Product Data Sheet 1.5 WATTS UNREGULATED DC/DC CONVERTERS PWR13XX FEATURES HIGH ISOLATION - 4000V RATING 8000V ISOLATION TEST VOLTAGE BARRIER 100% PRODUCTION TESTED LOW BARRIER CAPACITANCE - 10PF LOW LEAKAGE CURRENT - 2A MAX 24-PIN DIP PACKAGE INTERNAL FILTERING APPLICATIONS BIOMEDICAL DATA ACQUISITION INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROL ANALYTICAL MEASUREMENTS GROUND LOOP ELIMINATION INTRINSIC SAFETY SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION The PWR13XX Series offers a broad line of low-cost, high-isolation voltage, unregulated, single and dual output DC/DC converters in a 24-pin DIP package. These small converters offer a 4000V isolation rating in a 1.25" x 0.8" package area. The dielectric withstand characteristics of each converter is tested in production to ensure barrier integrity. During the development of the PWR13XX Series extensive testing was done to verify that subjecting the barrier to as many as ten barrier tests will not destroy the barrier. The PWR13XX Series uses advanced circuit design and packaging technology to realize superior reliability and performance. A 220kHz driven push-pull oscillator is used to ensure stable frequency and non-saturating operation of the input stage. This means there are no high peak voltages or currents like other design topologies, which can reduce unit reliability. Reliability is further enhanced by the use of MOSPOWER transistors. These rugged devices permit higher frequency operation with less complicated drive circuitry than is possible with bipolar power transistors. Reduced parts count adds to the reliability of the PWR13XX Series. The high efficiency of the PWR13XX Series means less internal power dissipation. With less heat to dissipate, the PWR13XX Series can operate over a wider ambient temperature range with no degradation of reliable operation. The PWR13XX Series offers the user low cost without sacrificing reliability. The use of surface mounted devices and manufacturing technologies make it possible to offer premium performance and low cost. Testing of the PWR13XX isolation barrier is performed per the methods set forth by UL544, VDE750, CSA 22.2 and IEC 601-1. Website: Power Electronics Division, United States 3400 E Britannia Drive, Tucson, Arizona 85706 Phone: 520.295.4100 Fax: 520.295.4197 PWR13XX 4/2002 REV G C&D Technologies, (NCL) Milton Keynes MK14 5BU UK Tel: +44 (0)1908 615232 Fax: +44 (0)1908 617545 Page 1 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifications typical at TA = +25C, nominal input voltage, rated output current unless otherwise noted. INPUT CURRENT NOMINAL INPUT VOLTAGE RATED OUTPUT VOLTAGE RATED OUTPUT CURRENT NO LOAD RATED LOAD REFLECTED RIPPLE CURRENT (VDC) (VDC) (mA) (mA) (mA) (mAp-p) MODEL PWR1300 PWR1301 PWR1302 PWR1303 PWR1304 PWR1305 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 12 15 5 12 15 300 125 100 150 63 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 400 400 400 400 400 400 30 30 30 30 30 30 PWR1306 PWR1307 PWR1308 PWR1309 PWR1310 PWR1311 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 12 15 5 12 15 300 125 100 150 63 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 167 167 167 167 167 167 25 25 25 25 25 25 PWR1312 PWR1313 PWR1314 PWR1315 PWR1316 PWR1317 15 15 15 15 15 15 5 12 15 5 12 15 300 125 100 150 63 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 133 133 133 133 133 133 20 20 20 20 20 20 COMMON SPECIFICATIONS Specifications typical at TA = +25C, rated input voltage, rated output current unless otherwise noted. PARAMETER CONDITIONS INPUT Voltage Range ISOLATION Rated Voltage Test Voltage Resistance Capacitance Leakage Current OUTPUT Rated Power Voltage Setpoint Accuracy Ripple & Noise REGULATION Line Regulation Load Regulation GENERAL Efficiency Switching Frequency Package Weight MTTF per MIL-HDBK-217, Rev. E Ground Benign