DCR0009A 1880 MHz PCS BPF Rev 0 - Origin Date: November 13, 2006 - Revision Date November 13, 2006 Features * Low Loss * Symmetrical Attenuation * Surface Mount Device Description Silver (Ag) coated coupled ceramic resonators mounted on PCB. Developed for use PCS telecommunications infrastructure applications Weight: 4.1 grams typical Material: Filter is composed of coupled ceramic resonators coated with AG mounted on a FR4 PCB with cold rolled steel shield Filter complies with RoHS standards. Electrical Specifications Frequency (MHz) Specification @ -30oC to 85oC Insertion Loss 1850 - 1910 3.2 dB max Return Loss 1850 - 1910 10 dB min Ripple 1850 - 1910 2.0 dB max Attenuation: 1930 - 1990 30 dB min Power into any port 1 Watt max Parameter Note: Supplier shall test each filter to the critical electrical specifications of the above table. Any subsequent audits may deviate from in value due to measurement repeatability among different test systems. Such deviations shall not exceed the following limits: Specification Allowance Insertion Loss 0.1 dB Return Loss 1.0 dB Stopbands 1.0 dB Document No. 008-0256-0 Page 1 of 2 - CTS Electronic Components - www.ctscorp.com - 171 Covington Drive - Bloomingdale, IL 60108 - Rev. X4VH DCR0009A 1880 MHz PCS BPF Rev 0 - Origin Date: November 13, 2006 - Revision Date November 13, 2006 Mechanical Drawing TOP View VIEW Top BOTTOMView VIEW Bottom 18.5[ 19.5MAX] 38.0[ 39.0MAX] 8.0MAX BP66R1880S60A SANGSHIN TOERANCE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED : .X 3/40.3 DIMENSION UNIT : mm : INPUT PORT : GND Electrical Response CH1 CH2 S21 S11 LOG SWR 10 dB/ 1 / 21 Jun 2000 16:01:56 1 : -1 . 7368 1 : 1. 4475 REF 0 dB REF 1 dB 1 880 . 000 000 MHz 5 CH1 Markers PRm 2 : -1 . 5257 dB 1 . 85000 GHz MARKER 1 1.88 GHz 3 : -3 . 3562 dB 1 . 91000 GHz 1 4 4 : -33 . 708 dB 1 . 93000 GHz 2 3 C 5 : -43 . 378 dB 1 . 99000 GHz PRm 4 CH2 Markers 5 2 : 1. 2067 1 . 85000 GHz 3 : 1. 4902 1 . 91000 GHz 4 : 9. 0591 1 . 93000 GHz C 5 : 18 . 518 1 . 99000 GHz 1 3 CENTER 1 880 . 000 000 MHz 2 SPAN 300 . 000 000 MHz Packaging (Tray) DIMENSION UNITS SPECIFICATION P ACK TRAY A SIZE mm CU ST OM ER : Q ty : D a te : Spe c : M A N U F A C T U R E R : S A N G S H IN E L E C O M C O .,L T D 190 TRAY B SIZE mm 230 TRAY WEIGHT Kg 0.5 BOX WEIGHT Kg 3.5 TRAY QUANTITY EA 40 1 P ack = 5 X 10 pocke t 1 p o c k e t = f i l t e r BOX 1 p c s QUANTITY 1 Box = 10pack m ax. EA 400 BOX Product Marking CTS D009 YWW Document No. 008-0256-0 Page 2 of 2 - CTS Electronic Components - www.ctscorp.com - 171 Covington Drive - Bloomingdale, IL 60108 - Rev. X4VH