of the I/O Modules appear in the directory tree corresponding to the equipped configuration. Defining Signals You can define new signals, change existing ones and assign to the corresponding system element. The assignment of the electrical signals to an I/O Module takes place through the relative terminal assignment. Under the tab assignment you can define the connectable inputs/outputs of the hardware (pins) on the I/O Module as data points in the target device. Under the tab parameter you find the type-specific parameter block of the assigned signals for the setting of the process-technical functionality. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 349 Engineering via SICAM WEB You find the description the functions for the signal preprocessing and signal postprocessing, as well as their parameters, in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104. You find an overview of the parameters and value ranges in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Parameter Documentation and Diagnostic Info", "SICAM RTUs and 1703 Ax (IEC) Periphery", "Firmwares", "USIO80" ("USIO81"). This is how to create a new signal: * Click on the triangle * * Enter the desired number of rows (each row corresponds to 1 signal) Cick on the button on the upper right side to open the workspace defining signals In the following example 2 new signals have been created: 350 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB This is how to define the signals: * * * Enter a signal name (Name) Enter the message address (CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2, IOA3) Select the type identification (TI) from the drop-down list Signal Name The signal name may be from 1 up to 128 characters long. Besides the signal list it is used for the event logging and for the test functions (visualization via SICAM WEB and via LCD). Message Address With the message address the data points of the communication and of the open-/closed-loop control function are assigned. You find the exact details thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "System Services", section "Data Flow Control". Type Identification The description of the different type identifications (TI) resides in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, Appendix "Message Formats". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 351 Engineering via SICAM WEB Duplicate and Delete Rows This is how you can duplicate lines: * * * Mark the row(s) to be copied Enter the desired factor Click on the button With this example the signals SI_0 and SI_1 are duplicated twice each. Define Name, IEC address and type identification for the new signals This is how you can delete lines: * * 352 Mark the relevant row Click on the button Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Automatic Filling and Automatic Incrementation This function provides a quick and easy creation of multiple signals. Example: You have created 10 new signals. The IOA1 of the first signal shall start with 3. The value of all subsequent signals shall be consecutively increased by 1. * * * * * Set a mark in the checkbox left beside the desired rows (you can also mark all rows by means of the checkbox above the left-most column) Set a mark in the checkbox above the IOA1 column Enter the value 3 in the input field START AT (this field is always preset with the cross value of the selected column and the first selected row) Enter the value 1 in the input field STEP Click on the button (F ILL SELECTED ) Result: The IOA1 of all subsequent signals is consecutively increased by the value 1. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 353 Engineering via SICAM WEB Assign Signals to the Master Module If you have already defined signals, these can be assigned to the Master Module for the further processing. This is how to assign signals to the Master Module: * * * * Click on the button on the upper right side to close the workspace for the signals generation Select the directory SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module Mark on the right side the signals you want to assign Click on the button (A SSIGN ) The assigned signals are now listed in a table under the tab Assignment. Note You can enlarge the work area by clicking on the bars right and/or left beside the work area. 354 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB * In the drop-down list, select the desired category for the signal In the drop-down list, only categories are offered that correspond with the TI of the signal. This is how to parameterize the assigned signals: * * Open the Parameter tab Select the previously defined category for the newly assigned signal from the drop-down list All signals of the selected category (on the selected system element) are displayed listed in the table. Thereby, the signal name, the message address and the type identification are taken over from the work area for the signal generation. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 355 Engineering via SICAM WEB After selection of the category you can set the process-technical parameters for the respective signals. * * Activate the checkbox S HOW ALL PARAMETERS , if you want to edit expert parameters Save your changes from time to time, refer to Apply Further steps: Restart device. Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States Process signals assigned to the Master Module can be configured for the logging (alarm, event, archive) and for the display on the LCD (cockpit - only CP-8000). The following categories and signal types are designated for that: Category TI Process data command TI 45 TI 46 Process data message TI 30 TI 31 Process data measured value TI 34 TI 35 TI 36 TI 37 Alarm list Event list Archive Cockpit u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u This is how to define signals for the logging and/or for the display on the LCD: Example: Process data command * Under the tab Parameter, select the category "Process data command" All signals assigned to that categorie are displayed. * * Enter for each signal the desired texts for name and states Select for each signal, whether ist is to be logged as an event Description of the parameters see Process data command. 356 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: Process data message * Under the tab Parameter, select the category "Process data message" All signals assigned to that category are displayed. * * * * Enter for each signal the desired texts for name and states Select for each signal, whether it is to be logged as an event Select for each signal, whether it is to be logged as an alarm Select for each signal, whether it is to be logged in the process data archive * For the process display in the cockpit, assign the desired group number and the position within the group In this example, 3 binary information items are assigned to the group positions 1, 3 and 4. When position 2 is not used, at this place an empty line will be displayed on the LCD (see, Cockpit). Description of the parameters see Process data message. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 357 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: Process data measured value * Under the tab Parameter, select the category "Process data measured value" All signals assigned to that category are displayed. * * * Enter for each signal the desired texts for name and states Select for each signal, whether it is to be logged in the process data archive Assign for each signal the desired group number and the position within the group for the process display in the cockpit In this example, 2 measured values are assigned to the group positions 1 and 5. When the positions 2, 3 and 4 are not used, at this place an empty line will be displayed on the LCD (see, Cockpit). * * Enter the measuring range for the value adaptation Enter the number of decimal places for the display Description of the parameters see Process data measured value. 358 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB This is how to define groups for the Cockpit: * Menu Home | Alarms & Events | Event list (further information see 9.1.10, Configuration of the Local Process Data Display (only CP-8000)) This is how you get to the logging of signal states in SICAM WEB: * Menu Home | Alarms & Events | Event list (further information see, Show Event List) * Menu Home | Alarms & Events | Alarm list (further information see, Show Alarm List) This is how you get to the logging of signal states on the LCD: * Menu Monitoring | Events (further information see, Events | DEF Events) * Menu Monitoring | Alarms (further information see, Alarms) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 359 Engineering via SICAM WEB Parameters with Assignment on the Master Module This data can be changed - for each category - in the table for the signal generation: Category Parameter Meaning Communication control message Control_function_(COM) * Revision function * Test function * Block function PRE Protocol element Station_(COM) Station number (selective 0...99 or all) CASDU1_(COM) Address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no spontaneous transmission. CASDU2_(COM) Address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no spontaneous transmission. Function_group_(COM) Function group number (0...255) SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element Function_(DEAR) * * * * SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element SSE Supplementary system element Diagnostic_class In case of "all bits, all records, all classes" the parameter "diagnostic record" and "diagnostic bit" are not significant Diagnostic_record Diagnostic record 0...254 = record number whitin the selected diagnostic class 255 = sum of all bits of all records (the parameter "diagnostic bit" is not significant) Diagnostic_bit Bit number (0...15; all bits) Error_location/BSE Error location/basic system element Error_location/SSE Error location /supplementary system element Error type Error class in the diagnosis Decentral archiving Error message detailed diagnostics table Error message sum diagnostics table 360 Unrestricted Archive data Address main directory Address subdirectory Address file SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Category Parameter Meaning Parameter of measured values ACP1703 Kind_of_parameter * * * * Interrogation-group General interrogation (group 1...16; none) MV_CASDU1 Address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no spontaneous transmission. MV_CASDU2 Address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no spontaneous transmission. MV_IOA1 Address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no spontaneous transmission. MV_IOA2 Address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no spontaneous transmission. MV_IOA3 Address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no spontaneous transmission. MV_TI Type identification according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 Event_(C) The data point is displayed in the event list Text_(C) The data point is displayed with this name (max. 13 characters) State_TextOn_(C) The state ON for single or double point information is displayed with this name (max. 6 characters) State_TextOff_(C) The state OFF for single or double point information is displayed with this name (max. 6 characters) State_TextFlt_(C) The state faulty position for double point information is displayed with this name (max. 6 characters) State_TextInt_(C) The state intermediate position for double point information is displayed with this name (max. 6 characters) SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element Process data command SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 According NUC Threshold value Smoothing factor Lower limit for transmission of measured values * Upper limit for transmission of measured values * Activation parameters for measured values Unrestricted 361 Engineering via SICAM WEB Category Parameter Meaning Process data measured value SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element Archive_(MV) The data point is recorded in the decentralized archive Text_(MV) The data point is displayed with this name (max. 13 characters) GroupNbr_(MV) The data point is displayed in the cockpit in this group (1...32) GroupPos_(MV) The data point is displayed in the cockpit on this position (1...256) X_0%_(MV) Value adaptation: Lower limit of the used measuring range in the external (protocol specific) format. The corresponding internal value is defined at Y_0%. X_100%_(MV) Value adaptation: Upper limit of the used measuring range in the external (protocol specific) format. The corresponding internal value is defined at Y_100%. Y_0%_(MV) Value adaptation: Lower limit of the used measuring range in the selected internal format. The internal format is defined at TI (type identification). The corresponding external value is defined at X_0%. Y_100%_(MV) Value adaptation: Upper limit of the used measuring range in the selected internal format. The internal format is defined at TI (type identification). The corresponding external value is defined at X_100%. Decimal_places_(MV) Count of decimal places (max. 7) Unit_(MV) The value is displayed with this unit text (max. 8 characters) Event_(MSG) The data point is displayed in the event list Alarm_(MSG) The data point is displayed in the alarme list Archive_(MSG) The data point is recorded in the decentralized archive Text_(MSG) The data point is displayed with this name (max. 13 characters) State_TextOn_(MSG) The state ON for single or double point information is displayed with this name (max. 6 characters) State_TextOff_(MSG) The state OFF for single or double point information is displayed with this name (max. 6 characters) State_TextFlt_(MSG) The state faulty position for double point information is displayed with this name (max. 6 characters) State_TextInt_(MSG) The state intermediate position for double point information is displayed with this name (max. 6 characters) Process data message 362 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Category Protocol element control message Parameter Meaning Cockpit_GroupNbr_(MSG) The data point is displayed in the cockpit in this group (1...32) Cockpit_GroupPos_(MSG) The data point is displayed in the cockpit on this position (1...255) SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element Control_function_(PRE) * 0...239 = function defined by protocol element * 240 = GI request * 241 = reserved * 242 = control location * 244 = CASDU selective GI request * 245...255 = reserve for further BSE functions Edge_(PRE) * Positive edge * Negative edge * State (0 = function, 1 = function + 1) PRE_(CM) Protocol element number * PRE0...PRE3 * distribute over multimaster function Station * 0...99 = station number * 125 = to all stations * 255 = not used Additional_parameter_(PRE) 0...65535 = meaning for each function defined by the PRE firmware SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element 104-Address TI Protocol element return information message Redundancy control message Type identification according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 * Single-point information * Single command Return_information_function_ (PRE) PRE_(RM) Protocol element number (0...3) Station Station number (selective 0...99; to all stations; station not used) Control_function_(RED) * * * * * * Failure_behavior_(RED) * Terminate binary information * Maintain status BSE_(RED) Basic system element SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 User priority A/P-control Key switch Listening mode-control A/P-control with failed SCA-RS Switch-over disabled Unrestricted 363 Engineering via SICAM WEB Category Redundancy return information message Selective data flow routing Parameter Meaning PRE_(RED) Protocol element number Priority_(RED) Priority 0 (lowest)...priority 14 (highest) SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element Return_information_function_ (RED) * * * * * * BSE_(RED) Basic system element PRE_(RED) Protocol element number PRE Protocol element number (0...3) Station 0...99 = selective station unused = single-point-PRE or multi-pointPRE to all remote stations Data_class * Data class 1 * Data class 2 Periodical transfer Selection periodical level or no periodical transfer Redundancy state Switchover runs at a global switchover Keyswitch of the SCA-RS: system A active Keyswitch of the SCA-RS: automatic Keyswitch of the SCA-RS: system B active Listening mode Event_data Time_tag Transfer with or without time tag Function_group address-conversion 0 = yes, 1 = no Change_sign_of_measured_ values 364 Unrestricted New_CASDU1 New address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of new CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. New CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no addressconversion. New_CASDU2 New address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of new CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. New CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no addressconversion. New_IOA1 New address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of new CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. New CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no addressconversion. New_IOA2 New address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of new CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. New CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no addressconversion. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Category Special application input Parameter Meaning New_IOA3 New address of the datapoint. The complete address consists of new CASDU1, CASDU2, IOA1, IOA2 and IOA3. New CASDU1 and CASDU2 = 255 means no addressconversion. Selectivity Selective or to all remote stations SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element OUT_CASDU1 Address of the datapoint OUT_CASDU2 Address of the datapoint OUT_IOA1 Address of the datapoint OUT_IOA2 Address of the datapoint OUT_IOA3 Address of the datapoint OUT_TI Type identification according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 Inversion NO/YES TI31_Selection OFF/ON Fail_behav Failure behavior Fail_subst_value Substitute value at failure single_object_number Command_state * Command state not evaluate * Command state ON before OFF * Command state OFF before ON Command_output_time For TI 160: 0...6200*50 ms, for TI 45, 46, 47: * 0=no additional definition * 1=short pulse duration * 2=long pule duration * 3=persistent output SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element Special application output Function * OR conjunction, falling edge time delayed * AND conjunction, falling edge time delayed * OR conjunction, output as transients, falling edge time delayed * Message conversion * OR conjunction, rising edge time delayed Inversion NO/YES Fail_behav_status Conjunction type Time_delay Time delay n*100 ms * 0 0 no delay * 1 = 100 ms * 255 = 25.5 s SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 365 Engineering via SICAM WEB Assigning Signals to the I/O Master Module If you have already defined signals, these can be assigned to the I/O Master Module for the further processing. This is how to assign signals to the I/O Master Module: * * * * Click on the button right above in order to close the work area for the signal generation Select the directory SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master Module | I/O Master Module Mark on the right side the signals to be assigned Click on the button (Assign) The assigned signals are now listed in a table under the tab Assignment. 366 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB You can extend the work area by means of clicking on the sidebars left and/or right beside the work area. * In the corresponding dropdown list, select the processing type for the respective signal In the dropdown list only those processing types are offered that are compatible with the TI of the signal. Only software datapoints can be assigned to the I/O Master Module. * In the corresponding dropdown list, select the D ATAPOINT for the respective signal In the dropdown list only those datapoints are offered that are compatible with the processing type and that are not yet in use. HW PINS are irrelevant here and therefore not editable. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 367 Engineering via SICAM WEB This is how to parameterize the assigned signals: * * Open the Parameter tab In the dropdown list, select the previously defined processing type for the newly assigned signal All signals of the selected processing type (on the selected system element) are displayed listed in the table. Thereby, the signal name, the message address and the type identification are taken over from the work area for the signal generation. The processing types offered on the I/O Master Module are dependent on the configured firmware for the I/O Master Module and provide only expert parameters. * * Activate the checkbox S HOW ALL PARAMETERS if you want to edit expert parameters Save your changes from time to time, refer to Apply Further steps: Restart device. 368 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Parameters with Assignment on the I/O Master Module This data can be changed - for each category - in the table for the signal generation: Processing type Parameter SW_CO_INTER - command interlocked - SW_DI - Software Data Point Digital Input - SW_DO - Software Data Point Digital Output - SW_LOC_REM - local remote criterion SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element ACTCON_yes_no Sending of ACTCON and ACTTERM SW_REV - Revision SW_CONTROL LOCATION - control location SW_CO_EA - command error acknowledgement - SW_DO_TE-6460 - SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Meaning Unrestricted 369 Engineering via SICAM WEB Assigning Signals to the I/O Module If you have already defined signals, these can be assigned to the I/O Modules. This is how to assign signals to the I/O Master Module: * * * * Click on the button right above in order to close the work area for the signal generation Select the directory SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master Module | I/O Master Module | <0...7>: <module name> Mark on the right side the signals to be assigned Click on the button (Assign) The assigned signals are now listed in a table under the tab Assignment. 370 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB You can extend the work area by means of clicking on the sidebars left and/or right beside the work area. * In the corresponding dropdown list, select the processing type for the respective signal In the dropdown list only those processing types are offered that are compatible with the TI of the signal. * In the corresponding dropdown list, select the D ATAPOINT for the respective signal In the dropdown list only those datapoints are offered that are compatible with the processing type and that are not yet in use. The HW pin is automatically assigned, as soon as you have defined processing type and datapoint of the signal. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 371 Engineering via SICAM WEB This is how to parameterize the assigned signals: * * Open the Parameter tab In the dropdown list, select the previously defined processing type for the newly assigned signal All signals of the selected category (on the selected system element) are displayed listed in the table. Thereby, the signal name, the message address and the type identification are taken over from the work area for the signal generation. The processing types offered on the I/O Master Module are dependent on the configured firmware for the I/O Master Module. After selection of the processing type, you can now parameterize the relevant signals processtechnically. * * Activate the checkbox S HOW ALL PARAMETERS if you want to edit expert parameters Save your changes from time to time, refer to Apply Further steps: Restart device. 372 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Automatic Display of Signal States Process signals that are acquired or output via HW pins are automatically configured for the process display via SICAM WEB and for the process display on the LCD. The automatic process display resides in SICAM WEB in the menu I/O Modules (see, Display Process Values). The automatic process display resides on the LCD in the menu Monitoring | I/O Modules (see, I/O Modules). Parameters with Assignment on the DI Module Processing type Parameter Meaning DI_DI - double-point information input Inversion_0 Inversion (S) NO/YES Flutt_dp_qds Datapoint quality discriptor for fluttery binary information BL/IV Inversion_1 Inversion (S) NO/YES block Blocking (=not used) (S) NO/YES SVM_monitoring Power monitoring. The sensor voltage is monitored by an own power monitoring input (S). NO/YES Flutt_Number Number of transients for flutter suppression (S) SW_Filter_t Software filter-time in s (S) Flutt_t Flutter time in seconds. 0 = no fluttersuppression (S) 0.1 to 6553.5 int_posit_t Intermediate position suppression time in seconds. 0 = no intermediate position suppression (S) faulty_pos_t Faulty position suppression time in seconds. 0 = no faulty position suppression (S) AR_sign_t Time for signalling the automatic reclosure in seconds 0=no signalling of autom. reclosure (S) 0.1 to 25.5 ON_before_OFF Definition of the order for the wiring of double commands/double point information NO: OFF is I/O with lower I/O number ON is I/O with higher I/O number YES: ON is I/O with lower I/O number OFF is I/O with higher I/O number NO/YES Moduleselection_SVM_ monitoring SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Switch for power monitoring handling (PM) Standard PM (PM inputs per modules) or input IN D17 of one BI-module as PM input for all modules Attention: Selected module must be a DI module. Unrestricted 373 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning Flutt_t_stable Flutter suppression: stability time in seconds. 0 = stability time defined through parameter Flutt_t (S) 0.1 to 6553.5 DI_SI - single-point information input Inversion Inversion (S) NO/YES block Blocking (= not used) (S) NO/YES Flutt_dp_qds Datapoint quality discriptor for fluttery binary information BL/IV input function Functionality of the binary input. This parameterization permits to disable the information input for revision handling. SVM_monitoring Power monitoring. The sensor voltage is monitored by an own power monitoring input (S). NO/YES Flutt_Number Number of transients for flutter suppression (S) SW_Filter_t Software filter-time in s (S) Flutt_t Flutter time in seconds. 0 = no fluttersuppression (S) 0.1 to 6553.5 State_of_flutter_information Information state in message with BL bit Delay_t Delaytime from ON singlepoint information in seconds 0 to 16000 Moduleselection_SVM_ monitoring Switch for power monitoring handling (PM) Standard PM (PM inputs per modules) or input IN D17 of one BI-module as PM input for all modules Attention: Selected module must be a DI module. Flutt_t_stable Flutter suppression: stability time in seconds. 0 = stability time defined through parameter Flutt_t (S) 0.1 to 6553.5 DI_CV - count pulse acquisition message_blocking_t Message blocking time in seconds. During this time period, identical messages will be discarded without error information. 0.1 to 6553.5 interval_time_0 Interval time. As transmission trigger or latch trigger of the counts it is also possible to set an interval. The belonging time is to configure here. interval_time_1 Interval time. As transmission trigger or latch trigger of the counts it is also possible to set an interval. The belonging time is to configure here. Inversion Inversion (S) NO/YES block Blocking (= not used) (S) NO/YES Type 374 Unrestricted Conditioned value type (S) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning * Latched absolute value * Latched relative value SVM_monitoring Power monitoring. The sensor voltage is monitored by an own power monitoring input (S) transm_prompting Transmission prompting. The initiating for the transfer of the latched count can happen through a counter interrogation message (group), through adjustable intervals, or through the function diagramm. (S) latch_prompting Latch prompting can be different to the transmission prompting (S) Value range Value range of the counter (S) Pulse value Pulse value (S) 0.0001 bis 9999 Moduleselection_SVM_ monitoring Switch for power monitoring handling (PM) Standard PM (PM inputs per modules) or input IN D17 of one BI-module as PM input for all modules Attention: Selected module must be a DI-module. SW_DI - software data point digital input - SW_DI_AR - automatic reclosing - SW_DI_UPDATE - update of double-point information Originatoraddress Allowed originator address QOC there is no confirmation/termination for a received command with a different QOC SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element SW_DI_BT - breaker tripping - SW_DI_SOR - switching operation running - SW_CV_SET - counter set SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 375 Engineering via SICAM WEB Parameters with Assignment on the DO Module This data can be changed - for each category - in the table for the signal generation: Processing type Parameter Meaning DO_DC_1,5POL - double Retry_suppression_T command output 1,5-pole Command retry suppression time in seconds. Within this time a command with same address is discarded without error information (s) 0.1 to 6553.5 output_t_0 Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0.1 to 102.3 Sync_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0=no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_Mon_t Return state information monitoring time in seconds (S). 0 = no return state information monitoring 0.01 to 655.35 Command_prolong_t Command prolongation time in seconds (S) 0.01 to 327.67 output_t_1 Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 Sync_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_outp_same_state_0 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t 0. Sync_Input_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0=no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 6553.5 1_out_of_n_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 RS_outp_same_state_1 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t 0 376 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning Sync_Input_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0 0.1 to 6553.5 1_out_of_n_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 Sw_Seq_command_seq_0 Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command Sw_Seq_addtl_com_0 Switching sequence: Select the additional command Sw_Seq_command_seq_1 Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command Sw_Seq_addtl_com_1 Switching sequence: Select the additional command RS_Mon_Source_0 Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) RS_Mon_Source_1 Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element QOC>8 If QOC > 8 (Qualifier of Command) is accepted, so all QOC > 8 will be interpreted as QOC = 0 ON_before_OFF Definition of the order for the wiring of double commands/double point information. * NO: OFF is I/O with lower I/O number ON is I/O with higher I/O number. * YES: ON is I/O with lower I/O number OFF is I/O with higher I/O number Regulating_command Use as regulating command (S) NO/YES RS_Image SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Parameter works only with ACP 1703 platform Unrestricted 377 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning DO_DC_1POL - double command output 1-pole Retry_suppression_T Command retry suppression time in seconds. Within this time a command with same address is discarded without error information (s) 0.1 to 6553.5 output_t_0 Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0.1 to 102.3 Sync_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_Mon_t Return state information monitoring time in seconds (S). 0 = no return state information monitoring 0.01 to 655.35 Command_prolong_t Command prolongation time in seconds (S) 0.01 to 327.67 output_t_1 Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 Sync_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_outp_same_state_0 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t is 0. Sync_Input_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0 0.1 to 6553.5 1_out_of_n_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0=no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 RS_outp_same_state_1 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t is 0. 378 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning Sync_Input_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0 0.1 to 6553.5 1_out_of_n_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 Sw_Seq_command_seq_0 Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command Sw_Seq_addtl_com_0 Switching sequence: Select the additional command Sw_Seq_command_seq_1 Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command Sw_Seq_addtl_com_1 Switching sequence: Select the additional command RS_Mon_Source_0 Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) RS_Mon_Source_1 Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element QOC>8 If QOC > 8 (Qualifier of Command) is accepted, so all QOC > 8 will be interpreted as QOC = 0 ON_before_OFF Definition of the order for the wiring of double commands/double point information: * NO: OFF is I/O with lower I/O number ON is I/O with higher I/O number * YES: ON is I/O with lower I/O number OFF is I/O with higher I/O number Regulating_command Use as regulating command (S) NO/YES DO_DC_2POL - double command output 2-pole RS_Image Parameter works only with ACP 1703 platform Retry_suppression_T Command retry suppression time in seconds. Within this time a command with same address is discarded without error information (s) 0.1 to 6553.5 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 379 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning output_t_0 Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0.1 to 102.3 Sync_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_Mon_t Return state information monitoring time in seconds (S). 0 = no return state information monitoring 0.01 to 655.35 Command_prolong_t Command prolongation time in seconds (S) 0.01 to 327.67 output_t_1 Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 Sync_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_outp_same_state_0 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t is 0. Sync_Input_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0 0.1 to 6553.5 1_out_of_n_t_0 Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0=no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 RS_outp_same_state_1 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t is 0. Sync_Input_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0 0.1 to 6553.5 380 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning 1_out_of_n_t_1 Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 Sw_Seq_command_seq_0 Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command Sw_Seq_addtl_com_0 Switching sequence: Select the additional command Sw_Seq_command_seq_1 Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command Sw_Seq_addtl_com_1 Switching sequence: Select the additional command RS_Mon_Source_0 Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) RS_Mon_Source_1 Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element QOC>8 If QOC > 8 (Qualifier of Command) is accepted, so all QOC > 8 will be interpreted as QOC = 0 ON_before_OFF Definition of the order for the wiring of double commands/double point information: * NO: OFF is I/O with lower I/O number ON is I/O with higher I/O number * YES: ON is I/O with lower I/O number OFF is I/O with higher I/O number Regulating_command Use as regulating command (S) NO/YES DO_DX - double-point information and double command output RS_Image Parameter works only with ACP 1703 platform Fail_behav Behavior at failure * Keep * Terminate SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 381 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0 to 6553.5 RS_Image_CASDU1 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 RS_Image_CASDU2 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 RS_Image_IOA1 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 RS_Image_IOA2 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 RS_Image_IOA3 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 RS_Image_TI Type identifier of corresponding return state information (S) * Single-point information * D.-point information Term_with_Conf Sending of termination immediately after sending of confirmation (S) NO/YES Output_t_0 Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 termination_t_0 Time between confirmation and termination (s) 0 = no termination 0 to 6553.5 RS_react_t_0 Information reaction time (S) Pulse command: 0 .. time appropriate to output time Persistent command: 0 .. time appropriate to termination time 0 to 6553.5 Output_t_1 Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 termination_t_1 Time between confirmation and termination (s) 0 = no termination 0 to 6553.5 RS_react_t_1 Information reaction time (S) Pulse command: 0 .. time appropriate to output time Persistent command: 0 .. time appropriate to termination time 0 to 6553.5 382 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter DO_SC_1,5POL - single Retry_suppression_T command output 1,5-pole Meaning Command retry suppression time in seconds. Within this time a command with same address is discarded without error information (s) 0.1 to 6553.5 Output_t Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0.1 to 102.3 Sync_t Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_Mon_t Return state information monitoring time in seconds (S). 