SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual NOTICE RESTRICTIONS: The IDT SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit and its contents are designed for sensor evaluation only. They are provided "as is." The IDT SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit hardware and application software must not be used for module production and production test setups. IDT and its affiliates shall not be liable for any damages arising out of defects resulting from (i) delivered hardware and software (ii) nonobservance of instructions contained in this document and in any other documentation provided to user, or (iii) misuse, abuse, use under abnormal conditions or alteration by anyone other than IDT. To the extent permitted by law IDT hereby expressly disclaims and user expressly waives any and all warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose, statutory warranty of non-infringement and any other warranty that may arise by reason of usage of trade, custom, or course of dealing. Important Safety Warning: The SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module is not intended, recommended, or approved for use in safety or life protecting applications or in potentially explosive environments. IDT disclaims all liability for such use. Only trained professional staff should set up and operate the hardware and software. ! The metal sensor enclosure can become very hot to the touch when operated at the recommended heater voltage settings. Avoid direct contact with the sensor when in operation and keep flammable materials away from the SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module. The SGAS701 sensor is designed only for gas leak detection and measurement of ppm levels of hydrogen. The SGAS707 sensor is designed only for measurement of ppm levels of volatile organic chemicals. The SGAS711 sensor is designed only for gas leak detection and measurement of ppm levels of flammable gases. Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Kit Contents .........................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Required or Recommended User Equipment ......................................................................................................................................3 2. Hardware Description ...................................................................................................................................................................................4 2.1 SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module .......................................................................................................................................................4 2.2 SGAS7xx Sensors ...............................................................................................................................................................................5 3. Application Software Overview and Installation ............................................................................................................................................5 3.1 Application Software Overview ............................................................................................................................................................5 3.2 Application Software Installation ..........................................................................................................................................................6 3.2.1 SMOD7xx Application Software Installation Process ...........................................................................................................6 4. Hardware Setup............................................................................................................................................................................................7 5. SMOD7xx Application Software Operation ...................................................................................................................................................8 5.1 Graphical Display and Graphical Display Controls ..............................................................................................................................9 (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 1 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 5.2 Module Information ..............................................................................................................................................................................9 5.3 Heater Information .............................................................................................................................................................................10 5.4 Modification of Sensor Operating Parameters ...................................................................................................................................10 5.5 Save Data to File ...............................................................................................................................................................................11 5.6 Menu Bar ...........................................................................................................................................................................................11 5.7 Exiting the Application .......................................................................................................................................................................12 6. Kit Ordering Information .............................................................................................................................................................................12 7. Revision History..........................................................................................................................................................................................12 List of Figures Figure 1. SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module .......................................................................................................................................................4 Figure 2. SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module with SGAS7xx Sensor...................................................................................................................5 Figure 3. SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit Interconnections ..........................................................................................................................................7 Figure 4. Top-Level GUI Display ........................................................................................................................................................................8 Figure 5. Sensor Response Unit Selection .........................................................................................................................................................9 Figure 6. Module Configuration ..........................................................................................................................................................................9 Figure 7. Operating Parameters Dialog ............................................................................................................................................................11 List of Tables Table 1. User Computer Requirements .............................................................................................................................................................3 Table 2. SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module Components..................................................................................................................................4 Table 3. Software Installation Process ..............................................................................................................................................................6 Table 4. Top-Level GUI Components ................................................................................................................................................................8 Table 5. SMOD2201 Log File Header .............................................................................................................................................................10 Table 6. Heater Information Display ................................................................................................................................................................10 Table 7. Top Menu Bar ....................................................................................................................................................................................11 (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 2 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 1. Introduction This document describes the SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit hardware and application software, including the application software installation, the setup for the hardware, and application software operation. This document applies to the following SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Modules, which will be referred to as the SMOD7xx. SMOD701 (utilizing the SGAS701 hydrogen sensor) SMOD707 (utilizing the SGAS707 VOC sensor) SMOD711 (utilizing the SGAS711 flammable gas sensor) The SGAS701, SGAS707, and SGAS711 sensors will be referred to as the SGAS7xx. The SMOD7xx Application Software installation and basic operation are covered in sections 3 and 5. The application software is also referred to as the graphical user interface (GUI). After downloading and installing the SMOD7xx Application Software, connect the kit hardware to the user's computer as described in section 4. 1.1 Kit Contents SMOD7xx Evaluation Kits include the following contents. Refer to section 6 for the kit part codes. SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module with an SGAS7xx sensor USB cable (type A to type B mini) 9VDC wall-mounted power supply (SMOD701 and SMOD711 only) 1.2 Required or Recommended User Equipment A computer is required to run the software and communicate with the SMOD7xx Module. It must meet the requirements given in Table 1. Table 1. User Computer Requirements Parameter Requirement Operating System [a] Windows(R) 7, Windows(R) 8.1, or Windows(R) 10 Processor Pentium(R) 4M/Celeron(R) 866 MHz (or equivalent) or later (32-bit) Free Disk Space 650MB RAM 256MB Resolution 1024 x 768 Connector 1 free USB 2.0 port [a] 32-bit and 64-bit versions supported. (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 3 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 2. Hardware Description 2.1 SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module Figure 1 shows the SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module, and Table 2 describes the components on the module. Figure 1. SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module JTAG Interface (J1) Power LED Power Connector (J2) USB Power LED USB Interface (J3) Sensor Socket Table 2. SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module Components Component Description JTAG Interface (J1) Standard JTAG interface for firmware debugging and flashing Power Connector (J2) 9VDC input for SMOD701 and SMOD711 (Note: The external power supply is not required for the SMOD707 and is not included in the SMOD707 Evaluation Kit.) USB Interface (J3) USB 2.0 (full speed) connector enabling communication with an external device Power LED The power LED lights when the SMOD7xx module is connected to a power source via the USB interface or the J2 power connector USB Power LED The USB power LED lights when the SMOD7xx module is connected to the user's computer via the USB interface Sensor Socket Pin socket for leads from SGAS7xx sensor. (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 4 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 2.2 SGAS7xx Sensors SMOD7xx Smart Sensing modules are shipped with SGAS7xx sensors inserted into the sensor sockets as shown in Figure 1. Sensors can be removed by pulling straight up on the TO-39 sensor package. The sensor can be inserted by aligning the tab on the sensor with the printed tab on the module, and then applying gentle downward pressure until the sensor pins are fully inserted. Figure 2. 3. 