NM Qualification Test Report 01-78269 aa TE ates ER oo O2DEC'09 Rev. A Tyco Electronics Gic 3.3 32%*%74 (Grace Inertia Connector 3.3 mm Connector) 1. jdUe[= 11 28 & AERIS. GIC 3.3mm (4-6-8-10-1248) IRTRO RM HS 108-78231 Rev.F (CAA SRE SIC BRL OAMERT 4EMILT PAK. 1.2 js FSG AREAL GIC 3.3mm IRFSO BAM, BHM ROR EASE EIOUCAGOLHRNBE FOL TLS. 13 #4 if GIG 3.3mm AU*9SIA, BAO 108-78231 Rev.F OMREMBSAICAMLE. 1.4 Sana BA AS Gd. RAE SARA. ARS WRIA SNoO Bik wt BR RRAOItIZCHS., 1. Introduction 1.1. Testing was performed on the Grace Inertia Connector (GIC) 3.3 mm (4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 POS) Connector to determine if it meets the requirements of Product Specification, 108-78231 Rev.F. 1.2 Scope This report covers the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements of the GIC 3.3 mm Connector. 1.3. Conclusion GIC 3.3 mm Connector meets the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements of Product Specification, 108-78231 Rev.F. 1.4 Product Description This product has been developed for Wiring Equipment, Household Appliances etc. Classification (G#I2H#) -General 944 LL MLPA Ve VSM (F 219-8535 |S SEA #I-58) 1 of 21 Tyco Electronics Japan GE. (3-5-8 Hisamoto Takatsu-ku Kawasaki, 213-8535) COMB ORROBERI AL. SSAA Gi t<KSL). This document is subject to change. Call local TE for the latest revision. Copyright 2008 by Tyco Electronics Japan G.K. All rights reserved. *: iE Trademark= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 1.5 1.5.14 M abt ER ICAU SHHIL. BSR ERMLOMPESHICARMLEDLOCHSECE, EEEBIVSINAIGLAA 4S 1498 3.3 UV SORO RBA 114-5372] (ROUT Fig. 2 (RT BRALBLEEMORHCHSCE, ABR (ERB ERL CALS Bild Fig. 3 (CRT BRIO CT ILOLT SH, TERE Se Rt CSR ER TI Si daldFig. SIME SH BRA, RH, ROMER RIG SkImatSnThOce, aan hts All(T AE SAU CL GL RY i FCT pAGce, Test Sample Test Samples The test specimens to be employed for the tests shall be conforming to the requirements specified in the applicable product drawings. The crimped contacts shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of applicable application Specification, 114-5372, Crimping of GRACE INERTIA CONNCTOR 3.3 on the wires specified in Fig. 2 of this specification. 1.5.2 Applicable Wires 1.6 The wires to be used for crimping the samples for performance testing shall be conforming to the requirements specified in Fig. 3. Performance Requirements and Test Descriptions : The product shall be designed to meet the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements specified in Fig.3. All tests shall be performed in the room temperature unless otherwise specified eS m is Pos. No. Name Remarks Receptacle Contact Tinplated [-1827395-1 Ve aSob Gpibo AWG#24~#20 GIC 2.0 Receptacle Contact Tinplated 1-418272804 | Gig og Ye aaah Babee AWGH2E~H22 Fig. 1 25 Plug Housing 1a D 6H See Fig. 1 FEF NDVI T (Single Row Type) 6Pos. Fig. 1 28 Plug Housing 2a R47 4, 6, 8, 10, 124i See Fig. 1 PSF INDI (Double Row Type) | 4, 6, 8, 10, 12Pos. Fig. 1 2B Cap Housing 1Ala4D 64m See Fig. 1 Sey TD NDT (Single Row Type) 6Pos. Fig. 1 28 Cap Housing 2a a42 4 6, 8, 10, 124% See Fig. 1 Sey TD NDT (Double Row Type) | 4, 6, 8, 10, 12Pos. Fig. 2 BFR Double Lock Plate 17a 6a See Fig. 2 FP iLOv?-FLk (Single Row Type) 6Pos. Fig. 2 28 Double Lock Plate Qala D 4,6, 8, 10, 1245 See Fig. 2 FP iLOv?