19-1392; Rev 0; 10/98 MAAS 2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches General Description Features The MAX4607/MAX4608/MAX4609 dual analog switches feature low on-resistance of 2.50 max. On-resistance is matched between switches to 0.50 max and is flat (0.50 Guaranteed Ron Match Between Channels max) over the specified signal range. Each switch can (0.5Q max) handle Rail-to-Rail analog signals. The off-leakage cur- Guaranteed Ron Flatness over Specified Signal rent is only 2.5nA max at +85C. These analog switches R 0.50 are ideal in low-distortion applications and are the pre- ange (0.50 max) ferred solution over mechanical relays in automatic test Rail-to-Rail Signal Handling equipment or applications where current switching is Guaranteed ESD Protection > 2kV per Method 3015.7 required. They have low power requirements, require less board space, and are more reliable than mechani- cal relays. # Single-Supply Operation: +4.5V to +36V The MAX4607 has two normally closed (NC) switches, Dual-Supply Operation: +4.5V to +20V the MAX4608 has two normally open (NO) switches, TTL/CMOS-Compatible Control Inputs and the MAX4609 has one NC and one NO switch. These switches operate from a single supply of +4.5V to +36V or from dual supplies of +4.5V to +20V. All digital inputs have +0.8V and +2.4V logic thresholds, ensuring @ Low On-Resistance (2.50 max) Ordering Information TTL/CMOS-logic compatibility when using dual +15V or PART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGE a single + 12V supply. MAX4607CAE 0C to +70C 16 SSOP , MAX4607CSE 0C to +70C 16 Narrow SO Applications MAX4607CPE 0C to +70C 16 Plastic DIP Reed Relay Replacement PBX, PABX Systems MAX4607EAE -40C to +85C 16 SSOP . oo . MAX4607ESE _-40C to +85C 16 Narrow SO Test Equipment Audio-Signal Routing MAX4607EPE __-40C to+85C__16 Plastic DIP Communication Systems Avionics Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet. Pin Configurations/Functional Diagrams/Truth Tables TOP VIEW So oO oO ne. 1] He] ct ne. [1] ot Not ne. [1] ote Not i [2H D>---- 15 | Ne. m [2H1>--- Hs] Nc. INt E> bs NC. ne. [31 a] com ne. [3] Ha] com ne. [3] Ha] com - EY Anaxum 2! ] Anaxim [3] - LE] Anaxim fe] enn [5] MAx4607 fra] eno [5] = MAx4608 fra] v, eno [5] MAx4609 fra] y, ne. [6 | Ht] come ne. [6] Ht] come ne. [6] ht] come ine ZH ----Z fio] nc. ine [7 H>---- Ho] Ne. IN2 cb>2 [a NC. ne. [a] 3 | Nez ne. [B| Li Noe ne. [8] Bite SSOP/SO/DIP SSOP/SO/DIP SSOP/SO/DIP LOGIC__| SWITCH LOGIC__| SWITCH LOGIC SWITCH 1 SWITCH 2 0 ON 0 OFF 0 OFF ON 1 OFF 1 ON 1 ON OFF Rail-to-Rail is a registered trademark of Nippon Motorola, Ltd. MAXIM Maxim Integrated Products 1 For free samples & the latest literature: http://)www.maxim-ic.com, or phone 1-800-998-8800. For small orders, phone 1-800-835-8769. 609VXVW/809VXVWLO9OVXVNMAX4607/MAX4608/MAX4609 2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS V+ to GND one enaneeeeeaceeneneel V- to GND oes -0.3V to +44V +0.3V to -44V -0.3V to +44V Continuous Power Dissipation (Ta = +70C) 16 SSOP (derate 7.1mW/C above +70C) 16 Narrow SO (derate 8.70mW/C above +70C) VL to GND woes (GND - 0.3V) to (V+ + 0.3V) 16 Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/C above +70C) ...... 