June 1999 alpha mi croelectronics gm bh Page 5/12
According to the four input modes (programmed at MODA, MODB) are the following variants for the input
control possible:
Mode 1 Dynamic input control (low active), with external PWM control
turn-on condition fIN > 0.6*fOSC
turn-off condition fIN < 0.4*fOSC
INCH, INCO, CTO = GND / low signal and SEN = open / VRef’
The output stage is directly controlled from the input signal. The switch-on delay and switch-
off delay are related to the phase position between input frequency and oscillator frequency
and may be (1 ... 2) *TPOSC.
The functions current-mode control, voltage-mode control, overexcitement, hold, and final-
position-contact detection are disabled in this mode.
Mode 2 Dynamic input control with internal PWM-control
turn-on condition fIN = 1*fOSC
turn-off condition fIN < 0.4*fOSC
retrigger condition fIN = 2**fOSC
In opposite to Mode 1 the input frequency does not serve for the direct control of the output
stage. Mode 1 results in a turn-on ( fIN = fOSC ) that is always combined with a switch-on
overexcitation. A change to the double input frequency (fIN = fOSC → fIN = 2*fOSC) causes a
renewed overexcitation (refresh, retriggering). Every further refresh needs such input
frequency change.
The switch-on delay and switch-off delay, the delay for the retriggering, and the delay for the
change back from double to simple input frequency are also directly depended on the phase
position between input frequency and oscillator frequency and can be (1 ... 2) *TPOSC.
After the turn-on at the input starts the current-controlled or voltage-controlled regulation.
Mode 3 Static input control (low active), with internal PWM control
turn-on condition high-low slope
turn-off condition VInput > 4V
retrigger condition high-low slope
The static input control performs only the turn-on function. The input controls the output
driver not direct. After turning on combined with overexcitation starts the current-controlled or
voltage-controlled regulation without any delay. A refresh (retriggering) can be initiated with a
short turn-on - turn-off sequence. The power supply voltage has to exist before the turn-on
condition, otherwise the switch-on overexcitation will not be executed.
After an undervoltage detection or chip overtemperature a high-low slope on the input has to
be generated to perform a switch-on overexcitation.
Mode 4 Static input control (high active), with internal PWM control
turn-on condition low-high slope
turn-off condition VInput < 2V
retrigger condition low-high slope
The mode 4 is the “inverse case” of mode 3. See mode 3.
The current source at the oscillator input provides a charge /discharge current of +/-50µA into the external
capacitor COSC and generates a triangle wave. The lower comparator threshold of the oscillator is 0.8V,
the upper comparator threshold is 4V. The triangle wave is used for the voltage-controlled regulation. It is
transformed into a square wave setting the latch for current controlled regulation.
The following divider stage divides the oscillator frequency by 4 for the analysis of the input frequency.
The ì1614 is intended to use in a frequency range of 50 Hz to 5kHz.
For the calculation of COSC is valid: COSC [nF] = 7710 / fOSC [Hz]
The capacitor CTO setting the overexcitation time TCTO up to 3s is connected to the CTO pin.
The charging current for the capacitor is about 1.4µA and the threshold is 4.5V. The value of the capacitor
is limited to 1µF. The maximum discharge time of the capacitor is 10ms. During the discharge time a
renewed overexcitation is not allowed.
For the calculation of CTO is valid: CTO [nF] ≈ 0.3*TCTO [ms]