IXA45IF1200HB XPT IGBT VCES = 1200 V I C25 = 78 A VCE(sat) = 1.8 V Copack Part number IXA45IF1200HB Backside: collector 2 (C) (G) 1 3 (E) Features / Advantages: Applications: Package: TO-247 Easy paralleling due to the positive temperature coefficient of the on-state voltage Rugged XPT design (Xtreme light Punch Through) results in: - short circuit rated for 10 sec. - very low gate charge - low EMI - square RBSOA @ 3x Ic Thin wafer technology combined with the XPT design results in a competitive low VCE(sat) SONICTM diode - fast and soft reverse recovery - low operating forward voltage AC motor drives Solar inverter Medical equipment Uninterruptible power supply Air-conditioning systems Welding equipment Switched-mode and resonant-mode power supplies Inductive heating, cookers Pumps, Fans Industry standard outline RoHS compliant Epoxy meets UL 94V-0 IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2010 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20100702b IXA45IF1200HB Ratings IGBT Symbol VCES Definition collector emitter voltage VGES max. DC gate voltage VGEM max. transient gate emitter voltage I C25 collector current Conditions min. TVJ = 25C TC = 25C I C80 V 6.5 V 0.1 mA I C = 1.5 mA; VGE = VCE TVJ = 25C I CES collector emitter leakage current VCE = VCES; VGE = 0 V TVJ = 25C TVJ = 25C 1.8 TVJ = 125 C t d(on) turn-on delay time tr current rise time t d(off) turn-off delay time tf current fall time Eon turn-on energy per pulse Eoff turn-off energy per pulse RBSOA reverse bias safe operating area 600 V; IC = 5.4 5.9 35 A TVJ = 125 C 35 A VGE = 15 V; R G = 27 VGE = 15 V; R G = 27 short circuit safe operating area VCEmax = 900 V t SC short circuit duration VCE = 900 V; VGE = 15 V R G = 27 ; non-repetitive I SC R thJC thermal resistance junction to case R thCH thermal resistance case to heatsink nA 106 nC 70 ns 40 ns 250 ns 100 ns 3.8 mJ 4.1 mJ TVJ = 125 C VCEmax = 1200 V SCSOA short circuit current mA 0.1 500 inductive load VCE = V 2.1 TVJ = 125 C VCE = 600 V; VGE = 15 V; IC = A 2.1 gate emitter threshold voltage VGE = 20 V V 78 A VGE(th) total gate charge 30 W IC = gate emitter leakage current V 45 collector emitter saturation voltage Q G(on) 20 325 VCE(sat) I GES Unit V TC = 25C total power dissipation 35 A; VGE = 15 V max. 1200 TC = 80 C Ptot I CM typ. TVJ = 125 C 105 A 10 s A 140 0.38 K/W K/W 0.25 Diode VRRM max. repetitive reverse voltage TVJ = 25C 1200 V I F25 forward current TC = 25C 60 A TC = 80 C 33 A TVJ = 25C 2.20 V * mA I F 80 30 A VF forward voltage IF = IR reverse current VR = VRRM TVJ = 125C * not applicable, see Ices value above Q rr reverse recovery charge I RM max. reverse recovery current t rr reverse recovery time E rec reverse recovery energy R thJC thermal resistance junction to case R thCH thermal resistance case to heatsink IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2010 IXYS all rights reserved TVJ = 25C * mA 3.5 C 30 A TVJ = 125C VR = 600 V -di F /dt = -600 A/s IF = 30 A; VGE = 0 V TVJ = 125C V 1.95 350 ns 0.9 mJ 0.7 K/W 0.25 Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified K/W 20100702b IXA45IF1200HB Package Ratings TO-247 Symbol I RMS Definition Conditions RMS current per terminal min. TVJ virtual junction temperature T op operation temperature Tstg storage temperature -40 typ. max. 70 Unit A -40 150 C -40 125 C 150 C Weight 6 MD mounting torque FC mounting force with clip Product Marking 0.8 1.2 Nm 20 120 N Part number I X A 45 IF 1200 HB IXYS Logo g = = = = = = = IGBT XPT IGBT Gen 1 / std Current Rating [A] Copack Reverse Voltage [V] TO-247AD (3) XXXXXXXXX Part No. Zyyww Assembly Line abcd Assembly Code Date Code Ordering Standard Part Number IXA45IF1200HB Equivalent Circuits for Simulation I V0 R0 Marking on Product IXA45IF1200HB Delivery Mode Tube IGBT Diode threshold voltage 1.1 1.25 V R 0 max slope resistance * 39 28.3 m (c) 2010 IXYS all rights reserved Code No. 507837 T VJ = 150 C * on die level V 0 max IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. Quantity 30 Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20100702b IXA45IF1200HB Outlines TO-247 A E A2 O P1 OP D2 S Q D1 D 2x E2 4 1 2 3 L1 E1 L 2x b2 b4 3x b C A1 2x e Sym. Inches min. max. Millimeter min. max. A A1 A2 D E E2 e L L1 OP Q S b b2 b4 c D1 D2 E1 O P1 0.185 0.209 0.087 0.102 0.059 0.098 0.819 0.845 0.610 0.640 0.170 0.216 0.215 BSC 0.780 0.800 0.177 0.140 0.144 0.212 0.244 0.242 BSC 0.039 0.055 0.065 0.094 0.102 0.135 0.015 0.035 0.515 0.020 0.053 0.530 0.29 4.70 5.30 2.21 2.59 1.50 2.49 20.79 21.45 15.48 16.24 4.31 5.48 5.46 BSC 19.80 20.30 4.49 3.55 3.65 5.38 6.19 6.14 BSC 0.99 1.40 1.65 2.39 2.59 3.43 0.38 0.89 13.07 0.51 1.35 13.45 7.39 2 (C) (G) 1 3 (E) IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2010 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20100702b IXA45IF1200HB IGBT 70 70 VGE = 15 V 60 60 50 50 TVJ = 25C IC 40 11 V TVJ = 125C IC 40 [A] 30 13 V VGE = 15 V 17 V 19 V [A] 30 TVJ = 125C 20 20 10 10 0 9V 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 VCE [V] 3 4 5 VCE [V] Fig. 2 Typ. output characteristics Fig. 1 Typ. output characteristics 70 20 IC = 35 A VCE = 600 V 60 15 50 IC 40 VGE [A] 30 10 [V] 20 5 TVJ = 125C 10 TVJ = 25C 0 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 13 20 40 100 120 140 Fig. 4 Typ. turn-on gate charge Fig. 3 Typ. tranfer characteristics 10 6 Eon RG = 27 VCE = 600 V VGE = 15 V TVJ = 125C E IC = 35 A VCE = 600 V VGE = 15 V TVJ = 125C Eon 5 Eoff 6 [mJ] 80 QG [nC] VGE [V] 8 60 E [mJ] 4 Eoff 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 IC [A] Fig. 5 Typ. switching energy vs. collector current IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2010 IXYS all rights reserved 3 20 40 60 80 RG [ ] Fig. 6 Typ. switching energy vs. gate resistance Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20100702b IXA45IF1200HB Diode 60 7 50 6 40 5 TVJ = 125C IF VR = 600 V 60 A Qrr 30 4 [A] 30 A [C] 20 3 TVJ = 125C 15 A TVJ = 25C 10 0 0.0 0.5 2 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1 300 3.0 400 500 VF [V] 700 800 900 1000 1100 diF /dt [A/s] Fig. 7 Typ. Forward current versus VF Fig. 8 Typ. reverse recov.charge Qrr vs. di/dt 70 700 TVJ = 125C 60 60 A VR = 600 V 500 30 A trr 40 TVJ = 125C 600 VR = 600 V 50 IRR 600 400 15 A [A] 30 [ns] 300 20 200 10 100 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 60 A 30 A 15 A 0 300 900 1000 1100 400 500 diF /dt [A/s] 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 diF /dt [A/s] Fig. 9 Typ. peak reverse current IRM vs. di/dt Fig. 10 Typ. recovery time trr versus di/dt 1 2.0 Diode TVJ = 125C VR = 600 V 1.6 IGBT 60 A 30 A Erec 1.2 [mJ] ZthJC 0.8 15 A 0.1 [K/W] Inverter-IGBT 1 2 3 4 0.4 0.0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 diF /dt [A/s] Fig. 5 Typ. recovery energy Erec versus di/dt IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2010 IXYS all rights reserved 0.01 0.001 0.01 Ri 0.070 0.113 0.055 0.142 Inverter-FRD ti 0.0006 0.2 0.006 0.05 0.1 Ri 0.16 0.12 0.15 0.27 ti 0.0005 0.004 0.02 0.15 1 10 tp [s] Fig. 12 Typ. transient thermal impedance Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20100702b