Fiber Optic Receiver
OPF2418, OPF2418T, OPF2418TC
OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006
Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com
Issue A 8/2012
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OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
TA = 25° C unless otherwise noted
Storage Temperature Range -55° C to +85° C
Operating Temperature Range -40° C to +85° C
Lead Soldering Temperature(1) 260° C
Supply Voltage -0.5 V to 6.0 V
Output Current 25 mA
Output Pin Voltage -0.5 V
Electrical/Optical Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
1. Maximum of 5 seconds with soldering iron. Duration can be
extended to 10 seconds when flow soldering. RMA flux is
R Responsivity 5.3 7.0 9.6 mV/µW λp = 850 nm, f = 50 MHz
4.5 11.5 -40 °C ≤ TA ≤ +85 °C
VNOISE RMS Output Noise Voltage 0.40 0.59 mV 75 MHz Bandwidth Filtered, PR = 0
0.70 Unfiltered Band width F iltered
PR = 0
PN RMS Equivalent Optical Noise
Input Power 0.050 0.065 µW 100 MHz Bandwidth Filtered,
PR = 0
PR 175 µW
150 40 °C ≤ TA ≤ +85 °C
VODC DC Output Volt age -4.2 -3.1 -2.4 V PR = 0
IEE Supply Current 9 15 mA RL = ∞
BW Bandwidth 155 200 MHz -3dB electrical
tr, tf Rise Time, Fall Time 2.0 2.6 ns f = 50 MHz, PR = 100 µW peak,
RL = 511 Ω, CLOAD = 5 pF
PWD Pulse W idth Distortion 0.4 2.5 ns f = 50 MHz, PR = 150 µW peak
PSRR Power Supply Rejection R atio 20 dB f = 10 MHz
Peak Received Optical Power
Application Circuit
Note that the 10Ω resistor
and bypass capacitor are