842mW All Other Pins to GND (Note 1)... (V- - 0.3V) to (V+ + 0.3V) Operating Temperature Ranges Continuous Current (COM_, NO_, NC_).......eeeeeeeeeees +100mA MAX460_C_E oo. eecccceeceecteeeeeeceeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeaaeeeeeee 0C to +70C Peak Current (COM_, NO_, NC_) MAX460_E_ E oo. ee cence sense ene neeneee -40C to +85 C (Pulsed at 1ms, 10% duty cycle)... eee +300mA Storage Temperature Range 65C to +160C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10SC) uo... eeee eee +300C Note 1: Signals on NC_, NO_, COM_, or IN_, exceeding V+ or V- will be clamped by internal diodes. Limit forward diode current to max- imum current rating. Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSDual Supplies (V+ = +15V, V- = -15V, VL = +5V, VIN. H = +2.4V, ViIN_L = +0.8V, TA = TIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at Ta = +25C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN ote 2) MAX UNITS ANALOG SWITCH Input Voltage Range Vcom_, VNO_, (Note 3) VNC_ V V+ V COM_to NO_, COM_to NC_ a Icom. = 10mA, Ta = +25C 1.6 25 6 On-Resistance ON Vno_or Vnc_=+10V | Ty = Tyin to TMax 3 COM_to NO_, COM_to NC _ | = 10mA. V Ta = +25C 0.05 0.4 On-Resistance Match Between ARON OV _ 5V 0 wy Q Channels (Note 4) No_= ns TA= TMIN to TMAX 0.5 COM_to NO_, COM_to NC_ R Icom = 10mA, VNo_ | TA= +28C 0.1 0.4 Q On-Resistance Flatness (Note 5) FLAT(ON) or VNc_= +10V Ta = TMIN to TMAX 0.5 Off-Leakage Current Ino Inc Vcom_ = +10V, Ta = +25C 0.5 0.01 0.5 nA (NO_ or NC_) (Note 6) 7 = | VNo_or Vnc_= F10V | Ta = Tryin to Tuax 2.5 25 COM Off-Leakage Current loom (ORR | VOOM_= #10V, Ta = +25C 05 0.01 0.5 aA (Note 6) HOF) | VNo_or Vnc_= F10V | Ta= TyintoTwax| -2.5 25 COM On-Leakage Current Voom SON ov Ta = +25C 1 0.02 1 A (Note 6) COM_(ON) No_or Vnc = 10V, n or floating Ta=TmMINtoTMax| -10 10 LOGIC INPUT Hoh Current with Input Voltage INH IN_ = 2.4V, all others = 0.8V 0.500 0.001 0.500| pA put Current with Input Voltage INL IN_ = 0.8V, all others = 2.4V 0.500 0.001 0.500| pA Logic Input High Voltage VIN_H 2.4 1.7 Vv Logic Input Low Voltage VINLL 1.7 0.8 Vv 2 MAXIMA2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSDual Supplies (continued) (V+ = +15V, V- = -15V, VL = +5V, VIN_H = +2.4V, VIN_L = +0.8V, Ta = TIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) 609VXVW/809VXVWLO9OVXVN PARAMETER | SYMBOL | CONDITIONS | MIN TYP MAX | UNITS POWER SUPPLY Power-Supply Range +4.5 +20.0 Vv Ta = +25C -0.5 0.001 0.5 Positive Supply Current I+ VIN = 0 or 5V pA Ta = TmIn to TMAX 5 5 Ta = +25C -0.5 0.001 0.5 Negative Supply Current - VIN= Oor5V pA Ta = TmIn to TMAX 5 5 Ta = +25C -0.5 0.001 0.5 Logic Supply Current IL VIN = 0 or 5V pA Ta = TmIn to TMAX 5 5 Ta = +25C -0.5 0.001 0.5 Ground Current IGND VIN= Oor 5V pA TA = TMIN to TMAX 5 5 SWITCH DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Turn-On Time ton Voom_ = +10V, Figure 2, Ta = +25C 110 ns Turn-Off Time tOFF Voom_ = +10V, Figure 2, Ta = +25C 150 ns . o. C_=1.0nF, VGeNn = 0, Roen = 0, Figure 3, 450 Charge Injection Q Ta = +25C pc ; . RL = 50Q, CL= 5pF, f = 1MHz, Figure 4, _ Off-Isolation (Note 7) Viso Ta = +25C 60 dB RL = 