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1. All voltages are referenced to ground.
2. Measured with outputs open.
3. VCC = 5V @ 25°C. Delays accurate on both rising and falling edges within ±2 ns or ±3%, whichever is greater.
4. See Test Conditions.
5. The combination of temperature variations from 25°C to 0°C or 25°C to 70°C and voltage variations from 5.0V
to 4.75V or 5.0V to 5.25V may produce an additional input-to-tap delay shift of ±1.5 ns or ±4%, whichever is
6. All tap delays tend to vary unidirectionally with temperature or voltage. For example, if TAP 1 slows down, all
other taps will also slow down; TAP 3 can never be faster than TAP 2.
7. Pulse width and duty cycle specifications may be exceeded; however , accuracy will be application-sensitive
(decoupling, layout, etc.).
Period: The time elapsed between the leading edge of
the first pulse and the leading edge of the following
tWI (Pulse Width): The elapsed time on the pulse be-
tween the 1.5V point on the leading edge and the 1.5V
point on the trailing edge, or the 1.5V point on the trailing
edge and the 1.5V point on the leading edge.
tRISE (Input Rise Time): The elapsed time between the
20% and the 80% point on the leading edge of the input
tFALL (Input Fall Time): The elapsed time between the
80% and the 20% point on the trailing edge of the input
tPLH (Time Delay, Rising): The elapsed time between
the 1.5V point on the leading edge of the input pulse and
the 1.5V point on the leading edge of any tap output
tPHL (Time Delay, Falling): The elapsed time between
the 1.5V point on the trailing edge of the input pulse and
the 1.5V point on the trailing edge of any tap output
Figure 3 illustrates the hardware configuration used for
measuring the timing parameters on the DS1005. The
input waveform is produced by a precision pulse gener-
ator under software control. Time delays are measured
by a time interval counter (20 ps resolution) connected
between the input and each tap. Each tap is selected
and connected to the counter by a VHF switch control
unit. All measurements are fully automated, with each
instrument controlled by a central computer over an
IEEE 488 bus.
Ambient Temperature 25°C ± 3°C
Supply Voltage (VCC) 5.0V ± 0.1V
Input Pulse High = 3.0V ± 0.1V
Low = 0.0V ± 0.1V
Source Impedance 50 ohm maximum
Rise and Fall T ime 3.0 ns maximum
Pulse Width 500 ns
Period 1 µs
Each output is loaded with the equivalent of a 74F04 in-
put gate. Delay is measured at the 1.5V level on the ris-
ing and falling edge.
Above conditions are for test only and do not restrict the
operation of the device under other data sheet condi-