0 = no return state information monitoring 0.01 to 655.35 Command_prolong_t Command prolongation time in seconds (S) 0.01 to 327.67 RS_outp_same_state_1 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t is 0. Sync_Input_t Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0 0.1 to 6553.5 1_out_of_n_t Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 RS_Mon_Source Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) Sw_Seq_command_seq Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command Sw_Seq_addtl_com Switching sequence: Select the additional command SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 383 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type DO_SC_1POL - single command output 1-pole Parameter Meaning SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element QOC>8 If QOC > 8 (Qualifier of Command) is accepted, so all QOC > 8 will be interpreted as QOC = 0 RS_Image Parameter works only with ACP 1703 platform Retry_suppression_T Command retry suppression time in seconds. Within this time a command with same address is discarded without error information (s) 0.1 to 6553.5 Output_t Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0.1 to 102.3 Sync_t Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_Mon_t Return state information monitoring time in seconds (S). 0 = no return state information monitoring 0.01 to 655.35 Command_prolong_t Command prolongation time in seconds (S) 0.01 to 327.67 RS_outp_same_state_1 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t is 0. Sync_Input_t Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0 0.1 to 6553.5 1_out_of_n_t Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 384 Unrestricted RS_Mon_Source Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) Sw_Seq_command_seq Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type DO_SC_2POL - single command output 2-pole Parameter Meaning Sw_Seq_addtl_com Switching sequence: Select the additional command SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element QOC>8 If QOC > 8 (Qualifier of Command) is accepted, so all QOC > 8 will be interpreted as QOC = 0 RS_Image Parameter works only with ACP 1703 platform Retry_suppression_T Command retry suppression time in seconds. Within this time a command with same address is discarded without error information (s) 0.1 to 6553.5 Output_t Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0.1 to 102.3 Sync_t Within this time (in sec) the interlock enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over interlocking 0.1 to 6553.5 RS_Mon_t Return state information monitoring time in seconds (S). 0 = no return state information monitoring 0.01 to 655.35 Command_prolong_t Command prolongation time in seconds (S) 0.01 to 327.67 RS_outp_same_state_1 Selection of command output and command confirmation, if return state is already end position before output. Attention: only active if RS_mon_t is 0. Sync_Input_t Within this time (in sec) the enabling over the syncronisation input must occur on the command. 0 = no syncronisation over syncronisation input. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0 0.1 to 6553.5 1_out_of_n_t Within this time (in sec) the 1 out of n enabling must occur on the command. 0 = no 1 out of n enabling necessary. Attention: Function only active if sync_t = 0. 0.1 to 25.5 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 385 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type DO_SI - digital output - single-point information DO_SX - single-point information and single command output Parameter Meaning RS_Mon_Source Source of state information for state information monitoring * Peripherals * Open-/closed loop control function * Both (logical OR) Sw_Seq_command_seq Switching sequence: output additional command before or after the command Sw_Seq_addtl_com Switching sequence: Select the additional command SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element QOC>8 If QOC > 8 (Qualifier of Command) is accepted, so all QOC > 8 will be interpreted as QOC = 0 RS_Image Parameter works only with ACP 1703 platform receive_format Source of datapoint Fail_behav Behavior at failure SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element receive_format Source of datapoint Fail_behav Behavior at failure * Keep * Terminate SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0 to 6553.5 RS_Image_CASDU1 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 RS_Image_CASDU2 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 RS_Image_IOA1 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 386 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning RS_Image_IOA2 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 RS_Image_IOA3 Address of corresponding return state information (S) 0 to 255 Term_with_Conf Sending of termination immediately after sending of confirmation (S) NO/YES Output_t Command output time in seconds (S). Attention: The time comes into effect only, if in the message is not defined any time. 0.01 to 327.67 termination_t Time between confirmation and termination (s) 0 = no termination 0 to 6553.5 RS_react_t Information reaction time (S) Pulse command: 0 .. time appropriate to output time Persisitent command: 0 .. time appropriate to termination time 0 to 6553.5 SW_CO_SYNC_A - command synchronization abortion - SW_CO_SYNC_R command synchronization is running - SW_DO - Software data point digital output - Parameters with Assignment on the AI Module Processing type Parameter Meaning AI_I - current value acqisition line frequency The noise rejection takes place for the parametrized line frequency * 50 Hz * 60 Hz * 16.7 Hz Zero range Zero range suppression (and check of the plausibility limits) (S) NO/YES thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 1000.0 thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 block Blocking (=not used) (S) NO/YES SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 387 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning Processing grid Processing grid in seconds 0.1 to 25.5 X_0% Nominal range in the physical unit of the input/output (0%) (S) -50.0 to 50.0 X_100% Nominal range in the physical unit of the input/output (100%) -50.0 to 50.0 Y_0% Technological or normalized value 0% (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 Y_100% Technological or normalized value 100% (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 Smoothing 0 - 99 in %. 0% = no smoothing, 99% = highest possible smoothing 0 to 99 MV_conv_free_Xl Limit of not plausible range. Parameter is only effective, if the parameter zero_range_a_MV_conv is set to free parametrizable (in the physical unit of the input) (S) -103.00 to 103.00 zero_range_Xzu Upper limit of zero range in % of X_100% (S) -103.00 to 103.00 zero_range_Xzl Lower limit of zero range in % of X_100% (S) -103.00 to 103.00 zero_range_Yz Technological or normalized value of zero range (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 zero_range_a MV_conv Zero range suppression (and check of the plausibility limits) either standard or free parametrizable (S) * Standard * Free configurable OV_suppr_t OV suppression time in seconds, 0=no OV suppression 0 to 255 standard load The measuring range can be adapted with changing the load (S) NO/YES AI_U - voltage value acqisition line frequency The noise rejection takes place for the parametrized line frequency * 50 Hz * 60 Hz * 16.7 Hz Zero range Zero range suppression (and check of the plausibility limits) (S) NO/YES thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 1000.0 388 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 block Blocking (=not used) (S) NO/YES Processing grid Processing grid in seconds 0.1 to 25.5 X_0% Nominal range in the physical unit of the input/output (0%) (S) -50.0 to 50.0 X_100% Nominal range in the physical unit of the input/output (100%) -50.0 to 50.0 Y_0% Technological or normalized value 0% (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 Y_100% Technological or normalized value 100% (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 Smoothing 0 - 99 in %. 0% = no smoothing, 99% = highest possible smoothing 0 to 99 MV_conv_free_Xl Limit of not plausible range. Parameter is only effective, if the parameter zero_range_a_MV_conv is set to free parametrizable (in the physical unit of the input) (S) -103.00 to 103.00 zero_range_Xzu Upper limit of zero range in % of X_100% (S) -103.00 to 103.00 zero_range_Xzl Lower limit of zero range in % of X_100% (S) -103.00 to 103.00 zero_range_Yz Technological or normalized value of zero range (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 zero_range_a MV_conv Zero range suppression (and check of the plausibility limits) either standard or free parametrizable (S) * Standard * Free configurable OV_suppr_t OV suppression time in seconds, 0=no OV suppression 0 to 255 standard load The measuring range can be adapted with changing the load (S) NO/YES SW_COSPHI - software power factor thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 1000.0 thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 389 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning SW_CT_FDIR_I>_I>> I> Trip value in ampere for overcurrent detection for short circuit 0: function disabled 50 to 2000 I>> Trip value in ampere for overcurrent detection for short circuit 0: function disabled 50 to 2000 I>>_t Time delay for overcurrent detection 0.04 to 60 I>_t Time delay for overcurrent detection 0.04 to 60 t_reset Auto reset time 0 = function disabled SW_CT_FDIR_IN IN> Trip value in ampere for ground fault 0: function disabled 0.4 to 2000 IN>_Idir Earth current for earth fault detection using the wattmetric method 0: function disabled 0.2 to 30 IN>_ground_type Ground point treatment method * Solid * Isolated * Resonant IN>_U0 Ground point displacement voltage in procent of primary voltage 0: function disabled 0 to 100 IN>_U0_t Ground point displacement voltage time delay 0.04 to 60 IN>_t Time delay for ground fault indication 0.04 to 60 t_reset Auto reset time 0 = function disabled SW_CT_MV_SELECTIO N measured_value_selection Selection of a measured value thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 1000.0 thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 SW_CT_PDIR - SW_F - software frequency thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 1000.0 thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 SW_PQ - software power thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 1000.0 thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 390 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter SW_REV - revision - SW_T_VT_NOK - voltage transformer nok SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range SW_UI - software voltage, current Meaning 0 to 1000.0 thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 T_AI_I - current transformer input line_frequency_transformer configuration of line frequency * 50 Hz * 60 Hz thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 1000.0 thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 transformer_X_100% Nominal range of transformer/input: secondary * 8510: 1 A - 8511: Low Power (225 mV) * 8510: 5 A - 8511: Low Power (225 mV) transformer_Y_100% Nominal range of transformer: primary in kV or 230 V or in Ampere 50 to 800 transformer_Y_100%_5A Nominal range of 5A - current transformer: in Ampere. Only valid for AI-8510 and X_100% = 5 A. 50 to 400 T_AI_U - voltage transformer input Overrange Definition of the overrange for QDS 'OV' in % of the nominal range of the transformer line_frequency_transformer configuration of line frequency * 50 Hz * 60 Hz primary_voltage_correction Correction value for primary voltage thresh_additive Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 1000.0 thresh_uncond Change threshold in % of X_100% (S) AI_T: % of temperature range 0 to 103.00 transformer_X_100% Nominal range of transformer/input: secondary * 8510: 100 V/SQRT3 - 8511: 3.25 V/SQRT3 * 8510: 230 V - 8511: 3.25 V/SQRT3 * 8510: 400 V/SQRT3 - 8511: 3.25 V/SQRT3 transformer_Y_100% Nominal range of transformer: primary in kV or 230 V or in Ampere 1.0 to 36.0 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 391 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning transformer_type Transformer type transformer_angle Angle between upper and lower side of transformer 0 to 359 Overrange Definition of the overrange for QDS 'OV' in % of the nominal range of the transformer Parameters with Assignment on the AO Module Processing type Parameter Meaning AO_I - analog output current fail_subst value Substitute value, if behavior of failure is parametrized on ouput substitute value (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0 to 6553.5 Fail_behav Behavior at failure * Keep * Substitute value block Blocking (=not used) (S) NO/YES X_0% Nominal range in the physical unit of the input/output (0%) (S) -20.0 to 20.0 X_100% Nominal range in the physical unit of the input/output (100%) -20.0 to 20.0 Y_0% Technological or normalized value 0% (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 Y_100% Technological or normalized value 100% (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 receive format Source of datapoint spontaneous termination_t Time between confirmation and termination (s) 0 = no termination 0 to 6553.5 AO_U - analog output voltage 392 Unrestricted SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element fail_subst value Substitute value, if behavior of failure is parametrized on ouput substitute value (S) -1000000000000000.000 to SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Processing type Parameter Meaning 1000000000000000.000 select_execute_t Max. time between select and execute (in seconds). After this time a recent select command is necessary. 0 = no select command is expected (direct command transmission) 0 to 6553.5 Fail_behav Behavior at failure * Keep * Substitute value block Blocking (=not used) (S) NO/YES X_0% Nominal range in the physical unit of the input/output (0%) (S) -10.0 to 10.0 X_100% Nominal range in the physical unit of the input/output (100%) -10.0 to 10.0 Y_0% Technological or normalized value 0% (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 Y_100% Technological or normalized value 100% (S) -1000000000000000.000 to 1000000000000000.000 receive format Source of datapoint spontaneous termination_t Time between confirmation and termination (s) 0 = no termination 0 to 6553.5 SID-BSE Source identification basic system element SID-ST Source identification station number if multipoint traffic mode 0...99 if R-SID 0...254; if automatic, the SID will be learned SID-SSE Source identification supplementary system element SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 393 Engineering via SICAM WEB Circuitry of Signals For the signal types, different circuitry variants are resulting. Function Signal type Binary information acquisition Single-point information 1 digital input Double-point information 2 subsequent digital inputs Counting pulse acquisition Integrated totals 1 digital input Current/voltage acquisition Current 1 analog input Voltage 1 analog input Temperature acquisition Wiring Temperature 2-wire Circuitry 1 analog input 3-wire 4-wire Resistance 2-wire 1 analog input 3-wire 4-wire Pulse command output Single command Double command 1-pole 1 digital output 1.5-pole 1 digital output + 1 digital output for group relay 2-pole 2 subsequent digital outputs 1-pole 2 subsequent digital outputs 1.5-pole 2 subsequent digital outputs + 1 digital output for group relay 2-pole 4 subsequent digital outputs Binary information output Single-point information 1 digital output Current/voltage output Current 1 analog output Voltage 1 analog output Signal type and wiring are dependent on the respective I/O Module. Note Please consider the indications in section, Configuration Rules for I/O Modules. 394 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Binary Information Acquisition For the acquisition of single-point or double-point information items, an appropriate digital input module must be equipped, and the DI signals to be used must be configured. Power Monitoring You can activate the power monitoring for digital inputs jeweils with the parameter SVM_monitoring. The monitoring takes place by groups: Group 0: IOM x - IN D00...IN D07 Group 1: IOM 1 - IN D10...IN D13 (for DI-810x) IOM x - IN D10...IN D17 (for DI-610x, DI-811x) For the power monitoring, the last input of a group (IN D07 and IN D13 resp. IN D17) must be wired with the protected sensor voltage. Thereby the number of process information items is reduced to 7 resp. 3 inputs for each group. By means of a further parameter, the power monitoring can be parameterized this way, that not one input for each group is responsible for the monitoring, but the last input of an I/O Module for the entire automation unit. Thereby the desired I/O Module is selected. Note With a mixture of 1 ms and 10 ms input modules, the power monitoring should be set on an input module with 1 ms accuracy. You find further information in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapters "Single-Point Information" and "DoublePoint Information", respectively in the section "Sensor Voltage Monitoring (Power Monitoring)". Counting Pulse Acquisition Standard Counting Pulse Acquisition For the acquisition of counting pulses, an appropriate digital input module must be equipped, and the DI signals to be used must be configured. Power Monitoring You can activate the power monitoring for digital inputs jeweils with the parameter SVM_monitoring. The monitoring takes place by groups: Group 0: IOM x - IN D00...IN D07 Group 1: IOM 1 - IN D10...IN D13 (for DI-810x) IOM x - IN D10...IN D17 (for DI-610x, DI-811x) For the power monitoring, the last input of a group (IN D07 and IN D13 resp. IN D17) must be wired with the protected sensor voltage. Thereby the number of process information items is reduced to 7 resp. 3 inputs for each group. By means of a further parameter, the power monitoring can be parameterized this way, that not one input for each group is responsible for the monitoring, but the last input of an I/O Module for the entire automation unit. Thereby the desired I/O Module is selected. Note With a mixture of 1 ms and 10 ms input modules, the power monitoring should be set on an input module with 1 ms accuracy. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 395 Engineering via SICAM WEB You find further information in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapters "Integrated Totals via Counting Pulses", in the section "Sensor Voltage Monitoring (Power Monitoring)". Set Counter You can set an integrated total on a defined value, if a message for set counter has been assigned to the respective data point (signal list). You find the details thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Integrated totals via Count Pulses", section "Set Counter" and section "Counter Interrogation". Buffered Counting Pulse Acquisition The buffered counting pulse acquisition enables the acquisition of counting pulses, even if the target device is de-energized. Thereto a module TE-6430 must be equipped, and the DI signals to be used must be configured. Current/Voltage Acquisition For the acquisition of currents and voltages an appropriate analog input modul must be equipped, and the AI signals to be used must be configured. You find the functional details and the settings in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Currents" as well as chapter "Voltages". Note With the modules AI-6300, AI-6307, AI-6308, AI-8320 a mixed circuitry of current and voltage is not permitted . For the direct acquisition of currents, voltages and the frequency the modules AI-8510 with CM-8820 and AI-8511 are available. You find the functional details and the settings in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Measurement in Three-Phase Systems - I/O Module". Note If with AI-8510 the parameter transformer_X_100% is set to 100 V/3, then the parameter transformer_Y_100% may have a value from 1 to 36 only. The parameter transformer_Y_100% may be 230 V only if parameter transformer_X_100% is set to 230 V. 396 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Temperature Acquisition For the acquisition of temperatures an an appropriate analog input module must be equipped, and the AI signals to be used must be configured. Connection of Resistance Thermometers The connection of the resistance thermometers can be carried out in 2-, 3- or 4-wire technology. With the 2-wire technology a calibration process is required. If no calibration process has been carried out, the target device records a calibration error in the diagnosis. You find the instruction for the calibration process in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Temperatures", section "Acquisition". Direct Measurement In the configuration of the contacts for the module you can select between Temperature and Resistor. With the resistance acquisition the preprocessing functions on the module (adaption, gradient monitoring) are deactivated, in order to meet the process requirements concerning the response time (for instance for the acquisition of transformer taps). The preprocessing functions must be replicated in need in the open-/ closed-loop control function. Note The direct measurement is supported for the module AI-6310 as of revision "-A". The differentiation between temperature acquisition and resistance acquisition (parameter value_selection) happens group by group for each value. To activate the direct measurement, for the both values of a group a temperature acquisition must not be parameterized. Group 0: IOM x - IN V0 and IOM x - IN V1 Group 1: IOM x - IN V2 and IOM x - IN V3 If for a group temperature acquisition and resistance acquisition is parameterized, the acquisition happens with all preprocessings (mean value creation and transient suppression). With the temperature acquisition (i.e. Pt20) via a resistance acquisition, the mean value creation and transient monitoring must be replicated in the open-/closed-loop control function. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 397 Engineering via SICAM WEB Command Output Standard Command Output For the output of standard commands (OC) an appropriate digital output module must be equipped, and the DO signals to be used must be configured. Common Settings: * Monitor pulse duration The command output time defines how long the actuator is actuated. The output time can be set for each data point with the parameter output_t. * Monitor return information The return information monitoring is used to limit the command output to the output time required by the process. The return information monitoring can be activated for each data point with parameter RS_Mon_t. * Procedure for the command transmission according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 The procedure for "direct command" is set by means of the parameter select_execute_t = 0. The procedure for "select and execute command" is set by means of the parameter select_execute_t > 0. The parameterized value specifies, within which time the execute command must be received following the selection command. You find the exact information on the command output in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Pulse Commands", section "Functions Independent on the Hardware of the System Element". Assignment Return Information to Pulse Command This function coordinates binary information and pulse commands that are acquired or output on SICAM TM I/O Modules. You find the exact information thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Return Information to Pulse Command Assignment". * Parameter-settable assignment The assignment of an information (DI signal) to a pulse command (DO signal) is adjustable through the 5-digit address of the return information (parameters RS_Image_CASDU1, RS_Image_CASDU2, RS_Image_IOA1, RS_Image_IOA2, RS_Image_IOA3). No assignment takes place if the parameters are set to the value 255 (default value) the target device utilizes the fixed assignment. * 398 Predefined assignment If the equipped sequence of I/O Modules is suitable, an information is assigned automatically to a command. Otherwise no assignment takes place. You find the exact assignment in the following table. Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB I/O Master Module with Firmware USIO80 Type Predefined Assignment Single information to single command (1-pole): DI-610x with DO-6200 EM IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM y EM IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM y : : EM IOM x - IN D07 ... command IOM y EM IOM x - IN D10 ... command IOM y EM IOM x - IN D11 ... command IOM y : : EM IOM x - IN D17 ... command IOM y Single information to single command (1-pole): DI-610x with DO-6212 (2 DO-6212 with 1 DI-610x possible) - OUT D00 - OUT D01 - OUT D07 - OUT D10 - OUT D11 - OUT D17 SI IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM : : SI IOM x - IN D07 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D10 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D11 ... command IOM : : SI IOM x - IN D17 ... command IOM y - OUT D00 y - OUT D01 SI IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM : : SI IOM x - IN D07 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D10 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D11 ... command IOM : : SI IOM x - IN D17 ... command IOM y - CA00 y - CA01 SI IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM : : SI IOM x - IN D06 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D10 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D11 ... command IOM : : SI IOM x - IN D16 ... command IOM y - OUT D00 y - OUT D01 SI IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM : : SI IOM x - IN D07 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D10 ... command IOM SI IOM x - IN D11 ... command IOM : : SI IOM x - IN D17 ... command IOM y - CA00 y - CA01 Single information to single command (2-pole): DI-610x with DO-6212 (2 DO-6212 with 1 DI-610x possible) SI IOM x SI IOM x SI IOM x SI IOM x SI IOM x SI IOM x SI IOM x SI IOM x y - OUT D00/D01 y - OUT D02/D03 y - OUT D04/D05 y - OUT D06/D07 z - OUT D00/D01 z - OUT D02/D03 z - OUT D04/D05 z - OUT D06/D07 Single information to single command (2-pole): DI-610x with DO-6230 SI IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM y - CA00/CB00 SI IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM y - CA01/CB01 : : SI IOM x - IN D07 ... command IOM y - CA07/CB07 Single information to single command (1-pole): DI-610x with DO-6230 Single information to single command (1.5-pole): DI-610x with DO-6212 (2 DO-6212 with 1 DI-610x possible) Single information to single command (1.5-pole): DI-610x with DO-6230 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 - IN D00 ... command IOM - IN D02 ... command IOM - IN D04 ... command IOM - IN D06 ... command IOM - IN D10 ... command IOM - IN D12 ... command IOM - IN D14 ... command IOM - IN D16 ... command IOM Unrestricted y - OUT D07 z - OUT D00 z - OUT D01 z - OUT D07 y - CA07 y - CB00 y - CB01 y - CB07 y - OUT D06 z - OUT D00 z - OUT D01 z - OUT D06 y - CA07 y - CB00 y - CB01 y - CB07 399 Engineering via SICAM WEB Type Predefined Assignment Double information to double command (1-pole): DI-610x with DO-6200 DI IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - OUT DI IOM x - IN D02/D03 ... command IOM y - OUT DI IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - OUT DI IOM x - IN D06/D07 ... command IOM y - OUT DI IOM x - IN D10/D11 ... command IOM y - OUT DI IOM x - IN D12/D13 ... command IOM y - OUT DI IOM x - IN D14/D15 ... command IOM y - OUT DI IOM x - IN D16/D17 ... command IOM y - OUT Double information to double command (1-pole): DI-610x with DO-6212 (2 DO-6212 with 1 DI-610x possible) DI IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D00/D01 DI IOM x - IN D02/D03 ... command IOM y - OUT D02/D03 DI IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - OUT D04/D05 DI IOM x - IN D06/D07 ... command IOM y - OUT D06/D07 DI IOM x - IN D10/D11 ... command IOM z - OUT D00/D01 DI IOM x - IN D12/D13 ... command IOM z - OUT D02/D03 DI IOM x - IN D14/D15 ... command IOM z - OUT D04/D05 DI IOM x - IN D16/D17 ... command IOM z - OUT D06/D07 Double information to double command (1-pole): DI-610x with DO-6230 DI IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - CA00/CA01 DI IOM x - IN D02/D03 ... command IOM y - CA02/CA03 DI IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - CA04/CA05 DI IOM x - IN D06/D07 ... command IOM y - CA06/CA07 DI IOM x - IN D10/D11 ... command IOM y - CB00/CB01 DI IOM x - IN D12/D13 ... command IOM y - CB02/CB03 DI IOM x - IN D14/D15 ... command IOM y - CB04/CB05 DI IOM x - IN D16/D17 ... command IOM y - CB06/CB07 Double information to double command (1.5-pole): DI-610x with DO-6212 (2 DO-6212 with 1 DI-610x possible) DI IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D00/D01 DI IOM x - IN D02/D03 ... command IOM y - OUT D02/D03 DI IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - OUT D04/D05 DI IOM x - IN D10/D11 ... command IOM z - OUT D00/D01 DI IOM x - IN D12/D13 ... command IOM z - OUT D02/D03 DI IOM x - IN D14/D15 ... command IOM z - OUT D04/D05 Double information to double command (1.5-pole): DI-610x with DO-6230 DI IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - CA00/CA01 DI IOM x - IN D02/D03 ... command IOM y - CA02/CA03 DI IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - CA04/CA05 DI IOM x - IN D06/D07 ... command IOM y - CA06/CA07 DI IOM x - IN D10/D11 ... command IOM y - CB00/CB01 DI IOM x - IN D12/D13 ... command IOM y - CB02/CB03 DI IOM x - IN D14/D15 ... command IOM y - CB04/CB05 DI IOM x - IN D16/D17 ... command IOM y - CB06/CB07 Double information to double command (2-pole): DI-610x with DO-6212 (2 DO-6212 with 1 DI-610x possible) DI IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D00..D03 DI IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - OUT D04..D07 DI IOM x - IN D10/D11 ... command IOM z - OUT D00..D03 DI IOM x - IN D14/D15 ... command IOM z - OUT D04..D07 Double information to double command (2-pole): DI-610x with DO-6230 DI IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - CA00..CB01 DI IOM x - IN D02/D03 ... command IOM y - CA02..CB03 DI IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - CA04..CB05 DI IOM x - IN D06/D07 ... command IOM y - CA06..CB07 D00/D01 D02/D03 D04/D05 D06/D07 D10/D11 D12/D13 D14/D15 D16/D17 x = 0..7, y = x+1, z = x+2 Note In each case the module DO-62xx must be equipped directly after the module DI-610x. 400 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB I/O Master Module with Firmware USIO81 Type Predefined Assignment Single information to single command (1-pole): DI-810x m with it DO-820x EM IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM y - OUT D00 EM IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D01 : : EM IOM x - IN D07 ... command IOM y - OUT D07 Single information to single command (1-pole): DI-811x with DO-821x (2 DO-8212 with 1 DI-811x possible) EM IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM y - OUT D00 EM IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D01 : : EM IOM x - IN D07 ... command IOM y - OUT D07 EM IOM x - IN D10 ... command IOM z - OUT D00 EM IOM x - IN D11 ... command IOM z - OUT D01 : : EM IOM x - IN D17 ... command IOM z - OUT D07 Single information to single command (1,5-pole): DI-810x with DO-820x EM IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM y - OUT D00 EM IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D01 : : EM IOM x - IN D06 ... command IOM y - OUT D06 Single information to single command (1,5-pole): DI-811x with DO-821x (2 DO-821x with 1 DI-811x possible) EM IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM y - OUT D00 EM IOM x - IN D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D01 : : EM IOM x - IN D06 ... command IOM y - OUT D06 EM IOM x - IN D10 ... command IOM z - OUT D00 EM IOM x - IN D11 ... command IOM z - OUT D01 : : EM IOM x - IN D16 ... command IOM z - OUT D06 Single information to single command (2-pole): DI-810x with DO-820x EM IOM x EM IOM x EM IOM x EM IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM y - IN D02 ... command IOM y - IN D04 ... command IOM y - IN D06 ... command IOM y Single information to single command (2-pole): DI-811x with DO-821x (2 DO-821x with 1 DI-811x possible) EM IOM x EM IOM x EM IOM x EM IOM x EM IOM x EM IOM x EM IOM x EM IOM x - IN D00 ... command IOM y - OUT D00/D01 - IN D02 ... command IOM y - OUT D02/D03 - IN D04 ... command IOM y - OUT D04/D05 - IN D06 ... command IOM y - OUT D06/D07 - IN D10 ... command IOM z - OUT D00/D01 - IN D12 ... command IOM z - OUT D02/D03 - IN D14 ... command IOM z - OUT D04/D05 - IN D16 ... command IOM z - OUT D06/D07 Double information to double command (1-pole): DI-810x with DO-820x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x - IN - IN - IN - IN D00/D01 ... D02/D03 ... D04/D05 ... D06/D07 ... command IOM y command IOM y command IOM y command IOM y Double information to double command (1-pole): DI-811x with DO-821x (2 DO-821x with 1 DI-811x possible) DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x - IN - IN - IN - IN - IN - IN - IN - IN D00/D01 ... D02/D03 ... D04/D05 ... D06/D07 ... D10/D11 ... D12/D13 ... D14/D15 ... D16/D17 ... command IOM y - OUT D00/D01 command IOM y - OUT D02/D03 command IOM y - OUT D04/D05 command IOM y - OUT D06/D07 command IOM z - OUT D00/D01 command IOM z - OUT D02/D03 command IOM z - OUT D04/D05 command IOM z - OUT D06/D07 Double information to double command (1,5-pole): DI-810x with DO-820x DM IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D00/D01 DM IOM x - IN D02/D03 ... command IOM y - OUT D02/D03 DM IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - OUT D04/D05 Double information to double command (1,5-pole): DI-811x with DO-821x (2 DO-821x with 1 DI-811x possible) DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 - IN - IN - IN - IN - IN - IN D00/D01 ... D02/D03 ... D04/D05 ... D10/D11 ... D12/D13 ... D14/D15 ... Unrestricted - OUT D00/D01 - OUT D02/D03 - OUT D04/D05 - OUT D06/D07 - OUT D00/D01 - OUT D02/D03 - OUT D04/D05 - OUT D06/D07 command IOM y - OUT D00/D01 command IOM y - OUT D02/D03 command IOM y - OUT D04/D05 command IOM z - OUT D00/D01 command IOM z - OUT D02/D03 command IOM z - OUT D04/D05 401 Engineering via SICAM WEB Type Predefined Assignment Double information to double command (2-pole): DI-810x with DO-820x DM IOM x - IN D00/D01 ... command IOM y - OUT D00..D03 DM IOM x - IN D04/D05 ... command IOM y - OUT D04..D07 Double information to double command (2-pole): DI-811x with DO-821x (2 DO-821x mit 1 DI-811x possible) DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x DM IOM x - IN - IN - IN - IN D00/D01 ... D04/D05 ... D10/D11 ... D14/D15 ... command IOM y - OUT D00..D03 command IOM y - OUT D04..D07 command IOM z - OUT D00..D03 command IOM z - OUT D04..D07 x = 0..7, y = x+1, z = x+2 Note In each case the module DO-62xx must be equipped directly after the module DI-610x. Checked Command Output For the output of checked commands the corresponding digital output modules must be equipped and the DO signals to be used must be configured. Parameters are set only on the command output relay module. You find the exact information on the checked command output in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Pulse Commands", section "Functions Dependent on the Hardware of the System Element". Required I/O Modules: * 1 command output basic module, alternatively DO-6220 - command output with internal checks IC1 DO-6221 - command output with resistance check RC1 * 1 up to 5 command output relay modules DO-6230, alternatively 8 relay outputs for 16 pulse commands with 1- or 1.5-pole wiring 8 pulse commands with 2-pole wiring Note A mixed wiring (1-, 1.5- and 2-pole) on one module DO-6230 is not permissible. For varied wirings additional DO-6230 must be used. 402 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Binary Information Output For the output of binary information a digital output module must be equipped, and the DO signals to be used must be configured. With the parameter Fail_behav you can determine the behavior of a binary information output upon failure of the Master Module. You find further information thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Binary Information Output", section "Deactivation or Retention on Failure". Current/Voltage Output For the output of currents or Voltages an analog output module must be equipped, and the AO signals to be used must be configured. With the parameter Fail_behav you can determine the behavior of a binary information output upon failure of the Master Module. You find further information thereto in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Binary Information Output", section "Deactivation or Retention on Failure". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 403 Engineering via SICAM WEB Import and Export of the Signal List In the menu Home | Signals you can import and export a signal list already previously created. Export Signal List This is how to export your signal list: * Click on the triangle ing signals * Click on the button on the upper right side in order to open the workspace for defin- The signal list will be generated as *.csv file. After that, a dialog for download opens. * * Click Start download in order to save the file locally After saving, click on the button The storage procedure is dependent on the web browser and consequently may vary. Follow the instructions of your web browser. The file type . csv must be kept. Note During the generation procedure the menu must not be left. The selection of another webpage may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. 404 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB The signal list can now be opened as *.csv file and modified. * Save your changes in the signal list and save it as *.csv file Import Signal List This is how to import your signal list: * * Click on the triangle ing signals Click on the button on the upper right side in order to open the workspace for defin- You have the possibility to abort the procedure via the button * * * . Click Select a file to open the selection dialog Select the source directory and the source file (the file type must be *.csv) Click on the button The target device starts the loading procedure. The duration of the loading procedure depends on the number of signals and the used communication connection. The file is checked upon validity. If the data is valid, it is written on the SD card of the target device. Otherwise an error indication is displayed. After successful import, the following dialog appears: * Click on the button Further steps: Assigning (Master, I/O Master, I/Os), Apply. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 405 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.12 Usage of CP-8000/CP-802x as SICAM PAS I/O The devices CP-8000/CP-802x can be used as non-licensed SICAM PAS substations. The differentiation between normal operation and operation as SICAM PAS I/O is done via a parameter. With operation as SICAM PAS I/O, the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol element is defined as a SICAM PAS I/O interface upon startup. All stations that are connected with this protocol element are switched to SICAM PAS I/O mode. A connection with a normally operated station on the same protocol element is not possible. Prerequisite for the operation as SICAM PAS I/O is an equipped IEC 60870-5-104 protocol element (in the following example PRE0 is used). Set in the directory SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Communication | PRE0 the parameter project specific settings to YES. Now appears the directory SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Communication | PRE0 | project specific settings. Here you can set the parameter SICAM PAS IO mode to YES. For the operation as SICAM PAS I/O the following parameters are relevant: 406 * SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | AU common settings Plant Device name * SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | AU common settings | common address of ASDU (CASDU) CASDU1 (must be set equally for all data points) CASDU2 (must be set equally for all data points) * SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | Network settings | IP address Own IP address X1/X4 * SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | PRE0 | Network connection | LAN | IEC 104 parameter Timeout connection setup t0 Timeout transmit t1 Timeout transmit acknowledge t2 Timeout connection check t3 Max. no. of APDUs until acknowledgement (k) number of APDUs until acknowledgement (w) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB * SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | PRE0 | Connection definition Since the IEC 60870-5-104 parameters in SICAM PAS can only be configured once for all connection, the following parameters must be adjusted equally in all connection definition: Parameter Value Stat. no. <internal station number> IP address <SICAM PAS> Controlling/Controlled Controlled Redundancy None Stop behaviour Save Failure Notify Clear ring buffer No Data throughput limit in receive direction 0 Data throughput limit in send direction 0 Signals in the function diagram Existing modules deliver signals. If the CASDU is invalid, it will be replaced by the CASDU parameterized on the Master Module. Signals via I/O Modules If available, each signal is described by its signal name, otherwise by its IEC 60870-5-104 address.l The I/O modules deliver all signals assigned to software data points depending on a hardware pin. Synchronization of the I/O Configuration in SICAM PAS The configuration of the I/Os can be imported in SICAM PAS, for instance via a system configurator. Thereto the configuration can be downloaded as XML file via a menu item in SICAM WEB. You will find further details in section 9.3.5, Download SICAM PAS I/O Configuration. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 407 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.13 Test Functions * Menu Home | I/O Modules The Test Functions serve for the visualization and for the intended changing of process signals with use of I/O Modules. The test page supports the following tasks: * Display signals assignments for a selected I/O Module Display corresponding actual process values (signal inputs and outputs) * Changing of process values (only signal outputs) Note The test functions are only supported for hardware datapoints (spontaneous input and output signals). Signals assigned to a software datapoint or to a datapoint that can only be transferred periodically are not supported. Note After the initial selection of the test page within a session, the directory tree is shown within 3 s in case of a fast connection. In case of a slow connection (GPRS), the loading time may be longer. The same applies also for the initial selection of an I/O Module. Directory Tree The test page contains a directory tree with all equipped modules on the left side. Only I/O Modules can be selected to perform test functions. Side Bar By means of clicking on the side bar right beside the directory tree, the display area can be extended. By means of clicking on the side bar rightmost, the control area for the changing of process values can be opened (if the test page is opened for the first time in a session, the control area is closed). 408 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Supported Signal Types Processing type Type identification Signal inputs DI_SI Single-point information (TI 30) DI_DI Double-point information (TI 31) DI_CV Counter value (TI 37) DI_CV_Sub Counter value (TI 37) AI_I Measured value normalized (TI 34) Measured value scaled (TI 35) Measured value short floating point (TI 36) AI_U Measured value normalized (TI 34) Measured value scaled (TI 35) Measured value short floating point (TI 36) AI_T Measured value normalized (TI 34) Measured value scaled (TI 35) Measured value short floating point (TI 36) T_AI_I (CTVT) Measured value normalized (TI 34) Measured value scaled (TI 35) Measured value short floating point (TI 36) T_AI_U (CTVT) Measured value normalized (TI 34) Measured value scaled (TI 35) Measured value short floating point (TI 36) Signal outputs DO_SI Single-point information (TI 30) DO_SX Single-point information (TI 30) Single command (TI 45) DO_DX Single command (TI 45) Double command (TI 46) DO_SC_1POL Single command (TI 45) DO_SC_1.5POL Single command (TI 45) DO_SC_2POL Single command (TI 45) DO_DC_1POL Single command (TI 45) Double command (TI 46) Tap positioning command (TI 47) DO_DC_1.5POL Single command (TI 45) Double command (TI 46) Tap positioning command (TI 47) DO_DC_2POL Single command (TI 45) Double command (TI 46) Tap positioning command (TI 47) AO_I Measured value normed (TI 34) Measured value scaled (TI 35) Measured value short floating point (TI 36) Setpoint normed (TI 48) Setpoint scaled (TI 49) Setpoint short floating point (TI 50) AO_U Measured value normed (TI 34) Measured value scaled (TI 35) Measured value short floating point (TI 36) Setpoint normed (TI 48) Setpoint scaled (TI 49) Setpoint short floating point (TI 50) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 409 Engineering via SICAM WEB Display Process Values If you select an I/O Module for the process display, SICAM WEB performs the following steps: * * Load signal assignments for the selected I/O Module from the target device Load actual process values and the according states from the target device Note If you modify the signal assignments for an I/O Module, these changes are not immediately visible in the test page. After changing a signal assignment you save the settings, after that a startup of the target device is required. Only then the data in the test page is loaded again from the device when selecting the corresponding I/O Module. When selecting an I/O Module, a table is displayed in the status area right beside the directory tree. Each row of the table is a signal assignment of the related I/O Module. The displayed values can be read only. The table contains the following columns: * Checkbox (only for signal output) DATAPOINT Datapoint name and Hardware pins on the I/O Module VALUE Actual process value S INCE Time tag of the last change of state S IGNAL Name *) and IEC 60870-5-101/104 address TI Type identification * * * * * ------ *) empty, if engineered with an older SICAM WEB version or with the SICAM TOOLBOX II You can change the column width with exception of the fixed columns. The column width is maintained during the session, even if another menu is selected. Only if you select another I/O Module, the column width will be reset. Example: Digital input - single-point information 410 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: Digital input - double-point information, counter value Update Counter Value Counter values (TI 37) are not transmitted by the I/O Master Module upon each change, but by means of a corresponding counter interrogation. With that, the displayed process value can be also updated. If a counter value is assigned on the selected DI module, then a button appears below the status area. * In order to initiate the counter interrogation, click on the button * * Select in the dialog the parameterized counter group (or all groups) Select the desired action: Example: "Freeze and transmit", if you want to update the status display Example: "Freeze with reset and transmit", if you want to set the value to 0 and update the status display * * After that, click on the button Click on the button in order to close the dialog The updated process value of the requested group is now displayed. Note The counter group and action correspond to the identifiers FRZ and RQT in the message to the I/O Master Module. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 411 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: Digital output - binary information state Example: Digital output - command state Example: Analog input - measured value, floating point 412 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Supported Type Identifications and Possible Values Type Identification Possible value Single-point information (TI 30) Off (0) Double-point information (TI 31) Intermediate (00), On (1) Off (01) On (10) Error (11) Single command (TI 45) Off (0) On (1) Double command (TI 46) Terminated (00) Off (01) On (10) Error (11) Tap position command (TI 47) Terminated (00) Lower (01) Higher (10) Error (11) Counter value (TI 37) Measured value normalized (TI 34) -1...+1-15 Measured value scaled (TI 35) -32768...+32767 (15 Bit + sign) Measured value short floating point (TI 36) -1.000*1015...+1.000*1015 Setpoint normalized (TI 48) -1...+1-15 Setpoint scaled (TI 49) -32768...+32767 (15 Bit + sign) Setpoint short floating point (TI 50) -1.000*1015...+1.000*1015 Value from device without conversion The values are converted depending on the type identification (TI). Analog values are displayed as conditioned values. The data format of the displayed inputs corresponds to the setting of the respective data point on the I/O Module (signal list). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 413 Engineering via SICAM WEB Change Process Values The status of signal outputs can be changed (forced) for test purposes. Please consider thereby that the status of a simulated output can change automatically by * * * settings in the telecontrol function running application program (status change by logic operation) the communication (status change in the received message) It is not possible to set new process values for signal inputs. Warning The status change of signal outputs with the plant running can lead to damage to persons and machines. Ensure that aggregates in the control area of the command output as well as those subsequent aggregates in the process chain are protected and that persons in the vicinity are warned. * Select a DO module or an AO module Signal outputs assigned to the selected I/O Module are listed in a table in the status area. * Click on the side bar right beside the status area in order to open the control area on the right side As long as no signal has been selected, the control area remains inactive. You can select 1 signal output or several signal outputs of the same type in order to change their state conjointly. When selecting signal outputs with different type identifications, a notification is shown. Exception with commands: Due to the 1-out-of-n interlocking, with commands only 1 signal output can be changed simultaneously. Note Errors that the target device recognizes upon forcing outputs (for instance by means of internal interlocks, application parameters, etc.) are recorded in the diagnosis (menu History). 414 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB This is how to change a process value: Example: double command output * * * In the directory tree, mark the corresponding DO module Click on the side bar left beside the status area, if you want to extend it Mark the row with the desired datapoint Control area: * Select a "New value" The data format corresponds to the setting of the data point on the I/O Module (signal list). * Select the "Qualifier of command" option With selection undefined the settings of the respective data point on the I/O Module (output_t_0, output_t_1) are used for the duration for the command output. With selection Short command execution time or Long command execution time the corresponding values of the AU common settings are used for the duration for the command output. With selection Persistant command a continuous command is output (only with processing type DO_SX and DO_DX). * Enter the "Originator" This value defines the source address for the respective command (0...255). * Select the "Select before execute" option With selection Yes and button you activate the select command. You activate the execute command, when you click on the button once more within the adjusted time (select_execute_t). With selection No and button you activate the execute command directly. The new process value is transferred to the target device and displayed in the column V ALUE. You find further details in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Pulse Commands", section "Functions Independent of the Hardware of the Systemelement", sections "Select and Execute Command", "Set Control Location", "Command Output Time". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 415 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: Setpoint command, normalized * * * In the directory tree, mark the corresponding AO module Click on the side bar left beside the status area, if you want to extend it Mark the row with the desired datapoint Control area: * Select a "New value" The data format corresponds to the setting of the data point on the I/O Module (signal list). * Select the "Select before execute" option With selection Yes and button you activate the select command. You activate the execute command, when you click on the button once more within the adjusted time (select_execute_t). With selection No and button you activate the execute command directly. The new process value is transferred to the target device and displayed in the column V ALUE. You find further details in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Peripheral Elements According to IEC 60870-5-101/104, chapter "Setpoint Values by means of Currents and Voltages", section "Select and Execute Command". 416 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: single-point information output * * * In the directory tree, mark the corresponding DO module Click on the side bar left beside the status area, if you want to extend it Mark the row with the desired datapoint Control area: * * Select a "New value" Click on the button The new process value is transferred to the target device and displayed in the column V ALUE. Type Identifications and Possible Values The following type identifications and attributes are supported to force a new process value: Type identification New value Single-point information (TI 30) Off (0) Single command (TI 45) Off (0) Select before execute Originator On (1) On (1) Double command (TI 46) Qualifier of command No determination Off (01) No Long command execution time On (10) Yes Short command execution time Tap position command (TI 47) Lower (01) Measured value normalized (TI 34) -1...+1-15 Measured value scaled (TI 35) -32768... +32767 Measured value short floating point (TI 36) -1.000*1015... +1.000*1015 Setpoint command normalized (TI 48) -1...+1-15 Setpoint command scaled (TI 49) -32768... +32767 Setpoint command short floating point (TI 50) -1.000*1015... +1.000*1015 0...255 Persistent command Higher (10) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 No Yes Unrestricted 417 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.1.14 Logging * Menu Home | Alarms & Events In operation, the occurring notifications from the system diagnosis and from the process are recorded upon a change of state. Show Event List By selecting the submenu Events the event list is displayed. The display is performed as a table. The table has only reading rights. Events are recorded chronologically upon a change of state in an event buffer. The events are distinguished in 2 classes: * * Diagnosis events (notifications from the diagnosis function) Process events (states of signals that are marked as event), refer to, Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States When selecting the event list, the most current records (up to 50) are loaded. If more than 50 records are in the event buffer, when scrolling to the bottom the next 50 records will be loaded. The number of loaded records and the total number are displayed above the table. The table is sorted chronologically descending (latest event first, oldest event at last), the time tagging has a resolution of 1 ms. If a new event occurs, this automatically prepended at the first place of the table. The older events are moved down. The event buffer contains up to 4096 records and is managed as ring buffer. This means, if the event buffer has been fully written, the respective oldest record is overwritten by the most current. The event buffer is stored non-volatile. 418 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Halt Function By means of clicking on the button you can halt the display of new events. If new events occur, then they are recorded furthermore in the event buffer, but not displayed in the table. Depending on the state the button changes its design: * * Event display halted and no new event occurred: Event display halted and new event occurred: By means of clicking the green button the new events are displayed in the table. By means of clicking the general button function, this is thereby not canceled. the event list is reloaded. With activated halt Structure of the Table Column Value Meaning/Note Class Diagnosis Diagnosis event Process Process event Name <Signal name> Max. 99 characters, only if engineered with SICAM WEB (applies for process events) 104 address <IEC 60870-5-101/104 address> Parameterized CASDU1-CASDU2-IOA1IOA2-IOA3 (applies for process events) TI <Number> Type identification (30, 31, 45, 46) (applies for process events) Process text <Error class) Internal diagnosis class (applies for diagnosis events) <Status name> Max. 13 characters (applies for process events) Coming Defined status text (applies for diagnosis events) Value Going <Status text On> <Status text Off> Freely parameterizable status text (applies for process events) <Status text faulty position> <Status text intermediate position> Quality NT At failure of I/O Module IV If value invalid (applies for process events) Time tag YYYY-MM-DD, Thh:mm:ss:ms+hh:mm Date and time Note When selecting another menu within the session (e.g. settings, signals), the content of the table remains, but the polling for new events is stopped. If the event page is reopened again, all events since leaving the event page are automatically loaded. If during the leaving of the event page a ring buffer overflow occurred, only the last 4000 events can be loaded. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 419 Engineering via SICAM WEB Export Event List With the export function you can save the events which are recorded in the ring buffer in a file on your PC. * Click on the button The target device saves the records in a file. * * You can abort the procedure by clicking on Click on the button in order to start the export After the export, the file is provided for the download (format .csv). A dialog is opened with the link Start download. * Click with the right mouse button on the link A dialog for the selection of the saving path is opened. The default file name can be changed, if needed. Follow the instructions of your web browser. * 420 You can abort the procedure by clicking on Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Show Alarm List By selecting the submenu Alarms the alarm list is displayed. The display is performed as a table. The table has only reading rights. Alarms are recorded chronologically upon a change of state in an alarm buffer. The alarms are distinguished in 2 classes: * * Diagnosis alarms (notifications from the diagnosis function) Process alarms (states of signals that are marked as an alarm), refer to, Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States When selecting the alarm list, all the present alarms are loaded, this means, the table contains only current states. The states "going" and "off" are not displayed in the table. If a notification has the state "going" or "off", the corresponding row disappears. The table is sorted chronologically descending (latest alarm first, oldest alarm at last). If a new alarm occurs, this is automatically prepended at the first place of the table. The older alarms are moved down. Halt Function By means of clicking on the button you can halt the display of new alarms. If new alarms occur, then they are recorded furthermore in the alarm buffer, but not displayed in the table. Depending on the state the button changes its design: * * Alarm display halted and no new alarm occurred: Alarm display halted and new alarm occurred: By means of clicking the green button the current alarms are displayed in the table. By means of clicking the general button function, this is thereby not canceled. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 the alarm list is reloaded. With activated halt Unrestricted 421 Engineering via SICAM WEB Structure of the Table Column Value Meaning/Note Class Diagnosis Diagnosis alarm Process Process alarm Name <Signal name> Max. 99 characters, only if engineered with SICAM WEB (applies for process alarms) 104 address <IEC 60870-5-101/104 address> Parameterized CASDU1-CASDU2-IOA1IOA2-IOA3 (applies for process alarms) TI <Number> Type identification (30, 31, 45, 46) (applies for process alarms) Process text <Error class) Internal diagnosis class (applies for diagnosis alarms) <Status name> Max. 13 characters (applies for process alarms) Coming Defined status text (applies for diagnosis alarms) <Status text On> Freely parameterizable status text (applies for process alarms) Value <Status text faulty position> <Status text intermediate position> Quality NT At failure of I/O Module IV If value invalid (applies for process alarms) Note When selecting another menu within the session (e.g. settings, signals), the content of the table remains, but the polling for new alarms is stopped. If the alarm page is reopened again, all current alarms are automatically loaded. 422 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Export Alarm List With the export function you can save all the current alarms in a file on your PC. * Click on the button The target device saves the records in a file. * * You can abort the procedure by clicking on Click on the button in order to start the export After the export, the file is provided for the download (format .csv). A dialog is opened with the link Start download. * Click with the right mouse button on the link A dialog for the selection of the saving path is opened. The default file name can be changed, if needed. Follow the instructions of your web browser. * You can abort the procedure by clicking on SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 423 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.2 Automation For the accomplishment of freely definable open-/closed-loop control tasks you can create optionally an application program as instruction list (IL). Overview of the Tasks Task Meaning Create instruction list Edit the application program Import program code Transfer instruction list from PC to the target device or copy offline on the SD card Export program code Transfer instruction list from target device nach PC Cold start Initialize instruction list and reset all variables Warm start Initialize instruction list and reset all volatile variables Halt Halt cyclic program processing Continue Continue cyclic program processing Cycle step Execute one program cycle Statistics Information on mode, cycle time and memory usage Test functions * Status of inputs/outputs * Simulation of inputs You find further details in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Restricted Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function", "Application Program". Exceptional thereto please consider the following: Note The signals from the periphery are distributed based on the settings in the Topology (data flow direction, data flow routing). Therefore, a system variable for the data flow routing must not be used in the instruction list. 424 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.2.1 Creating an Instruction List (IL) The creation of an instruction list is only possible independently from the target device. For the programming is an ASCII-Editor (for instance Microsoft Notepad (R)) required. Example The instruction list must be stored as file type .plc. For loading the program code into the target device please follow the instruction in section, Import Application Program. You find the general specification of the programming language (IL) in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Restricted Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function", "Application Program", "Instruction List". Structure of the Instruction List The instruction list consists of 3 parts (in the following sequence): * Startup (PLC_RESET) The startup part is run through once after a startup. Here all variables can be initialized, that are required directly after startup and before the current initial image. * Initialization (PLC_INIT) The initialization part is run through once after a startup. Here all variables can be initialized, that are required directly after the current initial image and before the execution of the cycle part. * Cycle (PLC_START) The cycle part is run through cyclically (CP-8000/CP-802x provides 1 task). The cycle time is definable by means of a system variable. You will find some selected program examples in appendix B, Examples for Instruction Lists (IL). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 425 Engineering via SICAM WEB Syntax for Instructions General Each instruction command must be in one line. Each line must be concluded with a paragraph break, line break or both (done automatically by the text editor). An instruction command consists of the command (operation) and an operand. Example: LD M_BOOL_TEST (*command: LD operand: M_BOOL_TEST*) Each operation produces a calculated value (result). The following operation can calculate further with this result. Adressing of I/O Variables The format of an I/O variable must correspond with the respective input/output of the periphery. A command or setpoint value is assigned to an I/O variable by an ST operation and the address of the operand. A state or value of an I/O variable is read by an LD operation and the address of the operand. The attribute of the I/O variable must be separated by a ".". An I/O variable without attribute is not allowed. Example for the simple syntax: I_030_001_000_000_TEST.VALUE 0_031_005_001_000.OFF Example for the expanded syntax: E_045_001_001_001_002_003_TEST.VALUE or E_045_001_001_001_002_003.VALUE Note If the same IOA is used input- and output side, the freely definable Name must be different. Special characters are not allowed. Datapoints of the I/O Master Module The datapoints of the I/O Master Module are listed in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Parameter Documentation and Diagnosis Info", section "1703 ACP and 1703 Ax (IEC) | Firmwares | USIO81 (USIO80 in case of SICAM TM I/O Modules) under the respective category. 426 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Addressing of Flags A flag is assigned by an ST operation and the address of the operand. The value of a flag is written by an LD operation and the address of the operand. The number format must be chosen according to the format of the value to be stored. Example: LD ST I_030_002_000_000.VALUE M_BOOL_FLAG00 Note At startup all flags which are not signed as "retain" are initialized with 0. Call of Functions Functions have only temporary variables, therefore with each call all necessary call parameters must be set. Not used call parameters do not affect the result on execution of the function. Example: If an addition (ADD) of 3 values is performed, then the inputs IN0, IN1, IN2 are used. The remaining inputs are automatically set to 0. The writing of inputs of a function must always begin with IN0 and take place in ascending order without gaps. The call parameters must be interchanged with a combination of LD and ST. The name of the call parameter is produced from the name of the function and the name of the parameter separated by a ".". Example: LD ST CAL ST 9 SQRT.IN0 SQRT ADD.IN0 tion*) LD 17 ST ADD.IN1 CAL ADD ST M_DINT_RESULT (*load value 9 into the accumulator*) (*store at input for square root function*) (*call function*) (*store result from*) (*square root function at input 0 for ADD func(*load value 17 into the accumulator*) (*store at input 1 for ADD function*) (*call function*) (*store result in a flag*) The results of the respective functions are written in the accumulator. In the example the value is also stored on the flag M_DINT_RESULT. After the call of a function (CAL) all inputs of the respective function are set to the default values again. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 427 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: LD M_DINT_COMPARE ST EQ.IN0 LD 3 ST EQ.IN1 CAL EQ ST O_030_008_000_000.VALUE the function is set to 1*) (*load flag*) (*store at input 0 for equal function*) (*load value 3*) (*store at input 1 for equal function*) (*call function*) (*if both values are equal the output of If a comparison of two values is performed, the output is set if the flag M_DINT_COMPARE is written with 3 (the writing of the flag is not included here). Note When linking inputs of the following functions with constant values" the type-safe call CAL is to be used: ADD, SUB, MUL, MUL, DIV, GT, GE, EQ, NE, LE, LT (with the respective type specificities). All binary functions (AND, XOR, ...) are automatically BOOL and hence do not need to be provided with a CAL. When creating an IL, at the listed functions BOOL must be linked as constant with 0 and 1, numerical constant of the value 1 and 0 with 00 or 01, since the runtime currently does not support a differentiating + (however, a leading 0). Call of Function Blocks Function blocks do not have any temporary variables. Each new (derived) function block occupies a new memory in the RAM. Respectively the first result of the function block is written in the accumulator. If a function block has more than one result, then this can be accessed as with the parameter transfer. Example: LD ST ST LD ST CAL LD 428 1 CTU_TEST.CU CTU_TEST.R 5 CTU_TEST.PV CTU_TEST CTU_TEST.CV Unrestricted (*access to 2nd result*) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Instruction Comments Comments in the application program can be set at any arbitrary place and must be included between brackets and stars. The documentation can also extend over several lines. Example: LD ST 15 M_DINT_CONSTANT (*load constant 15*) (*store in flag*) The following characters may be used: * * * Numbers 0...9 Letters A...Z, a...z Special characters ^ ! " $ % & / ( ) = ? [ ] { } \ @ # ' + * ~ < > | , ; . : - _ Settings in the Application Program With help of system variables the following parameters can be set for the program execution: * * Cycle time Spontaneous program execution Setting the Cycle Time The cycle time determines the time interval for the execution of the application program. The shorter the set interval is the smaller must be the application program, otherwise a timeout happens. A cycle time of for instance 2 ms is only possible for a very small application program. The cycle time can be specified in the IL with the variable PLC_CYCLETIME: * In the program part PLC_RESET Time-scale is set one time with a startup. * In the program part PLC_START Time-scale is set during running operation and can be changed by means of the application program. Example: PLC_RESET: LD 20 ST PLC_CYCLETIME SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 (*set cycle time 20 ms*) Unrestricted 429 Engineering via SICAM WEB If the cycle time is set to the value 0, no cyclic program execution takes place. Under certain circumstances the cycle time can be changed independently by the system: * * * If no cycle time is set, it is set to 100 ms (default) Extended due to timeout Retriggering due to spontaneous program execution Affecting the Processing Time The processing time is the duration of a complete program run. It is primarily determined by the size of the application program (number of operations). Note Consider that the processing time of the application program may be inconstant. The processing time can be extended due to: * * * * * * * Number of communication connections (to further automation units, control system) Number of I/O Modules on the TM-Bus Conditional program calls Diagnosis and error handling Test- and commissioning functions such as status and simulation of inputs/outputs Saving the application program (download) Change of parameters online The processing time of the application program is displayed on the user interface (online) under PLC | Diagnosis . Timeout The processing time must not be greater than the cycle time. If the maximum processing time successively exceeds 50% of the set cycle time five times, then the cycle time is increased by 50% independently by the system. Simultaneously an error information is set. Spontaneous Program Execution For faster reaction times, the application program can be executed spontaneous (eventcontrolled). This must be defined in the startup part of the IL (PLC_RESET). Possible events are: * * Status change of a data point from the periphery Status change of a data point from the communication The spontaneous program execution is enabled in the IL by setting the variable PLC_SINGLE to 1 (single run). 