50Q, CL= 5pF, f = 1MHz, Figure 5, Crosstalk (Note 8) VcT Ta = +25C -66 dB NC_or NO_ Capacitance C(OFF) f = 1MHz, Figure 6, Ta = +25C 65 pF COM_Off-Capacitance Ccom) f = 1MHz, Figure 6, Ta = +25C 65 pF On-Capacitance Ccom) f = 1MHz, Figure 7, Ta = +25C 290 pF MAXLM 3MAX4607/MAX4608/MAX4609 2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSingle Supply (V+ = +12V, V- = 0, VL = +5V, VIN_H = +2.4V, VIN _L = +0.8V, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN (Note 2) MAX UNITS ANALOG SWITCH Input Voltage Range Vcom_, VNo_, (Note 3) VNC. GND V+ Vv COM_to NO_, COM_to NC_ R Icom_ = 10mA, Ta = +25C 3 6 On-Resistance ON Vno_or Vnc_=10V | Tay = Twin to Tuax 7 COM_to NO_, COM_to NC_ = 10mA Ta = +25C 0.05 0.4 On-Resistance Match Between ARON Von ory 2 40V Q Channels (Note 4) NO_ OF NNC_= TA= TMIN to TMAX 0.5 COM_to NO_, COM_to NC_ Icom_ = 10mA, Ta = +25C 0.05 0.5 On-Resistance Flatness RFLAT(ON) VNo_orVNc_ = 3V, Q (Note 5) 6V, OV Ta = TIN to Tmax 0.5 Off-Leakage Current INO oe. WV, Ta = +25C 0.5 0.01 0.5 aA (NO_ or NC_) (Notes 6, 9) INC_ 10V~ , Ta=TwintoTwax| -2.5 25 COM Off-Leakage Current Vcom_ = 10V, 1V Ta = +25C 0.5 0.01 0.5 (Notes 6, 9) Icom(OFFR) | VNO_or Vnc_= 1V, nA , 10V Ta = TmIn to TMAX -2.5 25 COM On-Leakage Current | YOM. V V, on Ta= +2816 7 0.01 ' A (Notes 6, 9) COM_(ON) No_or Vnc_= 1V, n ' 10V, or floating Ta=TmMINtoTMax| -10 10 LOGIC INPUT Input Current with _ _ . Input Voltage High INH IN_ = 2.4V, all others = 0.8V 0.500 0.001 0.500 pA Input Current with _ _ . Input Voltage Low INL IN_ = 0.8V, all others = 2.4V 0.500 0.001 0.500 pA Logic Input High Voltage VIN_H 2.4 1.7 Vv Logic Input Low Voltage VINLL 1.7 0.8 Vv MAK2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSingle Supply (continued) (V+ = +12V, V- = 0, VL = +5V, VIN_H = +2.4V, VIN_L = +0.8V, TA = TMIN to TMAx, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) (Note 2) PARAMETER | SYMBOL | CONDITIONS | MIN TYP MAX | UNITS POWER SUPPLY Power-Supply Range +4.5 +36.0 Vv . Ta = +25C -0.5 0.001 0.5 Positive Supply Current I+ VIN = 0 or 5V pA Ta = TmIn to TMAX 5 5 Logic Supply Current IL VIN=Oor5V Ta= +25C 08 0.001 0.8 pA Ta = TMIN to Tmax 5 5 Ta = +25C -0.5 0.001 0.5 Ground Current IGND VIN=Oor 5V pA Ta = TMIN to Tmax 5 5 SWITCH DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Turn-On Time ton Voom_= 10V, Figure 2, Ta = +25C 110 ns Turn-Off Time tOFF Voom_= 10V, Figure 2, Ta = +25C 130 ns Charge Injection Q wee 1 On VGEN = 0, Rgen = 0, Figure 3, 50 pC Crosstalk (Note 8) Vet re a SpF, f = 1MHz, Figure 5, 66 dB NC or NO Capacitance C(OFF) f = 1MHz, Figure 6, Ta = +25C 105 pF COM Off-Capacitance Ccom) f = 1MHz, Figure 6, Ta = +25C 105 pF On-Capacitance Ccom) f = 1MHz, Figure 7, Ta = +25C 185 pF Note 2: The algebraic convention, where the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive value a maximum, is used in this data sheet. Note 3: Guaranteed by design. Note 4: ARON = RON(MAX) - RON(MIN) Note 5: Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on-resistance as measured over the specified analog signal range. Note 6: Leakage parameters are 100% tested at maximum-rated hot temperature and guaranteed by correlation at +25C. Note 