-FLk (Double Row Type) | 4, 6, 8, 10, 12Pos. BT HE | Appendix 1 Rev. A 2 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 1.5 BAe R ABR (ie) 1.5 Test Sample And Applicable Wires(Continue) Aiere| FoF node | Ave Pot IU ee #5 #4(Pos) Plug Housing Header Assembly Remark 6 o-1871567-o o-1871568-o ( single Rew type) 4 o-1827385-o o-1827391-o ouble gow Type) 6 0-1827386-o 0-1827392-0 Couble Bow Type) 8 O0-1827387-0 0-1827393-o Couble Bow Type) 10 o0-1839984-5 o0-1839983-o Couble Bow Type) 12 o-1871570-o o-1871571-0 Doub gow type) Fig1 Stier | SIO 9-7Lb tii #AL(Pos) Double Lock Plate Remark 6 7 18/1824-5 (Single a Type) 4 718/18 19-0 ( Double Row Type) 6 1871820-5 ( Double Row Type) 3 118718240 ( nouble Row Type) 1877 998-c ( nouble Ron Type) 10 1981 065-0 ( nouble Row Type) 12 18718220 ( Double Ree type) Fig? Rev. A 3 Of 21nal Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 1.5 sec SR (ite) 1.5 Test Sample And Applicable Wires(Continue) 2+ SEA fA(mm) RE (mm) RR {BRE IME (mm) Calculated Cross- AWG Diameter of a Number of Insulation Outer sectional Area(mm?) Conductor (mm) Conductors Diameter (mm) 0.22 24 0.16 11 1.4 0.34 22 0.16 17 1.58 0.53 20 0.18 21 1.9 Fig 3 Bite Unit: A IVa \ . a : Contact Mea a7b Rec. Contact : BRt 4A Wire Size fey AWG #20 AWG #22 AWG #24 Pos. 4 4.0 2.5 2.2 6 4.0 2.5 2.2 8 4.0 2.5 2.2 10 3.5 2.5 2.2 12 3.5 2.5 2.2 Fig4 Rev. A 4 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 2 ERAS 2. Test Contents Ta 8 No. 2.1 arate 4 oh CHESS Examination of Product Sgn LAMP By {tie PARAS 1 14-5359) +H eR AE DBRHEHOSRLTSCLE, Meets requirements of product drawing and Requirements Bald MHRA T CRORES oe, AMP Specification (114-5359). After test, no corrosion influence performance. Requirements ane Aik BRICEY IST SOREL RIESE ET AB | Visual inspection Procedures | FRAT 4, No physical damage BS sm AY TE BE Electrical Requirements Ine No. 2.2 HS I8 A Aye LL _ o : : . Test Items | @aieE(O-LAW) Termination Resistance (Low Level) ABE 10m2 LAF CHRD 10 mQ Max. (Initial) 20 m@ LAT CRRA) 20 mO Max. (Final) INDY THA TARNRALEIL SIRE BAS SE 20mMVELT, FA Sa lOmALA FO Subject mated contacts assembled in housing to 20mV Max. open circuit at 10mA. Requirements ara 7 2k Rt CHEFS. Take the resistance of the wire only away Procedures | (OL, BROHMAISELSI<. from measurement Fig. 7 2588. Fig. 7. AMP#48 109-5311-1 AMP Spec. 109-5311-1 Ine No. 2.3 atGUAB . Test Items ABR FEM Insulation Resistance ARAB = | 1000 MQ: LE RR) 4000 MQ Min. (Initial) 5OOM Ak (HAD 500 MQ Min. (Final) SBR 7 ds Procedures 500 V DG Edn, IST SREALE IKE CHIL 4-H RU IV SPREAD V LVI ORO fh CHE, MIL-STD-202, BtER3E 302 414 B AMP#H48& 109-5302 Impressed voltage 500 V DC. Test between adjacent circuits and between the surface of housing and contact of mate connectors. AMP Spec. 109-5302 MIL-STD-202, Method 302 Condition B Fig. 5 (#<) (To be continued) Rev. A 5 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 2. GERA Bie) 2. Test Contents (Continue) ee mM BY TE FE Electrical Requirements Requirements YVVEi 5mA WE es No. 2.4 aR IAB = . Test lterns tS Dielectric withstanding Voltage SAB HMMS. PoyVatASBRAUCE, | No creeping discharge nor flashover shall (FAR URED occur. Current leakage : 5 mA Max. 147 SRS LIKE CHHILYSIbA RU 1.1KVAC for 1 minute. Requirements EB Me BSL M@ELSILIOC WE at eR AH . A = aa Test between adjacent circuits and between Procedures a FDRES \9 Yu DOR BO a