3.1 SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module with SGAS7xx Sensor Application Software Overview and Installation Application Software Overview The SMOD7xx Application Software for the SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit consists of a single PC-compatible application. This application provides a simple means of operating all varieties of IDT's SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Modules. The SMOD7xx Application Software is available for download from the IDT website. It is a LabVIEW(R)* executable application that requires the presence of the LabVIEW runtime environment. If this environment is not present on the user's computer at application installation time, it will be automatically added to the PC as part of the installation process detailed below. Note: The user must have administrative rights to install the SMOD7xx Application Software on the user's computer. Before installing the software, ensure that the computer meets the minimum requirements listed in Table 1. * LabVIEW(R) is a trademark of National Instruments Corporation. (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 5 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 3.2 Application Software Installation 3.2.1 SMOD7xx Application Software Installation Process Download the SMOD Evaluation Software zip file from one of the following IDT web pages: Extract the contents of the zip file to a folder on the installation PC. Then launch setup.exe in the root folder of the extracted files, and follow the on-screen installation instructions. Key steps in the installation are illustrated in Table 3. Because the application is LabVIEW-based, several different LabVIEW runtime environment packages will be installed to the user's PC to support operation of SMOD7xx Application Software. If the runtime packages were previously installed by another application, or LabVIEW 15 Full Version is installed on the PC, then installation of the runtime environment will be bypassed. Table 3. Software Installation Process Initial installation screen: Default installation folders: List of components that will be installed: Final installation screen: (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 4. Hardware Setup Each type of SMOD7xx Smart Sensor Module is factory configured to auto-start upon application of power either from the USB cable or from an external source through power connector J2. The SMOD701 and SMOD711 require external power using the wall-mounted power supply included in the SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit; the SMOD707 can be operated using USB power only. To avoid small power spikes to the sensor heater at power up, apply external power before connecting the USB cable. Connect the mini-USB cable from connector J3 on the SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module to an available USB port on the user's computer. The Windows operating system will detect the presence of the module and install a virtual COM port driver enabling communication between the SMOD7xx Smart Sensing Module and the PC. Successful installation and operation of the driver can be verified through the Module Info indicator in the SMOD7xx Application Software (described in section 5) or at a more fundamental level in the Ports section of the Windows Device Manager. Figure 3. SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit Interconnections Note: The power adapter is not included in the SMOD707 Evaluation Kit. (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 7 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 5. SMOD7xx Application Software Operation The application is launched from the SMOD7xx Application Software shortcut in the Windows Start menu. An example of the initial screen is shown in Figure 4. The GUI components are identified in Figure 4 and summarized in Table 4. Figure 4. Top-Level GUI Display Menu Bar Graphical Display Sensor Output Indicator Exit Application Module Information Heater Information Save Data to File Table 4. Operating Parameters Graphical Display Controls Top-Level GUI Components Parameter Name Description Graphical Display Display showing sensor output versus time Graphical Display Controls Allow alteration of sensor scale and output type for graphical display Sensor Output Indicator Numerical value of latest sensor output Module Information Connection and operating status of the SMOD7xx Module Heater Information Heater drive information Operating Parameters Opens a dialog window allowing setting sensor operating parameters Save Data to File Allows saving of sensor response data to a tab separated text file Menu Bar Access to additional functionalities and alternative methods for operating the GUI Exit Application Exit the software (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 8 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 5.1 Graphical Display and Graphical Display Controls The graphical display shows the sensor output as a graph of sensor response versus time (in seconds). A display of the sensor output proceeds whenever an SMOD7xx is connected to the computer and stops when the SMOD7xx is disconnected. Right-clicking on the mouse cursor within the display area displays a context menu that allows setting the charting options as well as clearing the display. The "Vertical Scale" control section (see the example in Figure 5 using the SMOD707 VOC Smart Sensor) contains controls for manipulating the scale and output type for the vertical axis of the graphical display. The "Linear/Log" button toggles the vertical scale of the graphical display between linear and logarithmic output. The sensor response defaults to units of resistance (in ohms), but can be changed to gas concentration or other units if multiple output types are enabled during factory configuration of the SMOD7xx. If available, the sensor response units can be changed using the "radio buttons" below the "Linear/Log" button as illustrated in Figure 5 for the SMOD707 VOC Smart Sensor. Figure 5. 