7: Off-isolation = 20log10 [VCOM / (VNc or VNO)], VCOM = output, Vc or VNO = input to off switch. Note 8: Between any two switches. Note 9: Leakage testing at single supply is guaranteed by testing with dual supplies. MAXLM 5 609VXVW/809VXVWLO9OVXVNMAX4607/MAX4608/MAX4609 2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches (Ta = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) ON- RESISTANCE (DUAL SUPPLY) Icom = 10mA V+, V- =45V MAX4607/08/09-01 ) a & Vi, V- = #20V 20-15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 Vcow (V) ON- RESISTANCE vs. Vcow AND TEMPERATURE (SINGLE SUPPLY) 45 T T a Icom = 10mA 3 TAK J: 35 NO Ta = 485C a f. B 30 La 7 Tas 425C 25 SE 20 KO Ty=40 A 15 0 2 4 8 8 10 12 Vcow (V) SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE 100k & 3 10k 5 2 1k = 100 * 40 1 04 0.01 40-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TEMPERATURE (C) 6 100k 10k ton, torr (ns) ON-RESISTANCE vs. Vcom AND TEMPERATURE (DUAL SUPPLY) V+, V- =+15V Icom = 10mA MAX4607/08/08-02 Ta= 485C -15-10 5 0 5 10 15 Voom (V) ON/OFF-LEAKAGE CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE V+=15V V- =-15V MAX4607/08/08-05 ON- LEAKAGE OFF-LEAKAGE 40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 = 100 TEMPERATURE (C) ON/OFF TIME vs. TEMPERATURE Voom =+10V R_ = 1002 C= 35pF MAX4607/08/09-08 40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 = 100 TEMPERATURE (C) ton. torr (ns) mo Oo FF oO DB N DO Typical Operating Characteristics ON-RESISTANCE vs. Vcom AND TEMPERATURE (SINGLE SUPPLY) Icom = 10mA MAX4607/08/08-03 0 5 10 15 20 25 Vcow (V) CHARGE INJECTION vs. Voom MAX4607/08/08-06 SINGLE SUPPLY V+=12V V- =0 DUAL SUPPLY V+=V- = 15V Voow (V) ON/OFF TIME vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE torr MAX4607/08/09-09 Voom = +10V R_ = 1000 C= 35pF 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Vie Ve (V) 10 11 MAAXLM2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Ta = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) ON/OFF TIME vs. Vcom FREQUENCY RESPONSE A = 1002 g ON-RESPONSE C_ = 35pF : = ON-PHASE gE g S & Q w z s OFF- ISOLATION 10-8 6 -4 -2 0 2 8 10 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Voow () FREQUENCY (MHz) Pin Description PIN NAME FUNCTION MAX4607 | MAX4608 | MAX4609 2,7 2,7 2,7 IN2, IN2 Logic-Control Digital Inputs 14,11 14,11 14,11 COM1, COM2 Analog Switch, Common Terminals 16,9 _ _ NC1, NC2 Analog Switch, Normally Closed Terminals _ 16,9 _ NO1, NO2 Analog Switch, Normally Open Terminals _ _ 9 NC1 Analog Switch, Normally Closed Terminal _ _ 16 NO1 Analog Switch, Normally Open Terminal 4 4 4 V- Negative Analog Supply-Voltage Input. Connect to DGND for single-supply operation. 5 5 5 GND Ground 1, 3, 6, 8, 1, 3, 6, 8, 1,3, 6, 8, Nc No Connection. Not internally connected. Connect to GND as 10,15 10,15 10,15 _ low impedance to improve on/off-isolation. 