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XO5166 / XO5167 Series HCMOS Output OCXO – 3.3/5.0 Volt – 14 Pin DIP
Product Features
Product Description
Product Applications
Product Ordering Information
3.3 V or 5.0 V Supply•
Wide Frequency Range of 10 to 53 MHz•
Vectron EX-380 Alternative•
RoHS Compliant•
Full Stratum 3 Compliance •
(including short term hold-over stability)
SMT Surfboard Option•
The MtronPTI XO5166 and XO5167 OCXO series is an excellent alternative to the Vectron
EX-380 series. The XO5166 and XO5167 series offers full Stratum 3 compliance per GR-1244-
CORE and hermeticity per MIL-STD-202, Method 112. The series is offered in leaded through
hole and SMT surfboard mounting options. The XO5166 has a supply voltage of 3.3 Vdc, and the
XO5167 has a supply voltage of 5.0 Vdc with HCMOS compatible output.
Digital switching networks•
Telecom transmission equipment•
Wireless communications•
Airborne and military equipment•