LM101A/301A General Purpose Operational Amplifier IINMERSIL GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Intersil 101A and 301A are general purpose operational amplifiers. These high performance op amps are improved ver- sions of the standard 101/301. This generat purpose op amp has many outstanding fea- tures; overload protection on the input and output, no latch-up when the common mode range is exceeded, and freedom from oscillations. The 101A also features better accuracy and lower noise in high impedance circuitry, and low input currents, Frequency compensation is achieved with a single 30 pF capacitor. It has advantages over inter- nally compensated amplifiers in that the frequency com- pensation can be tailored to the particular application. For example, in low frequency circuits it can be overcom- pensated for increased stability margin. Or the compensa- tion can be optimized to give more than a factor of ten improvement in high frequency performance for most applications. The Intersil 101A operates over a temperature range from -~55C to +125C while that of the 301A is 0C to +70C. ORDERING INFORMATION ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage 101A 301A Power Dissipation (Note 1) Differential Input Voltage Input Voltage (Note 2) Output Short-Circuit Duration Operating Temperature Range 1014 301A Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 60 sec) +22V +18V 500 mW +30V +15V Indefinite -55C to 125C 0C to 70C ~65C to 150C 300C NOTE 1: The maximum junction temperature of the 101A is 150C, while that of the 301A is 100C. For operating at elevated temperatures devices in the TO-5 package must be derated based on a thermal resistance of 150C: W, junction to ambient or 45C/W, junction to case. For the flat package, the derating is based on thermat resistance of 185C/W when mounted on a 1:16-inch-thick epoxy glass board with ten 0.03-inch-wide, 2-ounce copper conduc- tors. The thermal resistance of the dual-in-line package is 100C: W, junction to ambient. NOTE 2: For supply voltages fess than +15V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage. Part 8 lead 8 pin 10 lead 14 pin 14 pin Dic Number TO-99 Plastic DIP Flatpak CER DIP Plastic DIP 101A LM101AH* LM101AF* LM101AJ-14 LM101A/D 301A LM301AH LM301AN LM301AF LM301AJ LM301AN-14 LM301A/D * Add/883B to ordering number if 883B processing is desired. PIN CONFIGURATIONS , TO-5 Flat Package 8 Pin Plastic DIP 14Pin DIP _ cq a pacence LJ COMPENSATION td commensatvOw COMPENSATION eur v commensation C3] wut v wou (5 wey [- [7] ourrur eur pe} ourruT meu (5 & sacancr - bey eacance oe Tor view Q TOP VIEW {outline dwg TO-99) NOTE: Pin 4 connected to case. TOP view {outline dwg PA) (outline dwg FB} NOTE: Pin 5 connected to bottom of package. 5-15 TOP view {outline dwgs JD, PD) NOTE: Pin 6 connected to bottom of package.LM101A/301A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note) INTERSIL PARAMETER CONDITIONS 101A 301A UNITS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX Input Offset Voltage Ta = 25C, Rg < 50k 0.7 2.0 2.0 75 mV Input Offset Current Ta = 25C 1.5 10 3 50 nA Input Bias Current Ta = 28C 30 75 70 250 nA Input Resistance Ta = 25C 1.5 4 0.5 2 MQ Supply Current Ty = 25C, Vs = +20V 1.8 3.0 mA Ta = 25C, Vg = +15V 18 3.0 mA Large Signal Voltage | Ta = 25C, Vs = +15V Gain Vour =10V, Ry > 2kQ 50 160 25 160 V/mv Input Offset Voltage Rg < 50 kQ 3.0 10 mV Average Temperature Coefficient of Input 3.0 15 6.0 30 uVPC Offset Voltage Input Offset Current 20 70 nA Average Temperature 26C<T, < 125C 0.01 0.1 nA/C Coefficient of Input 25C<T, < 70C 0.01 0.3 | nAfc Offset Current -55C<T, < 25C 0.02 0.2 nA/C OC<T, <26C 0.02 06 | nAfc Input Bias Current 100 300 nA Supply Current Ta = +125C, Vg = +20V 1.2 25 mA Large Signal Voltage Vs = 15V, Vout =+10V Gain Ry >2kQ 25 15 Vimv Output Voltage Swing Vg = 16V, Ry, = 10 k2Q 12: 14 12 L144 Vv R, = 2kQ +10 13 10 13 V Input Voltage Range Vs = +20V +15 +12 Vv : Vs = 415V Vv Common Mode Rejection Ratio Rs <50kQ 80 96 70 90 dB Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio Rs <50kQ 80 96 70 96 dB NOTE: For the 101A, these specifications apply for +5V < Vg < +20V and 55C < Ta = 125C unless otherwise specified. For the 301A, these specifications apply for +5V = Vg =< +15V and 0C = Ta < 70C, unless otherwise specified. 5-16LM101A/301A INTERSIL GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE * INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE 20 OUTPUT SWING s <T, < 128C ~58C ST, < 128C x 4 S 3 x MINIMUM R, = 10K < POSITIVE 9 = < 8 & < NEGATIVE 5 a & 9 5. MINIMUM R, = 2K - o 2 Zz 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) SUPPLY VOLTAGE (#V) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE * SUPPLY CURRENT (1014/2014) VOLTAGE GAIN (101A/201A) INPUT CURRENT 5 120 100 80 z Ta = -55 = z 4 = -55C 5 =z 60 = 2 = 40 5 z z < w 2 9 = 5 w 5 0 3 9 5 > < ~ x 5 5 & 9 g 6 2 > < 4 2 0 10 18 2 5 10 15 20 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 126 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (#V)} SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) TEMPERATURE (C) 0 CURRENT LIMITING INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE INPUT NOISE CURRENT 1005 = 107* V5 = 15V 3 Tas z * = < > A + = z al. S Ss o 8 z Tr = 28C 2 w z Ta = 70C z S 10725 rn Ta = 126C ws z rd =< x z 3 < 2 9g 3 6 2 g < z 3 7 107 '* = 10776 0 5 10 15 2 2 30 10 100 1k 10k 100k OUTPUT CURRENT (ma) FREQUENCY (Hz) FREQUENCY (Hz) OPEN LOOP FREQUENCY LARGE SIGNAL FREQUENCY VOLTAGE FOLLOWER PULSE RESPONSE RESPONSE RESPONSE 6 Ta = 25C Ta * Ta = V5 = 215V Vs = t15V V5 = t15V a S > 2 2 5 C1 =3pF = a 4 = 8 < > < 5 a - 5 2 > C1 = 30 pF 3 > 1 10 100 tk 10k 100k IM 10M tk 10k 100k 1M 10M 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 FREQUENCY (Hz} FREQUENCY (Hz) TIME (ps) - *301A only guaranteed to t15V,0C < Ta < 70C. 5-17LM101A/301A DINIERSIL EQUIVALENT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM BALANCE COMPENSATION | ve J on a2 INPUTS, Qi AN > 25 a3 Oe $ yom g Rio ben 4 50 are | ais a7 as * aQiz > R19 Qe. QB 07 Jos a10 +K an az RS RG $ A? aK aK > 80K a2 C120 Re ax $i fe . v pa | 250 BALANCE TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Fast Voltage Follower Standard Compensation and Offset Balancing Circuit Power Bandwidth: 15 kHz Slew Rate: 1Vius c2 JF Ji ve a2 AN Rg 30K 30K Vins AA pmmoend pee Vour Power Bandwidth: 250 kHz Small Signal Bandwidth: 3.5 MHz Slew Rate: 10Vius 5-18