12 12 12 VL Logic-Supply Input 13 13 13 V+ Positive Analog-Supply Input MAXLM 609VXVW/809VXVWLO9OVXVNMAX4607/MAX4608/MAX4609 2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches Applications Information Overvoltage Protection Proper power-supply sequencing is recommended for all CMOS devices. Do not exceed the absolute maxi- mum ratings, because stresses beyond the listed rat ings can cause permanent damage to the devices. Always sequence V+ on first, then V-, followed by the logic inputs, NO, or COM. If power-supply sequencing is not possible, add two small signal diodes (D1, D2) in series with supply pins for overvoltage protection (Figure 1). Adding diodes reduces the analog signal range to one diode drop below V+ and one diode drop above V-, but does not affect the devices low switch resistance and low leakage characteristics. Device operation is unchanged, and the difference between V+ and V- should not exceed 44V. These protection diodes are not recommended when using a single supply. Off-lsolation at High Frequencies With the N.C. pins connected to GND, the high-fre- quency on-response of these parts extends from DC to above 100MHz with a typical loss of -2dB. When the switch is turned off, however, it behaves like a capaci- tor, and off-isolation decreases with increasing frequen- cy. (Above 300MHz, the switch actually passes more signal turned off than turned on.) This effect is more pronounced with higher source and load impedances. Above 5MHz, circuit-board layout becomes critical, and it becomes difficult to characterize the response of the switch independent of the circuit. The graphs shown in the Typical Operating Characteristics were taken using a 50 source and load connected with BNC connectors to a circuit board deemed average; that is, designed with isolation in mind, but not using strip-line or other special RF circuit techniques. For critical applications above 5MHz, use the MAX440, MAX441, and MAX442, which are fully characterized up to 160MHz. +15V MAXIM yo MAX4607 MAX4608 Vt MAX4609 COM_ L NO_ V. D2 -15V * INTERNAL PROTECTION DIODES Figure 1. Overvoltage Protection Using External Blocking Diodes Test Circuits/Timing Diagrams MAXIAA MAX4607 MAX4608 MAX4609 45V +15V | | T ge SWITCH __ | com, 4 NO_ INpur YCOM - ORNG_ Vo ! RL CL 1002 35pF >) [EPL GND = = Locic V INPUT ! | 0 15V REPEAT TEST FOR EACH SWITCH. FORLOAD CONDITIONS, SEE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS. C, INCLUDES FIXTURE AND STRAY CAPACITANCE. Yo=Voou (5 Fe) tr < 20ns Loac | tf < 20ns INPUT SWITCH OUTPUT LOGIC INPUT WAVEFORMS INVERTED FOR SWITCHES THAT HAVE THE OPPOSITE LOGIC SENSE Figure 2. Switching-Time Test Circuit 8 MAK2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches Test Circuits/Timing Diagrams (continued) MAXIM MAX4607 MAX4608 +5V +15V AV MAX4609 | | 0 \ VL V+ Vo oN Hooy . _NCOR y NO TT 0 Vs OFF OFF Ven =~ x C, ON T GND INV: L = a | = ON = = -15V \ OFF OFE N Q= (AV) (C,) _[_Yin=#V Vin DEPENDS ON SWITCH CONFIGURATION; = INPUT POLARITY DETERMINED BY SENSE OF SWITCH. Figure 3. Charge Injection Test Circuit MAXI MAX LVI MAX4607 C tEV sv MAX4607 q +HeV +5V MAX4608 MAX4608 | MAX4609 cl | MAX4609 SIGNAL = SIGNAL = Vt VL 502 GENERATOR odBm V+ VL GENERATOR OdBn COM! Toy 8 CoM 0 = IN2 = or TIN ' = = = ~ IN 2.4V = Oor2av >-- oe Oor <}4 a tT ; tT av = . Comey ANALYZER COM I coRNo = ANALYZER e-Nee a NC Ka GND Ve C GND V- C R = S DT Fh Loot h 1 lL = = -15V L = = -15V = = Figure 4. Off-lsolation Test Circuit MAXUM