CIE. the surface of housing and contact of mated 11kVAC 15} fal EN DORI ZE. connectors. Ine No. 2.5 HREB |ee ts _ Test Items ims + Temperature Rising ARAB 30C Max. under loaded specified current. BB B(IkORE LRSM ET SCE, AIL PRAOAMRO RES RICA Measure temperature rising by energized current. Requirements 20m LAF CASHA) CASED, Subject measurement must do at the place _ MAU cik, Sew Coe of no influence from convection of air. ary BR 7a fa : avr7l ld, SARITA BOE And contacts assembled in housing all of Procedures ei Lik =o 5. _ circuits. * Be ASARI IO PRD BE ae [= The thermocouple attach to the contact of IS THET S. center circuit number. Fig. 4,7 2588 Fig. 4, 7 AMP#A#S 109-5310 AMP Spec. 109-5310 | BE oR AY TE BE = Mechanical Requirements Ine No. 2.6 arate He SOC BSR) Vibration (Low Frequency) SAB hE 1 usec. FECA SPHMBBE No electrical discontinuity greater than ie FUBWCE, 1 usec. shall occur. 20 mO Max. (Final) SBR 7 ds Procedures HALE IBRAAILS2mmORe Ce, 10-55-10Hz2IKB 1 1 FIILOBIAC Bits Sista RT SSA BAIK SB 2st DSA cE, 100 mA #18, Fig. 8 BAR AMP#H48 109-5201 MIL-STD-202, #tERSA 201A Subject mated connectors to 10-55-10 Hz traversed in 1 minute at 1.52mm amplitude 2 hours each of 3 mutually perpendicular planes. 100 mA applied. Fig.8 AMP Spec. 109-5201 MIL-STD-202, Method 201A Fig. 5 (#t<) (To be continued) Rev. A 6 of 21 501-78269= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 2. BRAB re) 2. Test Contents (Continue) | ee ode AY TE BE Mechanical Requirements Ine No. 2.f aaa IR A - Test Items ar Shock WB = kU En 3 BEG, eae MH(kYiu sec. FECASTIBRB BE No electrical discontinuity greater than FUGUE, Requirements 20 m& LE (BAD 1y sec. shall occur. 20 mQ Max. (Final) PRALEIRGS (50 G) @ BALLARD: HIRI IRE FESTA: 11 msec. Mated Conn. (50 G) Waveform : Halfsign Curve Duration : 11 m sec. Number of Drops: 3 drops each to normal and RTT MER xX, Y,Z BIE AIX reversed directions of X, Y and Z axes, totally 3 fled, Aatisel 18 drops | AMP#R# 109-5208 Fig. 8 488 AMP Spec. 109-5208 See Fig. 8 MIL-STD-202, SERS 213 EE A MIL-STD-202, Method 213 Condition A Ine No. 2.8 aaa IR A . Test Items 14% 7 SERA Connector Mating/Unmating Force Matin 5.88 xPos.) N Max. fAA 5.88N (600gf) x HER LAF 3 Force (0.6 x Pos.) kgf Max. BiB ; Requirements (0.58 x Pos.)N Min. (1) 0.58N (60ef) x MERLE AE) | Unmating (60 x Pos. gf Min. (1) S5lkA im? + th 0.29N (30f) x #BBKAL(30E)) | Force (0.29 x Pos.)N Min. (30") (30 x Pos.)gf Min. (30") merece | MDDUPIZAL SO h EMAAR ERE Operation Speed - 100 mm/min. a7 100 mm/4) THB AB ItRICET SHEA, Measure the force required to mate / rocedures | 2s. . UBL THC Unmate connectors. NI 7 OY TR ISARYBRLYTSS<. | However, It is measure without HSG Lock Ine No. 2.9 aaa IR A . He Test Items IV RObREA Contact Insertion Force ARSE 8.82N (0.9kef) EAT Requirements | 1 I87rShY 8.82 (0.9 kgf) Max. per contact SHER ast IVSaObE INDY OILERS SOIR Measure the force required to insert contact Procedures BY OnWtMET SCE, into housing. AMP#HH8 109-5211 AMP Spec. 109-5211 Fig. 5 (#<) (To be continued) Rev. A 7 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 2. HERA Bre) 2. Test Contents (Continue) | ee ode AY TE BE Mechanical Requirements Tas No. 2.10 alSeJn A IV 4b REA Contact Retention Force Test Items ee . . Requirements | 245 N (2.5 kef) JE 24.5N (2.5kgf) Min. Stato BSRILEBLEIV SIENA LAS Apply an axial pull-off load to crimped wire. Procedures AIA, BPS RRA IX 100mm/5C Operation Speed : 100 mm / min. SRY HIT Obs O ey Be we ToC. AMP Spec. 109-5210 ae 2.11 No, alSeJA A IVAOMBASITRA Contact Mate/Unmating Force Test Items 5.88 N(600 gf) LAT CUE) 5.88 N(600 kgf)Max.