PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Overload & Overcur r ent Pr otections
The power supply’s Overload (OLP) and Overcurrent (OCP)
Protections will be activated when output current exceeds 105%
of IO (Max l oad). I n s uch occ urrence, t he V O will start to droop and
once the power supply has reached its maximum power lim it, the
protection is activated and the power supply will go into “Hiccup
mode” (Auto-Recovery). The power supply will recover once the
fault condition of the OLP and OCP is removed and IO is back
within th e s pec if ication s.
It is not recommended to prolong the duration of Io when it is
<105% but >100%, since it may cause damage to the PSU.
Short Cir c uit Protecti on
The power supply’s output OLP/OCP function also provides
protection against short circuits. When a short circuit is applied,
the output current will operate in “Hiccup mode”, as shown in the
illustration in the OLP/OCP section on this page. The power
supply will return to normal operation after the short circuit is
Overvoltage Pr otection
The power supply’s overvoltage circuit will be activated when its
i n t er nal f eed ba c k cir c ui t fa il s . The o u t pu t v ol ta g e s hal l n ot ex c eed
its specifi cations defined on Page 3 under “Protecti ons”.
Over Temperature Protection
As mentioned above, the power supply also has Over
Tem p erat ure Pr otect i on (OTP). In the ev ent o f a hi gher op erati ng
temperature at 100% load, the power supply will run into OTP
when the operating temperature is beyond what is recomm ended
in t he de-rating graph. When activated, the output voltage will go
into bouncing mode until the temperature drops to its normal
operating temperature as recommended in the de-ra t ing graph.
Delta RoHS Compliant
Restriction of the usage of hazardous substanc es
The European directive 2011/65/EU limit s t he maximum impurity level of hom ogeneous m ateri als such as lead,
mercury, cadmium, chrome, polybrominated flame retardants PBB and PBDE for the use in electrical and
electr onic equi pment. RoHS is the abbrevi ation for “Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in
elec tric al and elec tronic eq uipment”.
This product conforms to this standard.