Figure 5. Crosstalk Test Circuit 609VXVW/809VXVWLO9OVXVNMAX4607/MAX4608/MAX4609 2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches Test Circuits/Timing Diagrams (continued) METER LL f=1MHz cH CAPACITANCE / +15V COM NC ORNO Oo MAXUM MAX4607 +5V MAX4608 MAX4609 VL <] IN 0 or 2.4V Vv. Cc GND -15V | +15V cH CAPACITANCE METER f= 1MHz COM _ NC ORNO GND MAXIM av MAX4607 MAX4608 MAX4609 VL < IN 0 or 2.4V V; Cc 1 -15V Figure 6. Switch Off-Capacitance Test Circuit __Ordering Information (continued) Figure 7. Switch On-Capacitance Test Circuit PART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGE MAX4608CAE 0C to +70C 16 SSOP MAX4608C WE 0C to +70C 16 Wide SO MAX4608C PE 0C to +70C 16 Plastic DIP MAX4608EAE -40C to +85C 16 SSOP MAX4608EWE -40C to +85C 16 Wide SO MAX4608EPE -40C to +85C 16 Plastic DIP MAX4609CAE 0C to +70C 16 SSOP MAX4609C WE 0C to +70C 16 Wide SO MAX4609C PE 0C to +70C 16 Plastic DIP MAX4609EAE -40C to +85C 16 SSOP MAX4609EWE -40C to +85C 16 Wide SO MAX4609EPE -40C to +85C 16 Plastic DIP 10 TRANSISTOR COUNT: 100 Chip Information MAK2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches INCHES MILLIMETERS DIM MIN | MAX MIN | MAX > 0.068 [0.078 1.73 | 1.99 > m 0.002 | 0.008 0.05 | 0.21 0.010 [0.015 025 [0.38 0.004 [0.008 0.09 | 0.20 SEE VAR IATIONS Tarr ~ H 0.205 |0.209 5.20 | 5.38 INCHES MILLIMETERS MIN | MAX | MIN | MAX D/ 0.239 |0.249 | 6.07 | 633 | 14L D| 0.239 [0.249 | 6.07 | 6.33 | 16L D/0.278|0.2e89 | 7.07| 7.33] 20L D/ 0.317 0.328 | 8.07| 8.33] 24L D/ 0.397 |0.407 |10.07 | 10.33 | 28L 0.0256 BSC 0.65 BSC 0.301 [0.311 7.65 | 7.90 0.025 [0.037 0.63 | 0.95 QlH(LIVImM|ol/o}w 0 8 0 8 Al NOTES: 1. D&E DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. MOLD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS NOT TO EXCEED 15mm (006%) 3. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER LAL 2 TIMAISNATHL elles 1 J | MA AALNWVI PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TITLE: PACKAGE QUTLINE, SSOP, 5.3X.65mm APPROVAL DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. REV 1 lA 21-0056 MAXLM SSOP.EPS Package Information 11 609VXVW/809VXVWLO9OVXVNMAX4607/MAX4608/MAX4609 2.5Q, Dual, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches Package Information (continued) ] SSN EFS D~ } 0-8 aes Lh eb pele fF bt. tee INCHES __|MILLIMETERS H MIN | MAX | MIN | MAX AX AX A {0,053 |0.069| 1.35 ]1.75 D{0.189 |0.197 | 4.80/5.00 |8 | A A1j 0.004 {0.010 | 0.10 |0.25 D(0.337/0. 8.55/8.75 [1 B/0.014 |0.019 | 0.35/0.49 . . . . C {0.007 |0.010 | 0.19 [0.25 e 0.050 1.27 NOTES: E|0.150 |0.157 | 3.80} 4,00 1. D&E DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH H{0.2e8|0.244/5.80/6.20) * Thexceep Sn coe) h}0.010 {0.020 | 0.25/0.50 | LEADS TO BE COPLANAR WITHIN L [0.016 [0.050 | 0.40/1.27 _ GINTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER IN ABOVE TABLE 3 4 5. MEETS JEDEC MS012-xX AS SHOWN 6. N = NUMBER OF PINS SA AIA] PACKAGE FAMILY QUTLINE: SOIC Aso" 4) 21-0041 A Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 12 Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 1998 Maxim Integrated Products Printed USA MAXIMA is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.