TOSHIBA MICROWAVE SEMICONDUCTOR ; TECHNICAL DATA | TIM1213-10L MICROWAVE POWER GaAs FET FEATURES : @ HIGH POWER @ HIGH GAIN IM; = 46 dBc at Po =29 aBm, Gian = 6.0 dB at 12.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz Single Carrter Level SROAD BAND INTERNALLY MATCHED H HIGH POWER Piga = 40.5 dBm at 12.7 GHz to 13.2GHz @ HERMETICALLY SEALED PACKAGE RF PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS (Ta = 25C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL CONDITION UNIT | MIN. | TYP. | MAX Output Power at 1dB Compression Point Pras Vos = 9V em 40.0 40.6 - Power Gain at 1d8 Comprassion Point Gigs f =12.7-13.2 GHe 38 5.0 6.0 | - Drain Current <ps1 A ~ 4.0 8.0 Gain Flatness AG dB _ ~ +0.8 Power Added Efficiency Jags % - 23 ~ 3rd Order intermodulation Distortion IM3 Note 1 dBc |42 =45 - Drain Current Ins2 A - 4.0 1|-5.0 Channel -Temper- 7 x x _ _ _ ature Rise AtTch Vos * Ips *Rth(c-c) c 90 Note 1: 2 Tone Test (Pout =29 dBm Single Carrier Level) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL CONDITION UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX, Transconductance gm pos= aa A mS - 2800 _ Pinch-off Voltage Vasor poss 3 ae mA v 2 -35 | 5 Saturated Drain Current loss vee 9 v A - 10.0 41.5 Voltage Leakage Voso log = 148 pA Vv -s _ _ Thermal Resistance Rin (c-c) Channel! to Case CW _ 2.0 25 % The information enntained herein iz Presented only as a guide for the applicationg of our products. No responalbility ig assumed by TOSITIBA for any infringeraents of patents o other tights of the third parties which may result from ite Une. No license in granted by implteation or otheewise under ary patent or patent rights of TOSHIBA or others. %& The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. It is therefore advisable to comtact TOSHIBA before proceeding with the design ef equipment Incorporating thts product. . cee TOSHIBA CORPORATION See amTIM1213-100, ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25C) 0.aMAX 1.7203 03 CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL UNIT RATING Drain-Source Voltage Vos Vv 16 Gate-Source Voltage Vas Vv -5 Drain Current log A 1.5 " | Total Power Dissipation (To = 25C) Py Ww - 60 Channel Temperature Ten *c 175 Storage Temperature Tatg c 66~175 PACKAGE OUTLINE (2-11C1 B) A3.0 O) zZ Unit in mm : a @ Gate 3 x @ Source _ 4 + @ Drain AN n 7 g - = @ Qhlossois | 2 wi 12.9020,3 21,.5MAX, . 74 e-_ LL OAAAN, 3 i L[=3+ | t Li ~~} I 4 3 4 me HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PACKAGED TYPE Soldering iron should be grounded and the operating time should not exceed 10 seconds at 260C,RF PERFORMANCES 71841213-100, Py (dm) Po [Bm) 41 40} 39 40 38 36 Output Power vs. Frequency Vos = 9V log 2 4.0A Py, = 34.5 dBm i pee 12.7 13.2 Frequency (GHz) Output Power vs. Input Power f = 13.2 GHz Vos # SV log = 4.04 | Pg a 40 30 gadd ~~ z 7 3 meer ~ 10 0 28 30 32 34 36 . Pi, (dBm)TIM1213-10L POWER DISSIPATION VS. CASE TEMPERATURE __ we eh: CASE TEMPERATURE 100 80 60 = SN c 40 a 20 SS 0 oS fa] 40 80 120 160 200 Te (C) i VS. UTP VV Vos=9V log = 4.0A f2 13.2 GHz Of 25 MHz ~ 30 3 z& = _ a6 4 a] - 0 - 60 28 27 29 31 33 35 Po (dBm), Single Carrier