(1th~30th Requirements 0.34 N (35 sf LEGIT) 0.34N (35 gf)Min. (1th) 317 0.25 N (25 ef) bLE (30) Unmating 0.25N (25 gf)Min. (30th) Stato Fig. 9 (CERELETVe ALT Measured by gage tab (Fig. 9) and mesa #24) 100 mm ORE CHIE operation speed 100 mm/min Procedures | ,MpP#8#% 109-5206 AMP Spec. 109-5206 Ie 2.12 No. HlESIa E sets | sasae Crimp Tensile Strength Test Items RE Bitz BERS (1b) Wire Size Crimp Tensil (min.) Requirements [| mm | (AWG) N (kgf) mm*_ | (AWG) N (kgf) 0.22 24 29.4 (3) 0.22 24 29.4 (3) 0.34 22 49.0 (5) 0.34 22 49.0 (5) 0.51 20 58,8(6) 0.51 20 58.8(6) SBR 7 ds Procedures R@LEILYSIbH4RBERICAEL, SHA S| SRAe Big IIA SD. A, fv ALR Vals ALLERIA ERY RE, ES SE mm Om Belt Ate LUBE ISAM ITMS BEL TSIGRS. E(EIREIL 100mm/a AMP#H#% 109-5205 Apply an axial pull-off load to crimped wire of contact secured on the tester, Operation Speed : 100 mm/min. Subject take insulation barrel away. AMP Spec. 109-5205 Fig. 5 (4i<) (To be continued) Rev. A 8 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 2. GERA Bie) 2. Test Contents (Continue) ee ode AY TE BE Mechanical Requirements | Ins 2.13 No, BtERIB A MATE GEUIRLPBR Durability (Repeated Mate/Unmating) Test Items ee 20m 2 LAF 20 mQ Max. Requirements ane Aik fETR EH 30 fl No. of Cycles : 30 cycles Procedures Ins 2.14 No, a BSIe B ANAQVYS + Ov78E Housing Locking Strength Test Items ABE 24.5N (2.5kgf) LAE 24.5N (2.5kgf) Min. Requirements an SR ATK I29AON DY F7BE S42 ERE 100 mm/3} | Measure connector locking strength. Procedures CHE Operation Speed : 100 mm/min. AMP#H4% 109-5210 AMP Spec. 109-5210 Ine 2.15 No. S{ESTS A RALKREA Post Retention Force Test Items BE 9.8N (1.0kgf) BLE 9.8N (1.0kgf) Min Requirements ary BR 7a Aya FytvFVORALE Measure post retention force. Procedures kA Tet AAAS 100m/A ORE C Operation Speed : 100 mm/min. SHA IAL RAL ORE AS BIE 12 (ETRE: 100m/5t Ins 2.16 No. Sass 8 +0 te Bh Hammering Shocks Test Items (ALYY ie) ABE 20 m2 LAE CRED 20 mQ Max. (Final) Requirements | Hie pee ses No evidence of abnormalities Seek ode ete Mated connectors to under 10000 cycles of Procedures | DO#RIRIZX:1000015) DOtkKee:80mm repeated hammering shocks MRE S:50g MRE ae Hammering went S00. RRELEI*K IDC 1OV. ImA% 18 Hammering speed : 4cycle/sec. Fig.10 DC 10V,1mA applied Fig.10 Fig. 5 (4i<) (To be continued) Rev. A 9 of 21= Tyco Electronics 2. GERA Bie) 2. Test Contents (Continue) Qualification Test Report te ih BY ft FE Environmental Requirements Requirements (U2 EE SMA CLF) GiRHEHE 500 MO DLE (#8) ETE 20 mO LU (si) IAs 2.17 No. Er Ea le G By ee Thermal Shock Test Items ABE 20mQ LAE (AHH) 20 mQ Max. (Final) Requirements aR AK | RAL ER FITT Mated connector Procedures | -55C/30 4, 85C/80 4 -55C/30 min., 85C/30 min. CAVE 1 U20VEL. 25 HAL 4T4, Making this a cycle, repeat 25 cycles. AMP#i#S 109-5103 4&fE A AMP Spec. 109-5103 Condition A MIL-STD-202 @RBRHE 107-1 ee Ad | MICS TD-204 Method 107-4 (AL IETS PISCE 3 STHLITO. The measurement is held after being left indoor for 3 hours. Ine 2.18 No. an SR Ie A imme tf Ue Humidity-Temperature Cycling Test Items BiB WHEE 1.1kVAC1 43f (468A) Dielectric withstanding voltage 1.1 kV AC 1 minute. Insulation resistance (final) SOQ MQ Min. Termination resistance 20 mQ Max. (Final) an SR ATK HALA RIF# 25~65C, Mated connector, 25~65'C, Procedures | 80~98%R.H &10 80~98 % R. H. 10 cycles GHEE 10 P47 ht H Cold shock 10C (not ) performed AMP#i# 109-5106 AMP Spec. 109-5106 MIL-STD-202, #8: 106 4(# D MIL-STD-202, Method 106 Condition D {AL AEE ARE 3 PEGITS. The measurement is held after being left 4-77: DARE, indoor for 3 hours. 