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Rev. -, 2020-03-20 CGD1200HB2P-BM2 4600 Silicon Dr., Durham, NC 27703
Signal Descriptions
• PWM Signals: High-side and low-side PWM are RS-422 compatible dierential inputs. The termination impedance of the dierential
receiver is 120 Ω. Overlap protection is provided to prevent both the high-side and low-side gates from turning on simultaneously.
The overlap protection should not be used as a dead time generator.
• FAULT Signal: The fault signal is a RS-422 compatible dierential output with a maximum drive strength of 20mA. A high signal
(positive line > negative line) means there are no fault conditions for either gate driver channel. This signal will be low if an over-
current fault or UVLO fault condition is detected on either channel. A red LED will indicate a fault condition. The LED, DT3, indicates
a high-side fault and DT6 indicates a low-side fault.
• UVLO Fault: The UVLO circuit detects when the output rails of the isolated DC/DC converter fall below safe operating
conditions for the gate driver. A UVLO fault indicates that the potential between the split output rails has fallen below the
UVLO active level. The gate for the channel where the fault occurred will be pulled low through RG for the duration of the
fault regardless of the PWM input signal. The fault will automatically clear once the potential has risen above the UVLO
inactive level. There is hysteresis for this fault to ensure safe operating conditions. The UVLO faults for both channels are
combined along with the over-current fault in the FAULT output signal. When there is no UVLO fault present, a green LED
indicates a ‘power good’ state. The LED, DT2, indicates a high-side power good status and DT5 indicates a low-side power
good status.
• Over-Current Fault: An over-current fault is an indication of an over-current event in the SiC power module. The over-
current protection circuit measures the drain-source voltage, and the fault will indicate if this voltage has risen above
a level corresponding to the set current limit. When a fault has occurred the corresponding gate driver channel will be
disabled, and the gate will be pulled down through a soft-shutdown resistor, RSS. The drain-source limit can be configured
through on-board resistors. The over-current fault is latched upon detection and must be cleared by the user with a high
pulse of at least 500 ns on the RESET signal.
• PS-DIS: The PS-DIS signal disables the output of the isolated DC/DC converters for the two channels. It is a single-ended input that
must be pulled low to turn o the power supplies. With the power supplies disabled, the power module’s gate will be connected
to the source with a 10 kΩ resistor to prevent unwanted charge-up of the gate capacitance. This signal can be used for startup
sequencing. PS-DIS is a +5 V logic-level input; connecting +12 V to the PS-DIS pin will damage the gate driver.
• PWM-EN: This is a single-ended input that enables the PWM inputs for both channels. When this signal is pulled down the
dierential receivers for both channels are disabled and the gates will both be pulled low through RGEXT-OFF. All protection circuitry
and power supplies will continue to operate including FAULT and RTD outputs. PWM-EN is a +5 V logic-level input; connecting +12
V to the PWM-EN pin will damage the gate driver.
• Over-Voltage and Reverse Polarity Protection: Power input on pin 1 of gate driver connector features a power management IC
to protect the gate driver from damage by connecting a power source that exceeds the voltage rating of the gate driver or if the
current limit is exceeded. There is also a diode and MOSFET in-line with the power input to protect against connecting a power
source with positive and negative polarity reversed.