5.2 Sensor Response Unit Selection Module Information The "Module Info" section shows the connection state of the application. If no SMOD7xx is attached to the computer, the indicator will read "No SMOD Attached." When an SMOD7xx is attached, the indicator will change to SMOD7xx, where xx is 01, 07, or 11, indicating the type of SMOD7xx module attached as shown in Figure 4. If the application is unable to read from the SMOD7xx, the display will show "read error." Detection of connected SMOD7xx devices is automatic, and devices can be disconnected/reconnected repeatedly while the program is executing. Additional module information can be obtained by activating the "more info..." button, which displays the information window shown in Figure 6. A description of the individual items in this window is given in Table 5. Figure 6. Module Configuration (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 9 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual Table 5. SMOD2201 Log File Header Parameter Name Description Sensor name SMOD7xx type (SMOD701, SMOD707, or SMOD711). Heater Control The heater control type: CONSTANT CURRENT, CONSTANT VOLTAGE, CONSTANT POWER, or CONSTANT RESISTANCE. Data Rate (s) Length of time in seconds between data points. Port The COM port assigned by Windows to the USB virtual COM port. Baud Rate The baud rate used by the virtual COM port. SMOD7xx modules are assigned a fixed baud rate of 9600. Firmware Version The version number (major.minor.patch) of the SMOD7xx firmware. Heater Setpoint (V) The target heater set-point. The units change according to the heater control method; e.g. for CONSTANT POWER, the units will change from volts to mW. ADC (% period) The point within the data rate period (as a percentage) at which the sensor response is measured by the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). 5.3 Heater Information The heater control drive value is shown in the middle left portion of the display (see Figure 4). The value will correspond to the drive method as shown in Table 6. SMOD7xx units are shipped with the drive control set to "Constant Voltage." When no sensor is inserted in the sensor socket, the "Heater Voltage" field will read approximately 4.5V (if USB powered) or 8.5V (if powered by J2) at any drive setting, indicating that the heater control circuitry is trying to drive current through the open circuit heater. Table 6. Heater Information Display Drive Type Displayed Value Constant Current Actual (measured) heater voltage in volts to two decimal places Constant Voltage Actual (measured) heater voltage in volts to two decimal places Constant Power Actual (calculated from voltage) heater power in mW to one decimal place Constant Resistance Actual (calculated from voltage) heater resistance in ohms to one decimal place 5.4 Modification of Sensor Operating Parameters Activating the "Operating Parameters..." button displays a dialog window for selecting the heater voltage and data rate, as shown in Figure 7. The heater operating point can be set to values between 0 and 7.5V, defaulting to 5.4V, 3.5V, and 7.0V for the SMOD701, SMOD707, and SMOD711 respectively. The period (data collection rate) can be set to values between 1 and 60 (one point per second to one point per 60 seconds). Clicking "OK" causes the entered values to be programmed into the SMOD7xx Smart Sensor, and clicking "Cancel" causes any changes to be ignored. (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 10 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual Figure 7. 5.5 Operating Parameters Dialog Save Data to File The "Save File" button causes data to be saved to a tab separated file, one line per data point. The values in each line correspond to a time stamp, the actual heater voltage, and the sensor resistance. A valid filename must be entered into the "Output Path" entry field in order to save data to a file. If the "Save File" button is clicked with a blank or invalid filename, a warning will appear and no data will be saved. If the file does not exist, a new data file will be created. If the file exists, the new data will be appended to the existing file. 5.6 Menu Bar The menu bar enables execution of less common tasks associated with the SMOD7xx Application Software. Operations available from the menu bar are described below for each menu item. Table 7. Top Menu Bar Menu Menu Option File Configure Operate About Description Save File Provides an alternative means of activating the "Save File" button on the GUI. Exit Exits the application. Info... Provides an alternative means of activating the "more info..." button in the GUI. Calibration... Opens the dialog window shown below, which displays the gas sensor calibration constants presently contained within SMOD7xx non-volatile memory. Values are factory-set but can be altered and saved to the SMOD7xx using with this dialog. SMOD7xx devices might not be factory-configured for calibrated output; if this is the case, then this menu item and the associated dialog window will be disabled. Parameters... Provides an alternative means of activating the "Operating Parameters..." button in the GUI. - Displays an information window showing the version number and copyright information for the application. (c) 2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 11 October 12, 2017 SMOD7xx Evaluation Kit User Manual 5.7 Exiting the Application The application can be terminated by activating the exit application button in the GUI (see Figure 4), or by selecting "File" > "Exit" from the top menu bar. 6. Kit Ordering Information Orderable Part Number Description and Package SMOD701KITV1 SMOD701 Evaluation Kit, including the SMOD701 Smart Sensing Module, mini-USB cable, and wallmounted 9V power supply; the kit software is available for download as described in section 3. SMOD707KITV1 SMOD707 Evaluation Kit, including the SMOD707 Smart Sensing Module and mini-USB cable; the kit software is available for download as described in section 3. SMOD711KITV1 SMOD711 Evaluation Kit, including the SMOD711 Smart Sensing Module, mini-USB cable, and wallmounted 9V power supply; the kit software is available for download as described in in section 3. 7. Revision History Revision Date October 12, 2017 Description of Change First release. Corporate Headquarters Sales Tech Support 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road San Jose, CA 95138 1-800-345-7015 or 408-284-8200 Fax: 408-284-2775 DISCLAIMER Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (IDT) and its affiliated companies (herein referred to as "IDT") reserve the ri ght to modify the products and/or specifications described herein at any time, without notice, at IDT's sole discretion. Performance specifications and operating parameters of the described products are deter mined in an independent state and are not guaranteed to perform the same way when installed in customer products. The information contained herein is provided without representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not li mited to, the suitability of IDT's products for any particular purpose, an implied warranty of merchantability, or non -infringement of the intellectual property rights of others. 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