Fixed Ground Naval Sheltered Airborne Uninhabited Fighter TEMPERATURE Specification Operation Storage Page 2 60 Hz, 60 Seconds MIN TYP MAX UNITS 4.5 10.8 13.5 5 12 15 5.5 13.2 16.5 VDC VDC VDC 2 VDC Vpk G pF Arms 4,000 8,000 10 10 1 VISO= 240VAC, 60Hz 1.5 40 10 Watts % mVp-p mVrms 1.5 %/% 75 220 12 % kHz g Circuit Stress Method TA = +25C TA = +85C TA = +35C TA = +35C 2,000,000 90,000 540,000 300,000 Hr Hr Hr Hr TA = +35C 55,000 Hr Rated Load, Nominal Vin BW = DC to 10MHz BW = 10Hz to 2MHz 5 High Line to Low Line See Performance Curves -40 -55 -55 +25 +85 +100 +110 C C C PWR13XX 4/2002 REV G ORDERING INFORMATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Output Short-Circuit Duration ..................................................... 5 seconds Internal Power Dissipation .............................................................. 750mW Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds max) ............................ +300C PWR 13XX A Device Family PWR indicates DC/DC converter Model Number Selected from Table of Electrical Characteristics Package MECHANICAL TOP VIEW .8050.010" (20.45) PIN CONNECTIONS PIN 1.2700.010" (32.26) SIDE VIEW 0.4000.010" (10.16) .0100.005" (0.25) 0.1000.015" (2.54) .0200.002" (0.51) 0.170" MIN (4.32) 1 2 11 12 13 14 15 23 24 SINGLE MODELS DUAL MODELS +VIN +VIN +VOUT +VOUT -V OUT -V OUT No Pin -VIN -VIN +VIN +VIN +VOUT +VOUT Common Common -VOUT -VIN -VIN Notes: All dimensions are in inches (millimeters). GRID: 0.100 inches (2.54 millimeters) * Common pins not present on single output models. BOTTOM VIEW PIN PLACEMENT TOLERANCE: 0.015" 11 12 Marked with: specific model ordered, date code, job code. 0.600" (15.23) 1 2 .1025" (.267) 24 23 PWR13XX 4/2002 REV G MATERIAL: Units are encapsulated in a low thermal resistance molding compound which has excellent chemical resistance, wide operating temperature range, and good electrical properties under high humidity environments. The encapsulant and outer shell of the unit have UL94V-0 ratings. Lead material is brass with a solder plated surface to allow ease of solderability. 15 14 13 Page 3 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES Specifications at TA = +25C, nominal input voltage, rated output current VOUT VS LOAD (12VOUT MODELS) 16.00 5.6 13.50 15.75 5.4 13.00 12.50 0 100% 25% 50% 12.0 75% 0 25% 50% 75% Load (% of Rated) Load (% of Rated) VOUT VS LOAD (5VOUT MODELS) VOUT VS LOAD (12VOUT MODELS) 5.8 VOUT (VDC) 5.6 5.4 100% 0 25% 50% 75% Load (% of Rated) 100% 0 25% 50% 75% 100% VOUT VS LOAD (15VOUT MODELS) 14.00 16.00 13.50 15.75 13.00 15.50 15.25 15.0 12.00 5.0 15.0 Load (% of Rated) 12.50 5.2 15.50 15.25 VOUT (VDC) 5.0 VOUT (VDC) 14.00 5.2 VOUT (VDC) VOUT VS LOAD (15VOUT MODELS) 5.8 VOUT (VDC) VOUT (VDC) VOUT VS LOAD (5VOUT MODELS) 0 25% 50% 75% Load (% of Rated) 100% 0 25% 50% 75% 100% Load (% of Rated) Any data, prices, descriptions or specifications presented herein are subject to revision by C&D Technologies, Inc. without notice. While such information is believed to be accurate as indicated herein, C&D Technologies, Inc. makes no warranty and hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy or completeness of such information. Further, because the product(s) featured herein may be used under conditions beyond its control, C&D Technologies, Inc. hereby disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, concerning the fitness or suitability of such product(s) for any particular use or in any specific application or arising from any course of dealing or usage of trade. The user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the product(s) featured herein for user's intended purpose and in user's specific application. C&D Technologies, Inc. does not warrant or recommend that any of its products be used in any life support or aviation or aerospace applications. Page 4 PWR13XX 4/2002 REV G