Lamps for Photolithography
Lighting Imaging Telecom
Mercury Short Arc Lamps
PerkinElmer Optoelectronics is a leading
manufacturer of mercury short arc lamps
ranging in output power from 1000 to
8000 watts. These lamps are used in the
production of printed circuit boards, liquid
crystal displays and semiconductors. The
HSH Series lamps are used worldwide in
microlithography systems manufactured
by ASML, Canon, GCA, Nikon, Karl
Suss, Ultratech Stepper, and SVG. With
extremely high stability, uniform output
distribution and extended lamp lifetimes,
the HSH Series has become the lamp
choice of many of the world’s leading
semiconductor manufacturers.
PerkinElmer has been a leading manufac-
turer of high intensity arc lamps for more
than 30 years and is a premier lamp sup-
plier for solid state lasers, medical equip-
ment, NASA space systems and
microlithography. PerkinElmer has
steadily advanced lamp performance from
1000 watts to 8000 watts. With the intro-
duction of new materials and proprietary
manufacturing processes, we have extend-
ed lamp lifetimes form several hundred
hours to more than two thousand hours.
The HSH Series provides longer lifetimes,
outstanding uniformity, and excellent
spectral quality which results in increased
throughput, reduced downtime and an
overall reduction in the cost of ownership.