1cycle=24hours Tas 2.19 No. aNGRIR | Ha KN Ze Salt Spray Test Items mie | 20m LF 20 mQ Max. (Final) Requirements | MEGel Hab + Sete ete kZk, No corrosion influence performance an SR ATK HELE ARIFE 541%O HAMS iC 4B | Subject mated connectors to 5+1% salt Procedures | i@Xor724, concentration for 48 hours : MIL-STD-202, #101 4(t B MIL-STD-202, Method 101 Condition B A EUR OME AMELIE SICH The measurement is held after remove the ete mt salt and dry up at indoor. ROPER IRIT. Fig. 5 (#<) (To be continued) Rev. A 10 of 21 501-78269= Tyco Electronics 2. GERA Bie) 2. Test Contents (Continue) Qualification Test Report 501-78269 iz $8 & {tt BE Environmental Requirements Tas 2.20 No. a ER Ia rin Heat Aging Test Items ABE 20mQ LAE (AHH) 20 mQ Max. (Final) Requirements BRAK | PRL Pepe A 10542C Mated Conn. 105+2C Procedures | HAR] 96 HRRAG zk, Duration :96 hr AMP#LES 109-5104-3 4tE A AMP Spec. 109-5104-3 Condition A {AL AEE ARE 3 WRFBICAOZE, The Measurement is held after being left indoor for 3 hours. Ine 2.21 No, aaa IR A Hotere Resistance to Cold Test Items ee 20 mO LAF (HN) 20 mQ Max. (Final) Requirements ary BR 7a PRG LA RI FR 3042, Mated connector Procedures | 96 IfAXGxL, -3042C, 96 hours AMP#L#RS 109-5108-3 44 D AMP Spec. 109-5108-3 Condition D Tas 2.22 No. StERIBE | fiic(i7K H2S Test Items ABE 20mQ LAE (AHH) 20 mQ Max. (Final) Requirements | MEgEic Beat Aire etre, No corrosion influence performance BRAK | mA Le ARIFe 341 ppm Mated connector Procedures | 4042C, 96 IFA 341 ppm, 4042C 96 hours Ine 2.23 No, EIB B m7 ear fe NH; Gas Test Items ee 20 mO LAF (HN) 20 mQ Max. (Final) Requirements | MEGel Hab + Sete ete kZk, No corrosion influence performance Ea AE PRA LIER RI FR 3% FERS IGE Mated conn. Is put into atmosphere that Procedures | 25 ml/l DS] Q072-741z Ad rated 25 ml/l of 3% NHsg for 7 hr. LORAAPIC 7 RR TO. Fig. 5 (4<) (To be continued) Rev. A 11 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 2. GERA Bie) 2. Test Contents (Continue) iz $8 & {tt BE Environmental Requirements Ins 2,24 No. a ER Ia PLATE AIT PE Solderability Test Items ABE 95% VA EYAL TWOOZE, Wet Solder Coverage : Requirements 95 % Min. an ERA TK Seva Pt ATE Eutectic solder Procedures ri UTE BE 23045C Solder Temperature : 23045C MARIS 340.5 Fb Immersion Duration : 340.5 sec. BOT UPA AUe (Sn-Ag-Cu) Lead-Free solder (Sn-Ag-Cu) PLATS ye BE 94045C. Solder Temperature : 240+5C Saas ly Immersion Duration : 3+0.5 sec. MIL STDO0D awk 308, MIL-STD-202 Methed 208 Ins 2.25 No. HlESIa E Pa AUTE ME Resistance to Soldering Heat Test Items FASE aie (2 PoP (Bee EC Ae, No physical damage shall occur. Requirements ane Aik FY bERICIRO AT TRE TS, Test connector on PCB. Procedures rao AUTe BE 260+5C. Solder Temperature : 260+5C MAT SIS 61040.5 fb Immersion Duration : 10+0.5 sec. MIL-STD-202 Condition 210 In case of manual soldering iron, apply it as 360+410C for 340.5 seconds without forcing pressure to