1998 Mar 23 1
Philips Semiconductors
RF transmitting transistor and
power amplifier fundamentals References
6.1 References in the main text
1. Matthaei, G.L., Young, L., & Jones, E.M.T.,
‘Microwave filters, impedance-matching networks, and
coupling structures’, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
2. Matthaei, G.L., ‘Tables of Chebyshev impedance
transforming networks of the low-pass filter form’.
Proc. IEEE, Aug. 1964, pp. 939-963.
3. Fleischmann, U., ‘Breitband-anpassung mit 4
Reaktanzen unter Berücksichtigung des
Übertragungsverhaltens’, Nachrichten Elektronik,
1 - 1980, pp. 20-24.
4. Fleischmann, U., ‘Transformierende Hoch- und
Tiefpässe (I)’, Nachrichten Elektronik, 35 - 1981,
Heft 2, pp. 76-79.
5. Fleischmann, U., ‘Transformierende Hoch- und
Tiefpässe (II)’, Nachrichten Elektronik, 35 - 1981,
Heft 3, pp. 123-126.
6. Fano, R.M., ‘Theoretical limitations on the broadband
matching of arbitrary impedances’, Journal of the
Franklin Institute, Jan. 1950, pp. 57-83.
7. Fano, R.M., ‘Theoretical limitations on the broadband
matching of arbitrary impedances’, Journal of the
Franklin Institute, Feb. 1950, pp. 139-154.
8. Wheeler, H.A., ‘Transmission line properties of a strip
on a dielectric sheet on a plane’, IEEE Trans. on
Microwave Theory and Tech. Vol. MTT-25 (1977),
No. 8, pp. 631-647.
9. ‘Passive Components, Product Selection Guide 1998’.
Philips Components. Ordering code: 9398 238 22011.
6.2 Additional references
1. Black, J.R., ‘Electromigration failure modes in
aluminium metallization for semiconductor devices’,
Proc. IEEE, Sept. 1969, pp. 1587-1594
2. Cohn, S.B., ‘Direct-coupled-resonator filters’, Proc.
IRE, Feb. 1957, pp. 187-196.
3. Cohn, S.B., ‘A class of broadband three-port
TEM-mode hybrids’, IEEE Trans. on Microwave
Theory and Techniques, Feb. 1968, pp. 110-116
4. Hilberg, W., ‘Einige grundsätzliche Betrachtungen zu
Breitband-Übertragern’, NTZ, 1966, Heft 9,
pp. 527-538.
5. Kazimierczuk, M.K., & Tabisz, W.A., ‘Class-C-E
high-efficiency tuned power amplifier’, IEEE Trans. on
Circuits and Systems, March 1989, pp. 421-428
6. Knauer,R., ‘Nichtlineare Verzerrungen in
Hochfrequenzverstärkern’, Siemens-Zeitschrift 42,
1968, Heft 3, pp. 201-209.
7. Levy, R., ‘Explicit formulas for Chebyshev
impedance-matching networks, filters and
interstages’, Proc. IEEE, June 1964, pp. 1099-1106.
8. Löber,G., ‘Reaktanzfilter optimaler Anpassung bis
zum Grad 5’, Frequenz 24, (1970) 2, pp. 54-62.
9. Matthaei, G.L., ‘Short-step Chebyshev impedance
transformers’, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, Aug. 1966, pp. 372-383.
10. Minasian, R.A., ‘Power MOSFET dynamic large-signal
model’, IEE Proc., April 1981, pp. 73-79.
11. Nielinger, H., ‘Optimale Dimensionierung von
Breitbandanpassungsnetzwerken’, NTZ Heft 2, 1968,
pp. 88-91.
12. Pitzalis Jr., O., and Gilson, R.A., ‘Tables of impedance
matching networks which approximate prescribed
attenuation versus frequency slopes’, IEEE Trans. on
Microwave Theory and Techniques, April 1971,
pp. 381-386.
13. Pitzalis Jr., O., and Couse, T.P.M., ‘Practical design
information for broadband transmission line
transformers’, Proc. IEEE, April 1968, pp. 738-739.
14. Raab, F.H., ‘Idealized operation of the class-E tuned
power amplifier’, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and
Systems, Dec. 1977, pp. 725-735.
15. Ruf, K., ‘Leistungsregelung und Leistungsbilanz
transistorisierter Sendeverstärker’, Nachrichten
Elektronik 12, 1979, pp. 400-402.
16. Young, L., ‘Tables for cascaded homogeneous quarter
wave transformers’, IRE Trans. on Microwave Theory
and Techniques, April 1959, pp. 233-237.