430 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: PLC_RESET: LD 1 ST PLC_SINGLE (*set single run*) With a spontaneous program execution the entire application program is processed one time. If an event occurs, the spontaneous program execution is first started after the current program execution has completed (the application program cannot interrupt itself). The reaction time can therefore be delayed accordingly. If several events occur at the same time or one after the other just when the application program is running, then the states are temporarily stored in a ring and processed chronologically with the next spontaneous program execution. The same is also valid if a data point changes its state several times (transient storage). Example: Event occurs during a cyclic program execution (S1). Event occurs during a pause (S2). C C S1 C S2 C t tD tP tC C S tP tP tP tC cycling processing spontaneous processing tP tC tP tD tC tP tC processing time delay time cycle time At the end of each spontaneous pass the cyclic pass is retriggered around the set cycle time. In this case no exceeding of the cycle time is signaled. As long as the events occur in a time-scale that is smaller than the cycle time, only spontaneous program passes take place. If the cycle time is set to 0 and the spontaneous program execution to 1, then only spontaneous program passes take place. You find further details in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Restricted Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function", "Internal Signal Processing". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 431 Engineering via SICAM WEB System Information The following system variables (VAR_GLOBAL) can be read out and evaluated in the application program. 432 Variable name Meaning Format PLC_CYCLETIME_OVERFLOW Cycle time exceeded BOOL PLC_CYCLETIME Cycle time DINT PLC_SINGLE Single run BOOL PLC_PROCESSINGCOUNTER Number of program runs DINT PLC_PROCESSINGTIME Processing time DINT PLC_SYSTIME.MS System time millisecond DINT PLC_SYSTIME.SEC System time second DINT PLC_SYSTIME.MIN System time minute DINT PLC_SYSTIME.IVT System time IV bit BOOL PLC_SYSTIME.H System time hour DINT PLC_SYSTIME.DST System time daylight saving BOOL PLC_SYSTIME.DAY System time day DINT PLC_SYSTIME.WEEKDAY System time weekday DINT PLC_SYSTIME.MONTH System time month DINT PLC_SYSTIME.YEAR System time year DINT PLC_SYSTIME.TIME_DATE System time complete (7 bytes) TIME_DATE PLC_SYSERROR_001 Sum error internal BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_002 Sum error external BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_003 Sum error communication BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_004 Sum error test BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_005 Sum error warning BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_006 Sum error board failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_007 Sum error failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_008 Sum error startup BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_009 M-CPU fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_010 Periphery fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_011 Protocol 0 fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_012 Protocol 1 fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_013 Protocol 2 fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_014 Protocol 0 communication fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_015 Protocol 1 communication fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_016 Protocol 2 communication fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_017 Periphery failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_018 Protocol 0 failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_019 Protocol 1 failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_020 Protocol 2 failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_021 Protocol 0 communication failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_022 Protocol 1 communication failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_023 Protocol 2 communication failure BOOL Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Variable name Meaning Format PLC_SYSERROR_024 Protocol 3 fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_025 Protocol 3 communication fault BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_026 Protocol 3 failure BOOL PLC_SYSERROR_027 Protocol 3 communication failure BOOL Example: PLC_START: LD PLC_SYSERROR_005 ST M_BOOL_ERROR005 (*sum error warning if bit = "1"*) (*store in a flag*) You find the description of the system variables in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Restricted Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function", "Variables", "System Variables". Command Processing According to IEC 60870-5-101/104 If a command (Activation, ACT) is generated by the controller and output on a I/O Master Module, then the messages for command acknowledgement (ACTCON) and command termination (ACTTERM) are generated with the corresponding output address of the control. If the output address of the control is the same as the input address, then both messages are automatically transmitted again to the control. If an ACT remains in the control (target = control, no periphery), then an ACTCON, ACTTERM that is to be possibly simulated can be generated in 1 cycle pass. For this the cause of transmission for the command must be set to 0 and the spontaneous bit to 1. Then one ACTCON and one ACTTERM respectively will be transmitted. Example: LD ST LD ST 0 0_045_001_001_001.COT 1 0_045_001_001_001.S If this function is not used, the ACTCON and ACTTERM can also be generated individually (for this at least 2 cycle passes are required). Note The corresponding typ identification can be generated by means of Verwendung of utilization of the command "with/without time" (for instance TI 45/TI 58). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 433 Engineering via SICAM WEB Single Command and Double Command Single commands (TI 45) can be generated by the IL only with the states 0 (OFF) only with COT = 7, 10 (CON, TERM) and S = 1 1 (ON) Double commands (TI 46) can be generated by the IL only with the states 01 (OFF) 10 (ON) Other states will not generate a command output. You find the details for the processing of commands in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Treatment for Commands to the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function according to IEC 60870-5-101/104". Generation of Integrated Totals There are two possibilities of integrated total generation in the control: 9.2.2 * Spontaneous transmission with change Automatically if the input address is unequal to the output address of the controller. * Behavior according to parameter setting of the digital inputs (remote control) Automatically if the input address is equal to the output address of the controller. Commissioning and Test * Menu Home | Logic For commissioning and test of the application program the following functions are available: 434 * General functions Import application program Export application program Syntax check * Test functions Statistic information Cold restart Warm restart Status of variables Forcing signal inputs Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Common Functions When selecting the logic page, the instruction list (IL) which is currently loaded on the target device is displayed. If still no IL was loaded into the target device, the display in the logic page remains empty. Import Application Program For the execution of the open-/closed-loop control function the corresponding IL must be loaded on the target device. This is how to upload an IL to the target device: * Click on the button , if an IL is available in ASCII format You have the possibility to abort the procedure. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 435 Engineering via SICAM WEB * * * Click Select a file to open the selection dialog Select the source directory and the source file (the file type must be .plc) Click on the button in order to start the import The target device starts the loading procedure. The duration of the loading procedure depends on the program size and the used communication connection. Note During the generation procedure the menu must not be left. The selection of another webpage may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. The program file is checked upon validity. If the data is invalid, an error indication is displayed. If the data is valid, the following dialog appears: * Click on the button After successful upload, the content of the IL is displayed in the logic page and an automatic Syntax Check is performed. The result of the syntax check is displayed in the bottom toolbar. In case of error you will find further details in the status log. 436 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB * Click on the general button , if you want to read the status log In case of error, please consider the conventions described in section 9.2.1, Creating an Instruction List (IL). This is how to activate an IL in the target device: The changed data must be saved, otherwise the IL will be rejected when leaving the session. * Click on the general button , if you want to save the IL The application programm will be saved on the SD card. After the saving, a restart of the target device is required. During startup the newly loaded program code is compiled,checked and written in the program memory. An already present program code is thereby overwritten. * * If no error is present, the program is processed after startup. If an error is present, the program is shut down and an error indication is recorded in the diagnosis and in the history. Note For the transmission via Ethernet, it is recommended to deactivate the settings for HTTP 1.1 of your PC (Control Panel, Internet Options, tab "Advanced"). Otherwise the possibility exists that CP-8000/CP-802x can not interprete the transmitted ASCII file. Load Application Programm Offline For instance, in course of an initialization of the target device (refer to Initialization of the Firmware) you can copy an instruction list saved as ASCII file from your PC directly on the SD card. * * * * Insert the SD card in a read/write device installed on the engineering PC Copy the program file in the root directory of the SD card Change the file name to case plc_src.plc After that, insert the SD card into the target device The target device performs a startup and checks therteby the program code: * * If no error is present, the program code is compiled and written into the program memory. If present, the existing program code is thereby overwritten. After the startup, the new program code will be processed. If an error is present, an error indication with details is recorded in the history. If present, the existing program code is maintained and executed again after startup. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 437 Engineering via SICAM WEB Export Application Program For archiving purpose or for editing you can download the IL that is loaded in the target device. This is how to download an IL from the target device: * Click on the button vice * * Click with the right mouse button on Start download in order to open the dialog for saving Select the storage location and, if needed, change the file name; the file type .plc must be kept Click on the button in order to close the dialog * , if you want to create a backup of the IL loaded in the target de- The storage procedure is dependent on the web browser and consequently may vary. Follow the instructions of your web browser. The content of the displayed IL is written into the selected file. The target is a text file that contains the program code in ASCII format. The file can be read or changed with a text editor (for instance Microsoft Notepad (R)). Syntax Check Besides the automatic syntax check upon import of an IL, this function can be performed also manually at any time, for instance after termination and anew start of a session. By clicking the button the instruction list can be checked upon errors, if needed. The following criteria are checked: * * Syntax, logic, addressirng Limits for program size, cycle time, memory In case of error you find further information in the status log: 438 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Test Functions Diagnosis and test of the application program provide read functions that display information from the open-/closed-loop control function and write functions that influence the open-/closedloop control function. You get to the diagnosis and test of the application program via the menu Home | Logic test . Read Functions Available for the user names administrator and guest (can be used from administrator and more than one guest at the same time). * * Display statistic information of the application program Display current value of selected variables (signal status) For both functions a cyclic polling from the target device in a grid of 1 s is performed. Write Functions Only available for user name administrator. When logging on to the target device as guest, the control elements for the writing operations are not visible in the logic test page. * Change status of the application program Cold start Warm start Halt cyclic processing Continue cyclic processing Run 1 cycle * Change value of selected variable (forcing signal) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 439 Engineering via SICAM WEB Statistic Information In the logic test page the program statistic information and the currently loaded IL are displayed. If no or an empty IL is loaded (no application program is running in the target device), the logic test page shows all the values set to 0 and the IL display is empty. Display Information Meaning State Running Normal program execution Halt Program execution halted (the processing can be halted either manually or by the system due to an error) Cycle time <Set value> Increasement of the adjusted cycle time by the system possible (see section, Setting the Cycle Time) <Actual value> Processing time of the application program at the moment of the refreshment of the diagnosis menu <Maximal value> Maximum reached program processing time since the last startup Memory code <Number> / 131072 bytes Used program memory on the SD card of maximum number of bytes (application program size) Var <Number> / 4096 bytes Used variables of maximum number of bytes Test mode 440 Unrestricted off / on SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Display Current Value of Selected Variables At the right side of the logic test page you can enter up to 10 variable names from the IL displayed at the left side of the page. You can also copy a variable name from the IL and paste it into an input field. After entering a valid variable name into the input field, the current value of this variable is displayed right beside the input field. The update is performed in a grid of 1 s. Example: Binary value If you select a binary variable, T is displayed for TRUE and F for FALSE: Example: Analog value If you select a numeric variable, the number is displayed as follows: SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 441 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: Various variables The value display happens for each selected variable in the designated data format. Example: Invalid variable With invalid variables, like with empty fields, the value unknown is displayed: Valid are only those variables that are used in the current running IL. Change Status of the Application Program For each possible action, an according button is placed in the logic test page. After each action, the current status of the application program is requested from the target device, and the buttons are enabled or disabled accordingly. In normal mode of the application program, the state is displayed as follows: The control buttons are enabled/blocked as follows: With execution of one of the functions, the test mode is switched on: * * * 442 Halt of the application program (immediately) Cold start of the application program (per request) Warm start of the application program (per request) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Halt program Precondition: The application program is running in normal mode. When clicking on the button , the cyclic processing of the application program is halted and the test mode is automatically switched on. This is displayed as follows: The buttons are enabled/blocked as follows: Run Single Program Cycle Precondition: The application program is halted. When clicking the button cycle and is halted again. (Cycle step), the application program executes only one single The status display of the application program and the buttons do not change. With this function you can trace for instance the status change of variables for each program cycle, or change the value of a signal input for exactly 1 program cycle. Continue Program Processing Precondition: The application program is halted. When clicking the button , the application program is processed cyclically again and the test mode remains switched on. This status changes as follows: The buttons are enabled/blocked as follows: SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 443 Engineering via SICAM WEB Switch off Test Mode Precondition: The application program is in the test mode. If you click on the button , the test mode will be terminated. The status changes as follows: Cold Start When pressing the button (Cold start), the following dialog is opened: You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * Click on the button in order to perform a cold start The test mode is switched on and the values of all variables are initialized with 0 and the application program is restarted. The program parts PLC_RESET and PLC_INIT are processed once and if the program has been previously * * in the State: running, the program part PLC_START is processed cyclically again in the State: halt, the program processing is halted Warm Start When pressing the button (Warm start), the following dialog is opened: You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * Click on the button in order to perform a warm restart The test mode is switched on and the values of the volatile variables are initialized with 0 and the application program is restarted. The program parts PLC_RESET and PLC_INIT are processed once and if the program has been previously * * 444 in the State: running, the program part PLC_START is processed cyclically again in the State: halt, the program processing is halted Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Change Value of Selected Variable The changing of values is only possible for signal inputs. Signal outputs and local variables are overwritten by the application program every cycle, therefore a permanent forcing for those values is not provided. It is not possible to force more than one signal input at the same time. If you want to change more than one signal input, this can only be done one after another. When forcing a signal input, the according signal is automatically separated from the input process image and therefore this signal is not overwritten each cycle. Additionally the application program is switched to the test mode automatically. The test mode is maintained even if you switch to other pages within the session with the target device. If the communication with SICAM WEB is disconnected, the test mode is automatically terminated by the target device after 30 seconds. You can terminate the test mode manually by pressing the button * * : All values for the signal inputs are taken from the process image again The manually changed values during test mode are then overwritten by the respective process value again Warning The value change of a signal input can - dependent on the programmed logic - have an impact on the status of signal outputs. The change of state of signal outputs with the plant running can lead to damage to persons and machines. Ensure that aggregates in the control area of the command output as well as those subsequent aggregates in the process chain are protected and that persons in the vicinity are warned. This is how to overwrite the value of a variable: Below the IL you can enter a variable name from the IL into the input field V ARIABLE. You can also copy a variable name from the IL and paste it into an input field. If the variable name is invalid or empty, the type is displayed as unknown and the button is disabled. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 445 Engineering via SICAM WEB If the variable name is valid, the type and the actual value of the variable is displayed: You can now enter a value into the field N EW right beside the button . VALUE . The permitted value range is displayed Example: Binary value If you select a signal input with data type BOOL, the value range T, F is displayed. When you enter a valid value, for instance T, the button * is enabled. Click on the button The new value is written on the signal in the IL and is displayed right beside the variable type. The test mode is automatically switched on and the button is enabled. You also can regard simultaneously the status of up to 10 variables from the IL. If you click on the button 446 Unrestricted , the test mode is terminated. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example: Analog value When selecting a signal with datatype DINT, the value range -32768 to 32767 is displayed. If you enter a valid value, for instance 10, the button * is activated. Click on the button The new value is written on the signal in the IL and is displayed right beside the variable type. The test mode is automatically switched on and the button is enabled. When entering a signal with data type REAL, you must enter the new value with a decimal point, otherwise a corresponding notice is displayed. The display looks then as follows: When entering the new value correctly and pressing the button on the signal and is displayed right beside the data type: If you click on the button , the new value is written , the test mode will be terminated. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 447 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.3 Administrative Functions For the performance of the following functions you get via the button * * * * * * * * * : Restart device Backup device settings Restore device settings Upload ICD, IID file Download SICAM PAS IO configuration Download process data archive Update firmware Update SICAM WEB Install language package Note These functions are only allowed for the user type administrator (except download). 9.3.1 Restart Device This function allows you to restart the target device at any arbitrary moment (for instance after change of several parameters that require a restart). Select thereto the submenu Restart device . The following dialog will appear: You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * Confirm the procedure with If settings still have not been saved, the following dialog will appear: You have the possibility to abort the procedure in order to save the changes. 448 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB * If you want to perform the restart, click on the button a unsaved changes will be rejected thereby! The following information will appear during a restart: At the bottom of the dialog the current startup time is displayed. Depending on the size of the engineering data, the startup time can take up to 15 minutes. A successful restart of the device is shown by the following dialog: * * * Click in order to quit the session with the target device Click the suitable hyperlink in order to return to the Logon page of the previously started target device If in the target device the parameter Autoconfiguration was set to YES, the IP address is set to; that remains until it is assigned anew by the set DHCP server (see, Autoconfiguration) Caution A startup concernes also the automation function (if used). You find further information in section 9.2.2, Commissioning and Test. Note With the initial commissioning, the startup may last up to 15 minutes, since at this the files on the SD card will be unpacked and the system folders on the SD card are created. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 449 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.3.2 Download Device Settings This function enables to save the entire engineering data of the target device as a backup on the engineering PC. The backup contains firmware codes and engineering data (parameters and - if present - instruction list). Select thereto the submenu Backup device settings . The following dialog will appear: You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * Confirm the procedure with If settings still have not been saved, the following dialog will appear: You have to abort the procedure and save the changes. If the settings have been saved, the target device starts with the generation of the backup file. The progress is thereby displayed by the web server. This procedure can take a few minutes. Note During generation procedures the website must not be left. The selection of another website may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. 450 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB When the generation of the backup file has finished, the following dialog appears: * Click on Start download The storing procedure may vary dependent on the used web browser and may take some time, depending on the file size and transmission rate. Follow the instructions of your web browser. The file name is put together of SICAM_A8000_BACKUP_<customer>_<plant>_<station>_<hash value of file>.cmc. * After successful generation click on in order to close the dialog Note The file saved via SICAM WEB can not be imported into the SICAM TOOLBOX II. 9.3.3 Restore Device Settings This function gives you the possibility of restoring and loading all previously backed up settings and parameterizations into the device. With this procedure, all telecontrol parameters, instruction list and firmware codes are stored jointly on the SD card in the Master Module. Select thereto the submenu Restore device settings . You have the possibility to abort the procedure. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 451 Engineering via SICAM WEB * * * Click Select a file in order to open the selection dialog Select the source directory and the source file (file type must be cmc, file name including path name must not exceed 128 characters) Click on the button The target device starts the loading procedure. The duration of the loading procedure depends on the file size and the used communication connection. Note During loading procedures the website must not be left. The selection of another website may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. Subsequently the file is checked upon integrity. Thereto, a cryptologic hash function is calculated over the file and the result is compared with the hash value in the filename: * * If the file is valid, the data is written on the SD card of the target device and all settings in the target device are adapted With different results, the file is deleted and no changes are carried out; an error information is displayed After successful upload the target device will be restarted: * 452 Click on the button Unrestricted in order to close the dialog SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Loading Device Settings Offline For the duplication of an already existing parameterization, you can write the data also without target device (offline) on a SD card with the program Sicam_first_startup. Thereto a backup file created with the function Save device settings via SICAM WEB must exist (file type .cmc). Further you need a read/write device for SD cards connected on the engineering PC, a corresponding driver installed on the PC (if needed), as well as a suitable SD card. * * Insert the SD card into the read/write device Start the program Sicam_first_startup per double click The Sicam_first_startup splash screen is opened, and the Sicam_first_startup symbol appears in the notification area of the taskbar: * * Click on the splash screen in order to close it Click then with the right mouse button on the Sicam_first_startup symbol The context menu of Sicam_first_startup is opened: * * Change the language if needed and open the context menu again After that click on Write flash card from A8000 parameter file SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 453 Engineering via SICAM WEB The file selection dialog for the source is opened: * Select now the source directory and the source file of the type *.cmc and accept The file selection dialog for the target is opened: * Select the target drive (read/write device) and accept Sicam_first_startup generates the files with the format needed for the web server from the parameter file and stores them on the SD card. The generation terminates with a notification. The write procedure takes a few seconds (watch the Active-LED on the read/write device, as far as present). When the write procedure is completed, you can insert the SD card into the target device, whereupon a startup is performed. After the startup you can logon to the target device via SICAM WEB, for instance to adapt the parameterization or to carry out test functions. Note With operation in a network first a valid IP address must be assigned by means of the program Sicam_first_startup. 454 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.3.4 Upload ICD/IID File For the configuration of electrical substation devices IEC 61850 specifies the "substation configuration description language" (SCL) as representation format. Depending on the purpose of the SCL file, it is classified into various file types. CP-8000/CP-802x devices support the file types ICD and IID. The corresponding files can be uploaded only to IEC 61850 protocol elements. Note The function is supported as of the following firmware revision level: CPC80 V.12, ET85 V.04. Select thereto the submenu Upload ICD/IID file . If the IEC 61850 protocol element is not equipped or if the firmware revision (Master Module, protocol element) does not support ICD/IID file upload, an error information is displayed: * Close the dialog with and check the configuration under Hardware & Protocols. You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * * * * Click Select a file in order to open the selection dialog Select the source file (the file type must be *.icd or *.iid) Select the target protocol element Click on the button SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 455 Engineering via SICAM WEB The target device starts the loading procedure. The duration of the loading procedure depends on the file size and the used communication connection. Subsequently the file is checked upon validity. If the data is not valid or if the file size exceeds 10 MB, an error information is displayed. * Close the dialog with If the data is valid, it is written on the SD card of the target device. After successful upload the following dialog appears: * Confirm the procedure with Subsequently the following dialog appears: You have the possibility to abort the restart of the device and to update further firmware. * Click on the button in order to restart the device Note During loading procedures the website must not be left. The selection of another website may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. With startup the uploaded file will be stored on the SD card under \ETx5\5_<BSE>_<ZSE>.icd. 456 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.3.5 Download SICAM PAS I/O Configuration For the usage of CP-8000/CP-802x as SICAM PAS I/O the configuration of the data points can be synchronized with a superior device SICAM PAS. The configuration of the data points can be downloaded as XML file and be stored on the engineering PC. This file can be imported subsequently into SICAM PAS. The file contains system-technical information from the Master Module and from the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol element, as well as the signals processed via I/O Modules and via the application program. Select thereto the submenu Download SICAM PAS IO configuration . The following dialog will appear: You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * Confirm the procedure with If settings still have not been saved, the following dialog will appear: You have to abort the procedure and save the changes. If the settings have been saved, the target device starts with the generation of the configuration file. The progress is thereby displayed by the web server. This procedure can take a few minutes. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 457 Engineering via SICAM WEB Note During generation procedures the website must not be left. The selection of another website may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. With the generation of the configuration file the parameters used for SICAM PAS I\O are checked. With faulty parameterization the following dialog appears: You have to abort the procedure and correct the parameters, refer to Parameter check. When the generation of the configuration file has finished, the following dialog appears: * Click on Start download The storing procedure may vary dependent on the used web browser and may take some time, depending on the file size and transmission rate. Follow the instructions of your web browser. The file name is put together of PASIO_CFG<date>_<time>.xml. * 458 After successful generation click on Unrestricted in order to close the dialog SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Example for a configuration Parameter check During the generation of the XML file the configured data points and assigned IL elements are checked. The XML file can be downloaded, if the following conventions are fulfilled: * * CASDU1 and CASDU2 of signals are corresponding to the setting on Master Module Signals assigned to the hardware pins of a DO with TI 45...TI 50 must use "Select before execute" in the same way * Signals assigned to the hardware pins of an AO with TI 48...TI 50 must use "Termination" in the same way * Signals from the application program with TI 45...TI 50 are treated as directly executed if any signal is imported from the application program, all other signals from any source with the same type identifier have to be configured as directly executed * Signals from the application program with TI 48...TI 50 are treated as terminated if any command signal is imported from the application program, all other signals from any source with the same type identifier have to be configured as terminated In case of error, the error indication is written into the XML file. This is stored on the SD card in the directory \System\Downloads. In order to read the XML file you must remove the SD card from the target device and put it into a card reader installed on your engineering PC. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 459 Engineering via SICAM WEB Note When replugging the SD card into the target device, a startup will be performed. Example for a configuration (with error) Parameters for the SICAM PAS coupling 460 XML field Parameter RTU_NAME Plant name LRU_NAME Device name ASDU_ADDRESS CASDU2 x 256 + CASDU1 NETWORK_CONNECTION IP_ADDRESS Own IP address X1/X4 TIMEOUT_T0 TIMEOUT_T1 TIMEOUT_T2 TIMEOUT_T3 Timeout Timeout Timeout Timeout MAX_NUM_UNRECEIPTED_SEND_TELEGRAMS Max. no. of APDUs until acknowledgement (k) MAX_NUM_UNRECEIPTED_RECEIVED_TELEG RAMS number of APDUs until acknowledgement (w) SINGLE_CMD_SEL_BEFORE_EXE select_execute_t for TI 45 (0 = direct) DOUBLE_CMD_SEL_BEFORE_EXE select_execute_t for TI 46 (0 = direct) TAP_CMD_SEL_BEFORE_EXE select_execute_t for TI 47 (0 = direct) SETPOINT_NORMALIZED_SEL_BEFORE_EXE select_execute_t for TI 48 (0 = direct) SETPOINT_SCALED_SEL_BEFORE_EXE select_execute_t for TI 49 (0 = direct) SETPOINT_FLOAT_SEL_BEFORE_EXE select_execute_t for TI 50 (0 = direct) SEND_CMD_END_TERMINATION Termination_t for TI 48...TI 50 (0 = terminated) Unrestricted connection setup t0 transmit t1 transmit acknowledge t2 connection check t3 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Signals for the SICAM PAS coupling 9.3.6 Process-technical settings Signal DIGITAL_VALUE, DIGITAL_VALUE_TYPE = SINGLE TI 30 DIGITAL_VALUE, DIGITAL_VALUE_TYPE = DOUBLE TI 31 ANALOG_VALUE, ANALOG_VALUE_TYPE = NORMALIZED TI 34 ANALOG_VALUE, ANALOG_VALUE_TYPE = SCALED TI 35 ANALOG_VALUE, ANALOG_VALUE_TYPE = FLOAT TI 36 COUNTER_VALUE TI 37 DIGITAL_CONTROL, DIGITAL_CONTROL_TYPE = SINGLE TI 45 DIGITAL_CONTROL, DIGITAL_CONTROL_TYPE = DOUBLE TI 46 ANALOG_CONTROL, ANALOG_CONTROL_TYPE = NORMALIZED TI 48 ANALOG_CONTROL, ANALOG_CONTROL_TYPE = SCALED TI 49 ANALOG_CONTROL, ANALOG_CONTROL_TYPE = FLOAT TI 50 OUTPUT_TIME0 1) OUTPUT_TIME1 2) OUTPUT_TIME2 3) TI 45, TI 46, TI 47 TELEGRAM_ADDRESS (IOA3 x 65536) + (IOA2 x 256) + IOA1 HIERARCHICAL_NAME Signal name if available, else CASDU_<casdu>_IOA_<ioa> DIGITAL_CONTROL, DIGITAL_CONTROL_TYPE = SINGLE TI 45 1) single command: Output_t, double command: output_t0, output_t1 2) AU common settings | Short pulse duration 3) AU common settings | Long pulse duration Download Process Data Archive The data which is stored in the process data archive can be downloaded as CSV file and be stored on the engineering PC. This file can be subsequently read as a table. The file contains those binary information items, measured values and integrated totals, that have been parameterized for the record in the process data archive (see, Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States). Select thereto the submenu Download process data archive . The following dialog will appear: SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 461 Engineering via SICAM WEB You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * Confirm the procedure with If the download - probably in another session - has already been started but not yet been terminated, the following dialog will appear: You have to abort the procedure and await the completion of the previous download. If the settings have been saved, the target device starts with the generation of the archive file. The progress is thereby displayed by the web server. This procedure can take a few minutes. If due to an error the archive file cannot be produced, the following dialog appears: A cause may be for instance a bad communication connection or the memory usage in the target device. You have to abort the procedure and try again. If the error is persistent, check the communication and/or - if possible - trigger a startup of the target device. 