affect the tine of contact. MIL-STD-202, 4&(F 210 FILA OBS, 360410, 310.58 T {T. {LL FHV RIC ELSA Map SAR 2k Fig. 5 (#8404)) (End) * Ranh : RanldGe, ER. RB. Bn. AT, RESORRGECEL, Preduct must be without rust, corrosion transformation, crack and discoloration. Rev. A 12 of 21= Tyco Electronics 3. ERE aER OD SBR IIe Qualification Test Report 3. Product Qualification Test Sequence aa ILF Test Group au & IB & Test or Examination [2/3 ][4]5]6]7]8 [9 [10 aa BR IIR Fe Test Sequence (a) al OTSA Confirmation of Product 13 11,3 [1,4 | 1,7 WAkin (OLAyL) | Termination Resistance 24 (Low Level) 6 iS Dielectric withstanding 3 Voltage MBE Insulation Resistance 9 ime tA Temperature Rising 2 fieBy GRIER Vibration (Low Frequency) 5 ee Physical Shock 3 IR7SHAA Connector Mating Force 2 377455 |tkH Connector Unmating Force OVA HA Contact Insertion Force 2 IVROMRAD Contact Mating Force IV AaIbsltA Contact Unmating Force 5 FE 78 6B 5 | oe Sa Crimp Tensile strength MATE GRY RL) | Durability (Repeated Mating/Unmating) ADV FOyasRE | Housing Locking Strength my ENT TE NH; imme (aug Humidity-Temperature Cycling RAG AK H2S ahi Thermal Shock HE 7K AE #5 Salt Spray it ETE Resistance to Cold 5 IV 49-RRA Contact Retention Force Art BATE Heat Asing RAMA A Post Retention Force eA TEA ITT Soldersbillity 4 0 te Bh Hammering Shocks RATT EME Resistance to Soldering Heat Fig. 6(#i<) (to be continued) (a) HAD Se tS eRT (a) Numbers indicate the sequence in which the tests are performed. Rev. A 501-78269= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 3. EAE a ERO SERIE Cite ) 3. Product Qualification Test Sequence (Continue) 501-78269 ser 7 ILF Test Group at UR B Test or Examination 11 [| 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 [18 | 19 | aa BR IIR Fe Test Sequence (a) Sl ih HERA Confirmation of Product 1,4 | 1,4 | 1,4 | 1,4 | 1,4 | 1,3 | 1,3 | 1,3 | 1,3 Weihin (OLAIL) | Termination Resistance 25|25/25|25|24/25 25 (Low Level) Tipt SEE Dielectric withstanding Voltage fie Insulation Resistance ime tat Temperature Rising eB) (RR) Vibration (Low Frequency) es Physical Shock IR7SHAA Connector Mating Force IR S5 KH Connector Unmating Force IV aOhKREAA Contact Insertion Force IV aOMRAD Contact Mating Force IV ROE Contact Unmating Force FES B85 oe Ss Crimp Tensile strength 3 MATE GYR) | Durability (Repeated Mating/Unmating) ADV FOyvaeE | Housing Locking Strength irveEartt NH; 3 BEVIS Humidity-Temperature Cycling Bik ACH H2S 3 ame Thermal Shock th 7K AE #5 Salt Spray 3 mere Resistance to Cold 3 IV 4aOMREA Contact Retention Force mt AE Heat Asing 3 RAMA Post Retention Force 3 IRATE TEE Soldersbillity 9 seh Dn tie Bh Hammering Shocks 4 iA Toi EATE Resistance to Soldering 9 Heat Fig. 6(#84) (End) (a) HAD Se tS eRT (a) Numbers indicate the sequence in which the tests are performed. Rev. A 14 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 Bee Bei Wire-to-Boad Termination Type: S77 Pu b ae PLOB. SEA. IW SS SS BAGH (0 Termination {Low Level} REN BA ea Thermocougte aitached here Z| OY eS Ib} Resistance a8 {Power Source} * ALE (575mm Bees s |< ab, * Take the resistance of 75 mm wire only away Fig. 7 @i (O-L AIL) BEES Fig. 7 Termination Resistance (Low Level) and Temperature Rising Vs. Current Measuring Methods eR Wire He Secured Bao RT Connector Mounting Table ane | GR-BE her 7 Wire to Board Termination Tyge Fig. 8 (RELRiRD). MEMES Ome SEA Fig. 8 Connector Mounting Methods of Low Frequency Vibration and Physical Shock Tests Rev. A 15 of 21* Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 _ a 0.740.002 ae, 10.0 T | 6.0 RG. 06+ 5 $5 7% ey \ of i a Se 0.5-+0,002 f rd 30 30 <T] \ _ R0.2 a4 L RO.2 we lL ASR B' eRSS ae Detail "A" Detail "B" Fig. 9 DV SOMA SARE ARTY Fig. 9 Gage Design for Contact Meting/Unmating Force Tests Me (IRSA) Sample(Connector} rt 110mm , ey poo re (50g 53481) 5mm Hammer 80mm~ (50g Steel weight) _ _ 84mm 80mm \ . S 30mm SS = i ANt- <i-~__ Spacer 4D _fo\_[e\_ gage Sample Mounting LJ rT Fixture s e Dare te OO PE 1 B/D aa 80 mm PCR Hammer Weight u Stand Striking Frequency : 1 stroke/second Fig.10 Rev. A 16 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 4. BERHS Test Results . SLE BeRG EE Result 45 FAbIBEA ify FLARE No. j Judgeme Test Items Unit Spec. N | max | Min. | Ave | S$ nt IL Soh ORE.) tt dy A 12SET| OK OK | OK OK | p5yr4 mee HA - py Acceptable 38 7B fe * ost ope a GaRE AV AIb AND 128ET| ox | ox | OK OK ATELY 4 ar 418| 473) YU Oo} Shel c. cceptable ae HMB.) sk All) a: 12SET oa. 5 oa bal OK OK OK OK | 25yy2 |acceptable aH - A7A7i IVA R IND cae See VUF ORS 128ET] ok | ok | oK | oK | PAY] a ee xz, [Acceptable 1x10 | 1x10 | 1x10 aK IV AIb al 12SET| bhE | bE | BLE - Acceptable mainte aa 1000 Min ments TATRA 1x10 | 1x10 | 1x10 & fe 3 30 pir WSET) pk} wk | be | 7 3,18 ae LUIDKBA yo Acceptable HHT IL & 7.82 | 5.23 | 653 | 1.03 SHE ney a: 12SET Bll) PRI 29 he 1x10 | 1x10 | 1x10 | 1x10 Acceptable #8 BF - 500Min IU FIb IND yoset| 53 | 2:99 | 444 | 0.83 ate 7 Ot Fhe Ixt0 | txt0 | 1xto | 1x10 Acceptable # tn AWG#24 12P 12 | 1280) 7.80 | 10.63 1.28 30Max at 2.24 Acceptable > | weer AWG#H22 30M AR ame EF DBA 12P 12 | 13.10 | 12.00 | 12.19 | 086 X | acceptable AWG#20 SK 35A 12P 12 17.40 | 15.50 | 16.60 | 0.90 30Max Acceptable te 2 20 #0) FA m 3.58 | 3.31 | 3.75 | 0.12 10Max | acceptable ate = 0 20M 6 fe Bh m 20 | 446 | 3.35 | 3.75 | 0.34 X | acceptable _ sea + A 20 OK OK OK OK an Acceptable aS Fig. 11 (#<) (to be continued) Rev. A 17 of 21= Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 att #0) A mo? 20 3.60 | 2.82 | 3.12 | 0.21 10Max Acceptable att - Q 20 469 | 3.19 | 3.92 | 0.69 20M 7 #2 m an Acceptable ee Fie | 20 OK | OK | OK | OK SA |, 4 . fap oe Te cceptable ai Ist 10 8.60 | 6.90 7.46 | 0.62 | 35.28Max Acceptable N HAA ak 30th 10 11.60 | 10.20 | 10.76 | 0.51 | 35.28Max ap Acceptable (1Row) a Ist 10 9.10 | 7.70 | 8.18 | 0.51 3.48Min at Acceptable N 5ltknA ak 30th 10 8.80 | 7.80 | 8.22 | 0.40 1.74Min Acceptable ai Ist 10 5.80 | 4.60 | 5.23 | 0.48 | 23.52Max Acceptable N HAA ak 30th 10 9.00 | 7.90 | 836 | 0.43 | 23.52Max 6 IRYA 4P Acceptable thik A | (2Row) ae Ist 10 6.10 | 4.90 | 546 | 0.41 2.32Min Acceptable N Slik ai 30th 10 7.10 | 6.00 6.48 | 0.39 1.16Min Acceptable att Ist 10 9.90 | 800 | 8.94 | 0.81 | 35.28Max Acceptable N AD ai 30th 10 12.40 | 10.80 | 11.46 | 0.59 | 35.28Max sP Acceptable (2Rew) Bis Ist 10 9.60 | 7.70 | 8.66 | 0.81 3.48Min i Acceptable N 5ltkA ak 30th 10 9.50 | 8.10 | 8.84 | 0.47 1.74Min Acceptable Fig. 11 (#i<) (to be continued) Rev. A 18 of 21* Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 att Ist 10 12.50 | 11.70 | 12.08 | 0.34 | 47.04Max Acceptable AD att 30th 10 16.50 | 15.00 | 15.80 | 0.51 | 47.04Max gp Acceptable (2Rew) Bis 1st 10 12.00 | 10.50 | 