Rev. 0.3 5/09 Copyright © 2009 by Silico n Laboratories Si500D
This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Quartz-free, MEMS-free, and PLL-free all-silicon
Any-rate output frequencies from 0.9 to 200 MHz
Short lead times
Excellent temperature stability (±20 ppm)
Highly reliable startup and operation
High immunity to shock and vibration
Low jitter: <1.5 ps
0 to 85 °C operation includes 10-year aging in hot
Footprint compatible with industry-
standard 3.2 x 5.0 mm XOs
CMOS and SSTL versions available
Driver stopped, tri-state, or powerdown
RoHS compliant
1.8, 2.5, or 3.3 V options
Low power
More than 10x better fit rate than
competing crystal solutions
Parameters Condition Min Typ Max Units
Frequency Range 0.9 — 200 MHz
Frequency Stability
Temperature stability,
0 to +70 °C — ±10 — ppm
Temperature stability,
0 to +85 °C — ±20 — ppm
Total stability,
0 to +70 °C operation1— — ±150 ppm
Total stability,
0 to +85 °C operation2— — ±250 ppm
Operating Temperature 0 — +85 C°
Storage Temperature –55 — +125 C°
Supply Voltage 1.8 V option 1.71 — 1.98 V
2.5 V option 2.25 — 2.75 V
3.3 V option 2.97 — 3.63 V
Supply Current
LVPECL — 34.0 36.0 mA
Low Power LVPECL — 19.3 22.2 mA
LVDS — 14.9 16.5 mA
HCSL — 25.3 29.3 mA
Diff ere n ti a l C M OS(3 . 3 V
option,10 pF,200 MHz) — 29.0 31.8 mA
Differential SSTL-3 — 24.5 27.7 mA
Differential SSTL-2 — 24.3 26.7 mA
Differential SSTL-18 — 22.2 25 mA
Tri-State — 9.7 10.7 mA
Powerdown — 1.0 1.9 mA
Output Symmetry VDIFF = 0 46 – 13 ns/TCLK — 54 + 13 ns/TCLK %
1. Inclusive of 25 °C initial frequency accuracy, operating temperature range, supply voltage change, output load change,
first-year aging at 25 °C, shock, vibration, and one solder reflow.
2. Inclusive of 25 °C initial frequency accuracy, operating temperature range, supply voltage change, output load change,
ten-year aging at 85 °C, shock, vibration, and one solder reflow.
3. See “AN409: Output Termination Options for the Si500S and Si500D Silicon Oscillators” for further details regarding
output clock termination recommendations.
4. Min column entries are minima of VOH. Max column entries are maxima of VOL.