462 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB When the generation of the archive file has finished successfully, the following dialog appears: * Click on Start download The storing procedure may vary dependent on the used web browser and may take some time, depending on the file size (max. 1 GB) and transmission rate. Follow the instructions of your web browser. The file name is put together of PROC_ARCHIVE<date>_<time>.csv. * Click on in order to close the dialog You now can log off from the target system, or continue with the work in the current session. The download keeps on running in the background until it is terminated. The download can be aborted at any time by means of: * * Cancel function via web browser Closing the web browser Example for an Archive File SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 463 Engineering via SICAM WEB 9.3.7 Update Firmware With this function you are able to load the most recent firmwares into the target device. Select thereto the submenu Update firmware . You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * * * Click Select a file in order to open the selection dialog Select the source directory and the source file (the file type must be *.bin) Click on the button The target device starts the loading procedure. The duration of the loading procedure depends on the file size and the used communication connection. Note During loading procedures the website must not be left. The selection of another website may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. Subsequently the file is checked upon validity. If the data is valid, it is written on the SD card of the target device. Otherwise, an error information is displayed. After successful upload the following dialog appears: * 464 Click on the button Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB Subsequently the following dialog appears: You have the possibility to abort the restart of the device and to update further firmware. * 9.3.8 Click on the button in order to restart the device Update SICAM WEB This function gives you the possibility of using the most recent software for the SICAM WEB application. Select thereto the submenu Update application software . You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * * * Click Select a file in order to open the selection dialog Select the source directory and the source file (the file type must be *.web) Click on the button The target device starts the loading procedure. The duration of the loading procedure depends on the file size and the used communication connection. Note During loading procedures the website must not be left. The selection of another website may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. Subsequently the file is checked upon validity. If the data is valid, it is written on the SD card of the target device. Otherwise, an error information is displayed. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 465 Engineering via SICAM WEB After successful upload the following dialog appears: * Click on the button Subsequently the following dialog appears: You have the possibility to abort the restart of the device and to update further firmware. * 9.3.9 Click on the button in order to restart the device Install Language Package This function gives you the possibility of installing additional languages for the graphical user interface. You have the possibility to abort the procedure. * * * 466 Click Select a file in order to open the selection dialog Select the source directory and the source file (the file type must be *. nls) Click on the button Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Engineering via SICAM WEB The target device starts the loading procedure. The duration of the loading procedure depends on the file size and the used communication connection. Note During loading procedures the website must not be left. The selection of another website may lead to the occurrence of undefined states. Subsequently the file is checked upon validity. If the data is valid, it is written on the SD card of the target device. Otherwise, an error information is displayed. After successful upload the following dialog appears: * Click on the button Subsequently the following dialog appears: You have the possibility to abort the restart of the device and to update further firmware. * Click on the button in order to restart the device The newly installed language is available in the dropdown list of the Logon dialog. Note Apart from the standard languages English and German, presently no language packages are defined. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 467 Engineering via SICAM WEB 468 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 10 Engineering via SICAM Device Manager Contents 10.1 General Information ...................................................................................... 470 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 469 Engineering via SICAM Device Manager 10.1 General Information The SICAM Device Manager is the intuitive engineering software for SICAM A8000 series. * * * Project- and device administration Multiply devices Online connection to devices via SICAM WEB You will find the instructions for this tool in the document SICAM Device Manager User Manual (D51-003). 470 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 11 Service Contents 11.1 Operation and Display Elements................................................................... 472 11.2 Checks and System Display ......................................................................... 492 11.3 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................... 496 11.4 Maintenance of the Hardware ....................................................................... 515 11.5 Firmware Update .......................................................................................... 519 11.6 Remote Maintenance ................................................................................... 523 This chapter describes the internal checks and displays of the devices CP-8000/CP-802x, which diagnosis options are available, what is to be considered with the exchange of the system or external modules, and how functional updates can be loaded into the system. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 471 Service 11.1 Operation and Display Elements The operation and display elements of CP-8000/CP-802x are located on the front of the respective housing. CP-8000 provides an LED status display and an integrated LCD text display. Display POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-232 OH2 Status and Function LEDs RS-485 OH3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 Keys CP-8000 PS-862x and CP-802x provide an LED status display each. CP-8021 472 Unrestricted CP-8022 PS-862x PS-864x SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.1.1 Description of the LED Display The LED display comprises the operating states * * LEDs for the system status LEDs for the connection status of the communication interfaces (dependent on the configured protocol elements) Meaning of the subsequently represented symbols: Symbol Status Symbol Status Active (lighting) Flashes regularly TM Inactive (dark) V Flashes irregularly Flickers (data exchange) x Not relevant System Status CP-8000/CP-802x Name Color Function LED POK Green Power ok Power supply without error (only CP-8000) TM * Sum error (voltage failure, power supply defective, etc.) * Startup System ready * Loading of parameters into the Flash PROM * Loading of firmware into the Flash PROM TM * System or specific module not ready V * Startup * Sum error (internal error, external error, warning, module failure, system failure; inclusive I/O Master Module) * Startup TM No error LED Meaning RY ER Yellow Ready Red Error Meaning PS-862x/PS-864x Name Color Function RY Yellow Ready SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Module ready * 1 s interval: PS in boot loader (startup) * 0.3 s interval: Connection to CP-802x interrupted * 0.1 s interval: Loading of firmware into the Flash PROM TM * Sum error (voltage failure, power supply defective, at least one of the monitored voltages smaller than setpoint value) * Startup Unrestricted 473 Service Connection Status Name Color LK1 Yellow Link X1 PK1 OH2 RTX2 OH3 RTX3 LK4 PK4 OH6 RTX6 LK7 PK7 474 Function LED Meaning Physical connection to the Ethernet Hub TM * Startup Connection not established * Startup Activity (TCP frame sent/received) TM Startup Sending message Connection with minimum one physical partner set up (dial-up traffic) TM * Connection not established * Startup Yellow Receive/transmit data X2 Activity on send/receive line TM Startup Yellow Off hook X3 Sending message Connection with minimum one physical partner set up (dial-up traffic) TM * Connection not established * Startup Yellow Receive/transmit data X3 Sending or receiving message TM Startup Yellow Link X4 Physical connection to the Ethernet Hub TM * Startup Connection not established * Startup Activity (TCP frame sent/received) TM Startup Sending message Connection with minimum one physical partner set up (dial-up traffic) TM * Connection not established * Startup Yellow Receive/transmit data X6 Sending or receiving message TM Startup Yellow Link X7 Connection established 0.5 s: net search, not registered, turning off 1 s: registered to mobile network 2 s: error (SIM, registration, IPsec, ...) TM * Connection not established * Startup Data exchange with GPRS modem TM Startup Yellow Package X1 Yellow Off hook X2 Yellow Package X4 Yellow Off hook X6 Yellow Package X7 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.1.2 Description of the LCD Display (only CP-8000) The LCD display comprises * * * * Device Information Configuration Monitoring Alarms Overview of the menu structure: Main menu 1.0 Device information 2.0 Configuration 3.0 Monitoring 4.0 Alarms Submenu 1.1 Device 2.1 I/O Modules 3.1 Ereignisse (Alarm list) 2.1.1 IOM0 2.1.2 IOM1 3.1.1 All Events 3.1.2 DEF Events 3.1.3 DIA Events ... 2.1.8 IOM7 1.2 Language 1.3 Display 2.2 Protocols 3.2 Alarms 2.2.1 PRE0 2.2.2 PRE1 2.2.3 PRE2 2.2.4 PRE3 3.3 Cockpit 2.3 Version 1.4 Startup page 3.4 I/O Modules 3.4.1 IOM0 3.4.2 IOM1 ... 3.4.8 IOM7 Note Consider the notes in section 4.3, Climatic Ambient Conditions. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 475 Service Navigation The navigation within the menus is done via the function keys F1 to F4. Their current function is shown in the bottom row of the display. Name Function Meaning F1 ESC * Back to the previous menu * Reject entry F2 Selection up (circulating list) + Value +1 Selection down (circulating list) - Value -1 MENU Back to the previous menu ENTER * Open submenu * Open list EDIT Edit value OK Accept F3 F4 Device Information The menu itemt Device information is devided in the submenus * * * * 476 Device Language Display Startup page Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Device Information on the device itself can be found in the submenu Device. Submenu Submenu Display/settings 1.1 Device - Article number Meaning/range Serial number MAC address(es) 1 or 2 according to parameter IP address Hardware/firmware identification Language In the submenu Language you can select the language of the display. All available languages are listed in alphabetical order. With the function keys and you can select a language. Press the function key OK to activate the selected language. Submenu Submenu Display/settings 1.2 Language - Deutsch SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Meaning/range English Unrestricted 477 Service Language settings have no impact on * * * * * labels of the function keys parameterized name and state of events (appear as they have been parameterized) parameterized name and state of alarms (appear as they have been parameterized) name and state of diagnosis events (fixed in english) name and state of diagnosis alarms (fixed in english) Display In the submenu Display you can change the display settings (e.g. brightness, contrast). With the function keys and you can select a parameter. Press the function key EDIT to edit the selected parameter. For changing press the function key + or - and accept with OK. Submenu Submenu Display/settings Meaning/range 1.3 Display - Contrast 1...9 Backlight level 1...3 Backlight dimmed 0...2 Time until dimmed 0...99 Invert display Display test 478 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Start Page In the submenu Startup page you can select that page which shall be displayed after a startup. With the function keys and you can select a page. Press the function key OK to activate the selected page. After the next startup of the target device the selected page is displayed. Submenu Submenu Display/settings 1.4 Startup page - Main menu Meaning/range I/O Modules 1 I/O Modules 2 : : I/O Modules 8 All Events DEF Events DIA Events Alarms Cockpit 1 Cockpit 2 : : Cockpit 32 Note If the selected page is not existing, then the superior menu will be displayed. Example: selection of an I/O Module that is not equipped. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 479 Service Configuration The menu item Configuration is devided in the submenus * * * I/O Modules Protocols Version I/O Modules In the submenu I/O Modules you can select the status display of the internal and - if used - external I/O Modules (only with equipped I/O Master Module). You may also view equipped I/O Modules in the Monitoring | I/O Modules submenu. The image besides shows the standard submenu. Menu with external SICAM I/O Modules (example) Menu with external SICAM TM I/O Modules (example) With the function keys and you can select an I/O Module. 480 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service With the function key ENTER you get to the status display of the selected I/O Module. Status of digital outputs (example) Status of digital inputs (example) With the function keys and you can switch directly between the I/O Modules. Submenu Submenu Function 2.1 I/O Modules 2.1.1 IOM0: DO-820x OUT D00... OUT D07 DI: activated TM DI: not activated 2.1.2 IOM1: DI-810x IN D00...IN D07 DO: activated IN D10...IN D13 TM DO: not activated <Value> AI: input value 2) <Value> AO: output value 2) 2.1.3 IOM2: 1) 2.1.4 IOM3: 1) 2.1.5 IOM4: 1) 2.1.6 IOM5: 1) 2.1.7 IOM6: 1) 2.1.8 IOM7: 1) Status 1) dependent on the respective module 2) percentage of the measuring range of the respective module SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted Meaning 481 Service Protocols In the submenu Protocols the status of the individual communication connections is displayed (only with configured protocol). The image besides shows an example without configured PRE1. Meaning of the status symbols in the Protocols menu: 482 Submenu Submenu Function 2.2 Protocols 2.2.1 PRE0: <Firmware> (All) connection(s) established 2.2.2 PRE1: <Firmware> ! Not all connections established 2.2.3 PRE2: <Firmware> TM! No connection established TM Connection not established 2.2.4 PRE3: <Firmware> TM? No detailed information available for this protocol X? No interface is assigned to this protocol Unrestricted Status Meaning SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Examples: This example is valid for LAN/multi-point trafficmaster and dial-up traffic-master. * * Only parametrized connections are displayed. If there are more connections available as can be shown on one page, these will be displayed on the next page. Meaning of the status symbols: Connection is established TM Connection is not established This example is valid for point-to-point or multipoint traffic-slave. Meaning of the status symbols: Connection is established TM Connection is not established This information is displayed if there are no details available for this protocol. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 483 Service Version In the submenu Version the version numbers of the individual firmwares are displayed. Monitoring The menu item Monitoring is devided in the submenus * * * * Events Alarms Cockpit I/O Modules The submenu Events | ALL Events displays a list with max. of 4000 process and diagnosis events. The submenu Alarms displays a list with max. of 4000 process and diagnosis alarms (you may also view the alarm list from the main menu item Alarms). The submenu Cockpit displays up to 32 configurable groups with up to 255 signals each. The submenu I/O Modules displays the signal states at the inputs and outputs of the equipped I/O Modules. 484 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service The following signals can be defined by means of parameter as process event and/or process alarm (refer to, Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States): Type of signal Designation Type identifier (TI) Process event Process alarm Single point information SI TI 30 u u Double point information Single command DI TI 31 u u SC TI 45 u Double command DC TI 46 u The following diagnosis events and diagnosis alarms (sum errors) are generated by the device and entered in the list. These diagnosis events cannot be parameterized: Event process text Meaning Diagnosis event Diagnosis alarm Dia IntError Internal error u u Dia ExtError External error u u Dia ComError Communication error u u Dia Test Test u u Dia Warning Warning u u Dia BoardFail Board failure u u Dia Restart Restart u u Events | ALL Events The submenu Events is devided in the submenus * * * All Events DEF Events (process events) DIA Events (diagnosis events) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 485 Service In the submenu All Events all process events and diagnosis events are displayed in chronological order (most recent entry first). In the header you can see which entry you have selected and the amount of all entries. After opening the list, the most recent entry is automatically selected. You can navigate through the entire list via function keys and . In the selected entry you can see detailed information on the selected entry (date, timestamp, etc.). Using the function key TOP, you go to the beginning of the list (and select the first entry). The oscillating function key TOP shows that a new event is active. * Press the oscillating function key TOP to refresh the entire list The function key TOP will not be oscillating if you did select the first entry and a new event occurs. In this case, however, the list will be refreshed. Submenu Submenu Display/settings Meaning/range 3.1 Events 3.1.1 All Events Event name * Freely parameterizable text (applies for process events) * Always beginning with "Dia" (applies for diagnosis events) Status * Freely parameterizable text (applies for process events) * Coming, going (applies for diagnosis events) Quality bit Applies for process events (TI 30 and TI 31) only: ?: not topical !: invalid #: blocked $: substituted 486 Unrestricted Date Date of the selected event Time stamp Timestamp of the selected event Time quality bit !: invalid (optional) Indication of daylight-saving time S: daylight-saving time (optional) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Events | DEF Events The submenu Events | DEF Events shows exclusively process events in a list. For a more detailed description of the display and navigation, refer to section, Events | ALL Events. Submenu Submenu Display/settings Meaning/range 3.1 Events 3.1.2 DEF Events Event name Freely parameterizable text (applies for process events) Status Freely parameterizable text Quality bit Valid for process-events (TI 30 and TI 31) only: ?: not topical !: invalid #: blocked $: substituted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Date Date of the selected event Time stamp Timestamp of the selected event Time quality bit !: invalid (optional) Indication of daylight-saving time S: daylight-saving time (optional) Unrestricted 487 Service Events | DIA Events The submenu Events | DIA Events shows exclusively diagnosis events in a list. For a more detailed description of the display and navigation, refer to section, Events | ALL Events. 488 Submenu Submenu Display/settings Meaning/range 3.1 Events 3.1.3 DIA Events Event name Freely definable text Status Freely definable text Date Date of the selected event Time stamp Timestamp of the selected event Time quality bit !: invalid (optional) Indication of daylight-saving time S: daylight-saving time (optional) Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Alarms After opening the list, the most recent entry is automatically selected. In the header you can see which entry you have selected and the amount of all entries. In the submenu Alarms alarms are displayed in chronological order (most recent entry first). In the header you can see which entry you have selected and the amount of all entries. After opening the list, the most recent entry is automatically selected. You can navigate through the entire list via function keys and . In the selected entry you can see detailed information on the selected entry (date, timestamp, etc.). Using the function key TOP, you go to the beginning of the list (and select the first entry). The oscillating function key TOP shows that a new alarm is active. * Press the oscillating function key TOP to refresh the entire list The function key TOP will not be oscillating, if you did select the first entry and a new alarm occurs. In this case, however, the list will be refreshed. Submenu Submenu Display/settings Meaning/range 3.2 Alarms - Alarm name Freely definable text (applies for process alarms) Always beginning with "Dia" (applies for diagnosis alarms) Status * Freely definable text (applies for process alarms) * Coming (applies for diagnosis alarms) *) *) no historical alarms SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 489 Service Cockpit The submenu Cockpit is devided in freely definable groups. Under each group, the status of signals assigned to the group can be read: * * Binary information (process data message) Measured values (process data measured value) The groups and their assigned signals are defined via the engineering tool (SICAM WEB: refer to section, Configurable Logging and Display of Signal States). You can navigate through the entire list via function keys and You can open the selected group with the function key OK. Under the opened group the respectively assigned signals appear with the status display. Example: binary information items In this example, 3 binary information items are assigned to the group positions 1, 3 and 4. Position 2 is not assigned. Example: measured values In this example, 2 measured values are assigned to the group positions 1 and 5. Positions 2, 3 and 4 are not assigned. 490 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Submenu Submenu Display/settings Meaning/range 3.3 Cockpit <Group 1> <Group 2> <Group 3> : <Group 32> Signal name Freely definable text Status Freely definable text (applies for binary information) Value Freely definable text (applies for analog information) Unit Freely definable text (applies for analog information) Quality bit Valid for process-events (TI 30 and TI 31) only: ?: not topical !: invalid #: blocked $: substituted I/O Modules In the submenu I/O Modules you can select the status display for the individual I/O Modules (only with equipped I/O Master Module). The image besides shows the standard submenu. The menu structure and the display corresponds with the submenu Configuration | I/O Modules (see section, I/O Modules). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 491 Service 11.2 Checks and System Display The single system elements carry out checks of the hardware and software. If an error is detected, this leads * * to a signaling on the LED display dependent of the severeness of the error possibly to an abort of the startup in operation to a shutdown of the modules or firmware After an errorless startup of a system element further checks are carried out. 11.2.1 Checks during Startup Startup (step) Power-up or reset 492 RY ER Error/reaction TM Start startup TM * Module defective * Massive error in the program memory PROM error (code) Check of the code memory (flash PROM) TM Check of the data memory (RAM) with address error check TM RAM error (data) * Module is shut down * Startup is aborted Check whether SD card is present TM SD card not present Check of the checksum of all parameter files and firmware files on the SD card TM Checksum error on the SD card Check whether all parameters on the SD card are present TM Check whether all firmware files on the SD card are present TM Firmware code incomplete Check whether the firmware code of the subordinate system elements (protocol elements, I/O Master Module) is current TM If not, Load firmware code at a later time Revision check of the parameters in the parameter memory TM If the parameters are not current, they are loaded from the SD card Check parameter memory (flashPROM) TM Checksum error of the parameters * Firmware is shut down * startup is aborted Initiate the startup of the subordinate system elements TM Check for accordance of the parameterized HW configuration with the mechanical configuration (I/O Modules) TM Check of the configuration for pulse command output TM Unrestricted * Module is shut down * Startup is aborted * Diagnosis information is set Parameter files incomplete * Firmware is shut down * Startup is aborted Configuration error * the wrongly configured or defective module is not operational * successional modules are not operational Configuration error * Pulse command output is locked for all modules SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Startup (step) RY ER Loading the parameters to the subordinate system elements TM Too little memory on the protocol element or I/O Master Module * Firmware on the protocol element or I/O Master Module is shut down Check of the parameter contents TM Parameter error Startup completed (OK) TM Startup completed (Fehler) RY ER Module defective TM TM Replace system/external module PROM error (code) TM Replace system/ external module RAM error (data) TM Replace system/ external module Parameter files incomplete TM * Read diagnosis * Initialize automation unit Checksum error of the parameters TM * Read diagnosis * Initialize automation unit Parameter error TM Read diagnosis RY ER No SD card present * Read diagnosis * Insert SD card * Initialize automation unit Firmware code incomplete * Read diagnosis * Lod firmware newly Configuration error Read diagnosis Too little memory on the protocol element or I/O Master Module Read diagnosis Parameter error Read diagnosis (depending on type of error) Error (startup aborted) Error (startup continued) Error/reaction Note Note Note "Firmware shut down" means that all functions with exception of those, which are necessary for the communication with the engineering tool in the local operating mode, are halted. In this state all outputs are terminated. By means of the lighted display this state can not be identified clearly. On occurrence of this state, a diagnostic information is set with an error code. This state can now only be ended with a Power up or Reset. The reset can be initiated both by the SICAM TOOLBOX II as well as with SICAM WEB. Note "Module shut down" means that all activities of the hardware and firmware are halted. In this state all outputs are terminated. By means of the lighted display this state can not be identified clearly. This state can now only be ended with a Power up or Reset. The reset can be initiated by the SICAM TOOLBOX II as well as with SICAM WEB. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 493 Service 11.2.2 Checks after Startup Cyclic operation RY ER Check of the communication connections Communication connections set up (OK) TM Function check of the I/O Modules over the TM bus I/O Modules operational (OK) TM RY ER Communication failure * Diagnosis * Check communication lines * Check remote station Communication error Diagnosis I/O Module error * Diagnosis * Replace system (if internal module) * Replace I/O Module (if external module) RY ER System element is shut down and the firmware code is loaded from the SD card Initiate startup of the Master Module for new loaded system elements (protocol element, I/O Master Module) startup completed (OK) TM startup completed (error) Error Load firmware code 494 Unrestricted Error/reaction Communication error * Communication failure * Communication fault I/O Module error * Periodical information for the open-/closedloop control function * Diagnosis information Note Error/reaction SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.2.3 Behavior of the Process Outputs upon Startup and Failure With failure of the supply voltage and during startup of the system all the process outputs are terminated. After startup of the Master Module the periodical information items for the open-/closed-loop control function are initialized with the value 0 and a status "faulty" dependent on the I/O Module. After startup of the I/O Master Module all periodical information items from faultless inputs are written with the current preprocessed value, and the corresponding status "faulty" is reset. The behavior of outputs upon communication failure is dependent on the I/O Module and can be defined for each output selectively with the parameter Fail_behav. For binary information outputs the following behavior can be selected: * * terminate (default) keep For current and voltage outputs the following behavior can be selected: * * keep (default) substitute value If the substitute value is selected, in the following cases the value defined via parameter fail_subst_value is output: Event Description Action Power-on Return of the supply voltage after failure As long as no setpoint value was received, the parameterized substitution value is calculated and transferred as active value into the process image Startup Startup possible via With a remote startup the value is reset to the last value, independent of the parameterization; if a value never was received, the substitution value is output * Remote command * Operation Communication failure Master Module Substitution value is output Failure Master Module Substitution value is output SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 495 Service 11.3 Diagnosis 11.3.1 Distinction of the Error Types The following listing explains the different error types and their logging. * System errors Supervision of the system, communication, time synchronization by the firmware of the configured system elements - Logging in the online diagnosis - Activation of the red error LED on the Master Module * Parameterization errors (telecontrol function) Supervision by the engineering tool - Specific conventions or plausibility checks - Indication upon entry or prevention of the transfer Supervision online by the firmwares of the configured system elements - Logging in the online diagnosis - Activation of the red error LED on the Master Module If in the target device a parameterization is loaded that does not match with the mechanical present system elements, this leads to the indication of a hardware error. * Programming errors (open-/closed-loop control function) Supervision by CAEx plus (engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II) - Specific conventions or plausibility checks - Indication upon entry or prevention of the transfer Supervision by the CAEx plus compiler (engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II) - Logging in the "Error state viewer" Supervision by the ASCII-Compiler during startup (engineering via SICAM WEB) - Logging in the PLC diagnosis Supervision online by the firmware of the Master Module - Logging in the online diagnosis * Operator errors Are largely excluded due to plausibility checks or queries by the engineering tool (additional hints see Appendix C.1, Errors with the Engineering via SICAM WEB). Note Naturally, all operator inputs, such as for example the loading of parameters or the online testing, are subject to the responsibility of the user. Profound knowledge of the automation technique in general, as well as the documents mentioned in the Preface is presumed. Errors that are recorded in the online diagnosis are devided in diagnosis classes and contain further indications about the possible error cause, as well as hints for the error elimination ("cause", "remedy"). You find the meaning of the diagnosis classes in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter System Services", section Diagnostic and Signaling". You find the error indications recorded in the online diagnosis in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Parameter Documentation and Diagnosis Info", section "Diagnosis Information", under the respective firmware. 496 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.3.2 SICAM TOOLBOX II Connection Possibilities for the Diagnosis For the access to the diagnosis data of CP-8000/CP-802x, an online connection of the engineering PC to the target device is required. Reading access is at the same time possible locally and from the distance. Writing access (example: startup request to the target device) is only exclusively possible. You find the basic connection possibilities in section 7.7.1, SICAM TOOLBOX II. Following you find some application examples. Direct connection Ethernet TCP/IP TOOLBOX II Revi sio n: Licen se Pak: Ver sion 5 | Si eme ns AG Direct cable (RS-232) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 497 Service Connection via Ethernet TOOLBOX II Re vision : Licen se Pak: Ve rsion 5 | Siem ens AG Ethernet TCP/IP f Remote connection via further automation units Ethernet TCP/IP TOOLBOX II Revisio n: License Pak: Ver sion 5 | Sie me ns AG CM-1820 Toolbox cable (EIA-232) 498 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Diagnosis Overview CP-8000/CP-802x contains extensive diagnosis functions for monitoring the system. Since the firmware executes the appropriate error monitoring routines automatically, no settings by the user are necessary thereto. With the tool "Diagnostic" (TOOLBOX II | Service Programs | Diagnostic), system states and error information items can be read, and printed out if required. The following functions are available: * Network overview diagnosis The error entries of all automation units in the network are output in a report window via the menu Network overview diagnostic (sum information). * Acknowledge network Via the button Acknowledge network , the error entries of all automation units located in the network are deleted, insofar as they are no longer present. * AU overview diagnosis The error entries of all automation units in the network are output in a report window via the menu AU overview diagnostic (sum information for each system element able to report). * AU individual diagnosis The error entries of each system element in the AU are output in a report window via double-click on the respective AU. * History Diagnosis The time dependent course of error entries is output in a report window via the menu History Diagnosis . * Clear history diagnosis Via the button Clear , all error entries located in the history diagnostis are deleted, insofar as they are no longer present. * Automatic diagnosis An overview of the error entries of all automation units in a network as well as their system elements is output in a report window via the menu Automatic diagnosis . The outputs are structured hierarchically in Network overview diagnosis AU overview diagnosis AU single diagnosis History (if preset) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 499 Service Automatic Diagnosis (Example) You find further details on the diagnosis functions in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Diagnosis". You find the d description of the diagnosis functions in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "System Services", section "Diagnosis". 500 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service System Performance Information on the system performance of a selected automation unit can be interrogated with the tool "Online Maintenance Function". time display memory check system performance selection AU service function online data processing capacity control and bus runtime stop startup The following functions are available: * * * * * * * * * * * Display equipped system elements Read serial numbers Display/delete data flow routing Shut down selected system elements Shut down selected automation unit Startup selected system elements Startup automation unit Display time Memory check Data processing capacity Control- and bus runtime You find further details on the maintenance functions in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Special Programs | Service Function Online". Diagnosis of the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function With the tool "CAEx plus" the following status information can be displayed for each task with the function ONLINE Test : * * * * * Parameterized cycle time Current runtime Minimum/maximum runtime Number of runtime time-outs Bus runtime You find further information in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "Automation", section "Open-/Closed-loop Control Function", section "Display Status Information". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 501 Service Errors that can occur with the creation of the function diagram (for example the linking of a binary signal to an analog input of a function) are displayed in a separate report window ("POU error check"): * * Automatic upon incorrect input Manually with the function Early error detection (pop-up menu in the function diagram) You find the exact details in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Editors", section "FBD Editor", section "Operation in FBD Editor". Errors with Engineering Errors that can occur with engineering are displayed centrally in the "Error-state viewer" of "CAEx plus". It essentially concerns thereby * * * * * * * * * * Indications of the installation Indications of the export/import Indications of the project management Indications of the FBD editor Indications of the code generation Object-related indications Indications of the object assistant Indications of the typical import Indications of the signal list Indications of hardware signal data bases The indications are created after the initiation of a function (for instance "code generation"). You find the exact details in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Additional Products", section "Error-State Viewer". Errors with the Target Device Connection Errors that can occur with the target device connection are displayed centrally in the "Errorstate viewer" of "CAEx plus". It concerns thereby notofications * * * * * * * of the target device connection of the code generator of the control panel of the online applications of the "Open Operating System" of the target device integration in the project management of the "openPLC" You find the exact details in the CAEx plus Online Help, chapter "Target System Connection", section "Program Messages for Target System Connection". 502 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.3.3 SICAM WEB Connection Possibilities for the Diagnosis For the access to the diagnosis data of CP-8000/CP-802x, an online connection of the engineering PC to the target device is required. Reading access is also possible if the target device was engineered via the SICAM TOOLBOX II. Writing access (example: startup request to the target device) is only exclusively possible. You find the basic connection possibilities in section 7.7.2, SICAM WEB. Following you find some application examples. Direct Connection Ethernet TCP/IP Direct cable (RS-232) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 503 Service Connection via Ethernet Ethernet TCP/IP Diagnosis Overview CP-8000/CP-802x provides an automatic diagnosis system. This recognizes ocurring errors, and generates corresponding indications. The system diagnosis can be read out in different menus: * * Device information Diagnosis indications Diagnosis status Diagnosis logbook The recorded indications are differentiated in: * * * * Errors with the hardware (modules and wiring) Errors with the communication Errors with the parameter setting Errors with the application program Note Error indications may contain additional statements about the possible error cause and notes for the error removal. 504 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Device Information * Menu Home | Device On the device page, you can see the specific information of the target device: * * * * * Device view Article number Application software and revision level Device information according to settings System time Example for CP-8000 Under System status you will see those system elements of the target device with the loaded firmware that are not in the OK state: * * * * System element (Master Module, I/O Master Module, I/O Module, protocol element) Status: Faulty (system element in the OK state are not displayed) Designation of the system element Revision level of the loaded firmware Under Protocol details resides in case of a protocol according to IEC 61850 a hyperlink to the webserver of the protocol element. Prerequisite is that the web server has been activated (in the directory tree under SICAM A8000 CP-80xx | Master module | PRE <0...3>: Ethernet Interface IEC61850 Ed.2 | HTTP web server = enabled). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 505 Service To connect with the IEC 61850 web server click on Details..., the protocol details will be opened in a new tab of the web browser: You find further information for that in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions Protocol Elements, chapter "LAN Communication (61850)", section "Web Server". Example for CP-8022 506 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Diagnosis * Menu Home | Diagnosis Diagnosis Status When opening the diagnosis status page, the currently existing errors will be read from the target device and will be listed in a table as plain text. Note The reading of all diagnosis indications may take some time depending on the communication connection. The process cannot be aborted. The diagnosis shows all current errors in the target device. The display takes place in plain text in chronological order. The content of each column (exception: Detail info) can be sorted descending or ascending. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 507 Service The table contains the following columns: Column Name Designation Module Name of the system element Severity Informational Warning Error Topic for easy navigation, e.g.:: operating system, , startup, communication to station xy, protocol element and so on Error text Short description Detail info Detailed description Error class Board failure Communication Intern Startup Warning Event Error ID Failure ID If you select a row of the table, an area with more detailed information is opened on the right side. Note When reopening the diagnosis status page within the same session, the displayed diagnosis status indications will not be refreshed. This is how to update diagnosis status indications: * Click on the general button device for reading again all diagnosis status indications from the The existing table will be deleted and all detail information will be read out completely from the device and will be listed in a table. 508 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Diagnosis Logbook When opening the diagnosis logbook page, the recorded indications will be read from the target device and will be listed in a table as plain text. Note The reading of all diagnosis logbook indications may take some time depending on the communication connection. The process cannot be aborted. The diagnosis logbook shows the chronological sequence of all coming and going errors in the target device. The display takes place in plain text in chronological order (resolution 1 ms). The content of each column (exception: detail info) can be sorted descending or ascending. The table contains the following columns: Column Name Designation Date/time Time stamp of the diagnosis entry Module Name of the system element Severity Informational Warning Error Topic for easy navigation, e.g.: operating system, startup, communication to station xy, protocol element and so on Error text Short description Error state Raising or cleared error Detail info Detailed description Error class Board failure Communication Intern Startup Warning Event Error ID Failure ID SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 509 Service With the initial reading in a session, the 30 most current entries are displayed. * Click on the button , if you want to see entries with an earlier timestamp Thereupon, the next older indications are loaded and displayed. As long as not all indications have been loaded, the button remains activated. The error table captures up to 10000 entries and is stored non-volatile. If the error table is full, the respective oldest entry will be overwritten with the most current one (ring buffer). If you select a row of the table, an area with more detailed information is opened on the right side. * Click on the sidebar right beside the table, if you want to hide the detailed description of the selected entry Note When reopening the diagnosis logbook page within the same session, the displayed indications will not be refreshed. This is how to update diagnosis logbook indications: * Click on the general button the device for reading again all diagnosis logbook indications from The existing table will be deleted and only those entries which have been created by the device since the last reading procedure will be read out from the device and will be listed in a table. 510 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Export Diagnosis Logbook With the export function you can save the diagnosis entries which are recorded in the ring buffer in a file on your PC. * Click on the button The target system saves the records in a file. * * You can abort the procedure by clicking on Click on the button in order to start the export After the export, the file is provided for the download (format .csv). A dialog is opened with the link Start download. * Click with the right mouse button on the link A dialog for the selection of the saving path is opened. The default file name can be changed, if needed. Follow the instructions of your web browser. * You can abort the procedure by clicking on SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 511 Service Security Logbook When opening the security logbook page, the recorded indications will be read from the target device and will be listed in a table as plain text. Note The reading of all security logbook indications may take some time depending on the communication connection. The process cannot be aborted. The diagnosis logbook shows the chronological sequence of all coming and going errors in the target device. The display takes place in plain text in chronological order (resolution 1 ms). The table contains the following columns: Column Name Designation Time stamp Time stamp of the security-relevant information System address Address of the corresponding hardware Information Region number Component Master Module address Supplementary Module address Class Notice Warning Alert 512 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Export Security Logbook With the export function you can save the diagnosis entries which are recorded in the ring buffer in a file on your PC. * Click on the button The target system saves the records in a file. * * You can abort the procedure by clicking on Click on the button in order to start the export After the export, the file is provided for the download (format .csv). A dialog is opened with the link Start download. * Click with the right mouse button on the link A dialog for the selection of the saving path is opened. The default file name can be changed, if needed. Follow the instructions of your web browser. * You can abort the procedure by clicking on SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 513 Service Diagnosis of the Time Via the menu Time you get to the time diagnosis. Here the time state is displayed. The time state indicates whether the time has a daylight saving offset and is valid. Errors with the time synchronization are recorded in the Diagnosis status and in the Diagnosis logbook. Diagnosis of the Open-/Closed-Loop Control Function For the supervision of the open-/closed-loop control function several diagnosis functions are available. Errors due to the logic operations or by means of external influence are displayed in the Diagnosis logbook. The corresponding supervision routines are performed automatically, no user settings are required therefore. Errors due to the syntax or program size are recognized automatically after the loading and displayed in the status log (see section, Import Application Program). If the IL was loaded offline (via storage in the root directory of the SD card), you can start the syntax check manually in the menu Logic . * Click on the button The check result is displayed in the bottom tool bar. In case of error the details are displayed in the status log. * 514 Click on the global button Unrestricted , if you want to read the status log SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.4 Maintenance of the Hardware 11.4.1 Recognition of Hardware Errors Internal Modules With startup and during the operation CP-8000/CP-802x supervises the hardware. A faulty or failed module is notified by means of the error LED on the system and, if accasion arises, on the faulty I/O Module. Further, a record in the online diagnosis takes place. If a hardware error exists, a replacement of the system or of the external I/O Module is required. SD Card CP-8000/CP-802x accesses with each startup the SD card and checks it. The following cases lead to errors with the SD card: * * * * * * * SD card not available SD card defective Wrong type of SD card SD card empty SD card not formatted Checksum error with firmware codes Checksum error with parameter files Possible causes for a checksum error are power failure or write error during a loading processes on the SD card. Upon startup with erroneous SD card the supplementary system elements are not started, hence for instance no remote communication is possible. CP-8000/CP-802x accesses also during operation the SD card due to operator control actions or loading processes. With missing SD card loading processes are blocked. With engineering via SICAM WEB the access is blocked, with loading of web pages (change of the menu) the web browser notifies an error. The target device performs an automatic logoff. The logon is only possible again with inserted SD card. Warning Inserting the SD card during operation leads to a restart of the relevant target device! SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 515 Service 11.4.2 Replacement of a Module The connection of the process signals takes place by means of withdrawable screw terminals. Since these screw terminals carry the wiring, you do not need to loosen any wires upon module exchange. The screw terminals are packed with each module. The replacement of a module is achievable without a special tool: * * * * * * Detach the terminals from the bottom side of the module (power supply at first) Detach the communication plugs from the upper side and front of the module Remove the module from the DIN rail Before replacing the Master Module, you can unlock and withdraw the SD card through pressing, and then insert it easily in the new Master Module (the application data is stored non-volatile on the SD card) Put the new module in place of the withdrawn system on the DIN rail Attach the terminals at the bottom side of the module (power supply at last) Warning For modules that operate with voltages >60 V, care must be taken that manipulation on the peripheral connectors may only be carried out in a de-energized state. The display (LCD, LED) of the devices and modules do not grant a guarantee that the peripheral connectors are de-energized. For the replacement of a Master Module please consider the instructions in the sections 6.4.2, Mounting of the Master Module and 6.4.3, Removal/Shifting of the Master Module. When replacing a module by the same type (same revision level), the engineering data (parameters and application program) stored on the SD card can be applied automatically for the new module. If the relevant type is no longer available, then the appropriate successor product is to be used. When replacing a module by a another type, an anew parameterization is necessary. This applies in particular, if something in the functionality of a module (firmware) was changed, or a module was removed or added. In this case, the corresponding firmware update must be loaded before the parameter-setting takes place (see section 11.5, Firmware Update). After the replacement of a system, this is operational after a startup. Note With CP-8000, internal modules cannot be exchanged. 516 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.4.3 Adapt New Equipped I/O Modules in the Parameterization * * * * Remove the I/O Master Module in the parameterization and click on the button After request, carry out a startup of the target device Add the I/O Master Module again and click on the button After request, carry out a startup of the target device CP-8000/CP-802x "learns" thereby the new equipped I/O Modules. Note Please consider that with the removal of the I/O Master Module the existing parameterization (configuration and settings of the I/Os) is lost. With startup the parameterization of the learnt I/Os is built up newly with the default values. Adding I/O Modules Additionally equipped I/O Modules are recognized by CP-8000/CP-802x and "learnt" upon startup, without notifying an error thereby. With parameterization via SICAM WEB, new modules are added automatically in the directory tree. 11.4.4 Replacement of the SD Card New SD cards can be ordered at Siemens, see appendix A.9, Memory Cards. You find the hints for the replacement of the SD card in section 6.6.1, SD Card. Caution Insert or remove the SD card only in the de-energized Master Module. The contents of a SD card can become invalid if it is removed during a running write procedure. If occasion arises, the contents of the SD card must be deleted and written newly again. You find further technical information in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "System Services", section "Data Storage on Flash Card". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 517 Service Initialization of the Firmware With use of a suitable, still empty SD card, you must download the Firmwares from the website and copy it into the root directory of the SD card. * * * * CPC80 optionally firmware for protocols optionally firmware for periphery SWEB00 in case of parameterization via SICAM WEB When the required files are stored on the SD card, insert the SD card into the de-energized target device and switch that on. During startup the firmwares are configured in the target device. Note The startup may last up to 15 minutes (depending on the number of firmwares). 11.4.5 Replacement of the SIM Card (only CP-8022) When signing a new mobile radio contract or whith change of the mobile network provider you will be supplied with a new SIM card. For the activation of the GPRS communication you must replace the hitherto used SIM card by the new one. You find the hints for the replacement of the SD card in section 6.6.2, SIM Card. Note Removing or inserting the SIM card is allowed only in the de-energized device! Subsequently, the access data must be adapted in the parameterization, see, Settings for Internal GPRS Modem (CP-8022). 518 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.5 Firmware Update In CP-8000/CP-802x, a new system element or the functionality of a system element can be updated in need. For each system element, an individual loadable firmware is provided. You find information thereto in section 7.3, Loadable Firmwares. For the accomplishment of firmware updates different methods are possible: 11.5.1 * Engineering via SICAM TOOLBOX II online offline * Engineering via SICAM WEB online offline SICAM TOOLBOX II The SICAM TOOLBOX II contains after its installation all current firmware revisions (based on the date of issue of the installed version). Procedure for the Update of System Elements interrogate firmware revision selection AU open revision interrogation Save firmware file on TOOLBOX PC new firmware available import master data update target system select firmware file to be imported start import selection AU load master data update load firmware Interrogation of the Firmware Revision The firmware revisions of all configured system elements (Master Module, I/O Master Module, protocol elements) can be displayed and printed with the tool "Revision Interrogation and Display" for a selected automation unit. You find further details on the tool in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Revision Interrogation and Display". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 519 Service Importing Master Data into the SICAM TOOLBOX II New firmware codes can be loaded into the SICAM TOOLBOX II with the tool "Master Data Update". Thereto belong * * Libraries for the tool OPM II Firmwares of SICAM RTUs system elements You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "Master Data Update". An additional option provides the tool "Live Update". You find the information thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Live Update". Loading Firmware Codes into the Target Device Firmware codes that are stored in the SICAM TOOLBOX II can be loaded into a target device. Loading Firmware Online For the accomplishment the engineering PC must be connected with the target device, and a suitable SD card must be inserted in the target device. The configuration options listed in section 7.7.1, SICAM TOOLBOX II apply. Note A serial connection via modem is not supported. With the tool "Load Firmware" ( TOOLBOX II | Service Programs ) you can load firmware codes into the target device. The following options are available: * Load intelligent The latest firmware revision available in the SICAM TOOLBOX II is loaded, if it is more current than that one on the corresponding system element * Load unconditional The latest firmware revision available in the SICAM TOOLBOX II is loaded You find the instructions thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "Service Programs", section "Load Firmware". 520 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service Loading Firmware Offline For the accomplishment a SD card reader/writer must be connected on the Toolbox PC, and a suitable SD card must be inserted. With the tool "OPM II" you can select the corresponding AE via the menu Tools | System technique . Via the context menu of the automation unit Flashcard | create files... you can transfer firmware files on a SD card. You find the details thereto in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "OPM II", section "System technique | SICAM RTUs | Load Flashcard". Insert the SD card afterwards in the de-energized target device, and then switch on the power supply. The target device performs a startup (duration up to 15 minutes depending on number and size of the loaded files) and loads thereby the firmwares of the corresponding modules. 11.5.2 SICAM WEB Loading Firmware Codes into the Target Device With engineering via SICAM WEB, updated firmware codes that are provided on the website can be loaded into a target device in a simple manner. Note SICAM TOOLBOX II firmware updates can not be loaded via SICAM WEB. Loading Firmware Online For the accomplishment the engineering PC must be connected with the target device, and a suitable SD card must be inserted in the target device. The configuration options listed under section 7.7.2, SICAM WEB apply. Via the menu Upload/Download you can load each time 1 firmware file directly into the target device. You find the instruction thereto in the section 9.3.7, Update Firmware. With loading the firmware is stored on the SD card in the target device. Afterwards the target device performs a startup, whereby the belonging module is updated (if already configured). Not yet configured system elements appear now in the selection in the menu Configuration . Note For the loading via SICAM WEB an already running firmware CPC80 and SWEB00 must exist in the target device. This is already loaded on the SD card equipped in the target device ex works. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 521 Service Loading Firmware Offline For the accomplishment a SD card reader/writer must be connected on the engineering PC, and a suitable SD card must be inserted. * * * Copy now the required firmware files from the PC into the root directory of the SD card Insert the SD card afterwards in the de-energized target device Then switch the power supply on The target device performs a startup (duration up to 15 minutes depending on number and size of the loaded files) and loads thereby the firmwares of the corresponding modules (if already configured). 11.5.3 Errors with Loading of Firmware For a perfect functioning of the Master Module, it is absolutely necessary that the loading process completes without errors. If the loading process is terminated with an error, cancel it. Afterwards, start the loading process again and attempt to complete without error. If an error occurs again, check the record in the diagnosis and the lighted display on the Master Module. The following reasons lead to a malfunction of the Master Module: * * * * * Voltage failure Premature abortion by the user Failure (defect, shutdown) of the engineering PC Abortion due to hardware error Abortion or excessively long fault of the communication connection between engineering PC and target device You find further technical information in the manual SICAM RTUs Common Functions System and Basic System Elements, chapter "System Services", sections "Loading Operation" and "Firmware Shut Down". Note A system that is defective can be recognized by the fact, that after a restart of the target device the yellow RY-LED and the red ER-LED do not light up. An access with the SICAM TOOLBOX II is no longer possible in this case. In this case please consult our Customer Support Center. 522 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Service 11.6 Remote Maintenance With the help of the "" option, you can remotely operate (remote maintenance session) a remote SICAM TOOLBOX II that can be reached via a data connection (Modem, ISDN, LAN/WAN) with a controlling PC (remote maintenance center). Engineering data on plant PC (Client) Ethernet TCP/IP (Server) With "" all SICAM TOOLBOX II clients work with a central web server which is running the SICAM TOOLBOX II. The SICAM TOOLBOX II is operated thereby in the web browser. 11.6.1 Configuration of Server and Clients Install on the web server Microsoft Windows (R) with "Terminal Services Web Access" (TS Web Access). After that install the SICAM TOOLBOX II on this server. On the clients is no installation required, the access to the web server takes place via the Microsoft Internet Explorer (R) (as of version 5.0). You find a detailed description of the configuration in the SICAM TOOLBOX II Online Help, chapter "". SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 523 Service 524 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 A Order Information Contents A.1 Basic Units ................................................................................................... 526 A.2 Power Supply Modules ................................................................................. 527 A.3 SICAM I/O Modules ...................................................................................... 528 A.4 SICAM TM I/O Modules ................................................................................ 531 A.5 Interface Modules ......................................................................................... 535 A.6 Transmission Facilities ................................................................................. 536 A.7 Recommended Upstream Power Supply Devices ......................................... 538 A.8 Cables and Plugs ......................................................................................... 539 A.9 Memory Cards.............................................................................................. 541 A.10 Engineering Tools ........................................................................................ 542 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 525 Order Information A.1 Basic Units Designation Article number CP-8000 Master Module with I/O 6MF2101-0AB10-0AA0 Temperature range -25 to +70C SICAM A8000 SICAM CP-8000 CMIC POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-23 2 OH2 RTX2 RS-48 5 OH3 RTX3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 CP-8000 Master Module with I/O 6MF2101-1AB10-0AA0 Temperature range -40 to +70C SICAM A8000 SICAM CP-8000 CMIC POK RY ER ETH LK1 PK1 RS-23 2 OH2 RTX2 RS-48 5 OH3 RTX3 ETH LK4 PK4 SD X4 F1 F2 F3 F4 SICAM A800 0 CP-8021 CP-8021 Master Module LK1 ET H X1 PK1 LK4 6MF2802-1AA00 Temperature range -40 to +70C Note: External power supply module required! ET H X4 PK4 OH2 RS -2 32 X2 RT X2 ER RTX3 O H3 RS-48 5 RY X3 SI CAM A8 00 0 CP-8022 CP-8022 Master Module L K1 E TH X1 P K1 L K4 6MF2802-2AA00 Temperature range -40 to +70C Note: External power supply module required! E TH X4 P K4 OH2 RS-23 2 X2 RTX2 RY ER X7 PK7 RS-485 LK7 RS-23 2 RS-48 5 RTX3 SI M X3 OH3 X6 RTX6 OH6 Note With delivery, the respective system is already equipped with an SD card. 526 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Order Information A.2 Power Supply Modules Designation Article number PS-8620 Power Supply 6MF2862-0AA00 DC 24 to 60 V Note: Only for CP-802x! PS-8622 Power Supply 6MF2862-2AA00 DC 110 to 220 V Note: Only for CP-802x! PS-8640 Power Supply 6MF2864-0AA00 DC 24 to 60 V Note: Only for CP-802x! PS-8642 Power Supply 6MF2864-2AA00 DC 100 to 240 V/AC 100 to 240 V Note: Only for CP-802x! Spare Part Designation Article number CM-8812 Bus Connector SICAM I/O 10 pcs. (This bus connector is included with all PS-862x and PS-864x modules) C53207-A5812-D481 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 527 Order Information SICAM I/O Modules Designation Article number DI-8110 Digital Input 2x8, DC 24 V 6MF2811-0AA00 DI-8111 Digital Input 2x8, DC 48/60 V 6MF2811-1AA00 DI-8112 Digital Input 2x8, DC 110 V 6MF2811-2AA00 DI-8113 Digital Input 2x8, DC 220 V 6MF2811-3AA00 DO-8212 Digital Output Relay 8x DC 24 to 220 V/AC 230 V 6MF2821-2AA00 SICAM A8 00 0 DI-8110 A.3 X2 SICAM A800 0 DI-8111 X1 X2 SICAM A8 00 0 DI-8112 X1 X2 SICAM A800 0 DI-8113 X1 X2 D O-8 212 X1 SICAM A8 000 X4 X3 RY X2 X1 528 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Order Information Article number AI-8310 Analog Input 2x2 Pt100/Pt1000 6MF2831-0AA00 AI-8320 Analog Input 4x 20 mA/10 V 6MF2832-0AA00 AI-8510 Analog Input 3x U (230 V), 3x I (LoPo) Note: CM-8820 is required for the current measurement! 6MF2811-6AA00 AI-8511 Analog Input 3x U (LoPo), 3x I (LoPo) 6MF2851-1AA00 AO-8380 Analog Output 4x 20 mA/10 V 6MF2838-0AA00 CM-8820 CT Adapter for AI-8510 3xI 1 A_5 A/225 mV 6MF2882-0AA00 SICAM A8 00 0 AI-8510 Designation X2 AI-8320 X1 SICAM A8 00 0 X4 X3 RY X2 SICAM A8 00 0 AI-8510 X1 X2 SICAM A800 0 AI-8511 X1 X2 AO-8 380 X1 SICAM A8 000 X4 X3 RY X2 SICAM A8 00 0 CM-8820 X1 X2 X1 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 529 Order Information Spare Part A.3.1 530 Designation Article number CM-8812 Bus Connector SICAM I/O 10 pcs. (This bus connector is included with all PS-862x and PS-864x modules) C53207-A5812-D481 Designation Article number CM-8811 Coupling Module for SICAM I/O Modules Note: Only for SICAM I/O Modules at CP-8000! 6MF2881-1AA00 Accessory Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Order Information A.4 SICAM TM I/O Modules Designation Article number DI-6100 Digital Input 2x8, DC 24 to 60 V 6MF1113-0GB00-0AA0 DI-6101 Digital Input 2x8, DC 110/220 V 6MF1113-0GB01-0AA0 DI-6102 Digital Input 2x8, DC 24 to 60 V 1 ms 6MF1113-0GB02-0AA0 DI-6103 Digital Input 2x8, DC 110/220 V 1 ms 6MF1113-0GB03-0AA0 DI-6104 Digital Input 2x8, DC 220 V 6MF1113-0GB04-0AA0 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 531 Order Information 532 Unrestricted Designation Article number DO-6200 Digital Output Transistor 2x8, DC 24 to 60 V 6MF1113-0GC00-0AA0 DO-6212 Digital Output Relays 8x DC 24 to 220 V/AC 230 V 6MF1113-0GC12-0AA0 DO-6220 Command Out Basic module 6MF1113-0GC20-0AA0 DO-6221 Command Out Basic module measurement 6MF1113-0GC21-0AA0 DO-6230 Command Output Relay module 6MF1113-0GC30-0AA0 AI-6300 Analog Input 2x2 20 mA/10 V 6MF1113-0GD00-0AA0 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Order Information Designation Article number AI-6307 Analog Input 2x2 2.5 mA/5 mA/10 V 6MF1113-0GD07-0AA0 AI-6308 Analog Input 2x2 1 mA/2 mA/10 V 6MF1113-0GD08-0AA0 AI-6310 Analog Input 2x2 Pt100/Ni100 6MF1113-0GD10-0AA0 AO-6380 Analog Output 4x 20 mA/10 mA/10 V 6MF1113-0GD80-0AA0 TE-6430 Counter Input 2x DC 24 to 60 V 6MF1113-0GE30-0AA0 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 533 Order Information A.4.1 Accessory Designation Article number CM-6811 Coupling SICAM TM I/O Modules Note: Only for SICAM TM I/O Modules at CP-8000! 6MF1113-0GJ11-0AA0 Bus termination for TM housing 6MF1313-0GA50-0AA0 Note: The bus termination for TM housing (TC6-050) is part of this item 534 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Order Information A.5 Interface Modules Designation Article number CM-0819 Converter RS-232/RS-485 insulated 6MF1111-2AJ10-0AF0 CM-0821 Fieldbus Interface Ring (3x FO, 1x el.) 6MF1111-0AJ21-0AA0 CM-0822 Fieldbus Interface Star (4x FO) 6MF1111-0AJ22-0AA0 CM-0823 Fieldbus Interface Ring (3x FO,1x RS-485) 6MF1111-0AJ23-0AA0 CM-0829 Converter RS-232/RS-422; RS485 6MF1111-2AJ20-0AA0 CM-0847 Fiberoptic Interface (el.-FO) 6MF1113-0AJ47-0AA0 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 535 Order Information A.6 Transmission Facilities Designation Article number CE-0701 WT Channel Modem for DIN rail installation, 2,0 W 6MF1102-0CA81-0AA0 M874-2 GPRS Modem SCALANCE 6GK5874-2AA00 MD741-1 GPRS Router 6NH9741-1AA00 RUGGEDCOM RX1400 6ZB5531-0AL01 Ethernet switch and TCP/IP router 536 Unrestricted Siemens Converter LWE - RS232 Details siehe: al/en/products-systemssolutions/protection/accessories/communic ation-equipment/pages/7xv5652.aspx 7XV5652 Siemens Mini Starcoupler Details siehe: al/en/products-systemssolutions/protection/accessories/communic ation-equipment/pages/7xv5450.aspx 7XV5450 ANT 794-4MR Antenna LTE (4G), UMTS (3G), GSM (2G) 6NH9860-1AA00 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Order Information A.6.1 Recommended Third-Party Products Designation Internet link TP Radio WDM 8000 Multi-point traffic SATELLINE 2ASxE Multi-point traffic Westermo TD-36AV (AC 22 to 264 V/DC 18 to 300 V) Westermo TD-36LV (AC 10 to 30 V/DC 10 to 60 V) Dial-up traffic analog Westermo IDW-90 Dial-up traffic ISDN Cinterion MC52iT dualband modem GSM 900/1800 MHz incl. mounting set for DIN rail and connection cable (1.5 m) MC Technologies MC55iw quadband modem GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz Dr. Neuhaus Tainy EMOD-V2-IO or Dr. Neuhaus Tainy EMOD-L1-IO REEL K70ZCR GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz + UMTS + WLAN 2400 MHz SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 537 Order Information A.7 Recommended Upstream Power Supply Devices Bezeichnung Internet link MTM Power HSA50 S24 AC 90 to 264 V or DC 120 to 340 V Output DC 24 V, 2,1 A SYKO EWS 01 U.06.05.20 AC 82 to 264 V Output 5 V, 2 A SYKO EWS 01 U.06.24.05 DC 36 to 350 V Output 24 V, 0,5 A 538 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Order Information A.8 Cables and Plugs Designation Article number Industrial Ethernet TP Cord RJ45/RJ45, CAT 6A, TP cable 4x 2 (-25C to 80C *)), length 1m 6XV1870-3QH10 2m 6XV1870-3QH20 3m 6XV1870-3QH30 4m 6XV1870-3QH40 6m 6XV1870-3QH60 10 m 6XV1870-3QN10 Industrial Ethernet TP XP Cord RJ45/RJ45, CAT 6A, crossed TP cable 4x 2 (-25C to 80C *)), length 1m 6XV1870-3RH10 Industrial Ethernet TP Cord RJ45/RJ45, CAT 6A, crossed TP cable 4x 2 (-25C to 80C *)), length 0.5 m 6XV1870-3QE50 CM-6810 TM I/O modules extension 6MF1113-0GJ10-0AA0 cable *) -40 to 80C in fixed installation SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 539 Order Information A.8.1 Recommended Third-Party Products Designation Internet link Connection CM-8820 AI 8510 HSLCH FRNC (7x 0,75 mm) Connection CM-8820 AI 8510 OLFLEX FD 855 CP (7 G 0,5 mm) D-Sub/RJ45 Adapter (female) MHDA9-SMJ8-M-K Order no. 382-2695 D-Sub/RJ45 Adapter (male) MHDA9-PMJ8-M-K Order no. 382-2689 540 Unrestricted s/3822695/ s/3822689/ FTDI Chip US232R-10 (RS 429-274) mit 10 cm Kabel 429274/ FTDI Chip US232R-100-BLK (RS 687-7806) mit 1 m Kabel 877806/ SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Order Information A.9 Memory Cards Designation Article number SD Card 512 MB 6MF1213-2GA05-0AA0 Temperature range -40C to 70C (spare part) SD Card 2 GB Temperature range -25C to 70C 6MF1213-1GA050AA0HH (spare part) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 541 Order Information A.10 Engineering Tools A.10.1 SICAM TOOLBOX II Note Please note that CP-8000/CP-802x is supported by the SICAM TOOLBOX II as of version 6.01. Designation Item number SICAM TOOLBOX II V6 License Catalog, License Ordering D30-017-6 SICAM TOOLBOX II S38-100 The SICAM TOOLBOX II is supplied on an USB stick. For the usage of the single tools software licenses are required. You find the exact order information in the document SICAM TOOLBOX II V6 License Catalog, License Ordering. A.10.2 A.10.3 SICAM WEB Designation Item number SWEB00 SCD-001-1 Sicam_first_startup SC8-900-1 SICAM Device Manager Designation Item number SICAM Device Manager S51-000 The SICAM Device Manager is supplied on a DVD. For the usage of the tool a software license is required. The license key is supplied on a USB stick 542 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 B Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) Contents B.1 Transfer an Input to a Signalling Output and to a Command Output .............. 