11.40 | 0.52 4.64Min Acceptable 5ltknA ai 30th 10 12.30 | 10.80 | 11.62 | 0.59 2.32Min Acceptable att Ist 10 26.50 | 22.50 | 24.80 | 1.39 | 58.80Max Acceptable AD , ai 30th 10 27.00 | 23.50 | 25.30 | 1.22 | 58.80Max 3 IR494 10P Acceptable fei (2Row) ae 1st 10 20.50 | 16.00 | 19.20 | 1.44 5.80Min Acceptable 5ltknA att 30th 10 17.00 | 15.00 | 15.90 | 0.79 2,90Min Acceptable att Ist 10 28.81 | 26.41 | 27.44 | 0.85 | 70.56Max Acceptable AD , ai 30th 10 30.60 | 27.00 | 28.47 | 1.36 | 70.56Max Acceptable 12P (2Row) at Ist 10 21.60 | 19.80 | 20.69 | 0.63 6.96Min Acceptable Slik att 30th 10 22.20 | 19.60 | 20.83 | 1.02 3.48Min Acceptable seas ate g a: : 20 VAOhMRBA 5.00 | 3.92 | 4.39 | 0.40 6.96Max Acceptable 10 a: hE 20 i VOI MATA 60.18 | 43.32 | 46.29 2.54 ) 24.5Min | a contable att 1st 20 1.37 1.17 1.28 | 0.08 5.88Max AH Acceptable att aU A4b 30th 20 1.18 | 0.94 1.03 | 0.10 5.88Max 1H A Acceptable Ae Slt) 1st 20 1.28 | 0.98 1.19 | 0,08 0.34Min erie altkH Acceptable att 30th 20 1.12 | 0.85 | 0.98 | 0.10 0.25Min Acceptable Fig.11 (#i<) (to be continued) Rev. A 19 of 21* Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 ai AWG#24 N 10 57.82 | 52.92 | 55.66 | 1.62 | 29.40Min Acceptable ai 12 76h 5 sea E AWG#22 N 10 88.20 | 84.28 | 85.95 | 1.39 | 49.00Min Acceptable Big AWG#24 N 10 | 105.84} 99.96 | 102.61) 1.91 58.80Min Acceptable ai ww 16 3.52 | 2.89 | 3.18 | 0.20 | 10.00Max ~ Acceptable 13 MAE nO (BU IRL IER) Si eH 16 4.43 | 3.39 | 3.80 | 0.26 | 20.00Min Acceptable 6P att N 10 121.6 | 112.1 | 116.1 | 3.65 24,5Mi (1Row) n Acceptable tn ap N 10 84.7 76.5 | 81.1 3.41 24.5Min at (2Row) Acceptable 6P a N 10 102.7 | 86.5 96.4 | 5.95 24,5Min at (2Row) Acceptable 40 AY Foy Fags 8P , att N 10 101.3 | 92.2 98.4 | 3.38 24,5Min (2Row) Acceptable tn 1OP N 10 104.5 | 107.1 | 113.3 | 4.04 24.5Min at (2Row) Acceptable 12P ae N 10 116.9 | 107.1 | 113.1 | 4.04 24.5Mi (2Row) mn Acceptable Big 15 RAMA IA Al EYPUSH) N 10 | 38.20 | 31.90 | 35.82 | 2.05 | 9.8Min Acceptable ai ww 20 3.49 | 3.02 | 3.28 | 0.15 10Max Acceptable m& = tn 16 70 iB) SH 20 4.08 | 3.41 3.82 | 0.24 20Max at GAY ee) Acceptable SE at - 20 | oK | OK. OK | OK 258 Acceptable BEB Big #0) A 16 3.62 | 2.92 | 3.23 | 0.22 10Max Acceptable 17 aie mo Big eH 16 3.94 | 2.98 | 3.41 0.29 20Max Acceptable Fig.11 (#<) (to be continued) Rev. A 20 of 21* Tyco Electronics Qualification Test Report 501-78269 att 4) HA 16 3.64 2.89 3.21 0.22 1OMAX Acceptable 18) Beet 77 m@ att ee HA 16 3.88 3.22 | 3.41 0.29 20MAX Acceptable att 4) HA 20 3.89 2.87 3.10 | 0.19 1OMAX Acceptable 19 th 7K NB $s m att ee HA 20 4.13 3.14 | 3.79 0.23 20MAX Acceptable att 4) HA 20 3.62 2.90 | 3.20 | 0.20 1OMAX Acceptable 20 DES m@ att ee HA 20 4.40 3.39 3.76 0.23 20MAX Acceptable att 4) HA 20 3.83 3.41 3.67 0.12 1OMAX Acceptable 21 Wt sete mQ att ee HA 20 5.21 3.73 | 4.27 0.43 20MAX Acceptable att 4) HA 3.64 3.09 3.28 | 0.20 1OMAX Acceptable 22 mG AK Se me 20 att ee HA 4.69 3.17 3.53 | 0.27 20MAX Acceptable aie HA 3.61 2.98 | 3.33 | 0.22 10MAX Acceptable 23 MP YELP TE mQ 20 aie #8 HA 4.34 3.19 3.62 | 0.32 20 Max Acceptable 95%). _E a HBIZATE - 10 OK | OK | OK | OK | HTL q Ace Acceptable 24 IRATE ST HTE ; SIUIkA TE 95N iy : ~ | - 10 | OK | OK | OK | OK | mT (Sn-Ag-Cu) _ Acceptable Oot oy FB AB ie 25 [LAT Batt 10 | OK | OK | OK | oK | #e4U _ Acceptable Boe Fig.11 (#8404) (End) Rev. A 21 of 21