NS16C2552, NS16C2752
NS16C2552/NS16C2752 Dual UART with 16-byte/64-byte FIFO's and up to 5 Mbit/s Data
Check for Samples: NS16C2552,NS16C2752
1FEATURES • Multi-Function Output Allows More Package
Functions with Fewer I/O Pins
2• Dual Independent UART • 44-PLCC or 48-TQFP Package
• Up to 5 Mbits/s Data Transfer Rate
• 2.97 V to 5.50 V Operational Vcc DESCRIPTION
• 5 V Tolerant I/Os in the Entire Supply Voltage The NS16C2552 and NS16C2752 are dual channel
Range Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
• Industrial Temperature: -40°C to 85°C (DUART). The footprint and the functions are
compatible to the PC16552D, while new features are
• Default Registers are Identical to the added to the UART device. These features include
PC16552D low voltage support, 5V tolerant inputs, enhanced
• NS16C2552/NS16C2752 is Pin-to-Pin features, enhanced register set, and higher data rate.
Compatible to TI PC16552D, EXAR ST16C2552, The two serial channels are completely independent
XR16C2552, XR 16L2552, and Phillips of each other, except for a common CPU interface
SC16C2552B and crystal input. On power-up both channels are
• NS16C2752 is Compatible to EXAR functionally identical to the PC16552D. Each channel
XR16L2752, and Register Compatible to can operate with on-chip transmitter and receiver
Phillips SC16C752 FIFO’s (in FIFO mode).
• Auto Hardware Flow Control (Auto-CTS, Auto- In the FIFO mode each channel is capable of
RTS) buffering 16 bytes (for NS16C2552) or 64 bytes (for
NS16C2752) of data in both the transmitter and
• Auto Software Flow Control (Xon, Xoff, and receiver. The receiver FIFO also has additional 3 bits
Xon-any) of error data per location. All FIFO control logic is on-
• Fully Programmable Character Length (5, 6, 7, chip to minimize system software overhead and
or 8) with Even, Odd, or No Parity, Stop Bit maximize system efficiency.
• Adds or Deletes Standard Asynchronous To improve the CPU processing bandwidth, the data
Communication Bits (Start, Stop, and Parity) to transfers between the DUART and the CPU can be
or from the Serial Data done using DMA controller. Signaling for DMA
• Independently Controlled and Prioritized transfers is done through two pins per channel
Transmit and Receive Interrupts (TXRDY and RXRDY). The RXRDYfunction is
multiplexed on one pin with the OUT2 and BAUDOUT
• Complete Line Status Reporting Capabilities functions. The configuration is through Alternate
• Line Break Generation and Detection Function Register.
• Internal Diagnostic Capabilities The fundamental function of the UART is converting
– Loopback Controls for Communications between parallel and serial data. Serial-to-parallel
Link Fault Isolation conversion is done on the UART receiver and
parallel-to-serial conversion is done on the
– Break, Parity, Overrun, Framing Error transmitter. The CPU can read the complete status of
Detection each channel at any time. Status information reported
• Programmable Baud Generators Divide any includes the type and condition of the transfer
Input Clock by 1 to (216 - 1) and Generate the operations being performed by the DUART, as well
16 X clock as any error conditions (parity, overrun, framing, or
• IrDA v1.0 Wireless Infrared Encoder/Decoder break interrupt).
• DMA Operation (TXRDY/RXRDY)
• Concurrent Write to DUART Internal Register
Channels 1 and 2
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Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
2All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Copyright © 2006–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
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necessarily include testing of all parameters.