Standard Power MOSFETs BUZ 60 B File Number 2261 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 4.5 A, 400 V N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE fostom = 1.5 Q Features: 0 = SOA is power-dissipation limited a Nanosecond switching speeds a Linear transfer characteristics a High input impedance a Majority carrier device 6 Ss 9208-33741 TERMINAL DIAGRAM The BUZ 60 B is an n-channel enhancement-mode silicon- gate power field-effect transistor designed for applications such as switching regulators, switching converters, motor drivers, relay drivers, and drivers for high-power bipolar switching transistors requiring high speed and low gate- SOURCE drive power. This type can be operated directly from inte- ES i grated circuits. oie: O _. The BUZ 60 B is supplied in the JEDEC TO-220AB plastic TERMINAL DESIGNATION package. - TOP VIEW GATE 92Cs-39528 JEDEC TO-220AB MAXIMUM RATINGS, Absolute-Maximum Values (Tc = 25C): DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE .... occ cece nen ene e nee sete ne ene tenes __- 400 v DRAIN-GATE VOLTAGE, Ros = 20 KD oo. ccc ccc ene e tenn n ee eerste teenies _ 400 Vv GATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE ........ ccc eee e cece eee eee _--__ +20 Vv DRAIN CURRENT, RMS Continuous Tc = 35 C ._ 45 A Pulsed To = 25 C ooo ccc ccc eee ent e eee e tenn eeeee -. _ 18 A POWER DISSIPATION @ To = 25 C 2... ec e ccc cee ne eet ene nen ee neeeeeeneee _-_ 75 Ww OPERATING AND STORAGE TEMPERATURE ~55 to +150 C DIN HUMIDITY CATEGORY DIN 40040 ................... _-__- E _-___. IEC CLIMATIC CATEGORY DIN IEC 68-1 20... cece ene nee e renee eee teens --_ 55/150/56 3-30Standard Power MOSFETs ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS At Case Temperature (Tc) = 25C Unless Otherwise Specified LIMITS CHARACTERISTIC TEST CONDITIONS NIT: s MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BVoss Ves = OV 400 _ _ Ip = 0.25 MA Vv Gate-Threshold Voltage Vesan Vos = Ves 2.1 3 4 lp=1mA Zero-Gate Voltage Drain Current loss T) = 25C - 20 250 Tj = 125C _ 100 1000 HA Vos = 400 V, Ves = OV Gate-Source Leakage Current lass Ves = 20V _ 10 400 nA Vos =OV Drain-Source On Resistance lostom Ves = 10V _ 12 15 Q 1p =2.5A Forward Transconductance Gis Vos = 25. V 17 25 _ S Ip =2.5A Input Capacitance Ciss Ves = 0V _ 15 2 Output Capacitance Coss Vos = 25 V _ 120 180 pF Reverse Transfer Capacitance Coss f= 1MHz ~ 35 60 Turn-On Time ton taron) Veo = 30 V _ 30 45 (ton = tatom + tr) t Ip =2.6A _ 40 60 ns Turn-Off Time ton tavoen Vas = 10 ~ 110 140 = Res = 502 (tote = tarot + tr) t _ 50 65 Thermai Resistance, Junction-to-Case Rac = 1.67 oCAW Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Resa =75 SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS LIMITS UNITS CHARACTERISTIC TEST CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX i i _ 7 45 Continuous Reverse Drain Current lon To = 25C A Pulsed Reverse Drain Current Ippm - _ 18 Diode Forward Voltage Vso lp =2 x Iba _ 14 1.50 V Vos = 0 V, T) = 25C 6 Reverse Recovery Time te T, = 25C, Ir = loa _ 1000 _ ns Reverse Recovered Charge Qar [dr/dt = 100 A/us, Va = 100Vi 0 5 - uc DRAIN CURRENT (Jp) A 10 5 10 5 10? 5 10? DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vps) V Fig. 1 - Maximum safe operating areas for ail types. 3-31Standard Power MOSFETs BUZ 60 B Fig. 80 70 a o on o wn oS POWER DISSIPATION (P1) W nN > So o = o 0 0 50 100 150 CASE TEMPERATURE (Tc) C 2 - Power vs. temperature derating curve for all types. Ip = 2.58 Veg = 10 DRAIN-TO-SOURCE ON RESISTANCE fgg fon} 2 Nn 0 -50 8 50 100 150 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (Ty) ~ C Fig. 4 - Normalized drain-to-source on resistance to junction 3-32. temperature for ail types. 10 =75W 80 ws PULSE TEST T= 25C Vos 8 65V <= | 2 6 ~ z Ww c xc a4 Zz <t oc ao 2 a5V 4.0V 0 0 0 20 30 40 60 DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vos) - V Fig. 6 - Typical output characteristics. 4 w g < 5 Q> 3 ol ade ge a ao z- 2 w z < o 0 ~50 0 $0 100 150 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (Ty) C Fig. 3 - Normalized gate threshold voitage as a function of junction temperature for ail types. 80 ws PULSE TEST Vos = 25 V, T, = 25C ON-STATE DRAIN CURRENT [Ipion] A wi 0 0 5 10 GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (Ves) V Fig. 5 - Typical transfer characteristics for ail types. 80 ws PULSE TEST Vos 25V,T, 25C n w 6 TRANSCONDUCTANCE (gis) S = 0 5 10 DRAIN CURRENT (lo} A Fig. 7 - Typical transconductance vs. drain current.Standard Power MOSFETs BUZ 60 B 10! Ves =0 Sc f= MHz | 5 3 Vegs=5V 5,5V] 6V 65V o 2 % 10 | & 65 % S x 3 Zz Zz i < 9 9 -1 e < 10 fo) <= % Cos oO e Zz < c a 107 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 DRAIN CURRENT (Ip) A DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (Vps) V Fig. 8 - Typical on-resistance vs. drain current. Fig. 9 - Typical capacitance vs. drain-to-source voltage. 102 Ves 210 V 5 < 1 3 5 101 = & 5 & 5 w c 3 or z 2 3 9 a 2 ws < 2 10 a 5 9 @ 5 0 10-1 0 So 100 150 Oo 05 10 15 2.0 2.5 3.0 CASE TEMPERATURE (Tc) C SOURCE-TO-DRAIN VOLTAGE (Vgp) Fig. 10 - Maximum drain current vs. case temperature. Fig. 11 - Typical source-drain diode forward voltage. 1S lo pus = 8.3 A v 10 10 THERMAL RESPONSE (2insc) GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (Ves) V 107 S 5 Te f 107 - 0 10) S 10 5 103 5 10? 5 10 5 1 10' 0 10 20 30 40 so RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (t) S - TOTAL GATE CHARGE (Qc) nC Fig. 12 - Maximum effective transient thermal impedance, junction- Fig. 13 - Typical gate charge vs. gate-to-source voltage. to-case vs. pulse duration. 3-33