544 B.2 Combine two Inputs with AND ...................................................................... 545 B.3 Linear Adaptation with Value Selection ......................................................... 546 B.4 Operating Hours Counter.............................................................................. 547 B.5 Bounce Suppression .................................................................................... 549 B.6 Setpoint Command ....................................................................................... 551 B.7 Speed Comparison ....................................................................................... 552 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 543 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) B.1 Transfer an Input to a Signalling Output and to a Command Output The first digital input of the Master Module (with default address and type identification I_030_002_000_000.VALUE) is loaded into the accumulator. In the next line the loaded value is transferred to the outputs O_030_008_000_000.VALUE and O_045_009_000_000.VALUE. Changing the input type from single command to single message with the engineering tool (webbrowser), the relay at the output D00 picks up when the input becomes logical 1. Otherwise this output address will be sent to the communication because it is not existing within the periphery. The default address of the command is D01. PLC_RESET: PLC_INIT: PLC_START: LD I_030_002_000_000.VALUE ST O_030_008_000_000.VALUE ST O_045_009_000_000.VALUE 544 Unrestricted (*IN00 TI:30 IOA1:002 IOA2:000 IOA3:000*) (*store at output as binary information*) (*store at output as command*) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) B.2 Combine two Inputs with AND The cycle time is set to 50 ms. The first two inputs of the Master Module will be combined by logical AND. The result is transferred to a flag and additional to a digital output. The type identification of the output is single message. PLC_RESET: LD 50 ST PLC_CYCLETIME (*load value 50*) (*store at system variable for cycle*) (*time in ms*) PLC_INIT: PLC_START: LD I_030_002_000_000.VALUE ST AND.IN0 LD I_030_003_000_000.VALUE ST AND.IN1 CAL AND ST M_BOOL_TESTFLAG ST O_030_008_000_000.VALUE SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 (*read input IN00*) (*store at input 0 for AND function*) (*read input IN01*) (*store at input 1 for AND function*) (*call function*) (*store in a flag*) (*store as single command output*) Unrestricted 545 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) B.3 Linear Adaptation with Value Selection Two analog values are compared and the higher one is selected (MAX). With this one an adaptation kx+d is performed. The processed value receives a new address (O_036_032_001_001.VALUE). The constants for k (M_REAL_CONSTANTforK) and d (M_REAL_CONSTANTforD) are defined with initial values in the programm sequence PLC_INIT. PLC_RESET: LD 10 ST PLC_CYCLETIME PLC_INIT: LD 10 ST M_REAL_CONSTANTforK LD -5 ST M_REAL_CONSTANTforD PLC_START: LD I_036_032_000_000.VALUE ST MAX.IN0 LD I_036_033_000_000.VALUE ST MAX.IN1 CAL MAX ST M_REAL_MAXVALUE ST MUL.IN0 LD M_REAL_CONSTANTforK ST MUL.IN1 CAL MUL ST ADD.IN0 LD M_REAL_CONSTANTforD ST ADD.IN1 CAL ADD ST O_036_032_001_001.VALUE 546 Unrestricted (*cycle time in ms*) (*constant for k*) (*constant for d*) (*input 1*) (*input 2*) (*the greater value of both is used*) (*serves for reading which value will*) (*be used*) (*the selected value is multiplicated*) (*with the constant and results as "kx"*) (*after the multiplication add "d"*) (*selected adapted value*) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) B.4 Operating Hours Counter A clock pulse generator (TCLK_PULSE) is running with a frequency of 30s logical 1 and 30s logical 0. The edge change from 0 to 1 is switched to the CU Input of the upward-counter (CTU_COUNTER.CU) and the counter will be incremented with 1 per minute. The sum of the operating hours results of two values: * * Current counter score (CTU_COUNTER.CV) Counter score before the last power down (MR_DINT_MINUTES) The score will be saved in a retaining flag (M_DINT_MINUTESOLD). This means, after a power down (startup) the counter will continue with incrementing based on the last value. The hours result by minutes devided by 60. The hours always will be recalculated based on the minutes, the same after a power down. PLC_RESET: LD 10 ST PLC_CYCLETIME (*cycle time in ms*) PLC_INIT: LD MR_DINT_MINUTES ST M_DINT_MINUTESOLD (*load power-fail safe value*) (*freeze in a flag as old value*) PLC_START: (*Operating hours counter*) LD PLC_SYSTIME.SEC ST M_DINT_SEC LD M_DINT_SEC EQ 0 ST CTU_COUNTER.CU CAL LD ST LD ST CAL ST CTU_COUNTER CTU_COUNTER.CV ADD.IN0 M_DINT_MINUTESOLD ADD.IN1 ADD MR_DINT_MINUTES ST LD ST CAL ST DIV.IN0 60 DIV.IN1 DIV M_DINT_HOURS (*fetch second value of the system time*) (*and store in variable*) (*current second*) (*compare with second 0*) (*HIGH always at the second 0, required*) (*edge detection is implemented within*) (*the counter*) (*increments the counter*) (*load current counter score*) (*store at input 0 for ADD function*) (*load old value*) (*store at input 1 for ADD function*) (*call ADD function*) (*store sum of operating minutes in a*) (*retaining flag, after startup the*) (*old value will be added to the*) (*current counter score*) (*store at input 0 for DIV function*) (*load constant for 60 minutes*) (*store at input 1 for DIV function*) (*call DIV function*) (*sum of operating hours = minutes*) (*divided by 60*) To reset the counter score it is necessary to reset the counter (CTU_COUNTER.R) as well as the flag with the retained value (M_DINT_MINUTESOLD). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 547 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) This could be executed by a subroutine before PLC_RESET. With RET the subroutine will be left. (*SUBROUTINE*) ResetCounter: LD 0 ST M_DINT_MINUTESOLD ST M_BOOL_RESET LD 1 ST CTU_COUNTER.R RET (*END SUBROUTINE*) (*the old value for operating minutes*) (*is set to "0"*) (*reset the flag for running this*) (*subroutine*) (*reset counter by input R*) The call of the subroutine could be executed at the end (after ST M_DINT_HOURS). Therefore the flag (M_BOOL_RESET) must be set to 1. Instead of the flag an input address could be used, for instance a command. Reaching the command CALC the call of the subroutine will be executed. In the subroutine the flag (M_BOOL_RESET) will be reset to 0, otherwise the counter would last at 0 as long as the flag will be reset to 0. LD ST 0 CTU_COUNTER.R LD M_BOOL_RESET CALC ResetCounter 548 Unrestricted (*besides reset of the time the*) (*counter input R is set to "0"*) (*if the flag is set to "1"*) (*call the subroutine ResetCounter*) SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) B.5 Bounce Suppression If an input signal is bouncing, the blocked bit (BL) is set. The number of state changes until the BL bit is set, as well as the monitoring time during which the information must be static until the BL bit is reset, are adjustable via constants. An output is set to 0 during the BL bit is set. With an edge detection for the rising edge (R_TRIG_INEDRISE0) and the falling edge (F_EDTIMEFALL0) the counter (CTU_EDC0) will be incremented by 1. At the same time the R input of the counter is reset via an ON delay for the rising edge (TON_EDTIMERISE0) as well as for the falling edge (TON_EDTIMEFALL0). With this function all state changes of the input will be integrated by the counter (started with the first edge and triggered by each following one). As soon as a state change of the input happens the flag (M_BOOL_COUNTER00) is reset and the input of an AND (module 8) is set (inverted). If the sum of state changes is greater as or equal to a defined number (CV>=PV) the counter output is set as well, and the BL bit is set. With the set BL bit the output is reset by another AND (module 9). After termination of the monitoring time the R input of the counter is set again, and the counter is reset. If the BL bit is set, it will be reset as well (output of module 8 is 0). R_TRIGINEDRISE0 input 1 M_BOOL_MODULE03 1 CU 7 Q counter upward 3 2 F_TRIG_INEDFALL0 Parameter R PV in the INIT part M_BOOL_MODULE7 CTU_FLZ0 TON_EDTIMERISE0 TON 1 4 M_BOOL_COUNTER00 6 TON & 5 blocked TON_EDTIMEFALL0 8 & output 9 In the procession sequence the R input of the counter must be reset first, because only afterwards the positive edge at the CU input of the counter causes an increment. Therefore the application program handles the R input before the CU input of the counter. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 549 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) Example: number of state changes >= 5 monitoring time of the stability of the input = 10 s PLC_RESET: LD 20 ST PLC_CYCLETIME (*cycle time in ms*) PLC_INIT: LD 5 ST CTU_FLZ0.PV (*number of transients until*) (*information is set bouncing*) (*once detected as bouncing, the input signal must last statical "1" for a preset time until the blocked bit will be reset again*) LD 10000 (*load constant for 10s*) ST TON_EDTIMERISE0.PT (*ON delay rising edge*) ST TON_EDTIMEFALL0.PT (*ON delay falling edge*) PLC_START: (*Modules 4,5,6,7 - if there are no more state changes of the input, the counter will be reset when the preset monitoring time has expired*) LD I_030_002_000_000.VALUE (*input*) ST M_BOOL_INPUT00 ST TON_EDTIMERISE0.IN (*rising edge - module 4*) STN TON_EDTIMEFALL0.IN (*falling edge - module 5*) CAL TON_EDTIMERISE0.IN (*call module 4*) ST OR.IN0 CAL TON_EDTIMEFALL0 (*call module 5*) ST OR.IN1 CAL OR (*call module 6*) ST M_BOOL_COUNTER00 (*also in graphic*) ST CTU_EDC0.R (*reset input of counter - module 7*) (*Modules 1,2,3,7 - rising and falling edge of the input are combined with an OR and put to the CU input of the counter - each change will be added*) LD M_BOOL_INPUT00 ST R_TRIG_INEDRISE0.CLK (*rising edge - module 1*) ST F_TRIG_INEDFALL0.CLK (*falling edge - module 2*) CAL R_TRIG_INEDRISE0 (*call module 1*) ST OR.IN0 CAL F_TRIG_INEDFALL0 (*call module 2*) ST OR.IN1 CAL OR (*call module 3*) ST CTU_EDC0.CU (*count up input of counter - module 7*) ST M_BOOL_MODULE3 (*only for graphic*) (*Modules 7,8 - with the first edge change the monitoring time will be started. If the number of edges is greater then the number of transients within this time, the output of the AND (module 8) is set = blocked*) CAL CTU_EDC0 (*call module 7*) ST M_BOOL_MODULE7 (*only for graphic*) ST AND.IN0 LDN M_BOOL_COUNTER00 ST AND.IN1 CAL AND (*call module 8*) ST M_BOOL_BOUNCING00 (*is set if the input is bouncing*) ST O_030_002_000_000.BL (*set blocked bit of the input*) (*Module 9 - the output is reset during the input is detected as bouncing*) LD M_BOOL_INPUT00 ST AND.IN0 LD M_BOOL_BOUNCING00 STN AND.IN1 CAL AND (*call module 9 - if bouncing, then "0"*) ST O_030_002_000_000.VALUE (*output of input information*) 550 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) B.6 Setpoint Command PLC_RESET: LD 20 ST PLC_CYCLETIME (*cycle time in ms*) PLC_START: (*Mapping inputs to flags*) LD ST LD ST LD ST LD ST I_050_171_105_000.S_E M_BOOL_NyttBVCmL45 I_030_008_004_000.VALUE M_BOOL_OmkHandL45 I_036_018_039_000.VALUE M_REAL_CmL45 I_050_171_105_000.VALUE M_REAL_BvCmL45DC (*setpoint command select/execute*) (*single-point information input*) (*measured value float input*) (*setpoint command float input*) (*Temporary test variables*) LD ST CAL JMPN I_050_171_105_000.S R_TRIG_PosFlank1.CLK R_TRIG_PosFlank1 HOPP90 (*check for a rising edge, otherwise*) (*create a confirmation each cycle*) (*if you have no setpoint the logic*) (*will jump over the COT procedure*) LD ST I_050_171_105_000.S_E O_050_171_105_000.S_E ST M_BOOL_NyttBVCmL45 (*setpoint command select/execute*) LD ST ST I_050_171_105_000.VALUE O_050_171_105_000.VALUE M_REAL_BvCmL45DC (*setpoint command float output*) (*here you have to add the select*) (*before execute procedure*) (*Example for select before execute*) LD ST 7 O_050_171_105_000.COT LD 1 ST O_050_171_105_000.S HOPP90: SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 (*7 = confirmation, 10 = termination,*) (*if you set 0, the confirmation would*) (*be created here, and the termination*) (*in the following cycle*) (*setpoint command spontaneous*) Unrestricted 551 Examples for Instruction Lists (IL) B.7 Speed Comparison PLC_RESET: LD 100 ST PLC_CYCLETIME PLC_INIT: LD 1000 ST TOF_FLAENDSTEIG0.PT ST TOF_FLAENDFALL0.PT (*cycle time in ms*) (*drop off delay in ms*) PLC_START: (*Check speed value on change*) LD I_034_016_000_000.S (*load spontaneous bit speed value*) JMPN NO_CHANGE (*jump if no change of value*) (*Change of speed value present*) LD I_034_016_000_000.VALUE (*load speed value*) ST M_REAL_WERTNEU (*current speed value to flag*) ST SUB.IN0 LD M_REAL_WERTALT (*load old speed value*) ST SUB.IN1 CAL SUB (*form difference value*) ST M_REAL_WERTDIF (*difference value to flag*) (*Take over change of value*) LD M_REAL_WERTNEU ST M_REAL_WERTALT (*load current value*) (*save current value for next *) (*change of value*) (*Value comparison speed ascending*) LD M_REAL_WERTDIF (*load diff. value*) ST GT.IN0 LD 0 ST GT.IN1 CAL GT (*diff. value > 0: speed ascending*) ST M_BOOL_DZST (*set flag speed ascending*) (*Value comparison speed descending*) LD M_REAL_WERTDIF (*load diff. value*) ST LT.IN0 LD 0 ST LT.IN1 CAL LT (*diff. value < 0: speed descending*) ST M_BOOL_DZFA (*set flag speed descending*) NO_CHANGE: (*jump mark if no change of value*) (*Drop-off delay speed ascending*) LD M_BOOL_DZST (*load flag speed ascending*) ST TOF_FLAENDSTEIG0.IN CAL TOF_FLAENDSTEIG0 (*drop-off delay*) LD TOF_FLAENDSTEIG0.Q ST O_030_048_000_000.VALUE (*reset output*) (*Drop-off delay speed descending*) LD M_BOOL_DZFA (*load flag speed descending*) ST TOF_FLAENDFALL0.IN CAL TOF_FLAENDFALL0 (*drop-off delay*) LD TOF_FLAENDFALL0.Q ST O_030_049_000_000.VALUE (*set binary output*) (*Reset flags for speed ascending, descending*) LD 0 ST M_BOOL_DZST (*reset flag speed ascending*) ST M_BOOL_DZFA (*reset flag speed descending*) 552 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 C Error Handling Contents C.1 Errors with the Engineering via SICAM WEB ................................................ 554 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 553 Error Handling C.1 Errors with the Engineering via SICAM WEB The following table shows a variety of possible operating errors which can occur with engineering via SICAM WEB. It does not lay claim to completeness, since depending on the used connection, system configuration and web browser different conditions can occur. There is also no warranty that the described remedies really always lead to the desired goal. 554 Characteristic Possible cause Remedy After entry of the IP address of a target device in the web browser the indication "web page not available" * There is no connection to the selected target device * Target device is switched off * IP address is wrong * Anew call of the IP address in the web browser resp. "Refresh" * Check whether target device is switched on and connected with the PC * With operation via Ethernet and without router the network addresses of the target device and PC must fit (dependent on the subnet mask) After an update in the web browser (by selection of a menu or by transfer of a parameter) the logon page appears * Tthe session was already terminated by means of the internal watchdog * The session was terminated by means of logon by another user * Avoid extended pauses (> 15 min) during the operation or parameterization procedure * Store changed parameters by clicking on the apply button After loading of an IL the web browser tries to refresh over long time (> 1 min) or no return information from the loading process occurs at all * The IL to be loaded is too * Cancel loading process (stop funclarge (> 128kByte) tion in the web browser) * Generally a loading process * Check whether errors are recorded takes longer the larger the in the Diagnosis IL is * Load a smaller IL * When the target device responds after the loading process, check whether the IL is applied After loading of an IL web pages are faulty or empty; possibly the red ER LED is lighting * An invalid IL (wrong file or * Read error display in the diagnosis file format) has been loaded * Check whether the correct source * During the transmission a file is loaded connection fault may have * Check whether the file which conbeen occurred tains the IL is a text file (ASCII format) * Check whether the correct control code is in the text file After startup of the system the application program remains stopped There is a syntax error * Check whether errors are recorded in the Diagnosis * Correct the IL in the indicated line number After loading of an IL no automatic restart is requested * An invalid program code has been loaded * A connection fault may be occurred during the transmission * Follow error indication * Evaluate diagnosis After loading of the parameters the target device can be selected no longer from the web browser; possibly the red ER LED is lighting * In the loaded parameterization an invalid or unknown IP address is set * An invalid parameter file has been loaded * During the transmission a connection fault may have been occurred * Set again a valid IP address with Sicam_first_startup on the target device; enter this address after successful transmission in the web browser to get access to the target device * Otherwise detach the SD card from the target device and overwrite it again with valid parameters offline Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Error Handling Characteristic Possible cause Remedy After loading of a firmware the loaded firmware revision does not appear in the configuration page Firmware code not loaded/configured completely due to communication fault or operating error (e.g. menu was quitted prematurely) * Start a new loading process * Observe progress display * Loading process is completed correctly when the indication U PLOAD SUCCESSFUL appears, with hyperlink to the target device SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 555 Error Handling 556 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 D Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Contents D.1 Settings in Microsoft Windows 8 ................................................................... 558 D.2 Settings in Microsoft Windows 7 ................................................................... 568 D.3 Settings in Microsoft Windows Vista ............................................................. 577 D.4 Restore Settings for the Internet Use ............................................................ 586 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 557 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC D.1 Settings in Microsoft Windows 8 D.1.1 Modem Installation Select via the Start menu the item Control Panel. By way of a double-click on the symbol PHONE AND MODEM open the settings. If you have to enter location information, write arbitrary numbers and click OK. Click on the tab Modems and click on The Hardware Wizard starts, which guides you comfortably through the installation. Place a tick in the box DON'T DETECT MY MODEM; I W ILL SELECT IT FROM A LIST and click Next>. 558 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Under MANUFACTURERS: select (Standard Modem Types)and under MODELS: select a STANDARD 33600 BPS MODEM, then click Next>. In this window mark the wanted port and confirm the input with Next>. Complete the modem installation in the next window with the button Finish. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 559 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Now select the button Properties in the register tab MODEMS and check the MAXIMUM PORT SPEED of 115200, as shown in the lower window. If this setting shows another value, please correct it and confirm with OK. The modem installation is now complete! D.1.2 Network Configuration To establish a new data-communication connection, select via the Start menu the item Control Panel. Double-click on the symbol Network and Sharing Center. 560 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Click on SET UP A NEW CONNECTION OR NETW ORK . In the following window, as Network Connections Type select the item C ONNECT TO THE I NTERNET . Then go to Next>. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 561 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC If an Internet connection is already existing, the following windows appears. Select S ET UP A NEW CONNECTION ANYW AY , and continue. As next step you have to select CONNECT ION MANUALLY . Please click on DIAL - UP CONNECTION and continue. 562 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC In the next step, enter an optional C ONNECTION NAME, and an optional numerical value in the field DIAL UP PHONE NUBMER . Furthermore enter a USER NAME and a PASSW ORD . When you have carried out these steps, confirm each time with Next>. Pay attention to the ticks in the boxes. Finally, click on Connect. A window appears with the connection test, that you can abort. Then select SET UP THE CONNECTION ANYW AY. Click now on the network icon in the notification area of the Taskbar. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 563 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Now a view of all available networks opens. Select hereby the new dial-up connection and click on Connect. Click in the window "Connect ..." on the button Properties. 564 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Check the settings and if necessary correct them. Then confirm with OK. Now select the tab NETWORKING . Mark the line Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click on Properties. In this window the items O BTAIN AN IP ADDRESS AUTOMAT ICALLY and O BTAIN DNS SERVER ADDRESS AUTOMAT ICALLY must be selected. Continue with Advanced.... SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 565 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC In the last window of the settings, under the register tab IP SETTINGS, the box USE DEFAULT GATEW AY ON REMOTE NETW ORK must not be ticked. Confirm the inputs in each window with OK. Click now on the network icon in the notification area of the Taskbar. Now a view of all available networks opens. Select hereby the new dial-up connection and click on Connect. 566 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Click in the window Connect ..." on the button Dial. The installation and configuration is thereby complete! SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 567 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC D.2 Settings in Microsoft Windows 7 D.2.1 Modem Installation Select via the Start menu the item Control Panel. Open the modem-group with a double-click on the symbol P HONE AND MODEM. Go to the index tab MODEMS and click on ADD... to install the modem. The Hardware Wizard starts, which guides you comfortably through the installation. Place a tick in the box DON'T DETECT MY MODEM; I W ILL SELECT IT FROM A LIST and click Next>. Under MANUFACTURERS: select (Standard Modem Types)and under MODELS: select a STANDARD 33600 BPS MODEM, then click Next>. 568 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC In this window mark the wanted port and confirm the input with Next>. Complete the modem installation in the next window with the button Finish. Now select the button Properties in the register tab MODEMS and check the MAXIMUM PORT SPEED of 115200, as shown in the lower window. If this setting shows another value, please correct it and confirm with OK. The modem installation is now complete! SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 569 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC D.2.2 Network Configuration To establish a new data-communication connection, select via the Start menu the item Control Panel. Double-click on the symbol Network and Sharing Center. Click on SET UP A NEW 570 Unrestricted CONNECTION OR NETW ORK . SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC In the following window, as Network Connections Type select the item C ONNECT TO THE I NTERNET . Then go to Next>. As next step you have to select CONNECT ION MANUALLY . Click on DIAL- UP CONNECTION and continue. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 571 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC In the next step, enter an optional name for your C ONNECTION , and an optional numerical value in the field DIAL UP PHONE NUBMER . Furthermore enter a USER NAME and a PASSW ORD . When you have carried out these steps, confirm each time with Next>. Pay attention to the ticks in the boxes. Finally, click on Connect. A window appears with the connection test, that you can abort. Then select SET UP THE CONNECTION ANYW AY. 572 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Finally, click on CLOSE. For advanced settings and to check the new dial-up connection, click in the "Network and Sharing Center" on CONNECT TO A NETW ORK . Click with the right mouse button on CONNECTION TO SIE and select Properties. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 573 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Check the settings and if necessary correct them. Then confirm with OK. Mark the line Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click on Properties. In this window the items O BTAIN AN IP ADDRESS AUTOMAT ICALLY and O BTAIN DNS SERVER ADDRESS AUTOMAT ICALLY must be selected. Continue with Advanced.... 574 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC In the last window of the settings, under the register tab IP SETTINGS, the box USE DEFAULT GATEW AY ON REMOTE NETW ORK must not be ticked. Confirm the inputs in each window with OK. In order to set up a connection, select via the Start menu the item Control Panel. Click on CONNECT TO A NETW ORK in the Network Sharing Center. Select the connection and click on the button Connect. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 575 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Click in the window "Connect ..." on the button Dial. The installation and configuration is thereby complete! 576 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC D.3 Settings in Microsoft Windows Vista D.3.1 Modem Installation Select via the Start menu the item Control Panel. Open the modem-group and double-click on the symbol Phone and Modem Options. Click on the tab MODEMS and click on Add... to install the modem. The Hardware Wizard starts, which guides you comfortably through the installation. Place a tick in the box DON'T DETECT MY MODEM; I W ILL SELECT IT FROM A LIST and click on Next>. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 577 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Under MANUFACTURERS select (Standard Modem Types)and under MODELS select Standard 33600 bps Modem, then click Next>. In this window mark the wanted port and confirm the input with Next>. Complete the modem installation in the next window with the button Finish. 578 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Now select the button Properties in the register tab MODEMS and check the MAXIMUM PORT SPEED of 115200, as shown in the lower window. If this setting shows another value, please correct it and confirm with OK. The modem installation is now complete. D.3.2 Network Configuration To set up a new data-communication connection, select via the Start menu the item Control Panel. Double-click on the symbol Network Connections. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 579 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Go to CREATE A NEW CONNECT ION . In the following window select the item C ONNECT TO THE I NTERNET as network connection type. Then continue with Next>. 580 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC As next step you have to select the connection type. Click on DIAL- UP and continue. In the next step, enter an optional C ONNECTION NAME and an optional numerical value in the field DIAL- UP PHONE NUMBER. Furthermore, enter a USER NAME and a PASSW ORD . Pay attention to the ticks in the boxes. Finally, click on Connect. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 581 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Then a window appears with the connection test, that you can abort. Then select SET UP THE CONNECTION ANYW AY. To finish click on Cancel. 582 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC For advanced settings and to check the new dial-up connection click with the right mouse button on D IAL- UP CONNECTION SIE D IAL - UP CONNECTION and select the menu item Properties. Check the settings and if necessary correct them. Then confirm with OK. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 583 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Mark the line Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4) and then click on Properties. In this window the items O BTAIN AN IP ADDRESS AUTOMAT ICALLY and O BTAIN DNS SERVER ADDRESS AUTOMAT ICALLY must be selected. Continue with Advanced.... In the last window of the settings, under the register tab G ENERAL, the box USE DEFAULT GATEW AY ON REMOTE NETW ORK must not be ticked. Confirm with OK. In order to set up a connection, select via the Start menu the item Connect to and select Dial-up Connection SIE. 584 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC Or you can set up the connection via this window, if it is still open, by clicking the button Connect. Click in the window "Connect ..."on the button Dial. The installation and configuration is thereby complete. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 585 Set Up Dial-Up Connection on Engineering PC D.4 Restore Settings for the Internet Use Note The new dial up connection is now the default connection which is activated if the web browser is called. If the web browser was used before for browsing the internet, this does not work now any more. In order to use the web browser further for browsing the internet, you must modify the new dial up connection as follows (the following steps are exemplary and depend on the respective operating system of the engineering PC): * * * * Open via the start menu the Control Panel Depending on the display select Network and Internet, and then Internet Options Select the register tab C ONNECTIONS Mark the option NEVER DIAL A CONNECTION and confirm with OK Now you can use the web browser again for browsing the internet. Note In order to set up a connection to SICAM MIC now, you must start at first the new dial up connection manually, and afterwards you can connect with the respective target device. 586 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 E Use Cases Contents E.1 Usage as Telecontrol Substation .................................................................. 588 E.2 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Node Function (Protocol Converter) ... 589 E.3 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Integrated Switch for External System Connection ................................................................................................... 590 E.4 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Integrated Switch for SICAM TOOLBOX II Connection ................................................................................................... 591 E.5 Usage with Static Routes.............................................................................. 592 E.6 Usage with IPSec VPN ................................................................................. 595 E.7 Usage of the Internal GPRS Modem (CP-8022) ............................................ 599 This chapter shows the network structure of typical applications of CP-8000/CP-802x. Note The IP-addresses and subnet maks shown in these examples are exemplary and serve only for better understanding. These must be adopted according to your application. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 587 Use Cases E.1 Usage as Telecontrol Substation Features * * * * * * Communication with the control system via IEC 60870-5-104 1 IP address 1 subnet mask 1 default router Communication to the process with local peripherals or serial communications protocols (e.g. MODBUS, ...) Parameter Network settings | IP address | Mode of Ethernet ports = 1 IP address (connected ports in switch mode) (in this case both Ethernet interfaces use the MAC address of X1) In this configuration CP-8000, CP-8021 or CP-8022 can be reached with the set IP address via both Ethernet interfaces (X1 or X4). The unused port is not deactivated. Office ControlZone Center Zone Control Center IP address Subnet mask Router Substation Zone IP address CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 X1 PREx / ET84 IP address Subnet mask Default router ES C X4 Process 588 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Use Cases E.2 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Node Function (Protocol Converter) Features * * * * * * Communication with the control system via IEC 60870-5-104 (Ethernet interface, X1 or X4, can be set by parameter) Communication with the protective devices via IEC 61850 (Ethernet interface, X1 or X4, can be set by parameter) 2 IP addresses 2 logically separated subnets Communication only visible on the LAN within the subnet Data exchange between subnets only via SICAM A8000 application function 1 default router Parameter Network settings | IP adress | Mode of Ethernet Ports = 2 IP addresses (independent ports) (in this case both Ethernet interfaces have different MAC addresses) Office Zone Control Center Zone Control Center IP address Subnet mask Router Substation Zone IP address CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 X1 PREx / ET84 IP address Subnet mask Default router X4 PREx / ET83 IP address Subnet mask Default router E SC Switch IP address 192.168.1.n SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 589 Use Cases E.3 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Integrated Switch for External System Connection Features * * * * * * * Communication with the control system via IEC 60870-5-104 (Ethernet-Interface, X1 or X4, can be set by parameter) Communication with the external system via IEC 60870-5-104 (Ethernet interface, X1 or X4, can be set by parameter) CP-8000, CP-8021 or CP-8022 is used as switch between control system and external system 1 IP address 1 subnet mask 1 default router Parameter Network settings | IP address | Mode of Ethernet Ports = 1 IP address (connected ports in switch mode) (in this case both Ethernet interfaces use the MAC address of X1) Office Zone Control Center Zone Control Center IP address Subnet mask Router Substation Zone IP address CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 X1 PREx / ET84 IP address Subnet mask Default router E SC X4 External device 590 Unrestricted IP address Subnet mask Default router SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Use Cases E.4 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with Integrated Switch for SICAM TOOLBOX II Connection Features * * * * * * * Communication with the control system via IEC 60870-5-104 (Ethernet interface, X1 or X4, can be set by parameter) Communication with SICAM TOOLBOX II via http/https (Ethernet interface, X1 or X4, can be set by parameter) CP-8000, CP-8021 or CP-8022 serves as switch between control system and SICAM TOOLBOX II By means of SICAM TOOLBOX II, which is connected via the integrated switch, it is possible to reach the local SICAM A8000 and further SICAM RTUs components via the "Control Center Zone". It depends on the network configuration which can be reached. 1 IP address 1 subnet mask 1 default router Parameter Network settings | IP adress | Mode of Ethernet Ports = 1 IP address (connected ports in switch mode) Office ControlZone Center Zone Control Center IP address Subnet mask Router Substation Zone IP address CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 X1 PREx / ET84 IP address Subnet mask Default router E SC X4 IP address Subnet mask Default router SICAM TOOLBOX II SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 591 Use Cases E.5 Usage with Static Routes E.5.1 General Static routing is based on a fixed definition of the path of data packages between two end systems. This definition is written down by administrators in a routing table. This kind of routing serves for security, respectively is used in network configurations, if several default gateways are used. Because of the big effort for the manual maintaining of the tables the number of routes is restricted. E.5.2 * * Number of static routes: 10 Parameter of static routes: Source IP address Destination IP address Gateway IP address Subnet mask * Interfaces: X1, X4 Configuration Activation of the static routes" Parameter Network settings | IP address | advanced parameters | Enable static routes = YES. Definition of the routing table Parameter Network settings | IP address | advanced parameters | static routes = Number of lines x (max. 10). Mode of the Ethernet Ports Parameter Network settings | IP address | Mode of ethernet ports = 1 IP address (connected ports in switch mode): The data packages are sent via the interfaces X1 and X4. Parameter Network settings | IP address | Mode of ethernet ports = 2 IP addresses (independent ports): The data packages are sent via that interface (X1 or X4) to which the respective source IP address (Own IP address X0 or Own IP address X1) is assigned. 