Register Descriptions
The MAX7500–MAX7504 have an internal pnp-junction-
based temperature sensor whose analog output is con-
verted to digital form using a 9-bit sigma-delta ADC. The
measured temperature and temperature configurations
are controlled by the temperature, configuration, THYST,
and TOS registers. See Table 2.
Temperature Register
Read the measured temperature through the tempera-
ture register. The temperature data format is 9 bits, two’s
complement, and the register is read out in 2 bytes: an
upper byte and a lower byte. Bit D15 is the sign bit. When
bit D15 is 1, the temperature reading is negative. When
bit D15 is zero, the temperature reading is positive. Bits
D14–D7 contain the temperature data, with the LSB
representing 0.5°C and the MSB representing 64°C (see
Table 3). The MSB is transmitted first. The last 7 bits of the
lower byte, bits D6–D0, are don’t cares. When reading the
temperature register, bits D6–D0 must be ignored. When
the measured temperature is greater than +127.5°C,
the value stored in the temperature register is clipped to
7F8h. When the measured temperature is below -64°C,
the value in the temperature register is clipped to BF8h.
During the time of reading the temperature register, any
changes in temperature are ignored until the read is com-
pleted. The temperature register is updated upon comple-
tion of the next conversion.
Table 3 lists the temperature register definition.
Conguration Register
The 8-bit configuration register sets the fault queue, OS
polarity, shutdown control, and whether the OS output
functions in comparator or interrupt mode. When writing
to the configuration register, set bits D7, D6, and D5 to
zero. See Table 5.
Bits D4 and D3, the fault queue bits, determine the num-
ber of faults necessary to trigger an OS condition. See
Table 6. The number of faults set in the queue must occur
to trip the OS output. The fault queue prevents OS false
tripping in noisy environments.
Set bit D2, the OS polarity bit, to zero to force the OS
output active low. Set bit D2 to 1 to set the OS output
polarity to active high. OS is an open-drain output under
all conditions and requires a pullup resistor to output a
high voltage. See Figure 4.
Set bit D1, the comparator/interrupt bit to zero to run the
overtemperature shutdown block in comparator mode. In
comparator mode, OS is asserted when the temperature
rises above the TOS value. OS is deasserted when the
temperature drops below the THYST value.
X = Don’t care.
Temperature 00 — — — Read only
Conguration 01 00 0000 0000 — R/W
THYST 02 4B0 0100 1011 0 75 R/W
TOS 03 500 0101 0000 0 80 R/W
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Sign bit
1= Negative
0 = Positive
64°C 32°C 16°C 8°C 4°C 2°C 1°C LSB
+125 0111 1101 0xxx xxxx 7D0x
+25 0001 1001 0xxx xxxx 190x
+0.5 0000 0000 1xxx xxxx 008x
0 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx 000x
-0.5 1111 1111 1xxx xxxx FF8x
-25 1110 0111 0xxx xxxx E70x
-55 1100 1001 0xxx xxxx C90x
MAX7500–MAX7504 Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal
Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protection
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated
Table 2. Register Functions
Table 3. Temperature Register Definition
Table 4. Temperature Data Output