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AV02-0232EN - September 30, 2011
VF Binning
Bin Min. Max.
2D 2.35 2.50
2E 2.50 2.65
2F 2.65 2.80
2G 2.80 2.95
2H 2.95 3.10
2J 3.10 3.25
2K 3.25 3.40
2L 3.40 3.55
Tolerance of each bin = ±0.1 V.
Packaging Option (X5 )
Option Test Current Package Type Reel Size
E 150 mA Top Mount 7 Inch
Handling Precaution
The encapsulation of the product is made of silicone
for better reliability of the product. As silicone is a soft
material, please do not press on the silicone or poke a
sharp object onto the silicone. This might damage the
product and cause premature failure. During assembly
or handling, the unit should be held on the body only.
Please refer to Avago Application Note AN 5288 for
detailed information.
Moisture Sensitivity
This product is quali ed as Moisture Sensitive Level 2a
per Jedec J-STD-020. Precaution when handling this
moisture sensitive product is important to ensure the
reliability of the product. Do refer to Avago Application
Note AN5305 Handling of Moisture Sensitive Surface
Mount Devices for details.
A. Storage before use
- Unopen moisture barrier bag (MBB) can be stored
at <40°C/90%RH for 12 months. If the actual shelf
life has exceeded 12 months and the HIC indicates
that baking is not required, then it is safe to re ow
the LEDs per the original MSL rating.
B. Control after opening the MBB
- The humidity indicator card (HIC) shall be read im-
mediately upon opening of MBB.
- The LEDs must be kept at <30°C/60%RH at all times
and all high temperature related processes, includ-
ing soldering, curing or rework, need to be com-
pleted within 672 hours.
C. Control for un nished reel
- For any unused LEDs, they need to be stored in
sealed MBB with desiccant or desiccator at <5%RH.
D. Control of assembled boards
- If the PCB soldered with the LEDs is to be subjected
to other high temperature processes, the PCB needs
to be stored in sealed MBB with desiccant or desic-
cator at <5% RH to ensure no LEDs have exceeded
their oor life of 672 hours.
E. Baking is required if:
- “10%” is Not Green and “5%” HIC indicator is Azure.
- The LEDs are exposed to condition of >30°C/60%
RH at any time.
- The LEDs oor life exceeded 672 hours.
Recommended baking condition: 60 ± 5°C for 20 hours.