592 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Use Cases Example A This example shows the usage of 2 static routes from CP-8000, CP-8021 or CP-8022 via 2 gateways to control center in different IP networks. Control Center Zone 1 Control Center Zone 2 Control Center B Control Center A Destination IP address - Route 0 IP address Subnet mask IP address Subnet mask Control Center C Destination IP address - Route 1 IP address Subnet mask IEC 61850 60870-104 Control Center D IP address Subnet mask IEC 61850 60870-104 IP address Subnet mask IP address Subnet mask Static route 0 Static route 1 Substation Zone Cisco Router Gateway IP address - Route 1 IP address Subnet mask Cisco Router Gateway IP address - Route 0 IP address Subnet mask SICAM A8000 CP-8000 Master Modul: Mode of Ethernet Ports 1 IP address Own IP address Subnet mask Default gateway CP-8021 CP-8022 ES C X1 Source IP address - Static route 0 Source IP address Source IP address - Static route 1 Source IP address X4 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 593 Use Cases Example B Office Zone Control Center Zone 1 Office Zone Control Center Zone 2 Control Center B Control Center A Destination IP address - Route 0 IP address Subnet mask IP address Subnet mask Control Center C Destination IP address - Route 1 IP address Subnet mask IEC 61850 60870-104 Control Center D IP address Subnet mask IEC 61850 60870-104 IP address Subnet mask IP address Subnet mask Static route 1 Static route 0 Substation Zone Cisco Router Gateway IP address - Route 0 IP address Subnet mask Cisco Router Gateway IP address - Route 1 IP address Subnet mask SICAM A8000 CP-8000 Master Modul: Mode of ethernet ports 2 IP addresses Subnet mask Default gateway CP-8021 CP-8022 ES C X1 X4 594 Unrestricted Source IP address - Static route 0 Own IP address X1 Subnet Mask X1 Source IP address - Static route 1 Own IP address X4 Subnet Mask X4 SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Use Cases E.6 Usage with IPSec VPN Features * Communication with the control system via IEC 60870-5-104 (Ethernet interface X1 or X4 can be set by parameter) 1 or 2 IP addresses 1 subnet mask 1 default router Network settings | Security | IP security enabled = YES Afterwards, the parameters which are required for the configuration of the IPSec connection, are available under Network settings | Security | IP security : * * * * ICMP ping reply IPSec VPN tunnel 1 enabled IPSec VPN tunnel 2 enabled Local Local Local Local site site site site Remote Remote Remote Remote | | | | site site site site Identifier VPN client VPN client VPN client 1 1 1 1 | | | | (local ID) IP address default gateway subnet mask Identifier (remote ID) IP-Address Subnet IP address Subnet mask IKE security associations 1 | Internet key exchange (IKE) version IKE security associations 1 | SA lifetime (timeout) IKE security associations 1 | Auto-selection of authentication & encryption *) IPSec authentication | Pre-shared Key IPSec security associations 1 | SA lifetime (timeout) IPSec security associations 1 | SA lifetime (data size limit) IPSec security associations 1 | Auto-selection of authentication & encryption *) IPSec tunnel supervision by ping 1 | Ping enabled IPSec tunnel supervision by ping 1 | Ping cycle time IPSec tunnel supervision by ping 1 | Ping peer IP address ___ *) if NO: Encryption algorithm Authentication algorithm Diffie Hellman group Note CP-8000, CP-8021, CP-8022 and the remote station must be configured in different networks when IPSec VPN is used. The parameters Remote site <x> |Subnet IP address and Remote site <x> |Subnet mask are necessary for the SICAM A8000 internal router function. The certificate SHA256 must be used (obsolete: SHA1). In Google Chrome (R) the cache must be deleted before the logon with SICAM WEB via https. For routing in 2 tunnels it is necessary to define both remote stations (Remote site 1 and Remote site 2). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 595 Use Cases E.6.1 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with IPSec VPN via fixed Network Office Zone Control Center Zone 1 SICAM WEB SICAM TOOLBOX II Office Zone Control Center Zone 2 Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask SICAM TOOLBOX II https IEC 61850 60870-104 https https IEC 61850 60870-104 https IP security - Remote site 1 Subnet IP address Subnet mask UDP NTP Server SNMP Manager Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask SICAM WEB IP security - Remote site 2 Subnet IP address Subnet mask UDP NTP Server SNMP Manager IP address IP address 2 redundant routers Cisco 1941 (HSRP) 2 redundant routers Cisco 1941 (HSRP) IP security - Remote site 1 IP address IP security - Remote site 2 IP address IP s ec VP un NT WAN ne IP PN cV e s el nn Tu l Substation Zone IP security - Local site VPN client IP address CP-8000 CP-8021 CP-8022 X1 Own IP Subnet Own IP Subnet address mask X1 address mask X1 X1 VPN0 VPN0 X1 VPN1 VPN1 ESC X4 Own IP address X4 Subnet mask X4 SICAM WEB SICAM TOOLBOX II CP-8000 ESC Note The default gateway under Local site | VPN client default gateway must be the external visible IP address of the router, in this example 596 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Use Cases E.6.2 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with IPSec VPN via GPRS Router and ADSL Network Office Zone Control Center Zone 1 Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask SICAM WEB SICAM TOOLBOX II Office Zone Control Center Zone 2 SICAM TOOLBOX II https IEC 61850 60870-104 https https IEC 61850 60870-104 https IP security - Remote site 1 Subnet IP address Subnet mask UDP NTP Server SNMP Manager Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask SICAM WEB IP security - Remote site 2 Subnet IP address Subnet mask UDP NTP Server SNMP Manager IP address IP address 2 redundant routers Cisco 1941 (HSRP) 2 redundant routers Cisco 1941 (HSRP) IP security - Remote site 1 IP address IP security - Remote site 2 IP address ADSL router static IP address (public) Tu nn el ADSL ec V PN GSM/GPRS IP s Substation Zone nel Tun PN V c IPse ADSL router static IP address (public) GPRS Modem Siemens Scalance M874-2 2.5G Router dynamic IP address (public) internal 2nd IP address IP security - Local site VPN client IP address CP-8000 CP-8021 X1 Own IP Subnet Own IP Subnet address mask X1 address mask X1 X1 VPN0 VPN0 X1 VPN1 VPN1 ESC X4 Own IP address X4 Subnet mask X4 SICAM WEB SICAM TOOLBOX II CP-8000 E SC Note The default gateway under Local site | VPN client default gateway must be the external visible IP address (=2nd IP address) of the GPRS router, in this example SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 597 Use Cases E.6.3 Usage as Telecontrol Substation with IPSec VPN via GPRS Network Office Zone Control Center Zone 1 Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask SICAM WEB SICAM TOOLBOX II Office Zone Control Center Zone 2 SICAM TOOLBOX II https IEC 61850 60870-104 https https IEC 61850 60870-104 https IP security - Remote site 1 Subnet IP address Subnet mask UDP NTP Server SNMP Manager Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask SICAM WEB IP security - Remote site 2 Subnet IP address Subnet mask UDP NTP Server SNMP Manager IP address IP address 2 redundant routers Cisco 1941 (HSRP) 2 redundant routers Cisco 1941 (HSRP) IP security - Remote site 1 IP address IP security - Remote site 2 IP address Tu nn el GPRS Modem Siemens Scalance M874-2 2.5G Router static IP address (GPRS-VPN) ec VP N GSM/GPRS IP s Substation Zone nel Tun PN V c IPse GPRS Modem Siemens Scalance M874-2 2.5G Router static IP address (GPRS-VPN) GPRS Modem Siemens Scalance M874-2 2.5G Router static IP address (GPRS-VPN) internal 2nd IP address IP security - Local site VPN client IP address CP-8000 CP-8021 X1 Own IP Subnet Own IP Subnet address mask X1 address mask X1 X1 VPN0 VPN0 X1 VPN1 VPN1 E SC X4 Own IP address X4 Subnet mask X4 SICAM WEB SICAM TOOLBOX II CP-8000 ESC Note The default gateway under Local site | VPN client default gateway must be the external visible IP address (=2nd IP address) of the GPRS router, in this example 598 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Use Cases E.7 Usage of the Internal GPRS Modem (CP-8022) Features/Settings for Application without IPsec VPN * * Communication with the control system via IEC 60870-5-104 (GPRS interface X7) The default router is in this case the GPRS network and that is adjusted internally with connection setup. It can not be parameterized. Network settings | GPRS | enable GPRS communication = YES * Features/Settings for Application with IPsec VPN * * Communication with the control system via IEC 60870-5-104 (GPRS interface X7) Network settings | Security | IP security enabled = YES Afterwards, the parameters which are required for the configuration of the IPSec connection, are available under Network settings | Security | IP security : ICMP ping reply IPSec VPN tunnel 1 enabled IPSec VPN tunnel 2 enabled Local site | Identifier (Local ID) Remote Remote Remote Remote site site site site 1 1 1 1 | | | | Identifier (Remote ID) IP-Address Subnet IP-Address Subnet mask IKE security associations 1 | Internet key exchange (IKE) Version IKE security associations 1 | SA lifetime (timeout) IKE security associations 1 | Auto-selection of authentication & encryption *) IPSec authentication | Pre-shared key IPSec security associations 1 | SA lifetime (timeout) IPSec security associations 1 | SA lifetime (data size limit) IPSec security associations 1 | Auto-selection of authentication & encryption *) IPSec tunnel supervision by ping 1 | Ping enabled IPSec tunnel supervision by ping 1 | Ping cycle time IPSec tunnel supervision by ping 1 | Ping peer IP-address ___ *) if NO: Encryption algorithm Authentication algorithm Diffie Hellman group Note for network configuration CP-8022 and the remote station must be configured in different networks when IPSec VPN is used. The parameters Remote site <x> |Subnet IP address and Remote site <x> |Subnet mask are necessary for the SICAM A8000 internal router function. The certificate SHA256 must be used (obsolete: SHA1). In Google Chrome (R) the cache must be deleted before the logon with SICAM WEB via https. For routing in 2 tunnels it is necessary to define both remote stations (remote site 1 and remote site 2). SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 599 Use Cases E.7.1 GPRS Communication without IPSec VPN CP-8022 does not establish a VPN tunnel with this application. The advantage of this application is that with deployment of multiple CP-8022 substations the VPN gateway router does not have to maintain a VPN tunnel to each CP-8022 substation. Disadvantage is that this application is based on a relatively weak authentication and encryption of the mobile network. Further, a special contract with the mobile radio provider or service provider is necessary and a transitional security does not exist. Office Zone Control Center Zone 1 Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask NTP Server SNMP Manager SICAM TOOLBOX II SICAM WEB https https IEC 61850 60870-104 UDP Subnet IP address Subnet mask IP address: Router IPsec VPN Tunnel Public fixed IP network GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node) Mobile network + private APN Substation Zone CP-8022 GPRS antenna X1/X4 Own IP address X1/X4 Subnet mask X1/X4 X7 Own IP address GPRS Subnet mask GPRS (This is an example! The IP address is assigned from the GPRS network. Due to the own APN for the SIM card it is a static IP address) Process Note Siemens recommends with this configuration the parameterization of an IP address for the local LAN interfaces X1/X4 as a precaution. Thereby you can prevent a "lockout" due to an erroneous GPRS configuration. When GPRS is activated, the local LAN interfaces X1 and X4 are operated in switch mode. The static private IP address (from the mobile radio provider) must be parameterized also in the device (parameter Own IP address GPRS). 600 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Use Cases E.7.2 GPRS Communication with 1 IPSec VPN Tunnel Office Zone Control Center Zone 1 Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask NTP Server SNMP Manager SICAM TOOLBOX II SICAM WEB https https UDP IEC 61850 60870-104 IP address IP Security - Remote site 1 Identifer (Remote ID) remote-id1 Subnet IP address Subnet mask Router IP security - Remote site 1 IP address Public fixed IP network Router Public mobile network IPsec VPN Tunnel Substation Zone GPRS antenna CP-8022 IP security - Local site Identifier (Local ID) local-id X1/X4 Own IP address X1/X4 Subnet mask X1/X4 (The local site IP address is the address from the GPRS network) X7 Own IP address GPRS VPN0 Subnet mask GPRS VPN0 Process Note Siemens recommends with this configuration the parameterization of an IP address for the local LAN interfaces X1/X4 as a precaution. Thereby you can prevent a "lockout" due to an erroneous GPRS configuration. When GPRS is activated, the local LAN interfaces X1 and X4 are operated in switch mode. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 601 Use Cases E.7.3 GPRS Communication with 2 IPSec VPN Tunnel Office Zone Control Center Zone 1 NTP Server SNMP Manager Office Zone Control Center Zone 2 Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask UDP SICAM WEB Control system or SICAM AK 3 IP address Subnet mask NTP Server SNMP Manager UDP IEC 61850 60870-104 https SICAM TOOLBOX II SICAM WEB IP Security - Remote site 1 Identifier (Remote ID) remote-id1 Subnet IP address Subnet mask IP address https IEC 61850 60870-104 https SICAM TOOLBOX II IP Security - Remote site 2 Identifier (Remote ID) remote-id2 Subnet IP address Subnet mask IP address https Router Router IP security - Remote site 1 IP address IP security - Remote site 2 IP address Public fixed IP network Router Router Public mobile network IPsec VPN Tunnel 1 IPsec VPN Tunnel 2 Substation Zone GPRS antenna CP-8022 IP security - Local site X1/X4 Own IP address X1/X4 Subnet mask X1/X4 Identifier (Local ID) local-id (The local site IP address is the address from the GPRS network) X7 Own IP Subnet Own IP Subnet address GPRS VPN0 mask GPRS VPN0 address GPRS VPN1 mask GPRS VPN1 Process Note Siemens recommends with this configuration the parameterization of an IP address for the local LAN interfaces X1/X4 as a precaution. Thereby you can prevent a "lockout" due to an erroneous GPRS configuration. When GPRS is activated, the local LAN interfaces X1 and X4 are operated in switch mode. 602 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Use Cases SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 603 Glossary A Adress type The address type defines if a system-technical or a process-technical address is entered as address of a datapoint in a message Analog input Hardware for the acquisition of an analog signal via measuring transformer (measured value via current, voltage, temperature, resistance) Analog input module Module (submodule, I/O Module, etc.) to acquire analog signals. Task of an "analog input" is the evaluation of analog signals, and consequently the recuperation of the analog process information items. Depending on the comprehension of the term, the adaptation is also included or not. Analog output Hardware for the output of an analog signal to a display equipment (measured value) or to the setpointvalue input to an actuator (current, voltage) Analog output module Module (submodule, I/O Module, etc.) for the output of analog signals. Task of an "analog output" is the transformation of arithmetical values to currents or voltages, and consequently for the output of analog process information items. Application program Logical arrangement of all program language elements and constructs, that are required for the intended signal processing for the control of a machine or of a process with a PLC system (acc. to IEC 61131-12.1). With CAEx plus application programs for open-/closed-loop control functions are created. An application program comprises the task(s) and the related program instances and type instances. An application program is executed by a resource ( CPU). Application service data unit The application service data unit (ASDU) is composed of a data unit identifier and a information object. The data unit identifier has always the same structure for all ASDUs and consists of 4 octets. Its structure is as follows: * Type identification * Variable structure qualifier * Cause of transmission * Common address of ASDU The common address of ASDU shall normally be identical to the address used in the link layer. The information object consists of an information object identifier, a set of information elements and, if present, a time tag. The information object identifier consists of 2 octets. Its structure is as follows: * Function type * Information number ASDU Application Service Data Unit Assign Linking of datapoint-related information with the object, with that the functions process such information. At data sources and data sinks of a data stream, datapoint-related information is inserted to or extracted from the datastream by means of messages. At a source, this information is provided by a function, at a sink it is utilized by a function. AU Automation Unit Automation unit An automation unit is a modular structured device for the acquisition, processing and output of process information. It communicates in automation networks via a serial or Ethernet protocols with other automation units or control center systems. An automation unit consists of at least 1 mounting rack or 1 DIN rail (depending on system), 1 power supply and 1 Master Module, as well as optional I/O Master Modules and optional protocol elements. SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 605 Glossary Automatic dataflow routing The routing of individual process information items is not necessary. Simply only the direction (monitoring direction, control direction, both directions) the messages are to be transmitted must be parameterized. The type identification of each message gives information about to which class a message belongs and with which methods it is to be distributed. Messages with process information in monitoring direction are distributed by means of an entry in the topology. Messages with process information in control direction are distributed to their target that is determined by their CASDU and via interfaces that are defined in the topology. The CASDU is interpreted as target address. Ax Bus Enables the secured (hamming distance 4), serial, system-internal communication between the Master Module and the I/O Master Module B Binary Representation of information by means of 2 different states or 2 discreet values (=digital) Binary signal Electrical signal that is used for the transport of a binary process information; as well as the digital signal, 2 different and not coherent ranges of the electrical signals are defined, for each a status/value that the binary process information can receive. Therefore, in the technical data of digital inputs that are designed for the acquisition of binary signals, voltage ranges for "logical 0" and "logical 1", the universal designation for the both states/values. Binary input Designation for a module, a submodule, an I/O Module etc. for the acquisition of binary signals; task of a "binary input" is the evaluation of binary signals and therefore the recovery of the binary process information Binary input Hardware for the acquisition of a binary signal (single-point information, double-point information) Binary output Hardware for the output of a binary signal (information or command) Binary process information Process information of type binary, e.g. circuit breaker position ON/OFF BSE Basic System Element ( Master Module) C CAEx plus Tool for the creation of application programs (Computer Aided Engineering), based on the tool logiCAD (R) from the company logi.cals (R) CASDU Common Adress of the ASDU, that part of the ASDU, that is common for all ASDUs of a station Cause of transmission Spontaneous transmission, general interrogation data, periodical data, command preparation, command command activation (acc. to IEC 60870-5-101) Class 1 data If several data points are to be transmitted to the central station (spontaneous or on request) at the same time, the Class 1 data will be sent before the Class 2 data (priority). With dial-up traffic, data of the Class 1 lead to a spontaneous connection setup and data transmission. Class 2 data If several data points are to be transmitted to the central station (spontaneous or on request) at the same time, the Class 2 data will be sent after the Class 1 data. With dial-up traffic, the connection setup and the data transmission takes place only upon interrogation by the central station. Command direction Transmission facility from the central station to a substation 606 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Glossary Command return information The command return information is an additional information for the double-point information, displays the reason for the status change (breaker tripping or switching operation in progress) Configuration Configuration is used in a multiple meaning: a) engineering of the configuration of an automation unit in the engineering tool b) physical aligning and mounting of the configured hardware - plugging in the slot defined by the configuration (slot addressing), or - setting the address defined by the configuration, and plugging in an arbitrary slot (adjustable address) COT Cause of Transmission CPU Central Processing Unit CTS Clear to Send, handshake control line of an RS-232 interface Cyclic transmission Periodical transmission according to the scan rate of the application program D Data class This assignment is specified in the standard IEC 60870-5-101/-104, and serves for the priorization of information objects for the transmission by the communication function: Class 1 data Class 2 data Dataflow routing Functions and methods for distribution of messages to ist targets: Automatic data flow routing Selective data flow routing Datapoint Analog or binary information (process data point, System data point) Data stream Transports a sequence of data-point related information through the telecontrol system from a source to one or more sinks. There are spontaneous and periodical data streams. (spontaeous data strems transport information in telegrams) Datentransporter and system message router System-internal distribution point for application data and system data messages from and to the single systemfunctions resp. application; application data is distributed by means of routing, system data by means of target addressing to the data sinks DCD Data Carrier Detect; control line of a RS-232 interface for the evaluation of the receive signal level DCE Data Communications Equipment; for example a modem DDC Data Distribution Center; Tool for the export, import and/or administration of SICAM TOOLBOX II data Detailed diagnostic record Comprises 16 diagnostic bits (of a system diagnostic class) that commonly belong logically together Detailed diagnostic table Contains all diagnostic bits recognized by the system elements DI Digital input SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 607 Glossary DI Double-point Information Digital input Binary input Digital output Binary output DMS Digital Multiplex System DO Digital output Double command A pair of commands each of which is used to cause operational equipment to change to one of two determined states. Double-point information Monitored information represented by two bits characterizing two determined states and two states of operational equipment. DSR Data Set Ready; control line of an RS-232 interface DTR Data Terminal Ready; control line of an RS-232 interface E EM II Confiugration tool of SICAM TOOLBOX II (Engineering Manager II) Ethernet Wired local network according to IEEE 802.3 External error Error that is detected through monitoring the information from sensors and actuators. Can concern the I/O Master Module, the wiring, and sensors or actuators, insofar as the source of error can not be unequivocally localized to the I/O Master Module; otherwise it would be an internal error. Externally managed parameter Parameter that is required on a module (e.g. supplementary module), however, is managed and stored on the higher-level module F FAT File system on storage media (File Allocation Table); FAT16 up to 2 GB, FAT32 as of 32 GB capacity Fieldbus interface processor The fieldbus interface processor serves for the serial connection of SICAM RTUs systems to a Profibus (Profibus Master); Profibus Slaves are connected acc. to EN 50170-2 FIP Fieldbus interface processor Firewall Blockage of a local network or computer against not allowed access from a supraregional network. Function for the filtering of data from the internet for the protection against invaders and malicious software. Firmware Program that is not changeable by the user, that adds a predefined and parameter-settable functionality to the hardware FPU Floating Point Unit FUD Function diagram 608 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Glossary Function diagram Graphical program for open-/closed-loop control functions according IEC 61131-3 FW Firmware G Global parameter Parameter that is managed and stored on the system element (central system function) but used also on other system elements of the automation unit GPRS Global Package Radio Service. Data rates up to 171 kbps, usually up to 85 kbps. Package-oriented connection based on TCP/IP and UDP/IP. Billing usually according to data volume. Network expansion areawide. GSM Global System for Mobile Communication with the services speech, SMS, direct data connections H I ICD IED Capability Description; defines the entire possibilities of an IED type and serves as template for the system or IED configurator IED Intelligent Electronical Device IID Instantiatede IED Description IL Instruction list Instruction list Line-oriented program for open-/closed-loop control functions acc. to IEC 61131-3 Internal errors Internal errors are errors which are unambiguously caused by the system element IOA Information Object Address I/O Master Module Supplementary system element for process data acquisition and/or control of actuators that comunicates via the Ax Bus with the Master Module ISDN Integrated Standard for Digital Network K L LAN Local Area Network Load share operation Redundant communication via 2 interfaces, whereby the messages are partitioned in undisturbed operation on both interfaces according to particular rules (dependent on load or priority) Local parameter Parameter that is managed on the own module (firmware) and is used only there SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 609 Glossary M Master Module System element for processing of information according to different criterions (e.g. automation, telecontrol, etc.) and for the administration of system functions (e.g. parameter, diagnosis, etc). MDI Media-Dependent Interface, adaptation to the cable type MIB Management Information Base; description file for SNMP Modem Data transmission device for connecting date end devices to the telephone network Module Hardware that is equipped in a mounting rack or on a carrier module; hardware of a system element Module failure Signals that the internal communication with a module is no more possible and is commonly replicated by the supervising Master Module Module number System-technical identification of a system element within an automation unit, part of the IOA in a message with system-technical addressing. The other parts of the IOA are the value number and the subaddress. Mounting rack Device wherein that modules and instruments are installed N Network interface processor The network interface processor serves for the connection of SICAM systems to the Ethernet LAN according to IEEE 802.3 NIP Network interface processor Non-volatile Function: also with/after voltage failure further available (no defect); information in a memory: not transient, undetachably Normally open contact Relay contact that is open when the relay is not activated; the contact closes when the relay is activated O OPM II Central SICAM TOOLBOX II configuration tool (Object-oriented Processdata Manager) Output active If the output pulse is set and a command output (binary output) is already selected (relay activated), the command is output to the process P PBA Peripheral Board Address; used in systems with multiple I/O Master Modules (to be set via a hardware switch on the respective I/O Master Module) PCM Puls Code Modulation Peridocal control circuit check The periodical control circuit check detects if the command circuits are ready to function correctly, without activating the actuator.Control circuits are checked one by one, by activating all its relays, one by one, thus closing the control circuit with high restistance. 610 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Glossary Periodical datapoint A periodical datapoint is used for the exchange of a process signal or a derived information between the I/O Master Module and the higher-level open-/closed-loop control function. Periodical information A periodical information has a deterministic transmission behavior and is used for the exchange of a process signal or a derived information between the I/O Master Module and the higher-level open-/closedloop control function. A periodical information is always transmitted in groups and consequently with the transmission already have a chronologically consistent interrelationship. Periodical transmission Exchange of a process signal or a derived information between the I/O Master Module and the higherlevel open-/closed-loop control function. PLC Programmable Logic Controller PRE Protocol Element Programmable logic controller Digitally operating electronic system, designed for use in an industrial environment, which uses a programmable memory for the internal storage of user-oriented instructions for implementing specific functions such as logic, sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic, to control, through digital or analog inputs and outputs, various types of machines or processes. Both the PC (PLC) and its associated peripherals are designed so that they can be easily integrated into an industrial control system and easily used in all their intended functions (acc. to IEC 61131-1, chapter 2.50). Protocol element Supplementary system element for communication with other automation units or control systems that comunicates via the internal bus (ZBG-Bus) with the Master Module PSR SICAM TOOLBOX II configuration tool PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network PT 100 Temperature-dependent resistance element with PT 100 characteristic Q R RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service Client-Server protocol that serves for the central administration of authentication, authorization and for the accounting (AAA) for users which connect to a network. RADIUS is used with dial-up connections via modem, ISDN, VPN, WLAN (IEEE 802.1X) and DSL. The RADIUS Server provides for the service the authentication (check of user name and password). Routing Routing of data streams: Messages are "routed" from their sources to their sinks. This works similar to directing railroad cars by setting track switcher. Messages contain data point related information. Retained variables Variables in a non-volatile memory. The value of the variable is retained during a power failure. Router Network device for connecting two independent network segments as internet and LAN RS-232 Standard for serial data transmission RS-485 Standard for serial data transmission RTS Request to Send (switch on transmit device), control line of an RS-232 interface SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 611 Glossary S SCD Substation Configuration Description; description of the entire substation SD card Secure Digital Memory Card; up to 2 GB storage capacity SD-HC Secure Digital High Capacity Memory Card; up to 32 GB storage capacity SD-XC Secure Digital Extended Capacity Memory Card; up to 2 TB storage capacity Selective dataflow routing Routing of individual process information items. In simple applications the messages are distributed by means of an entry in the topology. For more complex applications, the messages can be distributed selectively by means of dataflow filters: for each communication interface, band-pass filters or blocking filters can be set. Also wildcards can be used for all address attributes of the message, to direct the dataflow very specific. SI Single-point information Serial interface module Hardware of a protocol element that can be installed on a Master Module Serial interface processor The serial interface processor serves for the serial connection of SICAM RTUs systems via a transmission facility or via a direct connection SIM Serial interface module SIP Serial interface processor Single command A command used to cause a change of state of operational equipment in one direction Single-point information Monitored information represented by only one bit characterizing two determined states of operational equipment SMS Short Message Service, transmission of up to 160 characters SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol Spontaneous datapoint Binary information that is transmitted upon change spontaneously in a message. It is always transmitted individually, and usually has a time tag in order to be able to establish a chronologically consistent interrelationship afterwards. With the current, voltage and counting pulse acquisition a spontaneous transmission of the information takes place threshold value controlled (exception:class 2 data with dial-up traffic). Spontaneous information object A spontaneous information object that is transmitted upon change spontaneously in a message, and is used for the exchange of a process signal or a derived information (including status) between the I/O Master Module and the particular automation unit, another automation unit or a control system. A spontaneous information object is always transmitted individually and normally has a time stamp, in order to be able to establish a chronologically consistent interrelationship later. Spontaneous transmission Serves for the exchange of a process signal or a derived information (inclusive status) between the I/O Master Module and the own automation unit, another automation unit or a control center system SSE Supplementary system element 612 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Glossary SSM Tool for the administration of SICAM TOOLBOX II data (Siemens Stammdaten Manager); reserved for developer of Siemens AG. Supplementary system element Supplementary system elements are situated hierarchically below the Master Module; there are I/O Master Modules, and protocol elements Switch Network device for connetion and distribution in ethernet System element Functional unit consisting of hardware and firmware System-internal information Information that is used exclusively for the exchange of control information between I/O Master Modules and system functions, and that is not available to the user. It can be transported through the system like a periodical information or like a spontaneous information object. A system-internal information is only mentioned in order to explain the behavior of the described functions. T TAP Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TETRA Terrestrial trunked radio, universal platform for different mobile radio services, time multiplex system with 4 time slots TM Terminal Module; Module for mounting on a DIN-rail TM bus Bus between peripheral control module (Master) and I/O Module (Slave) SICAM TOOLBOX II PC-based set of tools for configuration and service of SICAM automation units U User diagnostic classes Serve for the classification of the individual diagnosis information items additionally to the system diagnostic classes. The are freely allocatable (maximal 8 classes). User diagnostic records Diagnosis information items, that are formed by means of application-specific routings from the diagnosis bits of the detailed diagnostic table. Maximal 8 user diagnostic classes can be allocated. V VAC Volts of Alternating Current VDC Volts of Direct Current VPN Virtual Private Network (logical connection for secure transmission of data via internet) W WAN Wide Area Network SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017 Unrestricted 613 Glossary Web services Web standard for function calls between independent devices X Z 614 Unrestricted SICAM A8000 / CP-8000 * CP-8021 * CP-8022 Manual DC8-037-2.02, Edition 10.2017