Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
(Note 3)
Parameter Conditions LM148/LM149 LM248 LM348 Units
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
Input Bias Current 325 500 400 nA
Large Signal Voltage Gain V
=±15V, V
=±10V, 25 15 15 V/mV
Output Voltage Swing V
=±15V, R
=10 kΩ±12 ±13 ±12 ±13 ±12 ±13 V
10 ±12 ±10 ±12 ±10 ±12 V
Input Voltage Range V
=±15V ±12 ±12 ±12 V
Common-Mode Rejection R
≤10 kΩ70 90 70 90 70 90 dB
Supply Voltage Rejection R
≤10 kΩ,±5V ≤V
≤±15V 77 96 77 96 77 96 dB
Note 1: Any of the amplifier outputs can be shorted to ground indefinitely; however, more than one should not be simultaneously shorted as the maximum junction
temperature will be exceeded.
Note 2: The maximum power dissipation for these devices must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dicated by TjMAX,θjA, and the ambient temperature, TA.
The maximum available power dissipation at any temperature is Pd=(TjMAX −T
)/θjA or the 25˚C PdMAX, whichever is less.
Note 3: These specifications apply for VS=±15V and over the absolute maximum operating temperature range (TL≤TA≤TH) unless otherwise noted.
Note 4: Refer to RETS 148X for LM148 military specifications and refer to RETS 149X for LM149 military specifications.
Note 5: Human body model, 1.5 kΩin series with 100 pF.
Cross Talk Test Circuit
Application Hints
The LM148 series are quad low power 741 op amps. In the
proliferation of quad op amps, these are the first to offer the
convenience of familiar, easy to use operating characteris-
tics of the 741 op amp. In those applications where 741 op
amps have been employed, the LM148 series op amps can
be employed directly with no change in circuit performance.
The LM149 series has the same characteristics as the
LM148 except it has been decompensated to provide a
wider bandwidth. As a result the part requires a minimum
gain of 5.
The package pin-outs are such that the inverting input of
each amplifier is adjacent to its output. In addition, the ampli-
fier outputs are located in the corners of the package which
simplifies PC board layout and minimizes package related
capacitive coupling between amplifiers.
The input characteristics of these amplifiers allow differential
input voltages which can exceed the supply voltages. In ad-
dition, if either of the input voltages is within the operating
common-mode range, the phase of the output remains cor-
rect. If the negative limit of the operating common-mode
range is exceeded at both inputs, the output voltage will be
positive. For input voltages which greatly exceed the maxi-
mum supply voltages, either differentially or common-mode,
resistors should be placed in series with the inputs to limit
the current.
DS007786-6 DS007786-7